How to create change pointers for IT6 when custom table Z777A changes?

Situation: We are using custom table Z777A (copied T777A and added fields) to store building locations. Employee's IT6 subtype 92 retrieves valid work address building locations from table Z777A.
Problem: Whenever there are updates to Z777A, we need to find all IT6 subtype 92 records that use the changed building location from Z777A and create IDOC's The change pointer entry will need to be for the IT6 subtype 92 row that is affected.
Question: Can anyone give me specific details as to how this can be accomplished? Thanks.

Step 1: Creating change document object in SCDO transaction.
Step 2:Assigning tables to the change document object.
Step 3:Specifying change document items in transaction BD52.
Step 4: Activating change pointers for the message type HRMD_ABA in transaction BD50.
Step 5:Activating change pointers globally.
Step 6:Executing program RBDMIDOC  in SE38, Specifying message type HRMD_ABA.
with regards,

Similar Messages

  • How to create Search Help for a field in Table control !!

    Hello Friends,
                  I like to know - How to create Search Help for a field in Table control. Is it possible, if it is please share ur knowledge, I wud be happy if U provide some source code example for this.

    Check the sample code:
    *&  Include           ZSRO_MPRN_SEARCH                                 *
    MODULE pstlz_f4 INPUT.
    reading post code
      DATA: stepl TYPE systepl,
            stepl_index TYPE systepl.
      CLEAR: stepl, stepl_index.
      CLEAR:   lt_returntab,lt_dynpfields,i_mprn1.
      REFRESH: lt_returntab,lt_dynpfields,i_mprn1.
      lt_dynpfields-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
      lt_dynpfields-stepl     = stepl.
      APPEND lt_dynpfields. CLEAR lt_dynpfields.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = c_x
          determine_loop_index = c_x
          dynpfields           = lt_dynpfields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dynpfields INDEX 1.
      ws_outcode  = lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      stepl_index = lt_dynpfields-stepl.
      REPLACE '*' WITH ' ' INTO lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
        MOVE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue TO ws_outcode.
        ws_len = STRLEN( lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue ).
        IF ws_len GE 7.
          ws_len = ws_len - 3.
         ws_icode = ws_code+ws_len(3).
          lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue = lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue+0(ws_len).
          CONCATENATE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue '%'
              INTO ws_outcode.
          CONDENSE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
       REPLACE ws_icode WITH ' ' INTO lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
          CONCATENATE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue+0(4) '%'
            INTO ws_outcode.
       ws_ocode = ws_code+0(3).
    reading MPRN
      CLEAR:   lt_returntab,lt_dnpfields,i_mprn1.
      REFRESH: lt_returntab,lt_dnpfields,i_mprn1.
      lt_dnpfields-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-MPRN'.
      lt_dnpfields-stepl     = stepl_index.
      APPEND lt_dnpfields. CLEAR lt_dnpfields.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = 'X'
          dynpfields           = lt_dnpfields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dnpfields INDEX 1.
    MPRN blank and Post code exist
      IF lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
        IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE outcode LIKE ws_outcode.
    MPRN blank and Post code blank
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1.
    MPRN exist and Post code exist
        IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE outcode LIKE ws_outcode AND
                       mprn EQ lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue.
    MPRN exist and Post code blank
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE mprn EQ lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue.
          retfield        = 'MPRN'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          window_title    = 'Select MPRN'
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = i_mprn1 "lt_mprn
          return_tab      = lt_returntab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_returntab INDEX 1.
        READ TABLE i_mprn1 WITH KEY mprn = lt_returntab-fieldval.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Updating post code
          CONCATENATE i_mprn1-outcode  i_mprn1-incode
                        INTO ws_postcode
                             SEPARATED BY space.
          MOVE ws_postcode TO i_mprn-post_code.
          CLEAR   : i_dnpfld,
          REFRESH : i_dnpfld.
          ws_dyname   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
          ws_dynumb   = '0301'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldvalue = ws_postcode .
