How to unload externally loaded swf which contains 3D Carousel?

Hello to all
I am learning AS3 and have been taking on various tutorials found on the net. While learning about AS3 I came across a lesson on titled "Vertical 3D Carousel with AS3 and XML".
I completed the tutorial and all worked fine so I then wanted to load the swf into a existing project. The loading of the swf goes fine and when I unload my loader it is removed but only visually as in my output panel in flash CS5 I get an error as follows
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at carousel_c_fla::MainTimeline/moveCarousel()
this error repeats over and over again slowing my swf movie.
So does this mean my main flash movie trying to still play / find my unloaded 3D Carousel?
If so how do I unload remove all the AS3 that is trying to run from the 3D Carousel?
I have included the AS3 below from the tutorial page and I understand that this is what I have to remove to "break free" from the 3D Carousel swf when it is unloaded. This is where I am stuck as my knowledge of AS3 is limited - Can you guys / girls help?
//Import TweenMax
import com.greensock.*;
//The path to the XML file (use your own here)
// old var from tutorial - var xmlPath:String = "";
var xmlPath:String = "carousel-menu.xml";
//We'll store the loaded XML to this variable
var xml:XML;
//Create a loader and load the XML. Call the function "xmlLoaded" when done.
var loader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
//This function is called when the XML file is loaded
function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
     //Make sure that we are not working with a null variable
     if (( as URLLoader) != null ) {
          //Create a new XML object with the loaded XML data
          xml = new XML(;
          //Call the function that creates the menu
//We need to know how many items we have on the stage
var numberOfItems:uint = 0;
//This array will contain all the menu items
var menuItems:Array = new Array();
//Set the focal length
var focalLength:Number = 350;
//Set the vanishing point
var vanishingPointX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
var vanishingPointY:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
//We calculate the angleSpeed in the ENTER_FRAME listener
var angleSpeed:Number = 0;
//Radius of the circle
var radius:Number = 128;
//This function creates the menu
function createMenu():void {
     //Get the number of menu items we will have
     numberOfItems = xml.items.item.length();
     //Calculate the angle difference between the menu items (in radians)
     var angleDifference:Number = Math.PI * (360 / numberOfItems) / 180;
     //We use a counter so we know how many menu items have been created
     var count:uint = 0;
     //Loop through all the <button></button> nodes in the XML
     for each (var item:XML in xml.items.item) {
          //Create a new menu item
          var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
          //Calculate the starting angle for the menu item
          var startingAngle:Number = angleDifference * count;
          //Set a "currentAngle" attribute for the menu item
          menuItem.currentAngle = startingAngle;
          //Position the menu item
          menuItem.xpos3D = 0;
          menuItem.ypos3D = radius * Math.sin(startingAngle);
          menuItem.zpos3D = radius * Math.cos(startingAngle);
          //Calculate the scale ratio for the menu item (the further the item -> the smaller the scale ratio)
          var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
          //Scale the menu item according to the scale ratio
          menuItem.scaleX = menuItem.scaleY = scaleRatio;
          //Position the menu item to the stage (from 3D to 2D coordinates)
          menuItem.x = vanishingPointX + menuItem.xpos3D * scaleRatio;
          menuItem.y = vanishingPointY + menuItem.ypos3D * scaleRatio;
          //Add a text to the menu item
          menuItem.menuText.text = item.label;
          //Add a "linkTo" variable for the URL
          menuItem.linkTo = item.linkTo;
          //We don't want the text field to catch mouse events
          menuItem.mouseChildren = false;
          //Assign MOUSE_OVER, MOUSE_OUT and CLICK listeners for the menu item
          menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);
          menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutItem);
          menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itemClicked);
          //Add the menu item to the menu items array
          //Add the menu item to the stage
          //Assign an initial alpha
          menuItem.alpha = 0.3;
          //Add some blur to the item
,0, {blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
          //Update the count
//Add an ENTER_FRAME listener for the animation
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveCarousel);
//This function is called in each frame
function moveCarousel(e:Event):void {
     //Calculate the angle speed according to mouseY position
     angleSpeed = (mouseY - stage.stageHeight / 2) * 0.0002;
     //Loop through the menu items
     for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
          //Store the menu item to a local variable
          var menuItem:MenuItem = menuItems[i] as MenuItem;
          //Update the current angle of the item
          menuItem.currentAngle += angleSpeed;
          //Calculate a scale ratio
          var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
          //Scale the item according to the scale ratio
          //Set new 3D coordinates
          //Update the item's coordinates.
     //Call the function that sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
//This function sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
function sortZ():void {
     //Sort the array so that the item which has the highest
     //z position (= furthest away) is first in the array
     menuItems.sortOn("zpos3D", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
     //Set new child indexes for the item
     for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
          setChildIndex(menuItems[i], i);
//This function is called when a mouse is over an item
function mouseOverItem(e:Event):void {
     //Tween the item's properties, 0.1, {alpha: 1, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:60, blurY:60},blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});
//This function is called when a mouse is out of an item
function mouseOutItem(e:Event):void {
     //Tween the item's properties, 1, {alpha: 0.3, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:0, blurY:0},blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
//This function is called when an item is clicked
function itemClicked(e:Event):void {
     //Navigate to the URL that's assigned to the menu item
     var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest(;

