How to split the string by datetime in sql

How to split the string by datetime in sql, I've a table with comments column stores comments by datetime, while selecting I want to split and show as in rows by each jobref.
can anyone help me in this please.

declare @callcentre table (comments varchar(max),lbiref varchar(200))
insert into @callcentre
select '(28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated   (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910201'
insert into @callcentre
select '(29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated   (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910202'
insert into @callcentre
select '(30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated  
1) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910201'
 2) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910201'
3) 28/10/2014 14:57:41,  (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated,'Vi2910201'
4) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910202'
 5) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910202'
6) 28/10/2014 14:57:41,  (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated,'Vi2910202'
7) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910203'
 8) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910203'
See this illustration
declare @callcentre table (comments varchar(max),lbiref varchar(200))
insert into @callcentre
select '(28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910201'
insert into @callcentre
select '(29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910202'
insert into @callcentre
select '(30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910203'
SELECT LEFT(p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)'),CHARINDEX(')',p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)'))-1) AS [Date],
'(' + p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)') AS comments,
SELECT lbiref,CAST('<Root>' + STUFF(REPLACE(comments,'(','</Data><Data>'),1,7,'') + '</Data></Root>' AS XML) AS x
FROM @callcentre c
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/Root/Data')p(u)
and the output
Date comments lbiref
28/10/2014 14:56:14 (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910201
28/10/2014 14:56:58 (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910201
28/10/2014 14:57:41 (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated Vi2910201
29/10/2014 14:56:14 (29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910202
29/10/2014 14:56:58 (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910202
29/10/2014 14:57:41 (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated Vi2910202
30/10/2014 14:56:14 (30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910203
30/10/2014 14:56:58 (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910203
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    what may be the issue and how to split the string with "." ?
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    "." is a special character.
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    Edited by: user627525 on Dec 15, 2011 11:49 AM

    Try this - may not be the best way but...:
    create or replace type myTableType as table of varchar2(255)
    v_array mytabletype;
    v_new_str varchar2(4000);
    function str2tbl
             (p_str   in varchar2,
              p_delim in varchar2 default '.')
             return      myTableType
            l_str        long default p_str || p_delim;
             l_n        number;
             l_data     myTableType := myTabletype();
                l_n := instr( l_str, p_delim );
                exit when (nvl(l_n,0) = 0);
                l_data( l_data.count ) := ltrim(rtrim(substr(l_str,1,l_n-1)));
                l_str := substr( l_str, l_n+length(p_delim) );
            end loop;
            return l_data;
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             v_new_str := v_new_str || ''''||v_array(i)||'''' || ',';
          END LOOP;
       dbms_output.put_line(RTRIM(v_new_str, ','));
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    I need to split the string like this.
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    mid("HelloWorld", 2, 5);
    it should print   "ello"
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    This one how to do in labview.

    String Subset is the function you are looking for.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Thanks in Advance,

    sy-index will give u the iteration number.
    first of all in this program u are counting the length of the string and it was in variable LEN.
    we are always printing the string from 0 index(1st character) to POS number of characters.
    length is 5 so LNG = 5 * 2 = 10 and LNG = 10 - 1 = 9.and first sy-index =,1 <= 5 so POS = 0 + 1 = 1. it is printing the first char
    second sy-index =,2 <= 5 so POS = 1 + 1 = 2. it is printing the first two chars
    third sy-index =,3 <= 5 so POS = 2 + 1 = 3. it is printing the first three chars
    forth sy-index =,4 <= 5 so POS = 3 + 1 = 4. it is printing the first four chars
    fifth sy-index =,5 <= 5 so POS = 4 + 1 = 5. it is printing the first five chars
    sixth sy-index =,6 > 5 so POS = 5 - 1 = 4. it is printing the first four chars
    seventh sy-index =,7 > 5 so POS = 4 - 1 = 3. it is printing the first three chars
    eighth sy-index =,8 > 5 so POS = 3 - 1 = 2. it is printing the first two chars
    ninth sy-index =,9 > 5 so POS = 2 - 1 = 1. it is printing the first char

  • How to split a string having string as delimiter instude of char?

