How to pass class object  as in parameter in call to pl/sql procedure ?

i have to call pl/sql proecedure through java. In pl/sql procedure as "In" parameter i have created "user defined record type" and i am passing class object as "In" parameter in call to pl/sql procedure. but it is giving error.
so, anyone can please tell me how i can pass class object as "In" parameter in call to pl/sql procedure ?
its urgent ...
pls help me...

793059 wrote:
I want to pass a cursor to a procedure as IN parameter.You can use the PL/SQL type called sys_refcursor - and open a ref cursor and pass that to the procedure as input parameter.
Note that the SQL projection of the cursor is unknown at compilation time - and thus cannot be checked. As this checking only happens at run-time, you may get errors attempting to fetch columns from the ref cursor that does not exist in its projection.
You also need to ask yourself whether this approach is a logical and robust one - it usually is not. The typical cursor processing template in PL/SQL looks as follows:
  open cursorVariable;
    fetch cursorVariable bulk collect into bufferVariable limit MAX_ROWS_FETCH;
    for i in 1..bufferVariable.Count
      MyProcedure( buffer(i) );   --// <-- Pass a row structure to your procedure and not a cursor
    end loop;
    exit when cursorVariable%not_found;
  end loop;
  close cursorVariable;

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    Well you can use a [url]String
    Or you can take a [url]Double
    And you can pass [url]Events
    and get yourself in trouble
    and you can use a [url]Frame
    or maybe take a [url]List
    but some will use [url]Collection
    depends you your direction
    so if you need to know
    if you should use a [url]Map
    then this is what to do
    just browse the [url]API

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    Hi Guys
    I was testing a simple program and was trying to pass an object to a method but it didnt seem to work and I couldnt find out WHY.
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    *& Report:  ZOO_HR_SAMPLE_1
    *& Author:  Avinash Pandey
    *& Date:    25.03.2009
    *& Description: Concepts of OO in ABAP
    REPORT  zoo_hr_sample_1.
    *&       Class LCL_EMPLOYEE
           Local class
    CLASS lcl_employee DEFINITION.
    Public section
    Data type
          BEGIN OF t_employee,
            no  TYPE i,
            name TYPE string,
            wage TYPE i,
         END OF t_employee.
            IMPORTING im_employee_no TYPE i
                      im_employee_name TYPE string
                      im_wage TYPE i,
             IMPORTING im_employee TYPE REF TO lcl_employee,
           get_no EXPORTING ex_no TYPE i,
           get_name EXPORTING ex_name TYPE string,
           get_wage EXPORTING ex_wage TYPE i.
      Class methods are global for all instances
        CLASS-METHODS: display_no_of_employees.
    Protected section
      Class data are global for all instances
        CLASS-DATA: g_no_of_employees TYPE i.
        CLASS-DATA: i_employee_list TYPE TABLE OF t_employee.
    Private section
       CLASS-DATA: i_employee_list TYPE TABLE OF t_employee.
        DATA: g_employee TYPE t_employee.
    ENDCLASS.               "LCL_EMPLOYEE
    *&       Class (Implementation)  LCL_EMPLOYEE
    CLASS lcl_employee IMPLEMENTATION.
    Class constructor method
      METHOD constructor.
        g_employee-no = im_employee_no.
        g_employee-name = im_employee_name.
        g_employee-wage = im_wage.
        g_no_of_employees = g_no_of_employees + 1.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD display_employee.
        WRITE:/ 'Employee', g_employee-no, g_employee-name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_employee
      METHOD get_no.
        ex_no = g_employee-no.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD get_name.
        ex_name = g_employee-name.
        WRITE: / 'Name is:' , ex_name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD get_wage.
        ex_wage = g_employee-wage.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD add_employee.
      Adds a new employee to the list of employees
        DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
        l_employee-no = im_employee->get_no.
        l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name.
        l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage.
        APPEND l_employee TO i_employee_list.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_employee
      METHOD display_employee_list.
      Displays all employees and there wage
        DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
        WRITE: / 'List of Employees'.
        LOOP AT i_employee_list INTO l_employee.
          WRITE: / l_employee-no, l_employee-name, l_employee-wage.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_employee_list
    Class method
      METHOD display_no_of_employees.
        WRITE: / 'Number of employees is:', g_no_of_employees.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_no_of_employees
    ENDCLASS.               "LCL_EMPLOYEE
    DATA: g_employee1 TYPE REF TO lcl_employee,
          g_employee2 TYPE REF TO lcl_employee.
    Create class instances
      CREATE OBJECT g_employee1
          im_employee_no   = 1
          im_employee_name = 'John Jones'
          im_wage          = 20000.
      CREATE OBJECT g_employee2
          im_employee_no   = 2
          im_employee_name = 'Sally Summer'
          im_wage          = 28000.
    Call methods
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->display_employee.
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->add_employee
          im_employee = g_employee1.
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->get_name.
      CALL METHOD g_employee2->display_employee.
      CALL METHOD g_employee2->display_no_of_employees.
    The error I am getting is:
    Field GET_NO/GET_NAME/GET_WAGE is unknown.
    Please help me out on this.
    Thanks a lot you people

