How to override generated WSDL with existing WSDL file?

Hi there,
I am migrating our weblogic 8.1 web services to weblogic 10.1. As documented it is not possible to start implementing the web services from WSDL if the web services are based on XML Beans. Therefore I started from scratch, using an XML Beans Utility project and a web service started from Java. This works fine.
I now have a web service with a generated WSDL file, but there are slight differences with the existing WSDL file.
Is it possible to stop generating the WSDL file and just point to the existing WSDL files?
I already tried to expose the WSDL and change the WSDL location but it still returns the generated WSDL instead of the WSDL file that I want.
Thanks in advance,
Martijn Baels
Software Architect

The value of an element is stored in a child node of that element. For example, let's say that "e" references the node <Description> then:
e.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() => "My Test Case"

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  • Xrpcc: Generate stub from existing WSDL

    Hi, I have an error when generating stub from existing WSDL using xrpcc tool.
    Anyone know what is the problem? Thanks!
    The error message:
    warning: ignoring operation "registration": more than one part in input message
    warning: ignoring operation "checkRegistration": more than one part in input message
    warning: Port "AccountManagementService" does not contain any usable operations
    warning: ignoring operation "registration": more than one part in input message
    warning: ignoring operation "checkRegistration": more than one part in input message
    warning: Port "AccountManagementService" does not contain any usable operations
    Note: has been deprecated.
    1 warning
    The WSDL file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
    <xsd:element name="p0" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xsd:element name="p1" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xsd:element name="string_Response" type="xsd:string"
    <xsd:element name="int_Response" type="xsd:int"/>
    <wsdl:message name="AccountManagementService_registration_1_Request">
    <wsdl:part name="p0" element="ns0:p0"/>
    <wsdl:part name="p1" element="ns0:p1"/>
    <wsdl:message name="AccountManagementService_checkRegistration_1_Request">
    <wsdl:part name="p0" element="ns0:p0"/>
    <wsdl:part name="p1" element="ns0:p1"/>
    <wsdl:message name="AccountManagementService_checkRegistration_Response">
    <wsdl:part name="response" element="ns0:int_Response"/>
    <wsdl:message name="AccountManagementService_registration_Response">
    <wsdl:part name="response" element="ns0:string_Response"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="AccountManagementService">
    <wsdl:operation name="registration" parameterOrder="p0 p1">
    <wsdl:operation name="checkRegistration" parameterOrder="p0 p1">
    <wsdl:binding name="AccountManagementService"
    <soap:binding transport=""
    <wsdl:operation name="registration">
    <map:java-operation name="registration"
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:operation name="checkRegistration">
    <map:java-operation name="checkRegistration"
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:service name="AccountManagementService">
    <wsdl:port name="AccountManagementService"

    The JAXRPC spec. section 6.2 states:
    "All message parts (either parameter or return value) appear inside a single wrapper element, which is the first child element of the SOAP Body element." For this to work with Doc/literal operations, all messages can contain only a single part.

  • How to migrate Apex users with existing passwords.

