Help with ComboBox Selection Update

I am trying to make this application display all its labels in a different language depending on which locale the user picks from the ComboBox. The variables are being read from the ResourceBundles correctly (see command-line debugging statements) but I cannot get the pane to 'refresh' when the item is selected. I've tried everything I can think of! Please help! :)
(This assignment was to internationalize a program we wrote for a previous assignment, so this program wasn't originally written to do this. I am trying to add this functionality to my existing project, so it's not ideal).
Thank you for any advice, help or hints you can give!
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class PrjGUI extends JFrame
   //**** Instance Variables for both classes
   private JRadioButton optGram, optOz;
   private JTextField txtWeightEnter, txtResult, txtDateTime;
   private JButton cmdConvert;
   private JComboBox comboSelectLocale;
        //arrays--one for combo box list, and the other for values to use when a particular list item is selected
   private String[] localeList = {"English, USA", "Fran\u00E7ais, France", "Espag\u00F1ol, M\u00E9xico"};
   private Locale[] localeCode = {(new Locale("en", "US")), (new Locale("fr", "FR")), (new Locale("es", "MX"))};
   private JLabel lblChoose, lblWeightEnter;
   protected String titleTxt, enterTxt, btnTxt, gramTxt, ozTxt, resultDisplayTxt, localeTimeZone, dateFormat;
   protected ResourceBundle res;
   protected Locale currentLocale;
   //declare Handler Object
   private CmdConvertWeight convertWeight;
   //**************main method******************
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrjGUI convertWeight1 = new PrjGUI();
   }//end of main******************************
   public PrjGUI()
      //create panel for components
      Container pane = getContentPane();
      //set the layout
      pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1, 5, 5));
      //set the color
      //make a font to use in components
      Font font1 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16);
      /**New calendar object to display the date and time*/
      GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
      DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, Locale.US);
      /**currentLocale = localeCode[comboSelectLocale.getSelectedIndex()];
      DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, currentLocale); //uses key for ResourceBundle*/
      TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("CST");
      //TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(localeTimeZone); //uses key for resourceBundle
      //***create UI objects***
      /**NEW OBJECTS FOR prjInternational:
       * a drop-down combobox, a label, and a txt field
      txtDateTime = new JTextField(formatter.format(calendar.getTime()));
      //txtDateTime = formatter.format(calendar.getTime());
      lblChoose = new JLabel("Please choose your language.");
      lblChoose.setBackground(new Color(0, 212, 255)); //aqua blue
      comboSelectLocale = new JComboBox(localeList);
      comboSelectLocale.setBackground(new Color(0, 212, 255)); //aqua blue
      //add a listener to the combo box to get the selected item
      /**default values for variables so I can debug--at the moment
       * I can't get the resouceBundle to work--it can't locate the
       * file.  So I will hard code these in for now.
      /*titleTxt="Food Weight Converter";
      enterTxt="Please enter the Weight you wish to convert.";
      btnTxt="Convert this weight!";
      resultDisplayTxt="Result will display here.";*/
      comboSelectLocale.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
           public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
                res = setCurrentLocale(comboSelectLocale.getSelectedIndex());
              //set variables from Resource Bundle
              /* titleTxt = res.getString("titleTxt");
               System.out.println(res.getString("enterTxt")); //debug
               enterTxt = res.getString("enterTxt");
               btnTxt = res.getString("enterTxt");
               gramTxt = res.getString("gramTxt");
               ozTxt = res.getString("ozTxt");
               resultDisplayTxt = res.getString("resultDisplayTxt");*/
      //2 radio buttons
      //optGram = new JRadioButton("grams", true);
      optGram = new JRadioButton(gramTxt, true);