    The following parts of your program were changed.
    The result is OK?.
    CLASS lcl_employee DEFINITION.
    Public section
    *get_no EXPORTING ex_no TYPE i,
    *get_name EXPORTING ex_name TYPE string,
    *get_wage EXPORTING ex_wage TYPE i.
    get_no returning value(ex_no) TYPE i,
    get_name returning value(ex_name) TYPE string,
    get_wage returning value(ex_wage) TYPE i.
    CLASS lcl_employee IMPLEMENTATION.
    METHOD add_employee.
    Adds a new employee to the list of employees
    DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
    *l_employee-no = im_employee->get_no.
    *l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name.
    *l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage.
    l_employee-no   = im_employee->get_no( ).
    l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name( ).
    l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage( ).
    APPEND l_employee TO i_employee_list.
    ENDMETHOD. "add_employee
    Result List
    Employee          1  John Jones
    Name is: John Jones
    Name is: John Jones
    Employee          2  Sally Summer
    Number of employees is:          2

  • Pass Class Object To FMS Using Method

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    I have a custom class that defines several methods on itself
    to retrieve its data. This class object is then sent to FMS via the method. Once received by FMS, FMS calls the
    remote method to dispaly the class object on connected clients
    (minus the originator).
    Now, standard properties are displayed correctly, but when I
    call the class method to retrieve the class data, no data is
    My question is, can FMS handle class objects as parameters in
    a NetConnection call. If not, is there a better practice of
    applying methods to retrieve the class data? Example below...
    class com.QuizItem
    var numOfAnswers;
    var getAnswer;
    function QuizItem(question)
    this.numOfAnswers = 0;//<-- Returns correct number of
    this.getAnswer = function(answerNumberToGet)//<-- Does
    not return any data when called by client side script
    return this.answers[answerNumberToGet];//Already populated

    First, I know JAVA does not working "pass by
    reference". It's only working pass by value. (or call
    by value)But obviously you don't fully understand what it means.
    Isn't main_a and method_a alias?
    if there is not alias, why? please explain to me.No. They're two independent references coincidentally pointing to the same object. In your swap method, you move method_a to point to something else. This does not affect main_a.
    and why main_a.hashcode() is main_a's value?why not? What else should it be?
    I think It's mean copy object. but main_a and
    method_a, they have same object id! @_@;;;It means "copy reference", same object.

  • How to pass an "object" as a parameter in an web services request?

