Help with message please:  Warning: mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in...... line

I would really appreciate some help with my search & results page that is now throwing up the following error:
Warning: mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in...... line (the line number refers to the following code:
I am new to php and am setting up a dynamic site in Dreamweaver (thanks to the Missing Manual – very helpful). I apologise in advanced for my lengthy description of the problem (perhaps get yourself a drink before continuing!)
I have a Search page with 4 list menus where the user can select an option from ANY or ALL of the menus, if a menu is not selected the value posted to the results page will be 'zzz'.
On the results page I have 4 recordsets, all getting the correct results, only one recordset is required to run depending on how many of the menus from the search page have been selected and a test is run before executing the sql using a SWITCH statement checking how many of the menus had passed the 'zzz' values from the Search page if you see what I mean. The results page  has Repeating Regions, Recordset Paging and Display Record Count. The exact result that I require are generated by this method.
THE PROBLEM, when a user makes a selection the first page of 10 results is fine, but the error message above is shown at the bottom of the page, AND when the user clicks NEXT to go to the next page of results THERE ARE NO RESULTS.
This is exactly what happens depending on how many menus selected and which recordset is used:
4 menus selected from Search: runs RSsearchforsale, results correct but 3 error messages on 1st page relating to mysql_free_result($RsSearchForSale2),mysql_free_result($RsSearchForSale3), & mysql_free_result($RsSearchForSale4). The display record count shows correct results found. NEXT page is empty of results and still shows the correct display record count as if it should be displaying the records, also has the same 3 error messages.
3 menus selected from Search:  runs RsSearchForSale2, results correct but 3 error messages on 1st page relating to mysql_free_result($RSsearchforsale),mysql_free_result($RsSearchForSale3), & mysql_free_result($RsSearchForSale4). The display record count shows correct number of results. NEXT page shows results from the  DEFAULT setting of the recordset and the Display record count reflects this new set of results. Also still shows the 3 mysql_free_results for RsSearchForSale2, 3 and 4.
2 menus selected from Search: runs   RsSearchForSale3, results correct but 2 error messages on 1st page relating to  mysql_free_result($RSsearchforsale) & mysql_free_result (RsSearchForSale4). The display record count is correct. NEXT page does exactly the same as described in above 3 menus selected.
1 menu selected from search: runs RsSearchForSale4, results correct but 1 error meaasge on 1st page, mysql_free_result($RSsearchforsale). Display record count is correct and again when NEXT page is selected does as described in above where 2 or 3 menus selected.
If you have gotten this far without falling asleep then thank you and well done! I have pasted my code below and I know its a lot to ask but please please can you give me an idea as to where or why I have gone wrong. I felt I was so close at perfecting this search and have been working on it for weeks now. I feel sure the problem is because I have 4 recordsets on the page but I could find no other way to get the exact results I wanted from the menus.
Looking forward to any help.
<?php require_once('Connections/propertypages.php'); ?>
<?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$maxRows_RSsearchforsale = 10;
$pageNum_RSsearchforsale = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_RSsearchforsale'])) {
  $pageNum_RSsearchforsale = $_GET['pageNum_RSsearchforsale'];
$startRow_RSsearchforsale = $pageNum_RSsearchforsale * $maxRows_RSsearchforsale;
$varloc_RSsearchforsale = "mpl";
if (isset($_POST['location'])) {
  $varloc_RSsearchforsale = $_POST['location'];
$vartype_RSsearchforsale = "vil";
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
  $vartype_RSsearchforsale = $_POST['type'];
$varprice_RSsearchforsale = "pr9";
if (isset($_POST['price'])) {
  $varprice_RSsearchforsale = $_POST['price'];
$varbed_RSsearchforsale = "b5";
if (isset($_POST['beds'])) {
  $varbed_RSsearchforsale = $_POST['beds'];
switch (true) {
case ($varloc_RSsearchforsale != 'zzz' && $vartype_RSsearchforsale != 'zzz' && $varprice_RSsearchforsale != 'zzz' && $varbed_RSsearchforsale != 'zzz'):
mysql_select_db($database_propertypages, $propertypages);
$query_RSsearchforsale = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number` FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid WHERE location=%s AND price=%s AND type=%s AND beds=%s ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC", GetSQLValueString($varloc_RSsearchforsale, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice_RSsearchforsale, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype_RSsearchforsale, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed_RSsearchforsale, "text"));
$query_limit_RSsearchforsale = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_RSsearchforsale, $startRow_RSsearchforsale, $maxRows_RSsearchforsale);
$RSsearchforsale = mysql_query($query_limit_RSsearchforsale, $propertypages) or die(mysql_error());
$row_RSsearchforsale = mysql_fetch_assoc($RSsearchforsale);
