How to open an excel file with password in Crystal Reports XI  Release 2

I have a problem when i try to open an excel 2003 file with password that i know
i recevived an error code 0xc59
How can I open a file in excel 2003 protected by password to create the report?
Thanks in advanced

Hi Pierluigi,
It looks like you have to open the excel file and use the data.
A few informative links.
Hope this helps.
Abhijeet Taskar.

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    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\Reports\Excel\File.xls');
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    Hope it help.
         -- Begin : Protect your worksheet
         args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
         OLE2.ADD_ARG(args,yourpassword); -- choose your password
         OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'Protect', args);
         -- End : Protect your worksheet
         -- Begin : Save and close worksheet
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         OLE2.INVOKE(workbook, 'Close');
         -- END : Save and close worksheet

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    Option A:
    In Excel 2003, go to Tools -> Options ->
    General tab.
    Make sure the option, ‘Ignore other applications’ is checked. Now all the Excel files will be opened as separate instance and you can move the Excel files individually across the monitors.
    In Excel 2007, Click the Office button ->
    Excel Options -> Advanced.
    Under General, check ‘Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange’.
    As this method forces each Excel file as a separate instance, the memory consumption will be more. If you don’t want too many memory consumption then you can open only two instances (see
    Option B) and manage wisely to view in both the monitors.
    Note: If you are having issues like Excel opens without displaying a workbook, then you may have to
    uncheck this option. (See Microsoft Help for more details on this). You can use option B in this case. I have this option checked and I have not faced any issue yet.
    Option B:
    They key here is, the application has to be loaded as separate instances. Lets say you have opened an Excel file in
    Monitor 1 and you want to open the next excel file in Monitor 2. You can usually open another instance of Excel by browsing through the
    Start Menu -> Programs -> Microsoft Office ->
    Excel. Make sure this newly opened Excel file is the last Excel file you had viewed and then double click on the Excel file that you wanted to open. This will force the Excel to
    in the second instance of Excel. Now you can move these
    two excel files separately across windows or monitors.
    This may be little cumbersome way to open new instances of Excel every time. The easy solution would be to keep these links in the
    quick links near the Start button. So, every time you want to open a new instance of the application, you can just use those quick links.
    hope work thanks

