How to copy the variants from one user to other user?

Hi all,
I have a list of variants(nearly 10 variants) for a report named 'ZONEORDER'. I need to copy all the variants to another user. Is it possible?
If so, could anyone suggest the solution?
Thanks in advance.

Hello Vijay,
I need to copy all the variants to another user.
What does " copy to another user" mean?
You can attach the variant to a Transport through prog. RSTRANSP and move to subsequent systems.

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    You could use SQL*Plus' COPY command
    Edited by: Alex Nuijten on Sep 16, 2009 8:13 AM

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    select * into A1 from RDOC where Author !='System'
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  • How to copy-paste frames from one document to other with there respective layers intact?

    Hi All,
         I am facing an issue while copy paste frames from one document to other. I have a 3 frames in first documents each one on different layer. First document has 3 layers. The second document too have 3 layers , I am copying frames from first document to scrapdata using 'ICopyCmdData ' and 'kCopyCmdBoss'. I have 'Paste Remembers Layers' menu 'Checked' on Layer panel. I am using following function to copy frames to scrapdata.
    bool16 copyStencilsFromTheTemplateDocumentIntoScrapData(PMString & templateFilePath)
         bool16 result = kFalse;
            SDKLayoutHelper sdklhelp;
            PMString filePathItemsToBeCopiedFrom(templateFilePath);  //("c:\\test\\aa.indt");
            IDFile templateIDFile(filePathItemsToBeCopiedFrom);
            UIDRef templateDocUIDRef = sdklhelp.OpenDocument(templateIDFile);
            if(templateDocUIDRef == UIDRef ::gNull)                 
            ErrorCode err = sdklhelp.OpenLayoutWindow(templateDocUIDRef);
            if(err == kFailure)                 
            InterfacePtr<IDocument> templatedoc(templateDocUIDRef,UseDefaultIID());
            if(templatedoc == nil)               
            if(templateSpreadUIDList == nil)                  
            IDataBase * templateDocDatabase = templateDocUIDRef.GetDataBase();
            if(templateDocDatabase == nil)                  
            UIDRef templateDocFirstSpreadUIDRef(templateDocDatabase, templateSpreadUIDList->GetNthSpreadUID(0));
            InterfacePtr<ISpread> templateSpread(templateDocFirstSpreadUIDRef, IID_ISPREAD);
            if(templateSpread == nil)                 
            UIDList templateFrameUIDList(templateDocDatabase);
            if(templateSpread->GetNthPageUID(0)== kInvalidUID)                  
            InterfacePtr<ICommand> copyStencilsCMD(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kCopyCmdBoss));
            if(copyStencilsCMD == nil)                
            InterfacePtr<ICopyCmdData> cmdData(copyStencilsCMD, IID_ICOPYCMDDATA);
            if(cmdData == nil)                 
            // Copy cmd will own this list
            UIDList* listCopy = new UIDList(templateFrameUIDList);
            InterfacePtr<IClipboardController> clipboardController(gSession,UseDefaultIID());
            if(clipboardController == nil)              
            ErrorCode status = clipboardController->PrepareForCopy();
            if(status == kFailure)                  
            InterfacePtr<IDataExchangeHandler> scrapHandler(clipboardController->QueryHandler(kPageItemFlavor));
            if(scrapHandler == nil)                 
            InterfacePtr<IPageItemScrapData> scrapData(scrapHandler, UseDefaultIID());
            if(scrapData== nil)                
            UIDRef parent = scrapData->GetRootNode();
            cmdData->Set(copyStencilsCMD, listCopy, parent, scrapHandler);
            if(templateFrameUIDList.Length() == 0)       
                return kFalse;      
                status = CmdUtils::ProcessCommand(copyStencilsCMD);    
            if(status != kFailure)
              result = kTrue;
            sdklhelp.CloseDocument(templateDocUIDRef,kFalse,K2::kSuppressUI, kFalse);
        return result;
    After this I need to close first document. Now I am opening the second document from indt file which has same number of layers as first document. I am trying to paste frames from scrap data to second document using '' 'ICopyCmdData ' and 'kPasteCmdBoss' as shown in follwoing function
    bool16 pasteTheItemsFromScrapDataOntoOpenDocument(UIDRef &documentDocUIDRef )
        bool16 result = kFalse;
               InterfacePtr<IClipboardController> clipboardController(gSession,UseDefaultIID());
                if(clipboardController == nil)
               InterfacePtr<IDataExchangeHandler> scrapHandler(clipboardController->QueryHandler(kPageItemFlavor));
               if(scrapHandler == nil)               
               InterfacePtr<IPageItemScrapData> scrapData(scrapHandler, UseDefaultIID());
                if(scrapData == nil)
                     //This will give the list of items present on the scrap
                UIDList* scrapContents = scrapData->CreateUIDList();
                if (scrapContents->Length() >= 1)
                    InterfacePtr<IDocument> dataToBeSprayedDocument(documentDocUIDRef,UseDefaultIID());
                    if(dataToBeSprayedDocument == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<ISpreadList>dataToBeSprayedDocumentSpreadList(dataToBeSprayedDocument,UseDef aultIID());
                    if(dataToBeSprayedDocumentSpreadList == nil)
                    IDataBase * dataToBeSprayedDocDatabase = documentDocUIDRef.GetDataBase();
                    if(dataToBeSprayedDocDatabase == nil)
                    UIDRef spreadUIDRef(dataToBeSprayedDocDatabase, dataToBeSprayedDocumentSpreadList->GetNthSpreadUID(0));               
                    SDKLayoutHelper sdklhelp;
                    UIDRef parentLayerUIDRef = sdklhelp.GetSpreadLayerRef(spreadUIDRef);
                    InterfacePtr<IPageItemScrapData> localScrapData(scrapHandler, UseDefaultIID());
                    if(localScrapData == nil)
                    if(parentLayerUIDRef.GetUID() == kInvalidUID)
                    InterfacePtr<ICommand> pasteToClipBoardCMD (CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kPasteCmdBoss));
                    if(pasteToClipBoardCMD == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<ICopyCmdData> cmdData(pasteToClipBoardCMD, UseDefaultIID());
                    if(cmdData == nil)
                    if(scrapContents == nil)
                    PMPoint offset(0.0, 0.0);
                    cmdData->Set(pasteToClipBoardCMD, scrapContents, parentLayerUIDRef );
                    ErrorCode status = CmdUtils::ProcessCommand(pasteToClipBoardCMD);
                    if(status == kSuccess)
                        CA("result = kTrue");
                        result = kTrue;
                }//end if (scrapContents->Length() >= 1)       
        return result;
         Here in above function its required to set Parent Layer UIDRef and because of this all frames are getting paste in one layer.
    Is there any way we can paste frame in there respective layers?
         Also I need to work this code with CS4 server and desktop indesign.
    Thanks in advance,
    Rahul Dalvi

