I have an iPhone 6 with IOS 8.1.3 and when I use the landscape view in Safari, the bookmark page appears and takes up one half of the screen. How can I get rid of the bookmark page so I can have the whole screen to what I am browsing?

I have an iPhone 6 with IOS 8.1.3. When I go to the landscape view in Safari, the bookmark page appears and takes up one half of the screen. How can I get rid of the bookmark page so I can use the whole screen to what I am browsing?

OOPS! Too quick on the trigger to ask that question without trying anything. Sorry. Solved it by touching the bookmark icon.

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          <p class="header1">HGH Weight Loss And Dieting</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><br />
            I have a couple questions about your product.  Its hard to get the straight facts regarding this supplement on the internet but the fact that you list your competitors directly on your site gives you credit in my mind.<br />
              <br />
            First I see the amount of human growth hormone in your oral spray per dose but I'm wondering how that would compare to the amount in a prescription injectable dose?<br />
            <br />
            Second can you find yourself in a situation for having this delivered to your home or having the purchase on your credit card since it is &quot;HGH&quot;<br />
            <br />
            And finally,  myself and 4 or 5 of my gym friends are looking at this product to restore our energy and help with our gains so I'm looking at ordering between 12 and 18 bottles at once.  Is there a better deal for buying in bulk?<br />
            <br />
          <p align="left" class="bodytext">Frank<br />
            Abington, VA<br />
            <br />
            PS: would you recommend taking your oral spray with a &quot;stimulator&quot; and if so which one?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext style8">First I see the amount of human growth hormone in your product per dose but I'm wondering how that would compare to the amount in a prescription injectable dose?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>Homeopathic HGH works differently than Injected HGH. Our product isn't as good as injected human growth hormone. It also isn't as expensive, doesn't involve the use of needles, and there are no side effects. Our oral spray gets 60%-80% of the same results as injected HGH. </em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">Second can you find yourself in a situation for having this delivered to your home or having the purchase on your credit card since it is &quot;hgh&quot;</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>That's why all the baseball players use our product. It's legal for over the counter sales and is undetected by any tests. The package and credit card statement says, &quot;21st Century Designer Health Products.&quot;</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">And finally,  myself and 4 or 5 of my gym friends are looking at this oral spray to restore our energy and help with our gains so I'm looking at ordering between 12 and 18 bottles at once.  Is there a better deal for buying in bulk?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>We have a lot of body builders using our product. They all use the Advanced formula. You can buy it online, a dozen or two at a time, at the wholesale dealer price of $41.66 per bottle ($499/dozen).</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">PS would you recommend taking your oral spray with a &quot;stimulator&quot; and if so which one?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>A lot of body builders do use our product with stimulators. You'll have to do your own research on that.</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">I noticed that your oral spray and 1st hgh have the exact same bottle and label this has kind of thrown me off and made me skeptical of the product,  why is this?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>1st HGH is an &quot;affiliate.&quot; That's an agent (sales rep) that uses our product to make their own sales and collect a commission. Somewhat like a franchisee. Nothing to be concerned about.</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>We appreciate your business!</em></p>
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          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="http://www.burnthefat.com">Burn The Fat.Com</a> - New e-book reveals the Fat Burning
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            Also include Atkins recipes, low carb food list, Atkins Diet menu
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          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="http://www.beinghealthynaturally.com">Natural &amp; Alternative Health Resources</a> - How to be living a healthy and enlightened life now.</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="http://www.bergmankliniek.nl/">Skin Laser | Huidlaser Bergmankliniek.nl</a> - Bergman Kliniek - The plastic surgery clinic in Holland providing botox,  huidlaser ,laserontharing &amp; Skin Clinic. </p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext">At  <a href="http://www.weight-loss-institute.com/index.htm">The Weight Loss Institute</a> you will find reviews on  pills and information regarding all known  diet pills  currently   on the market. They also offer detailed  information on the most  popular weight   loss programs.</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href=
