How to delete the fist 10 recods from a table ? The problem is real.

the code below shows that deleting a records using a cursor works well, if your table is out of a environment, but if you are using a environment the things goes different. Please help me, what i am doing wrong ?
This code is the most clean code i now to do.
// BDBTEST.cpp : Clean code.
#include "X:\include\berkeleydb\db_cxx.h"
#define DWORD               unsigned long int
#define UINT               unsigned int
#define DB_ENV_PATH          "Z:\\Test"
#define DB_FULL_NAME     "Z:\\Test\\Test.db"
typedef     struct STRTEST
     DWORD     dwID;
     char     caTxt[64];
} strTest;
//     Functions.
int          compare_int     (     Db               *dbp,
                              const Dbt     *a,
                              const Dbt     *b);
void     Save();
void     Load();
void     DeleteAll();
//     Global variables.
DbEnv     *g_penvDbEnv;
Db          *g_pdbTest;
Dbc          *g_pdbcCursor;
Dbt          g_dbtTestKey;
Dbt          g_dbtTestData;
UINT     g_ui32ENVOpenFlags;
char     g_caError[256];
int          g_iResult;
//     Main function.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     g_penvDbEnv     =     NULL;
     g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
     //     First we run without environment (NO ERROR USING g_pdbcCursor->Del(0)).
     //     Now we run with environment ("Dbc::del: Invalid argument" (err_ = 22) - ERROR USING g_pdbcCursor->Del(0)).
          g_penvDbEnv     =     new     DbEnv(0);
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               return 0;
     catch(DbException &e)
          sprintf(g_caError, "ERRO -> DSDBBD: %s\n", e.what());
          return 0;
     // Set the normal flags for a transactional subsystem. Note that
     // we DO NOT specify DB_RECOVER.
     g_ui32ENVOpenFlags     =     DB_CREATE          |     // If the environment does not exist, create it.
                                   DB_INIT_LOCK     |     // Initialize locking.
                                   DB_INIT_LOG          |     // Initialize logging.
                                   DB_INIT_MPOOL     |     // Initialize the cache.
                                   DB_THREAD          |     // Free-thread the env handle.
                                   DB_INIT_TXN;          // Initialize transactions.
     //     Open/Create environment.
          //     Environment settings.
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_encrypt("1234", DB_ENCRYPT_AES);
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_lg_bsize     (1024 * 256);                    //     LOG MEMORY FILE MAX SIZE.
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_cachesize(0, 1024 * 512, 0);
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_flags     (DB_AUTO_COMMIT,     1);
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_flags     (DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE,     1);
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->set_lg_max     (1025 * 1024);                    //     LOG FILE MAX SIZE.
          // Open the environment with full transactional support.
          g_iResult     =     g_penvDbEnv->open(DB_ENV_PATH, g_ui32ENVOpenFlags, 0);
     catch(DbException &e)
          sprintf(g_caError, "ERRO -> DSDBBD: %s\n", e.what());
          return 0;
     DeleteAll();     //     Error goes here.
     delete     g_penvDbEnv;
     g_penvDbEnv     =     NULL;
     return 0;
void     Save()
     int          i;
     int          iResult;
     DWORD     dwID;
     strTest     sttTest;
     if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
          g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(NULL, 0);
          g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(g_penvDbEnv, 0);
          //     Setting databases flags     (Just use with environment).
          g_pdbTest     ->set_flags(DB_CHKSUM | DB_ENCRYPT);
     if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
          g_pdbTest     ->set_encrypt("1234", DB_ENCRYPT_AES);
     g_iResult     =     g_pdbTest->open(NULL, DB_FULL_NAME, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD, 0);
     dwID     =     1;
          sttTest.dwID     =     dwID;
          sprintf(sttTest.caTxt, "ID = %04u", sttTest.dwID);
          g_dbtTestKey     .set_data((void*) &sttTest.dwID);
          g_dbtTestKey     .set_size(sizeof(DWORD));
          g_dbtTestData     .set_data((void*) &sttTest);
          g_dbtTestData     .set_size(sizeof(sttTest));
          iResult = g_pdbTest->put(0, &g_dbtTestKey, &g_dbtTestData, DB_NOOVERWRITE);
     delete     g_pdbTest;
     g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
void     Load()
     strTest     *psttTest;
     if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
          g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(NULL, 0);
          g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(g_penvDbEnv, 0);
          //     Setting databases flags     (Just use with environment).
          g_pdbTest     ->set_flags(DB_CHKSUM | DB_ENCRYPT);
     if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
          g_pdbTest     ->set_encrypt("1234", DB_ENCRYPT_AES);
     g_iResult     =     g_pdbTest->open(NULL, DB_FULL_NAME, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD, 0);
     // Get a cursor
     g_pdbTest->cursor(NULL, &g_pdbcCursor, 0);
     // Iterate over the database, retrieving each record in turn.
     while((g_iResult = g_pdbcCursor->get(&g_dbtTestKey, &g_dbtTestData, DB_NEXT)) == 0)
          //     Get temp struct.
          psttTest     =     (strTest*)     g_dbtTestData.get_data();
     delete     g_pdbTest;
     g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
void     DeleteAll()
     strTest     *psttTest;
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(NULL, 0);
               g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(g_penvDbEnv, 0);
               //     Setting databases flags     (Just use with environment).
               g_pdbTest     ->set_flags(DB_CHKSUM | DB_ENCRYPT);
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               g_pdbTest     ->set_encrypt("1234", DB_ENCRYPT_AES);
          g_iResult     =     g_pdbTest->open(NULL, DB_FULL_NAME, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD, 0);
          // Get a cursor
          g_pdbTest->cursor(NULL, &g_pdbcCursor, 0);
          // Iterate over the database, retrieving each record in turn.
          while((g_iResult = g_pdbcCursor->get(&g_dbtTestKey, &g_dbtTestData, DB_NEXT)) == 0)
               //     Get temp struct.
               psttTest     =     (strTest*)     g_dbtTestData.get_data();
               g_iResult     =     g_pdbcCursor->del(0);
     catch (DbException &dbe)
     delete     g_pdbTest;
     g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
int compare_int(Db dbp, const Dbt a, const Dbt *b)
     int          iReturn;
     DWORD     dwKey1;
     DWORD     dwKey2;
     dwKey1     =     0;
     dwKey2     =     0;
     iReturn     =     0;
     dwKey1     =     *((DWORD*) a->get_data());
     dwKey2     =     *((DWORD*) b->get_data());
     if(dwKey1 > dwKey2)
          iReturn     =     1;
          if(dwKey1 < dwKey2)
               iReturn     =     -1;
     return     iReturn;