      //optOz = new JRadioButton("oz.");
      optOz = new JRadioButton(ozTxt);
      //button group so only one can be chosen
      ButtonGroup weightUnit = new ButtonGroup();
      //label and text field for weight
      //JLabel lblWeightEnter = new JLabel("Please enter the weight you wish to convert:");
      JLabel lblWeightEnter = new JLabel(enterTxt);
      txtWeightEnter = new JTextField("20.05", 6);
      txtWeightEnter.setBackground(new Color(205, 255, 0)); //lime green
      //button to make conversion
      //cmdConvert = new JButton("Convert this weight!");
      cmdConvert = new JButton(btnTxt);
      //textfield to display result
      //txtResult = new JTextField("Result will display here");
      txtResult = new JTextField(resultDisplayTxt);
      txtResult.setBackground(new Color(205, 255, 0)); //lime green
      //register the handler
      convertWeight = new CmdConvertWeight();
      //add content to pane
      //create window for object
      setSize(400, 300);
   }//end of constructor
   private class CmdConvertWeight implements ActionListener
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         //System.out.println("we made it to the Action Listener"); //debug
         //get info from fields
         double weight = Double.parseDouble(txtWeightEnter.getText());
         double weightConvert = 0;
         String weightConvertString;
         if (optGram.isSelected())//if user's weight is in grams, converting to oz
         weightConvert = weight/28.35;
         weightConvertString = Double.toString(weightConvert);
         txtResult.setText(txtWeightEnter.getText() + " grams is equal to " + weightConvertString + " oz.");
         }//end if gram select
         else if (optOz.isSelected())//if user's weight is in oz, converting to grams
         weightConvert = weight*28.35;
         weightConvertString = Double.toString(weightConvert);
         txtResult.setText(txtWeightEnter.getText() + " oz. is equal to " + weightConvertString + " grams.");
         }//end if oz select
     }//end actionPerformed
  }//end CmdConvertWeight
   /**setCurrentLocale method from combo box listener*/
   public ResourceBundle setCurrentLocale(int index)
        Locale currentLocale = localeCode[index];
        System.out.println(currentLocale); //debug
        System.out.println("MyResource_" + currentLocale); //debug
        ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MyResource_" + currentLocale);
        return res;
   }//end setCurrentLocale
   public void updateItems(ResourceBundle res)
   }//end updateItems
}//end of class PrjGUIResourceBundles(each in a different file)
public class MyResource_fr_FR extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
     static final Object[][] contents =
          {"titleTxt", "Convertisseur de poids de nourriture"},
          {"enterTxt", "Veuillez \u00E9crire le poids que vous souhaitez convertir."},
          {"btnTxt", "Convertissez ce poids!"},
          {"gramTxt", "grammes"},
          {"ozTxt", "onces"},
          {"resultDisplayTxt", "Le r\u00E9sultat montrera ici."},
          {"localeTimeZone", "CET"},
          {"dateFormat", "Locale.FR"}
     public Object[][] getContents()
          return contents;
public class MyResource_es_MX extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
     static final Object[][] contents =
          {"titleTxt", "Convertidor del peso del alimento"},
          {"enterTxt", "Incorpore por favor el peso que usted desea convertir."},
          {"btnTxt", "\u00F1convierta este peso!"},
          {"gramTxt", "gramos"},
          {"ozTxt", "onzas"},
          {"resultDisplayTxt", "El resultado exhibir\u00E1 aqu\u00ED."},
          {"localeTimeZone", "CST"},
          {"dateFormat", "Locale.MX"}     
     public Object[][] getContents()
          return contents;
public class MyResource_en_US extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
     static final Object[][] contents =
          {"titleTxt", "Food Weight Converter"},
          {"enterTxt", "Please enter the weight you wish to convert."},
          {"btnTxt", "Convert this weight!"},
          {"gramTxt", "grams"},
          {"ozTxt", "oz"},
          {"resultDisplayTxt", "Result will display here."},
          {"localeTimeZone", "CST"},
          {"dateFormat", "Locale.US"}
     public Object[][] getContents()
          return contents;
}Edited by: JessePhoenix on Nov 2, 2008 8:30 PM

