How to call a AM method with parameters from Managed Bean?

Hi Everyone,
I have a situation where I need to call AM method (setDefaultSubInv) from Managed bean, under Value change Listner method. Here is what I am doing, I have added AM method on to the page bindings, then in bean calling this
Class[] paramTypes = { };
Object[] params = { } ;
invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
This works and able to call this method if there are no parameters. Say I have to pass a parameter to AM method setDefaultSubInv(String a), i tried calling this from the bean but throws an error
String aVal = "test";
Class[] paramTypes = {String.class };
Object[] params = {aVal } ;
invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
I am not sure this is the right way to call the method with parameters. Can anyone tell how to call a AM method with parameters from Manage bean

Simply do the following
1- Make your Method in Client Interface.
2- Add it to Page Def.
3- Customize your Script Like the below one to Achieve your goal.
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("GetUserRoles");
operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("username", "oracle");
operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("role", "F1211");
operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("Connection", "JDBC");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
return null;
return null;
i hope it help you

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    is it possible calling a C method with Java?? And how to...?Not in general no.
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    At line:45 char:10
    +  $da.Fill <<<< ($ds)
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException

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    Try this:

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    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=""
         xmlns:xsd="" name="MyWebService"
         <!-- T Y P E S -->
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                   <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="http://myHost/schemas/TransactionResponse.xsd"/>
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         <wsdl:message name="ProcessTransactionResponse">
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                   <wsdl:output message="tns:ProcessTransactionResponse" />
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         * @param parameters
         * @return
         *     returns
        @WebMethod(operationName = "ProcessTransaction")
        @WebResult(name = "TransactionResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters")
        public TransactionResponse processTransaction(
            @WebParam(name = "ProcessTransactionRequest", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters")
            ProcessTransactionRequest parameters);
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            @WebParam(name = "Transaction", targetNamespace = "", partName = "transaction")
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            @WebParam(name = "TransactionTime", targetNamespace = "", partName = "transactionTime")
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    Batch File:
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    Just try the same DOS command without all the % sign.
    In MS-DOS, the % at the beginning and at the end of a string are for variables. Which means your batch is looking for a variable called 01-jan-2010 and a variable called 01-jan-2011, but those are the values you want to pass, not the name of variables.
    As they are not defined, nothing is passed to the sqlplus script, and that is why you are prompted for values.
    Hope it will help.

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    <finder-query><![CDATA[ (=name $name) ]]></finder-query>
    It can successfully compile the findAll(),but it is wrong when compile the findByName(),as follows
    "www.ejbgrpx": Method Name: findByName
    "www.ejbgrpx": Invalid specifications for a WebLogic RDBMS CMP EJB.
    "www.ejbgrpx": ERROR: Error from ejbc: weblogic.ejb20.cmp11.rdbms.finders.IllegalExpressionException:
    "www.ejbgrpx": While trying to process Finder
    "www.ejbgrpx": Parameter Types: (java.lang.String)
    "www.ejbgrpx": WebLogic Query: (= name $name)
    "www.ejbgrpx": Finder Expressions: ()
    "www.ejbgrpx": Could not parse WLQL expression: (= name $name) null
    "www.ejbgrpx": ERROR: ejbc found errors
    thank you

    The finder methods that you are referring to are only simple finder methods. If you would like to add specialized finder methods, you can make your entity bean with bean managed persistence and not container managed. If you are using EJB 2.0, your entity bean with container managed persistence can use EJB QL for finder methods. You can search for this topic and/or download the EJB 2.0 specifications
    Hope this helps

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    As somebody already said, to get the behavior you
    want, make the methods non-static.You all asked me why I need that method to be
    static... I'm not surprised to hear this question
    because I asked all my friends before posting here,
    and all of them asked me this... It's because some
    complicated reasons, I doubt it.
    the application I'm writing is
    quite big...Irrelevant.
    Umm... So what you're saying is there is no way to do
    this with that method being static? The behavior you describe cannot be obtained with only static methods in Java. You'd have to explicitly determine the class and then explicitly call the correct class' method.

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    /* Create TempTable */
    CREATE TABLE #tempTable
    IntValue INT)
    /* Run SP and Insert Value in TempTable */
    INSERT INTO #tempTable
    EXEC TestSP @parm1, @parm2
    If the above does not work or there is a better way to accomplish this goal, please let me know how to change the sql?

    declare @result varchar(100), @dSQL nvarchar(MAX)
    set @dSQL = 'exec @res = TestSP '''+@parm1+''','' '''+@parm2+' '' '
    print @dSQL
      EXECUTE sp_executesql @dSQL, N'@res varchar(100) OUTPUT', @res = @result OUTPUT
    select @result
    A complicated way of saying
    EXEC @ret = TestSP @parm1, @parm2
    SELECT @ret
    And not only compliacated, it introduces a window for SQL injection.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • How to call jpf controller method from javascript