    I am developing a simple web service client and server (using Eclipse for auto code generation). I am able to pass String and Byte array from the client. However, there is a parameter "statusInfo" which is an object of the class "cz.unmz.namespaces.csn369791.SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo" and I have no idea of how to do so.
    Below is an extract of the wsdl file:
       <xs:element name="SendCertificatesRequest">
          <xs:element name="callerID" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:element name="messageID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOc-curs="1"/>
          <xs:element ref="certificateSequence"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xs:element name="statusInfo">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
             <xs:enumeration value="new_cert_available_notification"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="ok_cert_available"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="failure_inner_signature"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="failure_outer_signature"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="failure_syntax"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="failure_request_not_accepted"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="failure_internal_error"/>
       </xs:element>Below is an extract of the auto-gen file:
       private java.lang.String callerID;
       private java.lang.String messageID;
       private byte[][] certificateSequence;
       private cz.unmz.namespaces.csn369791.SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo statusInfo;
       public SendCertificatesRequest(
          java.lang.String callerID,
          java.lang.String messageID,
          byte[][] certificateSequence,
          cz.unmz.namespaces.csn369791.SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo) {
          this.callerID = callerID;
          this.messageID = messageID;
          this.certificateSequence = certificateSequence;
          this.statusInfo = status = statusInfo;
       public void setStatusInfo(cz.unmz.namespaces.csn369791.SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo) {
          this.statusInfo = statusInfo;
       Below is the auto-gen file:
    * This file was auto-generated from WSDL
    * by the Apache Axis 1.4 Apr 22, 2006 (06:55:48 PDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
    package cz.unmz.namespaces.csn369791;
    public class SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo implements {
        private java.lang.String _value_;
        private static java.util.HashMap _table_ = new java.util.HashMap();
        // Constructor
        protected SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(java.lang.String value) {
            _value_ = value;
        public static final java.lang.String _new_cert_available_notification = "new_cert_available_notification";
        public static final java.lang.String _ok_cert_available = "ok_cert_available";
        public static final java.lang.String _failure_inner_signature = "failure_inner_signature";
        public static final java.lang.String _failure_outer_signature = "failure_outer_signature";
        public static final java.lang.String _failure_syntax = "failure_syntax";
        public static final java.lang.String _failure_request_not_accepted = "failure_request_not_accepted";
        public static final java.lang.String _failure_internal_error = "failure_internal_error";
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo new_cert_available_notification = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_new_cert_available_notification);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo ok_cert_available = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_ok_cert_available);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo failure_inner_signature = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_failure_inner_signature);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo failure_outer_signature = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_failure_outer_signature);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo failure_syntax = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_failure_syntax);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo failure_request_not_accepted = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_failure_request_not_accepted);
        public static final SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo failure_internal_error = new SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo(_failure_internal_error);
        public java.lang.String getValue() { return _value_;}
        public static SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo fromValue(java.lang.String value)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
            SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo enumeration = (SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo)
            if (enumeration==null) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
            return enumeration;
        public static SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo fromString(java.lang.String value)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
            return fromValue(value);
        public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) {return (obj == this);}
        public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode();}
        public java.lang.String toString() { return _value_;}
        public java.lang.Object readResolve() throws { return fromValue(_value_);}
        public static org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer getSerializer(
               java.lang.String mechType,
               java.lang.Class _javaType, 
               javax.xml.namespace.QName _xmlType) {
              new org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.EnumSerializer(
                _javaType, _xmlType);
        public static org.apache.axis.encoding.Deserializer getDeserializer(
               java.lang.String mechType,
               java.lang.Class _javaType, 
               javax.xml.namespace.QName _xmlType) {
              new org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.EnumDeserializer(
                _javaType, _xmlType);
        // Type metadata
        private static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc typeDesc =
            new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(SendCertificatesRequestStatusInfo.class);
        static {
            typeDesc.setXmlType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", ">>SendCertificatesRequest>statusInfo"));
         * Return type metadata object
        public static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc getTypeDesc() {
            return typeDesc;
    }    In the client (an auto-gen JSP file), Eclipse has generated the following two lines of code:
    cz1unmz1namespaces1csn3697911SendCertificatesRequest_4id.setMessageID(callerID_6idTemp);    I have also added the following line for the parameter "certificateSequence" (I have already prepared a Bytearray of certificateSequence)
    cz1unmz1namespaces1csn3697911SendCertificatesRequest_4id.setCertificateSequence(certificateSequence);    Can anyone suggest a way of passing the parameter "statusInfo"? Thanks.
    Edited by: stupidtss on Oct 28, 2009 12:32 AM

