Help needed with Update statements.

Hello All,
I am trying to learn Berkeley XMLDB and facing problem to query the inserted XML file. I have a small XML file with the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<title>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix</title>
<subtitle>A Photographic History</subtitle>
<publisher>Scholastic, Inc.</publisher>
When I try to update the TITLE of this node I have the following error message:
C:\Users\Chandra\Desktop\BDB>javac -classpath .;"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Soft
ware\Berkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\dbxml.jar";"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Software\B
erkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\db.jar" illegal start of expression
public static final String STATEMENT1 = "replace value of node collection("twopp
ro.bdbxml")/Bookstore/Book/bookid/title with 'NEWBOOK'";
^ ')' expected
System.out.println("Done query: " + STATEMENT1);
2 errors
But when I remove the update statements and just try to display the TITLE of this node, I dont see any outputs. Please help me to catch up with my mistakes. Below is source code I am using to run this functionality.
import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryExpression;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlResults;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue;
public class bdb{
public static void main(String[] args)
Environment myEnv = null;
File envHome = new File("D:/xmldata");
try {
EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
// exits, create it.
envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
// region.
envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking subsystem.
envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem.
envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
// subsystem.
myEnv = new Environment(envHome, envConf);
// Do BDB XML work here.
} catch (DatabaseException de) {
// Exception handling goes here
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// Exception handling goes here
} finally {
try {
if (myEnv != null) {
} catch (DatabaseException de) {
// Exception handling goes here
XmlManager myManager = null;
XmlContainer myContainer = null;
// The document
String docString = "D:/xmldata/test.xml";
// The document's name.
String docName = "cia";
try {
myManager = new XmlManager(); // Assumes the container currently exists.
myContainer =
myManager.setDefaultContainerType(XmlContainer.NodeContainer); // Need an update context for the put.
XmlUpdateContext theContext = myManager.createUpdateContext(); // Get the input stream.
XmlInputStream theStream =
myManager.createLocalFileInputStream(docString); // Do the actual put
myContainer.putDocument(docName, // The document's name
theStream, // The actual document.
theContext, // The update context
// (required).
null); // XmlDocumentConfig object
// Update the title
public static final String STATEMENT1 = "*replace value of node collection("twoppro.bdbxml")/Bookstore/Book/[bookid=1]/title with 'NEWBOOK'";*
XmlQueryContext context = myManager.createQueryContext();
XmlQueryExpression queryExpression1 = myManager.prepare(STATEMENT1, context);
System.out.println("Try to execute query: " +
System.out.println("Done query: " + STATEMENT1);
// Get a query context
XmlQueryContext context = myManager.createQueryContext();
// Set the evaluation type to Lazy.
// Declare the query string
String queryString =
"for $u in collection('twoppro.dbxml')/Bookstore/Book/[bookid=1]"
+ "*return $u/title";*
// Prepare (compile) the query
XmlQueryExpression qe = myManager.prepare(queryString, context);
XmlResults results = qe.execute(context);
} catch (XmlException e) {
// Error handling goes here. You may want to check
// for XmlException.UNIQUE_ERROR, which is raised
// if a document with that name already exists in
// the container. If this exception is thrown,
// try the put again with a different name, or
// use XmlModify to update the document.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
try {
if (myContainer != null) {
if (myManager != null) {
} catch (XmlException ce) {
// Exception handling goes here

