How to create a ApplicationModule in runtime??

I tried to create an ApplicationModule with variable id and definition like that:
<%@page import="package.User" %>
User u= (User) session.getApplication("user");
<jbo:ApplicationModule id="<%=u.getAppModId()%>" definition="<%=u.getAppModDef()%>" releasemode="Stateful" />
this cause an exception, I think because the id and definition values not are statics.
I must create diferent types of ApplicationModules depending of the user.
How can i do for create diferent AppMod whit the user data???

all the tag libraries and classes are included that
not is the problem because when i use:Then if not willing to provide the information, I would direct you to ask the question from whomever you got the tags from. A guess is that the tag does not take run time expressions, and thus can not work the way you want. Having no knowledge of the library, and you refusing to tell me the info, I will let you ask those responsible if that is true.
<jbo:ApplicationModule id="AppMod"
definition="ProyView.AppMod" releasemode="Stateful" />
all works OK.

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  • How to create hashed table in runtime

    hi experts
    how to create hashed table in runtime, please give me the coading style.
    please help me.

    Have alook at the code, and pls reward points.
    Use Hashed Tables to Improve Performance :
    report zuseofhashedtables.
    Program: ZUseOfHashedTables                                        **
    Author: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                 **
    Versions: 4.6b - 4.6c                                              **
    Notes:                                                             **
        this program shows how we can use hashed tables to improve     **
        the responce time.                                             **
        It shows,                                                      **
           1. how to declare hashed tables                             **
           2. a cache-like technique to improve access to master data  **
           3. how to collect data using hashed tables                  **
           4. how to avoid deletions of unwanted data                  **
    Results: the test we run read about 31000 rows from mkpf, 150000   **
             rows from mseg, 500 rows from makt and 400 from lfa1.     **
             it filled ht_lst with 24500 rows and displayed them in    **
             alv grid format.                                          **
             It needed about 65 seconds to perform this task (with     **
             all the db buffers empty)                                 **
             The same program with standard tables needed 140 seconds  **
             to run with the same recordset and with buffers filled in **
    Objetive: show a list that consists of  all the material movements **
             '101' - '901' for a certain range of dates in mkpf-budat. **
    the columns to be displayed are:                                   **
             mkpf-budat,                                               **
             mkpf-mblnr,                                               **
             mseg-lifnr,                                               **
             lfa1-name1,                                               **
             mkpf-xblnr,                                               **
             mseg-zeile                                                **
             mseg-charg,                                               **
             mseg-matnr,                                               **
             makt-maktx,                                               **
             mseg-erfmg,                                               **
             mseg-erfme.                                               **
    or show a sumary list by matnr - menge                             **
    You'll have to create a pf-status called vista -                   **
    See form set_pf_status for details                                 **
    tables used -
    tables: mkpf,
    global hashed tables used
    data: begin of wa_mkpf, "header
          mblnr like mkpf-mblnr,
          mjahr like mkpf-mjahr,
          budat like mkpf-budat,
          xblnr like mkpf-xblnr,
          end of wa_mkpf.
    data: ht_mkpf like hashed table of wa_mkpf
          with unique key mblnr mjahr
          with header line.
    data: begin of wa_mseg, " line items
          mblnr like mseg-mblnr,
          mjahr like mseg-mjahr,
          zeile like mseg-zeile,
          bwart like mseg-bwart,
          charg like mseg-charg,
          matnr like mseg-matnr,
          lifnr like mseg-lifnr,
          erfmg like mseg-erfmg,
          erfme like mseg-erfme,
          end of wa_mseg.
    data ht_mseg like hashed table of wa_mseg
          with unique key mblnr mjahr zeile
          with header line.
    cache structure for lfa1 records
    data: begin of wa_lfa1,
