How to get the path of input type="file" tag

-- im using <input type="file"> tag to get an input file from a local host, it returns only the filename but not the complete path of the filename,,,
-- i need to know on how to get the compelete path /directory of the filename using <input type="file"> tag , or is there any other way to get an input file from a local host aside from <input type="file"> tag?
When a file is uploaded, the file name is also submitted. The path of the file is available only to the machine within the Local Machine security zone. The value property returns only the file name to machines outside the Local Machine security zone. See About URL Security Zones for more information on security zones.
i need to know on how to get the compelete path /directory of the filename
using <input type="file"> tag You can't. Its a security thing.
is there any other way to get an input file from a local host aside from <input type="file"> tag?No. Not using just html.
You could always go into activex components, but thats different again.

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    Dear all,
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    Please any one can suggest me, How can We get the Path in SDK.
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    No method supplied in SDK to do this directly?
    Please I need a help of this Query as soon as posible.
    Thanks & Regards
    T.R.Harihara SudhaN
    When a file is uploaded, the file name is also submitted. The path of the file is available only to the machine within the Local Machine security zone. The value property returns only the file name to machines outside the Local Machine security zone. See About URL Security Zones for more information on security zones.
    i need to know on how to get the compelete path /directory of the filename
    using <input type="file"> tag You can't. Its a security thing.
    is there any other way to get an input file from a local host aside from <input type="file"> tag?No. Not using just html.
    You could always go into activex components, but thats different again.

  • How to get the path when i select a directory or a file in a JTree

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    import java.lang.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.HeadlessException;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
    public class JTreeFolder extends JPanel {
    protected DefaultMutableTreeNode racine;
    JTree tree;
    protected JScrollPane scrollpane;
    final static int MAX_LEVEL = 1; // niveau max de descente "direct" dans l'arborescence
    * Sous-classe FSNode
    * @author Frederic FOURGEOT
    * @version 1.0
    private class FSNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
    File file; // contient le fichier li� au noeud
    * Constructeur non visible
    private FSNode() {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    FSNode(Object userObject) {
    * Constructeur par initialisation
    * @param userObject Object
    * @param newFile File
    FSNode(Object userObject, File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Definit le fichier lie au noeud
    * @param newFile File
    public void setFile(File newFile) {
    file = newFile;
    * Renvoi le fichier lie au noeud
    * @return File
    public File getFile() {
    return file;
    public JTree getJTree(){
         return tree ;
    * Constructeur
    * @throws HeadlessException
    public JTreeFolder() throws HeadlessException {
    File[] drive;
    tree = new JTree();
    // cr�ation du noeud sup�rieur
    racine = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Poste de travail");
    // cr�ation d'un noeud pour chaque lecteur
    drive = File.listRoots();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < drive.length ; i++) {
    FSNode node = new FSNode(drive, drive[i]);
    addFolder(drive[i], node); // on descend dans l'arborescence du lecteur jusqu'� MAX_LEVEL
    // Gestion d'evenement sur JTree (on �coute les evenements TreeExpansion)
    tree.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener() {
    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est ouvert
    // on descend dans l'arborescence du noeud jusqu'� MAX_LEVEL
    TreePath path = e.getPath();
    FSNode node = (FSNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
    ((DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel()).reload(node); // on recharche uniquement le noeud
    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    // lorsqu'un noeud est referm�
    // alimentation du JTree
    DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(racine);
    // ajout du JTree au formulaire
    tree.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    scrollpane = new JScrollPane(tree);
         scrollpane.setBounds(0, 0, 240, 290);
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * @param driveOrDir
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    addFolder(driveOrDir, node, 0);
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un repertoire
    * (avec niveau pour r�cursivit� et arr�t sur MAX_LEVEL)
    * @param driveOrDir File
    * @param node DefaultMutableTreeNode
    * @param level int
    private void addFolder(File driveOrDir, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, int level) {
    File[] fileList;
    fileList = driveOrDir.listFiles();
    if (fileList != null) {
    sortFiles(fileList); // on tri les elements
    // on ne cherche pas plus loin que le niveau maximal d�finit
    if (level > MAX_LEVEL - 1) {return;}
    // pour chaque �l�ment
    try {
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
    // en fonction du type d'�l�ment
    if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) {
    // si c'est un r�pertoire on cr�� un nouveau noeud
    FSNode dir = new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]);
    // on recherche les �l�ments (r�cursivit�)
    addFolder(fileList[i], dir, ++level);
    if (fileList[i].isFile()) {
    // si c'est un fichier on ajoute l'�l�ment au noeud
    node.add(new FSNode(fileList[i].getName(), fileList[i]));
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
    // rien
    * Recuperation des sous-elements d'un noeud
    * @param node
    public void addFolder(FSNode node) {
    setCursor(new Cursor(3)); // WAIT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    for (int i = 0 ; i < node.getChildCount() ; i++) {
    addFolder(((FSNode)node.getChildAt(i)).getFile(), (FSNode)node.getChildAt(i));
    setCursor(new Cursor(0)); // DEFAULT_CURSOR est DEPRECATED
    * Tri une liste de fichier
    * @param listFile
    public void sortFiles(File[] listFile) {
    triRapide(listFile, 0, listFile.length - 1);
    * QuickSort : Partition
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    * @return
    private int partition(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    int compt = deb;
    File pivot = listFile[deb];
    int i = deb - 1;
    int j = fin + 1;
    while (true) {
    do {
    } while (listFile[j].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) > 0);
    do {
    } while (listFile[i].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(pivot.getName()) < 0);
    if (i < j) {
    echanger(listFile, i, j);
    } else {
    return j;
    * Tri rapide : quick sort
    * @param listFile
    * @param deb
    * @param fin
    private void triRapide(File[] listFile, int deb, int fin) {
    if (deb < fin) {
    int positionPivot = partition(listFile, deb, fin);
    triRapide(listFile, deb, positionPivot);
    triRapide(listFile, positionPivot + 1, fin);
    * QuickSort : echanger
    * @param listFile
    * @param posa
    * @param posb
    private void echanger(File[] listFile, int posa, int posb) {
    File tmpFile = listFile[posa];
    listFile[posa] = listFile[posb];
    listFile[posb] = tmpFile;

