How to compare the values of 2 select queires in two diff DB's

I need help in building the logic to achieve this :
A program is needed to get reference data from ABC database in ORACLE and update our reference tables with any changes in DEF database in SYBASE.
Pls give me an example where i can compare the select queires from different databases one exsiting in oracle and one in sybase .
Any help will appreciated.

I have no idea on how to do
2) Using your specific requirements, determine how to know if there is a "new row" or a "missing row" or a row , which has a different description
Say Table A in oracle looks like this
Sno Description
1 Out Of Order
2 Shipped
3 Back Order
Say Table B in Sybase looks like this
Type Text
1 Out/Order
2 Shipped
4 Not manufactured
I have to see to that the rows present in Table A in oracle , should be same as rows in Table B in sybase
If not , we have to update , insert and delete the row which is not present in Table A in oracle in Table B in sybase.
In the table example i gave , In the first row of Table B in Sybase , the Text is different from that of Description in Table A for that Sno "1"
So we should update the description.
Row 4 has Sno "4" which is not their in table A , so delete that row from table A.
And In table A , Sno "3" row exists , so we should insert that record in table B.
I know how to query the tables , and get the rows into Result Set ..after that how can i compare and take the steps to update , insert and delete?

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                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              function retrieveOptions(){
                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;

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                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
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                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;
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    <html:select styleClass="text" name="querydefs" property="shortcut"
                             onchange="retrieveSecondOptions()" styleId="firstBox"
                             <html:options collection="advanced.choices" property="shortcut"
                                  labelProperty="label"  />
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    firstBox = document.getElementById('firstBox');
        selectedOption = firstBox.options[firstBox.selectedIndex].value;
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    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
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    public static void main(String[] args) {
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
         try {                                                                     
         DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
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    I guess, you are looking for searching for attributes of an user object.
    Here is the sample code to list all the attributes of an 'user' objectclass.
    Tell me if it helps or not.
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.ldap.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    public class GetAttributes
         public static void main (String[] args)
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              //Must use either the userPrincipalName or samAccountName,
              //Cannot use the distinguished name
              String adminName = "cn=abcd,cn=Users,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
              String adminPassword = "DEF1234";
              String ldapURL = "ldap://pni3w067:389";
              //connect to my domain controller
              try {
                   // Create the initial directory context
                   DirContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env,null);
                   // Create the search controls
                   SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
                   //Specify the search scope
                   //specify the LDAP search filter
                   String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user))";
                   //Specify the Base for the search
                   //String searchBase = "ou=policyusers,ou=ssoanay,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
                   String searchBase = "cn=abcd,cn=users,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
                   //initialize counter to total the results
                   int totalResults = 0;
                   // Search for objects using the filter
                   NamingEnumeration answer =, searchFilter, searchCtls);
                   //Loop through the search results
                   while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
                        SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
                        System.out.println("\nName of Object : " + sr.getName());
                        // Print out some of the attributes, catch the exception if the attributes have no values
                        Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
                        if (attrs != null) {
                             try {
                                  /*NamingEnumeration enum = attrs.getIDs();
                                  while(enum.hasMore()) {
                                  NamingEnumeration enum2 = attrs.getAll();
                                  while(enum2.hasMore()) {
                                       System.out.println("Attribute - ";
                             catch (Exception e)     {
                                  System.out.println("Exception:" +e.getMessage());
                        else {
                             System.out.println("attribute is null");
                   System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
              catch (NamingException e) {
                        System.err.println("Problem searching directory: " + e);
         //return 0;

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    check your session state to see what value the select list has..
    From developer tools at bottom of running page, select session, then look for the value associated with your select list..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller

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    first define the presentation variable for the required column prompt. ex: PV
    Then in report level set the filter for that column = @{PV}{customer office}. here u have to give default value as "customer office", so by default the report in dashboard will show customer office even though the user does not select any value from dashboard prompt.
    Mark If Helpful/correct.

