How to change the bar chart rendering image format in SSRS

Hello all,
I am working with SQL Server 2008 R2 and I have a SSRS bar chart report, when the report got rendered over online or if the take Export (PDF and PPT), the image is in png format always, which is taking too much of time to execute the report in case of large
Can, It be possible that the rendered image is in jpeg format instead of png.
If Yes, please share the appropriate steps to follow:
Thanks in advance
Pankaj Kumar Yadav-

Hi Pankaj067,
According to your description, you want to change the bar chart rendering image format as JPEG format when previewing the report or exporting to a PDF file .
In Reporting Services, the chart rendering image format is PNG by default. It’s a by-design behavior. And it doesn’t open any API for us to change the image type when exporting a chart to a format. So in your scenario, your requirement can’t be achieved
in Reporting Services currently. I would recommend you submit a feature request to Microsoft at this site: So that we can try to modify and expand the product features based on your needs.
If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
Best regards,
Qiuyun Yu
Qiuyun Yu
TechNet Community Support

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    When you create text in photoshop and save the resulting image in psd or tiff, the text stays live. Allowing you to edit it later on, which is why it is recommended to save to one of the two formats for archival purposes.
    If your text is live, all you have to do is doube click on the icon in the text layer, that will highlight all of the text for that layer. You can then change the properties of that text. Draging across the text will also highlight only what you want selected, and only that portion will be affected by any changes in its properties.
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    Good luck.