          ws_dynpfld-stepl      = stepl_index.
          APPEND ws_dynpfld TO i_dnpfld.
              dyname               = ws_dyname
              dynumb               = ws_dynumb
              dynpfields           = i_dnpfld
              invalid_abapworkarea = 1
              invalid_dynprofield  = 2
              invalid_dynproname   = 3
              invalid_dynpronummer = 4
              invalid_request      = 5
              no_fielddescription  = 6
              undefind_error       = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Updating MPRN
          MOVE i_mprn1-mprn TO i_mprn-mprn.
          CLEAR   : i_dnpfld,
          REFRESH : i_dnpfld.
          ws_dyname   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
          ws_dynumb   = '0301'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-MPRN'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldvalue = i_mprn1-mprn .
          ws_dynpfld-stepl      = stepl_index.
          APPEND ws_dynpfld TO i_dnpfld.
              dyname               = ws_dyname
              dynumb               = ws_dynumb
              dynpfields           = i_dnpfld
              invalid_abapworkarea = 1
              invalid_dynprofield  = 2
              invalid_dynproname   = 3
              invalid_dynpronummer = 4
              invalid_request      = 5
              no_fielddescription  = 6
              undefind_error       = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc EQ 2.
        MESSAGE s005(zspa) WITH ws_postcode .
    ENDMODULE.                    "PSTLZ_F4 INPUT
    MODULE mprn_f4 INPUT.
    reading post code
    DATA: stepl TYPE systepl,
           stepl_index TYPE systepl.
      CLEAR: stepl, stepl_index.
      CLEAR:   lt_returntab,lt_dynpfields,i_mprn1.
      REFRESH: lt_returntab,lt_dynpfields,i_mprn1.
      lt_dynpfields-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
      lt_dynpfields-stepl     = stepl.
      APPEND lt_dynpfields. CLEAR lt_dynpfields.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = c_x
          determine_loop_index = c_x
          dynpfields           = lt_dynpfields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dynpfields INDEX 1.
      ws_outcode = lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      stepl_index = lt_dynpfields-stepl.
      REPLACE '*' WITH ' ' INTO lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
        MOVE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue TO ws_outcode.
        ws_len = STRLEN( lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue ).
        IF ws_len GE 7.
          ws_len = ws_len - 3.
         ws_icode = ws_code+ws_len(3).
          lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue = lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue+0(ws_len).
          CONCATENATE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue '%'
              INTO ws_outcode.
          CONDENSE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
       REPLACE ws_icode WITH ' ' INTO lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
          CONCATENATE lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue+0(4) '%'
            INTO ws_outcode.
       ws_ocode = ws_code+0(3).
    reading MPRN
      CLEAR:   lt_returntab,lt_dnpfields,i_mprn1.
      REFRESH: lt_returntab,lt_dnpfields,i_mprn1.
      lt_dnpfields-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-MPRN'.
      lt_dnpfields-stepl     = stepl_index.
      APPEND lt_dnpfields. CLEAR lt_dnpfields.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = 'X'
          dynpfields           = lt_dnpfields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dnpfields INDEX 1.
    MPRN blank and Post code exist
      IF lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
        IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE outcode LIKE ws_outcode.
    MPRN blank and Post code blank
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1.
    MPRN exist and Post code exist
        IF NOT lt_dynpfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE outcode LIKE ws_outcode AND
                       mprn EQ lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue.
    MPRN exist and Post code blank
          SELECT mprn ser_num sub_bud bud_name del_pt_alias
                 bud_num dep_street prin_street dbl_dep_street
                 dep_locty post_town county outcode incode
                 lg_site_ind file_date FROM zspa_mprn INTO
                 CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_mprn1
                 WHERE mprn EQ lt_dnpfields-fieldvalue.
          retfield        = 'MPRN'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          window_title    = 'Select MPRN'
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = i_mprn1 "lt_mprn
          return_tab      = lt_returntab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_returntab INDEX 1.
        READ TABLE i_mprn1 WITH KEY mprn = lt_returntab-fieldval.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Updating MPRN