    Hello Gurus,
    I want to split the string and work on each split string.
    The following code will do, but not exactly.
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    //File fileData = new File("myfile.txt");
    // This will have coma separated fields data
    // while traversing this file will readLine() give the string, that is strRecord
    // BufferedReader bfrdRdrObj = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(strDataFile));
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    System.out.println(++iCoutner+"Field: "+strTknRec.nextToken());
    Please, give me hint.
    Thanks in advance.
    ~ SubbaReddy .M

    Hello Guru,
    Here "myfile.txt" CSV file.
    each line represented treated as a record and coma seperated string is treated as fields.
    But, one of the fields data may have the coma in the string itself. So, # or " (double quote) has been place before and end of the field data as a string qualifier.
    //File fileData = new File("myfile.txt");
    // This will have coma separated fields data
    // while traversing this file will readLine() give the string, that is strRecord
    // BufferedReader bfrdRdrObj = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(strDataFile));
    //while ((strThisLine = bfrdRdrObj.readLine()) != null) {..........
    String strRecord = #A001#,#User1#,#this is record, so need to split and place, insert into table#;
    StringTokenizer strTknRec = new StringTokenizer(strRecord,"#,#");
    int iCounter=0;
    System.out.println(++iCoutner+"Field: "+strTknRec.nextToken());
    And I would like to run this JRE 1.3.1
    Hope, String.split() in JRE 1.4.0 beta will some what resolve this.
    But, how to do it on JRE 1.3.1
    Please, give me hint.
    Thanks in advance.

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    You need to get the Node and node value of the selected column like this.
    METHOD on_double_click.
        DATA: lr_nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes,
              lr_node  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node,
              lr_val   TYPE REF TO  cl_salv_item,
              lr_data  TYPE REF TO data.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_val> TYPE ANY.
        lr_nodes = gr_tree->get_nodes( ).           " All nodes
        lr_node = lr_nodes->get_node( node_key ).   " selected node
        IF columnname IS NOT INITIAL.
          lr_val =  lr_node->get_item( columnname ).   " Object for selected column
          lr_data = lr_val->get_value( ).              " value of selected column
          ASSIGN lr_data->* TO <lv_val>.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "on_double_click
    Naimesh Patel

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    Without further info, you best bet will probably be to convert the number into a String and extract the characters for whatever purpose you need of them, and convert each back to a Number if that is your ultimate use for them.
    var number = 10;
    for(i=0; i<String(number).length; i++){

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    how to split this string (char1)char2(char3)char4 into (char1)char2 , (char3)char4?
    String[] result = "(char1)char2(char3)char4".split("\\(");I want :
    result[0] = "(char1)char2" and
    result[0] = "(char3)char4"
    acutally char1,char2,char3, char4 ... is in the form of the below.
    (any charactors except round brace)any charactors except round brace(any charactors except round brace)any charactors except round brace
    I prefer String.split and Pattern.compile().split.
    Edited by: iamjhkang on Feb 5, 2009 3:37 PM
    Edited by: iamjhkang on Feb 5, 2009 3:41 PM

    iamjhkang wrote:
    especially on
    ?= and ?<
    Thanks.The following:
    (?=...)   // positive look ahead
    (?!...)   // negative look ahead
    (?<=...)  // positive look behind
    (?<!...)  // negative look behindare all "look-arounds". See: []

  • How to Split the message content?

