How can i create  Jar file using Eclipse IDE.

Hi Guys
Am new to java. I want convert my project into executable jar file.
In my project am using itext.jar.And some other folder.
already i create jar file.But its not working.only its working 4 modules after that its say file cannot found exception.but the file path is correct.i dont know why its happen.
This is my project folder strutre also
properties--> (file)
now can i create jar file
this code also show error when i run the jar file
And this is my catconfig. properties file
its very urgent for me . could u pls send my error  and u r ideas.
thanks for u r Ansewering.
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class LogReader {  
    public void getValuesFromFilesOnly(String Choice,String logFileName)
          try {
               ArrayList commentsList = new ArrayList();
               ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
               String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
               String logFilePath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("logFilePath");
               String commentDir =ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString(Choice);
               String commentFilePath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("commentFilePath");
               String currentdir1 =userdir+logFilePath+logFileName;
               StringBuffer strBuff=new StringBuffer();
               RandomAccessFile randomFile = null;
               RandomAccessFile commentsFile = null;
               String tempLine = null;
               String commentLine = null;
               String catVersion = null;
               String finalReport=null;
               int colon = 0;                    
               int counter = 0;
               boolean startFlag = false;
               boolean endFlag = false;                    
               boolean endOfFileFlag = false;          
               System.out.println("Log file checked----->"+currentdir1);
               System.out.println("comments file used--->"+commentDir);
               try {
                    randomFile = new RandomAccessFile(currentdir1, "r");
               } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("exception@getValuesFromFilesOnly@begin : "+e);
               System.out.println("hi test1");
               String commentDir1=userdir+commentFilePath+commentDir;
               System.out.println("Comment Dir:"+commentDir1);
               commentsFile = new RandomAccessFile(commentDir1, "r");
               catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("exception@getValuesFromCommentDirOnly@begin : "+e);
               while ((commentLine = commentsFile.readLine()) != null) {                         
                    String checkLine = commentLine.substring(commentLine.indexOf("=")+1, commentLine.length());
                    String message = commentLine.substring(0,commentLine.indexOf("="));
               String startComment = (String)commentsList.get(0);
               String endComment = (String)commentsList.get(commentsList.size()-1);
               strBuff.append("                          CAT LOG REPORT                           \n\n");
               while ((tempLine = randomFile.readLine()) != null) {               
                    if(tempLine.contains("CAT version is :"))
                         colon = tempLine.indexOf("is :");
                         catVersion = tempLine.substring(colon+4,tempLine.length());
                         String version=tempLine;
                         strBuff.append("Version : "+catVersion+"\n");
                         System.out.println("catVersion is :"+catVersion);
                    commentsFile = new RandomAccessFile(commentDir1, "r");
                    while ((commentLine = commentsFile.readLine()) != null) {
                         String checkLine = commentLine.substring(commentLine.indexOf("=")+1, commentLine.length());
                         String message = commentLine.substring(0,commentLine.indexOf("="));
                              colon = tempLine.indexOf("info -");
                              catVersion = tempLine.substring(colon+7,tempLine.length());
                              strBuff.append(message+" ==> "+catVersion+"\n");
                              System.out.println(message+" ==> "+catVersion);
                              tempList.add(message+" ==> "+catVersion);
                              if (catVersion.contains(startComment)){
                                   startFlag = true;
                              if (catVersion.contains(endComment)){
                                   endFlag = true;
                              if (startFlag == true && endFlag == true){
                                   System.out.println("-------------Successfull completion-------");
                                   startFlag = false;
                                   endFlag = false;
                                   counter = 0;
                              if (startFlag == true && endFlag == false && counter > 1){
                                   System.out.println("---------------Failure after-----:"+tempList.get(tempList.size()-1));
                                   //startFlag = false;
                                   //endFlag = false;
                                   counter = 0;
               endOfFileFlag = true;
               if (startFlag == true && endFlag == false && endOfFileFlag == true){
                    System.out.println("---------------Failure after-----:"+tempList.get(tempList.size()-1));
                    startFlag = false;
                    endFlag = false;
                    counter = 0;
               System.out.println("Report Generated");
          } catch (Exception e){
               System.out.println("Exception@getValuesFromFilesOnly : "+e);
    public void findDetails()
         String currentdir1 = ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("fileName");     
         String logFilePath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("logFilePath");
         String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
         RandomAccessFile randomFile = null;
         StringBuffer strBuff=new StringBuffer();
         StringBuffer strBuff1=new StringBuffer();
         StringBuffer strBuff2=new StringBuffer();
         String tempLine = null;     
          String catVersion = null;
          String timeStr=null;
          String nameStr=null;
          String startIP="";
          String endIP="";
          String tempStart="";
          String tempEnd="";
          String reportFileName="";
          String moduleFileName="";
          String propFileName="";
          int startPos=0;
          int endPos=0;
          int fromIndex=0;
          boolean versionFlag=false;
          boolean ndFlag=false;
          boolean ddFlag=false;
          try {
               randomFile = new RandomAccessFile(userdir+logFilePath+currentdir1, "r");
               while ((tempLine = randomFile.readLine()) != null) {
                    if(tempLine.contains("CAT version is :") && !versionFlag)
                         startPos = tempLine.indexOf("is :");
                         catVersion = tempLine.substring(startPos+4,tempLine.length());