          MOVE i_mprn1-mprn TO i_mprn-mprn.
          CLEAR   : i_dnpfld,
          REFRESH : i_dnpfld.
          ws_dyname   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
          ws_dynumb   = '0301'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-MPRN'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldvalue = i_mprn1-mprn .
          ws_dynpfld-stepl      = stepl_index.
          APPEND ws_dynpfld TO i_dnpfld.
    **code changed by laxman 10.08.2005
         ws_dynpfld-stepl  = mprn-current_line.
    **code changed by laxman 10.08.2005
              dyname               = ws_dyname
              dynumb               = ws_dynumb
              dynpfields           = i_dnpfld
              invalid_abapworkarea = 1
              invalid_dynprofield  = 2
              invalid_dynproname   = 3
              invalid_dynpronummer = 4
              invalid_request      = 5
              no_fielddescription  = 6
              undefind_error       = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Updating post code
          CONCATENATE i_mprn1-outcode  i_mprn1-incode
                        INTO ws_postcode
                             SEPARATED BY space.
          MOVE ws_postcode TO i_mprn-post_code.
          CLEAR   : i_dnpfld,
          REFRESH : i_dnpfld.
          ws_dyname   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
          ws_dynumb   = '0301'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
          ws_dynpfld-fieldvalue = ws_postcode .
          ws_dynpfld-stepl      = stepl_index.
          APPEND ws_dynpfld TO i_dnpfld.
    **code changed by laxman 10.08.2005
         break gblap0.
         ws_dynpfld-stepl  = mprn-current_line.
         LOOP AT i_mprn.
           MOVE i_mprn1-mprn TO i_mprn-mprn.
           MOVE ws_postcode TO i_mprn-post_code.
           MODIFY i_mprn INDEX
                    mprn-current_line." transporting MPRN POST_CODE.
    **code changed by laxman 10.08.2005
              dyname               = ws_dyname
              dynumb               = ws_dynumb
              dynpfields           = i_dnpfld
              invalid_abapworkarea = 1
              invalid_dynprofield  = 2
              invalid_dynproname   = 3
              invalid_dynpronummer = 4
              invalid_request      = 5
              no_fielddescription  = 6
              undefind_error       = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc EQ 2.
        MESSAGE s006(zspa) WITH i_mprn1-mprn .
    ENDMODULE.                    "MPRN_F4 INPUT
    MODULE gntc_f4 INPUT.
      DATA: BEGIN OF lt_gntc OCCURS 0,
              gntc LIKE iflot-zzgntc,
            END OF lt_gntc.
      CLEAR:   lt_returntab, lt_gntc.
      REFRESH: lt_returntab, lt_gntc.
      lt_gntc-gntc = 'DM'.
      APPEND lt_gntc. CLEAR lt_gntc.
      lt_gntc-gntc = 'NDM'.
      APPEND lt_gntc. CLEAR lt_gntc.
          retfield        = 'ZZGNTC'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          window_title    = 'Select Gas Nomination Type Code'
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = lt_gntc
          return_tab      = lt_returntab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_returntab INDEX 1.
        i_mprn-dm_ndm = lt_returntab-fieldval.
    ENDMODULE.                    "GNTC_F4 INPUT
    *&      Module  mprn1_f4  INPUT
    MODULE mprn1_f4 INPUT.
      DATA: lt_f4          TYPE ddshretval OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_returntab1  LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_dynpfields1 LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_dnpfields1  LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: stepl1 TYPE systepl,
            stepl_index1 TYPE systepl.
      DATA : i_dnpfld1      LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
             ws_dyname1     LIKE d020s-prog,
             ws_dynumb1     LIKE d020s-dnum,
             ws_dynpfld1    LIKE dynpread.
      CLEAR: i_dnpfld1,  ws_dyname1, ws_dynumb1, ws_dynpfld1,
             lt_f4, lt_returntab1,lt_dynpfields1, lt_f4,
             stepl1, stepl_index1.
      REFRESH: i_dnpfld1, lt_returntab1,lt_dynpfields1, lt_f4.
    To Determine Steploop Index
      lt_dynpfields1-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
      lt_dynpfields1-stepl     = stepl1.
      APPEND lt_dynpfields1. CLEAR lt_dynpfields1.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = 'X'
          determine_loop_index = 'X'
          dynpfields           = lt_dynpfields1
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dynpfields1 INDEX 1.
      stepl_index1 = lt_dynpfields1-stepl.
          tabname           = 'IFLOT'
          fieldname         = 'I_MPRN-MPRN'
          searchhelp        = 'ZS_MPRN_PC'
          dynpprog          = sy-repid
          dynpnr            = sy-dynnr
          return_tab        = lt_f4
          field_not_found   = 1
          no_help_for_field = 2
          inconsistent_help = 3
          no_values_found   = 4
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Update tablecontrol
