How to create a dynamic tree report

hi experts,
       i have a requirement to create a dynamic tree report in OM module.
  this report should show the number of people positions required in a org unit, and also the number of people available in a org unit.
  There is something called as qualification catalog to which qualifications are attached, to these qualifications org units are attached, these org units will have some positions attached to it, and each of this position might have a person attached to it.
The user will enter the qualification catalog number in the selection screen for which he should be getting the result in a tree format which flows from qualification catalog to qualifications, from qualifications to org units, from orgunits to the total no of positions present in this orgunit and the no of positions occupied in the orgunit.
  This is a challenging job as far as i am concerned.
Please suggest me a way to approach this,i promise to reward the answers.
thanks in advance,

Check the demo tree programs for yuor requirement?

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    Warm Greetings..!
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dataTemplate name="XYZ" description="iExpenses Report" Version="1.0">
    <sqlStatement name="Q2">
    SELECT Name
    FROM my_table
    <group name="G_my_table" source="Q2">
      <element name="Name" value="Name" />
      <element name="Age" value="Age" />
      <element name="Phone" value="Phone" />
    And my Day 1, EXCEL output from RTF template should be like this.
    Name     Age     Phone
    Swapnill     23     12345
    For Day 2 my XML file should be like this. With 2 new columns selected in SELECT clause.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dataTemplate name="XYZ" description="iExpenses Report" Version="1.0">
    <sqlStatement name="Q2">
    SELECT Name
    FROM my_table
    <group name="G_my_table" source="Q2">
      <element name="Name" value="Name" />
      <element name="Age" value="Age" />
      <element name="Phone" value="Phone" />
      <element name="Address" value="Address" />
      <element name="Salary" value="Salary" />
    And my Day 2, EXCEL output from RTF template should be like this.
    Name     Age     Phone     Address     Salary
    Swapnill     23     12345         Madrid     100000
    Now, I dont know below things.
    Make the XML dynamic as in on Day 1 there must be 3 columns in the SELECT statement and on Day 2, 5 columns. I want to create one dynamic XML which should not be required to be changed if new columns are added in my_table. I dont know how to create this query and also create their corresponding elements below.
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    Hope, you got my requirement, its a challenging one. Please let me know how I can implement the required solution using RTF dynamically without any manual intervention.
    Swapnil K.
    Message was edited by: SwapnilK

    Hi All,
    I am able to fulfil above requirement. Now I am stuck at below point. Need your help!
    Is there any way to UPDATE the XML file attached to a Data Definition (XML Publisher > Data Definition) using a standard package or procedure call or may be an API from backend? I am creating an XML dynamically and I want to attach it to its Data Definition programmatically using SQL.
    Please let me know if there is any oracle functionality to do this.
    If not, please let me know the standard directories on application/database server where the XML files attached to Data Definitions are stored.
    For eg, /$APPL_TOP/ar/1.0/sql or something.
    Swapnil K.

  • How to create the dynamic report

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      Try this..
    DATA: p_temp(30)  TYPE c DEFAULT 'ZTEST_REPORT'.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_abapcode occurs 0,
            row(72) TYPE c,
           END OF t_abapcod.
    INSERT REPORT p_temp FROM it_abapcode.
          SUBMIT (p_temp) AND RETURN.
          DELETE REPORT p_temp.

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    Chu Lam

    Hi Chetan,
    I am glad that someone had replied on my question.
    I will explain it to you again.
    I have created a report that shows me all employees. If I click on a employee number then I get an MASTER DETAIL FORM on my screen with all the information(where he works now and which number I have to dial ifhow can I reach him by telephone) of that employee on which number I clicked on.
    I really like this mechanism. (You click on a number and the information that you see in the next screen is dependent of the number you clicked on ! )I have created all this. It works fine.
    What I want is to expand this example.
    Every employee has a FOLDER (yes, those ones in Content Area ) which they can insert text or image into that folder. The folder name is just the employee number. ( employee with employee number 3303, he owns a folder which is named 3303 and an employee with empno 9999, he or she owns a folder with the name 9999. )
    Every employee can tell more about himself in that FOLDER by iserting text and images. For example : What he likes, pictures of his vacation, something like this.
    What I want is this :
    If I click on the first report,which provides me all employees on screen, on a employee number 3303 then I get a Master Detail Form on my screen with all information about that employee with employee number 3303. And I want in this MASTER DETAIL FORM to create a link that shows me directly the FOLDER of that employee ( 3303), so I can learn more about employee with employee number 3303. But I don't know how to create this link.
    That link had to be dependent on the employee number. The difficult thing about this link is that this link had to be dynamic.
    I hope this will make it clear to you :
    (report all employees:)
    empno ename
    3301 john smith
    3302 peter clark
    3303 wilson jones
    If I click on a empno ( for example 3303) then I get a MASTER DETAIL FORM which provides me information.
    EMPNO 3303
    ENAME wilson jones
    department New York
    mobile number 98908763
    Company tel. no day
    AOL 097485838 monday till wednesday
    Oracle 04848584333 thursday and friday
    (what I want is to create a link here )
    If I click on LINK in this MASTER DETAIL FORM then I want to link to the FOLDER of this employee ! ( In this example it is FOLDER 3303.
    I just want to know how to make a link like this ( create a dynamic link to a specific folder ).
    Thanks in Advance.