    Hi ....
        I am having an input File like below format.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:MT_ISO8583 xmlns:ns0="">
       <Field1></Field1> -
    0 to 1
       <Filed2></Filed2> -
    0 to 1
       <Filed3></Filed3> -
    0 to unbounded
    Here Field 3 is repeating many times. The value in the Field 3 has to be splitted and should be mapped to the target feilds. Field 3 will stop repeating until when the first value in the field 3 is N.
    The length of the field is 142 characters in length.
    The field should be splitted based on the following structure.
    More data flag : 1 char (u2018Yu2019/u2019Nu2019) This indicates whether there are more records for the given criteria.
    Number of statements : 2char (00 to 20) Number of statements in this fetch
    The following are repeated as many number of statements
    Transaction date : 8 char ( YYYYMMDD )
    Transaction Id : 9 char (right justified, left padded with spaces)
    Part tran serial num : 4 char (right justified left padded with spaces)
    Tran Type : 1 char ( C - Cash, T - Transfer, L - Clearing )
    Tran sub type : 2 char ( BI, CI, NP, NR)
    Debit credit indicator : 1 char ( D - Debit, C - Credit )
    Tran value date : 8 char ( YYYYMMDD )
    Transaction Amount : 17 char ( with decimal )
    Transaction particulars : 50 Char (left justified, right padded with spaces)
    Transaction Posted date : 14 char ( YYYYMMDDHHMISS )
    Instrument number : 8 char (right justified, left padded with spaces)
    Balance at the end of the transaction : 17 char ( with decimal )
    Can you help me , how to split the message content in the field3?
    Below is the sample message.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:MT_ISO8583 xmlns:ns0="">
       <Filed3><Y0820090127S275433861005TBIC20090127 4872.14EDC/212-213-/M000044375340045 20090127151 959 32663.7620090127S278456264276TBIC20090127 5290.45EDC/214-215-/M000044375340045 20090127205840 37954.2120090131S299799314797TBIC20090131 1883.88EDC/216-216-/M000044375340045 20090131104028 39838.0920090202S31532814 662TBIC20090202 3105.37EDC/217-217-/M00004 4375340045 20090202121514 42943.4620090205S337981634779TBIC20090205 2052.20EDC/2 18-218-/M000044375340045 20090205104040 44995.6620090205 M53898 1CNPD20090205 42000.00TO CASH/SELF 20090205111633 12824 2995.6620090207S354072734740TBIC20 090207 4429.21EDC/219-219-/M000044375340045 20090207112958 7424.8720090209S3671 72631419TB Field 126: IC20090209 7161.55EDC/220-221-/M000044375340045 20090209122637 14586. 42]]></Filed3>
       <Filed3><Y0820090127S275433861005TBIC20090127 4872.14EDC/212-213-/M000044375340045 20090127151 959 32663.7620090127S278456264276TBIC20090127 5290.45EDC/214-215-/M000044375340045 20090127205840 37954.2120090131S299799314797TBIC20090131 1883.88EDC/216-216-/M000044375340045 20090131104028 39838.0920090202S31532814 662TBIC20090202 3105.37EDC/217-217-/M00004 4375340045 20090202121514 42943.4620090205S337981634779TBIC20090205 2052.20EDC/2 18-218-/M000044375340045 20090205104040 44995.6620090205 M53898 1CNPD20090205 42000.00TO CASH/SELF 20090205111633 12824 2995.6620090207S354072734740TBIC20 090207 4429.21EDC/219-219-/M000044375340045 20090207112958 7424.8720090209S3671 72631419TB Field 126: IC20090209 7161.55EDC/220-221-/M000044375340045 20090209122637 14586. 42]]></Filed3>
       <Filed3><Y0820090127S275433861005TBIC20090127 4872.14EDC/212-213-/M000044375340045 20090127151 959 32663.7620090127S278456264276TBIC20090127 5290.45EDC/214-215-/M000044375340045 20090127205840 37954.2120090131S299799314797TBIC20090131 1883.88EDC/216-216-/M000044375340045 20090131104028 39838.0920090202S31532814 662TBIC20090202 3105.37EDC/217-217-/M00004 4375340045 20090202121514 42943.4620090205S337981634779TBIC20090205 2052.20EDC/2 18-218-/M000044375340045 20090205104040 44995.6620090205 M53898 1CNPD20090205 42000.00TO CASH/SELF 20090205111633 12824 2995.6620090207S354072734740TBIC20 090207 4429.21EDC/219-219-/M000044375340045 20090207112958 7424.8720090209S3671 72631419TB Field 126: IC20090209 7161.55EDC/220-221-/M000044375340045 0090209122637 14586. 42]]></Filed3>
       <Filed3><N0820090127S275433861005TBIC20090127 4872.14EDC/212-213-/M000044375340045 20090127151 959 32663.7620090127S278456264276TBIC20090127 5290.45EDC/214-215-/M000044375340045 20090127205840 37954.2120090131S299799314797TBIC20090131 1883.88EDC/216-216-/M000044375340045 20090131104028 39838.0920090202S31532814 662TBIC20090202 3105.37EDC/217-217-/M00004 4375340045 20090202121514 42943.4620090205S337981634779TBIC20090205 2052.20EDC/2 18-218-/M000044375340045 20090205104040 44995.6620090205 M53898 1CNPD20090205 42000.00TO CASH/SELF 20090205111633 12824 2995.6620090207S354072734740TBIC20 090207 4429.21EDC/219-219-/M000044375340045 20090207112958 7424.8720090209S3671 72631419TB Field 126: IC20090209 7161.55EDC/220-221-/M000044375340045 20090209122637 14586. 42]]></Filed3>
    Thanks & Regards,