if (isset($_GET['totalRows_RSsearchforsale'])) {
  $totalRows_RSsearchforsale = $_GET['totalRows_RSsearchforsale'];
} else {
  $all_RSsearchforsale = mysql_query($query_RSsearchforsale);
  $totalRows_RSsearchforsale = mysql_num_rows($all_RSsearchforsale);
$totalPages_RSsearchforsale = ceil($totalRows_RSsearchforsale/$maxRows_RSsearchforsale)-1;
$queryString_RSsearchforsale = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
    if (stristr($param, "pageNum_RSsearchforsale") == false &&
        stristr($param, "totalRows_RSsearchforsale") == false) {
      array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
    $queryString_RSsearchforsale = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_RSsearchforsale = sprintf("&totalRows_RSsearchforsale=%d%s", $totalRows_RSsearchforsale, $queryString_RSsearchforsale); } ?>
<?php require_once('Connections/propertypages.php'); ?>
<?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$maxRows_RsSearchForSale2 = 10;
$pageNum_RsSearchForSale2 = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale2'])) {
  $pageNum_RsSearchForSale2 = $_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale2'];
$startRow_RsSearchForSale2 = $pageNum_RsSearchForSale2 * $maxRows_RsSearchForSale2;
$varloc2_RsSearchForSale2 = "mpl";
if (isset($_POST['location'])) {
  $varloc2_RsSearchForSale2 = $_POST['location'];
$varprice2_RsSearchForSale2 = "p9";
if (isset($_POST['price'])) {
  $varprice2_RsSearchForSale2 = $_POST['price'];
$vartype2_RsSearchForSale2 = "vil";
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
  $vartype2_RsSearchForSale2 = $_POST['type'];
$varbed2_RsSearchForSale2 = "b5";
if (isset($_POST['beds'])) {
  $varbed2_RsSearchForSale2 = $_POST['beds'];
switch (true) {
case ($varloc2_RsSearchForSale2 == 'zzz'):
case ($varprice2_RsSearchForSale2 == 'zzz'):
case ($vartype2_RsSearchForSale2 == 'zzz'):
case ($varbed2_RsSearchForSale2 == 'zzz'):
mysql_select_db($database_propertypages, $propertypages);
$query_RsSearchForSale2 = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number` FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid WHERE (location=%s AND price=%s AND type=%s) OR (location=%s AND price=%s AND beds=%s) OR (location=%s AND type=%s AND beds=%s) OR (price=%s AND type=%s AND beds=%s) ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC", GetSQLValueString($varloc2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varloc2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varloc2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed2_RsSearchForSale2, "text"));
$query_limit_RsSearchForSale2 = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_RsSearchForSale2, $startRow_RsSearchForSale2, $maxRows_RsSearchForSale2);
$RsSearchForSale2 = mysql_query($query_limit_RsSearchForSale2, $propertypages) or die(mysql_error());
$row_RsSearchForSale2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($RsSearchForSale2);
if (isset($_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale2'])) {
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale2 = $_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale2'];
} else {
  $all_RsSearchForSale2 = mysql_query($query_RsSearchForSale2);
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale2 = mysql_num_rows($all_RsSearchForSale2);
$totalPages_RsSearchForSale2 = ceil($totalRows_RsSearchForSale2/$maxRows_RsSearchForSale2)-1;
$queryString_RsSearchForSale2 = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
    if (stristr($param, "pageNum_RsSearchForSale2") == false &&
        stristr($param, "totalRows_RsSearchForSale2") == false) {
      array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
    $queryString_RsSearchForSale2 = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_RsSearchForSale2 = sprintf("&totalRows_RsSearchForSale2=%d%s", $totalRows_RsSearchForSale2, $queryString_RsSearchForSale2);
<?php require_once('Connections/propertypages.php'); ?>
<?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$maxRows_RsSearchForSale3 = 10;
$pageNum_RsSearchForSale3 = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale3'])) {
  $pageNum_RsSearchForSale3 = $_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale3'];
$startRow_RsSearchForSale3 = $pageNum_RsSearchForSale3 * $maxRows_RsSearchForSale3;
$varloc3_RsSearchForSale3 = "mpl";
if (isset($_POST['location'])) {
  $varloc3_RsSearchForSale3 = $_POST['location'];
$varprice3_RsSearchForSale3 = "p9";
if (isset($_POST['price'])) {
  $varprice3_RsSearchForSale3 = $_POST['price'];
$vartype3_RsSearchForSale3 = "vil";
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
  $vartype3_RsSearchForSale3 = $_POST['type'];
$varbed3_RsSearchForSale3 = "b5";
if (isset($_POST['beds'])) {
  $varbed3_RsSearchForSale3 = $_POST['beds'];
switch (true) {
case ($varloc3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $varprice3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz'):
case ($varprice3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $vartype3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz'):
case ($vartype3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $varbed3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' ):
case ($varbed3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $varloc3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz'):
case ($varloc3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $vartype3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz'):