                         String version=tempLine;
                         strBuff.append("version : "+version+"\n");
                         //System.out.println("version : "+version);
                    if(tempLine.contains("Inside NetworkDiscoverySlider.jsp"))
                         strBuff.append("ND start : "+tempLine+"\n");                         
                    if(tempLine.contains("Inside NetworkDiscoveryDetails.jsp"))
                         strBuff.append("ND end : "+tempLine+"\n");
                         //System.out.println(" ND end : "+tempLine);
                    if(tempLine.contains("Given IPRange from"))
                         startPos = tempLine.indexOf("from");
                         catVersion = tempLine.substring(startPos+5,tempLine.length());
                         strBuff.append("NDRange : "+catVersion+"\n");     
                         //strBuff.append("NDRange : "+tempLine+"\n");                                             
                         //System.out.println("NDRange :"+catVersion);     
                         endPos= tempLine.indexOf(':', fromIndex+2);
                         //System.out.println("fromIndex : "+fromIndex+" endPos : "+endPos);
                         timeStr=tempLine.substring(startPos, endPos);
                         nameStr=catVersion.replaceAll(" ", "_");                         
                         strBuff2.append("ND_"+timeStr+" "+catVersion+" = "+"NDRange_"+nameStr+".log\n");
                    if(tempLine.contains("inside ByIpAddress.jsp"))
                         strBuff.append("DD Start : "+tempLine+"\n");                                                  
                         startPos = tempLine.indexOf("start_IpAddress:");
                         catVersion = tempLine.substring(startPos+16,tempLine.length());
                         startPos = tempLine.indexOf("end_IpAddress");
                         catVersion = tempLine.substring(startPos+13,tempLine.length());
                              strBuff.append("DDSingleIP : "+startIP+"\n");
                              //strBuff.append("DDSingleIP : "+tempLine+"\n");                              
                              //System.out.println("DDSingleIP : "+startIP);
                              //startPos = tempLine.indexOf(" ");
                              endPos= tempLine.indexOf(':', fromIndex+2);
                              timeStr=tempLine.substring(startPos, endPos);     
                              strBuff2.append("DD_"+timeStr+" "+startIP+" = "+"DDSingleIP_"+startIP+".log\n");
                              strBuff.append("DDRangeIP : "+startIP + " to "+ endIP+"\n");
                              //strBuff.append("DDRangeIP : "+tempLine+"\n");                              
                              //System.out.println("DDRangeIP : "+startIP + " to "+ endIP);
                              //startPos = tempLine.indexOf(" ");
                              endPos= tempLine.indexOf(':', fromIndex+2);
                              timeStr=tempLine.substring(startPos, endPos);                         
                              strBuff2.append("DD_"+timeStr+" "+startIP+" to "+endIP+" = "+"DDRangeIP_"+startIP +"_to_"+ endIP+".log\n");
                    if(tempLine.contains("set percentage completedCount: 100"))
                         strBuff.append("DD End : "+tempLine+"\n");
                         //System.out.println("DD End : "+tempLine);          
                    strBuff1.append("Network Discovery\n");                    
                    strBuff1.append("Device Discovery\n");
          } catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("error hi1");
               System.out.println("Exception@findDetails : "+e);
    public void savereportFile(StringBuffer strBuff,String targetFileName)
               String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
               String logFilePath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("logFilePath");
               String reportFile=userdir+logFilePath+targetFileName;     
               String fileContent="";
                  //System.out.println("file content : "+fileContent);
                  FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(reportFile);
          catch(Exception e)
               System.out.println("error hi1");
               System.out.println("Exception@savereportFile : "+e);
    public ArrayList<String> getFileNames()
         String reportFile=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("reportFileName");
         String logFilePath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("logFilePath");
         String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
          RandomAccessFile repFile=null;
          String reportLine = null;
          int colon=0;
          int fromIndex=0;     
          int startPos=0;
          int endPos=0;
          String timeStr="";
          String fileName=null;          
          ArrayList<String> nameList=new ArrayList<String>();          
              repFile = new RandomAccessFile(reportFile, "r");
              while ((reportLine = repFile.readLine()) != null) {                    
                         colon=reportLine.indexOf(" : ");
                         fileName=reportLine.substring(colon+3, reportLine.length());
                         fileName="NDRange_"+fileName.replaceAll(" ", "_");
                         System.out.println("fileName : "+fileName);
                         colon=reportLine.indexOf(" : ");
                         fileName=reportLine.substring(colon+3, reportLine.length());
                         fileName="DDSingleIP_"+fileName.replaceAll(" ", "_");
                         System.out.println("fileName : "+fileName);
                         colon=reportLine.indexOf(" : ");
                         fileName=reportLine.substring(colon+3, reportLine.length());
                         fileName="DDRangeIP_"+fileName.replaceAll(" ", "_");
                         System.out.println("fileName : "+fileName);
         catch(Exception e)
               System.out.println("Error@getFileNames : "+e);
         return nameList;
    public void writeFile(String oldLogName,String newLogName)
               FileOutputStream writeFile=null;               
               String line = null;
               String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
               String reportFile=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("reportFileName");     
               String newLogPath=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("logFilePath");
               RandomAccessFile repFile=null;               
               String reportLine = null;
               String tempLine=null;
               String prevLine=null;
               String nextLine=null;
               String target=null;
               String tempStr=null;
               String startStr=null;
               String endStr=null;          
               int pos=0;
               boolean flag=false;
               boolean writeFlag=false;
               boolean versionFlag=false;               
               //System.out.println("newLogName : "+newLogName);     
