How to get values from the page excpet pagecontext.getparameter

i have a requirement wherein i am passing paramteres from the "submit" button.but the problem being that,i have multiple rows in my page.what is happening is that my "submit" button is passing the values of the previous row,instead of the current row.this is i think because "commit" gets called later and params are passed before it.
how do i solve this problem
or if i can get to get paramteres in a advance table layout,i l be able to achieve my requirement.beacuse in advance table layout,i am not able to do pagecontext.getparameter("---" of the item

thanks guys,
i did try working with row refrence but it returns a null only.
my requirement was that i had update functionality as well as "add new rows" on the same advtbl whenevr i click on "add new row" and submit,i was always gettin the parameters for the previous row.
now,i have got a workaround to that,by having a radio button to select rows to update and whenever i click on "add new rows" ,i disable the radio button,and get the handle based on the value from radio group.
but still row refrence dint work for me.i will appreciate if sum1 can send me the code

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    Best regards

    Just try this link

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              FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
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    i input some words in the input components,
    and then click a commandButton hold an action to print their value
    action code :
    String[] tempArray = this.getInstanceValue();
    for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
    only NULL has been printed in the consol ....not the word i inputed!!!
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    This approach is odd. What's the functional requirement after all? You normally attach the inputtext value to a backing bean property and do the desired command button action which is attached to a backing bean action method. In this method you then use the value for the query.

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    not sure what your model is, but if it is Business Components, I think I would expose the properties as a client method on the application module. This way all JClient panels and frames will have access to it. You could use a HashMap to store the data in teh app module.
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    Yes i did try the same ..
    select PROD_tYPE into :P185_OFF_CITY from
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    Edited by: pauljohny on Jan 3, 2012 2:03 AM

  • How to get values from a TextFiled

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    import oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.AttributeList;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import oracle.jbo.JboException;
    import oracle.cle.process.ProcessInfo;
    import oracle.cle.process.ProcessConstants;
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    import oracle.jheadstart.persistence.bc4j.common.Bc4jDBTransaction;
    // --- File generated by Oracle Business Components for Java.
    public class VhfChgPswdImpl extends EntityImpl
    implements AttributeList
    protected static final int DBMSID = 0;
    protected static final int OLDPASSWORD = 1;
    protected static final int NEWPASSWORD = 2;
    private static EntityDefImpl mDefinitionObject;
    * This is the default constructor (do not remove)
    public VhfChgPswdImpl()
    * Retrieves the definition object for this instance class.
    public static synchronized EntityDefImpl getDefinitionObject()
    if (mDefinitionObject == null)
    mDefinitionObject = (EntityDefImpl)EntityDefImpl.findDefObject("");
    return mDefinitionObject;
    * Gets the attribute value for DbmsId, using the alias name DbmsId
    public String getDbmsId()
    return (String)getAttributeInternal(DBMSID);
    * Sets <code>value</code> as the attribute value for DbmsId
    public void setDbmsId(String value)
    setAttributeInternal(DBMSID, value);
    * Gets the attribute value for OldPassword, using the alias name OldPassword
    public String getOldPassword()
    return (String)getAttributeInternal(OLDPASSWORD);
    * Sets <code>value</code> as the attribute value for OldPassword
    public void setOldPassword(String value)
    setAttributeInternal(OLDPASSWORD, value);
    * Gets the attribute value for NewPassword, using the alias name NewPassword
    public String getNewPassword()
    return (String)getAttributeInternal(NEWPASSWORD);
    * Sets <code>value</code> as the attribute value for NewPassword
    public void setNewPassword(String value)
    setAttributeInternal(NEWPASSWORD, value);
    // Generated method. Do not modify.
    protected Object getAttrInvokeAccessor(int index, AttributeDefImpl attrDef) throws Exception
    switch (index)
    case DBMSID:
    return getDbmsId();
    return getOldPassword();
    return getNewPassword();
    return super.getAttrInvokeAccessor(index, attrDef);
    // Generated method. Do not modify.
    protected void setAttrInvokeAccessor(int index, Object value, AttributeDefImpl attrDef) throws Exception
    switch (index)
    case DBMSID:
    super.setAttrInvokeAccessor(index, value, attrDef);
    * Creates a Key object based on given key constituents
    public static Key createPrimaryKey(String dbmsId)
    return new Key(new Object[] {dbmsId});
    public void alterUser(String dbmsId, String newPassword)
    Statement st = null;
    try {
    String sql = "ALTER USER " + dbmsId + " IDENTIFIED BY " + newPassword + ";";
    Bc4jDBTransaction tr = (Bc4jDBTransaction)getDBTransaction();
    st = tr.createStatement(0);
    int rows = st.executeUpdate(sql);
    System.out.println("Updated Rows="+rows);
    catch (SQLException s) {
    throw new JboException(s);
    finally {
    try {
    if (st != null) st.close();
    catch (SQLException s) { /* ignore */}
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    System.out.println("In Create Method");
    System.out.println( "Request = " + HttpServletController.HTTPREQUEST.toString()); // = "HTTPREQUEST"
    System.out.println("Posted Attribute 1 = " + this.getPostedAttribute(1).toString() ); // = null
    System.out.println("Posted Attribute 2 = " + this.getPostedAttribute(2).toString() ); // = null
    System.out.println("looping through values");
    String myNames[] = getAttributeNames();
    Object myValues[] = getAttributeValues();
    System.out.println("array sizes");
    System.out.println(" > myNames:" + myNames.length) ;
    System.out.println(" > myValues:" + myValues.length) ;
    for (int i = 0; i < myNames.length; i++) {  // LENGTH IS THREE
    System.out.print( "name: " + myNames);
    if (myValues[i] != null)
    System.out.println(" value= " + myValues[i].toString() );
    System.out.println(" value: is NULL ...:" + myValues[i]); // << PRINTS THIS 3 TIMES