    // dstDoc must be FrontDocument
    InterfacePtr<ILayoutControlData> layoutData(Utils<ILayoutUIUtils>()->QueryFrontLayoutData());
    InterfacePtr<ICommand> createMasterFromMasterCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kCreateMasterFromMasterCmdBoss));
    InterfacePtr<ILayoutCmdData> layoutCmdData(createMasterFromMasterCmd, UseDefaultIID());
    layoutCmdData->Set(::GetUIDRef(layoutData->GetDocument()), layoutData);

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    how can i copy script i.e i changed =in EN, but i want copy convert same effects in DE (from one language to other language but not all language)

    From the SAP standard menu, choose SE71.
    On the Form Painter: Request screen:
    1)Enter the name of the form (ZORDER01) in the Form field.
    2)Enter DE in the Language field.
    3)Click created and press OK.
    4)From menu bar, choose form->copy from
    5)In the popup, give formname as (ZORDER01) and language as EN and click ok.
    6)Save the form and activate it.

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    If i will create a development package and import this packgae in Quality package will my new changes also be available in Quality server?
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Susmita
    I wasn't completely sure, but from your description of your problem, it seemed like you would have access to your DTR during your upgrade. The following solution assumes as much. If this is not the case, you'll need to do things slightly differently, but the solution will still be possible.
    Depending on the scope and size of your changes, it may be practical for your developers to deploy directly from their NetWeaver Developer Studio (or for a designated administrator to install the NWDS and do the same). To do so, from the Development Configurations perspective, create a new NWDS project for each of the DCs you want to deploy. Then right-click the project and choose from one of the deployment options. (Deploy new archive and run will allow you to see if your deployment has taken effect.) When deploying, the target server is the one set up as your J2EE engine in the NWDS properties - you'll consequently have to modify this when the target server for your deployment changes (from QA to production, or vice versa).
    Note that this is only applicable in certain situations, and only as a short term stopgap measure. This sort of practice - developers or administrators deploying haphazardly to servers other than those intended for development - is precisely what the NWDI is designed to prevent (and is one of very few things it's fairly good at doing). For instance, if your QA and production systems are attached as TEST and PROD runtimes systems respectively in your NWDI, a full assembly and subsequent full deployment would usually occur to these servers when deploying with the NWDI. This is a much stronger guarantee of consistency than the build that will be performed within your local NWDS to deploy your changes. (Conversely, the rigidity of the assembly is perhaps the NWDI's greatest design flaw.)
    (Also, Snehal: thanks for the information on the sapmake_util blog. It's not something I've encountered before and looks very useful.)