      READ TABLE lt_f4 WITH KEY fieldname = 'MPRN'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE lt_f4-fieldval TO i_mprn-mprn.
        ws_dyname1   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
        ws_dynumb1   = '0301'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-MPRN'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldvalue = i_mprn-mprn.
        ws_dynpfld1-stepl      = stepl_index1.
        APPEND ws_dynpfld1 TO i_dnpfld1.
            dyname               = ws_dyname1
            dynumb               = ws_dynumb1
            dynpfields           = i_dnpfld1
            invalid_abapworkarea = 1
            invalid_dynprofield  = 2
            invalid_dynproname   = 3
            invalid_dynpronummer = 4
            invalid_request      = 5
            no_fielddescription  = 6
            undefind_error       = 7
            OTHERS               = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CLEAR  : i_dnpfld1, ws_dynpfld1.
      REFRESH: i_dnpfld1.
      READ TABLE lt_f4 WITH KEY fieldname = 'ZZPSTLZ'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE lt_f4-fieldval TO i_mprn-post_code.
        ws_dyname1   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
        ws_dynumb1   = '0301'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldvalue = i_mprn-post_code.
        ws_dynpfld1-stepl      = stepl_index1.
        APPEND ws_dynpfld1 TO i_dnpfld1.
            dyname               = ws_dyname1
            dynumb               = ws_dynumb1
            dynpfields           = i_dnpfld1
            invalid_abapworkarea = 1
            invalid_dynprofield  = 2
            invalid_dynproname   = 3
            invalid_dynpronummer = 4
            invalid_request      = 5
            no_fielddescription  = 6
            undefind_error       = 7
            OTHERS               = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " mprn1_f4  INPUT
    *&      Module  pstlz1_f4  INPUT
    MODULE pstlz1_f4 INPUT.
      CLEAR: i_dnpfld1,  ws_dyname1, ws_dynumb1, ws_dynpfld1,
              lt_f4, lt_returntab1,lt_dynpfields1, lt_f4,
              stepl1, stepl_index1.
      REFRESH: i_dnpfld1, lt_returntab1,lt_dynpfields1, lt_f4.
    To Determine Steploop Index
      lt_dynpfields1-fieldname = 'I_MPRN-MPRN'.
      lt_dynpfields1-stepl     = stepl1.
      APPEND lt_dynpfields1. CLEAR lt_dynpfields1.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = 'X'
          determine_loop_index = 'X'
          dynpfields           = lt_dynpfields1
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ TABLE lt_dynpfields1 INDEX 1.
      stepl_index1 = lt_dynpfields1-stepl.
          tabname           = 'IFLOT'
          fieldname         = 'I_MPRN-POST_CODE'
          searchhelp        = 'ZS_MPRN_PC'
          dynpprog          = sy-repid
          dynpnr            = sy-dynnr
          return_tab        = lt_f4
          field_not_found   = 1
          no_help_for_field = 2
          inconsistent_help = 3
          no_values_found   = 4
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Update tablecontrol
      READ TABLE lt_f4 WITH KEY fieldname = 'ZZPSTLZ'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE lt_f4-fieldval TO i_mprn-post_code.
        ws_dyname1   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
        ws_dynumb1   = '0301'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-POST_CODE'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldvalue = i_mprn-post_code.
        ws_dynpfld1-stepl      = stepl_index1.
        APPEND ws_dynpfld1 TO i_dnpfld1.
            dyname               = ws_dyname1
            dynumb               = ws_dynumb1
            dynpfields           = i_dnpfld1
            invalid_abapworkarea = 1
            invalid_dynprofield  = 2
            invalid_dynproname   = 3
            invalid_dynpronummer = 4
            invalid_request      = 5
            no_fielddescription  = 6
            undefind_error       = 7
            OTHERS               = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CLEAR  : i_dnpfld1, ws_dynpfld1.
      REFRESH: i_dnpfld1.
      READ TABLE lt_f4 WITH KEY fieldname = 'MPRN'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE lt_f4-fieldval TO i_mprn-mprn.
        ws_dyname1   = 'ZSRO_MASTER_DATA'.
        ws_dynumb1   = '0301'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldname  ='I_MPRN-MPRN'.
        ws_dynpfld1-fieldvalue = i_mprn-mprn.
        ws_dynpfld1-stepl      = stepl_index1.
        APPEND ws_dynpfld1 TO i_dnpfld1.
            dyname               = ws_dyname1
            dynumb               = ws_dynumb1
            dynpfields           = i_dnpfld1
            invalid_abapworkarea = 1
            invalid_dynprofield  = 2
            invalid_dynproname   = 3
            invalid_dynpronummer = 4
            invalid_request      = 5
            no_fielddescription  = 6
            undefind_error       = 7
            OTHERS               = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " pstlz1_f4  INPUT

