HotFix 2 breaks web service results of type xsd:anyType

I have a client that accesses a number of web services that
return results as type xsd:anyType (the results are complex XML
hierarchies that change according to db values). Before HotFix 2,
in in my ResultEvent.RESULT event handler, I could get access to
the result via the ResultEvent.result property. But since HotFix 2,
the ResultEvent.result property is always null for web services
results of type xsd:anyType (for other result types,
ResultEvent.result is correct).
This is a major nuisance!! I assume this is a bug, so can
anyone suggest any workarounds while I wait for Adobe to fix it? I
can access the result as a string via the EventResult.message.body
member. And from there, I can parse the XML, and perform an
XML-to-ValueObject conversion... does that sound reasonable? Does
anyone have an examples of XML-to-ValueObject conversion code to
help get me started?
Any hints or tips would be most welcome ;)
Paul C.

This has become a huge problem for me... it's boken my
applications in *many* places :(
Is there no-one with any suggestions?
Paul C.

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    Thanks Robert.
    You'll need to create your own interface to the webapp database for those kind of data operations
    by this, are you speaking of the internal BC database which stores web app schema data? That would be great if it were possible to update that programmatically because I need to use the List (Checkbox List) field type (for the search functionality), but I need to supply the checkbox options from a web app rather than by manually updating the list entered in the Fields view of the web app settings (shown below).
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    Web App Search value (for this same field):
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    My WSDL contains the following (generated by JDeveloper):
    xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns="">
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakFinnDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="orgnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="hentLbrAdresse" type="boolean"/>
    <element name="hentBedriftsknytninger" type="boolean"/>
    <element name="hentEierknytninger" type="boolean"/>
    <element name="hentRoller" type="boolean"/>
    <element name="visOpphorte" type="boolean"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="orgnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="navn" type="string"/>
    <element name="enhetsType" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="aktiv" type="int"/>
    <element name="registrertIMva" type="int"/>
    <element name="adresse" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_AdresseDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="eiendomsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO"/>
    <element name="rolleListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_RolleDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="bedriftsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="codeValue" type="string"/>
    <element name="description" type="string"/>
    <element name="domain" type="string"/>
    <element name="shortDescription" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_AdresseDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="adresseLinje1" type="string"/>
    <element name="adresseLinje2" type="string"/>
    <element name="adresseLinje3" type="string"/>
    <element name="poststed" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_PoststedDTO"/>
    <element name="stedUtland" type="string"/>
    <element name="land" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_LandDTO"/>
    <element name="telefon" type="string"/>
    <element name="telefax" type="string"/>
    <element name="mobiltelefon" type="string"/>
    <element name="epost" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_PoststedDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="nyttPostnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="postnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="poststed" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_LandDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="landKode" type="string"/>
    <element name="landNavn" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="eierType" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="eiertilknytning" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="landbrukseiendom" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_LandbrukseiendomDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="person" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_PersonDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="foretak" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakDetaljerDTO"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_LandbrukseiendomDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="landbrukseiendomId" type="int"/>
    <element name="hovedNr" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_HovednummerDTO"/>
    <element name="bruksnavn" type="string"/>
    <element name="aktiv" type="int"/>
    <element name="grunnkrets" type="int"/>
    <element name="koordinatKilde" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="koordinatSystem" type="int"/>
    <element name="nord" type="int"/>
    <element name="ost" type="int"/>
    <element name="arealtall" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ArealtallDTO"/>
    <element name="eiendomsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO"/>
    <element name="bedriftsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO"/>
    <element name="grunneiendomListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_GrunneiendomDetaljerDTO"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_HovednummerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="kommuneNr" type="string"/>
    <element name="gardsNr" type="int"/>