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    Hi here is good example.
    Reads an existing Idoc and dispays the contents in a spreadsheet format
    This tool reads an existing Idoc and dispays the contents in a       *
    spreadsheet format. The spreadsheet (MS-EXCEL) will be automatically *
    created if D_EXCEL = 'X'.                                            *
    data: idoc_control like EDIDC,
          NUMBER_OF_DATA_RECORDS like sy-dbcnt,
          NUMBER_OF_STATUS_RECORDS like sy-dbcnt,
          INT_EDIDS like edids occurs 0 with header line,
          INT_EDIDD like edidd occurs 0 with header line.
          excel_tab(2000) occurs 0 with header line.
    parameter: DOCNUM like edidc-docnum obligatory, ""Idoc Number
               sap_rel like SY-SAPRL default SY-SAPRL obligatory,
               pi_ver like EDI_VERREC-VERSION default '3' obligatory,
               d_excel as checkbox default 'X'. ""Download ?
      perform read_idoc.
      perform process_idoc.
      if d_excel = 'X'.
        perform download_to_excel.
    FORM read_idoc.
                DOCUMENT_NUMBER          = docnum
                IDOC_CONTROL             = idoc_control
                INT_EDIDS                = INT_EDIDS
                INT_EDIDD                = INT_EDIDD
                DOCUMENT_NOT_EXIST       = 1
                DOCUMENT_NUMBER_INVALID  = 2
                OTHERS                   = 3.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    "" read_idoc
    FORM process_idoc.
      perform read_idoc_structure.
      perform display_data_records.
    ENDFORM.                    "" process_idoc
    FORM display_data_records.
      data: PE_seg_HEADER like EDI_SAPI01,
            segname like EDI_IAPI12-SEGMENTTYP,
            prev_segname like EDI_IAPI12-SEGMENTTYP value ' ',
            pt_fields2 like EDI_IAPI12 occurs 0 with header line,
            PT_FVALUES2 like EDI_IAPI14 occurs 0 with header line,
            byte_first type i,
            byte_last type i,
            seg_repeats type i value 0,
            tab_cr(1) type x value '09',
            tot_ctr type i value 0,
            ctr type i value 0,
            msg(40) type c.
      sort int_edidd by segnum.
      describe table int_edidd lines tot_ctr.
      loop at int_edidd.
        move int_edidd-segnam to segname.
        clear msg.
        concatenate 'Reading segment ' segname
                    into msg separated by space.
        if tot_ctr <> 0.
          ctr = ( 100 * sy-tabix ) / tot_ctr.
                  PERCENTAGE = ctr
                  TEXT       = msg.
        add 1 to seg_repeats.
        clear tmp_str2.
        if int_edidd-segnam <> prev_segname.
          seg_repeats = 1.
          clear: pe_seg_header, pt_fields2, pt_fvalues2.
          refresh: pt_fields2, pt_fvalues2.
                    PI_SEGTYP                 = segname
                    PI_RELEASE                = sap_rel
                    PI_VERSION                = pi_ver
                    PE_HEADER                 = pe_seg_header
                    PT_FIELDS                 = pt_fields2
                    PT_FVALUES                = pt_fvalues2
                    SEGMENT_UNKNOWN           = 1
                    SEGMENT_STRUCTURE_UNKNOWN = 2
                    OTHERS                    = 3.
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                    WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
          prev_segname = int_edidd-segnam.
        read table idoc_struct into idoc_struct_wa with key
                               segment_type = int_edidd-segnam.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
            TMP_STR = 'Mandatory'.                  ""Mandatory
            TMP_STR = 'Optional'.                  ""Optional
            tmp_str3 = 'Qualified'.
            tmp_str3 = 'Non-Qualified'.
                                     left deleting leading '0'.
          move seg_repeats to tmp_str2.
          condense: IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SYNTAX_ATTRIB-OCCMAX, tmp_str2.
          concatenate tmp_str2 'of'  IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SYNTAX_ATTRIB-OCCMAX
              into tmp_str2 separated by space.
          write :/ IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SEGMENT_TYPE,
          if d_excel = 'X'.
            concatenate 'Segment Name' tab_cr
                        'Mand / Opt ' tab_cr
                        'Qual / non-Qual' tab_cr
                        'Seq of Max' tab_cr
                        'Level' tab_cr
                        'Owner' tab_cr
                        into excel_tab.
            append excel_tab.
            concatenate IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SEGMENT_TYPE tab_cr
                  tmp_str tab_cr
                  TMP_STR3 tab_cr
                  tmp_str2 tab_cr
                  IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SYNTAX_ATTRIB-HLEVEL tab_cr
                  IDOC_STRUCT_wa-SEGMENT_TYPE_ATTRIB-plast tab_cr
                  into excel_tab.
            append excel_tab.
            concatenate tab_cr
                        'Field Nma' tab_cr
                        'Type' tab_cr
                        'Length' tab_cr
                        'Byte From' tab_cr
                        'Byte To' tab_cr
                        'Description' tab_cr
                        'Value' tab_cr
                        'Qualifier Meaning'
                        into excel_tab.
            append excel_tab.
        sort pt_fields2 by field_pos.
        byte_first = 0.
        loop at pt_fields2.
          clear: field_val.
          byte_last = pt_fields2-EXTLEN.
          write int_edidd-sdata+byte_first(byte_last) to
                field_val left-justified.
          shift pt_fields2-EXTLEN left deleting leading '0'.
          shift pt_fields2-byte_first left deleting leading '0'.
          shift pt_fields2-byte_last left deleting leading '0'.
          write:/ '   ', pt_fields2-fieldname,
                  pt_fields2-byte_first ,
          read table pt_fvalues2 with key fieldname = pt_fields2-fieldname
                        fldvalue_l = field_val.
          add byte_last to byte_first.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            write : pt_fvalues2-descrp.
            clear pt_fvalues2-descrp.
          if d_excel = 'X'.
            concatenate tab_cr pt_fields2-fieldname tab_cr
                    pt_fields2-datatype tab_cr
                    pt_fields2-EXTLEN tab_cr
                    pt_fields2-byte_first tab_cr
                    pt_fields2-byte_last tab_cr
                    pt_fields2-descrp tab_cr
                    field_val tab_cr
                    into excel_tab.
            append excel_tab.
    ENDFORM.                    "" display_data_records
    FORM read_idoc_structure.
      data: idoctype type LEDID_IDOCTYPE.
      if not idoc_control-cimtyp is initial.
        STRUCT_TYPE = 'E'. ""Extended
        idoctype = idoc_control-cimtyp.
        STRUCT_TYPE = 'B'. ""Basic
        idoctype = idoc_control-idoctp.
                RELEASE              = sap_rel
                STRUCT_TYPE          = STRUCT_TYPE
                IDOCTYPE             = idoctype
                VERSION              = pi_ver
               IDOC_TYPE            = idoctype
                IDOC_STRUCT          = idoc_struct
                SEGMENTS             = segments
                SEGMENT_STRUCT       = segment_struct
                IDOCTYPE_UNKNOWN     = 1
                IDOCSTRUCT_UNKNOWN   = 2
                SEGMENT_DATA_MISSING = 3
                ILLEGAL_STRUCT_TYPE  = 4
                OTHERS               = 5.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    "" read_idoc_structure
    FORM download_to_excel.
      data: name like RLGRAP-FILENAME.
      shift docnum left deleting leading '0'.
      concatenate docnum '-' idoc_control-idoctp '.xls'
                  into name.
         DATA_NAME                 = name
         DATA_TYPE                 = 'ASC'
         WAIT                      = ' '
         DATA_TAB                  = excel_tab
         NO_BATCH                  = 1
         EXCEL_NOT_INSTALLED       = 2
         WRONG_VERSION             = 3
         INTERNAL_ERROR            = 4
         INVALID_TYPE              = 5
         CANCELLED                 = 6
         DOWNLOAD_ERROR            = 7
         OTHERS                    = 8
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    "" download_to_excel