Hi all
I solved it. No documentation about it, but the solution is to use transaction.
Just use this DeleteAll function that all works fine.
void     DeleteAll()
     strTest     *psttTest;
     DbTxn     *pTxn;
          pTxn          =     NULL;
          g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(NULL, 0);
               g_pdbTest     =     new     Db(g_penvDbEnv, 0);
               //     Setting databases flags     (Just use with environment).
               g_pdbTest     ->set_flags(DB_CHKSUM | DB_ENCRYPT);
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               g_pdbTest     ->set_encrypt("1234", DB_ENCRYPT_AES);
          g_iResult     =     g_pdbTest->open(NULL, DB_FULL_NAME, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD, 0);
          if(g_penvDbEnv == NULL)
               g_pdbTest->cursor(NULL, &g_pdbcCursor, 0);
               // Get a cursor.
               g_penvDbEnv->txn_begin(NULL, &pTxn, 0);
               g_pdbTest->cursor(pTxn, &g_pdbcCursor, 0);
          // Iterate over the database, retrieving each record in turn.
          while((g_iResult = g_pdbcCursor->get(&g_dbtTestKey, &g_dbtTestData, DB_NEXT)) == 0)
               //     Get temp struct.
               psttTest     =     (strTest*)     g_dbtTestData.get_data();
               g_iResult     =     g_pdbcCursor->del(0);
          if(g_penvDbEnv != NULL)
     catch (DbException &dbe)
          if(g_penvDbEnv != NULL)
     delete     g_pdbTest;
     g_pdbTest     =     NULL;
Thanks to all readers,

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                         itemkey => my_cur_v.item_key
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    Or try this code:
    In your backing bean:
        public void deleteRows(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        public static Object resolveExpression(String expression)
                    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
                    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
                    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
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                    return valueExp.getValue(elContext);
                catch (Exception e)
                   ;// log you message here
                return null;
             * Get application module for an application module data control by name.
             * @param name application module data control name
             * @return ApplicationModule
            public static ApplicationModule getApplicationModuleForDataControl()
                return (ApplicationModule) resolveExpression("#{data.AppModuleDataControl.dataProvider}");
            }In your AppmoduleImpl:
        public void deleteRowEmp(){
        }And another option is to expose the appmodule method as a client and bind to the jspx as a button.