    <element name="bruksNr" type="int"/>
    <element name="festeNr" type="int"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ArealtallDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="jord" type="int"/>
    <element name="skog" type="int"/>
    <element name="annet" type="int"/>
    <element name="fulldyrket" type="int"/>
    <element name="overflatedyrket" type="int"/>
    <element name="innmarksbeite" type="int"/>
    <complexType name="ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO[]"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="brukerType" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="driftstilknytning" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="drift" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="fratraadt" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="prodlopenr" type="int"/>
    <element name="eierskifteDato" type="string"/>
    <element name="bedrift" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedriftDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="foretak" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakDetaljerDTO"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedriftDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="orgnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="lbrBedriftId" type="int"/>
    <element name="lopenrD" type="int"/>
    <element name="navn" type="string"/>
    <element name="daJordD" type="int"/>
    <element name="aktiv" type="int"/>
    <element name="landbrukseiendom" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_LandbrukseiendomDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="bedriftsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO"/>
    <complexType name="ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_BedrKnytningDTO[]"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_GrunneiendomDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="hovedNr" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_HovednummerDTO"/>
    <element name="type" type="int"/>
    <element name="aktiv" type="int"/>
    <element name="etablertDato" type="string"/>
    <element name="eierforhold" type="int"/>
    <element name="arealtall" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ArealtallDTO"/>
    <complexType name="ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_GrunneiendomDetaljerDTO" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_GrunneiendomDetaljerDTO[]"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_PersonDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="fodselsnr" type="string"/>
    <element name="fornavn" type="string"/>
    <element name="etternavn" type="string"/>
    <element name="aktiv" type="int"/>
    <element name="status" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="adresse" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_AdresseDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="eiendomsknytningListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_EiendKnytningDTO"/>
    <element name="rolleListe" type="ns1:ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_RolleDetaljerDTO"/>
    <complexType name="com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_RolleDetaljerDTO" jdev:packageName="" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="rolleType" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="fratraadt" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_CodeFactoryDTO"/>
    <element name="prioritert" type="int"/>
    <element name="person" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_PersonDetaljerDTO"/>
    <element name="foretak" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakDetaljerDTO"/>
    <complexType name="ArrayOfcom_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_RolleDetaljerDTO" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_RolleDetaljerDTO[]"/>
    <message name="getEnterpriseDetails0Request">
    <part name="searchDTO" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakFinnDTO"/>
    <part name="userId" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="password" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="getEnterpriseDetails0Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:com_ibm_no_slf_wesla_value_ws_ForetakDetaljerDTO"/>
    <portType name="EnterpriseWSBDPortType">
    <operation name="getEnterpriseDetails">
    <input name="getEnterpriseDetails0Request" message="tns:getEnterpriseDetails0Request"/>
    <output name="getEnterpriseDetails0Response" message="tns:getEnterpriseDetails0Response"/>
    <binding name="EnterpriseWSBDBinding" type="tns:EnterpriseWSBDPortType">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name="getEnterpriseDetails">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
    <input name="getEnterpriseDetails0Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="EnterpriseWS" encodingStyle=""/>
    <output name="getEnterpriseDetails0Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="EnterpriseWS" encodingStyle=""/>
    <service name="EnterpriseWS">
    * Business Delegator.
    * - Enterprise
    <port name="EnterpriseWSBDPort" binding="tns:EnterpriseWSBDBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8888/lregws/EnterpriseWS"/>

    Thanks for the notice, Bryan.
    This is actually a bug, and it is actually connected to the length of the APPLICATION NAME pluss the response-xml and the file path of the application (i think).
    There are currently two workarounds:
    1) Make the application-name longer than a given value (think this is based on the path of the application, not quite sure yet). Just try different long names. This will prevent the response-xml to be truncated
    2) Make type-names shorter (duh :p).
    I had to use approach 1, since I should not change my wsdl.. other people are already using it
    This probably doesn't explain this strange behaviour good enough, but hopefully you'll get your webservices to work :)