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            from 3 different weight loss pills.</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="http://www.campshane.com">Weight Loss Camp</a> - Weight loss summer camp for children of all ages, offering   useful articles and tips on kids weight loss and fighting childhood   obesity.</p>
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          <p class="header1">Our HGH Guarantee </p>
        <p class="bodytext"> <span class="header2"><em>&quot;If you are not completely satisfied with this product within 90 days of your purchase we will refund your total purchase price, no questions asked. Simply return all used and unused bottles.&quot;</em></span> </p>
        <p class="bodytext">Send the bottle or bottles back to: 21st Century HGH, 22724 Meridiana Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33433.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">We appreciate your business and if you aren't happy neither are we. Returns are not a big deal for us. We only get about 1 or 2 per month, less than one half of one percent of our business. We don't hold your money for weeks and weeks.  It usually takes us only 24-48 hours to issue a refund after receiving all bottles, new and used, back in the mail from you. </p>
        <p class="bodytext">Some people don't react to homeopathic products of any kind, not just homeopathic HGH oral sprays, and the science of homeopathy doesn't know why. That's just the way it is. Everybody is different and 2% of the population falls into this category. So we don't require any kind of explanation from you. We enjoy having happy customers who use our product and happy customers who are unable to use our product. Our no-questions-asked guarantee and fast response to a refund makes this so.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">You don't need a return authorization number. We like to keep it simple. Please, though, make sure at least your name and address are on the inside of the package as sometimes the returned bottles get separated from the packaging. If you can include your order number that will streamline and speed the process but it's not necessary.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">You do have to pay for the shipping back to us, less than $5, but the complete amount of the purchase, including shipping to you, is refunded. The refund usually takes from 1-3 days to appear on your statement and if we have a valid email we will notify you of the refund.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">Why do we require that you send the bottles back? Well, unfortunately, there is a pretty common internet scam in which people buy products, resell them new, and then demand a refund. Pretty amazing, huh? We were victims of this scam when we first started out: you live and learn! So this policy keeps the scammers away.</p>
        <p align="center" class="toplinks">Other HGH Guarantees</p>
        <p class="bodytext">1. We ship your order within 24 hours of receiving it.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">2. We are not a Multi-Level Marketing company and never intend to be at any point in the future.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">3. Each purchase you make is a stand alone purchase. Unauthorized recurring charges will never happen.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">4. Your email address, your shipping address, and your phone number will never be used for any solicitation by us or by anybody else as we do not sell this information. We only email you if there is a problem with your order.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">5. We do not set &quot;cookies&quot; on your computer.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">We take pride in our customer service. We respect your time and your privacy. When we answer the phone or receive an email we always expect a pleasant experience for both us and you. Our guarantees make this a reality.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">Good Luck!</p>
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      <div align="center"><p class="bodytext"><span class="style7"><a href="human-growth-hormone-faq.htm"   style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">FAQ</font></a> | <a href="HGH-nih.htm"   style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">Research</font></a> | <a href="HGH-resource-directory.htm" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">Resources</font></a> |</span><span class="style8"><font color="#000000"> </font></span><span class="style7"><a href="hgh-privacy-statement.htm" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">Privacy Policy</font></a> | <a href="HGH-warning-disclaimer.htm" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">Disclaimer</font></a> | <a href="feed://www.21stcenturyhgh.com/hgh-rss-feed.xml" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">RSS Feed</font></a> | <a href="about-us.htm" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">About Us</font></a> | <a href="growth-hormone-contact001.htm" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">Customer Service</font></a> | <a href="/blog/" style="text-decoration:none;color: rgb(255,255,255)"><font color="#000000">HGH Blog</font></a></span></p>
    <span class="bodytext"> © 2000-2012 Pros, Inc. All rights reserved.</span>
             <br /><span class="bodytext">
    21st Century Designer Health Products, 22724 Meridiana Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33433</span><br />
             <span class="bodytext">
    925 352-9393</span></div>

  • I have just upgraded and have "recents" across the top of the screen - how do I get rid of this?

