How to convert a csv file into excel report?

I have a csv file, can any body help me how to convert it into an excel report.
thanks in advance

Search this board for "read CVS" and "write Excel". both are very common questions, you should be able to find answers very quickly.
Hints: String.split(), Apache POI

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    >But, from the windows explorer, if i do a right clic on the word document, with the context menu, i can directly convert to PDF
    This is equivalent to using the PDFMaker facility in Word - that is,
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    If I understand you right, you want each row in your table to contain an emp_id and the complete text of a multi-record .csv file.
    It's not clear how you relate emp_id to the appropriate file to be read. Is the emp_id stored in the csv file?
    To read the file, you can use functions from [UTL_FILE|] (as long as the file is in a directory accessible to the Oracle server):
        lt_report_clob CLOB;
        l_max_line_length integer := 1024;   -- set as high as the longest line in your file
        l_infile UTL_FILE.file_type;
        l_buffer varchar2(1024);
        l_emp_id report_table.emp_id%type := 123; -- not clear where emp_id comes from
        l_filename varchar2(200) := 'my_file_name.csv';   -- get this from somewhere
       -- open the file; we assume an Oracle directory has already been created
        l_infile := utl_file.fopen('CSV_DIRECTORY', l_filename, 'r', l_max_line_length);
        -- initialise the empty clob
        dbms_lob.createtemporary(lt_report_clob, TRUE, DBMS_LOB.session);
             utl_file.get_line(l_infile, l_buffer);
             dbms_lob.append(lt_report_clob, l_buffer);
             when no_data_found then
        end loop;
        insert into report_table (emp_id, report)
        values (l_emp_id, lt_report_clob);
        -- free the temporary lob
       -- close the file
    end;This simple line-by-line approach is easy to understand, and gives you an opportunity (if you want) to take each line in the file and transform it (for example, you could transform it into a nested table, or into XML). However it can be rather slow if there are many records in the csv file - the lob_append operation is not particularly efficient. I was able to improve the efficiency by caching the lines in a VARCHAR2 up to a maximum cache size, and only then appending to the LOB - see [three posts on my blog|].
    There is at least one other possibility:
    - you could use [DBMS_LOB.loadclobfromfile|]. I've not tried this before myself, but I think the procedure is described [here in the 9i docs|]. This is likely to be faster than UTL_FILE (because it is all happening in the underlying DBMS_LOB package, possibly in a native way).
    That's all for now. I haven't yet answered your question on how to report data back out of the CLOB. I would like to know how you associate employees with files; what happens if there is > 1 file per employee, etc.
    Regards Nigel
    Edited by: nthomas on Mar 2, 2009 11:22 AM - don't forget to fclose the file...

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    Kishorei20 wrote:
    Hi I'm wondering how we can convert a CSV file to a HTML file? easy way: put <html> in the front and </html> at the end and yu've got an html file
    but I think what ur looking for is how to build table
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    TDETL00000000020000000000000120131021115854ST2225SKU77598059          0023-000000010000
    I want the above to be converted into the below format
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- Processor splits text into lines -->
      <processor type="RegexDelimited">
            This is used to specify that a message should be created per line in
            the incoming file;
            NOTE: this was designed to work with all the processors, however it
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      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <!-- For lines beginning with TDETL (Transaction Details) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <regex>^(\d{10})(\d{14})(\d{14})(\w{2})(\d{4})(\w{3})([\w ]{13})([\w ]{5})(\d{2})(\d{2})([+-]{1})(\d{12})$</regex>
      <!-- For lines beginning with FTAIL (File Tail) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">

    Sorry, that doesn't make much sense.
    The XML you gave is a configuration file for txt2xml utility. It doesn't represent the output format.
    Are you a user of this utility?

  • How to import an .csv file into the database?

    and can we code the program in JSP to import the.csv file into the database.

    It is better to use Java class to read the CSV file and store the contents in the database.
    You can use JSP to upload the CSV file to the server if you want, but don't use it to perform database operations.
    JSPs are good for displaying information on the front-end, and for displaying HTML forms, there are other technologies more suitable for the middle layer, back end and the database layer.
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    2) Middle layer - Servlets and JavaBeans to interact with JSPs. The code that reads the CSV file to parse it's contents should be a Java Class in the middle layer. It makes use of Java File I/O
    3) Database layer - Connects to the database using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), and then writes to the database with SQL insert statements.
    Keeping the above concepts in mind, first build a simple JSP and get it to work,
    then research on Google , for Java File I/O , discover how to read a file,
    Then search on how to readh a CSV file using Java.
    After researching you should be able to read the CSV file line by line and store each line inside a Collection.
    Then research on Google, on how to write to the database using JDBC
    Write a simple program that inserts something to a dummy table in the database.
    Then, read the data stored in the Collection, and write insert statements for each records in the collection.

