How does the system decide where to put a file on the desktop?

So you've just created some sort of file, and you choose to save it to the desktop.   A second later--presto!--the file icon appears on the screen.
How does the computer decide where on the desktop to put that icon?

I'm not 100% on this, but I think the system will save files to the last destination you nominated unless you designate another destination at the point of saving. I guess you previously saved something to the Desktop.
Just tested it on my two Macs and that's how it behaves here.

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    Whitewings1 wrote:
    As the title says. I have a 256GB SSD and a 2TB HD, so my desire is to put applications on the SSD and my user files on the HD. How do I do this? Can it be done at all in Migration Assistant?
    No you cannot, it doesn't allow that level of customization.

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    Where your YouTube videos upload to depends on which account you're logged into in Premiere Elements, Moppett.
    If you're seeing these videos while logged into another account, it may just be that Google/YouTube just recognizes your name or your computer and they decided to show you all of your accounts at once. Google's software is kind of sneaky that way.

  • How to use FTP_COMMAND to put a file in the target system

    Hi All,
    I have the requirement to put an excel file from apllication server to another remote system for this i am using the function modules
    1) FTP_CONNECT to connect to the sourece as well as the destination systems  --- Here i am able to hit the both systems.
    2) for sending the data to the target system i am using FTP_COMMAND by passing the 'put' statement along with the soruce and destinations  for the command parameter.
    See the bellow code
    CONCATENATE 'put' v_fname '
    ' 'wbrs1\' folder
    into cmd separated by space.
       HANDLE                = dhdl
        command              = cmd
       COMPRESS              = 'N'
      VERIFY                =
      RFC_DESTINATION       =
      FILESIZE              =
      FILEDATE              =
      FILETIME              =
        data                  = result
       TCPIP_ERROR           = 1
       COMMAND_ERROR         = 2
       DATA_ERROR            = 3
       OTHERS                = 4
    Here v_name is the file path and name in the application server suppose say :
    and wbrs1 is the target system and 'Waynesboro DFS' is the folder name i ma passing to the command .
    Also I tried with the following statement
    CONCATENATE 'put' v_fname '
    ' dhost  folder
    into cmd separated by space.
    Here v_name is the file path and name in the application server suppose say :
    Dhost is
    And Waynesboro DFS is the folder .
    Here i am getting the error as invalid argument.
    See the bellow messages from result internal table.
    put /usr/sap/TD2/DVEBMGS01/work/TD2_20060901_1008_WAY-LY.XLS
    wbrs1\ Waynesboro DFS
    open /usr/sap/TD2/DVEBMGS01/work/TD2_20060901_1008_WAY-LY.XLS errno 22: Invalid argument
    Please let me know how i can resolve this problem and how can I put this file in the destination system.
    Thanks in advance.