  • Trouble using web service results

    I am trying to consume a .NET generated web service. I successfully generated the
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    However, when I make a call to this service, either via the web service test module,
    or from the "report on a web service" I don't get a result set that I can use because
    all of the < and > are escaped with & lt l; and & gt ; .
    I also created a manual reference to one of the methods. Here is the call:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
         <SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetFacilitySiteAsXml xmlns:ns1="">">
    <fsId xsi:nil="true" /><ns1:fsName>#P229_FAC_NAME#</ns1:fsName><ns1:nameSearchType>B</ns1:nameSearchType>
    </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>What I get back is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResponse xmlns=""><GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResult>& lt ;FacilitySiteList& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;1519876& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;Austin Co& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;1601 LIND AVE SW                        & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;RENTON                   & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;98055     & lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;47.46504& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;122.22355& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;1997-06-26T00:00:00-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;3697762& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;Austin Farm& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;320 Elma Gate Rd E                      & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;Oakville                 & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;98568-9614& lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;46.832520217201633& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;123.18333821662898& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;2002-08-29T11:21:23.08-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;2049& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;AUSTIN MACK& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;2739 6TH AVE S                          & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;SEATTLE                  & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;98134     & lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;47.57915& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;122.32588& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;1999-03-19T00:00:00-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;1634623& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;Austin Mike& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;16407 N SUNRISE DR                      & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;NINE MILE FALLS          & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;99026     & lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;47.809727& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;117.569984& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;2005-07-21T22:17:23.177-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;63488523& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;Austin Pavolka& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;7711 CUSTER RD W                        & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;TACOMA                   & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;98467-2643& lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;47.1872& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;122.51625& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;1997-06-23T00:00:00-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
      & lt ;FacilitySite& gt ;
        & lt ;FS_ID& gt ;27413953& lt ;/FS_ID& gt ;
        & lt ;COMMON_NM& gt ;AUSTIN POWDER CO& lt ;/COMMON_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;LINE_1_AD& gt ;2852 CENTRALIA ALPHA RD                 & lt ;/LINE_1_AD& gt ;
        & lt ;CITY_NM& gt ;ONALASKA                 & lt ;/CITY_NM& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;Y& lt ;/GIS_VER_IND_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;STATE_CD& gt ;WA& lt ;/STATE_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;ZIP_CD& gt ;98570-9600& lt ;/ZIP_CD& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;46.62614& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LAT_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;122.78492& lt ;/GIS_CALC_LONG_DECIMAL_NR& gt ;
        & lt ;LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;2001-06-01T00:00:00-07:00& lt ;/LAST_UPD_DT& gt ;
      & lt ;/FacilitySite& gt ;
    & lt ;/FacilitySiteList& gt ;</GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResult></GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>NOTE: I added the spaces into the & lt ; so that they would not be translated to <
    This issue I appear to be having is that when this result is put into the collection and
    then converted into XML everything between <GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResult> and
    </GetFacilitySiteAsXmlResult> is considered a single string. Therefore using XPath
    queries to get the FsID and Common Name doesn't work.
    I talked to the developers of this service and they believe this is a character set issue.
    I confirmed that my DAD is using UTF-8. So it would appear as though Apex and the
    Web Service are on the same page here. The developer followed up with the following:
    2.4 Character Data and Markup
    Text consists of intermingled character data and markup. [Definition: Markup takes the
    form of start-tags, end-tags, empty-element tags, entity references, character
    references, comments, CDATA section delimiters, document type declarations,
    processing instructions, XML declarations, text declarations, and any white space that
    is at the top level of the document entity (that is, outside the document element and
    not inside any other markup).]
    [Definition: All text that is not markup constitutes the character data of the document.]
    The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) MUST NOT appear in their
    literal form, except when used as markup delimiters, or within a comment, a processing
    instruction, or a CDATA section. If they are needed elsewhere, they MUST be escaped
    using either numeric character references or the strings "&" and "<" respectively. The
    right angle bracket (>) MAY be represented using the string ">", and MUST, for
    compatibility, be escaped using either ">" or a character reference when it appears in
    the string "]]>" in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section.
    In the content of elements, character data is any string of characters which does not
    contain the start-delimiter of any markup and does not include the CDATA-
    section-close delimiter, "]]>". In a CDATA section, character data is any string of
    characters not including the CDATA-section-close delimiter, "]]>".
    To allow attribute values to contain both single and double quotes, the apostrophe or
    single-quote character (') MAY be represented as "'", and the double-quote character (")
    as """.Do I need to do something else in order to read and parse this result set as XML
    Regards, Tony