          lifnr like lfa1-lifnr,
          name1 like lfa1-name1,
          end of wa_lfa1.
    data ht_lfa1 like hashed table of wa_lfa1
          with unique key lifnr
          with header line.
    cache structure for material related data
    data: begin of wa_material,
          matnr like makt-matnr,
          maktx like makt-maktx,
          end of wa_material.
    data: ht_material like hashed table of wa_material
            with unique key matnr
            with header line.
    result table
    data: begin of wa_lst, "
          budat like mkpf-budat,
          mblnr like mseg-mblnr,
          lifnr like mseg-lifnr,
          name1 like lfa1-name1,   
          xblnr like mkpf-xblnr,
          zeile like mseg-zeile,
          charg like mseg-charg,
          matnr like mseg-matnr,
          maktx like makt-maktx,
          erfmg like mseg-erfmg,
          erfme like mseg-erfme,
          mjahr like mseg-mjahr,
          end of wa_lst.
    data: ht_lst like hashed table of wa_lst
            with unique key mblnr mjahr zeile
            with header line.
    data: begin of wa_lst1, " sumary by material
          matnr like mseg-matnr,
          maktx like makt-maktx,
          erfmg like mseg-erfmg,
          erfme like mseg-erfme,
          end of wa_lst1.
    data: ht_lst1 like hashed table of wa_lst1
            with unique key matnr
            with header line.
    structures for alv grid display.
    type-pools: slis.
    data: it_lst            like standard table of wa_lst with header line,
          it_fieldcat_lst   type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
          it_sort_lst       type slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
          it_lst1           like standard table of wa_lst1 with header line,
          it_fieldcat_lst1  type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
          it_sort_lst1      type slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
    data: wa_sort         type slis_sortinfo_alv,
          ls_layout       type slis_layout_alv.
    global varialbes
    data: g_lines type i.
    data: g_repid like sy-repid,
          ok_code       like sy-ucomm.
    "text: Dates:
    select-options: so_budat for mkpf-budat default sy-datum.
    "text: Material numbers.
    select-options: so_matnr for mseg-matnr.
    selection-screen uline.
    selection-screen skip 1.
    "Text: show summary by material.
    parameters: gp_bymat as checkbox default ''.
      perform get_data.
      perform show_data.
          FORM get_data                                                 *
    form get_data.
            select mblnr mjahr budat xblnr
                into table ht_mkpf
               from mkpf
              where budat in so_budat. " make use of std index.
    have we retrieved data from mkpf?
      describe table ht_mkpf lines g_lines.
      if g_lines > 0.
    if true then retrieve all related records from mseg.
    Doing this way we make sure that the access is by primary key
    of mseg.
    The reason is that is faster to filter them in memory
    than to allow the db server to do it.
        select mblnr mjahr zeile bwart charg
                 matnr lifnr erfmg erfme
          into table ht_mseg
          from mseg
            for all entries in ht_mkpf
         where mblnr = ht_mkpf-mblnr
           and mjahr = ht_mkpf-mjahr.
    fill t_lst or t_lst1 according to user's choice.
      if gp_bymat = ' '.
        perform fill_ht_lst.
        perform fill_ht_lst1.
    form fill_ht_lst.
      refresh ht_lst.
    Example: how to discard unwanted data in an efficient way.
      loop at ht_mseg.
      filter unwanted data
        check ht_mseg-bwart = '101' or ht_mseg-bwart = '901'.
        check ht_mseg-matnr in so_matnr.
      read header line.
        read table ht_mkpf with table key mblnr = ht_mseg-mblnr
        mjahr = ht_mseg-mjahr.
        clear ht_lst.
    * note : this may be faster if you specify field by field.
        move-corresponding ht_mkpf to ht_lst.
        move-corresponding ht_mseg to ht_lst.
        perform read_lfa1 using ht_mseg-lifnr changing ht_lst-name1.
        perform read_material using ht_mseg-matnr changing ht_lst-maktx.
        insert table ht_lst.
    form fill_ht_lst1.
      refresh ht_lst1.
    Example: how to discard unwanted data in an efficient way.
             hot to simulate a collect in a faster way
      loop at ht_mseg.
      filter unwanted data
        check ht_mseg-bwart = '101' or ht_mseg-bwart = '901'.
        check ht_mseg-matnr in so_matnr.
    * note : this may be faster if you specify field by field.
        read table ht_lst1 with table key matnr = ht_mseg-matnr
        transporting erfmg.
        if sy-subrc <> 0. " if matnr doesn't exist in sumary table
        " insert a new record
          ht_lst1-matnr = ht_mseg-matnr.
          perform read_material using ht_mseg-matnr changing ht_lst1-maktx.
          ht_lst1-erfmg = ht_mseg-erfmg.
          ht_lst1-erfme = ht_mseg-erfme.
