How to write the data into EEPROM using Labview?

How to write the data into EEPROM using Labview?

You would need some sort of EEPROM programmer. Typically might
communicate with it via serial. I don't know how you would do this in
LV. You would need to have the command protocol for the programming
device to start with.
Doug De Clue
gpibssx wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> How to write the data into EEPROM using Labview?

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    LabVIEW does not currently have a built-in method to communicate with
    i2c, but there are other vendors that sell devices to communicate in
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    from MCC... here is a link:
    They sell a device called iPort, and then you can buy LabVIEW VIs to go with it.  I hope this is helpful to you!
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    Hi All,
    I am just wondered on how to create a procedure which will do following tasks:
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    2. Union all the particular fields
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    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `usersReport`$$
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    SET @a= CONCAT("(SELECT 'User ID','Account ID','Gender','Birthdate','Account Registered On') UNION ALL (SELECT IFNULL(a.riluid,''),IFNULL(a.rilaccountid,''),IFNULL(a.gender,''),IFNULL(a.birthdate,''),IFNULL(CONVERT_TZ(a.creationDate,'+0:00','+5:30'),'') INTO OUTFILE '",pathFile,"' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM account_ a where a.creationDate>='",startDate,"' and a.creationdate <='",endDate,"')");
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    Vishal G

    1. Concat the field names
    Double Pipe (||) is the concatenation operator in Oracle. There is also a function CONCAT for this purpose
    2. Union all the particular fields
    Not sure what do you mean by UNION ALL particular fields? UNION ALL is a set operation applied on two different result sets that have the same projection.
    3. Convert the date field into IST
    SQL> select systimestamp "Default Time"
      2       , systimestamp at time zone 'Asia/Calcutta' "IST Time"
      3    from dual;
    Default Time                                       IST Time
    05-05-15 03:14:52.346099 AM -04:00                 05-05-15 12:44:52.346099 PM ASIA/CALCUTTA
    4. Prepare the statement
    What do you mean by prepare the statement?
    5. write the data into a file
    You can use the API UTL_FILE to write to a file.

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    test result.xlsx ‏16 KB
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    Have a look at the Jakarta POI project, they have a Java API for creating Word documents.

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    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.IO;
    using FileHelpers;
    using System.Data.OracleClient;
    namespace sqlloader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    int jum;
    int i;
    bool isFirstLine = false;
    FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(XL_XDR));
    //Connect To Database
    string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST="
    + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= pt-9a84825594af )(PORT=1521 )))"
    + "User Id=xl;Password=rahasia;";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    // To Read Use:
    XL_XDR[] res = engine.ReadFile("DataOut.csv") as XL_XDR[];
    jum = CountLinesInFile("DataOut.csv");
    FileInfo f2 = new FileInfo("DataOut.csv");
    long s2 = f2.Length;
    int jmlRecord = jum - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < jum; i++)
    ShowPercentProgress("Processing...", i, jum);
    if (isFirstLine == false)
    isFirstLine = true;
    "'" + res.XDR_ID + "', '" + res[i].XDR_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_END_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].VERSION + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].ERROR_CODE + "', '" + res[i].METHOD + "', '" + res[i].HOST_LEN + "', '" + res[i].HOST + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].URL_LEN + "', '" + res[i].URL + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CONNECTION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ID + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT + "', '" + res[i].TUNNEL_PAIR_ID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_PORT + "', '" + res[i].PAYLOAD_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].VIRTUAL_TYPE + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].VID_CLIENT + "', '" + res[i].VID_SERVER + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_ADDR + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].ERROR_CODE_2 + "', '" + res[i].IPID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].C2S_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].C2S_OCTETS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_OCTETS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].NUM_SUCC_TRANS + "', '" + res[i].CONNECT_TIME + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_RESP + "', '" + res[i].TIMEOUTS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RETRIES + "', '" + res[i].RAI + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYNS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_ACKS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TCP_SYN_RESETS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_FINS + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].FLAGS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TIME_STAMP + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_ID + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_CODE + "')";
    OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully Inserted");
    Console.WriteLine("Number of Row Data: " + jmlRecord.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} is {1} bytes.", f2.Name, f2.Length);
    static void ShowPercentProgress(string message, int currElementIndex, int totalElementCount)
    if (currElementIndex < 0 || currElementIndex >= totalElementCount)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("currElement out of range");
    int percent = (100 * (currElementIndex + 1)) / totalElementCount;
    Console.Write("\r{0}{1}% complete", message, percent);
    if (currElementIndex == totalElementCount - 1)
    static int CountLinesInFile(string f)
    int count = 0;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(f))
    string line;
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    return count;
    public class XL_XDR
    public string XDR_ID;
    public string XDR_TYPE;
    public string SESSION_START_TIME;
    public string SESSION_END_TIME;
    public string SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME;
    public string SESSION_FLAG;
    public string VERSION;
    public string CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT;
    public string ERROR_CODE;
    public string METHOD;
    public string HOST_LEN;
    public string HOST;
    public string URL_LEN;
    public string URL;
    public string CONNECTION_START_TIME;
    public string CONNECTION_FLAG;
    public string CONNECTION_ID;
    public string TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT;
    public string TUNNEL_PAIR_ID;
    public string RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE;
    public string CLIENT_PORT;
    public string PAYLOAD_TYPE;
    public string VIRTUAL_TYPE;
    public string VID_CLIENT;
    public string VID_SERVER;
    public string CLIENT_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_ADDR;
    public string CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string ERROR_CODE_2;
    public string IPID;
    public string C2S_PKTS;
    public string C2S_OCTETS;
    public string S2C_PKTS;
    public string S2C_OCTETS;
    public string NUM_SUCC_TRANS;
    public string CONNECT_TIME;
    public string TOTAL_RESP;
    public string TIMEOUTS;
    public string RETRIES;
    public string RAI;
    public string TCP_SYNS;
    public string TCP_SYN_ACKS;
    public string TCP_SYN_RESETS;
    public string TCP_SYN_FINS;
    public string EVENT_TYPE;
    public string FLAGS;
    public string TIME_STAMP;
    public string EVENT_ID;
    public string EVENT_CODE;
    I hope someone can give me a solution. Thanks