  • How 2 get the path of a file

    how 2 get the path of a file Using jsp
    i have tried getPath...but i'm geting the error
    The method getPath(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
    any idea how 2 get the path of a file

    You need ServletContext#getRealPath().
    API documentation:

  • How 2 get the path of a file Using jsp

    how 2 get the path of a file Using jsp
    i have tried getPath...but i'm geting the error
    The method getPath(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
    any idea how 2 get the path of a file

    You need ServletContext#getRealPath().
    API documentation:

  • How to get the split period wage type amount in payslip?

    How to get the split period wage type amount in payslip?
    Payroll period for 01.01.09 to 31.01.09.
    1.     Employee is active from 1.1.09 to 10.01.09
    2.     Employee is inactive from 11.01.09 to 20.01.09
    3.     Employee is again active from 21.01.09 to 31.01.09
    In Result Table three split periods are created.
    From 01.01.09 to 10.01.09 u2018Basic Salaryu2019 Wtype  1101 amt is 20.00
    From 11.01.09 to 20.01.09 u2018Basic Salaryu2019 Wtype 1101 amt is 00.00
    From 21.01.09 to 31.01.09 u2018Basic Salaryu2019 Wtype 1101 amt is 10.00
    My requirement is to print only the last split period in payslip from 21.01.09 to 31.01.09. May you please help me in this regard.
    Thanks in advance