          insert table ht_lst1.
        else." a record was found.
        " collect erfmg.  To do so, fill in the unique key and add
        " the numeric fields.
          ht_lst1-matnr = ht_mseg-matnr.
          add ht_mseg-erfmg to ht_lst1-erfmg.
          modify table ht_lst1 transporting erfmg.
    implementation of cache for lfa1.
    form read_lfa1 using p_lifnr changing p_name1.
            read table ht_lfa1 with table key lifnr = p_lifnr
            transporting name1.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        clear ht_lfa1.
        ht_lfa1-lifnr = p_lifnr.
        select single name1
           into ht_lfa1-name1
          from lfa1
        where lifnr = p_lifnr.
        if sy-subrc <> 0. ht_lfa1-name1 = 'n/a in lfa1'. endif.
        insert table ht_lfa1.
      p_name1 = ht_lfa1-name1.
    implementation of cache for material data
    form read_material using p_matnr changing p_maktx.
      read table ht_material with table key matnr = p_matnr
      transporting maktx.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        ht_material-matnr = p_matnr.
        select single maktx into  ht_material-maktx
          from makt
         where spras = sy-langu
           and matnr = p_matnr.
        if sy-subrc <> 0. ht_material-maktx = 'n/a in makt'. endif.
        insert table ht_material.
      p_maktx = ht_material-maktx.
    form show_data.
      if gp_bymat = ' '.
        perform show_ht_lst.
        perform show_ht_lst1.
    form show_ht_lst.
      "needed because the FM can't use a hashed table.
      it_lst[] = ht_lst[].
      perform fill_layout using 'full display'
                           changing ls_layout.
      perform fill_columns_lst.
    perform sort_lst.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program       = g_repid
                i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
                is_layout                = ls_layout
                it_fieldcat              = it_fieldcat_lst[]
               it_sort                  = it_sort_lst
                t_outtab                 = it_lst
                program_error            = 1
                others                   = 2.
    form show_ht_lst1.
      "needed because the FM can't use a hashed table.
      it_lst1[] = ht_lst1[].
      perform fill_layout using 'Sumary by matnr'
                           changing ls_layout.
      perform fill_columns_lst1.
    perform sort_lst.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program       = g_repid
                i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
                is_layout                = ls_layout
                it_fieldcat              = it_fieldcat_lst1[]
               it_sort                  = it_sort_lst
                t_outtab                 = it_lst1
                program_error            = 1
                others                   = 2.
    form fill_layout using p_window_titlebar
                   changing cs_layo type slis_layout_alv.
      clear cs_layo.
      cs_layo-window_titlebar        = p_window_titlebar.
      cs_layo-edit                   = 'X'.
      cs_layo-edit_mode              = space.
    endform.                    " armar_layout_stock
    form set_pf_status using rt_extab type slis_t_extab.
    create a new status
    and then select extras -> adjust template -> listviewer
      set pf-status 'VISTA'.
    endform.        "set_pf_status
    define add_lst.
      clear it_fieldcat_lst.
      it_fieldcat_lst-fieldname     = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst-outputlen     = &2.
      it_fieldcat_lst-ddictxt       = 'L'.
      it_fieldcat_lst-seltext_l       = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst-seltext_m       = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst-seltext_m       = &1.
      if &1 = 'MATNR'.
        it_fieldcat_lst-emphasize = 'C111'.
      append it_fieldcat_lst.
    define add_lst1.
      clear it_fieldcat_lst.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-fieldname     = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-outputlen     = &2.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-ddictxt       = 'L'.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-seltext_l       = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-seltext_m       = &1.
      it_fieldcat_lst1-seltext_m       = &1.
      append it_fieldcat_lst1.
    form fill_columns_lst.
    set columns for output.
      refresh it_fieldcat_lst.
      add_lst 'BUDAT' 10.
      add_lst   'MBLNR' 10.
      add_lst  'LIFNR' 10.
      add_lst  'NAME1' 35.
      add_lst  'XBLNR' 15.
      add_lst    'ZEILE' 5.
      add_lst    'CHARG' 10.
      add_lst   'MATNR' 18.
      add_lst   'MAKTX' 30.
      add_lst   'ERFMG' 17.
      add_lst   'ERFME' 5.
      add_lst   'MJAHR' 4.
    form fill_columns_lst1.
    set columns for output.
      refresh it_fieldcat_lst1.
      add_lst1 'MATNR' 18.
      add_lst1 'MAKTX' 30.
      add_lst1 'ERFMG' 17.
      add_lst1 'ERFME' 5..