    I have just upgraded to version 8.0 and now have "recents" across the top of the screen - how do I get rid of this? Please..................

    If you don't want recents in your App Switcher screen:
    Settings => Mail, Contact, and Calendars => Scroll down to Contacts => Show in App Switcher => Turn off Recents and Favorites too if you don't want them in the App Switcher.

  • How do I get rid of a file that is still stuck in the trash can

    How do I get rid of a file that is still stuck in the trash can

    Hold the option key when emptying the trash

  • How do you get rid of "are you sure you want to empty the trash"

    how do you get rid of "are you sure you want to empty the trash"
    When I control click to empty the trash it always pop out the annoying message...
    is there any way?

    you mean at system preferences?
    No. Finder has its own preferences.
    I cannot find the finders advanced preferences
    Click the Finder icon in the dock, click "Finder" in the menu bar, then "Preferences", then the "Advanced" tab.

  • HT1689 I have 0.44$ in my account, and I was trying to change the apple store, but I have to use the credit... However, all applications seem to be 0.99$ (the least) how can I get rid of this 0.44$ so I can change the store?

    I have 0.44$ in my account, and I was trying to change the apple store, but I have to use the credit... However, all applications seem to be 0.99$ (the least) how can I get rid of this 0.44$ so I can change the store?

    Click here and request assistance.

  • We have a long list of disabled/deleted users in AD Somehow, they are still appeared as active user in Sharepoint Online. How do we get rid of those list? Hope you can advice. Thanks.

    we have a long list of disabled/deleted users in AD
    Somehow, they are still appeared as active user in Sharepoint Online.
    How do we get rid of those list?
    Hope you can advice. Thanks.

    SharePoint does not remove users from SharePoint permissions just because they were deleted/disabled in AD. This is to maintain referential integrity. In fact, when you delete a user from SharePoint, that user remains in the SharePoint content database,
    just marked as deleted.
    They do not have access to SharePoint given their account is deleted/disabled. But as far as automatically managing this, I'm not aware of a tool. On-prem there is Metalogix ControlPoint which does a great job of this, I haven't explored the O365 options.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • I have a black block appeared on my screen, how do I get rid of it?

    I Have a black block appeared at the bottom of my screen how do I get rid of it?

    Settings>General>Accessibility>Assistive Touch>Off.

  • What's wrong with my iPhone? I put it on the charger it's says it's charging but nothing happens and when I use it while it's charging it starts to die and stops at 1%

    What's wrong with my iPhone? I put it on the charger it's says it's charging but nothing happens and when I use it while it's charging it starts to die and stops at 1%

    Please help

  • How do i get rid of duplicated bookmarks after sync

    after reset sync, i ow have duplicated bookmarks on my pc and i keep getting error messages that it can't sync to my iPhone.
    How do i get rid of duplicates on my PC?
    No articles on this subject help or have answers that helped!!!!

    I had to go through and delete duplicated bookmarks. After syncing up computers, turn only one on, one with duplicates. Organize, remove, relabel the bookmarks. Open tools(XP) or Firefox upper left(win7) options,Sync,manage account, reset sync,replace all other devices with this computer's data.
    Seemed to work for me.
    Sync instructions could be a lot clearer about this.
    I am not clear how syncing works when 2 computers are on all the time.

  • How Can I get rid of Yahoo home page? Changing home page doesn't work.

