How to know the specific size of a field in oracle table

oracle on redhat
i have three tables with same structure, table0, table50, table100:
create table table0 (id number, shipment RAW(2000), options RAW(2000));
i inserted 10000 rows in each but with some differences:
table0 has 10000 id, but shipment and options has null values
table50 has 10000 id, but shipment and options has only 5000 rows, the other 5000 are null values
table100 has 10000 rows of id, shipment and options. No null values.
I want to know the specific size of each column, also the size of each row, to know the exactly size of the field.
for example:
row 1, column options of table100 has "asdfasdfagasdgasbabsdgoasdpgiahnwe1129u412094u12"
row 2, column options of table100 has "a".
both are raw datatype, but i think its space will has different size (bytes), how to know it? any query?
I found this query:
select owner,tablespace_name,segment_name,sum((bytes/1024/1024)) Bytes
from sys.dba_extents
where owner in 'MAA' and segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name ='TABLE00'
group by tablespace_name,owner,segment_name
order by owner,tablespace_name,segment_name, bytes; but i think it isn't my solution.

thx mr. sb92075
i tried with vsize too but same result:
with table50
               *with table100
                  *it's the same size for 'a' like 'abcasdfjañldngaosnbaposnbpaosuqroiwejrklasndiaoshbaposdjgajs'?? It's hard for me to believe.
data is saved in blocks, a extents is a contiguos number of blocks and a group of extensions are segments. If you insert some text in a table field, Oracle create a extension and insert there the data but depend the bytes you insert Oracle will create one or more extents. How to know this specific space in that field?

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    Depends what you mean by database size and how you want the output to look?
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    Thanks and Regards,

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <path path="${platform.bootclasspath}"/>
    <path path="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <path path="${src.dir}"/>
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    <delete dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
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    <delete dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
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    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
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    <target name="pre-deploy"/>
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    <nb-jad aliaspassword="${sign.alias.password}" alias="${sign.alias}" keystorepassword="${sign.keystore.password}" keystore="${sign.keystore}" sign="${sign.enabled}" url="${deployment.jarurl}" jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
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    <fail unless="deployment.scriptfile">Property deployment.${deployment.method}.scriptfile not set. The property should point to an Ant script providing ${deployment.method} deployment.</fail>
    <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" antfile="${deployment.scriptfile}">
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" name="deployment.jad"/>
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    <replaceregexp replace="deployment.number=\2\3.\5\6.\8\9" match="^deployment.number=[0-9]*(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])$" file="nbproject/private/" byline="true"/>
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    <param value="rebuild" name=""/>
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    <fail unless="build.root.dir">Property build.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"build\".</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.root.dir">Property dist.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"dist\".</fail>
    <delete dir="${build.root.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.root.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="clean" name=""/>
    I have pasted the content of that file, please do the needs....

  • How to reduce the database size based on MS SQL/Oracle?

    I had deleted severy clients via SCC5, but the database size is more and more bigger. Do you know how to reduce the database size.
    my platform is: NT, MS SQL 2005
                           NT, Oracle 10.2
    Best Regards,
    Simon Shen

    Hi Simon,
    In the case of SQL you need to check how many space free you have in your datafiles and the based on that you need to Shrink them using DBCC SHRINKFILE command.
    Find a couple of reference docs here,
    Also i'm pretty sure that if your check the properties of the datafiles in MSSQL Enterprise Manager you get a "Shrink" option.
    Please reward with points if helpful

  • How can i know the number of lines in field-symbol internal table

    how can i know the number of lines in field-symbol internal table

    If your field symbol has been defined as an internal table :
    Use std describe as
    Data: l type i.
    describe <fs> lines l.
    'l' will contain the number of lines as needed.
    The size of this storage area in a field symbols depends on the number of table lines which is not fixed, but determined dynamically at runtime.

