I have multiple ID Tags on My Page, How To Correct And Change To CLASS ID's

Hello Dreamweaver Word:
I still have problems.
On my website wwww.theexecutivevip.com
My MENU BAR has moved down to the bottom of the page.
On the various product pages [problem is seen in Internet Explorer Browser]
I have multiple "main content" ID tags and the other ID tags that are within them.
When I made the page, I did not make multiple ID tags, but instead I made the page into a template
that had "Repeatable Regions" and as I repeated these regions within a page, the ID's were repeated as well.
So now I have multiple ID's going down my page.  How do I correct them and replace them with CLASS ID's.
I of course need to do this change on the template so it can CORRECTLY update all the pages that I built off of it.
Will I need to change each product page manually, since they are all "editable regions" or can I just change the template. The "main content" is not an editable region, but all the product/image ID's are.
Please advise on how I can correct the multiple ID tags to the proper tag types without ruining my work. I tried and it made a mess so I just didn't save it.
In advance THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP FOLKS! I hope to be in your position soon where I can help the folks new to Dreamweaver.  I just got a book on code/html so I can learn this world of information that you guys seem to know so well.
      <div id="maincontent">
        <div id="ProductTitle"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="PageSubTitleID" --><img src="Website Images/WebsiteSubTitle.TravelLuggage.jpg" width="408" height="114" alt="Travel Luggage" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
        <div id="productlayout">
            <div id="product1">
              <div id="image1"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage1" --><a href="611206.html"><img src="Website Images/611026.Black.Thumb.jpg" alt="Red Bag" width="115" height="125" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
              <div id="imagetext1">
                  <h3 align="center"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle1" --><strong>611026 <br />
                  OGIO&copy; Transporter <br />
                  Travel Garment Bag</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h3>
                <p align="center"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton1" --><a href="611206.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                                  </div>
                <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
            <div id="productlayout2">
              <div id="product2">
                <div id="image2"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage2" --><a href="108226.html"><img src="Website Images/108226.Thumb.jpg" alt="Pen" width="115" height="126" border="0" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                <div id="imagetext2">
                    <div align="center">
                      <h3><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle2" -->
                    <h3 align="center">108226 </h3>
                    <h3 align="center"><strong>OGIO&copy;</strong> Terminal Travel Bag</h3>
                      <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h3>
                    <p align="center"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton2" --><a href="108226.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                   
              <div id="productlayout3">
                <div id="product3">
                  <div id="image3"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage3" --><a href="109053.html"><img src="Website Images/109053.Black.Thumb.jpg" width="118" height="127" alt="Golf" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                  <div id="imagetext3">
                      <div align="center">
                        <h3><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle3" --><strong>109053 <br />
                        OGIO&copy; Travel Bag w/Detachable Carry-on</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h3>
                        <p><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton3" --><a href="109053.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