               System.out.println("newLogPath : "+newLogPath);     
               BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(oldLogName));
               writeFile = new FileOutputStream(newLogPath+newLogName+".log", false);//true-for append mode
               DataOutputStream dout=new DataOutputStream(writeFile);               
               tempStr=newLogName.replace("_", " ");
               pos=tempStr.indexOf(" ");
               endStr=tempStr.substring(pos+1, tempStr.length());
               target=startStr+" : "+endStr;
               System.out.println("target ===> "+target);               
               repFile = new RandomAccessFile(reportFile, "r");
              while ((reportLine = repFile.readLine()) != null) {                   
                        //System.out.println("prevLine *****: "+prevLine);
                             //System.out.println("nextLine *******:"+nextLine);
             if(prevLine!=null && prevLine.length()>0)
                   pos=prevLine.lastIndexOf(" : ");
                   prevLine=prevLine.substring(pos+3, prevLine.length());
                   //System.out.println("prevLine : "+prevLine);
                   System.out.println("Starting line not available for : "+target);
              if(nextLine!=null && nextLine.length()>0)
                    pos=nextLine.lastIndexOf(" : ");
                    nextLine=nextLine.substring(pos+3, nextLine.length());
                    //System.out.println("nextLine : "+nextLine);
                   System.out.println("Ending line not available for : "+target);
               while ((line=buffRead.readLine()) != null) {     
                    if(line.contains("CAT version is :") && !versionFlag)
          catch(Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception@writeFile : "+e.getMessage());
    public String folderCheck(String foldName)
          File folder=null;
          File newFile=null;
          String[] folderContent=null;
          String tempFileName="";
          String newLogName="";
          int count=0;     
          String logFilePath="";     
          String fileName="";
          String feedBackMsg="";          
          String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
          folder=new File(foldName);
               //System.out.println("newLogName : "+newLogName);
               newFile=new File(newLogName);
               folderContent= folder.list();
               if (folderContent != null && folderContent.length>0)
                    System.out.println("folder has files : "+folderContent.length);                    
                    for(int iterate=0;iterate < folderContent.length;iterate++){                         
                         if (folderContent[iterate].toLowerCase().contains("system"))
                                   FileOutputStream appendedFile=null;
                                   BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tempFileName));
                                   appendedFile = new FileOutputStream(newLogName, true);//true-for append mode
                                    DataOutputStream dout=new DataOutputStream(appendedFile);
                                    String line = null;
                                   System.out.println("writting : "+tempFileName);
                                   while ((line=buffRead.readLine()) != null) {                                        
                              catch(Exception e)
                                   System.out.println("Exception@folderCheck : "+e);
                         //System.out.println("System Log(s) not available");
                         //System.out.println(count +" System log(s) avail");
                    //System.out.println("Files are not in the folder");
               //System.out.println("Directory not exists in the given name");
          return feedBackMsg;
    public ArrayList<String> loadFileContent(String selectedStr)
         //System.out.println("inside loadFileContent()");
         String logFilePath="";
         String propFileName="";
         String line="";
         String choice="";
         String tempStr="";
         int startPos=0;
         int endPos=0;
         ArrayList<String> timeList=new ArrayList<String>();
         String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
              BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(propFileName));
              if(selectedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Device Discovery"))
              else if(selectedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Network Discovery"))
              while ((line=buffRead.readLine()) != null) {                                        
                         endPos=line.indexOf(" =");
                         tempStr=line.substring(startPos+1, endPos);
                         System.out.println("tempStr : "+tempStr);
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Exception@loadFileContent : "+e);
         return timeList;
    public String getFileName(String timeStr)
         System.out.println("inside getFileName");
         String logFilePath="";
         String propFileName="";
         String line="";
         String tempStr="";
         int startPos=0;
         String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
              BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(propFileName));              
              while ((line=buffRead.readLine()) != null) {                                        
                         startPos=line.indexOf(" = ");                         
                         tempStr=line.substring(startPos+3, line.length());
                         System.out.println("tempStr : "+tempStr);                         
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Exception@loadFileContent : "+e);
         return tempStr;
    public ArrayList loadFile()
         String logFilePath="";
         String moduleFileName="";
         String line="";         
         ArrayList<String> moduleList=new ArrayList<String>();
         String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
              BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(moduleFileName));              
              while ((line=buffRead.readLine()) != null) {     
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Exception@loadFile : "+e);
         return moduleList;
public static void main(String[] args) {          
     System.out.println("Inside main");     
     //String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
     //System.out.println("userdir : "+userdir);
     /*ArrayList<String> fileNameList=new ArrayList<String>();
     String Choice="";     
     String logFileName="";     
     String logFilePath="";     
     String totalLog="";     
     String newLog="";     
     String folderName="";
     totalLog=ResourceBundle.getBundle("catconfig").getString("fileName");     */
          //to write the total log
          //to find the details in the given log
          //to split the logs accordingly
          System.out.println("FileNameList size = "+fileNameList.size());
          for(int i=0;i<fileNameList.size();i++)
          //to analyse the logs & to produce reports          
     }catch (Exception e)

