I changed my iPhone lately but i can't restore my last backup since it keeps saying "itunes could not restore backup because the password was incorrect" but I don't know where to put the password to make it happen... Any suggestions?

Hey guys,
I just bought a new iPhone but i can't restore my backup files beacuse it keeps saying "itunes could not restore backup because the password was incorrect" but I really don't know where to put the password to restore it. I really have some files that are meaningful for me so I really need help. Any suggestions anyone?

Select your iDevice in the iTunes.
Choose the Summary screen (tab) and scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Then un-select Encrypt iPhone backup.
iTunes will then prompt you to “Enter the password to unlock your iPhone backup”, enter the password you set originally.

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    I tried to update to IPad 5.1, but when it finished and tried to restore the backup, it shows me that Itunes could not back up because a session could not be started with iPad. need your help please

    This has happened to me a couple of times and what I do is quit iTunes and restart my Mac and then try again and then it will work.
    If iTunes has already created the backup, you should still be able to restore from the backup when you are connected to iTunes. Right click on the iPad name on the left side of iTunes and select restore from backup. After the process completes, sync with iTunes to transfer all of your apps, music, photos and other media back onto the iPad.

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    it should come up with an error code when that happens, can you provide that number for us?

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    Disable your firewall/security software.
    This is asked and answered everyday.  Using the forum search bar on the right side of this page often will find an answer very quickly.

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    Where does it go?
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    It doesn't go anywhere in that: that isn't a feed, it's a web page. A feed is a text file in XML format.
    Would you like to post the URL of your iTunes Store page?
    This page about podcasting includes a basic sample feed so you can see what one should look like, and at the bottom of the page is the method for redirecting iTunes to a new feed.

  • TS3716 My iPod hasn't been used in a very long time. It's an older model. It says disabled but every time I connect it; it says, "iTunes could not detect '____' Because it is locked with a passcode. Please enter the passcode and move on." And I cant enter

    Please help.

    you're most likely going to have to restore the device in recovery mode. this will erase content only on the ipod. but gain usage again :/
    power off the ipod
    disconnect it from the plug
    while holding the home button(DO NOT LET GO!!!) connect to the chord and don't let go of the  home button until you see an itunes icon.
    itunes should say 'detects a device in recovery mode, you must restore' yada yada.
    restore and then after your done you should be able to sync to itunes
    good luck!

  • What do i do when my itunes says itunes could not restore the ipod "ashley's ipod" because backup session failed. my ipod will not sync any songs and freezes my itunes. this has all started since i had updated it. are there any solutions on how tofixthis?

    please help

    Try moving the existing backup file to a save location and try again. It is located here:
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

  • ITunes could not restore the iPhone "___'s iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or not compatible

    Ok so bear with me here, it is somewhat of a long story.
         I had been using an iPhone 4 for a while, with an old iTunes account that has all my stuff from over the years on it, on my computer. A week ago, I dropped by iPhone 4 in the sink and it got covered with water, despite quickly pulling it out, putting it in rice under a lamp, the phone was shot, and I was without a phone. My Dad, who is on the same AT&T plan with me, was using an iPhone 3. He was available for an upgrade, so he got a new iPhone, and gave me the iPhone 3. Now i'm not an apple master or anything but I have a good idea of what I am doing, normally, I backup my phone to my computer every few months. Basically everytime I plug it in to my computer which isn't very often because I just charge it with the wall charger. So got my SIM card with the same phone number and all, and obviously, while still being my number, it had my dads apps, messages, contacts and photos on it. So I bring it home, and plug it into my computer, I cancel the intial sync, and right click on the phone on the left side of iTunes and hit "restore from backup" I look through the list of backups, and the most recent one I see is from Dec 11, 2011. Which is surprsing because i'm pretty sure I had backed up since then, but I say whatever i'll still get contacts apps and most pictures back etc. So I hit it, and go through with it, and it tells me there was a more recent date of backing up, relieved, I click on that and continue, the normal bar comes up it says something like estimated time 30 minutes, so I walk away, come back 5 minutes later, and I get an error message saying, "iTunes could not restore the iPhone "____'s iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or is not compatible with the iPhone." Confused, I go back and try again, however this time I click on "old backup (the dec 11th one rather than the newer one) and the same thing happens after a few minutes. I go back a third time, and select a time from August of 2011. And I hit restore, and it goes through. However, this happened to be a backup I made right when I got my new iPhone 4, and therefore I basically restored my phone, to having nothing. Thats where I sit right now, with none of my contacts or pictures. I'm not sure if I backed up to iCloud or not and i'm not sure how to retrieve that. Some extra things: When I try to sync my iTunes library and apps onto the new iphone 3, I need to greatly reduce the number of songs and apps beacuse this iPhone is only an 8gb while the old one was 16, (I don't think that is the reason I am getting the error message though because when I sync it clearly says "Your iPhone does not have enough space). Also, this is obviously an iPhone 3, not an iPhone 4, updated with the most recent iTunes software, which, I believe is 5.1.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have over 1,400 pictures saved on my old phone (very important things to me) and a contact list of over 300 including important friends, coaches, teachers and workers.
    Thank you very much, if it doesn't say my email on here try me at [email protected]
    Thanks again
    Edit: The current phone is an iPhone 3G, not a 3Gs.

    you will need to restore your phone as a new device and NOT from backup.  If you've been using your phone as recommended, you should have minimal data loss:  Photos should have been imported to your computer right after taking them; contacts should be safe in a cloud service or on your computer.  You CANNOT downgrade to 4.3.3.

  • ITunes could not restore iPhone (from backup) because not enough free space on *iPhone*?!