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    REPORT  zdemo_alv_tree.
    Demo program prepared for ****************
    CLASS cl_gui_column_tree DEFINITION LOAD.
    DATA tree1  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree_simple.
    INCLUDE <icon>.
    INCLUDE bcalv_simple_event_receiver.
    DATA: gt_sflight      TYPE sflight OCCURS 0,   " Output-Table
          gt_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_t_fcat,         " Field Catalog
          gt_sort         TYPE lvc_t_sort,         " Sorting Table
          ok_code         LIKE sy-ucomm.           " OK-Code
      CALL SCREEN 100.
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    This subroutine is used to build the field catalog for the ALV list
    FORM build_fieldcatalog.
    get fieldcatalog
          i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
          ct_fieldcat      = gt_fieldcatalog.
    change fieldcatalog
      DATA: ls_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
      LOOP AT gt_fieldcatalog INTO ls_fieldcatalog.
        CASE ls_fieldcatalog-fieldname.
            ls_fieldcatalog-no_out = 'X'.
            ls_fieldcatalog-key    = ''.
            ls_fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'.
        MODIFY gt_fieldcatalog FROM ls_fieldcatalog.
    ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  BUILD_OUTTAB
    Retrieving the data from the table and filling it in the output table
    of the ALV list
    FORM build_outtab.
      SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE gt_sflight.
    ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_OUTTAB
    *&      Form  BUILD_SORT_TABLE
    This subroutine is used to build the sort table or the sort criteria
    FORM build_sort_table.
      DATA ls_sort_wa TYPE lvc_s_sort.
    create sort-table
      ls_sort_wa-spos = 1.
      ls_sort_wa-fieldname = 'CARRID'.
      ls_sort_wa-up = 'X'.
      ls_sort_wa-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_sort_wa TO gt_sort.
      ls_sort_wa-spos = 2.
      ls_sort_wa-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
      ls_sort_wa-up = 'X'.
      ls_sort_wa-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_sort_wa TO gt_sort.
      ls_sort_wa-spos = 3.
      ls_sort_wa-fieldname = 'FLDATE'.
      ls_sort_wa-up = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_sort_wa TO gt_sort.
    ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_SORT_TABLE
    *&      Module  PBO  OUTPUT
    This subroutine is used to build the ALV Tree
      IF tree1 IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM init_tree.
    ENDMODULE.                             " PBO  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  PAI  INPUT
    This subroutine is used to handle the navigation on the screen
      CASE ok_code.
        WHEN 'EXIT' OR 'BACK' OR 'CANC'.
          PERFORM exit_program.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
      CLEAR ok_code.
    ENDMODULE.                             " PAI  INPUT
    *&      Form  exit_program
          free object and leave program
    FORM exit_program.
      CALL METHOD tree1->free.
    ENDFORM.                               " exit_program
    *&      Form  register_events
    Handling the events in the ALV Tree control in backend
    FORM register_events.
    define the events which will be passed to the backend
      DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events,
            l_event TYPE cntl_simple_event.
    define the events which will be passed to the backend
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_context_menu_req.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_context_menu_req.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_header_context_men_req.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_expand_no_children.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_header_click.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_keypress.
      APPEND l_event TO lt_events.
      CALL METHOD tree1->set_registered_events
          events                    = lt_events
          cntl_error                = 1
          cntl_system_error         = 2
          illegal_event_combination = 3.
    set Handler
      DATA: l_event_receiver TYPE REF TO lcl_tree_event_receiver.
      CREATE OBJECT l_event_receiver.
      SET HANDLER l_event_receiver->on_add_hierarchy_node
                                                            FOR tree1.
    ENDFORM.                               " register_events
    *&      Form  build_header
          build table for header
    FORM build_comment USING
          pt_list_commentary TYPE slis_t_listheader
          p_logo             TYPE sdydo_value.
      DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader.
      CLEAR ls_line.
      ls_line-typ  = 'H'.
      ls_line-info = 'ALV TREE DEMO for ****************'.
      APPEND ls_line TO pt_list_commentary.
      p_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
    ENDFORM.                    "build_comment
    *&      Form  init_tree
    Building the ALV-Tree for the first time display
    FORM init_tree.
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
      PERFORM build_outtab.
      PERFORM build_sort_table.
    create container for alv-tree
      DATA: l_tree_container_name(30) TYPE c,
            l_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
      l_tree_container_name = 'TREE1'.
      CREATE OBJECT l_custom_container
                container_name = l_tree_container_name
                cntl_error                  = 1
                cntl_system_error           = 2
                create_error                = 3
                lifetime_error              = 4
                lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
    create tree control
      CREATE OBJECT tree1
            i_parent              = l_custom_container
            i_node_selection_mode =
            i_item_selection      = 'X'
            i_no_html_header      = ''
            i_no_toolbar          = ''
            cntl_error                   = 1
            cntl_system_error            = 2
            create_error                 = 3
            lifetime_error               = 4
            illegal_node_selection_mode  = 5
            failed                       = 6
            illegal_column_name          = 7.
    create info-table for html-header
      DATA: lt_list_commentary TYPE slis_t_listheader,
            l_logo             TYPE sdydo_value.
      PERFORM build_comment USING
    repid for saving variants
      DATA: ls_variant TYPE disvariant.
      ls_variant-report = sy-repid.
    register events
      PERFORM register_events.
    create hierarchy
      CALL METHOD tree1->set_table_for_first_display
          it_list_commentary = lt_list_commentary
          i_logo             = l_logo
          i_background_id    = 'ALV_BACKGROUND'
          i_save             = 'A'
          is_variant         = ls_variant
          it_sort            = gt_sort
          it_outtab          = gt_sflight
          it_fieldcatalog    = gt_fieldcatalog.
    expand first level
      CALL METHOD tree1->expand_tree
          i_level = 1.
    optimize column-width
      CALL METHOD tree1->column_optimize
          i_start_column = tree1->c_hierarchy_column_name
          i_end_column   = tree1->c_hierarchy_column_name.
    ENDFORM.                    " init_tree