    Hi Guys,
    Our apex env finally getting a upgrade from 3.1.1 to 4.1.1 (I know, it's been overdue for years)
    Some of our apps use 'Application Express' authentication, and have few hundreds users in Apex (and users belong to diff user groups).
    The issue is, the 4.1.1 env is set up on a brand new server and DB, we want to migrate these users with their existing passwords from the 3.1.1 env.
    I tried exporting the workspace, and the users are exported as below,
         wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user (
         p_user_id => '10592934818556549584',
         p_user_name => 'TEST',
         p_first_name => 'a',
         p_last_name => 'b',
         p_description => '',
         p_email_address=> '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'E92903DEAD135E6E86BD6B64544D2BD9',
         p_web_password_format => 'HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST_V2',
         p_group_ids => '10592435401495787816:',
         p_developer_privs=> '',
         p_default_schema=> 'TEST',
         p_account_locked=> 'N',
         p_account_expiry=> to_date('201212040000','YYYYMMDDHH24MI'),
         p_failed_access_attempts=> 0,
         p_change_password_on_first_use=> 'Y',
         p_first_password_use_occurred=> 'N',
         p_allow_access_to_schemas => '');
    when I run this in 4.1.1 I had to modify it to the new format as below,
    also changed the p_group_ids to new user group but kept the password the same
         wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user (
         p_user_id => '',
         p_user_name => 'TEST',
         p_first_name => 'a',
         p_last_name => 'b',
         p_description => '',
         p_email_address=> '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'E92903DEAD135E6E86BD6B64544D2BD9',
         p_web_password_format => 'HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST_V2',
         p_group_ids => '1399416797653068:',
         p_developer_privs=> '',
         p_default_schema=> 'TEST',
         p_account_locked=> 'N',
         p_account_expiry=> to_date('201209041006','YYYYMMDDHH24MI'),
         p_failed_access_attempts=> 0,
         p_change_password_on_first_use=> 'Y',
         p_first_password_use_occurred=> 'N',
    p_allow_app_building_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_sql_workshop_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_websheet_dev_yn=> 'N',
    p_allow_team_development_yn=> 'N',     
    p_allow_access_to_schemas => '');
    the result was that the user is created fine, but the password is not valid.
    Anyone knows how to export apex users with existing password to a new server?
    Edited by: Danny on 3/12/2012 20:51

    Not sure why you say
    when I run this in 4.1.1 I had to modify it to the new format as below, If you just run the workspace export sql it should create the Workspace, Groups and Users
    The signature of the procedure is below. See the highlighted lines.
    procedure create_fnd_user (-- Description:
    -- This procedure allows for programatic and bulk creation of users.
    -- Example:
    -- From sqlplus logged in as the privileged flows user, first
    -- ensure that the security group id is set properly, then create
    -- your users.
    <b> -- begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 20; end;</b>
    -- begin
    -- for i in 1..10 loop
    -- wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.create_fnd_user(
    -- p_user_name => 'USER_'||i,
    -- p_email_address => 'user_'||i||'',
    -- p_web_password => 'user_'||i) ;
    -- end loop;
    -- commit;
    -- end;
    -- Arguments:
    -- p_user_id numeric primary key of user
    -- p_user_name the username the user uses to login
    -- p_first_name informational only
    -- p_last_name informational only
    <b> -- p_web_password the unencrypted password for the new user</b>
    -- p_group_ids A colon delimited list of group IDs from the table wwv_flow_fnd_user_groups
    -- p_developer_privs A colon delmited list of developer privs, privs include:
    -- p_default_schema A valid oracle schema that is the default schema for use in browsing and
    -- creating flows
    -- p_allow_access_to_schemas A colon delimited list of oracle schemas that the user is allowed to
    -- parse as. If null the user can parse as any schema available to the company.
    -- This does not provide privilege it only resticts privilege, so listing a schema
    -- does not provide the privilege to parse as a schema, it only restricts that user
    -- to that list of schemas.
    -- p_attributes_XX These attributes allow you to store arbitary information about a given user.
    -- They are for use by flow developers who want to extend user information.
    <b> -- p_web_password_format Identifies the format of the web password.
    -- The range of values is CLEAR_TEXT, HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST, DIGEST </b>
    -- p_person_type "E" marks the user as external
    Note there is no HEX_ENCODED_DIGEST, DIGEST_V2 listed. It may work, but not obvious from the signature.

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    It is needed for support of an app.

    Not sure on porting out the log data, but you can find it under General->About->Diagnostic&Usage->Diagnostic&Usage Data.  It will give you a list of your log data, and you can get additional details by selecting the applicable log you are looking for.  Hope this helps.

  • WebService - XI - WSDL with addtional XSD-files

    Hi all,
    i have a WSDL-File which contains only the operations of a webservice.
    Then i have different XSD-Files which contains the structure of the data.
    I can't find an external reference in the WSDL-file to the XSD files...
    How do i have to configure my interfaces in XI? If i use the WSDL-file only one parameter is shown (reqeuest).
    If i use the XSD-Files i can do the mapping... But I don't need the WSDL-file??!!
    Any ideas?