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    <?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/xsl"?>
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    <code code="51725-0" c
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/xsl"?>
    <document xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLoc
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    <id root="09ff06d6-8b85-43dd-b5cc-e22d00f02bd0"/>
    <code code="51725-0" c
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    but failed.
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    Namespace issue.
    You have to declare it in the XQuery prolog :
    DELETE FROM document
    WHERE XMLExists( 'declare default element namespace "urn:hl7-org:v3"; (::)
                     passing object_value as "p",
                             '03d6a2cd-fdda-4fe1-865d-da0db9212f34' as "root_value" )

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    in deleting the records in PSA table difficult and how many you will the delete.
    you can achieve the different ways.
    1. creating the DSO maintain the some key fields it will overwrite the based on key fields.
    2. you can write the ABAP logic deleting the duplicate records at info package level check with the your ABAPer. can restrict the cancellation records at query level.

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    To delete multiple non-imported transport requests, you do the following while in the import queue on STMS:
    1) Highlight the status field of the import queue.
    2) Sort the import queue by the status.
    3) Put your cursor on the first non-imported transport, right-click, and click on Select Block.
    4) Scroll down and put your cursor on the last non-imported transport, right-click and click on Select Block. This will highlight all requests from the first one selection to the last one selected.
    5) Go to menu option Request > Delete.
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    Please give your comments to resolve this.
    Tirumula Rao Chinni

    Hi Rio,
    I faced similar kind of issue working with files on UNIX platform.
    The line is a line feed to remove it use
    DATA : lv_carr_linefd TYPE abap_cr_lf VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. 
      DATA : lv_carr_return TYPE char1,                                   
             lv_line_feed   TYPE char1.                                          
      lv_line_feed   = lv_carr_linefd(1).
      lv_carr_return = lv_carr_linefd+1(1).
    Note: IMP: The character in ' ' is not space but is a special
    character set by pressing ALT and +255 simultaneosly
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lv_line_feed IN l_string WITH ' '.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lv_carr_return IN l_string WITH ' '.

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    Dear Experts,
    Could you please tell me how to delete a single request from DSO?
    I mean, in DSO if we delete one request it also delete the requests which are above it. But i don't to delete the above it.
    Please suggest me this issue.

    IN DSO--its a very basic thing....
    ACTIVE TABLE and CHANGELOG tables are overwritten after activation of each request.
    So ,each new request has a realationsip with the older request.
    So in the cases:
    1.If you activate the older request it will delete the new one ,because changelog entries have been written from the data of new request on the basis of the older one.
    e.g older request  entries:
    a x 1
    new request
    a x 2
    change log
    a x 1
    a x -1
    a x 2
    so its quite obvious you can't have  a x 2 directly (because in the infocube you will be sending wrong entries by deleting the just the older request and loadning new request).
    2.If you have activate new and old request toghterh then also system will not allow you to delete the newer request alone and you will have to delete both the requests.
    I guess already someone proposed correct solution to you ...thats selective deletion...but rahter than doing selective deletion there is a better way if you want to cancel out a particular request:
    thats request reverst posting
    IN the process monitor of any particular request you can find out the option for request reverse posting..Its good for individual request cancellation(keyfig values will become 0 for that particular request)

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    GRC Admin

    You can use program GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES to achieve your requirement.
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    It is important to specify both, the oracle version and os version when posting, so confusions can be avoided.
    In this particular case, since you are referring to asm and grid control you could be talking about either 10gR1, 10gR2 or 11gR1; but I strongly suggest you to avoid us to be guessing. In either case, you sould go to the maintenance tab of the target database and program a scheduled 'delete noprompt obsolete;' procedure. This will purge the information stored at the Flash recovery area, which I assume you have declared inside the ASM.
    ~ Madrid

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