Thanks Rucong. The change you suggested did helped me to run the program correct. But I also have the display function to retrive the results and my program is parsed without any output.
C:\Users\C\Desktop\BDB>javac -classpath .;"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Soft
ware\Berkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\dbxml.jar";"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Software\B
erkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\db.jar"
C:\Users\C\Desktop\BDB>java -classpath .;"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Softw
are\Berkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\dbxml.jar";"C:\Program Files\Sleepycat Software\Be
rkeley DB XML 2.1.8\jar\db.jar" bdb
See there is no OUPUT displayed. Is there somethinglike a 'print' I have to use in this java code.
Any ideas ? Below is the code I am using now
import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryExpression;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlResults;
import com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue;
public class bdb{
public static void main(String[] args)
Environment myEnv = null;
File envHome = new File("D:/xmldata");
try {
EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
// exits, create it.
envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
// region.
envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking subsystem.
envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem.
envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
// subsystem.
myEnv = new Environment(envHome, envConf);
// Do BDB XML work here.
} catch (DatabaseException de) {
// Exception handling goes here
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// Exception handling goes here
} finally {
try {
if (myEnv != null) {
} catch (DatabaseException de) {
// Exception handling goes here
XmlManager myManager = null;
XmlContainer myContainer = null;
// The document
String docString = "D:/xmldata/test.xml";
// The document's name.
String docName = "cia";
try {
myManager = new XmlManager(); // Assumes the container currently exists.
myContainer =
myManager.setDefaultContainerType(XmlContainer.NodeContainer); // Need an update context for the put.
XmlUpdateContext theContext = myManager.createUpdateContext(); // Get the input stream.
XmlInputStream theStream =
myManager.createLocalFileInputStream(docString); // Do the actual put
myContainer.putDocument(docName, // The document's name
theStream, // The actual document.
theContext, // The update context
// (required).
null); // XmlDocumentConfig object
// Update the title
String STATEMENT1 = "for $n in collection('twoppro.bdbxml')/Bookstore/Book[book_ID=1]/title return replace value of node $n with 'NEWBOOK'";
XmlQueryContext context = myManager.createQueryContext();
XmlQueryExpression queryExpression1 = myManager.prepare(STATEMENT1, context);
System.out.println("Done query: " + STATEMENT1);
// Get a query context
XmlQueryContext thiscontext = myManager.createQueryContext();
// Set the evaluation type to Lazy.
// Declare the query string
String queryString =
"for $u in collection('twoppro.dbxml')/Bookstore/Book/[bookid=1]"
+ "return $u/title";
// Prepare (compile) the query
XmlQueryExpression qe = myManager.prepare(queryString, thiscontext);
XmlResults results = qe.execute(thiscontext);
} catch (XmlException e) {
// Error handling goes here. You may want to check
// for XmlException.UNIQUE_ERROR, which is raised
// if a document with that name already exists in
// the container. If this exception is thrown,
// try the put again with a different name, or
// use XmlModify to update the document.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
try {
if (myContainer != null) {
if (myManager != null) {
} catch (XmlException ce) {
// Exception handling goes here

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    111111 02/01/2012 02/01/2014
    111111 03/01/2012 02/01/2014
    111111 06/01/2012 02/01/2014
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    111111 02/01/2014 02/01/2016
    111111 02/01/2016 02/01/2018
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       loan_number                NUMBER (10),
       rate_chng_effective_date   VARCHAR2 (20),
       next_rate_change_date      VARCHAR2 (20)
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    INSERT INTO rate_change
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       Correct_day             VARCHAR2 (20),
       rate_change_effe_term   VARCHAR2 (20)
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    111111            02/01/2012                             02/01/2014
    111111            03/01/2012                              02/01/2014
    111111            06/01/2012                             02/01/2014
    111111            07/01/2012                            02/01/2014
    111111            08/01/2012                            02/01/2014
    Requrired format
    Loan_number   rate_chng_effective_date        next_rate_change_date
    111111            02/01/2012                             02/01/2014
    111111            02/01/2014                            02/01/2016
    111111            02/01/2016                             02/01/2018
    111111            02/01/2018                            02/01/2020
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    Any ideas ,suggestion greatly helps . Thank you  very much.

    try with below query.
    update rate_change
    SET rate_chng_effective_date   = To_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS((select MIN(TO_DATE(rate_chng_effective_date,'MM/DD/YYYY'))
                                                          FROM rate_change
                                                          WHERE loan_number = 111111)
                                                          (rownum -1)*(select rate_change_effe_term 
                                                          FROM Load
                                                          WHERE loan_number  =111111) ),'MM/DD/YYYY'  )          
         ,next_rate_change_date      = To_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS((select MIN(TO_DATE(next_rate_change_date,'MM/DD/YYYY'))
                                                          FROM rate_change
                                                          WHERE loan_number = 111111)
                                                          (rownum -1)*(select rate_change_effe_term 
                                                          FROM Load
                                                          WHERE loan_number  =111111) ),'MM/DD/YYYY'  )
    WHERE  loan_number = 111111 ;Thanks,ram