    The fastest way is to use external tables or sql loader (sqlldr). (If you use external tables or sql loader, you don't use C# at all).

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    I've attached my VI.
    Problem is that I'm getting the result every ms. How can I get the data every 10ms? So it'll come 1000 data within 10 sec.
    For other calculations purpose I'm using Amplitude and Level Measurements block to get the mean DC voltage, so when I change the Samples to Read and Rates, the process is getting stuck.
    Any kind of suggestion is appreciable.
    Attachments: ‏131 KB

    See example attached, if needed
    ********************Kudos are alwayzz Welcome !! ******************
    Attachments: ‏36 KB

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    Thanx in advance,

    hi ravi,
      here is one example how to enhance.
    Goto RSA6- select the 0Material.- Click on Enhance extract structure-> it will take u to the next screen there u need to create the field material group1. and append it to 0Material.
    Goback to RSA6-- RC on 0material-- it will take you to customer version edit screen- here unchk the Hide and Field only known in exit options n save it.
    Next Go back to RSA6-- 0material- click on Function enhancement it will take you to CMOD Screen( here we need to enter the project name and click create if not created on click display)
    In the next screen we find the function exits Like EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 FOR T DATA AND EXIT_SAPLRSAP_002 FRO Master Data,_003 for Text n _004 for Hierarchies.
    select the appropriate function exit and double clikc on it. It will take you to Function builder screen.
    D Click on defn of Include ZXRSAU01. it will take you to abap editor screen.
    here u need to include the code for the enhanced fields n also write the code to populate the dat for that particular field.
    save it and avtivate the code.
    Hope this Is helpz,

  • How to maintain the data  into database table

    how to maintain the data  into database table

    There are several ways to maintain data in the database
    1. Use table maintanance generator . You can create this using SE11 and data can be edited through SM30.
    2. Loginto  SE11 with the specified table and check the ATTRIBUTES tab. There you can set some parameters for maintaining the database. When you set Maintain database, you edit the data thorugh SE11 it self
    3. Through Se16 as well.
    4. A small abap program can do the above task as well.
    Edited by: Rajanya Kolavennu on Feb 5, 2008 8:33 PM

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    You can use the* package to write to files.