    check this data is transferred from SAP to Informatica box..
    REPORT zfo_phoenix_acc_reconciliation NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING
                                                    MESSAGE-ID zz
                                                    LINE-SIZE  255
                                                    LINE-COUNT 65.
                            PROGRAM DECLARATION
    DESCRIPTION           : Phoneix Account Reconcilation Program-Feed
                            Balance sheet account balances from GL
                            3 files needed to be enhanced. The files are " Master
                  Attribute File" & "Transaction File(GL Balance)". For
                  Master Attribute File, data needs to be retrieved from
                  T001, ZDATSRC_T, SKA1, T003, T856. The corresponding
                  data from all the tables is downloaded into file
                  according to the condition specified. For Transaction
                  File, data needs to be retrieved from ZGEIST based on
                  Ledger(GG), Record Type(0), Fiscal Year, Period(016).
                  Then the current period is used to determine which TSLxx
                  & KSLxx needs to be used. Also, the conditions are
                  specified in specs which have been used accordingly.
                  The final data fetched will need to processed as files
                  which neednot be downloaded to Presentation/Application
                  server. Instead the files are been FTPed to the
                  Informatica Server using FTP. The location where the
                  files need to be located is ERC\GLOBALSAP.
    TABLES : ADR6.
    Output File - Master COA(Chart of Account)
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_coacode ,
             coa_code(20),         "COA Code
             coa_description(50),  "COA Description
             field11 TYPE x,       "Line Feed
             END OF ty_coacode.
    Output File - Master Account
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_acctcode ,
             act_code(20),         "GL Account Number
             act_desc(60),         "GL Account Description
             act_act_flag(1),      "Account marked for deletion indicator
             glact_type(1),        "GL Account type
             fi_line(20),          "Corporate Financial Statement Line
             coa_code(20),         "COA Code
             act_defcode(3),       "Account Defination Code
             field11 TYPE x,       "Line Feed
           END OF ty_acctcode.
    Output File - Master Entity
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_entitycode,
             entity_code(12),     "Entity Code
             com_desc(40),        "Company Name
             coa_code(20),        "COA Code
             field11 TYPE x,      "Line Feed
            END OF ty_entitycode.
    Output File - Master Attribute
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_attribcode,
             attrib_code(5),       "Attribute Code
             attrib_value(20),     "Attribute Value
             attrib_desc(60),      "Attribute Description
             field11 TYPE x,       "Line Feed
            END OF ty_attribcode.
    Output File - Transaction GL Balance
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_glbal,
             gl_reccode(2),        "GL Reconciliation Code
             gl_entity(12),        "GL Entity - Company Code
             gl_accnum(20),        "Gl Group Account Number
             site(4),              "Site
             currency_type(6),     "Transaction Currency Code
             year(4) TYPE n,       "Year
             month(2) TYPE n,      "Month
             as_of_date(8),        "Date Account Balance
             tran_cur_amt(21),     "Transaction Currency Amount
             usd_amount(21),       "USD Amount
             racct(20),            "GL Account Number
             zzbewar(20),          "Consolidation Transaction Type
             zzdatsrc(20),         "Data Source
             zzblart(20),          "Document Type
             rassc(20),          "Trading Partner
             field1(20),           "Attribute field1
             field2(20),           "Attribute field2
             field3(20),           "Attribute field3
             field4(20),           "Attribute field4
             field5(20),           "Attribute field5
             field11 TYPE x,       "Line Feed
           END OF ty_glbal.
    Output File - Control
    TYPES :BEGIN OF ty_globalsap,
            clnt_name(6),          "Client Name
            source_name(12),       "Source Name
            as_of_date(8),         "AS of Date
            time_stamp(6),         "Time Stamp
            time_zone(8),          "Time Zone
            num_of_files(3),       "Number of Files
            num_of_records(9),     "Number of Records
            user_ids(60),          "User ID(s)
            field11 TYPE x,        "Line Feed
           END OF ty_globalsap.
    Int'table to hold ZGEIST Data
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_zgeist_data,
              rldnr    TYPE rldnr,      "Ledger
              rrcty    TYPE rrcty,      "Record Type
              rvers    TYPE rvers,      "Version
              ryear    TYPE gjahr,      "Fiscal Year
              rbukrs   TYPE bukrs,      "Company Code
              racct    TYPE racct,      "Account Number
              robjnr   TYPE gobjnr_r,   "Object Number for objects
              cobjnr   TYPE gobjnr_c,   "Object Number for transaction
              sobjnr   TYPE gobjnr_s,   "Object Number for partner
              rtcur    TYPE rtcur,      "Currency Key
              runit    TYPE meins,      "Base Unit of Measure
              drcrk    TYPE shkzg,      "Debit/Credit Indicator
              rpmax    TYPE rpmax,      "Period
              rzzstagr TYPE stagr,      "Statistical key figure
              zzaltkt  TYPE altkt,      "Account Number in Group
              zzdatsrc TYPE zdatsrc,    "Data Source code
              zzbewar  TYPE rmvct,      "Transaction Type
              zzblart  TYPE blart,      "Document Type
              rassc    TYPE rassc,       "Trading Partner
              zzvbund  TYPE rassc,      "Trading Partner
              tslvt    TYPE tslvt9,     "Transactional Currency
              kslvt    TYPE kslvt9,     "Group Currency
            END   OF ty_zgeist_data.
    Int'table to hold ZGEIST Error Data based on conditions
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_zgeist_error_data,
              rldnr    TYPE rldnr,      "Ledger
              rrcty    TYPE rrcty,      "Record Type
              rvers    TYPE rvers,      "Version
              ryear    TYPE gjahr,      "Fiscal Year
              rbukrs   TYPE bukrs,      "Company Code
              robjnr   TYPE gobjnr_r,   "Object Number for objects
              cobjnr   TYPE gobjnr_c,   "Object Number for transaction
              sobjnr   TYPE gobjnr_s,   "Object Number for partner
              rtcur    TYPE rtcur,      "Currency Key
              runit    TYPE meins,      "Base Unit of Measure
              drcrk    TYPE shkzg,      "Debit/Credit indicator
              rpmax    TYPE rpmax,      "Period
            END   OF ty_zgeist_error_data.
                         FIELD SYMBOLS
    DATA : c_selected    TYPE c VALUE 'X',  "Field for constant value 'X'
           c_y           TYPE c VALUE 'Y',  "For Acc marked for deletion
           c_n           TYPE c VALUE 'N',  "For Acc not marked for deletion
           c_a           TYPE c VALUE 'A',  "For GL Account type Asset
           c_l           TYPE c VALUE 'L',  "For GL Account type Liability
           c_q           TYPE c VALUE 'Q',  "For GL Account type Equity
           c_r           TYPE c VALUE 'R',  "For GL Account type Revenue
           c_e           TYPE c VALUE 'E',  "For GL Account type Expense
           c_t           TYPE c VALUE 'T',  "For GL Account type
           c_userid(60)  TYPE c ,
           c_curtp       TYPE curtp VALUE '10', "Currency type
           c_curtp1      TYPE curtp VALUE '30', "Currency type
           c_rassc(5)    TYPE c VALUE 'RASSC',  "Trading Partner
           c_dtsrce(6)   TYPE c VALUE 'DTSRC',  "Data Source
           c_sacct(5)    TYPE c VALUE 'SACCT',  "GL Account
           c_docty(5)    TYPE c VALUE 'DOCTY',  "Document Type
           c_trxtp(5)    TYPE c VALUE 'TRXTP',  "Transaction Type
           c_tradptn(15) TYPE c VALUE 'Trading Partner',  "Trading Partner
           c_datsrc(11)  TYPE c VALUE 'Data Source',      "Data Source
           c_glacc(10)   TYPE c VALUE 'GL Account',       "GL Account
           c_doctyp(13)  TYPE c VALUE 'Document Type',    "Document Type
           c_trantyp(16) TYPE c VALUE 'Transaction Type'. "Transaction Type
                         DATA (Simple Fields)
