How to load jar file in one shot?

I have a Java app refers some jar files on remote location. Loading class by class is very time consuming.
Is it possible to load the jar files as a whole? like what applet does?
Tried URLClass loading, even run java -jar, still those load class on demand.
I want the jar file loaded only one time into JVM.

I don't really understand. When you load a jar file using URLClassLoader it brings over the jar file and extracts the class files from the jar file. It does not bring over the class files as individual class files. If you mean you want to only ever bring over the jar file once then why not just copy the jar file using URLConnection and save it to disk. You can then load the jar file from disk each time the program starts.

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    I don't think that's possible, so load it through the OS with the loadjava utility.
    Have fun,

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    Class loaders associated with a Web application can be configured to locate local classes first. To enable this we have to set the <prefer-web-inf-classes> to true in the deployment override weblogic.xml, for example

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    This is not really an "Oracle Forms" question. This is more of a java applet question that can be discussed in the Java forums.
    However, as far as I know, jar files are pulled on demand. You can easily test this with a simple form. For example, add any jar file to the ARCHIVE parameter in formsweb.cfg. Then open the JRE Control Panel and clear the cache. Now run the provided test form (test.fmx):
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    How about writing a second jnlp file with the optional jar listed in it and running it only if your user is authenticated?

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    Message was edited by:

    means we have to read file every time Know but i dont
    want to be happen that ??? No you don't . You read the file once. You store it in the hashmap. Then you hand that hashmap to whatever class needing the data.
    getProperties() returns the hashmap, doesn't read the file.
    Maybe I should have called the method getMap or something.
    Message was edited by:

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    Generally not a good idea. The Java runtime won't be able to load classes from those "inner" jars, you'd have to write your own classloader to do that. It's not a brilliant idea, generally, anyway, since the point of having lots of jars is to keep your application modular. Bundling them all together like that means you have to re-deploy the whole thing to fix, for instance, one small bug in one small library
    If you really want to do this, there's an Eclipse plugin called FatJar, but I urge you to consider whether you really want to do it first.

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    I am close, I am doing the following...
    1. Creating a new URLClassLoader in the run() method of each thread.
    2. Set this threads contextClassLoader to the new URLClassLoader.
    3. Load the javax.jms.JMSException class with the URLClassLoader.loadClass() method.
    4. Create an initialContext object within this thread.
    Note: I read that the initialContext and subsequent conext lookup calls would use the Thread�s
    contextClassLoader for finding/loading classes.
    5. Perform context.lookup calls for a connectionFactory and Queue name.
    6. Create JMS Connection, etc. Send Message.
    Most of this seems to work. However, I am still getting a NoClassDefFoundError exception for the javax.jms.JMSException class ( Note step #3 - tried to cure unsuccessfully).
    If I include one of the JMS Client jar files ( ie wljmsclient.jar for weblogic ) in the classpath then it works for all the different JMS Servers, but I do not have confidence that each of the providers implemented these classes that now resolve the same way. It may work for now, but, I believe I am just lucky.
    Can anyone shine some light on this for me and all the others who have wanted to dynamically load classes/jar files on a per Thread basis?

    Thanks to everyone - I got it working!
    First, BenSchulz' s dumpClassLoader() method helped me to visualize the classLoader hierarchy. I am still not completely sure I understand why my initial class was always found by the systemClassLoader, but knowning that - was the step I needed to find the solution.
    Second, kdgregory suggested that I use a "glue class". I thought that I already was using a "glue class" because I did not have any JMSClient specific classes exposed to the rest of the application. They were all handled by my QueueAdmin class. However...
    The real problem turned out to be that my two isolating classes (the parent "MessageSender", and the child "QueueAdmin") were contained within the same jar file that was included in the classpath. This meant that no matter what I did the classes were loaded by the systemClassLoader. Isolating them in classes was just the first step. I had to remove them from my jar file and create another jar file just for those JMSClient specific classes. Then this jar file was only included int custom classLoader that I created when I wanted to instantiate a JMSClient session.
    I had to create an interface in the primary jar file that could be loaded by the systemClassLoader to provide the stubs for the individual methods that I needed to call in the MessageSender/QueueAdmin Classes. These JMSClient specific classes had to implement the interface so as to provide a relationship between the systemClassLoader classes and the custom classLoader classes.
    Finally, when I loaded and instantiated the JMSClient specific classes with the custom classLoader I had to cast them to the interface class in order to make the method calls necessary to send the messages to the individual JMS Servers.
    psuedu code/concept ....
    Primary Jar File   -  Included in ClassPath                                                      
    Class<?> cls = ClassLoader.loadClass( "JMSClient.MessageSender" )
    JMSClientInterface jmsClient = (JMSClientInterface) cls.newInstance()                            
    JMSClient Jar File  -  Loaded by Custom ClassLoader Only
    MessageSender impliments Primary.JMSClientInterface{
        sendMessage() {
            Class<?> cls=ClassLoader.loadClass( "JMSClient.QueueAdmin" )
            QueueAdmin queueAdmin=(QueueAdmin) cls.newInstance()