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    see above

    A couple of options:
    # When pasting the data into Excel use Paste Special, and choose either Text or Unicode Text.
    # Use the Dafizilla Table2Clipboard extension to copy the data -

  • How to automate the data load process using data load file & task Scheduler

    I am doing Automated Process to load the data in Hyperion Planning application with the help of data_Load.bat file & Task Scheduler.
    I have created Data_Load.bat file but rest of the process i am unable complete.
    So could you help me , how to automate the data load process using Data_load.bat file & task Scheduler or what are the rest of the file is require to achieve this.

    To follow up on your question are you using the maxl scripts for the dataload?
    If so I have seen and issue within the batch (ex: load_data.bat) that if you do not have the full maxl script path with a batch when running it through event task scheduler the task will work but the log and/ or error file will not be created. Meaning the batch claims it ran from the task scheduler although it didn't do what you needed it to.
    If you are using maxl use this as the batch
    "essmsh C:\data\DataLoad.mxl" Or you can also use the full path for the maxl either way works. The only reason I would think that the maxl may then not work is if you do not have the batch updated to call on all the maxl PATH changes or if you need to update your environment variables to correct the essmsh command to work in a command prompt.

  • How to pull the data into smartform after designing layout?

    how to pull the data into smartform after designing layout?

    call the smartform in your Driver program and pass your output internal tables in the smartforms paramaters
    Check the below Sample code.
    FORM label_print.
      DATA : g_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
             g_output  TYPE ssfcompop,
             g_control TYPE ssfctrlop,
             g_form TYPE tdsfname VALUE 'ZPRINT_LABELS',
             g_dest TYPE rspopname,
             g_printer TYPE rspoptype..
      REFRESH : i_out[],i_qals[].
      SELECT matnr maktx
             INTO TABLE i_out
             FROM makt
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_mseg
             WHERE matnr = i_mseg-matnr
             AND   spras = sy-langu.
      SELECT prueflos objnr ersteldat erstelzeit matnr revlv charg mengeneinh
             INTO TABLE i_qals
             FROM qals
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_mseg
             WHERE matnr = i_mseg-matnr
             AND   charg = i_mseg-charg.
    *FM to accept the device type and returns the short name of the output device
          x_no_dialog  = ' '
          x_obligatory = 'X'
          y_tddest     = g_dest
          cancelled    = 1
          failed       = 2
          OTHERS       = 3.
    *device type name for the output device
      SELECT SINGLE patype                                  "#EC CI_NOFIELD
             FROM tsp03d
             INTO g_printer
             WHERE padest = g_dest.
    *printer setting
      g_control-no_dialog = 'X'.
      g_output-tdarmod = '1'.
      g_output-tdcopies = '001'.
      g_output-tddest = g_dest.
      g_output-tdprinter = g_printer.
      g_output-tdnewid = 'X'.
      g_output-tdimmed = 'X'.
      CLEAR wa_mseg.
      LOOP AT i_mseg INTO wa_mseg.
        READ TABLE i_out INTO wa_out WITH KEY matnr = wa_mseg-matnr.
    check for the status and filter the records
        CLEAR : wa_qals.
        LOOP AT i_qals INTO wa_qals WHERE matnr = wa_mseg-matnr
                                    AND charg = wa_mseg-charg.
              objnr            = wa_qals-objnr
              spras            = sy-langu
              line             = l_status
              object_not_found = 1
              OTHERS           = 2.