    The BC4J create statement fires when the "New" button is pressed, so when an EMPTY record is created. It's normal that at that point all attributes are null.
    What you probably want to do, is catch the "Save" process. You can do that by overriding the doDML method (menu: Tools - Override Methods). At that point the attributes should not be null anymore.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team

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    public static void main(String df[])
    sampleThread sathr= new sampleThread();
    System.out.println("This is the value from the run method "+sathr.x);
    /* I should get Inside the run method::: But I get only Inside */
    class sampleThread extends Thread
         public String x="Inside";
         public void run()
              x+="the run method";

    I think this is what you're looking for. I hold up main(), waiting for the results to be concatenated to the String.
    public class sampsynch
        class SampleThread extends Thread
         String x = "Inside";
         public void run() {
             x+="the run method";
             synchronized(this) {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
         SampleThread t = new sampsynch().new SampleThread();
         synchronized(t) {

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         PrintWriter out=null;
         int rows = 1000;
         int cols = 7;
         int [][] myTable3 = new int[rows][cols];
         int x = 0;
         System.out.print("Running HashJoin:Method loads the "+
         "smaller table in the memory and applies a hashing function "+
         "to common column and stores it in another table. "+
         "The larger table is then read from the file. "+
         "The same hashing function is applied to Col n of the table and a       matching record in the first table is looked up. A match will create a row in Table 3. ");          
    //Apply hashing function to smaller table and store it in the memory.
              Integer[] It2 = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest2 = new int[t2.length];
              Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
              for(int i =0; i <t2.length;i++){
                   It2[i] = new Integer(t2[0]);
                   hashCodest2[i] = It2[i].hashCode();
                   ht.put(new Integer(hashCodest2[i]),It2[i]);
              //Larger table get hashcodes
              Integer It1[] = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest1 = new int[t2.length];          
              for(int j =0; j <t1.length;j++){
                   It1[j] = new Integer(t1[j][4]);
                   hashCodest1[j] = It1[j].hashCode();               }
              //Based on the hashcode get the value from the Table2;
    out = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( "c:\\HashJoinTable.txt" ) );
              Enumeration e = ht.keys();
    //How do I get the value from the array based on the HashCode? Do I need to do a loop here???                         
              }catch(Exception e){}