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    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    You can't. The Media Browser is a function of working with other applications. It must be in that location for the other applications to recognize it. You can always move or copy the files out of there when you're done. You might prefer Apple devices which has the same sharing options I believe.
    Thanks Tom,
    You are correct.
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    Sir I am did it by using Objcetive-C code in iphone as fallows
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @interface demoprojectViewController : UIViewController<UIImagePickerControllerDelegate,UINavigationControllerDelegate >
        UIImageView *imageView,*editingimage,*maskimage;
         UIButton *takePictureButton;
        UIButton *selectFromCameraRollButton;
        UIView *myview;
    @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIImageView *imageView;
    @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIImageView *maskimage;
    @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIImageView *editingimage;
    @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIButton *takePictureButton;
    @property(nonatomic,retain)IBOutlet UIButton *selectFromCameraRollButton;
    @property(nonatomic,retain )IBOutlet UIView *myview;
    - (IBAction)getCameraPicture:(id)sender;
    - (IBAction)selectExistingPicture;
    #import "demoprojectViewController.h"
    @implementation demoprojectViewController
    @synthesize imageView,editingimage,maskimage;
    @synthesize takePictureButton;
    @synthesize selectFromCameraRollButton;
    @synthesize myview;
    CGFloat lastScaleFactor = 1;
    CGFloat netRotation;
    CGPoint netTranslation;
    NSArray *images;
    int imageIndex = 0;
    - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
        // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
        [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
        // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
    #pragma mark - View lifecycle
    // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    - (void)viewDidLoad
       // maskimage=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 150, 150)];
        //maskimage.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"];
        if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:
              UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera]) {
            takePictureButton.hidden = NO;
            selectFromCameraRollButton.hidden = NO;
           UITapGestureRecognizer *tapGesture =
            [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]
            tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1;
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:tapGesture];
            [tapGesture release];
            UIPinchGestureRecognizer *pinchGesture =
            [[UIPinchGestureRecognizer alloc]
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:pinchGesture];
            [pinchGesture release];
            ///---rotate gesture---
            UIRotationGestureRecognizer *rotateGesture =
            [[UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc]
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:rotateGesture];
            [rotateGesture release];
            //---pan gesture---
            UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGesture =
            [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc]
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:panGesture];
            [panGesture release];
            //---swipe gesture---
            images = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
                      @"3.png", nil];
            //---right swipe (default)---
            UISwipeGestureRecognizer *swipeGesture =
            [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc]
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:swipeGesture];
            [swipeGesture release];
            //---left swipe---
            UISwipeGestureRecognizer *swipeLeftGesture =
            [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc]
            swipeLeftGesture.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionLeft;
            [maskimage addGestureRecognizer:swipeLeftGesture];
            [swipeLeftGesture release];
        [super viewDidLoad];
    -(IBAction) handleTapGesture:(UIGestureRecognizer *) sender {
        if (sender.view.contentMode == UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit)
            sender.view.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
            sender.view.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
    -(IBAction) handlePinchGesture:(UIGestureRecognizer *) sender {
        CGFloat factor = [(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *) sender scale];
        if (factor > 1) {
            //---zooming in---
            sender.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(
                                                               lastScaleFactor + (factor-1),
                                                               lastScaleFactor + (factor-1));
        } else {
            //---zooming out---
            sender.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(
                                                               lastScaleFactor * factor,
                                                               lastScaleFactor * factor);
        if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
            if (factor > 1) {
                lastScaleFactor += (factor-1);
            } else {
                lastScaleFactor *= factor;
    //---handle rotate gesture---
    -(IBAction) handleRotateGesture:(UIGestureRecognizer *) sender {
        CGFloat rotation = [(UIRotationGestureRecognizer *) sender rotation];
        CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(
                                                                    rotation + netRotation);
        sender.view.transform = transform;
        if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
            netRotation += rotation;
    //---handle pan gesture---
    -(IBAction) handlePanGesture:(UIGestureRecognizer *) sender {
        CGPoint translation =
        [(UIPanGestureRecognizer *) sender translationInView:maskimage];
        sender.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(
                                                                 netTranslation.x + translation.x,
                                                                 netTranslation.y + translation.y);
        if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
            netTranslation.x += translation.x;
            netTranslation.y += translation.y;
    -(IBAction) handleSwipeGesture:(UIGestureRecognizer *) sender {
        UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection direction =
        [(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *) sender direction];
        switch (direction) {
            case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionUp:
            case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionDown:
            case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionLeft:
            case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionRight:
                imageIndex -- ;
        imageIndex = (imageIndex < 0) ? ([images count] - 1):
        imageIndex % [images count];
        imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:
                           [images objectAtIndex:imageIndex]];
    #pragma mark -
    - (IBAction)getCameraPicture:(id)sender {
        UIImagePickerController *picker =
        [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
        picker.delegate = self;
        //picker.allowsImageEditing = YES;
        picker.sourceType = (sender == takePictureButton) ?
        UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera :
        [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
        [maskimage removeFromSuperview];
        [picker release];
    - (IBAction)selectExistingPicture {
        if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:
             UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary]) {
            UIImagePickerController *picker =
            [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
            picker.delegate = self;
            picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;
            [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
            [maskimage removeFromSuperview];
            [picker release];
        else {
            UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                                  initWithTitle:@"Error accessing photo library"
                                  message:@"Device does not support a photo library"
            [alert show];
            [alert release];
    #pragma mark -
    - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
            didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage *)image
                      editingInfo:(NSDictionary *)editingInfo {
        imageView.image = image;
        [picker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
    - (void)imagePickerControllerDidCancel:(UIImagePickerController *)picker {
        [picker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
    - (IBAction)btnSave_Clicked:(id)sender;
        UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(editingimage.image, nil, nil, nil);
        //UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(imageView.image, nil, nil, nil);
        UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Success" message:@"Image saved successfully to iPhone photo albums..." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        [alert show];
        [alert release];
           //[maskimage setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
       // [maskimage setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
        //[maskimage setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit];
        maskimage.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"];
        [imageView addSubview:maskimage];
        CGRect rect1 = CGRectMake(netTranslation.x,netTranslation.y,maskimage.image.size.width , maskimage.image.size.height);
        CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, imageView.image.size.width, imageView.image.size.height);
        [imageView.image drawInRect:rect]; 
        [maskimage.image drawInRect:rect1]; 
        UIImage *resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); 
        [editingimage setImage:resultingImage];
        [myview addSubview:editingimage];
        [self.view addSubview:myview];
        [myview removeFromSuperview];
        //[editingimage removeFromSuperview];
    -(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
        UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:touch.view]; = location;
    -(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
        [self touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
    - (void)viewDidUnload
        self.imageView = nil;
        self.takePictureButton = nil;
        self.selectFromCameraRollButton = nil;
        [super viewDidUnload];
        // Release any retained subviews of the main view.
        // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
    - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceO rientation
        // Return YES for supported orientations
        return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
    - (void)dealloc {
        [imageView release];
        [images release];
        [takePictureButton release];
        [selectFromCameraRollButton release];
        [super dealloc];
    but i can not put the hair to the proper place means on edit image when am saving the image please help meee

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         Afte uploaded record it create internal number (Personal ID), and it get stored in table MESSTAB. And that internal number is stored in field MESSTAB-MSGV1. Use this MESSTAB-MSGV1 field for the further use.
    Hope, it will help you.
    Thanks & Regads,