    A week or two ago, Yahoo started coming up as my home page. No matter how many times I change it back to Bing, every time I bring up Firefox, there is Yahoo as the home page. Changing it back to Bing and clicking ok is not working. I'm getting a little frustrated with this. How do I get rid of Yahoo coming up as my home page when I did not even ask for it?
    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Hi johnbarr, please start a new question for further discussion since the original poster has marked this one as solved.
    For more information on viewing and managing your add-ons in Firefox, see:
    * [[Find and install add-ons to add features to Firefox]] (you'll notice there are several categories of add-ons on the page, the most important are Plugins and Extensions)

  • Can't get rid of old bookmark list for current list to save for backup

    My computer was infected with malware and crashed in November. I lost everything but was able to get my bookmarks back with a jump drive.
    I then went in and removed a lot of bookmarks and folders, and have added a lot of other folders and bookmarks over time. I do mean a lot.
    I am now trying to make a current back up, but every time I try to export it to html format it reverts back to the original list that was edited to the current list, which I can see, and even though it does light up when I select all, it again reverts back to the original list for export, and will not show the list as is now.
    Am curious why the original list is even here, as it should of disappeared when the computer crashed, so how can it still be here is another question, but this is not my main question of course.
    How do I get rid of the original list and get it to export the current list for back up? PLEASE! Once bitten twice shy.
    Running XP Professional on a Sony Vaio 2002.
    I have tried to make a copy in a word doc but cannot get it to "copy" to paste to put it into that format.
    Thank you in advance, Trisha

    I'm still unclear what is happening when you export.
    This article has the steps to export bookmarks to an HTML file: [[Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks]].
    Are you saying that the file you export contains the old bookmarks that you removed, or the old bookmarks reappear in Firefox when you try to export??
    The JSON format consists of text, but isn't meant to be easily read. Its real purpose is to be restored back to Firefox is you lose your bookmarks. So it is a convenient backup format.
    I can understand that you aren't sure what it contains. If you'd like to see how it restores, you can copy the .json file to a convenient location (e.g., thumb drive or documents folder) and restore it into a new Firefox profile.
    This doesn't replace your existing Firefox settings, but would be an independent settings folder that exists alongside it. You can create and switch between profiles for testing, to isolate different users, or other purposes. Just don't delete any profiles without backing up the ones you really care about, just in case something were to go wrong during the process.
    Exit Firefox and start up in the Profile Manager using Start > search box (or Run):
    firefox.exe -P
    Any time you want to switch profiles, exit Firefox and return to this dialog.
    When creating a new profile, I recommend using the default location suggested, and to avoid data loss, not re-using any existing folder.
    Once you get the new profile with its default bookmarks, you can restore your last .json backup to see what it includes. This is where the "convenient location" comes in: when using the steps in the following article, you will use "Choose File" to locate that .json file. [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]].

  • How do I get rid of excessive pop up adds? I have a newer desk top.  When on the internet adds pop up all the time.

    How do I get rid of excessive pop up ads?   When on the internet they always pop up.  I think I have a virus.

    You probably have some kind of adware installed, assuming that your Mac is not actually running OS 9 or earlier (systems that date back to the 90s). I'm assuming that the forum choice was an error, as I doubt such an old system would even be capable of properly displaying modern websites. What version of Mac OS are you actually running? (Go to the Apple menu and choose About This Mac.)
    Assuming you're actually running some version of Mac OS X, see my Adware Removal Guide for help finding and removing the adware.
    (Fair disclosure: The Safe Mac is my site, and contains a Donate button, so I may receive compensation for providing links to The Safe Mac. Donations are not required.)

  • How do I get rid of error message, "iTunes could not back up the iPad because an error occurred."

    During a recent syncing of my iPad and iTunes, I cancelled a sync during the backup step of the process.  Since then I whenever I sync the ipad I know get, "iTunes could not back up the iPad because an error occurred."
    I have reset my iPad and turned off the MacBook, still the message occurs.
    Can someone offer some advice on how to get rid of this error message?

    You can try deleting your backup. Launch Itunes on your Mac and go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices. Highlight the name of the iPad backup and select delete. Quit iTunes, restart your Mac and try to sync again.

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