    You want something like this:
      lio_success  VARCHAR2( 2000 );
      li_id        NUMBER;
      li_dep_id    NUMBER;
      li_sel_id := NUMBER;
      li_date DATE;
      lo_date DATE;
      lio_return_message xyz_bpe_rec_fn.xyz_bpe_rec_col;
      l_ret xyz;
      lio_success := 'some value';
      li_id := NULL;     -- or some number
      li_dep_id := NULL; -- or some number
      li_sel_id := NULL; -- or some number
      li_date DATE := sysdate;
      lio_return_message.col1 := somevalue;
      lio_return_message.col2 := somevalue;
      lio_return_message.coln := somevalue;
      l_ret := get_xyz( lio_success
                      , li_id
                      , li_dep_id
                      , li_sel_id
                      , li_date
                      , lo_date
                      , lio_return_message );

  • How to pass an object from jsp to other jsp using SendRedirect

    How to pass an object from one jsp to the other jsp using ssendRedirect with out using the session
    I am having 2 jsps
    x.jsp and y.jsp
    From x.jsp using sendRedirect iam going to y.jsp
    From x.jsp i have pass an object to the y.jsp
    Is it possible without putting the object in session
    Is it possible using EncodeUrl
    Please help me Its Urgent

    Is it possible without putting the object in sessionAnything is possible. Would you accept that it is very difficult?
    When you send a redirect, it tells the browser to send a new request for the target page. That means any request parameters/attributes are lost.
    Is it possible using EncodeUrl response.encodeURL() puts the session id into a url if the browser does not support cookies. It is purely for retaining the session.
    There are two ways that you can communicate across a sendRedirect.
    1 - use the session
    2 - pass a parameter in the url.
    parameters are string based, so passing objects is almost out of the question.
    Potentially you could serialize your object, encode it in base64 (so it is composed completely as characters) and pass it as a parameter to the other page, where you retrieve it, unencode it, and then load the serialized object.
    Or you can just use the session.

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    Anybody please tell me how to pass bean class object from controller to jsp ?
    I am developing an application in MVC2.0.
    I am creating an object of bean class in controller servlet and want to pass this object to jsp so anybody please tell how to pass this object to jsp.
    Bean obj = new Bean();
    Bean --
    public String aMethod() {
    return data;
    I have to use this method in my jsp and I am creating an object of this bean in controller servlet.
    Please help
    Please reply soon

    Thanks for your response. I knew it is possible with session objects. But I want to perform this operation with out using session objects. Is there a way to accomplish this with out using Session objects.
    Please help.

  • How to pass  internal table values to parameter

             how to pass  internal table values to parameter in selection screen.if is it possible means please sent codeings.

    tables : mara.
    data :  begin of itab_mara occurs 0,
              matnr like mara-matnr,
              ernam like mara-ernam,
              end of itab_mara.
    selection-screen : begin of block blk1 with frame title text-001.
    parameters : p_matnr like mara-matnr.
    selection-screen : end of block blk1.
    select matnr ernam from mara into corresponding fields of itab_mara
                                                                    where matnr = p_matnr.
    loop at itab_mara.
    write :/ itab_mara-matnr,
    Message was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

  • How to call a PL/SQL procedure from a Java class?