case ($varprice3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz' && $varbed3_RsSearchForSale3 == 'zzz'):
mysql_select_db($database_propertypages, $propertypages);
$query_RsSearchForSale3 = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number` FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid WHERE (location=%s AND price=%s) OR (location=%s AND  type=%s) OR (location=%s AND beds=%s) OR ( type=%s AND beds=%s) OR (price=%s AND type=%s) OR (price=%s AND beds=%s) ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC", GetSQLValueString($varloc3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varloc3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varloc3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed3_RsSearchForSale3, "text"));
$query_limit_RsSearchForSale3 = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_RsSearchForSale3, $startRow_RsSearchForSale3, $maxRows_RsSearchForSale3);
$RsSearchForSale3 = mysql_query($query_limit_RsSearchForSale3, $propertypages) or die(mysql_error());
$row_RsSearchForSale3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($RsSearchForSale3);
if (isset($_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale3'])) {
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale3 = $_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale3'];
} else {
  $all_RsSearchForSale3 = mysql_query($query_RsSearchForSale3);
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale3 = mysql_num_rows($all_RsSearchForSale3);
$totalPages_RsSearchForSale3 = ceil($totalRows_RsSearchForSale3/$maxRows_RsSearchForSale3)-1;
$queryString_RsSearchForSale3 = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
    if (stristr($param, "pageNum_RsSearchForSale3") == false &&
        stristr($param, "totalRows_RsSearchForSale3") == false) {
      array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
    $queryString_RsSearchForSale3 = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_RsSearchForSale3 = sprintf("&totalRows_RsSearchForSale3=%d%s", $totalRows_RsSearchForSale3, $queryString_RsSearchForSale3);
} ?>
<?php require_once('Connections/propertypages.php'); ?>
<?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$maxRows_RsSearchForSale4 = 10;
$pageNum_RsSearchForSale4 = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale4'])) {
  $pageNum_RsSearchForSale4 = $_GET['pageNum_RsSearchForSale4'];
$startRow_RsSearchForSale4 = $pageNum_RsSearchForSale4 * $maxRows_RsSearchForSale4;
$varloc4_RsSearchForSale4 = "mpl";
if (isset($_POST['location'])) {
  $varloc4_RsSearchForSale4 = $_POST['location'];
$vartype4_RsSearchForSale4 = "vil";
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
  $vartype4_RsSearchForSale4 = $_POST['type'];
$varprice4_RsSearchForSale4 = "p9";
if (isset($_POST['price'])) {
  $varprice4_RsSearchForSale4 = $_POST['price'];
$varbed4_RsSearchForSale4 = "b5";
if (isset($_POST['beds'])) {
  $varbed4_RsSearchForSale4 = $_POST['beds'];
switch (true) {
case ($varloc4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz' && $vartype4_RsSearchForSale4 =='zzz' && $varprice4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz'):
case ($varloc4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz' && $varprice4_RsSearchForSale4 =='zzz' && $varbed4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz'):
case ($varloc4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz' && $varbed4_RsSearchForSale4 =='zzz' && $vartype4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz'):
case ($varbed4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz' && $vartype4_RsSearchForSale4 =='zzz' && $varprice4_RsSearchForSale4 == 'zzz'):
mysql_select_db($database_propertypages, $propertypages);
$query_RsSearchForSale4 = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number` FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid WHERE location=%s OR price=%s OR type=%s OR beds=%s ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC", GetSQLValueString($varloc4_RsSearchForSale4, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varprice4_RsSearchForSale4, "text"),GetSQLValueString($vartype4_RsSearchForSale4, "text"),GetSQLValueString($varbed4_RsSearchForSale4, "text"));
$query_limit_RsSearchForSale4 = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_RsSearchForSale4, $startRow_RsSearchForSale4, $maxRows_RsSearchForSale4);
$RsSearchForSale4 = mysql_query($query_limit_RsSearchForSale4, $propertypages) or die(mysql_error());
$row_RsSearchForSale4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($RsSearchForSale4);
if (isset($_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale4'])) {
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale4 = $_GET['totalRows_RsSearchForSale4'];
} else {
  $all_RsSearchForSale4 = mysql_query($query_RsSearchForSale4);
  $totalRows_RsSearchForSale4 = mysql_num_rows($all_RsSearchForSale4);
$totalPages_RsSearchForSale4 = ceil($totalRows_RsSearchForSale4/$maxRows_RsSearchForSale4)-1;
$queryString_RsSearchForSale4 = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
    if (stristr($param, "pageNum_RsSearchForSale4") == false &&
        stristr($param, "totalRows_RsSearchForSale4") == false) {
      array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
    $queryString_RsSearchForSale4 = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_RsSearchForSale4 = sprintf("&totalRows_RsSearchForSale4=%d%s", $totalRows_RsSearchForSale4, $queryString_RsSearchForSale4);