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                                                 from ods_acct_stat_relasr1
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    Hi I�ve created 2 string arrays. One holds a one digit user id no. and the other holds a 4 digit pin number. I�ve then written a method which should take the userId no that has been sent to the method in the UserCode parameter find the same number in the custid array if it does it should then check the same position of the pin array and check that the pin number matches the pin no. the method has received in PINCode parameter.
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    public boolean checkPinAndUserId(String pinCode, String userCode)
              boolean found = false;
              for (int i = 0; i < userId.length; i++)
                   if (userCode.equals(userId))
                        if (pinCode.equals(pin[i]))
                                  found = true;
                        return found;

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    Note - my code uses the observer/observable model. The method I am having the problem with the if statement is in the class HSBC as are the string arrays. in the class ATM in the action performed PINInput button events section, when the pin count reaches 4 it sends the parameters over to the HSBC checkpin&userid method.
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    * @(#) 1.0 03/04/06
    * This apllication l
    package myprojects.bankassignment;
    import java.awt.*; // import the component library
    import java.awt.event.*; // import the evnet library
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Correct1v16 extends Frame // make a new application
         public Correct1v16() // this is the constructor method
              HSBC HSBCobj = new HSBC();
         public static void main(String args[]) // this invokes the constructor of the class and creates a runable object 'mainframe'
              Correct1v16 mainFrame = new Correct1v16(); // the constructor call of the class which creates an object of that class
    class HSBC implements Observer,  ActionListener
              Frame f5;
              JLabel refill, launch;
              TextField tRefill, tLaunch;
              JButton refillbut, launchbut;
              int count;
              String [] userId=new String [10];
              String [] pin=new String [10];
              public boolean authenticate = false;
              int i;
                   public HSBC()
                   Atm Atmobj = new Atm(this);
                   System.out.println("Starting HSBC constructor");     
              public void drawFrame()
                   System.out.println("Start HSBC drawframe method...");
                   f5=new Frame("HSBC");
                   f5.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                   f5.setSize(200, 200);
                   f5.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)     
                   refill=new JLabel("Refill ATM");
                   launch=new JLabel("Launch new ATM");
                   tRefill=new TextField(20);
                   tLaunch=new TextField(10);
                   refillbut=new JButton("Refill ATM");
                   launchbut=new JButton("Launch new ATM");
    //*********** POPULATE THE ARRAYS */     
              }// end drawframe method
              //     public Atm atmLink = (Atm)o;
                   public void update(Observable gm1, Object o)
                        Atm atmLink = (Atm)o;
                        tRefill.setText("Refill ATM ?");
                   }//end update method
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                        if(ae.getSource() == refillbut)
    //                         Atm Atmobj.refill();
                        //     tRefill.setText("text area");     
                        //     atmLink.refill();
    //                         Atmobj.refill();
    //                         setChanged();
    //                         notifyObservers();
                        if(ae.getSource() == launchbut)
                             tLaunch.setText("new ATM opened");
                             Atm Atmobj1 = new Atm(this);
    //******** IF THEY ARE BOTH TRUE I WANT IT TO RETURN TRUE - ELSE FALSE.     */                    
                   public boolean checkPinAndUserId(String pinCode, String userCode)
                        boolean found = false;
                        System.out.println("in checkpin method");
                        for (int i = 0; i < userId.length; i++)
                        System.out.println("in the userid array" + userId);
                             if (userCode.equals(userId[i]))
                                  System.out.println("checking user code array");
                                  if (pinCode.equals(pin[i]))
                                       System.out.println("checking the pin array" + pinCode);
                                       System.out.println("pin[i] = "+pin[i]);
                                  found = true;
                        return found;
         }// end HSBC class
    class Atm extends Observable implements ActionListener
              Frame f1;
              TextField t3, t5;
              JTextArea display = new JTextArea("Welcome to HSBC Bank. \n Please enter your User Identification number \n", 5, 40);
              JPanel p1, p2, p3,p4;
              private JButton but1, but2, but3, but4,but5,but6,but7,but8,but9,but0,enter,
              cancel,fivepounds,tenpounds,twentypounds,fiftypounds,clearbut, refillbut;
              int state = 1;                                        
              public String pinCode ="";
              public      String userCode ="";
              int userCodeCount = 0;
              int PINCount = 0;
              String withdrawAmount = "";
              int atmBalance =200;
              private HSBC HSBCobj;     
              //ATM constructor that receives the HSBCobj g1 reference to where the HSBC class
              // in in the program
              // Calls the drawATMFrame method
              // add the observer to the HSBCobj reference so that the ATM can tell HSBC that
              // something has changed
              public Atm(HSBC g1)
                   HSBCobj = g1;
                   System.out.println("Starting Atm constructor");
              // this is the method that draws the ATM interface
              // also apply the Border Layout to the frame
              public void drawATMFrame()
                   f1=new Frame("ATM");
                   f1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   f1.setSize(350, 250);
                   f1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)     
                   // declare & instantiate all the buttons that will be used on the ATM
                   but1 =new JButton("1");
                   but2 =new JButton("2");
                   but3 =new JButton("3");
                   but4 =new JButton("4");
                   but5 =new JButton("5");
                   but6 =new JButton("6");
                   but7 =new JButton("7");
                   but8 =new JButton("8");
                   but9 =new JButton("9");
                   but0 =new JButton("0");
                   enter=new JButton("Enter");
                   cancel=new JButton("Cancel/ \n Restart");
                   fivepounds =new JButton("?5");
                   tenpounds = new JButton("?10");
                   twentypounds = new JButton("?20");
                   fiftypounds = new JButton("?50");
                   clearbut = new JButton("Clear");
                   refillbut = new JButton("Refill");
                   //declare & instantiate a textfield               
                   t3=new TextField(5);
                   // instantiate 4 JPanels     
                   p1=new JPanel();
                   p2=new JPanel();
                   p3=new JPanel();
                   p4=new JPanel();
                   // add some buttons to p1
                   //add the text area field to p2
                   // apply the grid layout to p3
                   GridLayout layout3 = new GridLayout(4,1,5,5);
                   // apply grid layout to p4
                   GridLayout layout4 = new GridLayout(4,1,5, 5);
                   //add the panels to the different parts of the screen
                   f1.add("North", display);
                   f1.add("Center", p1);
                   f1.add("East", p4);
                   f1.add("West", p3);
              }// end drawATMframe method
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   if(state == 1)
              else     if(state == 2)
         }// end action performed method               
    //******** STATE 1 events
    //******** USER ID INPUT
              public void getUserIdNo (ActionEvent ae)
                   if (ae.getSource() == but1)
                        userCode = userCode + "1";
                   if (ae.getSource() == but2)
                        userCode = userCode + "2";
                   if (ae.getSource() == but3)
                        userCode = userCode + "3";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but4)