    Thanks for the reply but we are using Netweaver 2004.  I want the document for loading data from webservice to BW .  The webservice is built on J2ee development .Please send me the links.
    I am assign points for u r reply.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Bug in APEX 4.0.2 when parsing web service results?

    Receiving ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments error in APEX 4.0.2 when trying to create and run a "Form and Report on Web Service" on any Oracle SES 11.1.2 web service operation
    Steps to recreate this error:
    - Install Oracle SES 11.1.2
    - Create a file source against a directory containing files and then crawl
    - Verify via the built-in SES gui that you can search and retrieve results
    - Install APEX 4.0.2
    - Create a new database application from scratch
    - Create a new web service reference:
    shared components ->
    web service references ->
    create ->
    based on wsdl ->
    UDDI search: no ->
    http://[sesip:port]/search/query/OracleSearch?wsdl ->
    create reference
    (That creates a web service to Oracle SES with the default name of OracleSearchService)
    - Test the new web service:
    shared components->
    web service references ->
    test ->
    getAllAttributes (or whatever you want to test) ->
    test ->
    You will see a valid & correct raw XML request and response
    - Create a new web service search form/results using the apex wizard in the following manner:
    create page ->
    form ->
    form and report on web service ->
    next ->
    web reference type: generated from wsdl ->
    next ->
    web service reference: OracleSearchService. Operation: getAllAttributes (....BUT YOU CAN PICK ANY OPERATION - THEY ALL WILL FAIL. See for documentation for all the SES web service operations).
    next ->
    next ->
    result tree to report on: Attributes (or whatever appropriate for the operation you chose) ->
    next ->
    select all columns to display ->
    - Now run the page, entering nothing or "en" for locale (or whatever is appropriate for the operation you chose) and then Submit
    - No matter what operation is chosen, no matter what parameters are entered, always receive "ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments" error!
    PS - We can (and have) created and used APEX against SES's web services without issue.

    I've tried to replicate this on, and could not. I sent a JPG file to my Yahoo account using the name 'Report (2011.05.01).jpg', and didn't encounter any issues. The name of the file received on Yahoo was still 'Report (2011.05.01).jpg'.
    I reviewed the code in APEX_MAIL. There isn't anything in there that would modify the filename as you suggest.
    Is there a chance it's being changed in your SMTP server / relay?

  • How to retrieve web service results that are stored in an array?

    Hi, everyone,
    I am using a manually created web service reference in APEX3.0.1 to call an external web service for a simple company search. Here is the WSDL:
    The web referene is tested fine. And here is a sample test result:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Header xmlns="">
    <SubscriptionInfo xmlns="">
    <LicenseStatus>Valid license key</LicenseStatus>
    <LicenseAction>No hit deduction for invocation</LicenseAction>
    <CompanySearchResponse xmlns="">
    <StatusDescription>Successful search</StatusDescription>
    <CompanyName>MSC SOFTWARE CORPORATION</CompanyName>
    <StreetAddress>2 MACARTHUR PL</StreetAddress>
    <City>SANTA ANA</City>
    <TradingName />
    <MatchPOBoxGrade>Not provided</MatchPOBoxGrade>
    <MatchPhoneGrade>Not provided</MatchPhoneGrade>
    <CompanyName>TYRA TECHNOLOGIES, INC</CompanyName>
    <StreetAddress>2 MACARTHUR PL</StreetAddress>
    <City>SANTA ANA</City>
    <TradingName />
    <MatchPOBoxGrade>Not provided</MatchPOBoxGrade>
    <MatchPhoneGrade>Not provided</MatchPhoneGrade>
    Here is my xpath defined in the report:
    According to the WSDL file, the candidate companies are stored in an array. I am having problem to retrieve this values from the array. The web service ref is called but it returns nothing.
    Anyone in the forum can tell me what I did wrong?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, did you manage to figure this out? I'm having a similar problem with arrays.
    Also, i'm looking at how I can pass an array of values as input to the webservice call.. eg if I were calling a stock ticker service that allows you to supply a list of tickers as input so that you can get all your responses in one call. Anyone any thoughts on that?

