How can I write a checkbox.label into a server text file?

Hello, world...
I have a problem...
I need to write into a server text file the label of the selected checkbox..
The client side script is:
private function writeFile (e:MouseEvent):void
             if (cb1.selected == true && writeBtn.label == "Conferma")
        ("WriteNow",null,"La lettera iniziale è:"+cb1.label+"\n");
                 writeBtn.label = "Fatto";
             else if (cb2.selected == true && writeBtn.label == "Conferma")
         ("WriteNow",null,"La lettera iniziale è:"+cb2.label+"\n");
                 writeBtn.label = "Fatto";
             else if (cb3.selected == true && writeBtn.label == "Conferma")
          ("WriteNow",null,"La lettera iniziale è:"+cb3.label+"\n");
                  writeBtn.label = "Fatto";
...and the server side script is:
var anVis = new File("Analisi_Visiva.txt");
fileWriter.WriteNow = function(cliMsg)"text", "append");
        if (anVis.isOpen)
             anVis.write(cliMsg);    //line 17.
             anVis.close( );
I have this error in the Live Log of the FMS3 Administration Console:
Sending error message: C:\Programmi\Adobe\Flash Media Server 3\applications\AnalisiVisiva\AnalisiVisiva.asc:line 17:File operation write failed.
Why doesn't It work?
Please, help me...

In order to download your internal table just call the following fm:
  BIN_FILESIZE                  = ' '
     filename                      = dest
     filetype                      = 'ASC'
     mode                          = 'O'
     filelength                    = filesi "Bytes read
      data_tab                      = p_ti_temp "your IT
     file_write_error              = 1
     invalid_filesize              = 2
     invalid_type                  = 3
     no_batch                      = 4
     unknown_error                 = 5
     gui_refuse_filetransfer       = 6
     no_authority                  = 7
     OTHERS                        = 8
Hope this helps

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    List<Empleado> listaEmple = q.getResultList();
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    emp.setAddress(emple1 .getDir());
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    Hello, I'm developing an app in JPA, still learning this, I'm displaying some checkboxes which I save into a List, then I separate the selections and put them into an Array, which I convert into String and that's what I store into MySQL table, this is what I have on the index.xhtml file:
    <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{employee.selectedItems}">
    <f:selectItems var="checkList" value="#{employee.checkboxList()}" itemValue="#{checkList.idTechnology}" itemLabel="#{}"></f:selectItems>
    The method checkboxList is in charge of generating the checkboxes and assign a value and name, and the method "selectedItems" is the List<String> that stores the selected checkboxes values, so what I save into the table is something like this: "1,4,6,7" but I don't know how to retrieve the selections and check the checxkboxes according the what the user have on the table:
    This is the method that I use to select all the records from the selected user, this fills all the textfields so I can edit the user, but not the checkboxes, and that's what I need to do:
    public void seleccionarEmpleado(int id_empleado){
    Query q = em.createNamedQuery("Employee.findByIdEmployee");
    q.setParameter("IdEmployee", IdEmployee);
    List<Empleado> listaEmple = q.getResultList();
    for(IdEmployee emple1 : listaEmple){
    emp.setIdEmployee(emple1 .getIdEmployeeo());
    emp.setName(emple1 .getName());
    emp.setLname(emple1 .getLname());
    emp.setTel(emple1 .getTel());
    emp.setAddress(emple1 .getDir());
    emp.setTech(emple1 .getTecha());
    Variable Tech is the one who gets the numbers like "2,3,4" etc, but how can I make the checkboxes to be checked according to these numbers? my english is not so good, thanks in advanced, have a nice day!