Hello Murray:
I updated my template with your corrections.  Thanks for the help.
Everything looks GREAT in Firefox, except the only product page that is all jambled is www.theexecutivevip.com/winebarsets.html.
I don't know where all those spaces come from. I'll copy the code below.
In Internet Explorer,  my submenu doesn't work on the pages.  It is also still going down the page on Internet Explorer.
Please advise.
code for the "winebarsets" page
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1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
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margin-left: 8px;
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      <div id="header">Join Our Community Today</div>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <div id="logo"><a href="http://www.theexecutivevip.com"><img src="Website Images/ExecutiveVIP.Logo.jpg" width="153" height="87" alt="Back To Home Page" /></a></div>
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      <div class="maincontent">
        <div class="ProductTitle"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="PageSubTitleID" --><img src="Website Images/WebsiteSubTitle.WineCases.jpg" width="408" height="114" alt="Wine Cases" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
        <div class="productlayout">
            <div class="product1">
              <div class="image1"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage1" --><a href="EH3515.html"><img src="Website Images/EH3515.Thumb.jpg" alt="EH3515" width="130" height="118" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
              <div class="imagetext1">
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle1" --><strong class="titleforproducts">EH3515
                  Wine Holder</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton1" -->
                <a href="EH3515.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                                  </div>
                <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
            <div class="productlayout2">
              <div class="product2">
                <div class="image2"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage2" --><a href="EH3500.html"><img src="Website Images/EH3500.Thumb.jpg" alt="EH3500" width="115" height="127" border="0" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                <div class="imagetext2">
                    <div align="center">
                      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle2" -->
                    <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">EH3500 </h3>
                    <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">Portelli Leather Double Wine Case</h3>
                      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton2" -->
                      <a href="EH3500.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                   
              <div class="productlayout3">
                <div class="product3">
                  <div class="image3"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage3" --><a href="LG9102.html"><img src="Website Images/LG-9102.Thumb.jpg" alt="LG-9102" width="119" height="128" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
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                      <div align="center">
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle3" --><strong class="titleforproducts">LG-9102 <br />
                        <br />
                        Upper West Side <br />
                        Single Wine Case</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton3" -->
                        <a href="LG9102.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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        <div class="productlayout5"></div>
        <div class="productlayout6">
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            <div class="product1">
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              <div class="imagetext1">
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle1" --><strong class="titleforproducts">557-65-113 <br />
                  <br />
                  Aruba Single-Bottle <br />
                  Wine Case</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton1" --><a href="557-65-113.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                                  </div>
                <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
            <div class="productlayout2">
              <div class="product2">
                <div class="image2"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage2" --><a href="LG9099.html"><img src="Website Images/LG-9099.Thumb.jpg" alt="LG-9099" width="118" height="127" border="0" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                <div class="imagetext2">
                    <div align="center">
                      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle2" -->
                    <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">LG-9099</h3>
                    <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">Champagne/Wine Holder</h3>
                      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton2" --><a href="LG9099.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                   
              <div class="productlayout3">
                <div class="product3">
                  <div class="image3"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage3" --><a href="LG9158.html"><img src="Website Images/LG-9158.Thumb.jpg" alt="LG-9158" width="119" height="128" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                  <div class="imagetext3">
                      <div align="center">
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle3" --><strong class="titleforproducts">LG-9158 <br />
                        <br />
                        Upper West Side <br />
                        Double Wine Case</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton3" --><a href="LG9158.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
        <div class="productlayout4"></div>
        <div class="productlayout5"></div>
        <div class="productlayout6">
          <div class="product6"></div>
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        <div class="productlayout">
            <div class="product1">
              <div class="image1"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage1" --><a href="66897.html"><img src="Website Images/Large.668-97.Encore.WineCase.Thumb.jpg" alt="668-97" width="114" height="128" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
              <div class="imagetext1">
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle1" --><strong class="titleforproducts">668-97 <br />
                  <br />
                  Encore Insulated <br />
                  Single Bottle Case</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton1" --><a href="66897.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                                  </div>
                <p> </p>
              <p> </p>
            <div class="productlayout2">
              <div class="product2">
                <div class="image2"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage2" --><a href="66743.html"><img src="Website Images/Large.667-43.Manhattan.WineCase.Thumb.jpg" alt="667-43" width="113" height="126" border="0" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                <div class="imagetext2">
                    <div align="center">
                      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle2" -->
        <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">667-43 </h3>
        <h3 align="center" class="titleforproducts">Manhattan Two-Bottle Cocktail Case</h3>
                      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton2" --><a href="66743.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->                   
              <div class="productlayout3">
                <div class="product3">
                  <div class="image3"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage3" --><a href="67365133.html"><img src="Website Images/Large.673-65-133.Escape.WineCase.Thumb.jpg" alt="673-65-133" width="114" height="128" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
                  <div class="imagetext3">
                      <div align="center">
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle3" --><strong class="titleforproducts">673-65-133<br />
                        <br />
                        Escape Insulated <br />
                        Wine Case</strong><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
                        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductDetailButton3" --><a href="67365133.html"><img src="Website Images/ProductDetail.Button.jpg" width="97" height="30" alt="Product Detail" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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        <div class="ProductTitle"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="PageSubTitleID" --><img src="Website Images/WebsiteSubTitle.OutdoorDining.jpg" width="408" height="114" alt="Outdoor Dining" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
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            <div class="product1">
              <div class="image1"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductImage1" --><a href="611701.html"><img src="Website Images/611701.RedOpen.Thumb.jpg" alt="611701" width="116" height="128" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
              <div class="imagetext1">
                  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="ProductTitle1" --><strong class="titleforproducts">611701 <br />
                  <br />
                  Pulley Cooler <br />
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    JShimazaki wrote:
    Mac OS X Mountain Lion supports multitasking like cbs20 mentioned. Just like MS Windows just press alt+tab to switch to whatever applications you have open.
    Actually it isn't Alt-Tab on OS X, it's Command-Tab to use the Application Switcher.
    Also, Control+ left/right arrow key will switch spaces if that's what's desired.