    I am new to the E-BusinessSuite and I want to develop a Portal with Java Portlets which display and write data from some E-Business databases (e.g. Customer Relationship Management or Human Resource). These data have been defined in the TCA (Trading Community Architecture) data model. I can access this data with PL/SQL API's. The next problem is how to get the data in the Java class. So, how do you call a PL/SQL procedure from a Java program?
    Can anyone let me know how to solve that problem?
    Thanks in advance,
    Chang Si Chou

    Have a look at this example:
    final ApplicationModule am = panelBinding.getApplicationModule();
         final CallableStatement stmt = ((DBTransaction)am.getTransaction()).
                                                                                         createCallableStatement("{? = call some_pck.some_function(?, ?)}", 10);
         stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
         stmt.setInt(2, ((oracle.jbo.domain.Number)key.getAttribute(0)).intValue());
         stmt.setString(3, "Test");
         return stmt.getString(1);
    catch (Exception ex)
         return null;
    }Hope This Helps

  • Unable to capture the parameter values from a PL/SQL procedure

    i'm trying to capture the parameter values of a PL/SQL procedure by calling inside a anonymous block but i'm getting a "reference to uninitialized collection error" ORA-06531.
    Please help me regarding.
    i'm using following block for calling the procedure.
    err_cd varchar2(1000);
    err_txt VARCHAR2(5000);
    no_of_recs number;
    out_sign_tab search_sign_tab_type:=search_sign_tab_type(search_sign_type(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL));
    cntr_var number:=0;
         dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_cd);
         dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_txt);
         dbms_output.put_line('The cntr is ' ||cntr_var);
         for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count
         cntr_var := cntr_var + 1 ;
    end loop;
    Error is thrown on "for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count" this line
    Following is some related information.
    the 3rd parameter of the procedure is a out parameter. it is a type of a PL/SQL table (SEARCH_SIGN_TAB_TYPE) which is available in database as follows.
    (ref_no VARCHAR2(22),
    ciref_no VARCHAR2(352),
    ac_no VARCHAR2(22),
    txn_type VARCHAR2(301),
    objid VARCHAR2(1024))............

    We don't have your rt843pq procedure, but when commenting that line out, everything works:
      2  (ref_no VARCHAR2(22),
      3  ciref_no VARCHAR2(352),
      4  ac_no VARCHAR2(22),
      5  txn_type VARCHAR2(301),
      6  objid VARCHAR2(1024))
      7  /
    Type is aangemaakt.
      2  /
    Type is aangemaakt.
    SQL> declare
      2    err_cd varchar2(1000);
      3    err_txt VARCHAR2(5000);
      4    no_of_recs number;
      5    out_sign_tab search_sign_tab_type:=search_sign_tab_type(search_sign_type(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL));
      6    cntr_var number:=0;
      7  begin
      8    -- rt843pq('DWS','3000552485',out_sign_tab,no_of_recs,err_cd,err_txt);
      9    dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_cd);
    10    dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_txt);
    11    dbms_output.put_line('The cntr is ' ||cntr_var);
    12    for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count
    13    loop
    14      cntr_var := cntr_var + 1 ;
    15      Dbms_output.put_line(OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ref_no||','||OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ciref_no||','||OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ac_no||','||OUT_SIGN
    16    end loop;
    17  end;
    18  /
    The error is
    The error is
    The cntr is 0
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.Regards,

  • How to call a PL/SQL procedure from Portal

    Env.Info: Windows NT Server 4 (Service Pack 3) / Oracle 8i R3 EE / Oracle Portal 3.0 Production.
    I created a new schema "BISAPPS" and created a user with the same name. Ran provsyns.sql script to grant Portal API access. Created a new package under this new schema and compiled it against the database. After that I registered the schema as a portal provider. There were no errors.
    Now I logged into Portal using the account PORTAL30. Refreshed the portlet repository and the new portlets appeared. I added the new portlet to the page. It is displayed successfully.
    New portlet allows the user to enter a bug-number and lets the user to either view or edit. If the user clicks on the button "Edit", it opens a new window and displays the contents from BugDB application. But if the user clicks on "Show", it should display the output generated by a PL/SQL procedure (Owned by the above New Schema - BISAPPS) in a separate window. But instead it is displaying the following error in the separate window:
    bisapps_pkg.buginfo: PROCEDURE DOESN'T EXIST.
    DAD name: PORTAL30
    PROCEDURE : bisapps_pkg.buginfo
    URL : http://host_name:80/pls/portal30/bisapps_pkg.buginfo
    And list of environment variables ....
    Can anyone help me? How can I call a PL/SQL procedure when the button is clicked? Thanks in advance.

