How to send mail to multiple addresses without anyone seeing who else is on mail

how do I send mulitple addresses info but hide each other from knowing that others are getting the email.

Send it to yourself in the To: field, or leave it blank.
Put the other addresses in the BCC: (Blind Carbon Copy)  field.

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    Was wondering if there was a way to sharing a PDF without users seeing who else has access?

    Sorry, not using It is possible using the Adobe Acrobat.

  • Sending email to multiple address using Utl_Smtp

    I want to send email to multiple address using the Utl_Smtp feature.
    When I am sending email to one email address in the To:Field it works fine.However, when I send
    to multiple address I am getting the below error.I am using a table(Email_test) to store all email id.
    Error report:
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 20
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 98
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 240
    ORA-06512: at line 48
    29279. 00000 - "SMTP permanent error: %s"
    *Cause:    A SMTP permanent error occurred.
    *Action:   Correct the error and retry the SMTP operation.
    I am trying two options both ways I am getting error
    Option 1:
    Selecting two email id indivually in the select query as below
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U1';
    select email into v_Recipient2 from Email_test where Key_name='U2';
    v_Recipient := v_Recipient1||';'||v_Recipient2;
    Option 2:
    Is there a way to use option
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U4';
    Create table Script
    create table Email_test (Email varchar2(100),Key_name varchar2(10));
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U1');
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U2');
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U3')
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]','U4');
    select * from Email_test
    [email protected]                         U1
    [email protected]                         U2
    [email protected]                         U3
    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]     U4
    select * from Email_test where Key_name in ('U1','U2','U3')
    [email protected]     U1
    [email protected]     U2
    [email protected]     U3
    select * from Email_test where Key_name='U4'
    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
    PL/SQL Block
    v_From VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
    v_cc VARCHAR2(80);
    v_Recipient VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Recipient1 VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Recipient2 VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Subject VARCHAR2(80);
    v_Mail_Host VARCHAR2(50);
    v_Mail_Conn utl_smtp.Connection;
    crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
    --Mail Host name
    select VALUE into v_Mail_Host from Server_info where server_name = 'SMTPServer';
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U1';
    select email into v_Recipient2 from Email_test where Key_name='U2';
    v_Recipient := v_Recipient1||';'||v_Recipient2;
    --for CC
    select email into v_cc from Email_test where Key_name='U3';
    v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
    utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);
    utl_smtp.Mail(v_Mail_Conn, v_From);
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_Recipient);
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_cc); -- To CC recepient
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_BCC); To BCC recepient
    'Date: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
    'From: ' || v_From || crlf ||
    'Subject: '|| v_Subject || crlf ||
    'To: ' || v_Recipient || crlf ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || crlf ||
    'Content-Type: text/html;' ||crlf ||
    --'Hello this is a test email');
    crlf || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf );
    Any suggestion how to approach this issue.
    Thank you

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol RFC 5321 specifications.
          RCPT TO:<forward-path> [ SP <rcpt-parameters> ] <CRLF>
       The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path
       (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by "&gt;" and "&lt;"
       brackets) identifying one recipient.In other words, you can only define a SINGLE mailbox address at a time. Multiple addresses requires multiple repeats of this command verb, once per maibox.
    Do not confuse this and the To: tag line in the Mime header that contains a comma delimited list of recipients. That tag line can contain anything - it is not parsed, not checked, and not verified as matching the actual recipient mailboxes as specified via the RCPT TO verb.

  • How can send mails using hotmail/rediffmail domain name?

