How to run a search query for a particular folder in KM related to portal

Can any one tell me the steps for : how to run a search query for a particular folder in knowledge management related to portal.
Answers will be rewarded.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by: KN on Mar 18, 2008 6:33 AM

Ok u may not require a coding
But u req configuration
U should first make a search option set
Link: [Search Option set|]
Then u need 2 duplicate a KM Command by the name Search From here
and customize it to include the Search Option that u have created
Link: [Search from here|]
Then in the layout add this command.

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    If you add a board, thread, message, or search term to your subscriptions, the system will send you an e-mail every time someone posts to the board, or replies to the message or thread. If you prefer not to receive an e-mail for your subscriptions, you can subscribe to the RSS feed of a board, thread, user, or search term.
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    [1] Subscriptions & Bookmarks
    [2] Frequently Asked Questions
    Joe Friedchicken
    NI VirtualBench Application Software
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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Joe,
    Thanks for all of the questions and congrats on posting your first question!
    Unfortunately I think all of your questions come from the valid assumption that the search query functionality is more robust than it actually is.  The search query functionality really only serves a single purpose and that is to email you when your phrase has been posted to the forums.  For me, I use it to email me when my name is mentioned in the forums.  It serves this purpose well since I have it set up to work off just a single search term.  However I find that multiple word phrases are combined with an OR which is not as useful.  The search query does not adhere to any common search syntax that you would expect (I believe we are the only community that uses this feature so it has not been improved upon).
    The best way to set up both multiple word queries and multiple different queries is to use the RSS feed as you mentioned.  This way you can tailor your search very specifically using different advanced search options and subscribe to them all in one feed reader without constantly getting emails.  The search query emails do not adhere to the digest subscription settings.  I find that the RSS feeds work very well for searches and I am fond of using them, but I do use an RSS Reader for many things so it is not out of my normal workflow.
    Thank you for reading the Forum FAQ.  I've done some work to improve it but I think it has a long way to go and it's good to know that people read it
    Web Support & Operations
    National Instruments

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    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user635152 on Nov 13, 2008 10:53 AM