    Can any one help me how to call pageflow controller method from JavaScript.\

    Accessing a particular pageflow method from Javascript is directly not possible unless we do some real funky coding in specifying document.myForm.action = xyz...Heres what I tried and it did not work as expected: I found another workaround that I will share with you.
    1. In my jsp file when I click a button a call a JavaScript that calls the method that I want in pageflow like this: My method got invoked BUT when that method forwards the jsp, it lost the portal context. I saw my returned jsp only on the browser instead of seeing it inside the portlet on the page of a portal. I just see contents of jsp on full browser screen. I checked the url. This does make the sense. I do not see the url where I will have like test1.portal?_pageLabe=xxx&portlet details etc etc. So this bottom approach will notwork.
    document.getElementById("batchForm").action = "/portlets/com/hid/iod/Batches/holdBatch"; // here if you give like test1.portal/pagelable value like complete may work...but not suggested/recommended....
    2. I achieved my requirement using a hidden variable inside my netui:form tag in the jsp. Say for example, I have 3 buttons and all of them should call their own action methods like create, update, delete on pageflow side. But I want these to be called through javascript say for example to do some validation. (I have diff usecase though). So I created a hidden field like ACTION_NAME. I have 3 javascript functions create(), update() etc. These javascripts are called onclick() for these buttons. In thse functions first I set unique value to this hiddent field appropriately. Then submit the form. Note that all 3 buttons now go to same common action in the JPF. The code is like this.
    document.getElementById("ACTION_NAME").value = "UPDATE";
    Inside the pageflow common method, I retriev this hidden field value and based on its value, I call one of the above 3 methods in pageflow. This works for me. There may be better solution.
    3. Another usecase that I want to share and may be help others also. Most of the time very common usecase is, when we select a item in a drop bos or netui:select, we want to invoke the pageflow action. Say we have 2 dropdown boxes with States and Cities. Anytime States select box is changed, it should go back to server and get new list of Cities for that state. (We can get both states and cities and do all string tokenizer on jsp itself. But inreality as per business needs, we do have to go to server to get dynamic values. Here is the code snippet that I use and it works for all my select boxes onChange event.
    This entire lines of code should do what we want.
    <netui:anchor action="selectArticleChanged" formSubmit="true" tagId="selectPropertyAction"/>                    
    <netui:select onChange="document.getElementById(lookupIdByTagId('selectPropertyAction',this )).onclick();" dataSource="pageFlow.selectedArticleId" >
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope.ALL_ARTICLE}" var="eachArticle">
    <%-- workshop:varType="com.hid.iod.forms.IoDProfileArticleRelForm" --%>
    <netui:selectOption value="${eachArticle.articleIdAsString}">${eachArticle.articleItemName}</netui:selectOption>
    See if you can build along those above lines of code. Any other simpler approches are highly welcome.
    Ravi Jegga

  • Non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last para

    i have no idea what the error:
    non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter
    return (Component)sceneClass.getConstructor(
    new Class[]{int.class, int.class}).newInstance(
         new Integer[]{new Integer((int)sceneDimension.getWidth()),
                new Integer((int)sceneDimension.getHeight())});
    this is the problem area but i'm not sure how to get around it..
    any help would be appreciated

    I am a Java learner and I got the same warning. My code runs like this:
    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    class Reflec
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   Class c=Class.forName(args[0]);
                   Constructor[] cons=c.getDeclaredConstructors();
                   Class[] params=cons[0].getParameterTypes();
                   Object[] paramValues=new Object[params.length];
                   for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++)
                             paramValues[i]=new Integer(i+3);
                   Object o=cons[0].newInstance(paramValues);
                   Method[] ms=c.getDeclaredMethods();
                   ms[0].invoke(o, null);
              catch(Exception e)
    class Point
              System.out.println("Point class file loaded and an object Point generated£¡");     
         int x, y;
         void output()
         Point(int x, int y)
    When I compiled the file I got the following: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;
    cast to java.lang.Object for a varargs call
    cast to java.lang.Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning
    ms[0].invoke(o, null);
    1 warning
    Since the problem was with this line "ms[0].invoke(o, null);" and the specific point falls on the last argument as the warning mentioned that " ... method with inexact argument type for last parameter", I simply deleted the argument "null" and the line becomes "ms[0].invoke(o);" and it works, no warning anymore!
    DJ Guo from Xanadu
    Edited by: Forget_Me_Not on Jan 8, 2009 10:39 AM

  • How to Call Event Handler Method in Another view

    Hi Experts,
                       Can anybody tell me how to call Event handler Method which is declared in View A ,it Should be Called in
      view B,Thanks in Advance.
    Thanks & Regards

    1)    You can make the method EH_ONSELECT as public and static and call this method in viewGS_CM/ADDDOC  using syntax
        impl class name of view GS_CM/DOCTREE=>EH_ONSELECT "method name.
    2)The view GS_CM/ADDDOC which contains EH_ONSELECT method has been already enhanced, so I can't execute such kind of operation one more time.
    3)If both views or viewarea containing that view are under same window , then you can get the instance ofGS_CM/DOCTREE from view GS_CM/ADDDOC  through the main window controller.
    lr_window = me->view_manager->get_window_controller( ).
        lv_viewname = 'GS_CM/DOCTREE '.
      lr_viewctrl ?=  lr_window ->get_subcontroller_by_viewname( lv_viewname ).
    Now you can access the method of view GS_CM/DOCTREE .
    Let me know in case you face any issues.
    Message was edited by: Laure Cetin
    Please do not ask for points, this is against the Rules of Engagement:

  • How to call a Store Procedure with IN PARAMETER

    Hi, im new using Oracle 10G with Oracle SQL Developer, my cuestion is how to call a Store Procedure with IN PARAMETER, I tried the following without results
    SELECT * FROM procedure_name(parameter);
    PROCEDURE procedure_name(parameter);
    EXEC procedure_name(parameter);
    CALL procedure_name(parameter);
    Please help me....

    As Beijing said,
    EXEC procedure_name(parameter);
    CALL procedure_name(parameter);work for me.
    So does
    END;Can you be more specific about what you're doing? That is, are you testing it in SQL Developer? Where are you entering the commands? Where are you looking for output? Do you get error messages? Does anything else (like "SELECT SYSDATE FROM dual;") work?

Maybe you are looking for