  • Web service call fails - type mismatch

    Hi All
    I hope someone can help, as I have been struggling with this issue for a few days. If I have missed any useful information off of this post, please ask and I will try to supply.
    I am trying to call a web service, but contantly receiving the error:
    "{}ValidationError:cvc-elt.4.3: Type 'xsd:long' is not validly derived from the type definition, 'idField', of element 'documentId'."
    An example of the call to the webservice is:
    getDocumentAsPdfRequest = structNew();
    getDocumentAsPdfRequest.documentId = 12017988;
    getDocumentAsPdfRequest.ignoreUnsupportedConversion = 0;
    ws = createObject("webservice", "#wsdldocumenturl#");
    myresult = ws.getDocumentAsPdf(getDocumentAsPdfRequest);
    <cfdump var="#myresult#">
    the webservice definition is:
    getDocumentAsPdfRequest type getDocumentAsPdfRequest 
    Returns the document as a pdf if possible
    documentId type idField - type long with restriction minInclusive(1000) maxInclusive(9223372036854775807) 
    Id of the document to be converted to pdf
    ignoreUnsupportedConversion type boolean 
    Specifying true for this will return the original document without converting - if a conversion is not possible
    the webservice xml is:
    <xs:element name="getDocumentAsPdfRequest"> 
    <xs:documentation>Returns the document as a pdf if possible</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
    <xs:element name="documentId" type="tns:idField"> 
    <xs:documentation>Id of the document to be converted to pdf</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
    <xs:element name="ignoreUnsupportedConversion" type="xs:boolean"> 
    <xs:documentation>Specifying true for this will return the original document without converting - if a conversion is not possible</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:element>
    I have tried using javacast("long", "12017988"), but the same error is shown
    any help or advise gratefully received.

    I forgot to mention that I have verified that this service works from SoapUI, the issue seams to be the way that ColdFusion is handling the documentId element.
    If it is helpful the WSDL code is here (note I have only pasted the parts that are relevant to this method):
    <xs:element name="getDocumentAsPdfRequest" xmlns:xs=""> 
    - <xs:annotation xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation xmlns:xs="">Returns the document as a pdf if possible</xs:documentation>
    - <xs:complexType xmlns:xs="">
    - <xs:sequence xmlns:xs="">
    - <xs:element name="documentId" type="tns:idField" xmlns:xs="">
    - <xs:annotation xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation xmlns:xs="">Id of the document to be converted to pdf</xs:documentation>
    - <xs:element name="ignoreUnsupportedConversion" type="xs:boolean" xmlns:xs="">
    - <xs:annotation xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation xmlns:xs="">Specifying true for this will return the original document without converting - if a conversion is not possible</xs:documentation>
    And the reponse:
    <xs:element name="getDocumentAsPdfResponse" xmlns:xs=""> 
    - <xs:complexType xmlns:xs="">
    - <xs:sequence xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element name="content" type="xs:base64Binary" xmlns:xs="" />
    and the operation element:
    <wsdl:operation name="getDocumentAsPdf" xmlns:wsdl=""> 
    <soap:operation soapAction="" xmlns:soap="" />
    - <wsdl:input name="getDocumentAsPdfRequest" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <soap:body use="literal" xmlns:soap="" />
    <soap:header message="tns:credentials" part="credentials" use="literal" xmlns:soap="" />
    - <wsdl:output name="getDocumentAsPdfResponse" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <soap:body use="literal" xmlns:soap="" />
    not sure if that would be helpful, but thought I would post incase.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to why that error would be being generated?