    Hi Guru,
    I crete the Search page having 5 poplists and select the values from dropdown list and click GO button it serch the records and displays that records in ResultsTable in same page.
    My case, Search page is running fine if I select the values and click GO button page is refreshed without errors but I am unable to displays the records in ResultsTable.
    What I am missing?
    My Select Stmt:
    SELECT * FROM      
    (select wn.nid notification_id
    , company
              ,I.PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE paygroup
              ,'AP' source
              ,pf.full_name initiator
              ,pv.vendor_name supplier_name
              ,I.GL_DATE FROM_TO_DATE
    from ap_invoices_all i
    , po_vendors pv
         , hr_operating_units ou
         , per_all_people_f pf     
         , FND_USER FU
    , (SELECT trim(substr(substr(substr(WN.subject,(instr(WN.subject,'Invoice ') + 8),100),1,100),
    1,instr(substr(substr(WN.subject,(instr(WN.subject,'Invoice ') + 8),100),1,100),' for'))) inv_no
    ,notification_id nid
    where i.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
    and i.invoice_num = wn.inv_no
    and pv.vendor_name = nvl(:vendor_name,pv.vendor_name)
    and i.org_id = OU.organization_id
    AND like nvl(:company_name,name)
    and i.pay_group_lookup_code = nvl(:pay_group,i.pay_group_lookup_code)
    and exists (select ad.invoice_id
    from ap_invoice_distributions_all ad
    where ad.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
    and ad.accounting_date between nvl(:from_date,ad.accounting_date)
                                       and nvl(:to_date,ad.accounting_date))
    and 'AP' = nvl(:source,'AP')
         and i.created_by = fu.user_id
         AND fu.EMPLOYEE_ID = pf.person_id
         AND pf.full_name like nvl(:initiator, pf.full_name)
              select po_num.nid notification_id
              , company
              ,ps.PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE paygroup
              ,'PO' source
              ,pf.full_name initiator
              ,pv.vendor_name supplier_name
         from po_headers_all p
         ,po_vendors pv
              ,po_vendor_sites_all ps
              ,hr_operating_units ou
              ,per_all_people_f pf
         ,(select trim(substr(wn.subject,24,instr(wn.subject,' for')-24)) po_no, notification_id nid
         and wn.subject like 'Standard Purchase Order%') po_num
         where p.SEGMENT1 = po_num.po_no
         and p.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
         and p.org_id in(select organization_id
         from hr_operating_units
         where name like nvl(:company_name,name))
         and pv.vendor_name = nvl(:vendor_name,pv.vendor_name)
         and p.CANCEL_FLAG = 'N'
         and 'PO' = nvl(:source,'PO')
         and p.agent_id = pf.person_id
         and pf.full_name like nvl(:initiator, pf.full_name)
         and pv.vendor_id = ps.vendor_id
         and ps.org_id = ou.organization_id
         and like nvl(:company_name,name)
    and ps.PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE = nvl(:pay_group,ps.PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE)
         and trunc(p.creation_date) between nvl(:from_date,trunc(p.creation_date)) and nvl(:to_date,trunc(p.creation_date))
    In CO PFR Code:
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Go") != null)
    OAQueryUtils.checkSelectiveSearchCriteria(pageContext, webBean);
         String COMPANY = pageContext.getParameter("COMPANY");
    String PAYGROUP = pageContext.getParameter("PAYGROUP");
    String SOURCE = pageContext.getParameter("SOURCE");
    String INITIATOR = pageContext.getParameter("INITIATOR");
    String SUPPLIER_NAME = pageContext.getParameter("SUPPLIER_NAME");
    Boolean executeQuery = BooleanUtils.getBoolean(false);
    Serializable[] parameters = { COMPANY, PAYGROUP, SOURCE, INITIATOR, SUPPLIER_NAME, executeQuery};
    Class[] paramTypes = { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.class };
    am.invokeMethod("initSearch", parameters, paramTypes);
    OAAdvancedTableBean table = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("ResultsTable");
    table.queryData(pageContext, false);
    AM invoke Method():
    public void initSearch(String company,
    String paygroup,
    String source,
    String initiator,
    String supplier_name,
    Boolean executeQuery)
    WorklistFindVOImpl vo = getWorklistFindVO1();
    if (vo == null)
    MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("OBJECT_NAME", "WorklistFindVO1") };
    throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", tokens);
    vo.initQuery(company, paygroup, source, initiator, supplier_name, executeQuery);
    VO Code:
    public void initQuery(String company,
    String paygroup,
    String source,
    String initiator,
    String supplier_name,
    Boolean executeQuery)
    StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(500);
    Vector parameters = new Vector(5);
    int clauseCount = 0;
    int bindCount = 0;
    setWhereClauseParams(null); // Always reset
    if ((company != null))
    String companyname = null;
    companyname = new String(company);
    catch(Exception e) {}
    whereClause.append("COMPANY= :COMPANY");
    if ((paygroup != null) && (!("".equals(paygroup))))
    if (clauseCount > 0)
    whereClause.append(" AND ");
    whereClause.append("PAYGROUP = :PAYGROUP");
    if ((source != null) && (!("".equals(source))))
    if (clauseCount > 0)
    whereClause.append(" AND ");
    whereClause.append("SOURCE = :SOURCE");
    if ((initiator != null) && (!("".equals(initiator))))
    if (clauseCount > 0)
    whereClause.append(" AND ");
    whereClause.append("INITIATOR = :INITIATOR");
    if ((supplier_name != null) && (!("".equals(supplier_name))))
    if (clauseCount > 0)
    whereClause.append(" AND ");
    whereClause.append("SUPPLIER_NAME = :SUPPLIER_NAME");
    if (bindCount > 0)
    Object[] params = new Object[bindCount];
    if ((executeQuery != null) && (executeQuery.booleanValue()))
    } // end initQuery()
    Please let me know what I did mistake in my code?
    I am unable to find it what I missing and there is no errors but no records displayed in Results Table.
    Please it's urgent.
    Edited by: user635152 on Nov 19, 2008 4:43 PM