    DATA: w_cnt1         TYPE i, "No Of records in output file COA Code
          w_cnt2         TYPE i, "No Of records in output file Account
          w_cnt3         TYPE i, "No Of records in output file Entity
          w_cnt4         TYPE i, "No Of records in output file attribute
          w_cnt5         TYPE i, "No Of records in output file GL Balance
          w_tot_recs     TYPE i, "TOtal number of records downloaded
          w_date         LIKE sy-datum, "System date
          w_timediff     LIKE sy-uzeit, "Time Difference to GMT
          w_timezone(10) TYPE c,       "Time Difference to GMT
          w_file_count(3) TYPE n,       "File Count
          w_period TYPE poper,          "To hold Period Value
          w_year LIKE t009b-bdatj,      "To hold Fiscal Year Value
          w_outfile       TYPE char64,  "FTPed file path
          w_hdl           TYPE i.       "Handle for FTP
                         INTERNAL TABLES
    Intenal table for GL Account details
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_gl_detail OCCURS 0,
              saknr      TYPE saknr,
              txt50_skat TYPE txt50_skat,
              xloev      TYPE xloev,
          END OF it_gl_detail.
    DATA: it_company_list LIKE bapi0014_1  OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_coacode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_coacode  WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_acctcode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_acctcode WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_entitycode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_entitycode
                                            WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_attribcode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_attribcode
                                            WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_glbal TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_glbal WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_globalsap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_globalsap WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_zdatsrc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zdatsrc_t WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_zgeist_data    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_zgeist_data
                                 WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_zgeist_data1   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_zgeist_data
                                 WITH HEADER LINE,
          it_zgeist_data_all TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zgeist,
          wa_it_zgeist_data1 TYPE ty_zgeist_data,
          wa_it_zgeist_data TYPE zgeist,
          it_zgeist_error_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_zgeist_error_data,
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data TYPE ty_zgeist_error_data.
                COMMENT 1(30) TEXT-006,
                POSITION POS_LOW.
                COMMENT 1(30) TEXT-007,
                POSITION POS_LOW.
                COMMENT 1(30) TEXT-008,
                POSITION POS_LOW.
                COMMENT 1(30) TEXT-010,
                POSITION POS_LOW.
    -- Password not visible--
        IF screen-name = 'P_PWD'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                                         *
      w_date0(2) = sy-datum4(2).
      w_date2(2) = sy-datum6(2).
      w_date4(4) = sy-datum0(4).
      S_EMAIL-SIGN = 'I'.
      S_EMAIL-OPTION = 'EQ'.
      S_EMAIL-LOW = '[email protected]'.
      S_EMAIL-SIGN = 'I'.
      S_EMAIL-OPTION = 'EQ'.
      S_EMAIL-LOW = '[email protected]'.
                         START - OF - SELECTION
    Geting Company Details
      PERFORM get_company_list.
    Geting GL Account Details
      PERFORM get_gl_acc_detail.
    Geting GL Balance Details
      PERFORM get_zgeist_data.
                         END - OF - SELECTION
      PERFORM process_coacode.
      PERFORM process_acctcode.
      PERFORM process_entitycode.
      PERFORM process_attribcode.
      PERFORM process_glbal.
      PERFORM process_ftp_file.
      IF NOT it_zgeist_error_data[] IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM write_error_report.
    *&      Form  GET_COMPANY_LIST
               Form to get Company List                                 *
    FORM get_company_list.
          company_list = it_company_list.
    ENDFORM.                    "GET_COMPANY_LIST
    *&      Form  GET_GL_ACC_DETAIL
          Form to get the GL Account details                            *
    FORM get_gl_acc_detail.
      DATA : l_txt50 LIKE skat-txt50,
             l_tabix LIKE sy-tabix.
      SELECT saknr xloev
        INTO TABLE it_gl_detail
        FROM ska1
        WHERE ktopl = 'G001'
        AND   ( saknr GE '1000000000' AND saknr LE '4500000000' ).
      LOOP AT it_gl_detail.
        l_tabix = sy-tabix.
        SELECT SINGLE txt50
          INTO l_txt50
          FROM skat
          WHERE spras = 'EN'
          AND   ktopl = 'G001'
          AND   saknr = it_gl_detail-saknr.
        it_gl_detail-txt50_skat = l_txt50.
        MODIFY it_gl_detail INDEX l_tabix.
        CLEAR l_txt50.
    ENDFORM.                    "GET_GL_ACC_DETAIL
    *&      Form  PROCESS_COACODE
    Form to Populate COA data to Output internal table  IT_COACODE *
    FORM process_coacode.
      it_coacode-coa_code          =  text-023.     "GLOBAL.
      it_coacode-coa_description   =  text-022.     "Global SAP for ERC
      it_coacode-field11           =  '11'.
      APPEND it_coacode.
      CLEAR it_coacode.
    ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_COACODE
    *&      Form  PROCESS_ACCTCODE
    Form to Populate Account data to Output Internal table IT_ACCTCODE *
    FORM process_acctcode.
      DATA : it_gl_detail2 LIKE it_gl_detail OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      IF NOT it_gl_detail[] IS INITIAL.
        it_gl_detail2[] = it_gl_detail[].
        SORT it_gl_detail2 BY saknr.
      IF NOT it_gl_detail2[] IS INITIAL.
        LOOP AT it_gl_detail2.
          MOVE it_gl_detail2-saknr      TO it_acctcode-act_code.
          MOVE it_gl_detail2-txt50_skat TO it_acctcode-act_desc.
    Check GL Account is marked for deletion or not
          IF it_gl_detail2-xloev     = c_selected.
            it_acctcode-act_act_flag = c_n.
            it_acctcode-act_act_flag = c_y.
    Determine GL Account type based on GL account number
          l_saknr = it_gl_detail2-saknr.
          SHIFT l_saknr LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
          IF l_saknr CP '1*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_a.
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '2*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_l.
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '3*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_q.
    Start of Addition by C.Ramesh Babu on 11/04/2005   "DR1K907900
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '4*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_l.
    End of Addition by C.Ramesh Babu on 11/04/2005   "DR1K907900
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '5*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_r.
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '6*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_e.
          ELSEIF l_saknr CP '7*'.
            it_acctcode-glact_type = c_t.
          it_acctcode-fi_line      = 'CDR'.
          it_acctcode-coa_code     = 'GLOBAL'.
          it_acctcode-act_defcode  = '001'.
          it_acctcode-field11      = '11'.
          APPEND :it_acctcode.
          CLEAR  :it_acctcode,it_gl_detail2.
    ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_ACCTCODE
    *&      Form  PROCESS_ENTITYCODE
      Form to Populate Entiti data to Output file internal table        *
    FORM process_entitycode.
      IF NOT it_company_list[] IS INITIAL.
        LOOP AT it_company_list.
          SHIFT it_company_list-company LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
          MOVE it_company_list-company TO it_entitycode-entity_code.
          MOVE it_company_list-name1   TO it_entitycode-com_desc.
          it_entitycode-coa_code    = 'GLOBAL'.
          it_entitycode-field11     = '11'.
          APPEND it_entitycode.
          CLEAR : it_company_list,it_entitycode.
    ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_ENTITYCODE
    *&      Form  PROCESS_ATTRIBCODE
        Form to Populate Attribute data to output file internal table   *
    FORM process_attribcode.
    Getting data from T001.
      SELECT * FROM t001 INTO TABLE it_t001.
      LOOP AT it_t001.
        MOVE c_rassc TO it_attribcode-attrib_code.
        MOVE it_t001-bukrs TO  it_attribcode-attrib_value.
        MOVE c_tradptn TO it_attribcode-attrib_desc.