                        userCode = userCode = "4";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but5)
                        userCode = userCode + "5";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but6)
                        userCode = userCode + "6";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but7)
                        userCode = userCode + "7";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but8)
                        userCode = userCode + "8";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but9)
                        userCode = userCode + "9";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but0)
                        userCode = userCode + "0";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                        display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                        userCode = "";
                        state = 2;
                   if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                        display.setText("Please enter your user ID number again\n");
                        userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                   if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
                   if (ae.getSource() == enter)
                        display.setText("Please enter your PIN \n");
                        state = 2;
                        System.out.println(" User id enter button = " + userCode);
                   if (userCodeCount == 1)
                        display.setText("Please enter your PIN \n");
                        userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                        state = 2;          
    //******** STATE 2               
    //******** PIN INPUT
                   public void doPINInput(ActionEvent ae)
                        if (ae.getSource() == but1)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("1");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but2)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but3)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("3");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but4)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("4");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but5)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("5");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but6)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("6");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but7)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("7");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but8)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("8");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but9)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("9");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but0)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("0");
                        if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                                  display.setText("Please enter your PIN number again \n");
                                  pinCode = "";     
                                  PINCount = 0;
                        if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                                  display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                             state = 1;
                                  pinCode ="";
                                  PINCount = 0;                         
                        if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
    /// ************************ THIS BUTTON SENDS THE PIN & USER CODE OVER TO THE MAIN BANK
    /// ************************ (LINE 152)          
                        if (ae.getSource() == enter)
    //                         if(HSBCobj.checkPinAndUserId(pinCode, userCode))
    //                              display.setText("How much would you like to withdraw \n");
    //                    else
    //                         display.setText("Your UserId and Pin code do not match");
                        if(PINCount ==4)
                                  display.setText("Enter the amount you \n want to withdraw \n ?");
                        display.setText("Your User Identification Number \n and PIN number do not match! \n please try again\n");     
    //*********** STATE 3 events
    //*********** withdrawCash
         public void withdrawCash(ActionEvent ae)
    //               if (ae.getSource() == but1)
    //                    display.append("1");
    ///                    withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount+1;
         //               pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
         //               System.out.println("Withdrawal Amount = "+withdrawAmount);
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but1)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "1";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but2)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "2";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but3)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "3";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but4)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "4";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but5)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "5";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but6)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "6";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but7)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "7";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but8)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "8";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but9)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "9";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but0)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "0";
                   if (ae.getSource() == fivepounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "5";
                   if (ae.getSource() == tenpounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "10";
                   if (ae.getSource() == twentypounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "20";
                   if (ae.getSource() == fiftypounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "50";
         //          if (ae.getSource() == tenpounds)
         //               display.append("10");
         //               withdrawAmount = 10;
         //               pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
         //               System.out.println("10 pound button pressed");
         //               atmBalance();
                   if (ae.getSource() == enter)
                   if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
                        System.out.println("refill but pressed");
                   if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                        System.out.println("clear but pressed");
                        display.setText("Enter the amount you want to withdraw \n ?");
                   if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                        display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                   pinCode ="";
                        PINCount = 0;
                        userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                        state = 1;
         }// end withdraw cash input method
         // checks balace of atm and withdraws cash. Also notifies onserver if atm balance is low     
              public void atmBalance()
                   String s = withdrawAmount;
                   int n = Integer.parseInt(s);
                   if ( atmBalance >= n)
                        atmBalance = atmBalance - n;
                        System.out.println("atm balance = "+ atmBalance);
                        display.setText("Thankyou for using HSBC. \nYou have withdrawn ?"+n);
                        if     (atmBalance<40)
                             System.out.println("atm balance is less than 40 - notify HSBC" );
                             /// note the refil should send a message to the controller
                             // advising a refil is needed. The Bank will send an engineer
                             // out who will fill the atm up
              }// end atmBalance method
              /// note the refil should send a message to the controller
              /// then th coontroller will send a message to this method to fill machine
              /// (this is simulating a clerk filling atm)
                   public void refill()
                        System.out.println("in refill method" );
                        atmBalance = 200;
                        System.out.println("Atm has been refilled. Atm balance = " + atmBalance);
                   //     setChanged();
                   //     notifyObservers(this);
                   }// end refill method
                   public void update(Observable gm1, Object gameObj)
                   }//end update method
         }// end Atm method
    }// end Assignment2 class