  • Loading jar files at execution time via URLClassLoader


    Sorry i have tried to format the code, but it has changed   to �... sorry read this one...
    Hello All,
    I'm making a Java SQL Client. I have practicaly all basic work done, now I'm trying to improve it.
    One thing I want it to do is to allow the user to specify new drivers and to use them to make new connections. To do this I have this class:
    public class DriverFinder extends URLClassLoader{
    private JarFile jarFile = null;
    private Vector drivers = new Vector();
    public DriverFinder(String jarName) throws Exception{
    super(new URL[]{ new URL("jar", "", "file:" + new File(jarName).getAbsolutePath() +"!/") }, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
    jarFile = new JarFile(new File(jarName));
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    System.setProperty("java.class.path", System.getProperty("java.class.path")+File.pathSeparator+jarName);
    System.out.println("-->" + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    Enumeration enumeration = jarFile.entries();
    String className = ((ZipEntry)enumeration.nextElement()).getName();
    className = className.substring(0, className.length()-6);
    Class classe = loadClass(className, true);
    Class[] interfaces = classe.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    Class superclasse = classe.getSuperclass();
    interfaces = superclasse.getInterfaces();
    for(int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++){
    }catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){
    }catch(Exception e){}
    public Enumeration getDrivers(){
    return drivers.elements();
    public String getJarFileName(){
    return jarFile.getName();
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    DriverFinder df = new DriverFinder("D:/Classes/");
    System.out.println("jar: " + df.getJarFileName());
    Enumeration enumeration = df.getDrivers();
    Class classe = (Class)enumeration.nextElement();
    It loads a jar and searches it looking for drivers (classes implementing directly or indirectly interface java.sql.Driver) At the end of the execution I have found all drivers in the jar file.
    The main application loads jar files from an XML file and instantiates one DriverFinder for each jar file. The problem is at execution time, it finds the drivers and i think loads it by issuing this statement (Class classe = loadClass(className, true);), but what i think is not what is happening... the execution of my code throws this exception
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.marmots.database.DB.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.carregaConfiguracio(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorConfigHelper.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.<init>(
    at com.marmots.dbreplicator.DBReplicatorAdmin.main(
    Driver file is not in the classpath !!!
    I have tried also (as you can see in comented lines) to update System property java.class.path by adding the path to the jar but neither...
    I'm sure I'm making a/some mistake/s... can you help me?
    Thanks in advice,
    (if there is some incorrect word or expression excuse me)

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    But when i package it, it doesn't run. Can any one tell me how to make jar file of packaged classes and include images in the jar files too!
    Really Thanx!

    Call the Jar from the commandline to see the exceptions thrown.
    java -jar <jarFileName> <className>


    Hi XI Gurus,
       im working on adapter development. we have created jar file in NWDS.
       now going ahead to deploy into XI server through SDM.
       can we deploy jar files directly into xiserver through SDM. or it needs to convert to any other formate like EAR, SDA. then how would i convert to SDA.
      i any have clear idea on this... pls throw the ways how to convert........
               JAR File to EAR format
               JAR file to SDA format
               EAR file to SDA format         
       can any one explain the procedure step by step how to convert jar file into deployment archive file in order to succesfully into XI server.
              thanks  i advance. points will be rewarded.

    Hi Rajesh,
    JAR file in itself in not deployable.
    So v need to envelop this jar file into an EAR file and then v deploy this EAR file on SDM.
    Creating Jar
    Inside NWDS --> Windows --> Open perspective --> J2EE Development --> right click on ur proj --> Build EJB Archive
    Converting .EAR file to .SDA
    Converting .EAR file to .SDA

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    Could you assist in setting up the break point.
    Message was edited by:
            sreenath reddy

    I  have put an external break-point.
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    Please let me know how I can load the jar files in to the db.
    -- DR.

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