    ok I got it......
              //Apply hashing function to smaller table and store it in the memory.
              Integer[] It2 = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest2 = new int[t2.length];
              Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
              for(int i =0; i <t2.length;i++){
                   It2[i] = new Integer(t2[0]);
                   hashCodest2[i] = It2[i].hashCode();
                   ht.put(new Integer(hashCodest2[i]),It2[i]);
              //Larger table get hashcodes and compare
              Integer It1[] = new Integer[t2.length];
              int [] hashCodest1 = new int[t2.length];          
              Hashtable ht2 = new Hashtable();
              for(int j =0; j <t1.length;j++){
                   It1[j] = new Integer(t1[j][4]);
                   hashCodest1[j] = It1[j].hashCode();               
                   ht2.put(new Integer(hashCodest1[j]),It1[j]);
              //Based on the hashcode get the value from the Table2;
    out = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( "c:\\HashJoinTable.txt" ) );
              Enumeration e = ht.keys();
              Integer t3[] = new Integer[t2.length];
                        t3[x] = (Integer) ht2.get(e.nextElement());                
              }catch(Exception e){}

  • How to pass value from the Z Report to the selection screen of the std rep

    Dear Experts,
    i have developed a report and the values are maintained only in internal table based on some condition.  When I execute the report, for example MM60, there is a material number field for multiple selection.
    the report should call the standard transaction and pass the values from the internal table to the multiple selection- material number of the standard transaction.
    the standard transaction should never get executed automatically.  Only the value should get passed from internal table to the standard t code.  Please help.

    Go through the following Documents
    SUBMIT rep.
    1. ... LINE-SIZE col
    2. ... LINE-COUNT lin
    3. ... TO SAP-SPOOL
    5. ... AND RETURN
    7. ... USER user VIA JOB job NUMBER n
    8. ... Various additions for parameter transfer to rep
    Calls the report rep . Leaves the active program and starts the new report rep .
    Addition 1
    ... LINE-SIZE col
    Prints the report with the line width col .
    Addition 2
    ... LINE-COUNT lin
    Prints the report with lin lines (per page).
    Addition 4
    Displays the selection screen for the user. In this case, the selection screen is redisplayed after return from the report list display - the user's entries are retained.
    Addition 5
    ... AND RETURN
    Returns to the calling transaction or program after the called program has been executed. SUBMIT ... AND RETURN creates a new internal mode .
    Addition 6
    Does not display the output list of the called report, but saves it in SAP memory and leaves the called report immediately. Since the calling program can read the list from memory and process it further, you need to use the addition ... AND RETURN . Also, since the called report cannot be requested for printing, the addition ... TO SAP-SPOOL is not allowed here. You can read the saved list from SAP memory with the function module 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY' and then (for example) store it in the database with EXPORT . You can process this list further with the function modules 'WRITE_LIST' , 'DISPLAY_LIST' ... of the function group "SLST" .
    Addition 7
    ... USER user VIA JOB job NUMBER n
    Schedules the specified report in the job specified by the job name job and the job number n . The job runs under the user name user and you can omit the addition USER user . The assignment of the job number occurs via the function module JOB_OPEN (see also the documentation for the function modules JOB_CLOSE and JOB_SUBMIT . This addition can only be used with the addition ...AND RETURN .
    When scheduling a report with the SUBMIT ... VIA JOB job NUMBER n statement, you should always use the addition ...TO SAP-SPOOL to pass print and/or archive parameters. Otherwise, default values are used to generate the list and this disturbs operations in a production environment.
    Addition 9
    Uses variants of the program prog when executing the program rep .
    The programs prog and rep must have the same SELECT-OPTIONS and PARAMETER s. Otherwise, variants of the program prog may be destroyed.
    When using this addition, the specified variant vari of the program prog is taken in USING SELECTION-SET vari . On the other hand, all variant-related actions on the selection screen of rep (Get , Save as variant , Display , Delete ) refer to the variants of prog .
    Executes the program REPORT01 with the variant VARIANT1 of the program REPORT00 .
    Runtime errors
    LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND : The specified program was not found.
    SUBMIT_WRONG_TYPE : The specified program is not a report.
    SUBMIT_IMPORT_ONLY_PARAMETER : Only one value passed to a report parameter.
    SUBMIT_WRONG_SIGN : Invalid value passed to a selection with the addition SIGN .
    SUBMIT_IN_ITAB_ILL_STRUCTURE : Table passed to a selection with WITH sel IN itab had an unexpected structure.
    Try with this Example
    Data: listobject like abaplist occurs 1 with header line.
    listobject = listobject
    OTHERS = 1 .
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    message ID '61' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '731'
    with 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY'.
    Thanks & regards
    Sreenivasulu P