    Hi Wolfgang,
    There is a tag called xsd:location which relates the WSDL to external schema files .
    If you are calling a web service, then you can directly use xsd to create your data types but in some cases operation name is also required which is present in WSDL.
    Data Type is just an way to send the required data, but what operation you are calling from Web Service. A Web Service may contain various operations. So to distinguish, operation name is also required.
    Try creating your message throough XML SPY and see the input message generated , whether it matches with your XSD format or not.

  • How to compare Entering Password with existing encrypted pasword in APEX4.1

    Hello everyone,
    In my application am using the following package,
    create or replace PACKAGE BODY app_security_pkg
    PROCEDURE login
               p_uname IN VARCHAR2
              ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
              ,p_session_id IN VARCHAR2
              ,p_flow_page IN VARCHAR2
    lv_goto_page NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
    -- This logic is a demonstration of how to redirect
    -- to different pages depending on who successfully
    -- authenticates. In my example, it simply demonstrates
    -- the ADMIN user going to page 1 and all other users going
    -- to page 2. Add you own logic here to detrmin which page
    -- a user should be directed to post authentication.
    IF UPPER(p_uname) = 'ADMIN'
      lv_goto_page := 1;
      lv_goto_page := 2;
    END IF;
      p_uname => p_uname,
      p_password => p_password,
      p_session_id => p_session_id,
      p_flow_page => p_flow_page || ':' || lv_goto_page
    END login;
    PROCEDURE add_user
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    INSERT INTO app_users (username, PASSWORD)
        VALUES (UPPER (p_username),
            get_hash (TRIM (p_username), p_password));
    END add_user;
    -- Function to Perform a oneway hash of the users
    -- passwords. This cannot be reversed. This exmaple
    -- is a very week hash and if been used on a production
    -- system, you may want to use a stronger hash algorithm.
    -- Read the Documentation for more info on DBMS_CRYPTO as
    -- this is the supported package from Oracle and
    -- DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT is now depricated.
    FUNCTION get_hash (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    input_string => UPPER (p_username)
                    || '/'
                    || UPPER (p_password));
    END get_hash;
    PROCEDURE valid_user2 (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    v_dummy VARCHAR2 (1);
    SELECT '1'
    INTO v_dummy
    FROM app_users
    WHERE UPPER (username) = UPPER (p_username)
    AND PASSWORD = get_hash (p_username, p_password);
    THEN raise_application_error (-20000, 'Invalid username / password.');
    END valid_user2;
    FUNCTION valid_user (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    valid_user2 (UPPER (p_username), p_password);
    END valid_user;
    END app_security_pkg;Here the ADD_USER Procedure will convert the password and stores into the app_users Table in encrypted form.
    In my application the users can change their password,
    so I need to compare the entering password in the Current_password field with the Encrypted password in the app_users table,
    so I used the following code,
      l_x varchar2(30);
      select username into l_x
            from app_users
        where upper(username) = upper(:P7_USERNAME)
          and password = :P7_CURRENT_PASSWORD;
      return (true);
      when no_data_found then
        return (false);
    end;This code is working fine when the password is stored without encryption,but after encryption it showing error,
    because the entering password is simply password and not encrypted so both are different even if the user enters right password,
    Please tel me how to encrypt the entering password to compare with existing encrypted password.
    Thank you,

    Dear Sunil and vdotcherukuri     ,
    Thank you for your reply as per your suggestion I tried the following code and its working fine.
      l_x varchar2(30);
      select username into l_x
            from app_users
        where upper(username) = upper(:P7_USERNAME)
          and password = app_security_pkg.get_hash (TRIM (:p7_username), :P7_CURRENT_PASSWORD);
      return (true);
      when no_data_found then
        return (false);
    end;Thank you,