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    Hi Roger:
    Thanks for the reply.  I think I figured out the problem.  Apple has confused (at least in my mind) the different IDs that people can have.  In the iCloud settings, they use the term Apple ID and not iCloud ID.  I guess there really is no such thing as an iCloud ID.  There are Apple IDs with various attributes.  This is not clearly explained or easy to see (how could I look up to see if my Apple ID is associated with iTunes for example?).
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    Dayanueva wrote:
    Another rep said pay 8€ we will send an email telling you what to do with the code in the email all via iTunes again. No email or code received. What a mess.
    You're being lied to. There is no code. The unlock process is summarized as follows:
    You request an unlock from the carrier
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    Eventually someone at the carrier approves the request
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    It goes into a queue at Apple
    Eventually (usually 1-2 days) Apple updates their activation database to show the phone as unlocked
    You then connect the phone to iTunes on your computer and click the "Restore iPhone" button in iTunes
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    Summary quoted with gratitude from Lawrence Finch, another regular participant in the forums.

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    Hi there,
    I have a problem whereby pages created from a template are
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    I have used the Check Template Syntax and it is OK.
    If I remove the doctype it does not create these duplicate
    head areas.
    Here is my doctype in the dwt:
    &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns="
    &lt;!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false"
    and here is what is being output in instance pages:
    &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns="
    InstanceBegin template="/Templates/master.dwt"
    codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    I have searched the forums and the web in general but have
    found no help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    kind regards

    > Have you ever heard of editable-head-areas being
    No. But I have recommended consistently that Nested templates
    are too
    complex for casual use. Frankly, I have not found a good
    scenario that
    would compel me to use them at all. I don't encourage that
    you use them
    either - why are you?
    > I have a master template, and the head area has a
    > editable-area
    > tag around the entire head area.
    Why would you do this? All you need there is the doctitle and
    the head
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "scratchmybrain" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Murray
    > sorry if that was confusing.
    > What it meant is, and some more of the story, as
    > I have a master template, and the head area has a
    > editable-area
    > tag around the entire head area.
    > I have made new nested templates from the master, each
    of which have the
    > editable-area tag around the entire head.
    > However, whenever I made a new template based on the
    master, Dreamweaver
    > would
    > assign a second editable-area tag immediately after the
    head, but which
    > was
    > *also* called the 'head'.
    > And since I had 2 areas called the 'head', the second of
    which (an empty
    > tag)
    > seemed to take precedent over the former, and
    obliterated the head of
    > subsequent child pages.
    > Indeed just by editing the master it applied the same
    extra set of tags to
    > each nested template.
    > All of this happened before I became aware of what the
    problem was, and by
    > hunting around I found this extra editable-area tag to
    be the culprit.
    > I do not have access to the files until Monday next
    week, so I can't
    > attach
    > anything.
    > Have you ever heard of editable-head-areas being
    > thanks Murray
    > cheers
    > Darryl

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    That's a Windows/Office problem. You should ask in the Microsoft support forums.

  • When I have multiple browser windows open - but in the "minimized" mode - and I want to open up one of them for viewing, ALL of the windows automatically open as well. How do I prevent this annoying function. I cannot find it anywhere in the options.