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    take this as an idea. it actually does what i decribed above. you sure need to make some modifications so it works for your special need. If you use it and add any valuable code to it or find any bugs, please let me know.
    import java.util.*;
    * Copyright (c) 2002 Frank Fischer <[email protected]>
    * All rights reserved. See the LICENSE for usage conditions
    * version 1.0, 2002-09-12
    * author Frank Fischer <[email protected]>
    public class ObjectProperties
         // the seperator between the param-name and the value in the prooperties file
         private static final String separator = "=";
         // the vector where we put the arrays in
         private Vector PropertiesSet;
         // the array where we put the param/value pairs in
         private String propvaluepair[][];
         // the name of the object the properties file is for
         public String ObjectPropertiesFileName;
         // the path to the object'a properties file
         public String ObjectPropertiesDir;
         // reference to the properties file
         public File PropertiesFile;
         // sign for linebreak - depends on platforms
         public static final String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
         public ObjectProperties(String ObjectPropertiesFileName, String ObjectPropertiesDir, ObjectPropertiesManager ObjectPropertiesManager)
         //     System.out.println("Properties Objekt wird erzeugt: "+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
              this.ObjectPropertiesFileName = ObjectPropertiesFileName;
              this.ObjectPropertiesDir = ObjectPropertiesDir;
              // reference to the properties file
              PropertiesFile = new File(ObjectPropertiesDir+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
              // vector to put the param/value pair-array in
              PropertiesSet = new Vector();
         //     System.out.println("Properties File Backup wird erzeugt: "+name);
         //     System.out.println("Properties File wird eingelesen: "+PropertiesFile);
                   //opening stream to file for read operations
                   FileInputStream FileInput = new FileInputStream(PropertiesFile);
                   DataInputStream DataInput = new DataInputStream(FileInput);
                   String line = "";
                   //reading line after line of the properties file
                   while ((line = DataInput.readLine()) != null)
                        //just making sure there are no whitespaces at the beginng or end of the line
                        line = cutSpaces(line);
                        if (line.length() > 0)
                             //$ indicates a param-name
                             if (line.startsWith("$"))
                                  // array to store a param/value pair in
                                  propvaluepair = new String[1][2];
                                  //get the param-name
                                  String parameter = line.substring(1, line.indexOf(separator)-1);
                                  //just making sure there are no whitespaces at the beginng or end of the variable
                                  parameter = cutSpaces(parameter);
                                  //get the value
                                  String value = line.substring(line.indexOf(separator)+1, line.length());
                                  //just making sure there are no whitespaces at the beginng or end of the variable
                                  value = cutSpaces(value);
                                  //put the param-name and the value into an array
                                  propvaluepair[0][0] = parameter;
                                  propvaluepair[0][1] = value;
                             //     System.out.println("["+ObjectPropertiesFileName+"] key/value gefunden:"+parameter+";"+value);
                                  //and finaly put the array into the vector
              // error handlig
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("ERROR occured while reading property file for: "+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
                   System.out.println("ERROR CODE: "+e);
                   // System.out.println("in ObjectProperties");
         // function to be called to get the value of a specific paramater 'param'
         // if the specific paramater is not found '-1' is returned to indicate that case
         public String getParam(String param)
              // the return value indicating that the param we are searching for is not found
              String v = "-1";
              // looking up the whole Vector
              for (int i=0; i<PropertiesSet.size(); i++)
                   //the String i want to read the values in again
                   String s[][] = new String[1][2];
                   // trying to get out the array from the vector again
                   s = (String[][]) PropertiesSet.elementAt(i);
                   // comparing the param-name we're looking for with the param-name in the array we took out the vector at position i
                   if (s[0][0].equals(param) == true)
                        //if the param-names are the same, we look up the value and write it in the return variable
                        v = s[0][1];
                        // making sure the for loop ends
                        i = PropertiesSet.size();
              // giving the value back to the calling procedure
              return v;
         // function to be called to set the value of a specific paramater 'param'
         public void setParam(String param, String value)
              // looking up the whole Vector for the specific param if existing or not