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class KeyCommunication
        public static void main(String[] args)
            final JScrollBar
                left  = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL),
                right = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
             * if KeyEvent originates with left, forwards KeyEvent to right
            left.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
                public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                    int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
                    int direction = 0;
                    if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
                        direction = -1;
                    if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
                        direction = 1;
                    left.setValue(left.getValue() +
                                  left.getBlockIncrement(direction) * direction);
                    if(e.getSource() == left)
             * forwards KeyEvent to left scrollbar if KeyEvent originates here
            right.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
                public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                    int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
                    int direction = 0;
                    if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
                        direction = -1;
                    if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
                        direction = 1;
                    right.setValue(right.getValue() +
                                   right.getBlockIncrement(direction) * direction);
                    if(e.getSource() == right)
             * paints track of focused scrollbar blue
             * use tab key for navigation between scrollbars
            FocusListener l = new FocusListener()
                Color bgColor = UIManager.getColor("ScrollBar.background");
                public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
                    JScrollBar scrollBar = (JScrollBar)e.getSource();
                public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
                    JScrollBar scrollBar = (JScrollBar)e.getSource();
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.insets = new Insets(10,0,10,0);
            gbc.weightx = 1.0;
            gbc.weighty = 1.0;
            gbc.fill = gbc.VERTICAL;
            panel.add(left, gbc);
            panel.add(right, gbc);
            JFrame f = new JFrame();

  • How to copy master spread from one document to other

    I've used kNewMasterSpreadCmdBoss command and IMasterSpreadCmdData interface but it copies master spread with empty master page.
    Should I setup some additional parameters for command? Or should I use different mechanism?

    // dstDoc must be FrontDocument
    InterfacePtr<ILayoutControlData> layoutData(Utils<ILayoutUIUtils>()->QueryFrontLayoutData());
    InterfacePtr<ICommand> createMasterFromMasterCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kCreateMasterFromMasterCmdBoss));
    InterfacePtr<ILayoutCmdData> layoutCmdData(createMasterFromMasterCmd, UseDefaultIID());
    layoutCmdData->Set(::GetUIDRef(layoutData->GetDocument()), layoutData);

  • How do I copy the style from one control to another?

    I need to programmatically copy the style from one graph to another. I'm currently using the importstyle and export style functions but I'd like to avoid that since: 1) I'm creating >100 of the same graphs in a scrolling window and execution time is a concern, and 2) it makes it harder to redistribute the application, and 3) you shouldn't have to import/export from disk just to copy a graph style.
    I noticed the copy constructor was disabled so you can't just create a new one from the original. I suppose I could iterate through all the styles and transfer them from the master graph to all the copies but is there an easier way to do that? If not, is there some sample code for that?
    I'm using MStudio 7.0 for C

    One way that you could do this would be to create a helper method that configures your graph rather than configuring it at design-time, then use that helper method to apply the settings to the new graphs that you create. However, this would only work if you wanted all graphs to be configured exactly the same way - this would not work if the settings of your master graph are changing at run-time and you want the new graphs to be configured with the current settings of the master graph.
    Another approach is to query each control for IPersistPropertyBag, create an IPropertyBag, pass the IPropertyBag to the master graph's IPersistPropertyBag:ave, then pass the IPropertyBag to the new graph's IPersistPropertyBag::Load implementation. I'm not aware of any implementations of IPropertyBag that are readily available for use in applications, so the tricky part is creating the IPropertyBag. Below is a very simple implementation of IPropertyBag that should be enough to get the job done for this example. First, add this to your stdafx.h:
    #include <atlbase.h>
    CComModule _Module;
    #include <atlcom.h>
    #include <atlcoll.h>
    Here's the simple IPropertyBag implementation:
    class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSimplePropertyBag :
    public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
    public IPropertyBag
    CAtlMap<CComBSTR, CComVariant> m_propertyMap;
    STDMETHODIMP Read(LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT* pVar, IErrorLog* pErrorLog)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    if ((pszPropName == NULL) || (pVar == NULL))
    hr = E_POINTER;
    if (SUCCEEDED(::VariantClear(pVar)))
    CComBSTR key = pszPropName;
    CComVariant value;
    if (!m_propertyMap.Lookup(key, value))
    hr = E_INVALIDARG;
    if (SUCCEEDED(::VariantCopy(pVar, &value)))
    hr = S_OK;
    return hr;
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    if ((pszPropName == NULL) || (pVar == NULL))
    hr = E_POINTER;
    m_propertyMap.SetAt(pszPropName, *pVar);
    hr = S_OK;
    return hr;
    Once you have a way to create an implementation of IPropertyBag, you can use IPropertyBag and IPersistPropertyBag to copy the settings from one control to another like this:
    void CopyGraphStyle(CNiGraph& source, CNiGraph& target)
    LPUNKNOWN pSourceUnknown = source.GetControlUnknown();
    LPUNKNOWN pTargetUnknown = target.GetControlUnknown();
    if ((pSourceUnknown != NULL) && (pTargetUnknown != NULL))
    CComQIPtr<IPersistPropertyBag> pSourcePersist(pSourceUnknown);
    CComQIPtr<IPersistPropertyBag> pTargetPersist(pTargetUnknown);
    if ((pSourcePersist != NULL) && (pTargetPersist != NULL))
    CComObject<CSimplePropertyBag>* pPropertyBag = 0;
    if (pPropertyBag != NULL)
    CComQIPtr<IPropertyBag> spPropertyBag(pPropertyBag);
    if (spPropertyBag != NULL)
    if (SUCCEEDED(pSourcePersist->Save(spPropertyBag, FALSE, TRUE)))
    pTargetPersist->Load(spPropertyBag, NULL);
    (Note that "CreateInstan ce" above should be CreateInstance - a space gets added for some unknown reason after I click Submit.)
    Then you can use this CopyGraphStyle method to copy the settings of the master graph to the new graph. Hope this helps.
    - Elton