  • Help needed with update from 3GS

    I have an iPhone 3GS and am trying to update the software to ISO 4.. I have followed all the usual steps and connected my iPhone to iTunes and clicked update and all it says is that my iTunes software is up to date at 9.1.. But on the summary page it stills says that my iPhone software is 3.1.. How am I meant to update it? Help!

    You need to click on your device in iTunes to bring up the iPhone summary page. It if from there that you update your iPhone software.
    Message was edited by: gdgmacguy

  • Help needed with updates!

    Every time I download updates to Photoshop CS6 via the application manager on Creative Cloud, it downloads fine but always fails on the update.  I have tried this twice now in the space of week.  Comes up with an error message but doesn't say what the error is?  Help needed

    I am having exactly the same problem, the Photoshop update failing to install - error U44M1P7.
    When I click the "More details" link, it sends me to a page that has only one line of text on it - "Error log file location: /Library/Logs/Adobe/Installers".
    I've spent an hour looking for answers and all I've found are others with the same question. Getting help appears a horribly convoluted process and it doesn't look like there is any. Can Adobe please address this issue! Even a workaround of some kind would be helpful, I am wondering if I should try deinstalling and reinstalling Photoshop, has anyone tried that?
    The prospect of being stuck in this version of Photoshop and not being able to access the great "New features!" through the course of the subscription because of an update glitch (which appears to affect a few of us) is a bit much, especially for those of us trying to earn a living!!