    Try to read the below:
    WPBPC : Distribute Lump Sum Wage Elements to WPBP Periods
        Operation WPBPC distributes the amount of the current wage type to the
        active WPBP periods in the payroll period.
        The current wage type in the header entry of table OT is used as input
        for this operation.
        Within payroll, wage types are assigned to a fixed WPBP period by
        infotype 0014 Recurring Payments/Deductions, for example. However, you
        may want to distribute this payment to all active WPBP periods, which is
        what would happen if the wage type were entered in basic pay. Therefore,
        various specifications exist for parameter S:
        o   If the specification is 'A', and if several active WPBP periods
            exist, the amount is simultaneously reduced on a calendar-day basis.
        o   If the specification is 'D', the wage type is distributed to all
            existing WPBP periods without the amount being reduced.
        o   If the specification is 'S', and if the validity period starts or
            ends during the period, the entry in table WPBP is split using this
            date. The wage type is stored in table OT for the corresponding WPBP
            This parameter is only allowed if processing was accessed using
           function P0014.
           In this case, infotype 0014 must be processed before absence
           valuation and function PARTT. Otherwise, rejections occur during
           payroll processing.
       o   Specification 'X' is the combination of 'A' and 'S'.
           This parameter is only allowed if processing was accessed using
           function P0014.
       o   If the specification is 'W', and if the validity period starts or
           ends during the period, the entry in table WPBP is split using this
           date (as with option 'S'). Unlike 'S', the wage type is not stored
           in table OT.
           This parameter is only allowed if processing was accessed using
           function P0014.
       o   If the specification is ' ', the wage type is stored in table OT for
           each WPBP period in which the validity interval fits.
           This parameter is only allowed if processing was accessed using
           functions P0014 or P0015.
       If the WPBP split is set for a wage type, the wage type is stored
       without changes in table OT. If you specify a different wage type name
       in the second parameter, the wage type is stored with this name in table
       OT. Before you execute operation WPBPC, you may therefore need to delete
       the split using operation ELIMI.
       If a country-specific split (C1, C2, or C3 split) is set, the operation
       interprets it as an error. The employee in question is rejected by
       payroll. All other splits are transferred as they are.
        The processed wage type, or the wage type specified in the operation
        call, is written to table OT (output table) with the appropriate split
        indicator and reduced amount as operation output for each WPBP period.
        Parameter specification 'W' is the only exception.
        OOOOO       WPBPC       Operation name
                    blank       distribute to all WPBP periods
                    S           split and distribute WPBP
                    W           split but do not distribute WPBP
                    A           distribute to active WPBP periods
                                with calendar-day reductions
                    D           distribute to all existing
                                WPBP periods
                    X           combination of 'S' and 'A'
        VVVV                    Results wage type
                    blank       input wage type = results wage type
                    wage        wage type name of input wage type is replaced
                     type       by wage type name of results wage
                     name       type
        Wage type before operation:
        M100        02          3000
        WPBP split
        01  June 01 - June 20 active
        02  June 21 - June 30 active
        VVVV                    Results wage type
                    blank       input wage type = results wage type
                    wage        wage type name of input wage type is replaced
                     type       by wage type name of results wage
                     name       type
        Wage type before operation:
        M100        02          3000
        WPBP split
        01  June 01 - June 20 active
        02  June 21 - June 30 active
        Wage type before operation:
        WType       WPBP        Amount
        M100        00          3000.-
        M200        02          2000.-
        Operation:   WPBPCA
        Wage type after operation:
        WType       WPBP        Amount
        M100        01          2000.-
        M100        02          1000.-
        M200        02          2000.-
        Operation:   WPBPC
        Wage type after operation:
        WType       WPBP        Amount
        M100        01          3000.-
        M100        02          3000.-
        M200        02          2000.-
    Team Member.

  • How to get the Path of the WebDynpro page

    Hi All,
    Can any one say how to get the path of the JSPDynPage ina Portlet in Portal Application.
    Becoz i have to display that Page in another JSPDynPagee
    Thanks in Advance....

    You can call your JSPDynPage component by calling the URL as:
    Check this:
    Calling portal component
    Praveen Gudapati
    [Points are welcome for helpful answers]

  • How to get the path of the image stored in sap??

    Hi All
    The problem is
    While making an entry in standard there is a field called documents through which we attach our images in sap.
    How to get the path of the image stored with the corresponding order so that the image can be displayed while we are creating a report.
    I know how to upload the image while creating a report using docking control.
    I am not able to get the path of the image stored...
    Please Help
    Thanks in advance..