  • How to create dynamic room in runtime execution?

    Hello All,
    Can you please suggest me how can I create dynamic room in runtime execution? I do not want to create fixed room from the room consol. I want to create a new room & also delete it after work complete in runtime execution.

    Hi Krish,
    If you are using your own server to do ExternalAuthentication, then you can
    user server to server API's to do that. Please refer to Server2Server apps
    in the SDK's sample apps folder.
    Else you might have to use AccountManager with room
    owner credentials. But the Server2Server aprroach is highly recommended.
                    private var acctMgr:AccountManager = new AccountManager();
                    acctMgr.accountURL = m_accountURL;
                    acctMgr.authenticator = authenticator;
                    acctMgr.addEventListener(AccountManagerEvent.LOGIN_SUCCESS, authenticateSuccess);
                    //acctMgr.addEventListener(AccountManagerEvent.LOGIN_FAILURE, authenticateFailure);
                    //acctMgr.addEventListener(AccountManagerEvent.ACCESS_ERROR, onAuthenticationAccessError);
                    public function authenticateSuccess(event:AccountManagerEvent):void {
                       acctMgr.addEventListener(AccountManagerEvent.ROOM_DELETE, onRoomDelete);
                       acctMgr.deleteRoom(name, template);
                    public function onRoomDelete(event:AccountManagerEvent):void {

  • How to Create Dynamic button at runtime and save it by using c#?

    Hi All,
    Can someone please provide me code to create button dynamically at runtime and save it permanently?
    Your quick help is appreciable.

    You cant add controls to the visual tree a runtime which persist beyond the lifetime of the application.  You will have to persist an indicator to your program which tells it to add the control.  Adding a control is as simple as initializing
    it and adding it to a parent already on the tree.  Controls can be created programmatically or using the XamlReader.Load static method.  You can find XamReader.Load in Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup in windows 8.1, Windows 8.1/Windows Phone unified
    projects.  For old windows phone ad just Silverlight I believe it is in System.Windows.Markup.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to create a OutPutText at RunTime?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm working with JDeveloper10.1.3, ADF Faces, JSP pages.
    This is my situation:
    When I navigate from page1 to page2, I need to create at RunTime as many as OutPutTexts as my recordset has.
    In the traditional way I would execute my query to fetch the data I wanted from the Database, assign my variables with the returning values, and then I would append my html code to a string with the values I wanted:
    ---------- EXAMPLE ----------
         public String getPesquisa()
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...");
    while ( {
    String nparecer = rs.getString("nparecer");
    String data = rs.getString("data");
    String emissora = rs.getString("emissora");
    String relator = rs.getString("relator");
    String publicacao = rs.getString("publicacao");
    String assunto = rs.getString("assunto");
    pesquisa.append("<input name='data' type='text' size='40' value='" + data + "' />");
    pesquisa.append("<input name='nparecer' type='text' size='40' value='" + nparecer + "' />");
    pesquisa.append("<input name='emissora' type='text' size='40' value='" + emissora + "' />");
    pesquisa.append("<input name='relator' type='text' size='40' value='" + relator + "' />");
    pesquisa.append("<input name='publicacao' type='text' size='40' value='" + publicacao + "' />");
    return pesquisa.toString();
    Then I would call it from my jsp page
    <%= IDBean.getPesquisaBasica()%>
    Is there any way to do it in JDeveloper10.1.3
    Message was edited by:

    Does anyone have ideas??
    Thank you,

  • How to create adf columns at runtime

    I want to crete a component which will display results of arbitrary sql command.
    for that purpose I created 'declared component' with custom component class which obtains SQL query from passed attibute and executes it.
    so in my component I have
    public List<String> getColumnNames() {
    if (!loaded) {
    return columnNames;
    public List<List<Object>> getData() {
    if (!loaded) {
    return data;
    and in compDef.jspx following:
    <af:table value="#{}" var="row">
    <af:column headerText="No">
    <af:outputText value="#{row}" />
    <af:forEach items="#{component.columnNames}" var="col" varStatus="colStatus">
    <af:column headerText="#{col}">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[colStatus.index]}" />
    query execution is ok and component.columnNames contains several columns (checked this with af:iterator)
    but it shows only 1 column (with header 'No').
    If I use
    <af:iterator value="#{component.columnNames}" var="col" varStatus="colStatus">
    <af:column headerText="#{col}">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[colStatus.index]}" />
    it shows 4 columns instead of 2 (and doesn't show any text - that is headerText is empy and all cells are empy too)
    So, can anybody tell me how is it ment to be ? Or where is the mistake ?
    Version: 11g TP 4.

    Thank you for your reply.
    Well, if I set headers to
    xx #{col} xx idx: #{colStatus.index} :idx
    it shows only static text and no EL values.
    (So in output I have 4 headers with text "xx xx idx: :idx")
    Actually if I use suck mix of af:table and af:forEach in usual jspx file (not in component's one) - it works as expected
    that is
    <af:table value="#{}" var="row">
    <af:column headerText="xxxxx">
    <af:outputText value="#{row}" />
    <af:forEach items="#{Query1.columnNames}" var="col" varStatus="colStatus">
    <af:column headerText="#{col}">
    <af:outputText value="#{row [ colStatus.index ] }" />
    where Query1 JSF bean performs the same functionality (executes arbitrary SQL query and stores results in data and columnNames)
    works OK.
    (colStatus.index is written in brackets - don't know how to disable its transformation to link, how to write preformatted code here ?)
    Another point that behaviour in component's jspx is a bug - the amount of columns.
    It produces 4 columns instead of 2. And I can't figure why because it doesn't show any information neither in var 'col' nor in varStatus 'colStatus'.
    And if I the query returns 3 columns - number of columns in generated table is 9.
    UPD. Specified behaviour is for af:iterator in the component's jspx. af:forEach produces no columns at all.
    Edited by: olegk on Mar 26, 2009 11:05 AM

  • How to create portal pages at runtime

    Im newvie in Oracle Portal and i have developed an aplication to replace the survey portlet of portal, so i need to know how to generate a page inside portal from my app, im using java servlets an JSP.
    Does anybody knows where i cand find a sort of "how to"? no matter if i have to learn to use another programming language such pl/sql.
    Which tables do i have to acces to do such a thing?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks a lot for your help:
    I've find a temporaly solution for my problem, it consist in a pl/sql porlet whit this code on it:
    page number;
    page :=PORTAL.wwsbr_api.add_folder(
    p_caid => 1201,
    p_name => 'PAGENAME',
    p_display_name => 'page name',
    p_type_id => PORTAL.wwsbr_api.FOLDER_TYPE_CONTAINER,
    p_type_caid => 0,
    p_isportlet => 1); PORTAL.wwpro_api_invalidation.execute_cache_invalidation; end;
    --------------end code---------------------
    and now im trying to do this from java using an OracleCallableStatement, after that i will try to insert content using this api, if anybody knows, please put a sample of code to execute pl/sql from java using OracleCallableStatement
    Message was edited by:

  • How do I create multiple objects during runtime?