  • ABAP Help needed with update rule

    I have created a new keyfigure A and a new keyfigure B in 1 update rule, derived from basic keyfigures. Keyfigure C is calculated by adding A and B the same updaterule.
    keyfigure A and B are filled (recalculated ) as expected but keyfigure C remains empty. Can anybody tell me why?

    Hi Tom
    I think you have written a update rule for all the three keyfigures A, B and C.
    When you write an update routine it is local and the value returned by any routine or calculation can not be accesed by other keyfigure. The Key Figure C will be calculated with values of A and B from the datapacket which are both SPACE(not from the values returned by update routines of A and B). so value of C will always be SPACE or Empty.
    To solve the problem write Start Routine for calculating A B and C
    Please assign points if helpful.
    Message was edited by:
            Neelima Ravipati

  • Help needed I updated my ipad2 with iOS5 but few of my dashbaords are not working now can any one let me know how to downgrade the OS

    Help needed I updated my ipad2 with iOS5 but few of my dashbaords (HTML5) are not working now ,can any one let me know how to downgrade the OS as we have a meeting coming up .. its urgent

    Downgrading the iOS is not supported. If you are using Safari this try clearing its cache via Settings > Safari.
    If that doesn't work then try closing Safari completely and then re-open it : from the home screen (i.e. not with Safari 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Safari app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    A third option is a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst

    Can someone help with a problem over a header please?
    I have inserted a rectangle with a jpeg image in  background, in the 'header' section, underneath the menu. It comes up fine on most pages when previsualised, going right to the side of the screen, but stops just before the edge on certain pages. I have double checked that I have placed it in the right place in relation to the guides on the page.
    That's one problem.
    The second problem is that I tried to upload onto business catalyst, which got to 60% and refused to go any further, saying it couldn't find the header picture, giving the title and then The picture is in the right folder I have double checked. And it isn't a png. Does it have to be ?
    And the third problem is that I got an email following my upload from business catalyst in Swedish. I am living in France.
    Can anyone help ? Thanks.

    Thanks for replying,
    How can I check the preview in other browsers before I publish a provisional site with BC?
    The rectangle width issue happens on certain pages but not others. The Welecom page is fine when the menu is active, also the contact page, but others are slightly too narrow. Changing the menu spacing doesn’t help - I was already on uniform but tried changing to regular and back.
    In design mode the rectangle is set to the edge of the browser, that’s 100%browser width right?
    Re BC I have about 200 images on 24 different pages and it seems to be having difficulty uploading some of them. But it has managed a couple I named with spaces but not others I named with just one name.
    Is there an issue on size of pictures ? If I need to replace is there a quick way to rename and relink or do I have to insert the photos all over again?
    I’m a novice with Muse with an ambitious site !
    Thanks for your help.
    Mary Featherstone
    Envoyé depuis Courrier Windows
    De : Sanjit_Das
    Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 22:15
    À : MFeatherstone
    Re: Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst
    created by Sanjit_Das in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion 
    Answering the questions :
    - Have you checked the preview in Muse and also in other browsers ?
    - Does the rectangle width issue happens when menu is active , or in any specific state , Try to change the menu with uniform spacing and then check.
    - In design view the rectangle is set to 100% browser width ?
    With publishing :
    - Please try to rename the image file and then relink
    - If it happens with other images as well , see if all the image names includes strange characters or spaces.
    - Try again to publish
    With e-mail from BC :
    - Under preferences , please check the country selected.
    - If you have previously created partner account in BC and selected country and language then it would follow that, please check that.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • Help needed with BBDM 5.0.1 IP Modem

    Hi I was happily connecting thru the Net via the IP Modem in BBDM ver 5.0.1 all this while. Only this happened yesterday. Accidentally during the connection, my 9500 was disconnected from the USB cable. From that moment on, I cannot access the Net using the IP Modem feature. Tried to reboot the laptop as well as the 9500 but now all I get is the connecting message and then a pop up saying there is a hardware failure in the connecting device (or modem) ie the BB 9500.
    I even uninstalled BBDM 5.0.1 and reinstalled ver 5.0 and also updated back to 5.0.1 - same story. I can still access the Net via the BB browser etc
    Advise please thanks in advance

    I have the disc and re-installed a couple of time. No positive result. PSE 09 which I bought thereafter is giving a lot of problems also!!!
    Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:31:24 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with Elements 5.0
    Doesn't really help either of us very much but I'm also having the same problem with Elements 5. I downloaded the program so I don't have disks to reinstall. And it seems from the other reply that Adobe has given up with the "old program," which incidentally was working fine until two days ago. Maybe I'll have to think about PSE9!