  • Testing web service results in no response, but HTTP Error 500

    Hi All,
    I've already solved my problem, but I wanted to share my results. It took two days of pain, so you could imagine how wonderful I felt when it was solved. :)
    Problem: I am exposing PL/SQL procedures as web services, using JDeveloper 10.1.3. I noticed that when I expose procedures that return complex types (like records), it caused all of the web service calls to die silently. I couldn't see any other errors except Apache's HTTP 500 error. But when I ran the web service locally using JDeveloper's OC4J engine, I didn't receive any errors. Everything worked. I looked at the opmn/logs/* dir, and still no signs of the real error. So I set out to learn where I could view more logs, and I eventually found the error inside $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/MyConatiner/log/MyContainer*/oc4j/log.xml, after I increased the verbosity.
    Solution: I found the "NoClassFound" error after I fiddled with j2ee-logging.xml. The funny part is, the error did not show up in the ERROR or INTERNAL_ERROR module types. Some of the wrapper Java classes that were generated to deal with complex types (records) and even arrays, were not being included in the EAR/WAR file for deployment! That's why when I ran the web service locally using JDeveloper, there were no errors (since the classes were present). Now, before I deploy I always check what is being deployed... :)
    Here's what I learned through the process. Hope it's helpful!
    keywords: http 500 error empty test response reply web service deploy complex data types arrays logs pl/sql procedures functions
    There are several places where logging occurs on Oracle Application Server 10.1.3.
    This is not a complete list, but it covers the main areas. Let's assume our OC4J
    container is called MyContainer:
        * tail -f $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/*MyContainer*
        * To adjust the verbosity, use the Enterprise Manager web interface: click on
          the container, then on the Administration -> Logger Configuration. Now you can
          set the logging level for different components.
        * tail -f $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs/*log
        * The file names depend on the ErrorLog? and CustomLog? directives in
           httpd.conf. You can adjust the verbosity by changing the LogLevel
           Apache directive.
        * tail -f $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/MyContainer/log/MyContainer*/oc4j/log.xml
        * You can adjust the verbosity by editing
           $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/MyContainer/config/j2ee-logging.xml. Look for the
           <logger> element, and set its 'level' attribute to 'TRACE:32' for the most
        * From experience, these logs are the best. :-)
        * tail -f $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs/oracle/log.xml
        * To enable and configure this logging system, add the following to your httpd.conf:
          OraLogMode oracle
          OraLogSeverity TRACE:32
          OraLogDir ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs/oracle
        * More info:

    Thanks for sharing your tips on this forum, as it will be useful for other users, that run into this issue.
    Feedback like this will also help us improve error reporting in the next release, as missing class files in the packaged application is a common issue when developers are moving from the embeded oc4j instance packaged with JDewveloper to standalone instances.

  • Insert web services result into textbox in JSP

    Basically, I had using HTML to create a textbox in the earlier:
    <input id="Destination" style="z-index: 140; left: 413px; position: absolute; top: 238px"
    type="text" disabled="disabled" name="Destination" />
    Then now I had using JSP to consume the web services:
    <%-- start web service invocation --%><hr/>
    try {
         org.tempuri.CheckTravelBooking service = new org.tempuri.CheckTravelBooking();
         org.tempuri.CheckTravelBookingSoap port = service.getCheckTravelBookingSoap();
    java.lang.String bookingID = request.getParameter("ID");
    // out.println("Result=" +bookingID);
         // TODO process result here
         org.tempuri.ArrayOfString result = port.checkBooking(bookingID);
    // out.println("Result="+bookingID);
    // for(int i=0; i<result.getString().size(); i++)
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(0)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(1)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(2)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(3)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(4)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(5)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(6)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(7)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(8)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(9)%></td>
    <td> <%=result.getString().get(10)%></td>
    } catch (Exception ex) {
         // TODO handle custom exceptions here
    <%-- end web service invocation --%><hr/>
    How should I insert my result in the web services to my textbox that had been designed in the earlier???