    I don't know how to create multiple objects during runtime, here's my problem:
    I get a String as input. Then I create an object called newobject. I put the object in a hashtable with the above string as key.
    Then comes the problem, in order to create a new object, I have to rerun the same class, which uses the same name (newobject) to create a 2nd object. Now my hashtable doesn't reference to my 1st object anymore...
    Is there anyway I can fill up the hashtable with different objects, and make each key point to each object it was supposed to?
    For those who want to see a bit of the program:
    public class PlayBalloon{
    public Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
    Balloon pB = newBalloon;
    newBalloon=new Balloon(pB);
    ht.put("Some input from user", newBalloon);
    ht.get(s).draw;<= s=string, draw=own meth. in Balloon

    I think i can see the problem that you are having. You have, in effect, duplicate keys in your hashtable - ie, two strings used as keys with the same name.
    The way that a hashtable works is as follows...
    When you ask for a value that is mapped to a key it will go through the table and return the first occurence it finds of the key you asked for. It does this by using the equals() method of whatever object the key is (in your case it is a String).
    If you cant use different Strings for your keys in your hashtable then i would consider writing an ObjectNameKey class which contains the String value that you are trying to put in the hashtable and an occurrence number/index or something to make it unique. Remember to override the equals method in your ObjectNameKey object or else the hash lookup will not work. For example
    class ObjectNameKey {
        private String name;
        private int occurence;
        public ObjectNameKey(String name, int occ) {
   = name;
            this.occurence = occ;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public String getOccur() {
            return occurence;
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (!(o instanceof ObjectNameKey)) {
                return false;
            ObjectNameKey onk = (ObjectNameKey)o;
            if (onk.getName().equals(name) && onk.getOccur() == occurence) return true;
            return false;

  • How to create a node with attributes at runtime in webdynpro for ABAP?

    Hi Experts,
             How to create a node with attributes at runtime in webdynpro for ABAP? What classes or interfaces I should use? Please provide some sample code.
    I have checked IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO and there is ADD_NEW_CHILD_NODE method. But this is not creating any node. I this this creates only a "node info" object.
    I even check IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE but i could not find any method that creates a node with attribute.
    Please help!

       I am getting the following error while creating a dynamic context node with 2 attributes. Please help me resolve this problem.
    The following error text was processed in the system PET : Line types of an internal table and a work area not compatible.
    The error occurred on the application server FMSAP995_PET_02 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: GET_REF_TO_TABLE of program CL_SALV_WD_DATA_TABLE=========CP
    My code is like the following:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_type,
                CARRID TYPE sflight-carrid,
                CONNID TYPE sflight-connid,
             END OF t_type.
      Data:  i_struc type table of t_type,
      dyn_node   type ref to if_wd_context_node,
      rootnode_info   type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
      i_node_att type wdr_context_attr_info_map,
      wa_node_att type line of wdr_context_attr_info_map.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CARRID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CARRID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
          wa_node_att-name = 'CONNID'.
          wa_node_att-TYPE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT-CONNID'.
          insert wa_node_att into table i_node_att.
    clear i_struc. refresh i_struc.
      select carrid connid into corresponding fields of table i_struc from sflight where carrid = 'AA'.
    rootnode_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
    rootnode_info->add_new_child_node( name = 'DYNFLIGHT'
                                       attributes = i_node_att
                                       is_multiple = abap_true ).
    dyn_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'DYNFLIGHT' ).
    dyn_node->bind_table( i_struc ).
    l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_data( dyn_node ).
    I am trying to create a new node. That is
    As you see above I am trying to create 'DYNFLIGHT' along with the 2 attributes which are inside this node. The structure of the node that is, no.of attributes may vary based on some condition. Thats why I am trying to create a node dynamically.
    Also I cannot define the structure in the ABAP dictionary because it changes based on condition
    Message was edited by: gopalkrishna baliga

  • How to create a dynamic mapping of columnar at the Runtime using ADF or JSF

    How to create a dynamic GUI at the Runtime using ADF or JSF in JDeveloper 11g.
    What I am trying to build is to allow the user to map one column to another at the run time.
    Say the column A has rows 1 to 10, and column B has rows 1 to 15.
    1. Allow the user to map rows of the two tables
    2. An dhte rows of the two columns are dynamically generated at the run time.
    Any help wil be appreciated.....