  • How to open an Excel file and write data into it.

    Hi All,
    I have an excel template, which has graphs and some tables containing corresponding data. If i change the data in tables it changes the graphs. So, if i have a template in the server, is it possible for me to open this excel file and change the data in the tables to chanage the graphs. How can i go to different worksheets and go to different cells and change the values and save the file.
    Thanx in advance

    You can setup an ODBC connection to the Excel file and update the file with JDBC, using the JDBC-ODBC bridge.
    Hope this helps

  • How to open a excel file in WLS 8.1  server.

    Dear Sir,
    I have created a excel file in WLS 8.1 Application server.
    Now I used method as redirectURL(req,resp,Population.xls) to open that file but it failed to open it.
    If I give the full path as 'D://USER_OBJETS/APPLICATION/Population.xls'
    but it tried to open from client PC not from the server.
    so the problem, I managed to create file in server but unable to open it.
    Kindly advise how to resolve this problem.
    Thanks and Rgds,

    Are you asking in general how to read an Excel file using ActiveX, or are you asking specifically? If you're asking in general, please do a search, as there have been many examples posted on how to use ActiveX to read/write Excel files. There are also numerous links in the Excel thread.

  • How to open a DWG file with AutoCAD options (AppleScript)?

    I'm looking for help specifying the AutoCAD options when opening DWG files.  I have DWG files of floor plans that I always want to open at the same scale. 
    I can successfully open a DWG file with the default options using:
    open POSIX file "/Users/crmckinnon/Desktop/cabin_floor_plan.dwg" as alias without dialogs
    But I don't want the default options, so if I try to specify them:
    open POSIX file "/Users/crmckinnon/Desktop/cabin_floor_plan.dwg" as alias with options {class:AutoCAD options, scale unit:"autocad inches"} without dialogs
    I get a "Can't find alias" error.  How do I specify the AutoCAD options?  I'm sure this is due to my lack of understanding of AppleScript.  Any help would be appreciated!

    I'll answer my own question.  Here's how I specified the options:
    open POSIX file filePath as alias with options {pGSO:original size, pASU:inches, pASR:12.0 / 0.1875} without dialogs
    I had to look in the Apple Script dictionary to get the "codes" to use.  The variable names didn't work.  I think that's because some have "global" in the name which is a keyword in Apple Script.  Here's what the codes translate to:
    pGSO = "global scale options"
    pASU = "scale unit"
    pASR = "scale ratio"

  • How to open a ".doc" file with ms word directly with this servlet?

    Here is a servlet for opening a word or a excel or a powerpoint or a pdf file,but I don't want the "file download" dialog appear,eg:when i using this servlet to open a word file,i want open the ".doc" file with ms word directly,not in IE or save.
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class OpenWord extends HttpServlet {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String strFileName = req.getParameter("filename");
    int len = 0;
    String strFileType1 = "application/msword";
    String strFileType2 = "application/";
    String strFileType3 = "application/";
    String strFileType4 = "application/pdf";
    String strFileType = "";
    if(strFileName != null) {
         len = strFileName.length();
         if(strFileName.substring(len-3,len).equalsIgnoreCase("doc")) {
              strFileType = strFileType1;
         } else if(strFileName.substring(len-3,len).equalsIgnoreCase("xls")) {
              strFileType = strFileType2;
         } else if(strFileName.substring(len-3,len).equalsIgnoreCase("ppt")) {
              strFileType = strFileType3;
         } else if(strFileName.substring(len-3,len).equalsIgnoreCase("pdf")) {
              strFileType = strFileType4;
         } else {
              strFileType = strFileType1;
    if(strFileName != null) {
         ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
         res.setContentType(strFileType); // MIME type for word doc
    //if uncomment below sentence,the "file download" dialog will appear twice.
         BufferedInputStream bis = null;
         BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
         String path = "d:\\"; //put a word or a excel file here,eg a.doc
         try {
         File f = new File(path.concat(strFileName));
         FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
         bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
         bos = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
         byte[] buff = new byte[2048];
         int bytesRead;
         while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) {
         bos.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);
         } catch(NullPointerException e) {
         System.out.println ( "NullPointerException." );
         throw e;
         } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
         System.out.println ( "FileNotFoundException." );
         throw e;
         } catch(final IOException e) {
         System.out.println ( "IOException." );
         throw e;
         } finally {
         if (bis != null)
         if (bos != null)

    Does some one of you had open a MS word file (.doc) in Java search for a token like [aToken] replace it with another text and then feed it to a stream of save it?
    I want to build a servlet to open a well formatted and rich on media (images) ms word document search for tokens and replace them with information form a web form.
    Any Ideas?
    Thank you in advanced.