          IF l_status CS 'LTCA' OR l_status CS 'SKIP'.
            DELETE i_qals.
        SORT i_qals BY ersteldat DESCENDING erstelzeit DESCENDING.
        IF i_qals IS INITIAL.
          l_msg = text-002.
          READ TABLE i_qals INTO wa_qals INDEX 1.
          SELECT prueflos vbewertung
                 INTO TABLE i_qave
                 FROM qave
                 WHERE prueflos = wa_qals-prueflos
                 AND   kzart = 'L'.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            l_msg1 = text-003.
          SORT i_qave.
          CLEAR : wa_qave.
          IF NOT i_qave IS INITIAL.
            READ TABLE i_qave INTO wa_qave INDEX 1.
            IF wa_qave-vbewertung = 'A'.
              l_msg = text-002.
            ELSEIF wa_qave-vbewertung = 'R'.
              l_msg1 = text-003.
              l_msg1 = text-003.
        CLEAR : wa_ser03.
        READ TABLE i_ser03 INTO wa_ser03 WITH KEY mblnr = wa_mseg-mblnr.
    *Calling Smartform
            formname           = g_form
            fm_name            = g_fm_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        LOOP AT i_objk INTO wa_objk WHERE obknr = wa_ser03-obknr.
    *Calling FM generated from the smartform
          DATA : l_date(10) TYPE c,
                 l_date1(10) TYPE c,
                 l_date2(10) TYPE c,
                 l_date3(10) TYPE c,
                 l_hyphen(1) TYPE c VALUE '-'.
          CLEAR : l_date,l_date1,l_date2,l_date3.
          l_date1 = wa_mseg-vfdat+0(4).
          l_date2 = wa_mseg-vfdat+4(2).
          l_date3 = wa_mseg-vfdat+6(2).
          CONCATENATE l_date1 l_hyphen l_date2 l_hyphen l_date3 INTO l_date.
          CALL FUNCTION g_fm_name
              control_parameters = g_control
              output_options     = g_output
              user_settings      = ' '
              g_matnr            = wa_mseg-matnr
              g_mat_text         = wa_out-maktx
              g_batch            = wa_mseg-charg
              g_rev              = wa_qals-revlv
              g_edate            = l_date
              g_lot              = wa_qals-prueflos
              g_qty              = wa_mseg-erfmg
              g_uom              = wa_mseg-erfme
              g_serial           = wa_objk-sernr
              g_smsg             = l_msg
              g_fmsg             = l_msg1
              formatting_error   = 1
              internal_error     = 2
              send_error         = 3
              user_canceled      = 4
              OTHERS             = 5.
          CLEAR  g_output-tdnewid.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          CLEAR : l_date,l_date1,l_date2,l_date3.
          l_date1 = wa_mseg-vfdat+0(4).
          l_date2 = wa_mseg-vfdat+4(2).
          l_date3 = wa_mseg-vfdat+6(2).
          CONCATENATE l_date1 l_hyphen l_date2 l_hyphen l_date3 INTO l_date.
          CALL FUNCTION g_fm_name
              control_parameters = g_control
              output_options     = g_output
              user_settings      = ' '
              g_matnr            = wa_mseg-matnr
              g_mat_text         = wa_out-maktx
              g_batch            = wa_mseg-charg
              g_rev              = wa_qals-revlv
              g_edate            = l_date
              g_lot              = wa_qals-prueflos
              g_qty              = wa_mseg-erfmg
              g_uom              = wa_mseg-erfme
              g_serial           = wa_objk-sernr
              g_smsg             = l_msg
              g_fmsg             = l_msg1
              formatting_error   = 1
              internal_error     = 2
              send_error         = 3
              user_canceled      = 4
              OTHERS             = 5.
          CLEAR g_output-tdnewid.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MESSAGE i000(zm).
    ENDFORM.                    " label_print