Hi Ned thanks for the reply,
Ok so I have a button in my main movie that loads the external swf
var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
var my_btn:Button = new Button();
var my_pb:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
my_pb.source = my_loader.contentLoaderInfo;
function startLoading(e:MouseEvent):void{
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("carousel.swf"));
my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishloading);
function finishloading(e:Event):void{
function killLoadedClip(e:Event):void {
Then I have a button in my loaded swf that closes the loader
This is spread over 2 frames
function closeIt(e:MouseEvent):void {
Frame 2
back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeIt);
Frame 2 also holds all the code for the carousel
Thanks for your time and help in advance people ; )

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    Something even better:
    Check out TimelineMax I LOVE it...
    The guy that made this (and gives it away for free!) is a saint.

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    In addition, you would need to know the character set encoding of the csv files (e.g. the code page used).
    Basically you need to have the facts about both client (csv file) and database character set.
    As suggested, use the available documentation - it's there to help you!

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    Did you embed the font in the textfield--it needs to be done in the loaded swf when you create it? One other thing to check is that the color for the textfield is not the same as the background it sits on.

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    Hello 2m,
    Maybe if you were to see it, it may help you out a bit. If
    here for the external file you will see that the components are
    working. However, if you
    here for the parent file and then click on "Meetings" on the
    top menu you will see that they do not work at all. However, if
    someone were to hit the "send" button, the PHP code would actually
    interact with the form. Let me know if that helps at all. Thanks
    again for replying.

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    Hi Bob
    You can call a stored proc from a database control with the jc:sql annotation itself.
    Assume a stored proc taking one In parameter
    * @jc:sql statement="call sp_updateData({id})"
    void call_sp_updateCust(int id);
    You can even call stored proc with OUT parameters using
    * @jc:sql statement="{call sp_MyProc(?, ?)}"
    void call_sp_MyProc(SQLParameter[] params)
    You can also call stored functions via db control.
    More info and diff ways to call at

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    You can only import photos/videos via USB and the camera connection kit.
    ITunes: Syncing media content to your iOS devices
     Cheers, Tom

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    Have you failed to maintain a backup copy?
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    If your target media is a Video-DVD that must be playable on standard NTSC/PAL devices, Flash is the wrong tool.
    Use After Effects to create your animations and encore to author the Video-DVD

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    SWFS -> Load XML
    SWF -> displays something or does something RAD!!!
    Stuff I have tried:
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    I was able to find a workaround of the security sandbox using Loader.loadBytes();
    Aleksandar Andreev's Loader class really helped:

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    previous post: =1274410&enterthread=y
    So now my new question is... how can I have a map with points
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    swf file into the player. I believe that part is easy. My big
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    first, which in turn loads another swf file, and if that person
    goes back to the map, I want the map to change the position of lets
    say, a marker or a pin to indicate the new position on the map that
    correllates to the new external swf that was loaded.
    make sense? Any ideas? I was thinking maybe it would be some
    kind of listener or something so that should a specific swf load,
    it will recognize it and automatically change the location of the
    marker on the map to the point that relates to the loaded swf or

    Hi Thanks for your reply, I tried with a small AS3 file as
    well and I get the same ERROR.

