How to pass subclass to variable of super class ?

class /EVUIT/EXCH_PRD_GUI definition
public section.
      value(I_APPLICATION) type ref to /UIT/EXCH_PRD_APP optional
      value(I_REPID) like SY-REPID .
class /UIT/EXCH_PRD_VERT_NN_MODEL definition
  inheriting from /EVUIT/EXCH_PRD_APP
  create public .
DATA: l_vert_nn_model type ref to /uit/exch_prd_vert_nn_model.
DATA: l_gui type ref to /uit/exch_prd_gui_vbeleg.
   CREATE OBJECT l_vert_nn_model
          I_ALV_RECORDS = gt_alv_records[].
     I_APPLICATION = l_vert_nn_model
     I_REPID = sy-repid .{color}
Problem i am facing is for l_gui the parameter i_application is of type super class of l_vert_nn_model.
Any suggestions, how can i pass this subclass object to the parameter which is of type super class?

Hello Trivenn
On SAP basis release 7.00 the following coding works:
*& Report  ZUS_OO_DUMMY
REPORT  zus_oo_dummy.
*       CLASS lcl_local DEFINITION
          value(io_instance)  TYPE REF TO zcl_edi_uk_svcs_out. " super class
    data: mo_instance         type ref to object.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_local DEFINITION
*       CLASS lcl_local IMPLEMENTATION
  METHOD constructor.
    mo_instance ?= io_instance.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_local IMPLEMENTATION
DATA: go_super    TYPE REF TO zcl_edi_uk_svcs_out,
      go_sub      TYPE REF TO zcl_edi_uk_svcs_out_customer,
      go_local    type ref to lcl_local.
  CREATE OBJECT go_super.
  create object go_local
      io_instance = go_sub.

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    Re: How to pass a jsp variable into javascript??Here is the sameple one, hope it will solves your problem.
    <form name=f>
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    Let me know if you face any problem

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    Hi Selva,
    You do not need to use Javascript for this. Instead you can achieve this by using API Commands in WAD 7.0.
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    Do you mean like this?SQL> DECLARE
      2      TYPE t_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20);
      3      l_sample_tbl           t_tbl;
      5      FUNCTION print_contents ( p_tbl IN t_tbl )
      6      RETURN VARCHAR2
      7      IS
      8          l_string            VARCHAR2(1000);
      9      BEGIN
    10          FOR i IN 1..p_tbl.COUNT LOOP
    11              IF (i = 1) THEN
    12                  l_string := p_tbl(i);
    13              ELSE
    14                  l_string := l_string || ', ' || p_tbl(i);
    15              END IF;
    16          END LOOP;
    17          RETURN (l_string);
    18      END print_contents;
    20  BEGIN
    21      l_sample_tbl := t_tbl();
    22      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    23      l_sample_tbl(1) := 'one';
    24      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    25      l_sample_tbl(2) := 'two';
    26      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    27      l_sample_tbl(3) := 'three';
    28      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    29      l_sample_tbl(4) := 'four';
    30      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    31      l_sample_tbl(5) := 'five';
    32      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(print_contents(l_sample_tbl));
    33  END;
    34  /
    one, two, three, four, five
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> HTH,

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    Hi Roberto,
    the solution is available in the WIKI:
    <a href=""></a>
    Best Regards,
    Marcel Salein

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    You could send your script to rman thru a pipe | or <<
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    tag rman_inc0_bck
    filesperset 5
    format '$(DIR)/rman_fulldb_%u_%s_%p_%d'
    (database include current controlfile);" | rman target /You could also create a "temp script" and then use it from rman with cmdfile
    sed "s,XXXDIR,$(DIR)," yourtemplate > /tmp/rmanscript.$$
    rman target / cmdfile /tmp/rmanscript.$$
    rm /tmp/rmanscript.$$

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    We're using BEx SAP BW 3.x
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    Let me just say, I am new to BEx, so any guidance you could give me would be most welcome.
    Thanks in advance,

    Perhaps this JavaScript can help?
    document.appletName.getQueryObject().setParam(1, param value);
    Call this peice of code on some event, for example the click event of a Button.
    There are many more examples on this forum, search for more.

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    What is the best way of doing it ? Need urgent help about it.

