How to write a unicode text in pdf file

Dear Friends,
I am a beginner in acrobat pdf plug-in development. I was trying to write a unicode text (Tamil text) into pdf file.
Using same api I am able to write english text in time-roman, areal etc fonts. But I am not able to write tamil texts.
The code is as below:
        memset(&pdeFontAttrs, 0, sizeof(pdeFontAttrs)); = ASAtomFromString("Latha");
        pdeFontAttrs.type = ASAtomFromString("TrueType");
        pdeFont    = PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(                                        \
                        PDFindSysFont(&pdeFontAttrs, sizeof(pdeFontAttrs), 0),    \
        pdeText = PDETextCreate();
        PDETextAdd(pdeText, kPDETextRun, 0, (ASUInt8 *)buffer, _tcslen(buffer),
                                pdeFont, &gState, sizeof(gState), NULL, 0, &textMatrix, NULL);
        PDEContentAddElem(pdeContent, kPDEAfterLast, (PDEElement)pdeText);
        PDPageSetPDEContent(pdPage, gExtensionID);  
        PDPageReleasePDEContent (pdPage, gExtensionID);
KIndly assume that PDEGraphicsState and PDETextMatrix are set properly set, I am not pasting entire code to avoid complexity.
Thank you,

Dear lrosenth,
I went through some codes/suggestions in internet and I found that I need to have cmap file and cid font file for the respective font since pdf doesn't support unicode fonts directly.
Can you help me to know where can I get cmap file and cid font file for tamil language font Latha(TrueType) microsoft font.

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    Dear lrosenth,
    I went through some codes/suggestions in internet and I found that I need to have cmap file and cid font file for the respective font since pdf doesn't support unicode fonts directly.
    Can you help me to know where can I get cmap file and cid font file for tamil language font Latha(TrueType) microsoft font.

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    //ERROR 1 - Use 1 or 2
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                    return Decrypt(Buffer);
                return result.AsAsyncOperation();
    Link demo code :

    Please provide a working app so this can be tested. You can upload to OneDrive and share a link here.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

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    This document shows how to disable OCR during conversion; just do the opposite:

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    HI Kal,
    it is not possible to get any influence on the filenames. If you use Filternavigation the filename is generated to be unique.
    best regards,

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    Message was edited by:
    Nicloei W
    Message was edited by:
    Nicloei W

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    Awesome results read more here:

    Adobe Reader currently doesn't support Text to Speech, but we have added this to our database for consideration in a future release.
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    Ok, some background reading of the PDF Reference will help you understand why this is so difficult. PDF files are not organised into lines. It is best to think of each word or character on the page as being a graphic with its own position. The human eye sees lines where a series of graphics (words) are roughly in the same horizontal region.
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    Is this a scanned PDF? If so, it must first be OCR'd.