    Oracle supports feedback form metalink was; "What you exactly want to approach is not possible in Htmldb"
    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
    t". But this is a very common need and I thought that there must be at least a workaround?
    How can I talk or write to Html Db development team about this since any ideas, this is very important item in a critial project?
    I will be able to satisfy the need in a functional way if I could make the
    select lists in the tabular form dynamic with the noz_id;
    SELECT vozellik "Özellik",
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2, t2.nozellik_deger, 'select vdeger
    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
    htmldb_item.text(3, NULL, t2.vcihaz_oz_deger) "Free Text"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    But what I exactly need i something like this dynamic query;
    vozellik "Özellik",
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NOT NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

  • How to create editbox in a dialog during runtime in c++

    how to create editbox in a dialog during runtime in c++,so that when ever dialog is intialized different number of edit box are displayed

    how to create editbox in a dialog during runtime in c++,so that when ever dialog is intialized different number of edit box are displayed

  • How to create multiple component instances at runtime using java

    I need to create component instances at runtime using java.I found ComponentSet.add method.But I am not finding a way to get handle of ComponentSet.
    I see methods with params of IRuntimeNode.But how to get ComponentSet from IRuntimeNode.
    If anybody knows or have sampel code then please share with me.

    Ashok --
    This is a common challenge for those using Configurator Extensions with multiple instantiation for the first time. The problem is that the CIO's representation of the structure for multiply-instantiable Components differs slightly from what both Configurator Developer users and Configurator Runtime users see in those respective applications. Multiply-instantiable Components are not direct children of the Model in which they're defined. Internally, there is an entity that sits between the parent Model and the instantiable Components; that intermediate entity is the ComponentSet object you've found in the CIO documentation.
    If the name of your multiply-instantiable Component is "My Component", then its ComponentSet may be accessed simply by calling getChildByName("My Component") on its parent Model; a List of the instantiated Components may be accessed with the ComponentSet's getChildComponentNodes() method, and instances may be added and deleted using its add() and delete() methods.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to Create runtime files with Autorware 7

    Hi, Need to know how to create a runtime file file (.exe) in
    Authorware 7. I tried to create one with the publish functionality
    in Authorware. This only creates packages (aam,a7r or a web
    package), not a standalone package (you need authorware installed
    to run the application). That's not what I want. I need to create a
    runtime file that everyone can use. How do I do that?
    Maybe this will work; Go to File - Publish - Package.. Then
    you can choose to publish for Windows 98, NT, XP. When I tried to
    run the package it says: "This application has failed to start
    because js32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may
    fix the problem". Don't understand it?? Maybe because I'm using Win
    Vista 64bits?
    Thanks in advance,

    "md7dani" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fut60k$l4l$[email protected]..
    > Hi, Need to know how to create an executable file (.exe)
    in Authorware 7.
    > I
    > tried to create one with the publish functionality in
    Authorware. This
    > only
    > creates packages (aam,a7r or a web package), not a
    standalone package (you
    > need
    > authorware installed to run the application). That's not
    what I want. I
    > need to
    > create an executable file that everyone can use. How do
    I do that?
    Check the option that says "With runtime for (OS List)"

  • [Seeking help] How to create a bean with annotations @ runtime?