    You must grant EXECUTE privilege on your procedure to the PORTAL30_PUBLIC user. If the error still persists, create a PUBLIC synonym for your procedure.

  • How to pass a "object" as a prameter from one java class to another java

    hi experts, I want to know "How to pass and get object as a parameter from one java class to another java class". I tried follwoing code just check it and give suggetions..
    import Budget.src.qrybean;
    public class ConfirmBillPDF extends HttpServlet
    qrybean db = new qrybean();
    SimplePDFTable pdfTable = new SimplePDFTable();
    }Here i want to pass db with simplePDFTableShow method. simplePDFTableShow is in another java class. So how can i do this.
    And also i want to know, how this obj will get.
    please help me.
    Edited by: andy_surya on Jul 14, 2010 7:51 AM

    Hi andy_surya
    what is this i am not understand
    pdfTable.simplePDFTableShow("2010","2011","1","2","1","131","102");but i am try to solve your problem try this
    qrybean db = new qrybean();
    SimplePDFTable pdfTable = new SimplePDFTable();
    pdfTable.simplePDFTableShow(db);and access like this in SimplePDFtable class update your method
    simplePDFTable(qrybean tempDB)
    // write your code


    Hi experts,how to pass select options value as a export parameters to a zclass.
    can  give me some idea.

    As Sachin already said, selection options are stored in an internal table. You can reconstruct the table type without the corresponding input fields using the type addition RANGE OF.
    So - assuming you have the following in your program:
    DATA: wa TYPE sflight.
            SELECT-OPTIONS so_car FOR sflight-carrid.
    you can create a publically-visible type in your class using direct type entry and the code
    TYPES: my_selectoption TYPE RANGE OF sflight-carrid.
    and use this to define the importing parameter of the method.
    The only other thing you have to remember is that select-options generates an internal table with header line. Thereore, to pass the table to the method, you would use (in the above example) so_car[], and not just the name of the select-option.
    Hope this helps.

  • Invoke- WmiMethod - How to pass input object

    How to pass inputobject to Invoke-WmiMethod? We tried the below it throws error
    $request = Get-WmiMethod -Class xx -NameSpace yyy -ComputerName zzz
    Invoke-WmiMethod -Name xxx -InputObject $request -ArgumentList $arg -Namespace yyy
    Error thrown because $request cannot be converted to ManagementObject.
    Please provide sample 

    Hi Rajalakshmi S,
    In addition, you got the error because you are passing it an array objects.
    Please try the script below:
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName $computer |
    foreach {
    “`n $($_.Name)”
    Invoke-WmiMethod -InputObject $_ -Name GetAccessMask}
    Reference from:
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    TechNet Community Support

  • How to Pass Java Objects between Web Dynpro and Java SAP iViews

    Basically I have an SAP web dynpro iView that I do stuff with and I want to pass an object to another iView which is just a regular Java iView. From what I've read and tried, I can't just stick something in the session object and hope that the Java iView can pull it down the other end. I had a dream that it was possible (seriously).
    Anyway, are there any possible solutions around? Please advice and share you throughts. I will try to dream about it again tonight and see if its really gonna work this time.
    thanks for your help in advance

    There is no easy way you can pass objects other than those supported by express such as String, map, list etc.
    Though not advised, you can create a class with static variables to handle the storage of such java objects during transition between form and workflow. You will need to somehow identify the objects uniquely .

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