catman2u wrote:
does anyone from Lenovo actually read this forum?
From the Communiy Rules in the Welcome section....
 Objectives of Lenovo Discussion Forums
These communities have been created to provide a high quality atmosphere in which users of Lenovo products and services may share experiences and expertise. While members from Lenovo may participate at intervals to engage in the discussions and offer advice and suggestions, this forum is not designed as a dedicated and staffed support channel. This is an informal and public forum, and Lenovo does not guarantee the accuracy of information and advice posted here -- see important Warranty information below.
No amount of ranting is going to get you anything more than you will achieve with a clear exposition of your issue... so you might want to try doing that instead of ranting and assuming that everyone already knows what you know etc etc.
I don't work for Lenovo

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    Try declaring whichArray as String and try this
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    Here are the general steps to get you started.
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    2. Create your own search help with the fields you want to use with SE11, like 'ZDEBI' as an example.
    3. Append 'ZDEBI' to SD_DEBI. (Goto->Append Search Help).
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    Somebady please help!
    Thanks Gurus!
    GET Total ANIs with Trafic By Area Code
         substr(b.ct_num, 0,3) as Area_Codes,
         wasabi.v_trans A,
         wasabi.V_Sur_Universal B,
         wasabi.V_Sub C,
         wasabi.V_Trans_Typ D
         D.Trans_typ = A.Trans_Typ AND
         A.Sur_ID = B.Sur_ID AND
         C.Sub_ID = A.Sub_ID AND
         a.trans_stat != 'X' AND     
         a.Trans_DTTM >= '08/01/2001'AND
         a.Trans_DTTM < '03/09/2002 AND
         B.AMA3 = 'PHONE1'
         AND C.SUB_ID not in (100117)
         substr(b.ct_num, 0,3)

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    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Help with automating "System Update"

    please help - who do I contact in Lenovo / IBM to get real help with this ?
    this is a corporate project and I need to resolve this as soon as possible.
    does anyone from Lenovo actually read this forum?
    I've opend a support call in Lenovo's helpdesk (via email) but no reply except an automated one for... like a week.
    help! help! help! we don't mind paying for it, we NEED to resolve this.
    any help at all would be greatly appretiacted. please point me at the right direction?
    sorry for this venting but really, I just need to get a move on this already... :-0
    can anyone at all help ?
    any idea where I can find more information / expert assistance ?
    thanks for any help...
    I've been able to fully automate System Update distribution using Group Policy. this works perfectly.
    I am now trying to achive the same functionality using scritps.
    the problem: I get quite a few prompts for "License Agreement" - not the "master" initial one, only a few for the different installs.
    here's my setup:
    1. a local server is the repository.
    2. I import a .reg file before installing "System Update" using an automated install.
    3. after a restart, a command runs on the local machine.
    here are the details:
    registry settings:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Lenovo\System Update]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Lenovo\System Update\UserSettings\General]
    "RepositoryLocation1"="***my internal server here ****"
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Lenovo\System Update\UserSettings\Scheduler]
    *** network drive mapping here, this part works ***
    also, I use this command to run the updates:
    call "C:\Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\tvsu.exe" /CM -search A -action INSTALL -IncludeRebootPackages 1,3,4 -noicon
    I am just about desperate... I would REALLY REALLY appreciate any help, hint etc :-)
    Thanks for ...even trying... lol
    Message Edited by catman2u on 03-18-2008 05:04 AM
    Message Edited by catman2u on 03-25-2008 02:41 AM

    catman2u wrote:
    does anyone from Lenovo actually read this forum?
    From the Communiy Rules in the Welcome section....
     Objectives of Lenovo Discussion Forums
    These communities have been created to provide a high quality atmosphere in which users of Lenovo products and services may share experiences and expertise. While members from Lenovo may participate at intervals to engage in the discussions and offer advice and suggestions, this forum is not designed as a dedicated and staffed support channel. This is an informal and public forum, and Lenovo does not guarantee the accuracy of information and advice posted here -- see important Warranty information below.
    No amount of ranting is going to get you anything more than you will achieve with a clear exposition of your issue... so you might want to try doing that instead of ranting and assuming that everyone already knows what you know etc etc.
    I don't work for Lenovo