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    With this information I don't think, that the 7334 is the right board for your application. The 7334 is a motion control board for stepper motors. As control signals it provides a step signal with variable frequency and a direction signal (high or low for fwd. or rev. direction). The step signal is generated onboard and controls the motor's trajectory (acceleration, velocity, travel distance). The duty cycle of this signal can't be changed by the control program, so this signal can't be used for your application.
    The PWM outputs provided by the 7334 is static. That means, you can set frequency and duty cycle only in software, which is quite slow and introduces significant and non-deterministic jitter (due to the asynchronous communication to the 7334 this is even true if you are using a real-time operating system). These limitations don't seem to meet your requirements.
    I still don't have a good idea about your timing requirements. If your response times requirments are in the upper milisecond regions (10 ms and above), you might be able to use the 7334. If low jitter and fast response times are important to your application, there are several alternative solutions including LabVIEW Real-Time with a multifunction data acquisition board and LabVIEW FPGA with an R-Series board.

  • How can we append data in existing flat file

    how can we append data to a existing flat file (Text file).

    just fill the itab from data which suppose to append to text file.than read text file from GUI_UPLOAD and loop on itab and with the use of read statements you may append the data.

  • How to get data from an existing Excel file using report generation toolkit

    I'm trying to use the Excel Get Data vi from the report generation toolkit, but i can't figure out how to turn a browsable path into the right type for the VI.  I've tried using the New, but that doesn't work unless you use a template.  It won't open an existing excel file and make it an open report to pull data from.
    Essentially, i have a bunch of excel files that have data in them and i want to use a VI to analyze the data.  So, i'm trying to pull in all the data directly from the excel file so i don't have to reproscess them all into text so i can use the more standard spreadsheet VIs.  But to even convert the excel file programtically in labview won't i still need to be able to open the excel file and get the data?
    Go to Solution.

    I C.
    Got it,
    the reason why I can view it using my Excel file because its in .CSV.
    I open Microsoft Excel to open .CSV file.
    But you can also open .csv file with notepad.
    So, you cannot open .xls with Read Spreadsheet File
    I learn something everyday
    Best regards,

  • How to create list items with multiple attachment files using rest api javascript

    In one of user form I am using javascript rest api to create a list item with multiple attachment files. So far I am able to create list item and once created uploading an attachment file. But this is two step process first create an item and then upload
    a file.
    It create an additional version of the item which is not desired. Also I am not able find a way to attach multiple files in a go. Following is the code I am using.
                    url: "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('UserForm')/items(1)/AttachmentFiles/add(FileName='" + + "')",
                    method: "POST",
                    contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
                    headers: {
                        "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
                        "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
                    binaryStringRequestBody: true,
                    body: fileContent,
                    success: fnsuccess,
                    error: fnerror
    So somehow I need to combine item attributes along with attachment files in body: param. I visited but no success.
    Appreciate any help.

    Thanks Mahesh for the reply and post you share it was useful.
    But this does not solve the core of the issue. You are uploading attachments after creation of item and multiple files are being attached in loop. This is kind of iterative update to an existing item with attachments. This will end up creating multiple versions. 
    What I am trying to achieve is to create an item along with multiple attachments in a go. No item updates further to attach a file.
    Please suggest how this can be done in one go. SharePoint does it when one creates an item with multiple attachment.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • How can I generate my own InDesign ePub file without the encryption.xml file?

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    Error message from B&N's
    We have found a file name called encryption.xml within your ePub file container, which means that part of, or all of, your file is encrypted. We do not accept any encryptions within ePub source files. Upon closing this message, please remove the encryption.xml file from your ePub, and you may attempt to upload your ePub file again.
    If you wish to apply DRM to your title, go to Section 4, question H and select Yes. PubIt! will apply DRM to your title after you have uploaded your ePub file without encryption.
    Thanks for your help…