        it_attribcode-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_attribcode.
        CLEAR it_attribcode.
    Getting data from table ZDATSRC_T.
      SELECT * FROM zdatsrc_t INTO TABLE it_zdatsrc.
      LOOP AT it_zdatsrc.
        MOVE c_dtsrce TO it_attribcode-attrib_code.
        MOVE it_zdatsrc-zdatsrc TO  it_attribcode-attrib_value.
        MOVE c_datsrc TO it_attribcode-attrib_desc.
        it_attribcode-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_attribcode.
        CLEAR it_attribcode.
    Getting data from table SKA1.
      SELECT * FROM ska1 INTO TABLE it_ska1.
      LOOP AT it_ska1.
        MOVE c_sacct TO it_attribcode-attrib_code.
        MOVE it_ska1-saknr TO  it_attribcode-attrib_value.
        MOVE c_glacc TO it_attribcode-attrib_desc.
        it_attribcode-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_attribcode.
        CLEAR it_attribcode.
    Getting data from table T003.
      SELECT * FROM t003 INTO TABLE it_t003.
      LOOP AT it_t003.
        MOVE c_docty TO it_attribcode-attrib_code.
        MOVE it_t003-blart TO  it_attribcode-attrib_value.
        MOVE c_doctyp TO it_attribcode-attrib_desc.
        it_attribcode-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_attribcode.
        CLEAR it_attribcode.
    Getting data from table T856.
      SELECT * FROM t856 INTO TABLE it_t856.
      LOOP AT it_t856.
        MOVE c_trxtp TO it_attribcode-attrib_code.
        MOVE it_t856-trtyp TO  it_attribcode-attrib_value.
        MOVE c_trantyp TO it_attribcode-attrib_desc.
        it_attribcode-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_attribcode.
        CLEAR it_attribcode.
    ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_ATTRIBCODE
    *&      Form  PROCESS_GLBAL
      Form to Populate GL Balance data to Output file internal table    *
    FORM process_glbal.
      DATA : l_ctran_amt(21),
      LOOP AT it_zgeist_data INTO wa_it_zgeist_data1.
    *Start of change by 501030559 on 11/04/2005
       it_glbal-gl_reccode = '04'.
         it_glbal-gl_reccode = '05'.
    *End of change by 501030559 on11/04/2005
        it_glbal-gl_entity  = wa_it_zgeist_data1-rbukrs.
        it_glbal-gl_accnum  = wa_it_zgeist_data1-zzaltkt.
        it_glbal-site       = 'ERC'.
        it_glbal-currency_type = wa_it_zgeist_data1-rtcur.
        it_glbal-year = w_year.
        it_glbal-month = w_period.
        it_glbal-as_of_date = w_date.
        l_ctran_amt = wa_it_zgeist_data1-tslvt.
    Put sign to left side of the value
        IF l_ctran_amt LT 0.
          TRANSLATE l_ctran_amt USING ' 0'.
              value = l_ctran_amt.
    Trailing Zero's to the value
          SHIFT l_ctran_amt RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space.
          TRANSLATE l_ctran_amt USING ' 0'.
          REPLACE '0' WITH '' INTO l_ctran_amt.
        it_glbal-tran_cur_amt = l_ctran_amt.
        l_cusd_amt = wa_it_zgeist_data1-kslvt.
    Put Sign to leftside of the value
        IF l_cusd_amt LT 0.
          TRANSLATE l_cusd_amt USING ' 0'.
              value = l_cusd_amt.
    Trailing Zero's to the value
          SHIFT l_cusd_amt RIGHT DELETING  TRAILING space.
          TRANSLATE l_cusd_amt USING ' 0'.
          REPLACE '0' WITH '' INTO l_cusd_amt.
        it_glbal-usd_amount = l_cusd_amt.
        it_glbal-racct   = wa_it_zgeist_data1-racct.
        it_glbal-zzbewar = wa_it_zgeist_data1-zzbewar.
        it_glbal-zzdatsrc = wa_it_zgeist_data1-zzdatsrc.
        it_glbal-zzblart  = wa_it_zgeist_data1-zzblart.
        it_glbal-rassc  = wa_it_zgeist_data1-rassc.
        it_glbal-field11 = '11'.
        APPEND it_glbal.
        CLEAR : wa_it_zgeist_data1, it_glbal.
    ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_GLBAL
    *&      Form  PROCESS_GLOBALSAP
       Form to Populate COntrol data to Output file internal table      *
    FORM process_globalsap.
      DATA :l_total(9),
            l_len(3) type c.
    Logic to get Time Zone
      w_timediff  = sy-tzone.
      IF sy-tzone LT '0'.
        w_timediff = sy-tzone * -1.
        CONCATENATE 'GMT-' w_timediff(4) INTO w_timezone.
        w_timediff = sy-tzone.
        CONCATENATE 'GMT+' w_timediff(4) INTO w_timezone.
      l_len = strlen( c_userid ).
      l_len = l_len - 1.
      c_userid = c_userid+0(l_len).
      it_globalsap-clnt_name    = 'ERC'.
      it_globalsap-source_name  = 'GLOBALSAP'.
      it_globalsap-as_of_date   = w_date.
      it_globalsap-time_stamp   = sy-uzeit.
      it_globalsap-time_zone    = w_timezone.
      it_globalsap-num_of_files = w_file_count.
      MOVE w_tot_recs TO l_total.
      TRANSLATE l_total USING ' 0'.
      it_globalsap-num_of_records = l_total.
      it_globalsap-user_ids = c_userid.
      it_globalsap-field11  = '11'.
      APPEND it_globalsap.
      CLEAR it_globalsap.
    ENDFORM.                  "PROCESS_GLOBALSAP
    *&      Form  COUNT_RECORDS
    Form to count total number of records Downlaoded                   *
    FORM count_records.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_coacode    LINES w_cnt1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_acctcode   LINES w_cnt2.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_entitycode LINES w_cnt3.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_attribcode LINES w_cnt4.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_glbal      LINES w_cnt5.
      w_tot_recs = w_cnt1 + w_cnt2 + w_cnt3 + w_cnt4 + w_cnt5.
    ENDFORM.                    "COUNT_RECORDS
    *&      Form  get_zgeist_data
    Form used to fetch data from ZGEIST table for the GL BAL file
    FORM get_zgeist_data .
      PERFORM get_period_year.
      SELECT * INTO TABLE it_zgeist_data_all
               FROM zgeist
               WHERE rldnr  EQ 'GG'
               AND   ryear  EQ w_year
               AND   rrcty  EQ 0
               AND   rpmax  EQ '016'
               AND  ( zzaltkt GE '1000000000' AND zzaltkt LE '4500000000' )
               AND   rzzstagr = space.
      sort it_zgeist_data_all by rbukrs rldnr zzaltkt racct
                                 zzdatsrc zzbewar zzblart rtcur rassc.
      LOOP AT it_zgeist_data_all INTO wa_it_zgeist_data.
        IF wa_it_zgeist_data-zzaltkt EQ space.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rldnr = wa_it_zgeist_data-rldnr.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rrcty = wa_it_zgeist_data-rrcty.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rvers = wa_it_zgeist_data-rvers.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-ryear = wa_it_zgeist_data-ryear.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rbukrs = wa_it_zgeist_data-rbukrs.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-robjnr = wa_it_zgeist_data-robjnr.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-cobjnr = wa_it_zgeist_data-cobjnr.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-sobjnr = wa_it_zgeist_data-sobjnr.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rtcur = wa_it_zgeist_data-rtcur.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-runit = wa_it_zgeist_data-runit.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-drcrk = wa_it_zgeist_data-drcrk.
          wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rpmax = wa_it_zgeist_data-rpmax.
          APPEND wa_it_zgeist_error_data TO it_zgeist_error_data.
          it_zgeist_data1-rbukrs   = wa_it_zgeist_data-rbukrs.
          it_zgeist_data1-rldnr    = wa_it_zgeist_data-rldnr.
          it_zgeist_data1-zzaltkt  = wa_it_zgeist_data-zzaltkt.
          it_zgeist_data1-racct    = wa_it_zgeist_data-racct.
          it_zgeist_data1-zzdatsrc = wa_it_zgeist_data-zzdatsrc.
          it_zgeist_data1-zzbewar  = wa_it_zgeist_data-zzbewar.
          it_zgeist_data1-zzblart  = wa_it_zgeist_data-zzblart.
          it_zgeist_data1-rassc  = wa_it_zgeist_data-rassc.
          it_zgeist_data1-rtcur    = wa_it_zgeist_data-rtcur.
          PERFORM get_tslvt_kslvt_values USING w_period.
          COLLECT it_zgeist_data1.
        CLEAR : wa_it_zgeist_data, wa_it_zgeist_error_data,
      it_zgeist_data[] = it_zgeist_data1[].
    ENDFORM.                    " get_zgeist_data
    *&      Form  write_error_report
    Form used to display error data for the GL BAL fetched data
    FORM write_error_report .
      DATA : l_text(80) TYPE c.
      CASE w_period.
        WHEN '001' OR '01'.
          l_text = text-e01.
        WHEN '002' OR '02'.
          l_text = text-e02.
        WHEN '003' OR '03'.
          l_text = text-e03.
        WHEN '004' OR '04'.
          l_text = text-e04.
        WHEN '005' OR '05'.
          l_text = text-e05.
        WHEN '006' OR '06'.
          l_text = text-e06.
        WHEN '007' OR '07'.
          l_text = text-e07.
        WHEN '008' OR '08'.
          l_text = text-e08.
        WHEN '009' OR '09'.
          l_text = text-e09.
        WHEN '010' OR '10'.
          l_text = text-e10.
        WHEN '011' OR '11'.
