How to run the procedure in SQL editor

Schema Temp, Package Name = Pk_DRmanagement
PROCEDURE LoadCardRefundRequests(v_streamer_batch_id IN NUMBER,
vDebugLevel IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, RowsProcessed OUT NUMBER )
I use the following in SQL editor to compile and encounter problem. Can you help me with the correct implementation
declare vCnt number;
execute vCnt := Temp.Pk_DRmanagement.LoadCardRefundRequests(10407, 0);
Just Do It

vCnt number;
Temp.Pk_DRmanagement.LoadCardRefundRequests(10407, vCnt );

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    Procedure test_proc(Req_Hdr_id IN VARCHAR2, uname IN VARCHAR2
    l_request_id NUMBER:=0;
    p_resp_appl_id NUMBER :=401;
    p_resp_id NUMBER := 20634;
    p_user_id NUMBER := 5993;
    update xxkfupm01.kfupm_mcr_request_header
    set status='Under_Proc'
    where request_hdr_id=Req_Hdr_id;
    This is procedure is define in package .how to run this procedure.
    Edited by: user11309801 on Jan 2, 2011 9:38 PM

    Try This:-
    req_hdr_id VARCHAR2 (200);
    uname VARCHAR2 (200);
    req_hdr_id := NULL;
    uname := NULL;
    <<PackageName>>.test_proc (req_hdr_id, uname);
    Also ,add exceptions in the procedure.

  • How to run the same procedure in parallel for different parameter value.

    Hi There,
    I am currently working on extracting data in to flat file and I am able to do so for one revenue month (e.g. 200101) using PL/SQL procedure(get_rev_data). it takes almost 1 hour to execute the procedure completely and it generates 400 MB data file. Now I have to run this procedure for last 10 yrs of data (i.e. 120 revenue months) . my prolem here is to figure out a way/logic in such a way that I can run the procedure in parallel for each revenue month and at the same time it will write the data in respective data file for each revenue month. so the final result of this exercise would be 120 flat files, one for each revenue month with file names like
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    Hi Smit,
    Thanks for the advise. I am not planning to run for all 120 months at once. actually I am planning to run like 1 year (12 revenue months at a time). I am not sure if that will work well but I was planning to run this through shell script (Unix) and will call the same procedure with different parameter (revenue_month and Thread_number) values and see what happens. I hope that will run in parallel for each revenue month.
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    SET LINESIZE 32767
    SET PAGESIZE 50000
    /* SET LINESIZE 3000
    SET PAGESIZE 50000
    SPOOL &&EnterPath;
    SELECT * FROM &&TableName;
    PROMPT Done.
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    values (3003,'jon');
    END "TEST1";
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    You have to take care of certain measures other thatn just drag and drop the Oracle procedure to the .NET form.
    Following is a simple code to call an Oracle procedure from the C#.Net form
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.SessionState;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace TEST1
         public class CallingProcs : System.Web.UI.Page
              protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button1;
              protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtYear;
              OracleConnection conn;
              private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                   // Put user code to initialize the page here
                   string oradb = "Data Source=ORA1;User Id=SCOTT;Password=TIGER;";
    conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
              #region Web Form Designer generated code
              override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
                   // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
              /// <summary>
              /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
              /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
              /// </summary>
              private void InitializeComponent()
                   this.Button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Button1_Click);
                   this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);
              private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                   //OracleCommand dbcmd = new OracleCommand();
                   OracleCommand dbcmd = conn.CreateCommand ();
                   dbcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                   dbcmd.CommandText = "TEST1";
                        dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
                        Response.Write("Excecuted succesfully");
                   catch(Exception ex)
    Most of the above code is generated automatically. I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003 , C# for it.
    The design view of the form contains a button named 'Button1' and the code is aimed to call the procedure 'TEST1' on clicking the button.
    Hope this will give you a start to using oracle from .NET