              for (int i=0; i<PropertiesSet.size(); i++)
                   //the String i want to read the values in again
                   String s[][] = (String[][]) PropertiesSet.elementAt(i);
                   // comparing the param-name we're looking for with the param-name in the array we took out the vector at position i
                   if (s[0][0].equals(param) == true)
                        //if the param-names are the same, we remove the param/value pair so we can add the new pair later in
                        // making sure the for loop ends
                        i = PropertiesSet.size();
              // if we land here, there is no such param in the Vector, either there was none form the beginng
              // or there was one but we took it out.
              // create a string array to place the param/value pair in
              String n[][] = new String[1][2];
              // add the param/value par
              n[0][0] = param;
              n[0][1] = value;
              // add the string array to the vector
         // function to save all data in the Vector to the properties file
         // must be done because properties might be changing while runtime
         // and changes are just hold in memory while runntime
         public void store()
              String outtofile = "# file created/modified on "+createDate("-")+" "+createTime("-")+newline+newline;
                   //opening stream to file for write operations
                   FileOutputStream PropertiesFileOuput = new FileOutputStream(PropertiesFile);
                   DataOutputStream PropertiesDataOutput = new DataOutputStream(PropertiesFileOuput);
                   // looping over all param/value pairs in the vector
                   for (int i=0; i<PropertiesSet.size(); i++)
                        //the String i want to read the values in
                        String s[][] = new String[1][2];
                        // trying to get out the array from the vector again
                        s = (String[][]) PropertiesSet.elementAt(i);
                        String param = "$"+s[0][0];
                        String value = s[0][1];
                        outtofile += param+" = "+value+newline;
                   outtofile += newline+"#end of file"+newline;
                   catch (IOException e)
                        System.out.println("ERROR while writing to Properties File: "+e);
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("ERROR occured while writing to the property file for: "+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
                   System.out.println("ERROR CODE: "+e);
         // sometimes before overwritting old value it's a good idea to backup old values
         public void backup()
                   // reference to the original properties file
                   File OriginalFile = new File(ObjectPropertiesDir+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
                   File BackupFile = new File(ObjectPropertiesDir+"/backup/"+ObjectPropertiesFileName+".backup");
                   //opening stream to original file for read operations
                   FileInputStream OriginalFileInput = new FileInputStream(OriginalFile);
                   DataInputStream OriginalFileDataInput = new DataInputStream(OriginalFileInput);
                   //opening stream to backup file for write operations
                   FileOutputStream BackupFileOutput = new FileOutputStream(BackupFile);
                   DataOutputStream BackupFileDataOutput = new DataOutputStream(BackupFileOutput);
              //     String content = "";
                   String line = "";
                   // do till end of file
                   while ((line = OriginalFileDataInput.readLine()) != null)
              // error handlig
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("ERROR occured while back up for property file: "+ObjectPropertiesFileName);
                   System.out.println("ERROR CODE: "+e);
                   System.out.println("this is a serious error - the server must be stopped");
         private String cutSpaces(String s)
              while (s.startsWith(" "))
                   s = s.substring(1, s.length());
              while (s.endsWith(" "))
                   s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1);
              return s;
         public String createDate(String seperator)
              Date datum = new Date();
              String currentdatum = new String();
              int year, month, date;
              year = datum.getYear()+1900;
              month = datum.getMonth()+1;
              date = datum.getDate();
              currentdatum = ""+year+seperator;
              if (month < 10)
                   currentdatum = currentdatum+"0"+month+seperator;
                   currentdatum = currentdatum+month+seperator;
              if (date < 10)
                   currentdatum = currentdatum+"0"+date;
                   currentdatum = currentdatum+date;
              return currentdatum;
         public String createTime(String seperator)
              Date time = new Date();
              String currenttime = new String();
              int hours, minutes, seconds;
              hours = time.getHours();
              minutes = time.getMinutes();
              seconds = time.getSeconds();
              if (hours < 10)
                   currenttime = currenttime+"0"+hours+seperator;
                   currenttime = currenttime+hours+seperator;
              if (minutes < 10)
                   currenttime = currenttime+"0"+minutes+seperator;
                   currenttime = currenttime+minutes+seperator;
              if (seconds < 10)
                   currenttime = currenttime+"0"+seconds;
                   currenttime = currenttime+seconds;
              return currenttime;