          l_text = text-e11.
        WHEN '012' OR '12'.
          l_text = text-e12.
        WHEN '013' OR '13'.
          l_text = text-e13.
        WHEN '014' OR '14'.
          l_text = text-e14.
        WHEN '015' OR '15'.
          l_text = text-e15.
        WHEN '016' OR '16'.
          l_text = text-e16.
      SKIP 2.
      WRITE:/45 text-h01 COLOR COL_HEADING.
      SKIP 2.
      WRITE:/(234) sy-uline.
      WRITE:/1   sy-vline,
             2   text-h02,
             9   sy-vline,
             10  text-h03,
             19  sy-vline,
             20  text-h04,
             28  sy-vline,
             29  text-h05,
             41  sy-vline,
             42  text-h06,
             49  sy-vline,
             50  text-h07,
             69  sy-vline,
             70  text-h08,
             89  sy-vline,
             90  text-h09,
             109 sy-vline,
             110 text-h10,
             119 sy-vline,
             120 text-h11,
             130 sy-vline,
             131 text-h12,
             144 sy-vline,
             145 text-h13,
             152 sy-vline,
             153 text-h14,
             234 sy-vline.
      WRITE:/(234) sy-uline.
      LOOP AT it_zgeist_error_data INTO wa_it_zgeist_error_data.
        FORMAT COLOR 2.
        WRITE:/1   sy-vline,
               4   wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rldnr,
               9   sy-vline,
               13  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rrcty,
               19  sy-vline,
               22  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rvers,
               28  sy-vline,
               32  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-ryear,
               41  sy-vline,
               42  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rbukrs,
               49  sy-vline,
               50  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-robjnr,
               69  sy-vline,
               70  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-cobjnr,
               89  sy-vline,
               90  wa_it_zgeist_error_data-sobjnr,
               109 sy-vline,
               112 wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rtcur,
               119 sy-vline,
               123 wa_it_zgeist_error_data-runit,
               130 sy-vline,
               135 wa_it_zgeist_error_data-drcrk,
               144 sy-vline,
               147 wa_it_zgeist_error_data-rpmax,
               152 sy-vline,
               153 l_text,
               234 sy-vline.
      WRITE:/(234) sy-uline.
    ENDFORM.                    " write_error_report
    *&      Form  get_tslvt_kslvt_values
    Form used to get TSLxx & KSLxx values for the period fetched
    FORM get_tslvt_kslvt_values USING period.
                     <f2> TYPE ANY.
    DATA : l_tslvt_val(25) VALUE 'wa_it_zgeist_data-tsl',
            l_kslvt_val(25) VALUE 'wa_it_zgeist_data-ksl',
            l_tslvt TYPE tslvt9,
            l_kslvt TYPE kslvt9,
            l_period TYPE poper.
      clear l_period.
      l_period = period.
      DO l_period TIMES.
          CONCATENATE  l_tslvt_val  l_period+1(2) INTO  l_tslvt_val.
          CONCATENATE   l_kslvt_val l_period+1(2) INTO  l_kslvt_val.
        ASSIGN (l_tslvt_val) TO <f1>.
        l_tslvt = <f1>.
        it_zgeist_data1-tslvt = it_zgeist_data1-tslvt + l_tslvt.
        ASSIGN (l_kslvt_val) TO <f2>.
        l_kslvt = <f2>.
        it_zgeist_data1-kslvt = it_zgeist_data1-kslvt + l_kslvt.
        l_period = l_period - 1.
        clear : l_tslvt, l_kslvt, l_tslvt_val, l_kslvt_val.
        l_tslvt_val = 'wa_it_zgeist_data-tsl'.
        l_kslvt_val = 'wa_it_zgeist_data-ksl'.
        if l_period = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_tslvt_kslvt_values
    *&      Form  process_ftp_file
    Form used to connect & disconnect to Informatica Server using FTP
    Also, used to transfer files to the Informatica location
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM process_ftp_file .
      DATA: l_slen     TYPE i,
            l_pwd(30)  TYPE c.
      CONSTANTS: c_dest TYPE rfcdes-rfcdest VALUE 'SAPFTP',
                 c_key  TYPE i              VALUE 26101957.
      l_error = 0.
    connect to ftp server
      l_pwd = p_pwd.
      l_slen = STRLEN( l_pwd ).
          SOURCE      = l_pwd
          sourcelen   = l_slen
          key         = c_key
          destination = l_pwd.
          text = 'Connect to FTP Server'.
    To Connect to the Server using FTP
          user            = p_user
          password        = l_pwd
          host            = p_host
          rfc_destination = c_dest
          handle          = w_hdl
          OTHERS          = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      CLEAR : w_outfile, w_file_count.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_coacode USING w_outfile.
      w_file_count = w_file_count + 1.
      CLEAR : w_outfile.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_acctcode USING w_outfile.
      w_file_count = w_file_count + 1.
      CLEAR : w_outfile.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_entitycode USING w_outfile.
      w_file_count = w_file_count + 1.
      CLEAR : w_outfile.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_attribcode USING w_outfile.
      w_file_count = w_file_count + 1.
      CLEAR : w_outfile.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_glbal USING w_outfile.
      w_file_count = w_file_count + 1.
      CLEAR : w_outfile, w_tot_recs.
      PERFORM count_records.
      PERFORM process_globalsap.
      PERFORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_globalsap USING w_outfile.
    To disconnect the FTP
          handle = w_hdl.
    To disconnect the RFC Connection
          destination = c_dest
          OTHERS      = 1.
    ENDFORM.                    " process_ftp_file
    *&      Form  download_to_ftp
    Form to put the files in the Informatica Location using FTP
    Path is ERC\GLOBALSAP\<filename>
    FORM download_to_ftp TABLES it_tab
                         USING l_string TYPE char64.
          handle         = w_hdl
          fname          = l_string
          character_mode = 'X'
          text           = it_tab[]
          tcpip_error    = 1
          command_error  = 2
          data_error     = 3
          OTHERS         = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
                RAISING invalid_output_file.
    ENDFORM.                    " download_to_ftp
    *&      Form  get_period_year
    Form to fill the Period & Year based on the Sy-datum
    FORM get_period_year .
      DATA : l_month(2) TYPE c,
             l_day(2)   TYPE c,
             l_year(4)  TYPE c.
      l_year  = sy-datum+0(4).
      l_month = sy-datum+4(2).
      l_day   = sy-datum+6(2).
      CASE l_month.
        WHEN '01'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '12'.
            w_year = l_year - 1.
            w_period = '1'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '02'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '1'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '2'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '03'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '2'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '3'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '04'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '3'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '4'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '05'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '4'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '5'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '06'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '5'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '6'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '07'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '6'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '7'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '08'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '7'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '8'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '09'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '8'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '9'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '10'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '9'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '10'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '11'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '10'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '11'.
            w_year = l_year.
        WHEN '12'.
          IF l_day <= '15'.
            w_period = '11'.
            w_year = l_year.
            w_period = '12'.
            w_year = l_year.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_period_year