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    How can I open an excel file on my ipad from dropbox using numbers?

    You are asking about Numbers for iOS in a forum dedicated to Numbers for OS X.
    As most of us aren’t using this app, it would be more efficient to ask in the dedicated forum (link below).
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 26 décembre 2011 12:03:51
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is :
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    For iWork's applications dedicated to iOS, go to :

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    I know it is possible to open a jpg file with Adobe Camera Raw using Bridge but is it possible to do this using PSE7?  Thanks.

    Yes. In the editor, File>Open As, and choose camera raw as the format. John Ellis also has a script for doing this directly from the organizer, but I don't have the link right at the moment. Hopefully he'll be along with it sooner or later.

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    In addition to ActiveX, you can also manipulate Excel data files using the Windows ADO interface - a technique that is more robust, faster and IMHO easier. Do a search on the forum as there have been several threads within the last week or so discussing this very thing.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • How can i export excel 2003(Version 11) from Crystal Report 8.5

    how can i export report to excel 2003(Version 11) from Crystal Report 8.5

    We i can only see below formats
    Acrobat Format (PDF)
    Character-separated values
    Comma-separated values (CSV)
    Crystal Reports (RPT)
    Crystal Reports 7.0 (RPT)
    Data Interchange Format (DIF)
    Excel 5.0 (XLS)
    Excel 5.0 (XLS) (Extended)
    Excel 7.0 (XLS)
    Excel 7.0 (XLS) (Extended)
    Excel 8.0 (XLS)
    Excel 8.0 (XLS) (Extended)
    HTML 3.2
    HTML 4.0 (DHTML)
    Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1)
    Lotus 1-2-3 (WK3)
    Lotus 1-2-3 (WK5)
    ODBC - AddressBook
    OBDC - CROR8V36
    ODBC - dBASE Files
    ODBC - Excel Files
    ODBC - MS Access Database
    ODBC - Visio Database Samples
    ODBC - Visual FoxPro Database
    ODBC - Visual FoxPro Tables
    OBDC - Xtreme Sample Database
    Paginated Text
    Record style (columns no spaces)
    Record style (columns with spaces)
    Report Definition
    Rich Text (Exact Format)
    Tab-separated text
    Tab-separated values
    Word for Windows document
    there is no format with "Microsoft Excel 97-2000 (XLS)"
    what should i do?

  • How to open a Excel file and display on the custom screen

    Guys, I am new to screen programming. In my first screen (SCREEN #9000) I want to put a field, where I must be able to select a file from my desktop and when I click the DISPLAY button, it should suck all the data from the spread sheet in to an internal table, and should display the next screen  (SCREEN #9001), displaying the data from the internal table along with a button called LOAD. Now when I click the LOAD button after reviewing the data, it must load the data to my custom table in R/3. I know how to load an Excel spreadsheet to R/3 without the custom screens. But my requirement now is to do from custom screens like I mentioned above. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks.

    Hi Dan,
    In my first screen (SCREEN #9000) I want to put a field, where I must be able to select a file from my desktop and when I click the DISPLAY button, it should suck all the data from the spread sheet in to an internal table, and should display the next screen (SCREEN #9001)
    For  this create a MPP program and create a Push button. Write the code for this to open a file like use f4_filename.From here you are able to select a file.
    + displaying the data from the internal table along with a button called LOAD. Now when I click the LOAD button after reviewing the data, it must load the data to my custom table in R/3.+
    With the above you are able to open a file and now you have to load that data into internal table. Select the file from the desktop.
    Totally you have to create 1) Screen 2) Push button( Open File) 3) Load data ( From file) .
    [Create Push Buttons|]
    Check this if there is any please post.

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    tell application "Finder"
    set myFiles to the selection
    tell application "Numbers"
    open item 1 of myFiles
    end tell
    end tell
    The selected file opens in Excel, not Numbers. How would I make it open in Numbers?
    Message was edited by: Stuart Field

    this could work:
    tell application "Finder"
    set myFiles to the selection
    repeat with myfile in myFiles
    do shell script "open -a /Applications/iWork\\ \\'09/ " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (myfile as alias))
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