  • How to change the message in a cell of a ssrs report to a hyperlink dynamically

    I am developing a ssrs report.
    I want to change the message to hyperlink for a particular message and not all messages of a column.
    and link it to another report.
    for e.g-if a cell of the column has values A,B,C then I want to change only cell with values C as hyperlinks and not A and B

    Hi fanu987,
    According to your description that you want to conditional add the hyperlink according to different values in the fields, the link is to another report, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and we have two method to do this: one method is to choose ”Go to report” and add expression to conditional add the link which will link to the subreport for the special values, another method is to create
    an placeholder and add the HTML tag to conditional hyperlink to the URL of the Subreport in the Report Server.
    Details information for your reference:
    Method one: "Go to Report":
    Right click the fields which will add the hyperlink and select the “Textbox Properties”, click the “Font” to add expression conditional add an underline for ”Text1” which have the hyperlink function and change its color to blue. (expression add to
    "Effect" and "color"):
    Click "Action" to select the "Go to Report" and using this expression in the "Select a report from the list" (If the value is "Text1" then link to Subreport  or it will just refresh on the main report):
    If have parameter delivery between main report and the subreport, add expression to omit this parameter for the fields which value is not "Text1":
    Method two: Create Placeholder and using the HTML tags to conditional  add the hyperlink which will link to the subreport URL in the Report Manager.
    Double click the fields which will add the hyperlink and select the "Create Placeholder".
    In the Placeholder properties window, add this expression in the Value to add hyperlink only to the "Text1" and check the "HTML- interpret HTML tags as style under the "Markup type" section:
    =IIF(Fields!YourHyperlinkFields.Value="Text1", "<a href=""Subreport Link in the Report Manager"">" & Fields!YourHyperlinkFields & "</a>" ,Fields!YourHyperlinkFields.Value)
    You can also add parameter in the URL if you have parameter delivery between main report and the subreport. Finally preview will have the report like below:
    If you still have any problem, please provide us more details information.
    Any problem, please feel free to ask!
    Vicky Liu

  • How to change the color of an image....

    I have a logo that I use that has a
    white background with black lettering. I would like to use that logo sometimes with white lettering. How can I change that using PSE 7?
    I am creating postcards with a picture on the left and a color block on the right that compliments that picture on the left. I would also like to implement a gradient of some sort from the picture to the color block. Any tips on how to do that as well? I would like it to go from left to right....

    We'll use the image you posted.
    1. Use the black and white icon in your layers palette to make a pink solid color fill adjustment layer.
    Since the mask is white the entire image will be covered by the pink color.
    2. Now, we are going to hide the entire effect (pink solid color fill adjustment layer) by filling it with black. With the solid color fill layer highlighted in the layers palette, you can use the paint bucket or just invert the white mask by pressing Ctrl + I.
    Here we see that the entire pink solid color fill layer is hidden. We are now looking at your background layer.
    We are going to use a different gradient this time and make it easier to understand. I think I used linear last time. I think it will be easier to understand going this route for this particular situation.
    3. Set your foreground color chip to white then select the gradient tool. With the gradient tool selected, open the gradient editor and select the white to transparent preset. (To open gradient editor, double click the gradient window in your options bar.
    Above is what you need to look for in the options bar to double click to gain access to the gradient editor.
    The second preset should be foreground to transparent. If white to transparent isn't available, you need to change your tool box's foreground color to white as the gradient's foreground color will be whatever is selected as the foreground color in the tool box.
    4. Here is a screen shot of my gradient tool settings that I used.
    I pulled from right to left because I do not have reverse checked. If I had reverse checked, I would have pulled left to right. Notice the gradient style I have selected and that the tool is in normal blend mode and that transparency has been enabled.
    I should also mention that I pulled from pretty close to where the two images join and only pulled maybe a centimeter worth of drag.
    Yellow line shows start and stop point of tool drag. *You can drag more than once if the gradient is too thin at the join.
    The reason you want to hold in the shift key as you drag the gradient is because this gives you an even pull...makes a straight line. Without using the shift key you can get a wonky uneven join.

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    Not directly this time, I believe, but by a post web gallery generation hack to the generated files.
    Don Ricklin, MacBook 2Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.10 & Win XP, Pentax *ist D
    See LR Links list at my
    Blog for related sites.

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    The only way to change the filename of an image is to export the image with a new filename:  When exporting you can select the title a s a new filename.
    Then reimport the renamed file to Photos and delete the original version.