  • How can i  change the column label text in a alv table display

    how can i change the column label text in a alv table display??
    A similar kinda of question was posted previuosly where the requirement was the label text was needed and following below code was given as solution :
    <i>*  declare column, settings, header object
    DATA: lr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column.
    DATA: lr_column_settings TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings.
    DATA: lr_column_header type ref to CL_SALV_WD_COLUMN_HEADER.
    get column by specifying column name.
    lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( 'COLUMN_NAME1' ).
    set Header Text as null
    lr_column_header = lr_column->get_header( ).
    lr_column_header->set_text( ' ' ).</i>
    My specific requirement is i have an input field on the screen and i want reflect that value as the column label for one of the column in the alv table. I have used he above code with slight modification in the MODIFYVIEW method of the view since it is a process after input. The component gets activated without any errors but while run time i get an error stating
    <i>"The following error text was processed in the system CDV : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible."</i>
    i have checked in debugging and the error occured at the statement :
    <i>lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( 'CURRENT_YEAR' ).</i>Please can you provide me an alternative for my requirement or correct me if i have done it wrong.

    I found it myself how to do it. The error says that it is not able to find the reference object i.e  it is asking us to refer to the table. The following piece of code will solve this problem. Have to implement this in WDDOMODIFYVIEW method of the view. This thing works comrades enjoy...
      DATA : lr_cmp_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage,
             lr_if_controller  TYPE REF TO iwci_salv_wd_table,
             lr_cmdl   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_config_table,
             lr_col    TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column.
      DATA : node_year  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
             elem_year  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
             stru_year  TYPE if_alv_layout=>element_importing,
             item_year  LIKE stru_year-i_current_year,
             lf_string    TYPE char(x),
      DATA: lr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column.
      DATA: lr_column_header TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column_header.
      DATA: lr_column_settings TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings.
    Get the entered value from the input field of the screen
    node_year  = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'IMPORTING_NODE' ).
    elem_year  = node_year->get_element( ).
        name = 'IMPORT_NODE-PARAMETER'
        value = L_IMPORT_PARAM ).
      WRITE L_IMPORT_PARAM TO lf_string.
    Get the reference of the table
      lr_cmp_usage  =  wd_this->wd_cpuse_alv( ).
      IF lr_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
        lr_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
      lr_if_controller  = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv( ).
      lr_column_settings = lr_if_controller->get_model( ).
    get column by specifying column name.
      IF lr_column_settings IS BOUND.
        lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( 'COLUMN_NAME').
    set Header Text as null
        lr_column_header = lr_column->get_header( ).
        lr_column_header->set_text( lf_string ).

  • How can I convert my Tiger DVD into a CD without spending more money?

    How can I convert my Tiger DVD into a CD without spending more money and time? I've spent over seven hours trying to upgrade an iMac 350 Hz OS 9.1 to Tiger. I have changed the iMac firmware to 4.1.9, but found that my Panther disc was only an OSX Upgrade, although the 3 cds are labeled as Installation Discs. Since I have a Tiger disc I thought I would use that. Unfortunately, my iMac only reads CDs, not DVDs. I tried networking the iMac to my G5, but upon shutdown, the OSX disc cannot be accessed. I copied the DVD files to my iMac hard drive, but again, the OSX disc cannot be accessed after shutdown.
    Is there a way I can burn a CD from the files of my Tiger DVD to get this task accomplished?

    Excuse me, but I never thought of that, nor did I have any intention of trying to rip off your company.
    I purchased four iPods for my family this Christmas. I have six iMacs just sitting around not being used. I thought that I would turn one into an iPod work station, so everyone can use one computer to recharge and hook up to iTunes 7.
    Unfortunately, iTunes does not work very well in OS9. Apple decided not to continue to support OS9 very well. I’ve spent several hours attempting to upgrade the iMac so I could set up iTunes 7. Unfortunately, my 3 Panther Installation Discs were mislabeled, and did not allow me to install OSX over OS9. My OSX 10.2.7 Installation Disc is a DVD, and my Tiger Installation disc is a DVD. Neither usable to update the iMac.
    All I want to do is set up a dumb iMac as a network interface to my G5 because I've use all of the G5's ports for our recording studio and the iPods need external power source if they are plugged directly into the G5.
    If you could show me an easier way to run iTunes 7 on the iMac I wouldn't be as ****** off as I am at Apple for not supporting the 9 older computers I own with usable help and upgrades.

  • How can i write the below code using "For all entries"

    How can we write the below code using "for all entries" and need to avoid joins...
    Please help
    SELECT aaufnr aobjnr aauart atxjcd a~pspel
    agstrp awerks carbpl cwerks
    INTO TABLE t_caufv
    FROM caufv AS a
    INNER JOIN afih AS b
    ON aaufnr = baufnr
    INNER JOIN crhd AS c
    ON bgewrk = cobjid
    AND c~objty = 'D'
    WHERE ( a~pspel = space
    OR a~txjcd = space
    OR NOT a~objnr IN
    ( select OBJNR from COBRB AS e
    WHERE objnr = a~objnr ) )
    AND a~werks IN s_plant
    AND a~auart IN s_wtype
    AND NOT a~objnr IN
    ( select OBJNR from JEST AS d
    WHERE objnr = a~objnr
    AND ( dstat = 'A0081'OR dstat = 'A0018' )
    AND d~inact 'X' ).
    Reward points for all helpfull answers

    SELECT objnr objid aufnr
            from afih
            into table t_afih.
    SELECT objnr
            from JEST
            into table t_JEST
            where stat = 'A0045'
               OR stat = 'A0046'
               AND inact 'X'.
    SELECT objnr
            from COBRB
            into table t_cobrb.
    SELECT arbpl werks objid objty
          from crhd
          INTO table it_crhd
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_afih
          WHERE objty eq 'D'
          AND gewrk = it_afih-objid.
    SELECT aufnr objnr auart txjcd pspel gstrp werks aufnr
            FROM caufv
            INTO table t_caufv
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_afih
            WHERE aufnr = it_afih-aufnr
              And pspel = ' '
              AND txjcd = ' '
             ANd objnr ne it_crhd-objnr
              AND auart in s_wtype
              AND werks in s_plant.
             AND objnr ne it_jest-objnr.
    dont use NE in the select statements, it may effect performance also. Instead use if statements inside
    loop at t_caufv.
    read table it_chrd............
      if t_caufv-objnr ne it_chrd-objnr.
      read table it_jest..........
       if   if t_caufv-objnr ne it_jest-objnr.
        (proceed further).
    hope this helps.
    Reward if useful.