  • How does production system takes the benefits of user exits

    could anybody tel me
    how does production system takes the benefits of user exits

    you have to transport your implementation to your production system.

  • How to put two files with the same name into the same folder?

    How can I put two files with the same name and the same extention into the same directory?
    Is this even possible?
    Thanks in advance. 

    Are you sure? I would be very surprised if that was the case.
    How does the computer/filing system differentiate the files, if not by their names?
    How do you tell the computer which one you want? (On the command line.)

  • Hello there, am new here and very stressed, i have an Imac core i3 which is logging off itself after a few seconds of login, it goes back to the login menu where i put the password. I have tried to repair the os but my pioneer rom is not reading the disk.

    Hello there, am new here and very stressed, i have an Imac core i3 which is logging off itself after a few seconds of login, it goes back to the login menu where i put the password. I have tried to repair the os but my pioneer rom is not reading the disk. I press the :c" button on startup but its not picking up the disk in the rom, i have tried to put the disk in an external rom but same answer, am starting to think that my os disk is bad. Please help me.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode* and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled under Mac OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • How does disk utility decide which optical drive to use for burn?

    This is a somewhat daft question and purely out of interest.
    How does disk utility decide which optical drive bay to open for burning?
    I have two drives in a MacPro and both have the same capabilities (DVD-RW). Why does it sometimes open the lower one, and sometimes the top one?