    I have used the below code to send a mail using javamail API?Even when I am sending my application does not have notified any of error/exceptions,But the message is not reached to I have given receipient's address in the to field.
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import javax.activation.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Sendmail1 extends HttpServlet {
    private String smtpHost;
    // Initialize the servlet with the hostname of the SMTP server
    // we'll be using the send the messages
    public void init(ServletConfig config)
    throws ServletException {
    smtpHost = config.getInitParameter("smtpHost");
    //smtpHost = "sbm5501";
    smtpHost = "";
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, {
    String from = request.getParameter("from");
    String to "[email protected]";
    String cc = "[email protected]";
    String bcc ="[email protected]";
    String smtp ="";
    String subject = "hai";
    String text = "Hai how r u";
    PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
    if (subject == null)
    subject = "Null";
    if (text == null)
    text = "No message";
    String status;
    try {
    // Create the JavaMail session
    java.util.Properties properties = System.getProperties();
    if (smtp == null)
    smtp = "";
    properties.put("", smtp);
    Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, null);
    //to connect
    //Transport transport =session.getTransport("smtp");
    // Construct the message
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    // Set the from address
    Address fromAddress = new InternetAddress(from);
    // Parse and set the recipient addresses
    Address[] toAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(to);
    Address[] ccAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(cc);
    Address[] bccAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(to);
    // Set the subject and text
    //status = "<h1>Congratulations,</h1><h2>Your message was sent.</h2>";
    } catch (AddressException e)
    status = "There was an error parsing the addresses. " + e;
    } catch (SendFailedException e)
    status = "<h1>Sorry,</h1><h2>There was an error sending the message.</h2>" + e;
    } catch (MessagingException e)
    status = "There was an unexpected error. " + e;
    // Output a status message
    writer.println("<title>sendForm</title><body bgcolor= ><b><h3><font color=green><CENTER>CALIBERINFO.COM</CENTER></h3>Your message was sent to recepient(s).<br><font color=red>"+"\n"+to);
    writer.println("<br><br><a href=e:/mail/javamail/mail.html>back to compose</a>");
    Please any one help me out from this probs.
    Awaiting for yours reply,
    or give me a reply to: [email protected]

    how can send mails using hotmail/rediffmail domain name?In your java application,you specified as your
    smtp server.But that is the address of that website.Try will a smtp
    server instead.For a list of free smtp servers,please visit
    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck.
    Gayam.Srinivasa Reddy
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • How to send mail with attachment

    How to send mail with word document as attachment in oracle pl/sql.
    kindly help me .
    thank you
    P Prakash

    create or replace procedure pdf_mail(
        p_sender     varchar2, -- sender, example: 'Me <[email protected]>'
        p_recipients varchar2, -- recipients, example: 'Someone <[email protected]>'
        p_subject    varchar2, -- subject
    p_text   varchar2, -- text
    p_filename  varchar2, -- name of pdf file
    p_blob   blob     -- pdf file
    ) is
      conn      utl_smtp.connection;
      i number;
      len number;
      conn := demo_mail.begin_mail(
        sender     => p_sender,
        recipients => p_recipients,
        subject    => p_subject,
        mime_type  => demo_mail.MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE);
        conn         => conn,
        mime_type    => 'application/pdf',
        inline       => TRUE,
        filename     => p_filename,
        transfer_enc => 'base64');
        -- split the Base64 encoded attachment into multiple lines
       i   := 1;
       len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(p_blob);
       WHILE (i < len) LOOP
          IF(i + demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH < len)THEN
             UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn
                                    , UTL_ENCODE.Base64_Encode(
                                            DBMS_LOB.Substr(p_blob, demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH, i)));
             UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn
                                    , UTL_ENCODE.Base64_Encode(
                                            DBMS_LOB.Substr(p_blob, (len - i)+1,  i)));
          END IF;
          UTL_SMTP.Write_Data(conn, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
          i := i + demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH;
       END LOOP;
      demo_mail.end_attachment(conn => conn);
        conn      => conn,
        data      => p_text,
        mime_type => 'text/html');
      demo_mail.end_mail( conn => conn );
    Edited by: Mahanam on Jan 9, 2011 10:32 PM

  • How to send mail to distribution list ?

    Hi Everybody,
    Pls let me know how to send mail to distributed list???
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
      Use Function Module 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'.
      U need to pass Distribution list to Receiver and 'C' to receiver type refer the below code for clarification.
    Determine the Distribution List.
            gv_rec_list-receiver = gv_distribution.
            gv_rec_list-rec_type = 'C'.
            APPEND gv_rec_list.
    Check if Distribution List is deleted.
            SELECT SINGLE objnam
                     FROM soid
                     INTO lc_objnam
                     WHERE objnam = gv_rec_list AND
                           dlitp  = lc_dli.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  document_data              = gv_doc_data
                  document_type              = 'RAW'
                  put_in_outbox              = 'X'
                  object_content             = gv_obj_cont
                  receivers                  = gv_rec_list
                  too_many_receivers         = 1
                  document_not_sent          = 2
                  document_type_not_exist    = 3
                  operation_no_authorization = 4.
              CASE sy-subrc.
                WHEN '1'.
                 message i001(as) with 'TOO MANY RECEIVERS'.
                WHEN '2'.
                 message i001(as) with 'DOCUMENT NOT SENT'.
                WHEN '3'.
                 message i001(as) with 'DOCUMENT TYPE DOES NOT EXIST'.
                WHEN '4'.
                 message i001(as) with 'OPERATION NO AUTHORIZATION'.
              Hope this might have helped you.