    Unfortunately you will find the option to uncheck "Embeddable Fonts" within ID CC 2014 only if you are creating an ePub with reflowable layout, but not if you are creating a "fixed layout" ePub.
    I went with the suggestion of the eCanCrusher and was pleasantly surprised how easy to use this free tool is. You basically just drag your ePub over the icon of the App and it creates a folder in which you find the encryption.xml within the META-INF folder. Once you erased it you drag the folder over the icon of the App and through this you will get a new encryption-free ePub which now passes iTunes Connect Book Proofer test.
    But then - opening the ePub without it's encryption within iBooks (on ipad) the text has moved, spaces between words are gone for no reason, words are even sticking into each other - it looks unacceptable! It does look OK on the iBook desktop app, however.
    My solution was to change the font from Myriad to Verdana. I had changed the fonts before, because - whatever font I had used - it's reproduction on the ipad was messed up, and Myriad was the first one that I tried that looked alright, though, not so much after removing the encryption.xml. Unfortunately everything changes when you change fonts within a fixed layout ePub and all line breaks have to be revised now...
    I also tried to remove the embedded fonts from inside the ePub, like someone else suggested, but that didn't help with the Book Proofer. It's really the encryption.xml that needs to be removed.
    I wish that I now finally can submit successfully to Apple and wish that Adobe would have a better relationship with Apple to solve issues like that.

  • How to update Elements value inside existing xml file

    Hi Gurus,
    Am somehow new to java and working on xml with java, i have a scenario where i want to update the elements of my existing xml file, i know its possible as i have posted one code on this forum which updates the values of the arrtibutes of existing xml file. Ref :
    But am not able to use the same code to update the vlaues of the attribute.
    if i have this xml file :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Description>My Test Case</Description>
    <Description>Testing my xml</Description>
    Now i want to update teh </Description> and </Time> field using the code that i have given above in the link.
    If any one can help me ill really appreciate.

    The value of an element is stored in a child node of that element. For example, let's say that "e" references the node <Description> then:
    e.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() => "My Test Case"

  • How can I generate IDOC(WPUUMS) from XML file in POSDM or in SAP Retail

    Hallo Retail expert,
                                I have following scenario,
    I have Retail Store who send me their daily sales report through Wincor Nixdorf Point of sale. There i am using standard POSLOG2 to SEEBURGER(its a middleware which act as Converter) xml format and then i post that data first in POSDM and then with BAPI i transfer or book that data to SAP Retail.
    Above is the one scenario which is working.
    This is the Second scenario.......
    I have some external Retail store, they dont have Wincor Nixdorf POS, so they send me their Sales Report through SEEBURGER(its a middle Hardware which act as Converter) and SEEBURGER Convert that Sales data to XML format. My question is....
    How can i upload or Convert a XML File into IDOC (WPUUMS)in SAP or in POSDM?
    any new suggestion are welcome.
    Thank you all in advance.

    1. To get the required XML Schema, use transaction code WE60 to go to the IDoc documentation -> enter the IDoc type you want to use (WPUUMS01). Flag control and data record. Then display the XSD by choosing Documentation -> XML Schema from the menue bar. Now you can donwload the XSD for usage in Seeburger.
    2. Create your mapping from the POS format into the IDoc XML format in Seeburger.
    3. Create an XML File Port in ERP or POS DM using transaction code WE21.
    3. To inbound the XML file from Seeburger into POS DM or SAP Retail Seeburger should trigger the function module EDI_DATA_INCOMING. Parameters for this FM are the Pathname to the XML file and the Portname you just created. Based on the port name the FM can derive the port type xml and the data will be handled as XML data.
    Regards Carsten

  • How to populate an array with random text files.

    I am making a Jeopardy program. I have my program set up so that it retrieves 5 random text files. I just want to know how I populate one array with all the lines from the text files my program is retrieving.

    You can read a textfile line by line and add each line to an ArrayList. An ArrayList is very much like an array only that it's "open ended". You can start adding lines without first knowing how many you're going to get. If you still want an ordinary "static" array when you're finished reading lines you can easily get one from the ArrayList and then drop the ArrayList.

  • Send email with existing excel-file as attachment

    Is there a function to send an e-mail with an attachment which is an existing excel-file on my C:\-drive.
    I found lots of possibilities to send mail with internal tables as attachment but in my case the attachment is an existing excel-file (c:\test.xls)...