    Grant Bennet-Alder wrote:
    The estimate is based on how long it already took to do how many blocks, and how many blocks are left to do. If you told it to overwrite 35 times, it will be a long, long time before it completes.
    The estimate is made grossly large by the presence of Bad Blocks that need to be Read during the test (not the case with Erase and Write Zeroes).
    Each Block is written with some redundancy bits, so that small errors can be corrected on reading. A Bad Block causes the drive to re-read. and re-read, and re-read, in hopes of getting correctable data the next time. This should NOT be an issue in writing. But if the drive stops responding (which can and does happen with a bad drive) the Erase function will just sit there, thinking it is making progress, and stretching out the time.
    Thanks, Grant.
    If I read your reply correctly, Erase and Zero Out free space shouldn't elongate the process, because there's no read occurring.
    The drive will not be Mounted while Disk Utility works on it, so it will not be on the Desktop. But ask Apple System Profiler \[ About this Mac > More Info > Serial ATA ] if the drive is still THERE . If it cannot be seen, you have your answer -- the drive dropped out of sight while being tested -- Bad Drive.
    Well, now I am confused. It's a FW800 drive. It's on the Desktop. And it appears under FireWire in System Profiler. AND Disk Utility shows a mount point. But the Unmount and Eject buttons are grayed out.
    Will the drive be mounted if it fails to respond to Disk Utility? That doesn't seem to make sense.
    How do I determine its status? It appears to be stuck at "1 day, 5 hours" but it'll take an hour for that to change. I think it's been that long since I first noticed the time.

  • My iPhone was stolen and I have contacted the police who are using the meid number to locate.  How does this work and what are my chances of getting the phone back?

    My iPhone was stolen.  I used Find My iPhone app to lock it and display a message.  The phone has not connected to the internet to locate it.  I contacted the police and they have taken my meid number.  How does this work and what are my chances of getting the phone back?  Are there other ways the theif can use it.  I was told once they put in a new sim card and use it, whatever software the police have, it will show up.

    Honestly? In the US (I can't speak to other countries, though I doubt it works much differently in a lot of the world) The police took your report and filed it either in their computers or, on paper. They will now not think of this again. The only time it will cross anyones mind is if, in the course of entering information into evidence about items recovered or seized at a crime scene, the serial number of an iPhone that was found/seized happens to match yours, in which case you will be contacted.
    The police in the US can and will do nothing to 'blok' the phone and it's not worth their time to try and locate it unless you know for a fact that it was stolen by a big time drug lord, master criminal, or some other such prime target and they can get a court order to track the location of the phone in order to locate this individual for your own purposes.  If they do that, they'll probably keep him under surveilance for a year or so before they act.
    Basically, the police don't care about your phone. If they find it, they will give it back to you. They are not, however, going to go looking for it. They have better things to do.
    I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

  • HT1338 Purchased a used macbook pro with Mountain Lion. My old Mac runs Snow Leopard is backed up to Time machine. How do I register the operating system to me and how do I use Time Machine to move my files to the new used computer?

    Purchased a used macbook pro with Mountain Lion. My old Mac runs Snow Leopard is backed up to Time machine. How do I register the operating system to me and how do I use Time Machine to move my files to the new used computer?

    If you look at the User Tips tab, you will find a write up on just this subject:
    The subject of buying/selling a Mac is quite complicated.  Here is a guide to the steps involved. It is from the Seller's point of view, but easily read the other way too:
    Internet Recovery, and Transferability of OS & iLife Apps
    Selling an Old Mac:
    • When selling an old Mac, the only OS that is legally transferable is the one that came preinstalled when the Mac was new. Selling a Mac with an upgraded OS isn't doing the new owner any favors. Attempting to do so will only result in headaches since the upgraded OS can't be registered by the new owner. If a clean install becomes necessary, they won't be able to do so and will be forced to install the original OS via Internet Recovery. Best to simply erase the drive and revert back to the original OS prior to selling any Mac.
    • Additionally, upgrading the OS on a Mac you intend to sell means that you are leaving personally identifiable information on the Mac since the only way to upgrade the OS involves using your own AppleID to download the upgrade from the App Store. So there will be traces of your info and user account left behind. Again, best to erase the drive and revert to the original OS via Internet Recovery.
    Internet Recovery:
    • In the event that the OS has been upgraded to a newer version (i.e. Lion to Mountain Lion), Internet Recovery will offer the version of the OS that originally came with the Mac. So while booting to the Recovery Disk will show Mountain Lion as available for reinstall since that is the current version running, Internet Recovery, on the other hand, will only show Lion available since that was the OS shipped with that particular Mac.
    • Though the Mac came with a particular version of Mac OS X, it appears that, when Internet Recovery is invoked, the most recent update of that version may be applied. (i.e. if the Mac originally came with 10.7.3, Internet Recovery may install a more recent update like 10.7.5)
    iLife Apps:
    • When the App Store is launched for the first time it will report that the iLife apps are available for the user to Accept under the Purchases section. The user will be required to enter their AppleID during the Acceptance process. From that point on the iLife apps will be tied to the AppleID used to Accept them. The user will be allowed to download the apps to other Macs they own if they wish using the same AppleID used to Accept them.
    • Once Accepted on the new Mac, the iLife apps can not be transferred to any future owner when the Mac is sold. Attempting to use an AppleID after the apps have already been accepted using a different AppleID will result in the App Store reporting "These apps were already assigned to another Apple ID".
    • It appears, however, that the iLife Apps do not automatically go to the first owner of the Mac. It's quite possible that the original owner, either by choice or neglect, never Accepted the iLife apps in the App Store. As a result, a future owner of the Mac may be able to successfully Accept the apps and retain them for themselves using their own AppleID. Bottom Line: Whoever Accepts the iLife apps first gets to keep them.
    Follow these instructions step by step to prepare a Mac for sale:
    Step One - Back up your data:
    A. If you have any Virtual PCs shut them down. They cannot be in their "fast saved" state. They must be shut down from inside Windows.
    B. Clone to an external drive using using Carbon Copy Cloner.
    1. Open Carbon Copy Cloner.
    2. Select the Source volume from the Select a source drop down menu on the left side.
    3. Select the Destination volume from the Select a destination drop down menu on the right
    4. Click on the Clone button. If you are prompted about creating a clone of the Recovery HD be
    sure to opt for that.
    Destination means a freshly erased external backup drive. Source means the internal
    startup drive. 
    Step Two - Prepare the machine for the new buyer:
    1. De-authorize the computer in iTunes! De-authorize both iTunes and Audible accounts.
    2, Remove any Open Firmware passwords or Firmware passwords.
    3. Turn the brightness full up and volume nearly so.
    4. Turn off File Vault, if enabled.
    5. Disable iCloud, if enabled: See.What to do with iCloud before selling your computer
    Step Three - Install a fresh OS:
    A. Snow Leopard and earlier versions of OS X
    1. Insert the original OS X install CD/DVD that came with your computer.
    2. Restart the computer while holding down the C key to boot from the CD/DVD.
    3. Select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu; repartition and reformat the internal hard drive.
    Optionally, click on the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass.
    4. Install OS X.
    5. Upon completion DO NOT restart the computer.
    6. Shutdown the computer.
    B. Lion and Mountain Lion (if pre-installed on the computer at purchase*)
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because
    it is three times faster than wireless.
    1. Restart the computer while holding down the COMMAND and R keys until the Mac OS X
    Utilities window appears.
    2. Select Disk Utility from the Mac OS X Utilities window and click on the Continue button. 
    3. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the left side list. Click
    on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    4. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on the Security button
    and set the Zero Data option to one-pass.
    5. Click on the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
    6. Quit DU and return to the Mac OS X Utilities window.
    7. Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
    8. Upon completion shutdown the computer.
    *If your computer came with Lion or Mountain Lion pre-installed then you are entitled to transfer your license once. If you purchased Lion or Mountain Lion from the App Store then you cannot transfer your license to another party. In the case of the latter you should install the original version of OS X that came with your computer. You need to repartition the hard drive as well as reformat it; this will assure that the Recovery HD partition is removed. See Step Three above. You may verify these requirements by reviewing your OS X Software License.