Hi David,
Thank you for your reply and patience, we are getting closer in spite of me!
Of course i needed to change the name of the recordset, i did that the first time i did it (when i got the error), the when i re did it i forgot, in my defense i was also trying to get a full understanding of the code using the W3Schools php reference and writing by the side of the code on a piece of paper what it meant in English.
Anyway after re doing the code correctly it still displayed all the records of my database but i realised that was because i was POSTING from the search form and when i changed it to the GET method I now get results when all 4  list menus are selected from and the paging works. After reading about the POST / GET method i chose the POST option, is the GET method a better option in my circumstance?
On my site now if the user selects from 1,2 or 3 of the menus rather than selecting the relevant records it displays the NO RESULT page, I would like my users to be able to select from all of the menus or ANY combination of the menus and find exact results for their search, for example if they only select a location and a price i want it display all records that match that location and price with any number of bedrooms and any Type of property: Perhaps this is due to how my list menus are set up, for each menu the first Item label is Location (or Beds or Type or Price) and the value i have left blank which i believe means that it will use the item label as the value, the second Item label for all menus is Any and again the value has been left blank. All other item labels have values relevant to database records.  
I do look forward to your reply and cannot thank you enough for following this through with me, please continue to bare with me just a little more,
best regards
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 06:56:24 -0700
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Help with message please:  Warning: mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in...... line
You're not adding the WHERE clause to the SQL query. My example code uses $query_search. You need to change that variable to match the name of your recordset, i.e. $query_RSsearchforsale.
Moreover, the WHERE clause needs to go before ORDER BY.
$query_RSsearchforsale = "SELECT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `location`, `type`, `price`, `beds`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number` FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid ";
// Set a flag to indicate whether the query has a WHERE clause
$where = false;
// Loop through the associatiave array of expected search values
foreach ($expected as $var => $type) {
  if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
    $value = trim(urldecode($_GET[$var]));
    if (!empty($value)) {
      // Check if the value begins with > or <
      // If so, use it as the operator, and extract the value
      if ($value[0] == '>' || $value[0] == '<') {
        $operator = $value[0];
        $value = ltrim(substr($value, 1));
      } elseif (strtolower($type) != 'like') {
        $operator = '=';
      // Check if the WHERE clause has been added yet
      if ($where) {
        $query_RSsearchforsale .= ' AND ';
      } else {
        $query_RSsearchforsale .= ' WHERE ';
        $where = true;
      // Build the SQL query using the right operator and data type
      $type = strtolower($type);
      switch($type) {
        case 'like':
          $query_RSsearchforsale .= "`$var` LIKE " . GetSQLValueString('%' .
$value . '%', "text");
        case 'int':
        case 'double':
        case 'date':
          $query_RSsearchforsale .= "`$var` $operator " .
GetSQLValueString($value, "$type");
        $query_RSsearchforsale .= "`$var` = " . GetSQLValueString($value,
$query_RSsearchforsale .= ' ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC';