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    Oracle supports feedback form metalink was; "What you exactly want to approach is not possible in Htmldb"
    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
    t". But this is a very common need and I thought that there must be at least a workaround?
    How can I talk or write to Html Db development team about this since any ideas, this is very important item in a critial project?
    I will be able to satisfy the need in a functional way if I could make the
    select lists in the tabular form dynamic with the noz_id;
    SELECT vozellik "Özellik",
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2, t2.nozellik_deger, 'select vdeger
    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
    htmldb_item.text(3, NULL, t2.vcihaz_oz_deger) "Free Text"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    But what I exactly need i something like this dynamic query;
    vozellik "Özellik",
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NOT NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

  • How to create a Dynamic IAF in WD

    Dear all,
    We'd like to create a dynamic interactive form based on a XDP in a WebDynpro application. How can we achieve this?
    We tried to use setDynamicPDF() and setInteractive(), but it looks like ADS doesn't create a dynamic pdf.
    Only the master page is being displayed.
    Any ideas how to create a dynamic interactive form via ADS and how to determine if the pdf is a dynamic interactive form (in the browser).
    Kind regards,
    version info: Designer 7, NW SP15, Reader 7.0.7.

    Use the following code to get a dynamic pdf document created in your <b>wdDoModifyView()</b> method. Make use of the firstTime flag there if required :
    <b>IWDInteractiveForm iForm =
    setDynamicPDF(boolean) nmethod has been deprecated in 04. Moving forward to 04s, you will have a different set of APIs to deal with such requirements. Hence the abiove mentioned method will be taken off with the next major release of NetWeaver.
    <b>How do you know whether the pdf document created is static or dynamic ?</b> Well, save the form locally and open it in the designer. Go to File > Form Properties > <b>Compatibility</b> Tab. Check your <b>Form Type</b> there.
    Best Regards,

  • How to create Matrix with Group report layout in xml

    i would be glad if anyone could tell me How to create Matrix with Group report layout in xml?
    Here i am attaching the required design doc
    below is the code
    -- crd.RESOURCES,
    -- crd.COST_TYPE_ID,
    from CM_RSRC_DTL crd,
    gmf_period_statuses gps,
    CM_MTHD_MST cmm,
    CR_RSRC_MST crm,
    CM_CMPT_MST ccm
    where gps.period_id = crd.PERIOD_ID
    and crd.cost_type_id = cmm.cost_type_id
    and crd.RESOURCES = crm.RESOURCES
    and gps.period_code in (:p_period1, :p_period2, :p_period3)
    group by COST_CMPNTCLS_CODE, cmm.COST_MTHD_CODE, gps.period_code,NOMINAL_COST
    order by 1,2,3,4.
    The o/p of the report shoud be as given below
              Period-1     Period-2     Period-3     Period-4
    LABOUR - DIRECT                         
         Actual     1     2     3     4
         Actual Rate     10     10     10     10
         Standard Rate                    
         Actual Rate                    
         Standard Rate                    
    OVERHEAD - DIRECT                         
         Actual Rate                    
         Standard Rate                    
    LABOUR - IN DIRECT                         
         Actual Rate                    
         Standard Rate                    
    Thanks in advance

    Your friend is obviously not a reliable source of HTML
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Mr.Ghost" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f060vi$npp$[email protected]..
    > One of my friends advised me to develop my whole site on
    the layout mode
    > as its
    > better than the standard as he says
    > but I couldnot make an ordinary table with rows and
    columns in th layout
    > mode
    > is there any one who can tell me how to?
    > thanx alot

  • Tutorial Announcement .:: How to Create a Dynamic RSS Feeds  ::.