  • How to put the data into cache and distribute to nodeusing oracle coherence

    Hi Friends,
    i am having some random number data writing into file,from that file i am reading the data and i want to put into cache,how can i put the data into cache and partition this data into different nodes ( machines) to caluculate like S.D, that.(or how can i implement montecarlo using oracle coherence) if any one know plz suggest me with flow.
    Thank you.

    Hi robert,
    i have some bulk data in some arraylist or object format,i want to put into cache.
    i am not able to put into cache.i am using put method like cache.put(object key ,object value) ,but its not allowing to put into cache.
    can you please help me.i m sending my code.plz go thru and tel me whr i did mistake.
    package lab3;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.naming.Name;
    public class BlockScoleData {
         * @param args
         * s=The spot market price
         * x=the exercise price of the option
         * v=instantaneous standard deviation of s
         * r=risk free instantaneous rate of interest
         * t= time to expiration of the option
         * n – Number of MC simulations.
         private static String outputFile = "D:/cache1/sampledata2.txt";
    private static String inputFile = "D:/cache1/sampledata2.txt";
    NearCache cache;
    List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
         public void writeToFile(int noofsamples) {
              Random rnd = new Random();
              PrintWriter writer = null;
              try {
                   writer = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
                   for (int i = 1; i <= noofsamples; i++) {
                        double s = rnd.nextInt(200) * rnd.nextDouble();
                        //double x = rnd.nextInt(250) * rnd.nextDouble();
                        int t = rnd.nextInt(5);
                        double v = rnd.nextDouble() ;
                        double r = rnd.nextDouble() / 10;
                        //int n = rnd.nextInt(90000);
                        writer.println(s + " " + t + " " + v + " "
                                  + r );
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              } finally {
                   writer = null;
    public List<Credit> readFromFile() {
    Scanner scanner = null;
    Credit credit = null;
    // List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    try {
    scanner = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
    credit = new Credit(scanner.nextDouble(), scanner.nextInt(),
    scanner.nextDouble(), scanner.nextDouble());
    System.out.println("read the list from file:"+creditList);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } finally {
    credit = null;
    scanner = null;
    return creditList;
    // public void putCache(String cachename,List<Credit> list){
    // cache = CacheFactory.getCache ( "VirtualCache");
    // List<Credit> rand = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    public Object put(Object key, Object value){
    cache = (NearCache)CacheFactory.getCache("mycache");
    String cachename = cache.getCacheName();
    List<Credit> cachelist=new ArrayList<Credit>();
    // Object key;
    //cachelist = (List<Credit>)cache.put(creditList,creditList);
    System.out.println("read to the cache list from file:"+cache.get(creditList));
    return cachelist;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         NearCache cache = (NearCache)CacheFactory.getCache("mycache");
              new BlockScoleData().writeToFile(20);
         //new BlockScoleData().putCache("Name",);
                        .println("New file \"myfile.csv\" has been created to the current directory");
         new BlockScoleData().readFromFile();
    System.out.println("data read from file successfully");
         List<Credit> creditList = new ArrayList<Credit>();
    new BlockScoleData().put(creditList,creditList);
         System.out.println("read to the cache list from file:"+cache.get(creditList));
    //mycacheput("Name",new BlockScoleData());
    //     System.out.println("name of cache is :" +mycache.getCacheName());
    //     System.out.println("value in cache is :" +mycache.get("Name"));
    //     System.out.println("cache services are :" +mycache.getCacheService());

  • How to write plan data into Transactional Cube from Visual Composer ?

    Dear experts,
    Visual Composer is very powerfull to build a 'nice-looking' web-report (I think is much better than Web Application Designer in term of freely position the chart/graph/table/selection parameter in anywhere we like. We can't have this flexibility in WAD) plus it also has strong integration to R/3 for posting the  transactions via RFC-Enabled Function Module (such as changing customer credit limit, approve PO, approve Sales Order, etc), so that the R/3 user won't even have to know the TrxCode.
    In addition to this, I just wondering if VC also capable to write plan data into transactional cube via Write-Enable Query. We can simply insert a BW Query into VC as planning layout (set the edit-mode to "editable") plus having some Wizards to make it more user-friendly and self-explanatory for the users.
    But I am not sure how to save the changes back to transactional cube from VC.
    Could anyone please kindly advise how to achieve this.
    "Seeing is believing" is always my learning method, so I would appreciate some "actioanable" explanation or hints.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Sen,
    As far as I know, it's not possible to write data into transactional cubes directly from a table in Visual Composer through standar method, but it's possible to integrate a WAD with your input ready query into a URL element in VC (You can fill entry variables in VC and call WAD dinamically), so it's possible to create a planning application in VC calling dinamically WAD's.
    Another way to interact through VC is creating button objects that calls planning sequences (with BAPI calling RSPLS_PLSEQ_EXECUTE). Also can fill variables in VC and pass them to sequence.

  • How to uplaod the data into transaction IA01

    Hi All,
    I have tried to upload the data into transaction IA01 using direct input object 0470.
    But one structure for Service Package Overview tab is missing.Can anyone suggest on how we proceed about it,like is there any BAPI to upload the data.Because there are almost 150 fields that need to be uploaded into the transaction which has different tabs in it so it would be very difficult to handle with BDC's.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi All,
    I have tried to upload the data into transaction IA01 using direct input object 0470.
    But one structure for Service Package Overview tab is missing.Can anyone suggest on how we proceed about it,like is there any BAPI to upload the data.Because there are almost 150 fields that need to be uploaded into the transaction which has different tabs in it so it would be very difficult to handle with BDC's.
    Thanks and Regards,

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