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    Alert Description:
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    Error: 0x800706ba
    Details: The RPC server is unavailable
    Workflow name: Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Node.StateMonitoring
    Instance Name: servername.domain.local
    Instance ID: {instance_id}
    Management group: SCOM_Management_Grp_Name
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    MSCluster_Node in the root\MSCLUSTER WMI namespace.
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    <UnitMonitor> ID="Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Node.StateMonitoring" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="onEssentialMonitoring" Target="ClusLibrary!Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Node" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="ClusLibrary!Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.CheckState" ConfirmDelivery="false">
    <AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Node.StateMonitoring.AlertMessage">
    <OperationalState ID="Success" MonitorTypeStateID="Online" HealthState="Success" />
    <OperationalState ID="Warning" MonitorTypeStateID="Partial" HealthState="Warning" />
    <OperationalState ID="Error" MonitorTypeStateID="NotOnline" HealthState="Error" />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">0</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">0</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">2</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">3</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">2</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">3</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">0</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">2</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='EventNewState']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">3</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">0</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">2</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='State']</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">3</Value>
    <WMIFields>Name, State</WMIFields>
    I can confirm that I am able to browse the MSCluster_Node class locally, as well as remotely using WMIEXPLORER and WBEMTEST,
    however it only works when I set the Authentication Level to
    Packet Privacy.  If I do not select Packet Privacy, a WMI event log error 5605 is logged on the remote servers application log that says...
    The root\mscluster namespace is marked with the RequiresEncryption flag.  Access to this namespace might be denied if the script or application does not have the appropriate authentication level.  Change the authentication level to Pkt_Privacy
    and run the script or application again.
    I can confirm that all firewalls are turned off, and there are no firewalls between the management servers and the agents in question.  AV exclusions have been done and appear to be in place.  The nodes are all Windows 2008 R2 with SP1.  As
    far as I can tell there is plenty of memory available on each of the nodes in question (50%+) of RAM is available. 
    If I manually run the "Discover the Windows Server 2008 R2 Cluster Components" task in the Cluster Service State section of the management pack in the Monitoring Pane in the console, on the nodes in question - the discovery runs successfully.
    Does anybody have any other ideas or suggestions I could try?
    Many thanks in advance,

    Common causes of RPC errors include:
    Errors resolving a DNS or NetBIOS name.
    The RPC service or related services may not be running.
    Problems with network connectivity.
    File and printer sharing is not enabled.
    For more information, please review the link below:
    Windows Server Troubleshooting: "The RPC server is unavailable"
    Troubleshooting RPC Errors
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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       I found a property in the help document named "IsLookupSupported". Is it the key?  But I saw it was gray in the field I created, and its value is "false". I could not change it.

    Hi, Tamas,
    I found the reason. The function Z_WEBRFC_READ_DATA_SH had a string concatenation error.
    CONCATENATE '{"results":[{"key": "shlpname", "value": "' l_shlp '"},"key": "fieldname", "value": "' l_field '"}]}' INTO htmldoc-line.
    The correct code is like:
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    thanks & regards,

    Hi Naveen.
    I would like to suggest a couple of references,
    [SDN - Standard Reference for create a search help for own fields in selection screen |How to create a search help for my own fields in selection screen;
    [SDN - Standard Reference for Attaching search help to standard screen|Attach search help to standard screen;
    [SDN - Reference for want to add a field in standard search help screen|want to add a field in standard search help screen;
    [SDN - Reference for Attaching a search help to a standard screen - Case 2 |attaching a search help to a standard screen;
    Hope that's usefull.
    Good Luck & Regards.
    Harsh Dave

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    Can you mark the thread as Helpful  and once marked the information can be reviewed by other customer for similar queries

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    You need to do something like this:
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                   UserManager usrService = oimClient.getService(UserManager.class);
                   Set<String> retAttrs = new HashSet<String>();
                   List<oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.vo.User> users =, retAttrs, null);
                   System.out.println("ORG KEY :: " + users.get(0).getAttribute("act_key"));

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    Hi jyothsna vankadari ,
    ther is a convenient way to find all BADIS called. You may know that BADIS are the newer version of EXITs.
    I would suggest you to go for BADI.
    Follow the below steps to find out what all BADI's are called when you press any button in any transaction.
    1) Goto se24 (Display class cl_exithandler)
    2) Double click on the method GET_INSTANCE.
    3) Put a break point at Line no.25 (CASE sy-subrc).
    4) Execute SAP standard transaction
    5) Press the required button for which you need to write an exit logic, the execution will stop at the break point.
    6) Check the values of variable 'exit_name', it will give you the BADI name called at that time.
    7) This way you will find all the BADIs called on click of any button in any transaction.

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    I want to know how to increase the table space for a particular table and how to check the table space size of a particular table. Please can any one send the SQL Script. I am very much poor in DBA Part.
    Thanking You ..

    Kiran - you should post this question on the SQL/Database forums - this is a Forms specific forum...
    Grant Ronald
    Forms PRoduct Management

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    You cannot lock specific applications or folders, but you can set a passcode on your iPad:
    Setting a Passcode on an iOS Device

Maybe you are looking for