  • Help needed with java

    Hello everyone
    I'm a Student and new to java and I have been given a question which I have to go through. I have come across a problem with one of the questions and am stuck, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.
    here is my code so far:
    A Class that maintains Information about a book
    This might form part of a larger application such
    as a library system, for example.
    @author (your name)
    *@version (a version number or a date)*
    public class Book
    // instance variables or fields
    private String author;
    private String title;
    Set the author and title when the book object is constructed
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle)
    author = bookAuthor;
    title = bookTitle;
    Return The name of the author.
    public String getAuthor()
    return author;
    Return The name of the title.
    public String getTitle()
    return title;
    and below are the questions that I need to complete. they just want me to add codes to my current one, but the problem is I don't know where to put them and how I should word them, if that makes sense.
    Add a further instance variable/field pages to the Book class to store the number of pages in the book.
    This should be of type int and should be set to 0 in the Constructor.
    Add a second Constructor with signature
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle, int noPages) so it has a third parameter passed to it as well as the author and title;
    this parameter is used - obviously?? - to initialise the number of pages.
    Note: This is easiest done by making a copy of the existing Constructor and adding the parameter.
    Add a getPages() accessor method that returns the number of pages in the book.
    Add a method printDetails() to your Book class. This should print out the Author title and number of pages to the Terminal Window. It is your choice as to how the data is formatted, perhaps all on one line, perhaps on three, and with or without explanatory text. For instance you could print out in the format:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:226
    Add a further instance variable/field refNumber() to your Book class. This stores the Library's reference number. It should be of type String and be initialised to the empty String "" in the constructor, as its initial value is not passed in as a parameter. Instead a public mutator method with the signature:
    public void setRefNumber(String ref) should be created. The body of this method should assign the value of the method parameter ref to the refNumber.
    Add a corresponding getRefNumber() accessor method to your class so you can check that the mutator works correctly
    Modify your printDetails() method to include printing the reference number of the book.
    However the method should print the reference number only if it has been set - that is the refNumber has a non-zero length.
    If it has not been set, print "ZZZ" instead.
    Hint Use a conditional statement whose test calls the length() method of the refNumber String and gives a result like:
    Title: Jane Eyre, Author: Charlotte Bronte, Pages:226, RefNo: CB479 or, if the reference number is not set:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:347, RefNo: ZZZ
    Modify your setRefNumber() method so that it sets the refNumber field only if the parameter is a string of at least three characters. If it is less than three, then print an error message (which must contain the word error) and leave the field unchanged
    Add a further integer variable/field borrowed to the Book class, to keep a count of the number of times a book has been borrowed. It should (obviously??) be set to 0 in the constructor.
    Add a mutator method borrow() to the class. This should increment (add 1 to) the value of borrowed each time it is called.
    Include an accessor method getBorrowed() that returns the value of borrowed
    Modify Print Details so that it includes the value of the borrowed field along with some explanatory text
    PS. sorry it looks so messey

    1. In the future, please use a more meaningful subject. "Help needed with java" contains no information. The very fact that you're posting here tells us you need help with Java. The point of the subject is to give the forum an idea of what kind of problem you're having, so that individuals can decide if they're interested and qualified to help.
    2. You need to ask a specific question. If you have no idea where to start, then start here: []
    3. When you post code, use code tags. Copy the code from the original source in your editor (NOT from an earlier post here, where it will already have lost all formatting), paste it in here, highlight it, and click the CODE button.


    ......THIS ENSURES NO SMOKE!!!                                                                                           

    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    Get over it mate !
    I find it easy t read CAPS...and if you dont like it ...DONT READ IT!
    And why bother to reply...some people have nothing better to do.
    Yes there chep and easy to come by...Ive already got a new one.
    All I wanted was to make a diagram of whats inside the bloody was a simple question and required a simple answer.
    I feel a bann comming up.
    Have you tryed Google ? really.. your question is inrelevant. No need to reply indeed.
    Why do you come here asking this question anyway ? is it becouse you have a MSI gfx card ? and the adapter has nothing to do with this ?
    You think you can come in here yelling.. thinking we have to put up with it and accept your style of posting. This is not a MSI tech center.. it's a user to user center.. Your question has nothing to do with MSI relavant things anyway's.
    Google = your friend.
    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    it was a simple question and required a simple answer
    Simple for who ? you (buying a new one) ? me ? we ?   .really...........
    Quote from: Dynamike on 16-December-05, 04:11:48
    1: There are allot of diffrent types of those adapters.
    If any of the mods have a problem about my reply.. please pm me.