    Well If you create a POST request instead as a GET request the variables will not show up in the URL.
    On tips how to do that you can either check out this thread:
    or one of these:

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    Hi Vlad,
    I tried what you said in the Otherwise section.
    Step 1:-->This is my xQuery code:
    declare namespace ns1 = "";
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
    declare namespace xf = "";
    declare function xf:faultToGreetingService($fault1 as element(ns1:fault))
        as element(ns0:logInfo) {
                    <ns0:faultCode>{ data($fault1/ns1:errorCode) }</ns0:faultCode>
    declare variable $fault1 as element(ns1:fault) external;
    Note: My requirement is I want pass this errorCode into ns0:faultCode which is the input element for publish action (This is publish action would call the logging Service, It is one-way process)
    Step2:-->I used a replace action-->XQuery Resource tab--> I browse the xQuery ..Here In the Variable Name section it is showing fault1 and what value we need to give in the Binding section.
              a)  If i did not provide any value it is giving the error message as "XQuery expression validation failed:XQuery error for the variable "fault1": line1,column1:                                 {err}XP0003:invalid...  "            
              b) If i provide $fault1 or $fault1/*:errorCode or $body in Binding section then the public action would not calling the logging service.
    Can anybody provide me the answer.

  • Call function, pass value, access variable in movieclip class from main stage

    i am new to flash as.
    I got quite confused on some problems. as the function here
    is quite different from c and
    I have a movieClip named MC, and it's enabled with action
    script, with the class name MC_Rectangle
    and a Stage.
    I override the MC_Rectangle class file in a
    external file.
    here is the code:
    import flash.display.*;
    public class MC_Rectangle extends MovieClip {
    var sequence:int = new int();
    function setSequence(data:int):void{
    sequence = data;
    function addSequence():void{
    sequence ++;
    I have new a object in the main stage var
    mc_rect:MC_Rectangle = new MC_Rectangle()
    in main stage:
    1. how can i access the variable "sequence" in "mc_rect"
    2. how can i pass parametre from main stage to mc_rect via
    function setSequence(data:int)?
    3. how can i call the function in addSequence() in mc_rect.
    in, i usually use mc_rect.sequenct,
    mc_rect.setSequence(data), mc_rect.addSequence() to achieve my
    btw, can function in mc_rect return out result to main stage?
    thanks in advance.

    Your as-file must be named (same upper/lower
    case as in the Class name)
    Ad 1) You have to declare sequence as a public property
    "public var sequence;" or - better - define a getter-function for
    Ad 2) mc_rect.setSequence(8); e. g. (you must write "public"
    in the Class-declaration of setSequence)
    Ad 3) mc_rect.addSequence(); e. g. (you must write "public"
    in the Class-declaration of addSequence)
    ... and yes, your methods can return a value: Replace "void"
    with the proper data type (int, String, ...) and place a "return
    myNumber;" or the like in the method's body.

  • How to pass internal table to method of class

    Hi all,
    I am new to abap objects, i want to pass one internal table to class.
    i am trying in this way.
    class c1 definition.
    method get_material importing t_stpo  type any table
                                   exporting t_mast type any table.
    class c1 implementation.
    method get_material.
    select f1 f2 f3 from <tab> into table t_mast
            for all entries in t_stpo
            where stlnr = t_stpo-stlnr.
    "stlnr" is not available
    if i use this way. its not giing error.
    class c1 definition.
    method get_material exporting t_mast type any table.
    class c1 implementation.
    method get_material.
    select f1 f2 f3 from <tab> into table t_mast
            for all entries in it_stpo
            where stlnr = it_stpo-stlnr.
    how to pass internal table with some specific reference may be using like or type <it_xxxx>

    Try this.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_stpo,
             stlnr TYPE stpo-stlnr,
             idnrk TYPE stpo-idnrk,
             menge TYPE stpo-menge,
            END OF ty_stpo,
            BEGIN OF ty_mast,
             matnr TYPE mast-matnr,
             werks TYPE mast-werks,
             stlnr TYPE mast-stlnr,
            END OF ty_mast,
            tt_stpo TYPE TABLE OF ty_stpo,
            tt_mast TYPE TABLE OF ty_mast.
    DATA : it_stpo TYPE tt_stpo,
           it_mast TYPE tt_mast.
    *       CLASS c1 DEFINITION
        METHODS : get_bom_numbers EXPORTING ex_stpo type tt_stpo,
                  get_parent_material IMPORTING im_stpo TYPE tt_stpo
                                      EXPORTING ex_mast TYPE tt_mast.
      METHOD get_bom_numbers.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_bom_numbers
      METHOD get_parent_material.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_parent_material
      DATA : obj TYPE REF TO c1.
      CREATE OBJECT obj.
      CALL METHOD obj->get_bom_numbers
          t_stpo = it_stpo.
      CALL METHOD obj->get_parent_material
          im_stpo = it_stpo
          ex_mast = it_mast.
    Rich Heilman

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