  • Create search helps for fields of custom tables

    Could any one please provide me the step by step process to create search helps for fields in custom tables?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello Nobin
    There is basically no difference between a search help for standard vs. customer tables.
    An important choise is the selection method for your search help:
    Either you use your custom table, a view or a search help user-exit if you need to implement very specific requirements.
    Assuming that you can use your DB table as selection method the further implementation of the search help is quite straightforward:
    (1) Define the parameters you would like to have a selection criteria (SPos = SPos) and which should appear on the result list (= LPos).
    (2) Define the parameters that can be used as input for the selection (flag IMP) and are returned by the search help (flag EXP)

  • How to create print document for payment to customer through cash journal

    Dear Sirs,
    I have a problem with print document from cash journal. I enter a payment to customer (when I turn the money to customer) and the system makes right posting, but when I try to print this point, system printing document for incom from customer. I'm using business transaction for customer posting in cash journal. I would like to know how I have to manage this posting - payment to customer, or incoming from vendor (returnes advances from emploee)?

    please check whether the two solutions below work:
    1. create a contract with milestone billing plan where there are only down payment billings, so that on the basis of the contract you can generate down payment requests and then relevant down payments, release the contract to a sales order which can then be delivered and billed, manually clear the billing document with the down payments
    2. from FI module, create down payment requests via t-code F-37 directly, and then down payment posting, generate sales order directly, and then deliver and bill, manually clear the billing document with the down payments

  • How to create F1 help for fields of a table in SM30

    I have a z-table which is being maintained using SM30. while creating new entries for the z-table using this SM30 i want to create F1 help which will be useful for the user to create new entries. can anyone pls help we this requirement?

    Hi Lalitha,
    To have F1 help documentation, you need to create Documentation by pressing Documentation button in the Change Data Element screen (SE11)
    If you need certain values for the field through F4 help then you need to specify the values in the Domain of this Data element (SE11)
    Jogeswara Rao K

  • How to create Multiple Address for a single customer

    Respected Members,
    In tcode Xd01 we create on customer but there we can maintain only one address but sometimes a scenario can be that single customer can have different address .
    How to do that.Any exit is available to create multiple address with creation of single customer.
    This provision is given while creating a Business Partner.Tcode is BP .In this Address Overview tab is there and you maintain multiple address to single Busines partner.
    Same thing can we do for the customer.
    Any solutions or suggestions,please give me your support.

    Hello Manish,
    Unfortunately Customers have only one address. However you can use contact persons to store different addresses, or (in the Sales view) you can assign other partner functions with different addresses (e.g. one customer acting as the Sold-to partner may have different Ship-to partners).
    If these options do not meet your requirements, you could extend the customer master data with your own functionality and enhance transaction XD01 with your own screens for holding alternate addresses.

  • Create transaction for update a custom table

    I have a custom table Z****. What are all the steps to create a transaction for updating my custom table? I don't want to use SM30 anymore.
    Thank you.

    Create a Table maintainence through the maintainence generator.
    Open table in SE11, goto utilities => table maintainence generator.
    Once the generator is created,
    In the same screen of generator - Goto Environment => Transaction Code
    Select Transaction Code with Parameter.
    In the default values - Enter the Transaction as SM30 . Select skip first screen.
    In default values at the bottom
    screen field = VIEWNAME and value = Ztable name.
    screen field =UPDATE  and value = 'X'.
    Edited by: Pranu Pranu on May 19, 2010 2:36 PM

  • ALE/IDOC-How to create Change Pointers for Custom Infotype

    My requirement is to transfer custom OM infotype changes using IDOCs.
    But its not creating any change pointers for that infotype.
    The message used is a copy of standard message OM_HRMD_A.
    Can any one please help me out in this issue.

    Hi Sarika,
    How did you solve this issue? We are also facing a similar problem, it will be helpful if you could explain how you found out the solution.

  • How to implement Change pointers for Purchase order - ME22N - Custom Fields

    Hi Experts,
    Can you please tell me how to implement - Change Pointer for Custom fields in IDOC.
    I am working on IDOC - For purchase order - acknowledgements - in custom screen/tab in ME22N.
    Everything is working fine according to my requirement.
    All i need to know is the process of - Creating/Change - Change pointers for Custom fields.
    1.How to implement change pointers for custom fields.
    2.Can we maintain - Change Document - for custom fields at data element level?
    P.S. - I have browsed many previous - forums before posting a new discussion.
    please share your inputs...
    explaining how to create/implement - change pointers for custom fields will help me .
    Karthik Rali.