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    SELECT APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(1, ROWNUM, NULL,NULL,'onclick="javascript:$x(''P5_HIDDEN1'').value=' || ROWNUM|| '"') UPDATE_RECORD
    ,APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(1, ROWNUM, NULL,NULL,'onclick="javascript:$x(''P5_HIDDEN2'').value=' || ROWNUM|| '"') DELETE_RECORD
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    ,case when phone_type is not null then (select meaning from hr_lookups where lookup_type ='PHONE_TYPE' and pp.phone_type=lookup_code)
    end as phone_type
    from hr.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.hr_lookups hl
    ,apps.per_contact_relationships pcr
    ,apps.per_phones pp
    ,(select contact_person_id,primary_contact_flag
    from apps.per_contact_relationships pcr
    where pcr.person_id = :P5_PERSON_ID
    and contact_type = 'EMRG') emrg
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    and pcr.personal_flag='Y'
    and contact_type <> 'EMRG'
    and trunc(sysdate) between date_start and NVL(date_end,'31-DEC-4712')
    and pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
    and hl.lookup_type='CONTACT'
    and pcr.contact_person_id = papf.person_id
    and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
    and pcr.contact_person_id = pp.parent_id
    and pp.phone_type in (select lookup_code from hr_lookups where lookup_type ='PHONE_TYPE')

    Related thread here How to Pass values from SQL Report into TEXT ITEM ?

  • How to access the value of fiedl ( select list with redirect )

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    Marc Fortin

    Hello Larry,
    You can use a select list with submit and create a branch to the page you want to go to.
    Hope that helps.

  • How to compare the value of a cell before changing and after changing.

    Hey there,
    Now I want to implement a JTable. And the requirement is that users can edit a cell in the Table only once. I think there are two possible ways. One is that after user edited a cell, I will set this cell read only. Another way is to compare the vaule before and after the changing. If it is different, then write back the previous value.
    But I did not know how to implement in Java. Can anybody help me?
    Thanks alot!

    inevitably, you will have to save a before copy of
    the data, what this many times amounts to is that you
    will need to have 2 identical data structures before
    you start or some type of locking mechanism for each
    piece of data.Why is this inevitable? I don't see it as inevitable at all. In fact, it's quite simple to implement a TableModel that returns false when isEditable(int, int) is invoked for any cell that has already had setValueAt(Object, int, int) inovked on it, for example. Depending on the requirements and implementation a different methodology may be needed for determining when the edit has taken place, such as a custom editor that notifies the TableModel when stopCellEditing() is invoked. Heck, overriding editingStopped() in JTable to do it might even work.
    So, create a TableModel that returns isEditabe(int, int) as true only if the cell hasn't been edited yet. The only problem to solve from there is how you know when it's been edited. I've already given you a few leads on that, it's not particularly hard but depending on your exact implementation it may require different solutions.

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    just get this code empTable is the table binding
                    RowKeySet rks = new RowKeySetImpl(); 
                    CollectionModel model = (CollectionModel)empTable.getValue(); 
          RowKeySet selectedRowKeys = empTable.getSelectedRowKeys();
          if (selectedRowKeys != null)
                Iterator iter = selectedRowKeys.iterator();
                if (iter != null && iter.hasNext())
                  Object key = model.getRowKey(); 
        public void setEmpTable(RichTable empTable) {
            this.empTable = empTable;
        public RichTable getEmpTable() {
            return empTable;

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    Hi all,
    I am having a requirement. where the user need pass the value in the variable, Here v r having option like '1' and '2' which represent 'month' and 'ytd'.
    While selecting user view as 1,2 .Now my requirement is to replace the value 1=monthly and 2=ytd while the user passing the value to avoid the confusion.
    Is it possible if so plz let me know

    Dear Venkat.
    You please try the following steps:
    1. Say the InfoObject is 0EMPLOYEE against which you have created the variable, which user is trying to select value against, when they execute the report.
    2. Goto RSA1-> InfoObject tab-> Select InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE.
    3. Selcet the following options:
       Query Execution Filter Val. Selectn  -  'Only Posted Value for Navigation'
       Filter Value Repr. At Query Exec. -      'Selector Box Without Values'
    Please let me know if there is any more issue. Feel free to raise further concern
    Sukdev K