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    1.JPG ‏27 KB

    Hey Atrina,
    The actual data stored on disk is just the raw data (that is, a byte per sample in your case).  It's really just a matter of how that data is being represented in LabVIEW whenever you read back the TDMS file.
    I'm not sure if there is a better way to do this, but here is a way to accomplish what you're wanting:
    Read back the TDMS file as a digital waveform.  Then there's a conversion function in LabVIEW called DWDT Digital to Binary.  This function will convert that set of digital channels into the "port format" that you're wanting.  I've attached an example of what I mean.
    Note: When looking at this VI, there are a few things that the downgrade process did to the VI that I would not recommend for these TDMS files.  It added a 1.0 constant on the TDMS Open function, and it set "disable buffering" on the TDMS Open function to false; you can get rid of both of those constants.
    Message Edited by AndrewMc on 01-27-2010 11:21 AM
    Andy McRorie
    NI R&D
    Attachments: ‏13 KB

  • In Mail 7.3 on my Retina MacBook Pro on OS 10.9.4, how can I type from the keyboard into a mail message using the Apple Symbols font?

    In Mail 7.3 on my Retina MacBook Pro on OS 10.9.4, how can I type from the keyboard into a mail message using the Apple Symbols font?
    When I select the Apple Symbols font from the list accessed from under Format/"Show fonts"/collection-all fonts/Apple Symbol, and then continue typing, I get normal letters, if in a slightly different font.
    How can I type using the Apple Symbol font?  I want to use that font to include keyboard and cursor selections of actual screen symbols to help write easily understood explicit computer lesson emails to my 92 year-old mom from a few hundred miles away.

    In Mail 7.3 on my Retina MacBook Pro on OS 10.9.4, how can I type from the keyboard into a mail message using the Apple Symbols font?
    When I select the Apple Symbols font from the list accessed from under Format/"Show fonts"/collection-all fonts/Apple Symbol, and then continue typing, I get normal letters, if in a slightly different font.
    How can I type using the Apple Symbol font?  I want to use that font to include keyboard and cursor selections of actual screen symbols to help write easily understood explicit computer lesson emails to my 92 year-old mom from a few hundred miles away.

  • How can i write the trigger for Global Temporary Table

    Hi Grus,
    How can i write the trigger for Global Temporary Table.
    I was created the GTT with trigger using the below script .
    trigger was create successfully, but the wouldn't insert into to EMPNAME Table..
    Please guide whether am correct or not? if not kindly give a correct syntax with example
    Thanks in Advance,
    Arun M M

    you are referencing old value in insert stmt.
    END;then run ur application it works fine...
    create table EMPNAME as select * from GLOBAL_TEMP where 1=2
    insert into GLOBAL_TEMP values('fgfdgd');
    select * from GLOBAL_TEMP;
    select * from EMPNAME;
    1 rows inserted
    commit succeeded.
    1 rows selected
    1 rows selectedgot it Arun
    Edited by: OraclePLSQL on Dec 28, 2010 6:07 PM

  • How can I write bits through the COM1 serial port?

    I'm trying to write bits through the serial port COM1.
    Labview "Write VI" only writes everything in string. It seems. How can I write bit by bit through COM1?
    Thank you,

    Serial transmission (COM port) protocol requires sending a group of bits at one time. You cannot just send one bit. Standard COM port settings must be either 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, etc... You have to group your bits 7 or 8 at a time. You could probably send a 0 byte or a 1 byte. This would be like sending 0000 0000 for a low bit and 0000 0001 for a high bit. Your receiving end would have to know how to interpret what you are sending if you choose this method. Of course you have to convert your byte into a string before sending to COM port. Wire a U8 data type to a Build Array input. Then wire the array output to a Byte Array to String input. The output of this function will be the character representation of your byte suitable for sending acr
    oss a serial port.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global

  • How can I write mathematical formulas?

    How can I write mathematical formulas?
    I tried tu use the formula editor of ms word with paste and copy but it didnt work, because the formula
    was not in line with the text.

    I was able to use Word's equation editor; just type in the formula and copy it into the Pages document.
    I've heard you can do the same thing with the equation bar in Grapher utility, but I haven't tried that.
    Other options involve LaTeX, which is a typesetting program. I've looked at that but haven't really explored it.

Maybe you are looking for