    To maintain Change Document for custom field:
    1. Check if "Change document" checkbox is set in data element.
    2. Find Change Document Object for transaction.
       You can use SQL trace - ST05.
       Look there for line with table CDHDR and statement insert values
       (for example for transaction KA02 Change Document Object is KSTAR)
    3. Regenerate update program for this Change Document Object in transaction SCDO
    Change documents for z-fields schould be generated.
    I am not sure about change pointers but they are configured somehow in BD61 and BD50.

  • How to create the request for change of selection text into other language.

    In my object requirement is that when login through Japanese language,  then on selection screen selection text should appear in Japanese language. For that I have maintained the text in Japanese language the program where we define the selection text there from translation I have maintained the text in Japanese but while maintain the text it didn't ask me for REQUEST, because of that I am not able to transport the changes to next system, so I want know how to create the request for this case.

    Hello Chetan,
    You could goto the selection screen texts by goto-> selection texts,
    Then you could again goto -> Translation
    Other-> Translation(Not sure )
    Then double click on the Program you should be able to see the Texts that need translation, now change something save and come back and try to activate, now it should propose for a new Transport Request.
    Either create a new transaport request or give one that you have given for the program.
    Hope the issue is resolved.

  • How can I purchase items for app when the app was loaded on another ID before? I has to Chang my AppleID and also transferred an app to new phone. I can't purchase items for app because it wants me to buy the app through new ID. The app was free.

    How can I purchase items for app when the app was loaded on another ID before? I has to Chang my AppleID and also transferred an app to new phone. I can't purchase items for app because it wants me to buy the app through new ID. The app was free.

    All apps (and other content from the store) are tied to the account that downloaded them, whether or not they are free. To do in-app purchases in that app you will either need to log in with the account that downloaded it, or delete it (which will delete its content) and download it with your currently logged in account if you want to do IAPs on that account.

  • How to activate change pointers for HRMD_A message

    Hi all,
    I want to activate change pointers for HRMD_A message for intotypes 0001, 0002, 0006.... .
    But I can't find any change object which I could use in BD52 transaction.
    Is there any delivered change object by SAP for HRMD_A message?
    Could you please tell me which change object should be used for example for infotype 0001?
    Thanks a lot.

    There seem to be a number of related questions asked and answered in the forums. Have you searched?

  • Change pointers for custom message type

    Hi All,
      Please help me with questions.
    1. The requirement is to add two additional fields to CSCK table and then activate change pointers for COSMAS. My question is when I activate the change pointers for COSMAS will it send this two z fields when there is a change?
    2. I dont see a message type in BD50 for a standard IDOC Internal_order? Can I add that standard message type? How can I do this? WIll this create an IDOC when ever there is a change in data?

    Hello Oscar,
    1. Which changes should be relevant for creation of COSMAS-IDoc, you have to define in BD52.
    2. You need to define INTERNAL_ORDER in WE20. In BD64 you add BAPI "InternalOrder.SaveReplica", filters can be added.
    Best Regards, Dirk

  • How to create an extension for generated type idoc

    Hi all,
    Can u please look into this
    How to create an extension for generated type idoc ?  for example Idoc type BATMAS02