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    Thank you!

    If you are trying to change the favicon for your site,
    You can do it from Site Manager-> Page template -> Default Template
    Look for the code   <link type="image/x-icon" href="/Path for your image" rel="icon" />, and Click save.
    Now where you will use this template, it will display your favicon for that webpage instead of BC favicon. You can define it on Page directly if you are not going to use template.
    Please let me know if you have any doubt.

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    Hi experts,
    I am using the WAD and using the bar chart
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    However, when the mouse hovered on the bar,
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    Is there anyway to change that tooltip format?

    Dear Habeeb,
    Thank you so much for your reply.
    I read the website you gave.
    Does that mean I can add "tooltip_text" to specify
    what should be display on the tooltips of charts?
    And how can I assign it with only key figure value?
    (or you can say, only column value)
    I am quite sorry that I am not very familiar with HTML skill.
    Could you please kindly explain a little more about this solution?
    Again, thank you so much for your help.

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    plz give me a small code to change the image of the JFrame in the Title bar.
    i know how to change the name of the title bar .
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Rathna1 extends JFrame
    super("rathna project ");
    public class Rathna
    public static void main(String ax[])throws Exception
    Rathna1 r=new Rathna1();
    Like this how to change the image of the title bar
    Message was edited by:

    JFrame frame;
    frame.setIconImage(new ImageIcon("icons/img007.gif").getImage());
    i think the thing u r searching is :
    frame.setIconImage(new ImageIcon("icons/img007.gif").getImage());

  • How to change the colour of chart in WAD.

    I have problem with web report. The web report with bar charts used to show with different colours earlier. Now when I execute the web report, the chart displays in single colour (All the rectangular bars in the charts are displayed in single colour say for example red). customer would like to see the chart with different colours. Please put some lights on it how to change the colour of chart in the report.

    Hi Krish,
    I have followed the steps which you suggested, but I am unable to see the changes when I execute the web report.
    I could able to see the colour changes to the bars in the chart in the preview (i.e when I select the series 1 and change the colour for series 1 under Area properties). Like that I have done for all the 5 series, then I have clicked on Complete button, saved the web template and executed it, and I could able to see the changes in the preview but not in the report after execution.
    I have two charts in my case, one is <b>Job function</b> chart and the other is <b>Job type</b> chart. The Job function chart is displaying with different colours from the begining, but the job type chart is displays all the columns in RED colour.
    Is there any setting I need to do after selecting the colour at the series level.
    Please correctt me if I am worng in doing the procedure.
    Please update me how to do it...It is usefull if you can come back to me ASAP .
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • OBIEE: How to sort a bar chart by a measure not displayed in the chart?

    I have a table with OEM sales volume comparisons between two periods, current year and previous year. I have calculated a "VOLUME CHANGE" measure by subtracting last year's volume total column from this year's volume total column, and would like to display the resulting VOLUME CHANGE column in a horizontal bar chart.
    However, I want the bar chart sorted in descending order by the sales volume total column rather than the value of the calculated "VOLUME CHANGE" that is displayed.
    Can someone help me make this happen?
    In Answers I can make a bar chart sort according to any sort applied to a measure IF YOU INCLUDE THE SORTED MEASURE IN THE CHART, but I can't readily see how to do this if you wish to only include one measure in the chart but sort it by another measure from the same table.
    Help would be appreciated.

    Well, we have some kind of disconnect.
    I see that the first value on the horizontal axis will supply the sort. The sort depends on the default, or whatever sort you have set on the column in the Criteria tab.
    But if I remove that measure from the chart, I lose the sort and it defaults back to sorting by BRAND, alphabetically.
    I can't see any options for hiding the measure in the chart itself and preserving the sort by the hidden measure. I know how to do that quite easily in Tableau, but I can't find it here. In the Criteria tab when I go to "column properties" the only option tabs I see are "Style", "Column Format", "Data Format", "Conditional Format" and "Interaction" and none of those offer any option for hiding the column.
    When you go to the results tab and then edit the layout of the resulting data table, you do get options to hide columns in the results table. But they still show up by default when you create a chart based on the table. From the editing options for the chart itself I see no option for hiding any of the measures, only the option to drop the measures down to the "Excluded" box, at which point they a cleared from the chart along with any associated sort settings.
    Is there any way to include a screen shot with the post?
    Can someone be more specific about where the menus and options are to make this happen?

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