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    I'm trying to build a rtf template in Word using this XML schema. The "A_ID" nodes in each group in my data have the same value. I want for each "A_ID" take the respective values in /DATA/VALUES/MY_VALUES.
    <?choose:?><?when: DESCRIPTION='ABC'?>
    <?end when?><?end choose?>
    <?end for-each?>
    <?choose:?><?when: DESCRIPTION='DEF'?>
    <?end when?><?end choose?>
    <?end for-each?>
    <?choose:?><?when: DESCRIPTION='ASDFG'?>
    <?VALUE?> <---------------- I obtain for this node the '24355' and '10987' values
    <?end when?><?end choose?>
    I want to know how to obtain only '24355' value, this is, the value for A_ID (/DATA/VALUES/MY_VALUES) = A_ID (/DATA/PARAMETERS/MY_PARAMETERS).
    Can someone help me?

       ON "TABLE1"
       IF (:NEW.status = 'HOLD')
          INSERT INTO table2
               VALUES (:NEW.status
       END IF;
    END;You should learn how to write PL/SQL code.
    Denes Kubicek

  • How to compare the value of a binding variable with a string "HOLD" ......?

    Hi All,
    I have two tables - TABLE1 & TABLE2 and both the tables are having STATUS column. The requirement is like if the STATUS column of TABLE1 is updated as "HOLD" then the same value has to be updated to the STATUS column of TABLE2.
    create or replace trigger "TEST_TRG"
    update of "STATUS" on "TABLE1"
    for each row
    if(:new.STATUS ='HOLD')then
    insert into TABLE2 (STATUS)
    value (:new.STATUS);
    end if;
    Compilation failed, line 3 (02:40:14) The line numbers associated with compilation errors are relative to the first BEGIN statement. This only affects the compilation of database triggers.
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "{" when expecting one of the following: ( begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> << continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge The symbol "{" was ignored. Compilation failed, line 7 (02:40:14) The line numbers associated with compilation errors are relative to the first BEGIN statement. This only affects the compilation of database triggers.
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "}" when expecting one of the following: ( begin case declare else elsif end exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> << continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge The symbol "}" was ignored.
    I am getting the compilation errors as above when the trigger is compiled. Can anyone please help me to correct it.
    Thanks and Regards,

       ON "TABLE1"
       IF (:NEW.status = 'HOLD')
          INSERT INTO table2
               VALUES (:NEW.status
       END IF;
    END;You should learn how to write PL/SQL code.
    Denes Kubicek

  • How to add the values of all selected columns in a table and display it ?

    Hi all,
    I am using jdeveloper
    my page jsff page contains one ADF table and one textbox
    i have two database tables A & B ,
    i need 2 columns from each table . say (A.product_no ,A.product_name,B.prodeuct_price ,B.confirm)
    here product_no is primary key and present in both tables.
    i need to create a VO combining these two tables and put it as ADF table in a jspx page
    Functionality :
    my 'confirm' field is a checkbox field in table . whenever the checkbox is selected,
    the corresponding price will be getting added and display it in a textbox.
    if my first 4 price values are 3000 , 2000 ,4000,2000
    and if i select first 3 values , then the text box should contain 9000 value.
    i need help ...
    i need help in creating VO and functionality part

    it is easy: create an entity object for every table and one view object where you select your both entity objects and join them in your select statement.
    Your desired 'confirm' functionality could be achieved with helpp of view object transient attributes - for more information see:

  • How to get the values of a selected row and edit it

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    i am using a table component.I am populating it from the database.i used static text to display the data .i have a edit button in the last column. when i click on it that particular rows data should be shown in a text field in that row itself,so that i should be able to edit it and then if i save it it that row should change to statictext with the updated data.
    please provide a solution for this...

    Hi Andrea,
    If you are using ADFBC, the easiest way is to drop the attribute(Say Name) from the data control palette as outputText component and add partialTriggers property of it to point to table id(to refresh the outputText whenever the row is selected in table)

Maybe you are looking for