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    Implode wrote:
    "Help with code please."
    In the future, please use a meaningful subject. Given that you're posting here, it's kind of a given that you're looking for help with the code. The whole point of the subject is to give people a high level idea of what KIND of help with what KIND of code you need, so they can decide if they're interested and qualified to help.
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    Thanks for your advice, I went to the apple shop today for a face to face meeting with a tech and he checked everything and could not figure out why I was having this problem so we decided to give up on that account and create a whole new one for me using a different email address.
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    If anyone is reading this in Brisbane Australia go to the Chermside apple shop and ask for Wade. He was fantastic!

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    Perform the following procedure to recover the management functionality OVM manager.
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    > # service ovmm stop
    > 2) backup OVM3DB database
    > # --export --dbuser=ovs --dbpass=<ovspassword> --dbhost=<db host> --dbport=<db port> --dbsid=<sid/schema>
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    > # --deletedb --dbuser=ovs --dbpass=<ovspassword> --dbhost=<db host> --dbport=<db port> --dbsid=<sid/schema>
    > 3) Restart ovmm service
    > # service ovmm start
    > 4) Login into the manager and re-discover your Servers and  Repositories.
    Back to business

  • Further help with sound please

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    property pPaused
    on beginSprite me
    pPaused = 0
    on mouseUp me
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    else sound(1).pause()
    pPaused = not pPaused
    i have  other sounds in songs (2 sounds ) and nursery rhymes (4 sounds ) with the behaviour added to the buttons as below etc,
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      sound(5).play( member("ABCSong") )
    on endSprite me
    this stops the sound playing when i leave the frame but doesn't stop the sound in the stage channel 1.
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    could anyone  please advise of how to solve this problem. only using intermediate/basic lingo as i need to understand it.
    any help is much appreciated
    thank you

    on mouseDown me
      sound(5).play( member("ABCSong") )
    on endSprite me

  • Help with Errors please!