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    3. what should I include in main xsd file (cXML.xsd) to import other two xsd files.
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    Hi opalo,
    this code may help you...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    class Write1 extends Component {
    //--- Private constants
    private final static int BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE = 14;
    private final static int BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE = 40;
    //--- Private variable declaration
    //--- Bitmap file header
    private byte bitmapFileHeader [] = new byte [14];
    private byte bfType [] = {'B', 'M'};
    private int bfSize = 0;
    private int bfReserved1 = 0;
    private int bfReserved2 = 0;
    //--- Bitmap info header
    private byte bitmapInfoHeader [] = new byte [40];
    private int biSize = BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE;
    private int biWidth = 50;
    private int biHeight = 70;
    private int biPlanes = 1;
    //private int biBitCount = 24;
    private int biBitCount = 1;
    private int biCompression = 0;
    private int biSizeImage = 0x030000;
    private int biXPelsPerMeter = 0x0;
    private int biYPelsPerMeter = 0x0;
    private int biClrUsed = 0;
    private int biClrImportant = 0;
    //--- Bitmap raw data
    private int bitmap [];
    //--- File section
    private FileOutputStream fo;
    //--- Default constructor
    public Write1() {
    public void saveBitmap (String parFilename, Image parImage, int
    parWidth, int parHeight) {
    try {
    fo = new FileOutputStream (parFilename);
    save (parImage, parWidth, parHeight);
    fo.close ();
    catch (Exception saveEx) {
    saveEx.printStackTrace ();
    * The saveMethod is the main method of the process. This method
    * will call the convertImage method to convert the memory image to
    * a byte array; method writeBitmapFileHeader creates and writes
    * the bitmap file header; writeBitmapInfoHeader creates the
    * information header; and writeBitmap writes the image.
    private void save (Image parImage, int parWidth, int parHeight) {
    try {
    convertImage (parImage, parWidth, parHeight);
    writeBitmapFileHeader ();
    writeBitmapInfoHeader ();
    writeBitmap ();
    catch (Exception saveEx) {
    saveEx.printStackTrace ();
    * convertImage converts the memory image to the bitmap format (BRG).
    * It also computes some information for the bitmap info header.
    private boolean convertImage (Image parImage, int parWidth, int parHeight) {
    int pad;
    bitmap = new int [parWidth * parHeight];
    PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber (parImage, 0, 0, parWidth, parHeight,
    bitmap, 0, parWidth);
    try {
    pg.grabPixels ();
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
    e.printStackTrace ();
    return (false);
    pad = (4 - ((parWidth * 3) % 4)) * parHeight;
    biSizeImage = ((parWidth * parHeight) * 3) + pad;
    bfSize = biSizeImage + BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE +
    biWidth = parWidth;
    biHeight = parHeight;
    return (true);
    * writeBitmap converts the image returned from the pixel grabber to
    * the format required. Remember: scan lines are inverted in
    * a bitmap file!
    * Each scan line must be padded to an even 4-byte boundary.
    private void writeBitmap () {
    int size;
    int value;
    int j;
    int i;
    int rowCount;
    int rowIndex;
    int lastRowIndex;
    int pad;
    int padCount;
    byte rgb [] = new byte [3];
    size = (biWidth * biHeight) - 1;
    pad = 4 - ((biWidth * 3) % 4);
    if (pad == 4) // <==== Bug correction
    pad = 0; // <==== Bug correction
    rowCount = 1;
    padCount = 0;
    rowIndex = size - biWidth;
    lastRowIndex = rowIndex;
    try {
    for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
    value = bitmap [rowIndex];
    rgb [0] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
    rgb [1] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
    rgb [2] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
    fo.write (rgb);
    if (rowCount == biWidth) {
    padCount += pad;
    for (i = 1; i <= pad; i++) {
    fo.write (0x00);
    int b = 1200;
    rowCount = 1;
    rowIndex = lastRowIndex - biWidth;
    lastRowIndex = rowIndex;
    //--- Update the size of the file
    bfSize += padCount - pad;
    biSizeImage += padCount - pad;
    catch (Exception wb) {
    wb.printStackTrace ();
    * writeBitmapFileHeader writes the bitmap file header to the file.
    private void writeBitmapFileHeader () {
    try {
    fo.write (bfType);
    fo.write (intToDWord (bfSize));
    fo.write (intToWord (bfReserved1));
    fo.write (intToWord (bfReserved2));
    fo.write (intToDWord (bfOffBits));
    catch (Exception wbfh) {
    wbfh.printStackTrace ();
    * writeBitmapInfoHeader writes the bitmap information header
    * to the file.
    private void writeBitmapInfoHeader () {
    try {
    fo.write (intToDWord (biSize));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biWidth));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biHeight));
    fo.write (intToWord (biPlanes));
    fo.write (intToWord (biBitCount));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biCompression));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biSizeImage));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biXPelsPerMeter));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biYPelsPerMeter));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biClrUsed));
    fo.write (intToDWord (biClrImportant));
    // DataOutputStream temp = new DataOutputStream(fo);
    // int m = 32;
    // temp.writeInt(m);
    catch (Exception wbih) {
    wbih.printStackTrace ();
    * intToWord converts an int to a word, where the return
    * value is stored in a 2-byte array.
    private byte [] intToWord (int parValue) {
    byte retValue [] = new byte [2];
    retValue [0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF);
    retValue [1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x00FF);
    return (retValue);
    * intToDWord converts an int to a double word, where the return
    * value is stored in a 4-byte array.
    private byte [] intToDWord (int parValue) {
    byte retValue [] = new byte [4];
    retValue [0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF);
    retValue [1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x000000FF);
    retValue [2] = (byte) ((parValue >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
    retValue [3] = (byte) ((parValue >> 24) & 0x000000FF);
    return (retValue);
    class Writebmp
         public static void main(String args[])
              //Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("jatin.bmp");
              File filename = new File("jatin_test.bmp");
              BufferedImage image =;
              Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
              Write1 w = new Write1();
              Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("jatin_test.bmp");
              catch (IOException e)
    System.err.println ("Unable to write to file");

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    Not so urgent today then!
    I'm still not going to help you to steal someone�s code.

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