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    In Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package is replaced by the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. The DBMS_JOB package is now depricated and in Oracle 10g it's only provided for backward compatibility. From Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package should not be used any more, because is could not exist in a future version of Oracle.
    With DBMS_SCHEDULER Oracle procedures and functions can be executed. Also binary and shell-scripts can be scheduled.
    If you have DBA rights you can do all the scheduling. For administering job scheduling you need the privileges belonging to the SCHEDULER_ADMIN role. To create and run jobs in your own schedule you need the 'CREATE JOB' privilege.
    With DBMS_JOB you needed to set an initialization parameter to start a job coordinator background process. With Oracle 10g DBMS_SCHEDULER this is not needed any more.
    If you want to user resource plans and/or consumer groups you need to set a system parameter:
    Baisc Parts: Job
    A job instructs the scheduler to run a specific program at a specific time on a specific date.
    A program contains the code (or reference to the code ) that needs to be run to accomplish a task. It also contains parameters that should be passed to the program at runtime. And it?s an independent object that can referenced by many jobs
    A schedule contains a start date, an optional end date, and repeat interval with these elements; an execution schedule can be calculated.
    A window identifies a recurring block of time during which a specific resource plan should be enabled to govern resource allocation for the database.
    Job groups
    A job group is a logical method of classifying jobs with similar characteristics.
    Window groups
    A window groups is a logical method of grouping windows. They simplify the management of windows by allowing the members of the group to be manipulated as one object. Unlike job groups, window groups don?t set default characteristics for windows that belong to the group.
    Using Job Scheduler
    SQL> drop table emp;
    SQL> Create table emp (eno int, esal int);
    SQL > begin
    dbms_scheduler.create_job (
    job_name => 'test_abc',
    job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    job_action => 'update emp set esal=esal*10 ;',
    start_date => SYSDATE,
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY; INTERVAL=10',
    comments => 'Iam tesing scheduler');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    To verify that job was created, the DBA | ALL | USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS view can be queried.
    SQL> select job_name,enabled,run_count from user_scheduler_jobs;
    TEST_abc FALSE 0
    Note :
    As you can see from the results, the job was indeed created, but is not enabled because the ENABLE attribute was not explicitly set in the CREATE_JOB procedure.
    Run your job
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_scheduler.run_job('TEST_abc',TRUE);
    3* end;
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select job_name,enabled,run_count from user_scheduler_jobs;
    Copying Jobs
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_scheduler.copy_job('TEST_ABC','NEW_TEST_ABC');
    3 END;
    4 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Hope it will help you upto some level..!!

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    I am new to owb pls say that how to run the already created mappings in owb.My dba have loaded the data in the oracle i neeed to uppend the data in to owb.pls help me.
    Edited by: 814740 on Nov 23, 2010 12:49 AM

    You need to make sure that OWB control center service is running . You can check this by show_service.sql (OWB_HOMW\owb\rtp\sql)
    Then logon to OWB designer --- > goto control center ----> select the mapping you want to run .
    Verify that it is deployed successfully . If yes the click on start , your mapping execution will start .
    See the result .

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    I want to modify stored procedures in SQL Azure database in SQL Server Express 2012. But when right click on the stored procedure in Object Explorer, there is no option "Modify" as for SQL Server database. I wonder how to modify stored procedures in SQL
    Azure database in SQL Server Express 2012. Thanks.

    Not sure whay there is no modify..
    As a workaround can you try this and see if you can modify proc..
    Script Procedure As-> Alter To->New query window..
    - Chintak (My Blog)

  • How to run the cursor

    can i knw how to run the cursor from the package. The cursor name is "cursor fet_rec".
    procedure update_hdr is
    cursor fet_rec is
    i rhave the run procdure but i am unable to run the cursor.
    procedure update_hdr is
    cursor fet_rec is
    select status, request_hdr_id
    from xxkfupm01.kfupm_mcr_request_header
    where status = 'Approved'
    for update;
    cnt1 NUMBER := 0;
    cnt2 NUMBER := 0;
    for rec in fet_rec Loop
    select count(*)
    into cnt1
    from XXKFUPM01.kfupm_mcr_request_details
    where request_hdr_id = REC.REQUEST_HDR_ID;
    select count(*)
    into cnt2
    from XXKFUPM01.kfupm_mcr_request_details
    where request_hdr_id = REC.REQUEST_HDR_ID
    and status = 'Complete';
    if (cnt1 = cnt2) THEN
    update xxkfupm01.kfupm_mcr_request_header
    set status = 'Complete'
    where current of fet_rec;
    END IF;
    Edited by: user11309801 on Jan 3, 2011 6:56 AM
    Edited by: user11309801 on Jan 3, 2011 7:00 AM

  • How to Run the NEW "System Info Command" in Tiger ?????