    .:: How to Create a Dynamic RSS Feeds ::.
    Using Adobe Dreamweaver 8 and InterAKT Rss Reader Writer Extension.
    Hello everyone...
    RSS feeds are very useful within sites, as they allow integrating for you website content in an automatic manner. Just share the source for the RSS feed, and when the original content changes, it will reflect in the content you share with any one who subscribed in this feeds on your site.
    In this tutorial i`ll help you integrate a RSS feed into one of your pages. This will display the content of your website to feeds subscribers with up to date content.
    The main purpose of this tutorial is to create a page that allows visitors subscribe to the RSS Feed that they want to see from your website content, or even enter their own in a text box by searching through feeds. also you can define feeds categories if your website is online store, merchant etc...
    :: Online Demo ::
    :: Go to tutorials ::
    Best Regards
    Waleed Barakat
    Developer-Online Creator and programmer

    Hey Waleed,
    thanks again for this great stuff -- and thanks for removing the login protection :-)
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • How to create a dynamic property in JavaFX

    public class Person() {
    private SimpleStringProperty _Name = new SimpleStringProperty();
    public final String NameGet() {
    return this._Name.getValue();
    public final void NameSet(String Name) {
    public StringProperty NameProperty() {
    return this._Name;
    private SimpleStringProperty _SurName = new SimpleStringProperty();
    public final String SurNameGet() {
    return this._SurName.getValue();
    public final void SurNameSet(String SurName) {
    public StringProperty SurNameProperty() {
    return this._SurName;
    How to create a dynamic property in JavaFX ?
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    I'm not sure what you mean by "dynamic property"; can you be more explicit?
    Your code creates two properties that can be read, written, and observed for changes, though it's probably better to use the standard naming scheme for the methods (e.g they should be getName(), setName(...) and nameProperty()).
    An ObservableMap is an extension of the java.util.Map interface that can be observed; i.e. you can register a listener that will be notified if a key-value pair is added or removed from the map.
    ObservableMapValue is an interface that defines an observable reference to an ObservableMap; i.e. it has a get() method returning an ObservableMap and a set(...) method taking an ObservableMap. You can register a ChangeListener which is notified when the set(...) method is called. It additionally functions as an ObservableMap, so you can also register listeners that get notified when key-value pairs are added or removed from the underlying observable map.
    MapProperty and MapPropertyBase are effectively partial implementations of ObservableMapValue. SimpleMapProperty is a full implementation.
    If you just need a single ObservableMap (i.e. not an observable reference to one), then the FXCollections.observableHashMap() factory method will provide one.

  • How to create database dynamically

    Some one suggest, how to create database dynamically in oracle standard edition with an example.
    Thanks in advance,

    I'd ask in the
    Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) forum.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C40686F746D61696C2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

  • How to create a dynamic table were the JTable columns keep varying

    How to create a dynamic table were the JTable columns keep varying based on the input to the jtable

    Oooh, I lied. DefaultTableModel has an API for adding and
    removing columns. I didn't know that. You should have read
    the API.
    As for preferring to extend AbstractTableModel rather than
    DefaultTableModel, I think it's more correct. DefaultTableModel
    is a simple implementation of Abstract for basic cases. It isn't
    intended to be extended. I figure most people extending
    DefaultTableModel are also extending JFrame, JPanel, and Thread
    instead of encapsulating the first two and implementing
    Runnable for the third.

  • How to create Hyperlink dynamically

    Hi All,
    In my application , iam using one table , one of the field in that table is input field,
    when i entered data in that field at runtime, automatically that field value should become hyperlink, to show another table.
    is it possible to do, if possible please help me in this how to create field dynamically.

    Hi Sushma,
    What I get is that at runtime, you will fill the input field with some value & wish to have the field changed to a link.
    Adding to what Armin has said, keep the input field as it is. Add a new column in the table, create the TableCellEditor of type LinkToURL (if it is a URL value) or LinkToAction (if some value).
    For LinkToURL type, set the 'reference' property to the same context value attribute as the input field.
    For LinkToAction type, set the onAction event where you call the appropriate code.
    You can also set the 'text' property as Link or bind it to this context value attribute as well.
    Hope this works.
    Kind Regards,
    Edited by: Nitin Jain on Mar 25, 2009 9:14 AM

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