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    Maybe these links help you out
    Also, you can just detach the database make a copy and move it to the new server.

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    How to move the scripts from one location to another location. Copy, paste or Import, export

    Both way you can do.. Difference is - if you copy paste to another folder script dependencies will not move with the same( ie Assets added), whereas if you export and import the script all dependencies will be correlated automatically

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    Can you tell us how to do that?

    well i have this in mind which may help you.
    You would need to have a public ip address to the machine you have consoled to and on internet.
    Download the tftp software from below link.
    This software does not only act as the tftp server but also you can select the interface of you ethernet card as tftp server ip address.
    For ex if you are connected to a console and have a wireless card which is connected to internet also you connect you eth lan card to the eth or fast eth of the router.
    you can select which ever interface you want to act as the tftp server.
    you will need to add ip addres for you lan card and also config the router port as same if needed.

  • How to copy a folder from one document library to another document library ?

    How to copy a folder from one document library to another document library by programmtically?
    Samarendra Swain
    Team Sharepoint

    You can use the SPFolder.CopyTo method.
    public static void CopyFolder()
    SPFolder folder = null;
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://basesmcdev2/sites/tester1"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    folder = web.GetFolder("shared%20documents/newfolder");

  • How to copy List item from one list to another using SPD workflow using HTTP call web service

    How to copy List item from one list to another using SPD workflow using HTTP call web service.
    Both the Lists are in different Web applications.
    Regards, Shreyas R S

    Hi Shreyas,
    From your post, it seems that you are using SharePoint 2013 workflow platform in SPD.
    If that is the case, we can use Call HTTP web service action to get the item data, but we cannot use Call HTTP web service to create a new item in the list in another web application with these data.
    As my test, we would get Unauthorized error when using Call HTTP web service action to create a new item in a list in another web application.
    So I recommend to achieve this goal programmatically.
    More references:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Needed to copy the share from one server to share in another server

    Hi ,
    Needed to copy the data from one share named as xyz in the server 1 to the another share abc in another server 2.
    Share xyz data should be copied to the share abc which has already different data in it .We need to copy all the data from the share xyz to the share abc  without deleting any existing data in the destination share.
    I know that /MIR option will replace the destination same as source
    Can anybody help us in the Robocopy command & switches for this activity?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks & Regards S.Swaminathan Live & let others live!!!

    Hi Mandy,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have done many robocopy for the share movements from the one server joined in a domain to another server joined in the same domain.In that instances, the destination server will not be having any share of the old server name and just I robocopy the share
    from the old server to the new server after creating a new share .The usual command is as follows:
    "\\server1\oldshare" \\server2\newshare" *.* *.* *.* /ZB /E /COPY:DATO /XJ /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /dcopy:T /NP /log:c:\robocopy.txt
    And after the copy , during the cutover of the standalone DFS pointing to the new share , the domain users in the corresponding access groups (name of the groups based on the old server name) of Full,Modify,Read will be appropriately copied to the respective
    new  groups (name of the groups based on the new server name) of the new share and the access is ensured by the users.
    But in this case , the destination server is already having a share with existing data in it and to be added with the old share data
    My question is shall I use the same command as before by copying all the data to the newly created subfolder inside the existiing destination share through the following command
    "\\server1\oldshare" \\server2\newshare\new sub-folder" *.* *.* *.* /ZB /E /COPY:DATO /XJ /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /dcopy:T /NP /log:c:\robocopy.txt
    You have already mentioned /E without purge options will do.
    Just asking one more time for the safer side
    Thanks & Regards S.Swaminathan Live & let others live!!!

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