JSP is used for server validation.
So you need a an application server (like Tomcat or Jboss) to execute your jsp files.
you can create the .war file of your simple jsp application and put it in the server.
then you will have to access your page using a web browser.
the URL will be
http://<ComputerName or IP Address>:<PortNumber>/<WarFileName>/<MainJspPage>

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    where the server's hostname is 'Server"
    and you have shared a directory called "C"

  • How can I make .jar files for applications?

    My jar program creates jar files but won't open the program when I double click them. I use the command:
    jar cvf *.jar filenames
    The jar file is created but won't execute. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?

    Hello !
    Well, I had the same problem a week or two ago !
    First, in your *.java, don't use any package...I mean, don't do a package of your program (I guess there is a way to make it work with, but it would need a little bit more work...).
    Then, with the jar tools, use the command
    -jar cf jar_that_you_want_to_create.jar class-that_you_include_in_your_jar.class
    With that, a jar will be created, and when you will try to "run" it, it will say that it can not find the main class...
    You need a Manifest !
    Create a text file MyManifest.text, and write that in your text file :
    Main-Class: classname
    follow the same as i wrote above. leave a blank after colon and a blank line after the first line like above.
    then, well, use tha jar tool again:
    -jar umf MyManifest.txt jar-file-you-created.jar
    To "run" it, double click on it, or use the java tool:
    java -jar jar_you_created.jar
    Thanks to Phani, who helped me with that !!

  • Can't create a file using fm 'File_Get_Name'

    hi gurus,
    Can you please help me with this issue. There's a program that have to create a file using the said fm. It was working before when it was set in OS NT. But when the settings and codes have been changed to UNIX, the program was able to generate the program. But the file doesn't exist. It seems it  doesn't create a file in that server.
    What else do I need to check?
    Points will be rewarded. Thanks
    Here's the code for your reference:
    *         CLIENT                  = SY-MANDT
                logical_filename        = 'Z_SYSBRIDGE' 
             OPERATING_SYSTEM        = SY-OPSYS
    *         PARAMETER_1             = ' '
    *         PARAMETER_2             = ' '
    *         USE_PRESENTATION_SERVER = ' '
    *         WITH_FILE_EXTENSION     = ' '
    *         USE_BUFFER              = ' '
    *         emergency_flag          =
    *         file_format             =
                file_name               = ltfile-out_path
                file_not_found          = 1
                OTHERS                  = 2.

    Hi Maui,
    Did you check SM69, where the code that ties to this FM creates a file after it execute your FM...
    SM69 are os commands that does UNIX execution or other OS commands...
    or maybe you have missed another FM like FM 'SXPG_OS_COMMAND' or of some sort.
    William Wilstroth

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