  • How does ISE choose which IP to put in URL redirect response?

    does anyone know how does ISE choose which IP to put in URL redirect response if it has more than one interface with an IP address and all interfaces are enabled in the portal configuration?
    I have a single ISE 1.3 PSN with all four interfaces configured, enabled, each on unique VLAN, and each with unique IP address.
    In the CWA portal configuration, all four interfaces are enabled.
    Wired clients connect to NAD, NAD sends RADIUS request to ISE, ISE responds with a RADIUS response including the URL-Redirect parameter which specifies the web redirect URL. ISE configuration uses "ip:port" in the URL. 
    My question is how does ISE choose which of its four interfaces to put in this URL? Is it always the same interface that RADIUS packets were received on? Or does it always choose the first portal enabled interface? Or is there another logic? Configurable or unconfigurable?

    ISE uses the first interface enabled for that portal, so if want to use a specific interface, then only enable that interface.  If interface is GE0, then default behavior is to redirect with ip value set to node's FQDN.  If interface other than GE0, then default behavior is to return the IP address of the associated interface. 
    Aliases can be configured for each interface using the CLI 'ip host' command to associate a hostname/FQDN to the IP address of a given interface.  When configured, ISE will return that value rather than IP address in redirect.  This is critical if want to avoid certificate trust warning on connecting clients.
    Be sure that certificate assigned to interface includes the correct FQDN or optionally wilcard value in the CN or SAN fields to avoid cert warnings.

  • We are a two iPhone family, both on the same service provider. My wires iPhone is unable to connect to the home network where as mine is! In the settings her phone has no details for the IP address etc where as mine does! I cannot even enter the details.

    We are a two iPhone family, both on the same service provider. My wires iPhone is unable to connect to the home network where as mine is! In the settings her phone has no details for the IP address etc where as mine does! I cannot even enter the details manually.
    I have done resets on off and nothing? HELP!

    What is that and how. I have 3 airports all configured identically and connected to one router via ethernet!
    A power cycle is powering down for ~ 1 minute and powering back up.

  • How does APEX check for null values in Text Fields on the forms?

    Hello all,
    How does APEX check for null values in Text Fields on the forms? This might sound trivial but I have a problem with a PL/SQL Validation that I have written.
    I have one select list (P108_CLUSTER_ID) and one Text field (P108_PRIVATE_IP). I made P108_CLUSTER_ID to return null value when nothing is selected and assumed P108_PRIVATE_IP to return null value too when nothign is entered in the text field.
    All that I need is to validate if P108_PRIVATE_IP is entered when a P108_CLUSTER_ID is selected. i.e it is mandatory to enter Private IP when a cluster is seelcted and following is my Pl/SQL code
    v_valid boolean;
    v_valid := TRUE;
    v_valid := TRUE;
    v_valid := FALSE;
    v_valid := FALSE;
    END IF;
    return v_valid;
    My problem is it is returning FALSE for all the cases.It works fine in SQL Command though..When I tried to Debug and use Firebug, I found that Text fields are not stored a null by default but as empty strings "" . Now I tried modifying my PL/SQL to check Private_IP against an empty string. But doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how I need to proceed.

    See SQL report for LIKE SEARCH I have just explained how Select list return value works..

  • How does vendor determine if no info record is maintained for the material

    how does vendor determine if no info record is maintained for the material

    If you have to determine a vendor, the minimum requirement is Info record. Beyond that, you can ofcourse maintain Source Lists, Quota Arrangements but Info record is bare minimum for automatic determination of vendor.
    Otherwise, you have to maintain the vendor manually in th Purchasing docs.
    Tcodes for Info record are ME11, ME12, and ME13.
    Hope this clarifies.

  • TS1702 How do I change the Apple ID in an installed APP?  I have changed the apple ID in all the other apps due to security reasons. All changes were effective except the APPS ID.Where do I go to change the Apple ID?

    How do I change the Apple ID in an installed APP?  I have changed the apple ID in all the other apps due to security reasons. All changes were effective except the APPS ID.Where do I go to change the Apple ID for the APPS store?  Thanks in advance.

    You do not.  Apps and any content purchased from the iTunes store are eternally tied to the Apple ID they were purchased with.

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