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    occurrences of the following error in the output pane:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method
    of a null object reference.
    At PSPWebsite1_fla::MainTimeline/adjustVolume()
    I understand (from reading other posts/help etc.) in
    principle what is causing this, but my knowledge of AS3 is too
    limited to know exactly what is wrong with my script or how to fix
    Secondly: if I press the stop button on my mp3 player and
    then navigate to another frame (any frame before or after
    ‘SVHS1’) the site works fine, and the mp3 player works
    perfectly if I go to that frame again. But if I navigate to another
    frame without first stopping the song it continues to play even
    though I’m not on the mp3 player frame, and if I go back to
    the mp3 player before the song has finished it starts playing
    automatically from the beginning of the first song in the XML list
    again and simply doubles up the sound, which is horrible. When this
    happens the playback controls only affect the 2nd version
    I think this is probably quite simple to fix, assuming that I
    have to write some script that tells the mp3 player to stop playing
    if/when the user navigates away from that frame...but I don’t
    know how to do this.
    Any help with either of the above would be much appreciated.
    The attached script is for the mp3 player frame.

    You can consider the trace function as being a "can you hear
    me now" helper (instead of an annoying tv commercial gimmick). It
    displays whatever it's told to in the same output window that you
    see that error message come up in. There are two ways I'll usually
    use it.
    I'll often end up simply using a trace("here"); as a means of
    seeing where a process is getting hung up. I gradually move that
    line of code thru what I know to be the step by step sequence of
    the code until "here" no longer shows up. It normally indicates
    that the preceding line of code is where the ball got dropped.
    In AS3, which is often a little more helpful when it trips on
    something, such as the error message you received which tells you
    there's a problem in the adjustVolume function, you can use it to
    see what element in that function is either undefined or out of
    Place... trace(vol); ... just after the first line of code in
    that function to see if vol is a number. If it is, then you know
    that line is okay and you can move on to check the next line. If it
    isn't a number, then move the trace before that line and change it
    to... trace(volume_mc.slider_mc.x); ... and see if it is a value.
    If it isn't, then change the trace to check to see what
    trace(volume_mc); results in.... so on and so on.
    It's basically a process of working your way thru code to
    narrow down what piece is the undefined/out-of-scope (or a syntax
    error) element that is causing the problem.