  • Setting External Loaded SWF dimension

    hi guys...,
    i'll be straight to point,well i'm now working on a project using action  script 3 now what i'm trying to make is a Main SWF that load whatever  other swf into it the tricky thing is that i used 1 xml document read  the external swf source and it's setting(such as it's x,y position and  it's width and height) and i'm having problem setting the loaded swf width and  height btw it's an desktop application and not a website application.,
    here is my code:
    //variable list
    var swfList:XMLList; //hold all the zone list from the xml
    var totalZone:uint; //total of zone there is in the xml
    var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var swf:Movie Clip;//hold the loaded swf
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();//loader instance used to load the external swf
    var myCounter:uint = 0;
    //load the xml file
    myURLLoader.load(new URLRequest('myXMLFile.xml'));
    myURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML, false, 0, true);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
        XML.ignoreWhitespace= true;
        var myXML:XML = new XML(;
        swfList = myXML.SWF;
        totalSWF = myXML.SWF.length();
    function loadSWF():void
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, swfSetting);
        swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(swfList[myCounter].@source));
    function swfSetting(e:Event):void
        //making new instance of sprite to hold the new loaded swf
        swf = new MovieClip();
        //casting the loader content into a movieclip
        swf =;
        swf.x = swfList[myCounter].@left;
        swf.y = swfList[myCounter].@top;
        swf.width= swfList[myCounter].@width;
        swf.height= swfList[myCounter].@height;
        if(myCounter < totalSWF)
            trace('myCounter: ' + myCounter );
    and here is what the result ( it make the width and height of the loaded swf to 0):
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 320
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 240
    module: MyVideo/flvplayer.swf
    x container:0
    y container:0
    xml width:550
    width container:0
    xml height:400
    height container:0
    myCounter: 1
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 550
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 400
    module: AnalogueClock.swf
    x container:50
    y container:0
    xml width:250
    width container:250
    xml height:200
    height container:200
    myCounter: 2
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width : 800
    swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height : 30
    module: MyNewsticker/newsticker.swf
    x container:0
    y container:0
    xml width:300
    width container:0
    xml height:50
    height container:0
    most of my loaded swf beside the analouge clock is full action script code and in case of the analouge clock it is a swf that has a movie clip on it's stage (the other are fully created from action script 3.0)
    please do help me..,
    cause i'm already really desperate and going crazy by this problem..,

    sorry i copied the code from the other swf i used to do try and error test..,
    basically the container is the same as swf varibale
    here the code so you would'nt get confused:
    //variable list
    var swfList:XMLList; //hold all the zone list from the xml
    var totalZone:uint; //total of zone there is in the xml
    var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var swf:Movie Clip;//hold the loaded swf
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();//loader instance used to load the external swf
    var myCounter:uint = 0;
    //load the xml file
    myURLLoader.load(new URLRequest('myXMLFile.xml'));
    myURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML, false, 0, true);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
        XML.ignoreWhitespace= true;
        var myXML:XML = new XML(;
        swfList = myXML.SWF;
        totalSWF = myXML.SWF.length();
    function loadSWF():void
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfSetting);
        swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(swfList[myCounter].@source));
    function swfSetting(e:Event):void
        //making new instance of sprite to hold the new loaded swf
        swf = new MovieClip();
        //casting the loader content into a movieclip
        swf =;
        swf.x = swfList[myCounter].@left;
        swf.y = swfList[myCounter].@top;
        swf.width= swfList[myCounter].@width;
        swf.height= swfList[myCounter].@height;
        if(myCounter < totalSWF)
            trace('myCounter: ' + myCounter );
    well in my code i did cast the loader into a movie clip and then set it's width and heigt,right???
    wouldn't it just give me the same result??
    if it's not can u describe what u mean in more detail??
    some example about accessing the loader content would be really appreciated

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    I have checked the "Export for ActionScript" and the "Export
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    In my main SWF, I have action script code that loads the SWF
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    When the load completes, I do:
    var loader:Loader = Loader(;
    var movieClip:MovieClip = MovieClip(loader.content);
    var theClass:Class;
    theClass = Class(getDefinitionByName("TestClass"));
    trace("TestClass not found!");
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