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    How can I change my icloud address without having to set up a new account?

    Hello MeaganJ
    Check out the article below for further information on changing the email address for your Apple ID. Note that if it is an email address ending in you cannot change it.
    Apple ID: Changing your Apple ID
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

  • How to send mail in html format in jsp???

    Hello everybody,
    I have two jsp pages.In one page I have the heading like Date,Transaction.I am retriving data from my second jsp page.And I hae included the second jsp page to my first jsp page.How to send mail this content in html format.

    MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(session);
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    messageBodyPart.setContent(content, "text/html");this if u need to send a mail content as html

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    How to send mail in APEX 4.1 using PLSQL?
    Thanks In advance.

  • How to Send mail in oracle 10g

    I am new in oracle developer.....we are using oracle 10g to send mail through oracle 10g on a button click.pease help me.
    Thanks in advance

    This question have been asked many times on this forum, see if you get help from following:
    Search results:
    Check this out as well:
    You can find init.ora or initSID.ora file under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs on linux and on Windows under $ORACLE_HOME/database. Otherwise you can create it using "create pfile from spfile" command

  • How to send notifications to multiple person with same role and with result

    How to send notifications to multiple people with resultout as approve/reject?
    We are looping the notification by attaching a cursor query to find the different emp nos to send for approval.
    I cannot associate a role because these emp nos are sub-set of a role which I have created and i am getting thru the cursor query.
    For FYI notification there is no problem, but for approval notification, I am not unable to send approval notifications to all the people.It stops at the first person in the loop.Pls suggest alternate way. Thanks in advance.

    I would use the cursor to populate the API for creating an ad-hoc role within the workflow process as a function. Then set your notification performer as the ad-hoc role.
    Here is an example function:
    create or replace procedure sample_emp_fill(itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout in out varchar2) as
    cursor get_name is
    select ename from scott.emp where mgr = 7839 and empno != 7566;
    role_name varchar2(50);
    names varchar2(500);
    if (funcmode = 'RUN') then
    role_name := 'ad_hoc_role_'|| itemkey;
    for row in get_name loop
    names := names || row.ename || ' ';
    end loop;
    WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole( role_name=>role_name,
    email_address=>' ',
    resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_null;
    end if;

  • How to send emails to Multiple Users from a Single People Picker lookup field using Sharepoint designer workflow

    Hi All,
    I am working with SharePoint 2013 designer workflow. we are using office 365.
    Our requirement to send email to multiple users, get the user groups from lookup list people and groups column.
    But SP designer sending emails to the first user alone.
    Please guide me to proceed.
    Advance Thanks.
    Jenkins NS
    Thanks and Regards Jenkins

    finally I got a solution
     Identified a workaround to solve the issue using SharePoint designer.
    Step 1
    Create a lookup list Example department
    Title (by default) – Single line of text
    Users – Person or Group
    Emails – Multiple lines of text
    hidden the Emails column (go to content type and set the column as hidden)
    Create a SharePoint designer Workflow
    Start Workflow automatically when an item is created
    Also Start Workflow automatically when an item is changed
    Workflow Stage 1
    Set Emails to current Item: Users
    The workflow will get all users email ids and add in the Emails column delimiter as semicolon.
    Step 2
    Create a custom list to get the email ids and send email
    Create a lookup column ex: analysis and refer department list, Allow multiple values
    Then Create a SharePoint designer workflow
    full details workflow steps please follow below
    Thanks and Regards Jenkins

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    Better to post your topic in the dedicated Numbers community >  Numbers for Mac: iWork: Apple Support Communities

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    How to send a mail to multiple mail addresses using Mail package. I tried by giving multiple mail addresses separated by semicolon(as well as comma) to the To field of the Mail Package structure, it gives Invalid Address error in Message Monitoring. But if i give a single mail address it works. How to address multiple email addresses.

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