    FOund these function modules
    Try this out.
    report y_cr17_mail.
    data method1 like sy-ucomm.
    data g_user like soudnamei1.
    data g_user_data like soudatai1.
    data g_owner like soud-usrnam.
    data g_receipients like soos1 occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_document like sood4 .
    data g_header like sood2.
    data g_folmam like sofm2.
    data g_objcnt like soli occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_objhead like soli occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_objpara  like selc occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_objparb  like soop1 occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_attachments like sood5 occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_references like soxrl occurs 0 with header line.
    data g_authority like sofa-usracc.
    data g_ref_document like sood4.
    data g_new_parent like soodk.
    data: begin of g_files occurs 10 ,
      text(4096) type c,
       end of g_files.
    data : fold_number(12) type c,
           fold_yr(2) type c,
           fold_type(3) type c.
    parameters ws_file(4096) type c default 'c:\debugger.txt'.
    Can me any file fromyour pc ....either xls or word or ppt etc ...
    g_user-sapname = sy-uname.
    call function 'SO_USER_READ_API1'
       user                            = g_user
       PREPARE_FOR_FOLDER_ACCESS       = ' '
       user_data                       = g_user_data
       USER_NOT_EXIST                  = 1
       PARAMETER_ERROR                 = 2
       X_ERROR                         = 3
       OTHERS                          = 4
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    fold_type = g_user_data-outboxfol+0(3).
    fold_yr = g_user_data-outboxfol+3(2).
    fold_number =  g_user_data-outboxfol+5(12).
    clear g_files.
    refresh : g_objcnt,
    method1 = 'SAVE'.
    g_document-foltp  = fold_type.
    g_document-folyr   = fold_yr.
    g_document-folno   = fold_number.
    g_document-objtp   = g_user_data-object_typ.
    *g_document-OBJYR   = '27'.
    *g_document-OBJNO   = '000000002365'.
    *g_document-OBJNAM = 'MESSAGE'.
    g_document-objdes   = ' testing by program'.
    g_document-folrg   = 'O'.
    *g_document-okcode   = 'CHNG'.
    g_document-objlen = '0'.
    g_document-file_ext = 'TXT'.
    g_header-objdes =  ' testing by program'.
    g_header-file_ext = 'TXT'.
        method             = method1
       office_user        = sy-uname
       ref_document       = g_ref_document
       new_parent         =  g_new_parent
       authority          =  g_authority
       objcont            = g_objcnt
       objhead            = g_objhead
       objpara            = g_objpara
       objparb            = g_objparb
       recipients         = g_receipients
       attachments        = g_attachments
       references         = g_references
       files              = g_files
        document           = g_document
       header_data        = g_header
      FOLMEM_DATA        =
      RECEIVE_DATA       =
    File from the pc to send...
    method1 = 'ATTCREATEFROMPC'.
    g_files-text = ws_file.
    append g_files.
        method             = method1
       office_user        = g_owner
       ref_document       = g_ref_document
       new_parent         =  g_new_parent
       authority          =  g_authority
       objcont            = g_objcnt
       objhead            = g_objhead
       objpara            = g_objpara
       objparb            = g_objparb
       recipients         = g_receipients
       attachments        = g_attachments
       references         = g_references
       files              = g_files
        document           = g_document
       header_data        = g_header
    method1 = 'SEND'.
    g_receipients-recnam = 'MK085'.
    g_receipients-recesc = 'B'.
    g_receipients-sndex = 'X'.
    append  g_receipients.
        method             = method1
       office_user        = g_owner
       ref_document       = g_ref_document
       new_parent         =  g_new_parent
       authority          =  g_authority
       objcont            = g_objcnt
       objhead            = g_objhead
       objpara            = g_objpara
       objparb            = g_objparb
       recipients         = g_receipients
       attachments        = g_attachments
       references         = g_references
       files              = g_files
        document           = g_document
       header_data        = g_header.
    *-- End of Program
    Thanks & Regards,

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