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    Dear Freinds
                I have written a user exit ZXPADU02 for my requirement
    as per the requirement in i have calculated  wa-poo8-bet01 = wa_p0008-ansal/12 and i have passed on to the INNNN structure .
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    Hi Syamala,
    The try to find the name of the table control and pass the values to it.
    Of course you have to loop and endloop, the table control and mofidy it from the work area.
    Message was edited by:

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    Edited by: user9942078 on 17-Dec-2008 16:35

    In a different words,
    When a virus attacked your body your blood cells instantly goes into operation. Just like that -> your trigger activated as a result of your DB operation on objects. So, here also you have no option to manually intervene anything.
    Hmm... Looks like some science fiction movies ultimately pays some price... ;)
    So, trigger basically fires implicitly as a result of any database operation on objects or even on user.
    So, that has to be automatic. And, when you are using & it will ask for some input value - which cannot be done in case of triggers.
    For details please refer the oracle docs.
    Satyaki De.

  • How to get value from one context node to otehr contect conde in diff views

    Hello Guru's
    We have a rek which is of getting the value from one context node to other context node,
    for example there is Total value in BT111H_OPPT/ITEMLIST (One context node) we need to have the same Total value in the in BT111H_OPPT/DETAILS (other context node) automatically
    Inputs are highly appricated.......

    Thanks for your Reply
    But my rek is i want to get value from different views
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    if i have a url,, how do i get the values from that url in a jsf page and then pass those values to a servlet?
    i know how to do that in jsp using "request.getParamter("name")" and save it in a bean and then forward to a servlet. But what about in jsf?

    Try this:
    Map requestMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
    String name = (String) requestMap.get("name");If isn't worked one of these methods probably will solve your problem.

  • How to get value from a checkbox in a jsp page?

    hi there
    i have a form in a jsp which contains a <input type='checkbox' name='xx'>
    when i submit the form, how can i get the value for this checkbox? i could use request object to get parameter. i tried the following and could not get any value:
    is there any to get it? thanks.

    "checkbox" can have multiple values b/c you can check more than 1 checkbox and they can have same name.
    <input type="checkbox" name="number" value="1">one
    <input type="checkbox" name="number" value="2">two
    <input type="checkbox" name="number" value="3">three
    To get values of "number" field:
    String [] numberValues = request.getParameterValues("number");
    where numberValues[0] is the 1st value checked, numberValues[1] is 2nd value checkted and so on.....
    If you have no checkbox checked then you might get a "null pointer exception", so make sure you check to see if it's null first before accessing your numberValues array.
    If you just have 1 checkbox; then you can just call request.getParameterValue("number") and that will return your value.

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