    Hey everyone,
    I recently upgraded to iOS 6 and before I upgraded, I made sure to make a backup because I know upgrading to the new OS can often cause people to lose their things. After upgrading to iOS 6, I found I had everything except for all my messages and some of my contacts (it appears all contacts I added within the past 6-7 months or so are gone, but the older ones are there). I need my messages and those newer contacts, so I want to restore from the backup I made before upgrading to iOS 6, but unfortunately, I get an error message saying iTunes could not restore from backup because there is not enough free space on my iPhone. Note, not my computer or my hard disk, my iPhone. First of all I don't see why I would need free space on my iPhone to restore it, and secondly, I have about 5GBs of free space on it. What can I do?

    Yes. Those are the only ones saved by iTunes, as the working assumption is that all the other photos are on your computer and thus can be synced from that source, without the backup duplicating them and taking long time and lots of space. Photos on the camera roll are assumed to be not yet Transferred.
    A few random-thoughts suggestions...
    Not sure if you tried this multiple times, but it might worth doing. Just remember to cancell the Sync as soon after connecting so you don't overwrite the backup.
    1. Check if you still have an older backup that might have the pictures. Follow the instruction by user Linda Custer in this discussion: https://discussions.apple.com/message/13011509#13011509
    2. Check the links in the More Like This box on the right, or do a search for your issue on these forums or on Google.
    3. Find third party utilities that treat the iPhone as an external USB disk and therefore allow for extracting photo files directly from the device, bypassing iTunes. Search here, Google or check MacUpdate:  http://www.macupdate.com/
    And perhaps the most obvious, that I forgot to ask about:
    4. If you switched iCloud on, and selected backup to iCloud you should have a backup outside of your computer; just select the iCloud backup, instead of the local one, for Restore.
    5. If you switched iCloud on and checked PhotoStream on, you should have the camera roll photos in the cloud and can retrieve them from the cloud via the Web site, your Photo app, etc.
    Good luck.

  • ITunes could not restore the iPhone because an error ocurred

    I changed my LCD and my iPhone 3GS worked fine for a day, but then stopped repsonding completely.  I hooked it up to iTunes and restored it to factory settings.  Now, when I try to restore it to the last known backup, I get and error box that says:
    iTunes could not restore the iPhone "[name] iPhone" becuase an error occurred.
    How can I restore to this backup?

    LCD? The display?
    Perhaps the backup is corrupted.
    Try restoring as new...
    How to set up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch as a new device

  • I wanna ask about my imessages, because everytime that I am using my apple ID it is always saying that my username and password was incorrect.But I am really sure that I have input the correct username as well as my password.How can I resolve this problem

    I wanna ask about my iMessages, because everytime that I am using my apple ID it is always saying that my username and password was incorrect.But I am really sure that I have input the correct username as well as my password.How can I resolve this problem?

    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

  • I try to connect to iTunes and it comes up with a box saying "iTunes could not connect to the iPad because it is locked with a passcode. you must enter your code on the iPad before it can be used with iTunes", but i cant enter the code on the iPad

    I try to connect to iTunes and it comes up with a box saying "iTunes could not connect to the iPad because it is locked with a passcode. you must enter your code on the iPad before it can be used with iTunes", but i cant enter the code on the iPad because it is saying "connect to iTunes". Can anybody help?? It is on the new iPad.

    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTunes (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port.
    DO NOT RELEASE BUTTON until you see picture of iTunes and plug
    5. Release Home button.
    6. iTunes has detected iPad in recovery mode. You must restore this iPad before it can be used with iTunes.
    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    1. Data will be lost if you do not have backup
    2. You must follow step 1 to step 4 VERY CLOSELY.

  • I forgot my password for my iphone 4s and i cant plus it into itunes it says "itunes could not connect to the Natalie's iPhone because it is locked with a passcode you msut enter your passcode on the iPhone before it can be used with iTunes"

    i forgot my password for my iphone 4s and i cant plus it into itunes it says "itunes could not connect to the Natalie's iPhone because it is locked with a passcode you msut enter your passcode on the iPhone before it can be used with iTunes"

    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1212

  • HT201269 i don't know where to tell the iphone that it should look onto the icloud and get the back up from my old device.  This page says I will be prompted but I have not been.  Where should I look?

    i don't know where to tell the iphone that it should look onto the icloud and get the back up from my old device.  This page says I will be prompted but I have not been.  Where should I look?

    Settins > General > Reset and then Erase all content and settings. Then during setup assistant click restore from icloud backup

  • Moved iTunes library to an ext hard drive to make space on my int drive... Followed steps from apple.  Now I cannot access my music... It says: "File could not be used because the original file cannot be found.  Would you like to locate it?"

    Moved iTunes library to an ext hard drive to make space on my int drive... Followed steps from apple.  Now I cannot access my music... It says: "File could not be used because the original file cannot be found.  Would you like to locate it?"
    I moved my iTunes library to my external hard drive some time ago and I followed the directions listed here on the apple support page.  It did copy my library and now is on my hard drive... I can open iTunes and use it to sync all of my devices but I would like to play my music... I can see all of my music files but can not play them if I click on an album or song it says the following:  "(file name) could not be used because the original file cannot be found.  Would you like to locate it?"  I click locate but do not know where to go from there?  I need a way to access all files and not to hunt down one at a time on my hard drive... I am pretty sure I deleted the original library to make space on my internal drive which was the reason for moving it.  I have tried and tried to fix it and do not have a lot of time to do so with a one and two year old at my house who do not like it whenI sit down at my computer.  What to do???  Any help is much appreciated!!!

    See Make a split library portable. Move all of the bits of the library together in the the correct shape and it should work. Or undo exactly what you did and then start over.
    If you're a former Windows user don't try merging two folders together that have the same name by dropping one into the same folders as the other, as that goes badly on a Mac.

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