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    * Version : 1.00
    * File Purpose : Given the xml file loads into dom and recreate the file with the updated values.
    * Developer : Kashif Qasim : 25/july/04
    * Modify detail :
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
    import org.apache.xerces.*;
    public class XMLWriter
    private String displayStrings[] = new String[5000];
    private int numberDisplayLines = 0;
    private Document document;
    //private final Node c;
    public synchronized void displayDocument(String uri,Vector UpdatedValues,String getTaskID)
    try {
    DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
    document = parser.getDocument();
    display(document, "",UpdatedValues);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    ReadXmlConfig objReadXmlConfig = null;
    FileWriter filewriter = null;
    try {
    filewriter = new FileWriter(uri);
    for(int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < numberDisplayLines; loopIndex++){
    //System.out.println("displayStrings[loopIndex].toCharArray() "+displayStrings[loopIndex].toString());
    objReadXmlConfig = new ReadXmlConfig();
    objReadXmlConfig.ITSLog("File updated for "+getTaskID+" succesfully, file is closed now ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("Caught IOException: " + e.getMessage());
    objReadXmlConfig = new ReadXmlConfig();
    objReadXmlConfig.ITSErrorLog("File updated FAILED for "+getTaskID+". Reason for file error "+e.toString());
    }finally {
    if (filewriter != null) {
    System.out.println("Closing File");
    objReadXmlConfig =null;
    }catch(IOException e){
    System.err.println("Caught IOException: " + e.getMessage());
    } else {
    System.out.println("File not open");
    private void display(Node node, String indent, Vector UpdtRecs)
    if (node == null) {
    int type = node.getNodeType();
    NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("QueryParm");
    int TotalRecs = UpdtRecs.size();
    switch (type) {
    case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = indent;
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] +=
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\""+
    "UTF-8" + "\"?>";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "\n";
    display(((Document)node).getDocumentElement(), "",UpdtRecs);
    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: {
    if(node.getNodeName().equals("QueryParm")) {
    for(int i =0 ; i< nodeList.getLength() ; i++)
    Node nodeQry = nodeList.item(i);
    NamedNodeMap nnp = nodeQry.getAttributes();
    for(int j= 0 ; j < nnp.getLength() ; j++)
    Attr atr = (Attr) nnp.item(j);
    //System.out.println(atr.getName() +" : " + atr.getNodeValue() );
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = indent;
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "<";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += node.getNodeName();
    int length = (node.getAttributes() != null) ?
    node.getAttributes().getLength() : 0;
    Attr attributes[] = new Attr[length];
    for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < length; loopIndex++) {
    attributes[loopIndex] = (Attr)node.getAttributes().item(loopIndex);
    for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < attributes.length; loopIndex++) {
    Attr attribute = attributes[loopIndex];
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += " ";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += attribute.getNodeName();
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "=\"";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += attribute.getNodeValue();
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "\"";
    NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
    if (childNodes != null) {
    length = childNodes.getLength();
    indent += " ";
    for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < length; loopIndex++ ) {
    display(childNodes.item(loopIndex), indent,UpdtRecs);
    case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = "";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "<![CDATA[";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += node.getNodeValue();
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "]]>";
    case Node.TEXT_NODE: {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = "";
    String newText = node.getNodeValue().trim();
    if(newText.indexOf("\n") < 0 && newText.length() > 0) {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += newText;
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "\n";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = "";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "<?";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += node.getNodeName();
    String text = node.getNodeValue();
    if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += text;
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "?>";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "\n";
    if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] = indent.substring(0,
    indent.length() - 4);
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "</";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += node.getNodeName();
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += ">";
    displayStrings[numberDisplayLines] += "\n";
    indent += " ";
    public static void main(String args[])
    Vector xmlValue = new Vector();
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SourceQuery><![CDATA[SELECT SkillTargetID,PersonID,PeripheralID,EnterpriseName,PeripheralNumber,Deleted,TemporaryAgent,AgentStateTrace,ChangeStamp FROM t_Agent where SkillTargetID > {value_1} order by SkillTargetID]]>
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="SKILLTARGETID" ColumnNumber="1" DataType="Numeric" DefaultValue="0" Format="mm/dd/yyyy xx:xx:xx XX">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="PERSONID" ColumnNumber="2" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="PERIPHERALID" ColumnNumber="3" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="ENTERPRISENAME" ColumnNumber="4" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="PERIPHERALNUMBER" ColumnNumber="5" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="DELETED" ColumnNumber="6" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="TEMPORARYAGENT" ColumnNumber="7" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="AGENTSTATETRACE" ColumnNumber="8" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <SourceParm BusinessRule="" ColumnName="CHANGESTAMP" ColumnNumber="9" DataType="String" DefaultValue="" Format="">
    <QueryParm FldName_1="SkillTargetID" FldType_1="Number" value_1="0">
    The QueryParm values are updated thru this code :)
    Hope it helps u ...

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    A lot depends on the form of the PDF. Is it graphics, a scan of a text file, pure text, or other? What version of Acrobat are you working with.
    You can do a save as to get a WORD file, but do not expect great results. The ability to get a decent WORD file depends on what the form of PDF you are working from. If it was created from WORD with tags and all, you might get good results. If not, you might get a lot of messed up results.
    Explain what you are starting with and your ultimate goal. Also check the audit of the file (should be under PDF Optimize) to see where the file information is concentrated (text, fonts, graphics, other).

  • Editing text from pdf file

    how to edit text from pdf file?

    Adobe Reader does not allow editing the text of a PDF document. You will need to get Acrobat on your Windows or Mac to do that.

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    control click on your PDF to download option
    Open it on your desktop Command-P is the short cut for print option.

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