    Enter transaction WE30 (ALE->Extension-> IDOC types->Maintain Idoc type)
    - Type in your name of the extended IDOC type (usually starting with 'Z') and click on the Basic IDoc type, click the create icon.
    - Click on Create new and enter a description and press enter.
    - Click on ZIDOCTYPE01 and then on the Create icon.
    - Enter ZIDOCTYPE as the segment type, click on Segment Editor.
    - Enter a description for your segment type and create.
    - Enter a description for your segment, enter each field required in your IDoc and press enter to validate.
    - Save and generate, press back
    - To release the segment choose Goto, Release from the menu.
    - Check the box on the line of your segment.
    - Save, back and enter.
    - Your Idoc type structure should be displayed with your new segment.
    - Save and back.
    - To release the Idoc type choose Extras, Release type from the menu and Yes.
    Having extended the IDOC type to contain additional fields for an inbound or outbound application, you now want to enhance ALE function modules for populating the additional segment on the outbound or applying the additional segment data on the inbound application.
    The core working code for ALE processes for a given application area is always encapsulated in ABAP/4 function modules. These function modules are associated with such control information as message types and process codes. So the ALE process checks this control information and derives the name of the function module to invoke for that particular IDOC processing from certain database tables. These function modules contain objects known as customer functions, which can be considered SAP Enhanced user exits. A function module is called at a particular point during the processing of the main program or function module, and it can be used to influence data processing at that point by adding code to the customer function. The customer function behaves like a normal function module and has import and export parameters, tables (internal tables) statement, and exception processing. Unlike a conventional user exit, customer functions give you the ability to modify only data available to you by the function moduleâs parameters and internal tables. While most ALE/EDI function modules are supported by customer functions, there are ALE/EDI processes that still use conventional user exits. There are a few ways to determine which function module to enhance for a given message type/process code:
    • For master data distribution, from SALE go to Extensions -> Master data distribution -> Setup additional data for message types. Search for message type DEBMAS in this example. You see an entry for DEBMAS associated with function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_DEBMAS. This data is stored on table TBDME. The function module names for all master data message types follow this pattern: MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_messagetype. This function module calls another function module of name MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS or MASTERIDOC_CREATE_messagetype. Search for the words customer function, and you find several hits that can be used to add code to the function module.
    • From WEDI got to Control -> Inbound process codes -> Inbound with ALE service -> Processing by function module (transaction WE42), or from WEDI go to Control -> Outbound process codes -> Outbound with ALE service -> With function module (transaction WE41). There will be function modules associated with the process codes. For inbound, the function modules usually follow this pattern: IDOC_INPUT_messagetype: for example, IDOC_INPUT_CHRMAS for inbound characteristics master.
    • Use transaction WE57 or from WEDI go to Development -> Message/Application Object. The entries list the function module, Business Object, message type, and IDOC type that are used for inbound ALE/EDI interfaces.
    Customer functions are not specific only to ALE and EDI but also to all programs/modules in SAP R/3. Customer function is a SAP enhancement component; the other two types are menu and screen enhancements.
    All customer function exits are maintained in SAP enhancements and are found by using transaction SMOD. After executing transaction SMOD, pull down (F4) on the enhancement name field, and execute again. This provides you with a list of all SAP enhancements available. SAP enhancements are grouped by development class pertaining to an application area. Choose Application development R/3 SD master data distribution for development class VSV to lead to a screen that lists VSV00001 as an enhancement (see Figure 5). Press Component +/- to display its function exit components. There are four possible components listed, all of which are function exits (and are function modules) that are called from the ALE function modules in the form Call Customer Function Î001â. This is a special occurrence of the ABAP statement Call. Go to item Exit_SAPLVV01_ 001, which you need to enhance for the Customer Master outbound example of an IDOC extension. In the ALE-function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS, the statement CALL Customer Function 001 is translated in the background to call component EXIT_SAPLVV01_001. Although this function exit can be edited using transaction SE37, you will use a simpler approach.
    When you use SAP enhancements and their components, you manage them with an SAP object known as a project, which is like an envelope containing the selected enhancements and their components. A project can be used to control the execution of components and to transport them to other clients and instances in SAP. Basically, the process involves creating a project, including enhancements and components that are to be enhanced, editing the components, and then activating the project. The following process creates a project for our example Customer Master IDOC extension:
    • Execute transaction CMOD.
    • Enter name of project, say CSTMAST1.
    • Click on Create.
    • Enter a description of the project.
    • Save.
    • Click on SAP Enhancements.
    • Enter VSV00001 for Enhancement.
    • Save.
    Once youâve created the project, edit the function exit components and activate the project. Remember that the code in the function exit enhancement will execute only if the project is activated. In fact, this is a convenient SAP enhancements feature, whereby the work in progress (developing code in the customer function) will not affect users of that application. When the code is completed, the project can be activated so the enhanced functionality takes effect. It can also be deactivated for maintenance.
    As mentioned earlier, customer functions (function exits) are embedded in ALE function modules and can be used to influence the creation and modification of IDOC data on an outbound application or to post additional or modified IDOC data to an inbound R/3 application. Function exits are similar to regular function modules, with import/export parameters, tables (internal tables), and exceptions.
    The two important factors to consider while developing the customer function are:
    1. The point in the ALE function module where the function exit occurs
    2. The data made available by the customer function that can be modified or posted to the R/3 application, based on the direction.
    Because some function modules have several customer functions, it is critical to choose the function exit best suited for that particular enhancement. Do not attempt to perform activities that the function exit is not designed for. The importance of this point is illustrated by the following description of enhancing function modules for outbound and inbound ALE interfaces.
    Outbound interfaces. In an outbound ALE interface you use function exits (customer functions) to populate additional segments created by an IDOC extension or to modify the existing IDOC data segments as per business requirements. Previously, you identified that enhancement VSV00001 has a component EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 (function exit), which can be used for populating the additional data segment Z1SADRX that you created in the IDOC extension ZDEBMASX (IDOC type ZDEBMASZ, based on Basic IDOC type DEBMAS02). You also learned that the ALE function module that calls this function exit is MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS, which has a statement Call Customer Function 001.
    Browse the function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_DEBMAS using transaction SE37. You will find that this customer function is invoked for every segment of IDOC type DEBMAS02. In fact, the function exit is called soon after the creation of an existing segment has been populated with data and appended to the IDOC data table (internal table). Also, the function exit is exporting the message type, IDOC type, and the segment name and is importing the IDOC extension type. It is also passing the IDOC data internal table. This indicates that the ALE function module is allowing you to populate additional segments for every existing segment and modify the existing segmentâs data.
    Letâs write ABAP/4 code to accomplish the task of populating IDOC segment Z1SADRX with a contact personâs business address:
    • From SE37, display function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_ DEBMAS.
    • Find Customer Function 001.
    • Double-click on 001.
    • The function EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 will be displayed.
    • Double-click on INCLUDE ZXVSVU01.
    • You will be asked to create a new include object. Proceed as desired.
    • Enter code (as in Listing 1).
    • Be sure to perform a main program check (Function Module -> Check -> main program) and extended program check (Function module -> Check -> Extended check).
    Now that you have extended the IDOC and enhanced the ALE function module based on the requirements for the contact personâs business address on the Customer Master, letâs test the interface. You should create a logical system and define a port for this interface. You should also configure the Customer Distribution Model to indicate that message type DEBMAS is being distributed to this logical system. The only difference in configuration between a regular outbound ALE interface and an enhanced one is the partner profile definition. While maintaining the outbound parameters of the partner profile, make sure the IDOC type is ZDEBMASZ. The fields for Basic IDOC type and extension type are automatically populated with DEBMAS02 and ZDEBMASX, respectively.
    To maintain the contact personâs business address of a customer:
    • Use transaction BD12 or from BALE go to Master Data ->Customer -> Send and send that Customer Master record by executing the transaction after filling in the relevant fields such as customer number, message type, and logical system.
    • Use transaction WE02 or WE05 to verify the IDOC created. You should see the new segment Z1SADRX populated with the correct data.
    With SAP releases below 4.5B, you cannot capture changes to business address through change pointers because a change document object is not available for capturing business address changes, and also earlier releases have not been configured to write change documents for a contact personâs business address. If you would like this functionality, you can either create change document objects, generate function modules to create change documents, and perform ALE configuration to tie it in, or make a cosmetic change to the contact person screen data while changing the contact personâs business address so that it gets captured as a change to the Customer Master. Subsequently, the ALE enhancement that you performed captures the contact personâs business address.
    Inbound interfaces. The process for enhancing inbound ALE interfaces is similar for outbound, with a few exceptions; specifically in the coding of customer functions (function exits) for the ALE/EDI function modules.
    The first step is to create an IDOC extension for the specific Basic IDOC type by adding new segments at the appropriate hierarchy level: that is, associated to the relevant existing segment. Populate the data fields on the new segments with application data by the translator or external system/program before importing them into the R/3 System. Then, find the ALE function module that is invoked by the inbound processing. By browsing through the code or reading the documentation on the function exit enhancements using the SMOD transaction, identify the function exit in which you should place your code. The technique used in the code to post the additional or modified IDOC data to the application can vary based on the application rules and requirements, the data available at that point in processing, and the application function modules available to update the application tables. It is important to search first for application modules that process the data and see if they can be called within the function exit. If the additional data in the extended segments in specific to a custom table or resides in nonkey fields of a single or small set of tables, you may be able to update it directly by SQL statements in the function exit. This approach should be carefully evaluated and is certainly not highly recommended.
    Another option is to use Call Transaction from within the function exit to process the additional data. For example, in the case of message type WMMBXY for inbound goods movements from a warehouse management system, the standard interface creates batches for materials, but does not update its characteristics. In such a case, you can use Call Transaction MSC1 to create the batch and assign characteristic values to it from within the function exit provided.

  • How to create a PR for each Maintenance Order

    Dear All,
    Please guide me how to create a PR for each Maintenance Order.
    I test on Ides, I have some Maintenance Orders, all of them require the same stock material. When I run MRP, system always create one PR for all requirements. I don't know how to change.

    As you planning for Stock Items, by running MRP, system will create single PR only. If it is non stock items, then it would be possible to create different PR based on Orders.

Maybe you are looking for