    This does not appear to be a system issue, but rather a functional aspect of the browser windows. E.g., if I have 7 browser windows open to different sites... and all are Minimized, and I decide to open one to study, THEY ALL POP OPEN automatically. I am using Firefox v3.6.8 on Windows 7. This is an annoying behavior of the browser, and I am sure it can be somehow "turned off" but cannot determine how to do that. I have looked through all options. I am not a techie, but have reasonable proficiency with software apps.

    This can happen if you drag a tab slightly down in the browser window while clicking.
    Firefox has a feature called tear-off tabs
    You can detach a tab from the current window and open it in a new window by dragging a tab in the browser window.
    You can also do this via the right-click context menu of a tab: Move to New Window
    You can drag that tab back to the tab bar in the original window to undo that detaching.
    * https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/bug489729-disable-detach-and-t

  • Page not showing correctly and missing sitemap

    I have two problems involving Dreamweaver 8.02.
    First is the index page not loading correctly. But when you
    preview the page from Dreamweaver's browser everything shows fine.
    But opening up a new broswer it is all messed up. I am using
    Dreamweaver 8.02 and one of the existing templates in CSS style.
    Second issue is the missing sitemap whenever I FTP files to
    the server. I used to be able to view the remote site and the local
    files side by side. Now. the white box indicating that perspective
    is gone. Did I click on something accidentally? If so, how do I
    reset everything?
    Here's the URL:
    I have also attached the code.

    I'm not sure but could the problem possibly be with the router itself. I checked many other topics of people reporting the same problems as me and the person above me. They all seem to be the same WRT54G wireless routers and all seem to have been reported at least within the last couple weeks. It seemed like the help given too never really helped the problem. I'm sure it's not the browser because I have had the same result on all that I've tried or the firewall because I have had that off while trying just like everyone else who seemed to have the problem.

  • In Pages, how to search and replace text involving invisible characters?

    In Pages documents, how to search and replace text involving invisible characters, colors and font sizes—a task which is so easy in Mircosoft Word?

    I read that an older version of Pages allowed users to enter special characters in the search/replace fields, but this did not work for me.
    Here: http://www.macworld.com/article/1156533/pagesspecialcharacters.html
    I still am looking for a way to do this.

  • Can i have multiple paper sizes in one pages document?

    Is there any way to configure a pages document with 2 different page sizes?  I want to create a 4 page annual report (for online viewing only) where pages 2-3 are shown on a single horizontal 11 x 17 page, but cover and back are 8.5 x 11 vertical.

    You were supposed to have 2 separate Pages documents and 2 separate pdfs from those, each with different pages sizes.
    You open both and drag the thumbnails from one into the other to combine them.

  • Can we  have a href tags in jsf page

    hi all,
    I tried inserting a link in jsf page using <a href> tag but when I click it, it is appending the link to contextroot.
    For Example:
    click here
    and when I click on it, I see http://www.google.com is appended to my application url after context root like
    and I get 404 error. how do I do it without having my application url.
    Edited by: niki007 on Jan 12, 2009 4:32 PM

    This problem can occur if you didn't specify any protocol (http:// or https:// or others) in the link. But your example looks fine. I think that you modified the real code to this example, without being aware that you solved the problem yourself.
    At any way, you can also just use h:outputLink to render <a> elements.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Inspection Lot Type 03 Confirmation Pop-Up

    Gurus, Can anyone tell me why I am getting a Pop-Up that has the fields for 'Yield', 'Scrap' and 'Rework Qty' and Radio buttons for Partial Confirmation, Final Confirmation and No Confirmation on an 03 Lot when I complete all results and hit save in

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    Dear Friends, I have created one sLA and assigned the same to support hotline standard product Later assigned the product to ibase. Now when i creating a business transaction from crmd_order of slfn type i am getting this error ENTER PRODUCT BEFORE P

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    Can anyone tell me how to reset the phone? my keypad is locked and I can't unlock it? help please...........

  • Doubt in shopping cart

    Hi all, i am working on SRM 5.0 classical scenario...Can i create a shopping cart using materials in my backend system.(I havent replicated the material to ebp)..Is it possible to d o that. Thanks&Regards, Hari