  • Help With Program Please

    Hi everybody,
    I designed a calculator, and I need help with the rest of the scientific actions. I know I need to use the different Math methods, but what exactly? Also, it needs to work as an applet and application, and in the applet, the buttons don't appear in order, how can I fix that?
    I will really appreciate your help with this program, I need to finish it ASAP. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
    Below is the code for the calcualtor.
    Thanks in advance,
    // calculator
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class calculator extends JApplet implements
    private JButton one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
    eight, nine, zero, dec, eq, plus, minus, mult, div, clear,
    mem, mrc, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, x2, sqrt, exp, pi, percent;
    private JLabel output, blank;
    private Container container;
    private String operation;
    private double number1, number2, result;
    private boolean clear = false;
    public void init()
    container = getContentPane();
    JPanel container = new JPanel();     
    container.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER
    output = new JLabel("");     
    output.setBorder(new MatteBorder(2,2,2,2,Color.gray));
    output.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1,26));     
    getContentPane().add( "North",output );     
    getContentPane().add( "Center",container );
    blank = new JLabel( " " );
    container.add( blank );
    clear = new JButton( "CE" );
    container.add( clear );
    seven = new JButton( "7" );
    container.add( seven );
    eight = new JButton( "8" );
    container.add( eight );
    nine = new JButton( "9" );
    container.add( nine );
    div = new JButton( "/" );
    container.add( div );
    four = new JButton( "4" );
    container.add( four );
    five = new JButton( "5" );
    container.add( five );
    six = new JButton( "6" );
    container.add( six );
    mult = new JButton( "*" );
    container.add( mult );
    one = new JButton( "1" );
    container.add( one );
    two = new JButton( "2" );
    container.add( two );
    three = new JButton( "3" );
    container.add( three );
    minus = new JButton( "-" );
    container.add( minus );
    zero = new JButton( "0" );
    container.add( zero );
    dec = new JButton( "." );
    container.add( dec );
    plus = new JButton( "+" );
    container.add( plus );
    mem = new JButton( "MEM" );
    container.add( mem );
    mrc = new JButton( "MRC" );
    container.add( mrc );
    sin = new JButton( "SIN" );
    container.add( sin );
    cos = new JButton( "COS" );
    container.add( cos );
    tan = new JButton( "TAN" );
    container.add( tan );
    asin = new JButton( "ASIN" );
    container.add( asin );
    acos = new JButton( "ACOS" );
    container.add( cos );
    atan = new JButton( "ATAN" );
    container.add( atan );
    x2 = new JButton( "X2" );
    container.add( x2 );
    sqrt = new JButton( "SQRT" );
    container.add( sqrt );
    exp = new JButton( "EXP" );
    container.add( exp );
    pi = new JButton( "PI" );
    container.add( pi );
    percent = new JButton( "%" );
    container.add( percent );
    eq = new JButton( "=" );
    container.add( eq );
    //Set size and visible
    setSize( 190, 285 );
    setVisible( true );
    public static void main(String args[]){
    //execute applet as application
         //applet's window
         JFrame applicationWindow = new JFrame("calculator");
         //applet instance
         calculator appletObject = new calculator();
         //init and start methods
    } // end main
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    JButton but = ( JButton )ae.getSource();     
    //dec action
    if( but.getText() == "." )
    //if dec is pressed, first check to make shure there
    is not already a decimal
    String temp = output.getText();
    if( temp.indexOf( '.' ) == -1 )
    output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );
    //clear action
    else if( but.getText() == "CE" )
    output.setText( "" );
    operation = "";
    number1 = 0.0;
    number2 = 0.0;
    //plus action
    else if( but.getText() == "+" )
    operation = "+";
    number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
    clear = true;
    //output.setText( "" );
    //minus action
    else if( but.getText() == "-" )
    operation = "-";
    number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
    clear = true;
    //output.setText( "" );
    //mult action
    else if( but.getText() == "*" )
    operation = "*";
    number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
    clear = true;
    //output.setText( "" );
    //div action
    else if( but.getText() == "/" )
    operation = "/";
    number1 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
    clear = true;
    //output.setText( "" );
    //eq action
    else if( but.getText() == "=" )
    number2 = Double.parseDouble( output.getText() );
    if( operation == "+" )
    result = number1 + number2;
    else if( operation == "-" )
    result = number1 - number2;
    else if( operation == "*" )
    result = number1 * number2;
    else if( operation == "/" )
    result = number1 / number2;
    //output result
    output.setText( String.valueOf( result ) );
    clear = true;
    operation = "";
    //default action
    if( clear == true )
    output.setText( "" );
    clear = false;
    output.setText( output.getText() + but.getText() );

    Multiple post:

  • Help with Message Mapping - Context Change

    I need help with the following message mapping.  I am filtering by EMP_STAT in the Message Mapping.  I have this working for the ROW structures, but I can get the HEADER/REC_COUNT field to calculate.  I can do just a record count of ROW and get it to work, but I can't get it to work with the filter EMP_STAT = 'REG' added.  I get a context error.  Could someone send me the mapping code.
    Sender XML----
    Receiver XML----

    You can use this mapping
    For REC_COUNT:
    EMP_STAT -> equalsS: constant:REG -> ifWithoutElse -> removeContext -> count -> REC_COUNT
                                     EMPLOYEE -> /
    For ROW:
    EMP_STAT -> equalsS: constant:REG -> ifWithoutElse -> removeContext -> ROW
                                     EMPLOYEE -> /
    EMP_STAT -> equalsS: constant:REG -> ifWithoutElse -> removeContext -> SplitByValue -> EMPLOYEE
                                     EMPLOYEE -> /
    For EMP_STAT:
    Constant: REG -> EMP_STAT
    Hope this helps,

  • Help With Indirection Please

    I'm having a hard time understanding all of the options and patterns for indirection. Here is what I would like to accomplish: I have three tables represented by Parent and Child classes joined by a ParentChildJoin class. I am instantiating the join class because that table also holds the ordering attribute. I would like to be able to instantiate all of the Parent objects without any of the Join or Child objects. Then when I ask a Parent for its Join objects, I would like to get all of the Join and Child objects for that Parent, in order, and as efficiently as possible, preferably in one trip to the database. It appears that with Indirection, 'addBatchReadAttribute', and so forth I should be able to accomplish this, but I would like some help with the details, please.