  • Help needed with Vista 64 Ultimate

    "Help needed with Vista 64 UltimateI I need some help in getting XFI Dolby digital to work
    Okay so i went out and I bought a yamaha 630BL reciever, a digital coaxial s/pdif, and a 3.5mm phono plug to fit perfectly to my XFI Extreme Music
    -The audio plays fine and reports as a PCM stream when I play it normally, but I can't get dolby digital or DTS to enable for some reason eventhough I bought the DDL & DTS Connect Pack for $4.72
    When I click dolby digital li've in DDL it jumps back up to off and has this [The operation was unsuccessful. Please try again or reinstall the application].
    Message Edited by Fuzion64 on 03-06-2009 05:33 AMS/PDIF I/O was enabled under speakers in control panel/sound, but S/PDIF Out function was totally disabled
    once I set this to enabled Dolby and DTS went acti've.
    I also have a question on 5. and Vista 64
    -When I game I normally use headphones in game mode or 2. with my headphones, the reason for this is if I set it on 5. I get sounds coming out of all of the wrong channels.
    Now when I watch movies or listen to music I switch to 5. sound in entertainment mode, but to make this work properly I have to open CMSS-3D. I then change it from xpand to stereo and put the slider at even center for 50%. If I use the default xpand mode the audio is way off coming out of all of the wrong channels.
    How do I make 5. render properly on vista

    We ended up getting iTunes cleanly uninstalled and were able to re-install without issue.  All is now mostly well.

  • Help needed with itunes

    help needed with itunes please tryed to move my itunes libary to my external hard drive itunes move ok and runs fin but i have none of my music or apps or anything all my stuff is in the itunes folder on my external hard drive but there is nothing on ituns how do i get it back help,please

    (Make sure the Music (top left) library is selected before beginning this.)
    If you have bad song links in your library, hilite them and hit the delete button. Then locate the folder(s) where your music is located and drag and drop into the large library window in iTunes ( where your tracks show up). This will force the tunes into iTunes. Before you start, check your preferences in iTunes specifically under the"Advanced" tab, general settings. I prefer that the 1st 2 boxes are unchecked. (Keep iTunes Music folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library). They are designed to let iTunes manage your library. I prefer to manage it myself. Suit yourself. If there is a way for iTunes to restore broken links other than locating one song at a time I haven't found it yet. (I wish Apple would fix this, as I have used that feature in other apps.) This is the way I do it and I have approx. 25,000 songs and podcasts and videos at present. Hope this helps.

  • Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail!!

    Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail?
    I had 7 junk mails come in this morning, 5 went straight to junk and 2 more I junked.
    When I clicked on the Junk folder to empty it, it froze Mail and I can't click on anything, I had to force quit Mail and re-open it. When it re-opens the Junk folder is selected and it is froze, I can't do anything.
    I repaired permissions, it did nothing.
    I re-booted my computer, on opening Mail the In folder was selected, when I selected Junk, again, it locks up Mail and I can't select them to delete them?
    Anyone know how I can delete these Junk mails from my Junk folder without having to open Mail to do it as it would appear this will be the only solution to the problem.

    Hi Nigel
    If you hold the Shift key when opening the mail app, it will start up without any folders selected & no emails showing. Hopefully this will enable you to start Mail ok.
    Then from the Mail menus - choose Mailbox-Erase Junk Mail . The problem mail should now be in the trash. If there's nothing you want to retain from the Trash, you should now choose Mailbox- Erase Deleted Messages....
    If you need to double-check the Trash for anything you might want to retain, then view the Trash folder first, before using Erase Junk Mail & move anything you wish to keep to another folder.
    The shift key starts Mail in a sort of Safe mode.

Maybe you are looking for