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    and we can use opatch lsinventory for Oracle Database patches applied list

    Thanks for sharing the answer. BTW, there are some exceptions like, determining Developer 6i patchset applied, and Oracle 9iAS version:
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    Re: how to find the developer version
    Note: 186981.1 - Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i FAQ

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    hello, a thing ive never got a satisfying anwer on:
    how can i know the REAL image size of an image?
    image 1a: this is the size i see in the photoshop window
    1b: (why by the way is there 2 sizes?)
    2. image 2: the size i see in windows/my documents.
    same image, big differenct (8mb <--> 49mb)
    which one is correct?
    image 1: size in photoshop window
    image 2: size in windows/my documents

    Don't feel bad; there are more "size" indications than you'd think you need, but they're all useful for some things.  And there are some interrelationships.
    Size indications you might find:
    The size in "megabytes" of the image document in your computer's RAM (the first of the two numbers in your first image). This is helpful for getting an idea of how many resources in your computer the process of editing a particular document is taking. This number can grow to much larger than the second number, for example, if you have a lot of layers in your document that Photoshop has to maintain separately in RAM.  This size number will be reflected in the ultimate file sizes on disk when you save master documents (e.g., PSD) in which you maintain all the layers and other information used by Photoshop.
    The size in "megabytes" of a flattened TIFF on disk (the second of the two numbers you showed in your first image above).  This was a quick defacto shorthand developed by early people doing film scanning that described how many bytes on disk a flattened, uncompressed 8 bits/channel TIFF file would take.  It is always 3x the size of the image in megapixels, because it's the number of horizontal pixels multiplied by the number of vertical pixels multiplied by 3 colors per pixel (red, green, blue).  This usage of "megabytes" is often confused with the size a file actually does take on RAM or on disk, but they can be very different depending on file formats.
    The size on disk of the actual file you saved, as listed by Windows Explorer.  Since you did NOT save the image as a flattened, uncompressed 8 bit TIFF file, but probably as a PSD or JPEG file, each of which embody data compression, the file actually saved on your disk ended up smaller than the projected TIFF file size.  The amount of compression usually differs depending on the image content, so you might find this size varying.  The file size on disk is what will be important to web publishers.
    For what it's worth, I prefer to think primarily of the size of an image document in pixels (horizontal x vertical).
    I always keep my mind on the pixel count while editing. Then, when I'm preparing to use the image for a specific purpose, I think in terms of output size.
    Photoshop's Image - Image Size... dialog is where you set sizes. If you choose to resample, you change the pixel count. This can be appropriate for downsampling an image in preparation for web publishing, where you want the image to be a certain size on a screen. If you don't resample, you are changing metadata kept in the document that instructs Photoshop how large you want a print.  The size of an image in pixels DOES affect the size on disk, and the File - Save process for some formats (e.g., JPEG) puts up a dialog to allow you to choose a compression quality level, which additionally affects the size on disk.
    Hope this helps illuminate what you're seeing a little.

  • ORA-02290 How to know the specific owner and name contraint ?

    Hi i want a button with a procedure and show me "when-button-pressed - no tratada ORA-02290" but i want to konw the name and owner of the specific contraint

    can a constraint fire up with a UPDATE sentence ? because a i have one inserte a many update
    INSERT INTO Sif10_his_egreso( num_empresa, num_periodo, num_subregimen, num_objetivo, cod_ubicacion,
    id_egreso, num_mes, mto_solicitado, mto_inicial, mto_inicial_mes,
    mto_ejecutado, mto_ejecutado_mes, mto_com_adm,
    mto_com_adm_mes, mto_com_legal, mto_com_legal_mes,
    mto_congelado, mto_mod_int, mto_mod_int_mes, mto_mod_ext,
    mto_mod_ext_mes, mto_pres_ext, mto_pres_ext_mes,
    mto_transf, mto_transf_mes, mto_transitorio, mto_transitorio_mes,
    mto_devengado, mto_devengado_mes,
    ind_hoja )
    VALUES( pv_empresa, pv_periodo, v_subregimen, pv_objetivo, v_ubicacion, v_egreso, pv_mes, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, v_hoja );
    exception when others then
    message ('Error en SIF10_HIS_EGRESO ...'||sqlerrm);
    message (' ');

