How combine a jpeg image & animated gif image & save  it as GIF ?

i have an jpeg image, & also aminated gif image, how do i place the animated gif image over (in the center of the image) a jpeg image & save it as gif file ??

First thing you need to do is stop thinking in terms of file formats once the files are in photoshop they are all the same. The exception being vector vs raster. But in this instance the process is rteally the same so 6 on one hand a half a dozen on the other. Or as some would say Tomatoe, tomahtoe(mispelled on purpose).
The jpeg I would assume is the background image and the gif image is the fore ground object. Open the jpeg, and then place the gif file. As long as the fore ground object has transparency, your job is pretty much done. If not, then it will be up to you to mask what you want to keep vs what you don't and apply that selection to the foregrounds layer as a mask.
Google the net or skim the users manual for the keywords - mask, selections, quickmask, pen tool, paths. Each of these can in one way or another take care of your issue.
It would be worth your time to also go through the numerous videos about photoshop and see how its done.
Either go to adobe tv,
Itunes podcasts
or one of the following web sites:

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    Kind regards,
    Kartik Pullela

    1. Instal this package: Use the code below:
    <Window x:Class="WpfAnimatedGif.Demo.MainWindow"xmlns=""xmlns:x=""xmlns:gif=""Title="MainWindow"Height="350"Width="525"><Grid><Image gif:ImageBehavior.AnimatedSource="Images/animated.gif"/></Grid>I found this on:, and this is the useful solution because <MediaElement /> doesn't show the .gif image, and that's pretty strange.

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    In the code below is a self contained JComponent that paints a series of BufferedImages as an animation. You can pause the animation, and you specify the delay. It also has two static methods for loading all the frames from a File or a URL.
    Feel free to add functionality to it, like the ability to display text or manipulate the animation. You may wan't the class to extend JLabel instead of JComponent. Just explore around with the painting. If you have any questions, then feel free to post.
    The downside to working with an array of BufferedImages, though, is that they consume more memory then a single Toolkit gif image.
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
    public class JAnimationLabel extends JComponent {
        /**The default animation delay.  100 milliseconds*/
        public static final int DEFAULT_DELAY = 100;
        private BufferedImage[] images;
        private int currentIndex;
        private int delay;
        private boolean paused;
        private boolean exited;
        private final Object lock = new Object();
        //the maximum image width and height in the image array
        private int maxWidth;
        private int maxHeight;
        public JAnimationLabel(BufferedImage[] animation) {
            if(animation == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("null animation!");
            for(BufferedImage frame : animation)
                if(frame == null)
                    throw new NullPointerException("null frame in animation!");
            images = animation;
            delay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
            paused = false;
            for(BufferedImage frame : animation) {
                maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,frame.getWidth());
                maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight,frame.getHeight());
            setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(maxWidth,maxHeight));
        //This method is called when a component is connected to a native
        //resource.  It is an indication that we can now start painting.
        public void addNotify() {
            //Make anonymous thread run animation loop.  Alternative
            //would be to make the AnimationLabel class extend Runnable,
            //but this would allow innapropriate use.
            exited = false;
            Thread runner = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
        public void removeNotify() {
            exited = true;
        /**Returns the animation delay in milliseconds.*/
        public int getDelay() {return delay;}
        /**Sets the animation delay between two
         * consecutive frames in milliseconds.*/
        public void setDelay(int delay) {this.delay = delay;}
        /**Returns whether the animation is currently paused.*/
        public boolean isPaused() {
            return exited?true:paused;}
        /**Makes the animation paused or resumes the painting.*/
        public void setPaused(boolean paused) {
            synchronized(lock) {
                this.paused = paused;
        private void runAnimation() {
            while(!exited) {
                if(delay > 0) {
                    catch(InterruptedException e) {
                        System.err.println("Animation Sleep interupted");
                synchronized(lock) {
                    while(paused) {
                        catch(InterruptedException e) {}
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            if(g == null) return;
            java.awt.Rectangle bounds = g.getClipBounds();
            //center image on label
            int x = (getWidth()-maxWidth)/2;
            int y = (getHeight()-maxHeight)/2;
            g.drawImage(images[currentIndex], x, y,this);
            if(bounds.x == 0 && bounds.y == 0 &&
               bounds.width == getWidth() && bounds.height == getHeight()) {
                 //increment frame for the next time around if the bounds on
                 //the graphics object represents a full repaint
                 currentIndex = (currentIndex+1)%images.length;
            }else {
                //if partial repaint then we do not need to
                //increment to the the next frame

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    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    //code to draw image
    }now i have written another class with main method
    public class MyGame extends SimpleGame
    public MyGame()
            JFrame frame=new JFrame();
            frame.setSize(800, 600);
    }so image gets displayed but only one frame of animated image......image that is displayed is static.....since it is a animated gif,,,,,so some how animation is not rendered......only one frame is displayed......
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    Image img=new ImageIcon("y.gif");
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    }main class//
    class MyGame extends SimpleGame
    public MyGame()
            JFrame frame=new JFrame();
            frame.setSize(800, 600);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    new MyGame();
    }my image gets displayed.......but only single frame of a animated image....animation is not happening..........