    Please let me know if this is the best approach. I'll use this picture to illustrate my example:
    |----------|          |----------|          |----------|
    |          |1   A    *|          |*   B    1|          |
    |          |--------->|          |<---------|          |
    | Parent   |          |  PCJoin  |          |  Child   |
    |          |<---------|          |--------->|          |
    |          |1   C    1|          |1   D    1|          |
    |----------|          |----------|          |----------|If I use Indirection on all the relations (A,B,C, and D), then I can load all of the Parent objects with one query, when I access relation A another query is triggered to populate the collection of PCJoin objects, and then as I iterate through those and access relation D, another query is issued for each child. This situation is 2+N (or 'big oh' N), which is what I wanted to avoid.
    So now I have A and B marked as Indirect and checked 'Use Batch Reading' on all four relations. What appears to be happening now is one query for the Parent, then when I access relation A, I get one query for the PCJoin objects, and an additional query each for the Parent and Child objects related to those, for a total of 4 queries (or 'big oh' 1). Much better.
    It seems ideally one could get away with two queries, but I would like to be able to have this behavior whichever end of the join I start at, so I just want to verify that I've done the best I can (and also to provide an example, in case anyone else had the same question.)

  • Help with Excel, please

    Would be very grateful for help with my Excel spreadsheet.
    My workbook contains 20 or so worksheets. I was trying to copy column totals across a particular sheet when it disappeared. After trying to find the missing sheet, called 'Jan 2011', and giving up, I decided as a last resort to re-create the worksheet. However, after inserting a new sheet and trying to re-name it 'Jan 2011', I get the error message that this sheet name already exists. Does anyone have any ideas on where it might be? Many thanks

    You need to post over on the Microsoft Office for Mac forums.  Google will help you find them.

  • Need help with debugging PLEASE

    I'm new to Java and was given an assignment to debug a program. I am completely lost and really havent gone over most of the stuff that is in this program. I would greatly appreciate any help with this that I can get.
    Here is my code:
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class IndexHitFrequency
    private final int NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS = 1000;
    private int indexHit[] = new int [10];
    public IndexHitFrequency()
    Random generator = new Random(); // for generating random number
    int array[] = {6, 2, 4, 8, 5, 0, 1, 7, 3, 9 };
    //convert to ArrayList and sort it
    List list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(array));
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SIMULATIONS; i++)
    //generate random number
    int randomNumber = generator.nextInt(array.length);
    // get index hit
    int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, randomNumber) ;
    // save index hit to array
    if(index > -1)
    }//end for
    String output = "Index\tFrequency\t\n";
    //append the frequency of index hit to output
    for (int i = 0; i < indexHit.length; i++)
    output += i + "\t" + indexHit[i] + "\t\n";
    //display result
    JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputArea, "Search random number 1000 times" ,
    }// end constructor
    public static void main (String [] args)
    new IndexHitFrequency();
    } // end class IndexHitFrequency
    I get these errors after trying to compile:
    "": Error #: 300 : method asList(int[]) not found in class java.util.Arrays at line 17, column 40
    "": Error #: 300 : method binarySearch(java.util.List, int) not found in class java.util.Collections at line 24, column 34

    C:\Java\Tutorial\rem>javac asList(java.lang.Object[]) in java.util.Arrays cannot
    be applied to (int[])
    List list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(array));
                                    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method binarySearch(java.util.List,int)
    location: class java.util.Collections
    int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, randomNumber) ;
    2 errors
    C:\Java\Tutorial\rem>Copied source and compiled in DOS window ( XP's cmd.exe) and got these error messages...
    I think these error are more clear than the ones you posted, so this should help you resolve the problem...
    - MaxxDmg...
    - ' He who never sleeps... '

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