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    The "system info" command that red_menace uses above is the new system info command that's mentioned on the web page you referenced. However, red's example only displays the "long user name" and the "AppleScript version" in the dialog.
    The entire system info record actually contains all of these items, each of which you can access just like red_menace shows you in his example:
    AppleScript version
    AppleScript Studio version
    system version
    short user name
    long user name
    user ID
    user locale
    home directory
    boot volume
    computer name
    host name
    IPv4 address
    primary Ethernet address
    CPU type
    CPU speed
    physical memory
    PS - if you switch Script Editor over so the bottom pane displays the "Event Log" you'll see the entire system info record displayed in the log when you run red_menace's script.

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    Hi All,
    how to run the JNLP file from the remote machine from our command line. I have requirement to run this JNLP file in java 1.4.2 version. Can any one tell me the procedure or the steps that are needed to run this file at command prompt.
    Edited by: VPrasanna on May 19, 2008 4:43 AM

    I am getting "** access denied ( connect,resolve)**" when I start the Web Start Client. >This seems like a largely separate problem to running the JNLP from the command line. It might have been better to end this thread (assign the dukes) and start a new one.
    ..Can you help me in resolving this issue. >However, I suspect I can guess the problem.
    If this app. is normally hosted on then it can 'phone home' to the server without further permission, but if you are running it from the command line, that might not be the codebase anymore.
    If you wish to do 'local testing' of such an app., I would recommend setting up a server like Tomcat on the local machine, and serving the test app. directly off that.
    ..Its urgent...>Sun offers a number of options for urgent matters, such as support tickets. Perhaps you should look into one of those.

  • How to run the code generator

    I urgently need to know how to run the code generator using creator. Can anyone assist? I cant find any tips in the forums.

    I am following the procedure to create a new custom component (or extend an existing component) available at
    Part of the procedure says: you need to use the JSC to run the code generator based on sun-faces-config.xml metadata.

  • How to run the BAPI after creation or Modification ?

    HI Abapers,
    How to run the BAPI after creation or Modification ? What is the step by step procedure to run the the BAPI?
    Immediate reply is highely appriciable.

    If you have done with BAPI creation correctly Run it similar to the fun mdule which we run in SE37 calling this BAPi in the program with CALL FUNCTION and passing the necessary parameters
    see the sample bapi code how it is called in Program
    data : w_resb_header like bapirkpfc.
    data: begin of itab_resb occurs 0.
    include structure bapiresbc.
    data: end of itab_resb.
    data: begin of itab_bapi_return occurs 0.
    include structure bapireturn.
    data: end of itab_bapi_return.
    data : w_resb_no like bapirkpfc-res_no.
    w_resb_header-plant = p_werks.
    w_resb_header-res_date = sy-datum.
    w_resb_header-created_by = sy-uname.
    w_resb_header-cost_ctr = '0000010001'.
    w_resb_header-move_type = '201'.
    w_resb_header-gr_rcpt = w_room_time.
    w_resb_header-part_acct = 'OR'.
    loop at i_details.
    itab_resb-material = i_details-matnr.
    itab_resb-plant = i_details-werks.
    itab_resb-store_loc = i_details-lgort.
    itab_resb-quantity = i_details-qty.
    itab_resb-unit = i_details-meins.
    append itab_resb.
    clear itab_resb.
    clear i_details.
    call function 'BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE'
    reservation_header = w_resb_header
    reservation = w_resb_no
    reservation_items = itab_resb
    return = itab_bapi_return
    call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
    wait = 'X'
    RETURN =    .
    wait up to 5 seconds.
    w_resb_no contains your reservations numnber

  • How to debugg the procedure..pls give example program

    how to debugg the procedure..pls give example program

    There are various methods available to debug your procedure, like dbms_output, utl_file and some third party debugger like PL/SQL developer, TOAD,
    SQL Navigator or SQL Developer.
    Try any one of those.

  • How to run a procedure

    hello folks,
    i want to run a procedure stored in oracle...follwing is the sample procedure....
    create or replace procedure test_sample
    cv_1 in out sys_refcursor
    open cv_1 for
    select * from visit;
    when i run the procedure, it only shows that...+anonymous bolck completed+.... but it never shows the output
    (assuming that table visit have around 20 columns)
    do i need to create another cursor for displaying the result(records)?
    plz help....

    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> var my_cursor refcursor;
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_proc(p_Cursor_Handle in out sys_refcursor)
      2  is
      3  begin
      4     open p_Cursor_handle
      5     for
      6     select * from dual;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec test_proc(:my_cursor);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print :my_cursor;
    XCheck this link for more information.

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