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    I think this code should display an animated GIF image on a JPanel.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Animation {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel();
    JLabel headerLabel = new JLabel();
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("JFrame Animation");
    JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();
    //Add a window listner for close button
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    // add the header label
    headerLabel.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 16));
    headerLabel.setText("Animated Image!");
    jPanel.add(headerLabel, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    //frame.getContentPane().add(headerLabel, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    // add the image label
    ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon("d:/dog.gif");
    jPanel.add(imageLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.getContentPane().add(jPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);

  • Loss transparency in an animated GIF image when resizing

    Hi Friends,
    I have to write a program to resize GIF, JPEG , and PNG images. I wrote and it works but when i resize a GIF file it loses its transparency and give a black color for transparent area.
    I used a GifDecoder found at
    and a gif encoder found at
    i don't know where the problem is .
    i have some small problems in here.
    How can i preserve the transparency of GIF image?
    How can i set a transparent color in Graphic2D object? smtimes it may help me. or error may be in the encoder.
    Help me guys.
    Thanks and regards,

    Java comes with gif encoder/decoders.
    Gifs are indexed images. This means that, for example, each pixel is an 8 bit value that is used to look up the correct 24 bit value in the index table. Gifs handle transparency by allowing one particular pixel value to be nominated as transparent.
    If you just rescale the image then you will likely cause pixels with the magic "transparent" value to change their value and become normal pixels. Alternately pixels that are not transparent may have their values changed such that they are transparent.
    Possibly the easyist solution to to force the image into a full RGBA image. Scale this then perform post processing on the image. I.e convert it back into an indexed image, looking at the values of the alpha channel (prior to making it indexed and if they are high enough then modify the corresponding pixel in the indexed image to have the magic transparent value. Then use Metadata passed to your Image writer to indicate which value is transparent.

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    in proprieties menu of a gif image, I checked the export for
    sharing execution box, and add an URL for to see when
    i'll click on the image if it work! (That image is appearing only
    at the end of the flash animation). And everything stops when it's
    time for the image to appear. (after pushing F12). So no clickable
    zone... I hope u understand!!!
    But otherwize, how can I make an image to open a web page
    when we clic on?
    Thx in advance,

    I found the answer on the forum and it's on(press){ getURL("","_self")

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    Hello Bill,
    you could have a look at >>> ... till save the animation
    and at the end: Adobe also recommends >>> at
    If the German language is no problem for you, you could use

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    I presume you want to have an animated buddy icon?
    In case you have leopard installed;
    1. Select the 4 photo (burst) button in Photo Booth.
    2. Look: 1.straight into the camera and after the flash look 2.left, 3.right an up.
    3. Select the miniature in the photo booth picture bar, if you like it: click on the iChat icon.
    4. Open iChat>preferences>general>tick the box "show animated buddy icons".
    You have an animated buddy icon and you can see your buddy's animations as well, in case they have one.

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    1 image, animated dog on black jpeg with text. Can that be done? Ive been banging away at it like a monkey with a baseball bat, no luck.
    Thank you

    I went through and actually created this using an MP4 video.  I didn't have CS5 accessable, so I used CS6, but it should work the same.  I've made a few modification  Here is the process:
    Now you can save for web as a GIF.  The length of your video may be causing crashes.  GIFs should be very short in duration.

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    Okay, I know this doesn't answer your question, but don't get me wrong. A logo is meant to be the way it was designed - upright, no flipping/ swiveling animation. Why exactly do you want to let your logo turn around?
    If its to grab attention, why dont you consider animating the area on which your logo sits (header)? Or maybe add nice transitive slideshows on your main content area to add more interactivity?

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    Not sure but you may have to install this application
    Try and give your feedback..
    --------------------------------------------------​--------------------------------------------------​--------------------------------------------------​--If you find this helpful, pl. hit the White Star in Green Box...

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    i use following code
    Image logo= new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("images/image.gif"));
    logoLabel.setGraphic(new ImageView(logo));

    Hello user,
    I think gif are rendered smoothly.
    Are you sure you are not making many object of same images everytime?

Maybe you are looking for

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