    If you separate the code into
    JSP - reserve only for HTML and front end logic
    Servlet - to communicate between JSP and Business Layer/Database Layer
    Business layer - to communicate with database layer
    the code will be more manageable, than putting all code in just one JSP file.
    The above structure is called Model-View-Controller MVC , if you study that what you are trying to do will be much easier.

  • Error while deploying a web service whose return type is java.util.Date

    I have written a simple web service which takes in a date input (java.util.Date) and returns the same date back to the client.
    public interface Ping extends Remote
    * A simple method that pings the server to test the webservice.
    * It sends a datetime to the server which returns the datetime.
    * @param pingDateRequest A datetime sent to the server
    * @returns The original datetime
    public Date ping(Date pingDateRequest) throws RemoteException;
    The generation of the Web service related files goes smoothly in JDeveloper 10g. The problem arises when I try to deploy this web service on the Oracle 10g (10.0.3) OC4J standalone. it gives me the following error on the OC4J console :
    WebServices\com\sachin\tradeengine\ws\ ping(java.util.Date) in cannot be applied to (java.util.Calendar) _result  = (( getTarget()).ping
    1 error
    04/03/23 17:17:35 Notification ==&gt; Application Deployer for Sachin-TradingEngineWS-WS FAILED: java.lang.InstantiationException: Error compiling :E:\Oracle\oc4j1003\j2ee\home\applications\Sachin-TradingEngineWS-WS\WebServices: Syntax error in source [ 2004-03-23T17:17:35.937GMT+05:30 ]
    I read somewhere that the conversion between java to xml datatype and vice versa fails for java.util.Date, so it is better to use java.util.Calendar. When I change the code to return a java.util.Calendar then the JDeveloper prompts me the following failure:
    Method Ping: the following parameter types do not have an XML Schema mapping and/or serializer specified : java.util.Calendar.
    This forces me to return a String data.
    I would appreciate if someone can help me out.
    Sachin Mathias
    Datamatics Ltd.

    I got the web service working with some work around. But I am not sure it this approach would be right and good.
    I started altogether afresh. I did the following step :
    1. Created an Interface ( for use in web Service as follows :
    public interface Ping extends Remote{
    public java.util.Date ping(java.util.Date pingDateRequest)
    throws RemoteException;
    2. Implemented the above interface in as follows :
    public class PingImpl implements Ping
    public java.util.Date ping(java.util.Date pingDateRequest) throws RemoteException {
    System.out.println("PingImpl: ping() return datetime = " + pingDateRequest.toString());
    return pingDateRequest;
    3. Compiled the above 2 java files.
    4. Generated a Stateless Java Web Service with the help of JDeveloper. This time the generation was sucessful.(If I had "java.util.Calendar" in place of "java.util.Date" in the java code of the above mentioned files the web service generation would prompt me for error)
    5. After the generation of Web Service, I made modification to the Ping interface and its implementing class. In both the files I replaced "java.util.Date" with "java.util.Calendar". The modified java will look as follows :
    public interface Ping extends Remote{
    public java.util.Calendar ping(java.util.Calendar pingDateRequest)
    throws RemoteException;
    public class PingImpl implements Ping
    public java.util.Calendar ping(java.util.Calendar pingDateRequest) throws RemoteException {
    System.out.println("PingImpl: ping() return datetime = " + pingDateRequest.toString());
    return pingDateRequest;
    6. Now I recompile both the java files.
    7. Withour regenerating the Web Service I deploy the Web Service on OC4j 10.0.3 from JDeveloper. This time the deployment was sucessful.(The Deployment fails if I don't follow the step 5.)
    8. Now I generated a Stub from JDeveloper and accessed the stub from a client. It works fine. Here if you see the Stub code it takes java.util.Date as a parameter and returns a java.util.Date. (Mind you I am accepting a java.util.Calendar and returning the same in my Web Service interface. Step 5)
    The confusing thing is the Serialization and Deserialization of Data from Client java data to Soap message and Soap message to Server java data.
    From Client to SOAP :
    java.util.Date to datetime
    From SOAP to Server :
    datetime to java.util.Calendar
    From Server to SOAP :
    java.util.Calendar to datetime
    From SOAP to Client :
    datetime to java.util.Date (I am not able to understand this part of the conversion)
    Any help or inputs would be appreciated.
    Sachin Mathias