    I would like 2 create a bean, @ runtime, as below:
    public class A {
      @MyAnnotation(id = "ID")
      private String id = "";
      public String getId() { ... }
      public void setId(String id) { ... }
    }Can anyone tell me how 2 achieve this? I know how 2 create a bean dynamically, however with annotations it is a bit tricky ..
    Edited by: olove66 on Aug 7, 2009 2:00 AM

    @_@ I guess anyone interested in this topic can turn 2 ASM. Maybe BCEL has not got anything 2 support annotation creation yet.

  • How to create new page in wlp in runtime

    How to create portal pages in run time (not at the admin console) give an option to the end users to create pages and configure it.

    Hi Manu
    1) Can we entitle the page created to display to some users.
    You mean the "Page(s)" created by the End User when he clicks on Customize link. If so, note that this page will be available ONLY to that user. There is no other special entitlements to be assigned to. Because every user who customizes desktop will have his own set of Books/Pages/Portlets in the backend Portal Database schema. BUT if you want to set Entitlements to the Pages created by the Adminstrator, then YES, you can always set Entitlements to that Page, so that only specific set of Users, Roles (users belong toRoles) can access those Pages.
    2) Can we change the hyperlink of the page to some other external page.
    I am not clear with this question. When we create a Page from WorkshopIDE or Portal Admin Console or through DVT, first thing is, this page will have a unique page definition label. Now assume this page is part of some Book. So When this portal (or deskop) is rendered, Portal Framework Look and Feel files, will iterate through list of all Books and for each Book list of all Pages and construct the Menu(s) which are nohting but Hyperlinks. During this process, the hyperlink will be appended with the definition labels of each Page etc which is retrieved from Database (or .portal xml file incase of filemode). So you cannot change the hyperlink to point to someother page. Worst case, if you really want, then you need to modify the portal framework menu rendering code, to change the urls for specific page. Say PageA should be reidrected to PageB. So in your custom menu rendering code, when you hit the PageA, there check for page def label of PageA and if it matches, then add a different page def label say for PageB definition label. This is complex, but can be achieved. But my very first question is why do you want to do this and what is your exact usecase.
    Note that you can always generate dynamically Links for any Portal Pages using render url tags or APIs (PostbackURL, GenericURL etc). You can have this kind of code in any JSP or Pageflows.
    PostbackURL homeURL = PostbackURL.createPostbackURL(request, response);
    homeURL.addParameter(PostbackURL.PAGE_LABEL_PARAM, "page_card_services_1"); //page_card_services_1 is a page def label of some other page that I want to redirect to
    3) Can we integrate the page creation to the BPEL workflow.
    BPEL Workflow is nothing but a WebServices. Using CustomCode, this may be possible. One way I can think of is like this. First you need to have code/logic in some Pageflow or utility class to call BPEL Workflow. As mentioned first you need to create a WebServices client JAR for this BPEL WebServices. Then add this jar to the web-content/web-inf/lib folder. Then in pageflow or utility class, get the Service, Port and invoke process method on this BPEL and pass some input parameters. Now BPEL will do some internal processing and will return the page definition labels in the response XML object based on input parameters. Then in the Pagelfow or utility class, from this response object, extract page def label and use the above code snippet to redirect to that page. This should work.
    4) is there a way allow users to create new portlets from ucm and add content to the portlets.
    When we allow customization for end users, usually they can choose from list of Look and Feels, create or edit Books/Pages. They cannot create Brand New Portlets. From existing list of Portlets, they can add or remove them from any Page. NOW, if you use latest WLP 10.3.2, you can consume WebCenter ADF Portlets using WSRP. Also I guess there is a plug in for UCM with WLP 10.3.2. I did not work in this area so do not have full details. But assume that you already have some UCM Portlets integrated into your portal application by adminstrator. Then End User can choose to add these UCM Portlets to the pages that he cretaes. NOW coming to the content of the Portlets, this is something you can handle through Portlet Preferences. Considerr default out of box WLP original pageflow portlets. You can have some search criteria in a content portlet. This search criteria can be modified using Edit icon ie. Portlet Preferences. So user can customize the search criteria and get the results he is interested in.
    Ravi Jegga

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