    using substring to get values you want, and map to corresponding target nodes except:
       fields3 ->count->Number of statement

  • How to capture the string values

    Hi Gurus,
    Could you plz suggest me how to capture the string value.
    My requirement is.
    I have a structure field called  cnj_stat-sttxt_int and it is storing a value like "REL CDRT AVAC". AND the moddile value CDRT will change according to condtions. now i required to write a logic like if cnj_stat-sttxt_int field contain 'REL' and 'AVAC'.  I HAVE TO THROW SOME ERROR.
    SO please give some idea about on it...
    Its urgent..
    points will be rewarded...
    Thanks in advance!!!!
    Thanks & regards,

    if cnj_stat-sttxt_int field contain 'REL' and 'AVAC'. I HAVE TO THROW SOME ERROR.
    if cnj_stat-sttxt_int CS 'REL' and cnj_stat-sttxt_int CS 'AVAC'.

  • How to split the screen in to 9 different peice ?!?!?!?

    Hi everyone !
    I want to create a video as a gift for my girl as her 20th birthday is coming soon!
    The video I want to create is look like a cubic, with my face all around the centre and looking to her ( a video of her will be in the centre) and 8 different video of mine looking to hers.
    Please show me how to split the video to be like that Thanks !!!!

    Welcome to the forum!
    The video I want to create is look like a cubic, with my face all around the centre and looking to her ( a video of her will be in the centre) and 8 different video of mine looking to hers.
    Put the clip(s) of you on 8 different video tracks in the timeline above each other, and the clip of the girl you want in the center on a 9th video track.
    Double-click one of the clips to open it into the viewer. Click the motion tab. There, adjust the scale value so it is the right size and the center value so that it is correctly positioned. Repeat for the other 8 video tracks.
    Hope this helped,

  • How to split the IDOCS based on document number change whit out BPM

    Hi all,
    Thanks,for giving the responce..
    Scenario:File to IDoc.
    Problum1 : How to Split the IDocs based on document number change in the source file with out BPM.My file contains document numbers like
    I want 3 IDocs in target system.i.e 1 for 20000092,20000092,20000092
                                                       2 for 50000050,50000050
                                                       3 for 5000006
    By using external definations i am getting 6 IDOCs insted of 3.
    Problum 2:Is there any chnges/modifications in Directory when we are using external definations.
    Could u plz provide me the step by step process(Repository/Directory) with using of external definations.
    Thanks in advance.

    for this no need of BPM.
    You can think of Idoc bundling concept to acheive this-just you need to do the external definition to change the idoc occurence
    to achieve for each document no, one idoc, you can write small user defined function in the mapping with context handling you an achieve this.
    For this e.g

  • How to split the report into different versions view 1 agent delivery

    I have a scenario where I need to send a dashboard to multiple users. The user information are stored in the table like the following:
    USER    Day     Car                  Pay Type                    Cost   Email
    Customer Pay
    [email protected]
    Customer Pay + Warranty
    [email protected]
    Customer Pay + Warranty
    [email protected]
    Now I have a dashboard call Car, on this dashboard I have prompts like Date, Car, Pay Type, Cost, pretty much the same name as the columns in the above table. I have also set up session variables to pick up users based on the log in.
    Now for user2, he is getting 1 email, which is the dashboard with both Audi and Porsche on there. Instead, he wants to 2 attachments, 1 for Audi and 1 more Porsche. Is there a way to achieve this using 1 agent?
    Please let me know how to split the result sets based on user records in the table
    Thank you

    Thank You very much for the useful hint.

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