    I am not aware of exactly which tables are used for storing the attached doc. details, but we have worked in the similar requiremnent.
    What you can do is .... before uploading the image to any order, try swich on the SQL trace ST05 and after upload switch off.
    The log will display what are the tables involved while storing the image. And you can easily find out the image location.

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    How to get the Swatch Options Color Type name that is "Process Color" or "Spot Color" which shown in the Color Type via scripting..

    Could you please provide any example for how to get the color type name that is process or spot. Thanks for looking into this.
    Advance thanks,
    Maria Prabudass

  • In Mac how to get the Full name of a file Programmatically?

    Hi Friends,
             I am doing one Mac application for displaying the contents of a file. I can able to get some information about the file by using this code below...
      NSDictionary *dict=[fileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:myPath error:nil];
    Now I want to get the some other informations also like Full Name, copyRight, version... So Please suggest me how to get the full name of a file Programmaticallly?

    Your question doesn't make sense.
    First off, if you are going to get the attributes of a file, you need its full name before you can do anything. So that's part one taken care of.
    This function returns a dictionary full of typical file information (type, size, mod dates, etc.) as well as some HFS data (creator code, type code) which, I strongly suspect, are not "pulled out of the file" but rather generated on the spot. (See NSFileManager for the full list of attribute keys.)
    The other items you hoped of retrieving are not part of the regular file system. Sure, a Truetype font has a copyright string and a version, but what about an HTML file? A PNG? A text file you just created?
    There simply are no standard functions to retrieve copyright and version.

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       private var SWFSRC:Class;
    <mx:SWFLoader id="_swfloader" source="{SWFSRC}" />

    Hi Flex harUI,
    Throw the error.
    Access of undefined property content

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    TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(loc.x, loc.y);
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    i want its last path element how can i get it ?

    Call getLastSelectedPathComponent() on the tree.

  • How to get the path of the folder?

    hello everybody,
    I want to retrive the path of folder. how can i do? i used File I/O > Adv file fun > File dialog and set the file dialog property to "Folder". but I cannot get the path included with folder name. Can somebody help me? thanks in advance..

    Did you select "File or Folder" for the file dialog?
    Did you click on the Current Folder button when selecting the folder?
    Message Edited by JoeLabView on 09-03-2008 07:56 AM
    fileFolder.PNG ‏11 KB
    currentFolder.PNG ‏6 KB

  • How to get the path of placed plugin location

    hi all,
    I want to get the path of my placed plugin location in my custom plug-in code.
    supporse my custom plugin at :
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5.1\Plug-ins\MyCustomPlugin\MyCustomPlugin.aip
    Is any API is there that can tell me my plugin path or the Directory path.

    hi Patterson,
    I actully i am looking for XMLDocument api.
    Is any API adobe providing so I can use this to API for itterate this xml document.
    Let me clear you more...
    see this is my xml document
      <Control  name="ControlType" type="ComboBox">
      <Control name="ControlStyle" type="ComboBox">
    I want to read this in memory is AI is provides us any API.

  • How to get the identity claim encoding types of windows and forms authentication providers using API?

    We have to get all the claims providers associated with a web application and its identity claim encoding type using API.
    For example:
    If the identity claim of windows authentication is user name and the user name is a string, then we should get
    If the identity claim of forms authentication is
    email and the provider name is "fba" , then we should get "i:0!.f|fba|".
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    using (SPSite theSite = new SPSite("http://someContosoUrl"))
    // Get the web application.
        SPWebApplication wa = theSite.WebApplication;
        // Get the zone for the site.
        SPUrlZone theZone = theSite.Zone;
        // Get the settings that are associated with the zone.
        SPIisSettings theSettings = wa.GetIisSettingsWithFallback(theZone);
        // Get the list of authentication providers that are associated with the zone.
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        {   // Need to get the identity claims encoding type using the SPAuthenticationProvider
    Is windows authentication's identity claim encoding type always i.0#.w or the identity claim is always the user name?
    Thanks & Regards,

    If the requirement is to be able to convert claim identities to windows identities that can be used with other LOB/legacy application that still relies on NTLM/Windows Auth, then I would recommend to explore C2WTS.
    Here are some references:
    These postings are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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