  • How to retrieve the specific string and store in a seperate table

    hi all,
    i have the following long text store in a internal table field.
    "CCC1" *USE LABEL SIZE:1.25"X0.25"
    "AAA1" Staging to apply labels on
    "CCC1" breakaway tab of the panel
    please advise the logic to retrieve only the "xxxx" field for this long text field so that i can store it in a separte field/table. we can do a sorting on the fields accordingly later.
    the " " actually is open and close bracket in the system, i'm not able to get it display in the post here.
    Edited by: Reetha Pitchee Maridas on Jul 15, 2009 10:27 AM
    Edited by: Reetha Pitchee Maridas on Jul 15, 2009 10:28 AM

    Hi ,
    Try using logical expression CA .
    Below is a sample code
    data :index1 type sy-fdpos ,
          g_f_text type char255 ,
          g_f_text2 type char255,
          index2 type sy-fdpos .
    if g_f_text CA '('.
       index1 = sy-fdpos .
      if g_f_text CA ')'.
       index2 = sy-fdpos .
    index2 = index2 - index1 - 1.
    index1 = index1 + 1 .
    g_f_text2 = g_f_text+index1(index2).
    write g_f_text2.
    Please note that this is with the assumption that we need to take the first string enclosed in ( ).

  • How to change the location of a column in a Oracle table?

    I want to add a new column in a table, but I dont want to add the column at the last of the table, how can I do it ? If I want to modify the locations of columns in a table, How can do it?

    You can't modify the order of columns in a table, though there shouldn't be any particular reason to care about the order of columns.
    You can always create a view over the table that SELECT's the columns in the order you want, though.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How to query the tablespace size increment speed?

    Do you have any directions or ideas on how to know the tablespace size increments history. or how to know the frequency of tablespace size increment.
    when I went into new database, I never managed this database before, i want to know the tabelspace size increments speed for do the reasonable space extend.
    so could you please give us a guide thanks!

    RLUO wrote:
    Do you have any directions or ideas on how to know the tablespace size increments history. or how to know the frequency of tablespace size increment.
    when I went into new database, I never managed this database before, i want to know the tabelspace size increments speed for do the reasonable space extend.
    so could you please give us a guide thanks!Hi, there good way is using DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND as Rajesh mentioned that.But also you can use some AWR views to getting this information.Seee below link.
    tablespaces' growth trend

  • When making a photo book, my iPhoto freezes during uploading the book to the store after assembly.  I have attempted this 4 times now and I don't know what to do! I know the file size is massive due quantity of large images. How can I get past this?

    When making a photo book, my iPhoto freezes during uploading the book to the storey.  I have attempted this 4 times now and I don't know what to do! I know the file size is massive due quantity of large image files, but I don't want to reduce the image file size and compromise quality in the book. How can I get past this?
    My macbook air is os x 10.9, using iPhoto 11 9.5 (902.7).

    Try Old Toad's solution here:   See   Re: iphoto : upload impossible to print a book
    Try to boot into Safe Mode and order this way, or sign into a different user account and try to order as a different user.

  • How to know the size of a DATABASE ?

    How to know the size of a DB ?
    How to know the size of a TABLE ?
    How to get the content of a procedure/view/trigger ?
    Inputs are welcome !

    How to know the size of a DB ?If you want to know the physical size, query dba_data_files + dba_temp_files. if you need to know the actual consumed space in those files, compute sum of bytes from DBA_SEGMENTS.
    How to know the size of a TABLE ?Query all/dba/user_segments.
    How to get the content of a procedure/view/trigger ?all/dba/user_source, all/dba/user_views, all/dba/user_triggers.
    Message was edited by:
    Satish Kandi

  • The fonts on my facebook page is set to approximately 200%. This problem is only on my facebook page. Does anyone know how to change the font size on this page?

    I do not know how I changed the font size on my face book page I have tried everything to change the font size to 100% but have failed. Any suggestions?

    From your description, you want to know how to edit a page in SharePoint 2013.
    Go to the page->click Settings->Edit page,refer to the following screenshot:
    If a user want to edit a page, he at least have edit permissions.
    If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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