  • Creating PL/SQL web services from object types

    Jdeveloper, pl/sql web-services working successfully with object types.If we want to send the web-services to the client, do we need to send the entire folder that is created in the web-services folder of the external oc4j..?
    Creating the client process:
    we are using the wsdl file that is generated in the web-services and adding to the partner link to Invoke the operations of web-services. Is there any other way to invoke the webservices?Could any one please suggest me?
    Thanking you

    Accessing the pl/sql webservices from the application server:
    I have created pl/sql webservice using the nested tables. This will insert the object data into database tables.after deplying the webservice into external oc4j, when I test the webservice locally with url: http://localmachine:8888/PL_SQL_WS-Nest_Obj_Webservice-context-root/ObjWebserviceSoapHttpPort
    The above web-services working and I am able to insert into the database tables.
    Same when I want to access through the application server, I have changed the wsdl file soap address as
    <soap:address location=""/>
    When I access this url, I am able to give the input data
    but the out from the web-service is:
    <faultstring>Error creating target: DBConnImpMftest.ObjWebserviceUser</faultstring>
    Err from the OC4j log:<PAYLOAD>
    <MSG_TEXT>An error occurred for port: {http://dbconnimpmftest/Nested_Webserv.wsdl}Nested_WebservSoapHttpPort: javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Error creating target: dbconnimpmftest.Nested_WebservUser.</MSG_TEXT>
    Could any one help me to solve the above issue?
    Kind regards

  • Getting web service results from double click event

    I have an Elixir ILOG Org Chart and I want to add nodes dynamically when a user clicks on the node.  When the click event fires, Can I assign the results of the webservice result to the node as children of that node; similar to what someone would do when calling a function in another language like Java or C#.  For instance I have a method that handles the double click or single click of a user on a node in my Org Chart:
    private function doubleClickHandler(event:OrgChartEvent):void{
         event.item.appendChild(getResults(_id, _idSecond, "") );
    private function webServicehandler_Result(event:ResultEvent):XML{
         return event.result;
    getResults(x,y,z) is the function that calls the web service and returns XML results of all the employees/people that are underneith the object that was double clicked on.  Will this work?

    Use the change event.

  • Windows Web Services - Unsupported media type

    I'm trying to migrate a web service from .NET WCF to C++ Windows Web Services API. I generated .c and .h files using WSDL, create few wrappers and incorporated it into the C++ code and try it using a gSOAP client. Sadly, it wasn't working.
    Here is the response from the WWS:
    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
    Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:50:23 GMT
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 0
    I debug it for a while, and found out, that WWS apparentely cannot handle action parameter in Content-Type.
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8; action=""
    After I remove the action parameter, everything is working.
    Why is this happening. Isn't an action parameter common part of SOAP HTTP requests? Is there any workaround?
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm trying to migrate a web service from .NET WCF to C++ Windows Web Services API. I generated .c and .h files using WSDL, create few wrappers and incorporated it into the C++ code and try it using a gSOAP client. Sadly, it wasn't working.
    Here is the response from the WWS:
    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
    Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:50:23 GMT
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 0
    I debug it for a while, and found out, that WWS apparentely cannot handle action parameter in Content-Type.
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8; action=""
    After I remove the action parameter, everything is working.
    Why is this happening. Isn't an action parameter common part of SOAP HTTP requests? Is there any workaround?
    Thanks in advance.

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