  • Help with GBIC selection LH vs ZX

    Dear Support,
    I now have the estimated Attenuation values from our fibre provider, and wondering if anyone could help with determining if I can utilise the cheaper (LH modules) across the 20 & 15 KM streches.
    Thanks in advance (many thanks to Josh for helping out with my previous post - below)
    HQ to DC1 = 1310nm: 2.5dB, 1550nm: 2.2dB.
    DC1 to DC2 = 1310nm: 14.5dB , 1550nm: 13.1dB
    DC2 to HQ = 1310nm: 10.1dB, 1550nm: 9dB
    Dear Support,
    Sorry but new to optical networking, but need some assistance on an upgrade that we are performing.
    We currently have two data centres that hold our servers and are planning to upgrade from LES circuits to Gigabit links, and triangulate our topology. (effectively a ring topology)
    I have already spoken to our proposed fibre provider and they have provide me with rough distances, but due to one of the data centres being more than 10 km away we need to use ZX based GBICs. Summary of distances below;
    HQ -> dc1 (1 – 2 km)
    HQ -> dc2 (15 km)
    Dc1 -> dc2 (20 km)
    From our HQ to dc1 we will use LH (via a GLC-LH-SM= in a 2970G) and a to dc2 we will use ZX (via a GLC-ZX-SM= in another 2970G)
    From DC1 to HQ we will use LH (via a WS-G5486 in a 7204VXR) and a to dc2 we will use ZX (via a WS-G5487 in another 7204VXR)
    From DC2 to HQ we will use ZX (via a WS-G5487 in a 7204VXR) and a to dc1 we will use ZX (via a WS-G5487 in another 7204VXR)
    Hope this doesn’t confuse things more.
    Now to the question.
    From the Cisco web site it mentions the following;
    When shorter distances of single-mode fiber are used, it might be necessary to insert an in-line optical attenuator in the link to avoid overloading the receiver:
    • A 5-dB or 10-dB inline optical attenuator should be inserted between the fiber-optic cable plant and the receiving port on the Cisco 1000BASE-ZX GBIC at each end of the link whenever the fiber-optic cable span is less than 15.5 miles (25 km).
    We haven’t yet had the fibre survey performed, but once they have advised me of the attenuation on the link, how should I calculate what level of “in-line optical attenuator” I should need or should all reputable fibre providers advise me of this detail.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards, Adrian

    Summary of Optical Levels:
    Transmit: 0 to +5
    Receive: -23 to 0
    Transmit: -9.5 to -3
    Receive: -20 to -3
    Transmit: -9.5 to -3
    Receive: -20 to -3
    Transmit: 0 to 5.2
    Receive: -24 to -3
    Given the above:
    HQ -> DC2: maximum receive level will be 5-10.1 = -5.1 dB, which is OK for the G5487
    HQ <- DC2: maximum receive level will be 5.2-10.1 = -4.9 dB, which is OK for the GLC-ZX-SM
    HQ -> DC1: maximum receive level will be -3-2.5 = -5.5 dB, which is OK for the G5486
    HQ <- DC1: maximum receive level will be -3-2.5 = -5.5 dB, which is OK for the GLC-LH-SM
    DC1 -> DC2:maximum receive level will be 5.2-14.5 = -9.3 dB, which is OK for the G5487
    DC1 <- DC2:maximum receive level will be 5.2-14.5 = -9.3 dB, which is OK for the G5487
    Therefore, you do not need attenuators anywhere.
    Now, to your next queston. If you used the LH modules, you the minimum possible receive levels now become:
    HQ -> DC2: minimum possible receive level will be -9.5-10.1 = -19.6 dB, which is only just OK for the G5486
    HQ <- DC2: minimum possible receive level will be -9.5-10.1 = -19.6 dB, which is only just OK for the G5486
    DC1 -> DC2: minimum possible receive level will be -9.5-14.2 = -24 dB, which is too low for the G5486
    DC1 <- DC2: minimum possible receive level will be -9.5-14.2 = -24 dB, which is too low for the G5486
    Therefore, my recommendation is to stick with the ZX modules for these links.
    Hope that helps - pls rate the post if it does.

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