I need to access the quiz variable in Captivate 6

Is there any way to set the final quiz score in CP6 using either an advanced action or by using AS3 in Flash?
We use a lot of custom interactions that are created in Flash and we need to use the scores from those interactions as quiz scores. So far i haven't found a Captivate variable that I can set from Flash, to record a quiz score that can be reported to our LMS.

My suggestion would be that you look into coding your Flash interactions as Captivate Interactive Widgets.  That way you can assign the score in Captivate and just set the interaction up to either register Success or Failure to achieve the score.
The WdigetFactory API is the most popular way to achieve this:

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    hi ram,
    as i mentioned i m creating hidden variables & i m doing some validation on form submit.
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    for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].admissionRank.length; i++)
    admissionRank = document.forms[0].admissionRank.value;
    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank.length; j++)
    //alert ("admissionRank : " + admissionRank + " document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[" + j + "].value : " + document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value + "\ndocument.forms[0].allApplicantID[" + j + "].value : " + document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value + " document.forms[0].applicantID[" + i + "].value : " + document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value);
    if(admissionRank == document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value && document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value != document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value && admissionRank != "" && document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value != "")
    flag = false;
    if (flag == false)
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    "(document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value == document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value )"
    Thanks in adv

  • How do I access the DCJMS* variables in my response SOAP:Header ?

    Hi all,
    I have set up a sync / async Integration Process in XI
    This is initiated by a SAP R/3 transaction that calls a synchronous function to enter XI
    Once in the Bridge, a JMS receiver adapter sends out an asynchronous request message from XI to MQ
    A correlation allows the JMS sender adapter to return an asynchronous response message from MQ to XI back into my the Integration Process
    I have set up the JMS sender adapter configuration to return the DC (dynamic configuration) variables in the <SOAP:Header> of the XI response message along with the payload
    You can see that the DCJMS* variables are returned below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--
    - <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30">
    - <SOAP:Header>
    + <SAP:Main xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:wsu="http://www.docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" versionMajor="003" versionMinor="000" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" wsu:Id="wsuid-main-92ABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7">
    + <SAP:ReliableMessaging xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    + <SAP:HopList xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    + <SAP:RunTime xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    + <SAP:PerformanceHeader xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30">
    - <SAP:DynamicConfiguration xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSCorreleationID">40D982A0-B19D-11DB-9508-0002A5D5916B</SAP:Record>
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSTimestamp">1170297456940</SAP:Record>
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSMessageID">ID:414d5120514d4430312020202020202045c12b962001dd02</SAP:Record>
    - <SAP:Diagnostic xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    I want to access the DCJMS* variables but am not sure how to go about it as the
    variables exist in the <SOAP:Header>?
    I followed the SAP documentation to access adapter-specific attributes (refer to link http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/14/80243b4a66ae0ce10000000a11402f/frameset.htm )
    I have used the following code to create a user-defined function for the accessing adapter specific attributes (similar to the link)
    public String Get_Msgid(Container container){
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create
    String jmsMsgID = conf.get(key);
    return jmsMsgID;
    Do I use message mapping to extract the DCJMS* variables?
    If so then which message is used for the source message so that I can access the <SOAP:Header>?  Eg do I use the response message type or is there a trick to accessing the SOAP:Header?
    Do I use the user-defined function (like above)?
    I performed the following steps
    •     Opened the message mapping in edit mode
    •     Created the user-defined function using the graphical editor
    •     Saved the message mapping
    •     I have not connected the user-defined function to any of the xml tags in either the source or target messages
    When I go to test the message mapping I am getting the following error
    Compilation process error : CreateProcess: null\bin\javac -J-Xmx256m @E:/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/server0/./temp/classpath_resolver/Mapd79a7bf0b65611dbaf390002a5d5916b/O1170817003886.txt @E:/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/server0/./temp/classpath_resolver/Mapd79a7bf0b65611dbaf390002a5d5916b/S1170817003886.txt error=2
    com.sap.aii.ib.core.mapping.exec.ExecuteException: Compilation process error : CreateProcess: null\bin\javac -J-Xmx256m @E:/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/server0/./temp/classpath_resolver/Mapd79a7bf0b65611dbaf390002a5d5916b/O1170817003886.txt @E:/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/server0/./temp/classpath_resolver/Mapd79a7bf0b65611dbaf390002a5d5916b/S1170817003886.txt error=2
    at  com.sap.aii.ib.server.mapping.exec.ServiceUtil.compileSourceCode(ServiceUtil.java:207)
    at com.sap.aii.ib.server.mapping.exec.ServiceUtil.compile(ServiceUtil.java:156)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.compileSourceCode(ServerMapService.java:361)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.compileSourceCodeWithoutAndWithArchives(ServerMapService.java:301)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.execute(ServerMapService.java:153)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceBean.execute(MapServiceBean.java:52)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.execute(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.java:259)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.dispatch(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.java:146)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._runInternal(DispatchImpl.java:304)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._run(DispatchImpl.java:193)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.request(P4SessionProcessor.java:122)
    at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
    at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:100)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:170)
    A thread in the SDN (Error while Activating Message Mapping, Posted: Jan 9, 2007 3:32 PM) suggests checking the java path on the XI machine
    This is JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08 and seems ok
    Do you know why I would get the compilation error?
    Any assistance would be appreciated

    My compilation issue has gone via a SAP recommendation to specify the JDK home directory in the instance profile
    Back to the mapping - I can now run my scenario
    <b>Source message</b>
    The response message has the following <SOAP:Header> from which I want to extract the DCJMSCorreleationID (note that it's misspelt)
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Response
    - <SAP:DynamicConfiguration xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSCorreleationID">40D982A0-B19D-11DB-9508-0002A5D5916B</SAP:Record>
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSTimestamp">1170297456940</SAP:Record>
      <SAP:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/JMS" name="DCJMSMessageID">ID:414d5120514d4430312020202020202045c12b962001dd02</SAP:Record>
    <b>Grahpical mapping</b>
    LHS - Response message with occurrance 0..1 so it is not connected to my UDF
    UDF Get_Corrid with no inputs
    RHS - The UDF output is connected to the Acknowledgement msg tag <ACK>
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create
    String Corrid = conf.get(key);
    return Corrid;
    <b>Target message</b>
    The idea is to copy the correlation id of the response message into the acknowledgement message.  But as you can see the result is NULL
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ns2:AWB0020_MARKET_DATA_RESPONSE_ACK xmlns:ns2="http://awb.com.au/mq/tx/MarketData">
    Please advise
    Thanks Mike

  • I have two apple accounts, but can only access one. I did all the steps to recover the older account's password but nothing worked. I need to access the older account to update apps. Also would there be a way to just combine both accounts?

    I have two apple accounts, but can only access one. I did all the steps to recover the older account's password but nothing worked. I need to access the older account to update apps. Also would there be a way to just combine both accounts?

    Were you able to reset the account's password ? If not then how did you try to get it reset e.g. http://iforgot.apple.com (which would have sent it to the rescue email address if you have one on that account) ? You can also try contacting iTunes Support in your country to get it reset : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5699
    And no, accounts can't be merged nor content transferred between accounts.

  • HT1661 My mid-2009 MacBook Pro has just died via a painful (for me) hard drive failure. I backed up a good percentage of files recently but not enough to keep me happy.  I need to access the dead drive on the MBP via a 2008 iMac. Best options?

    My mid-2009 MacBook Pro has just died via a painful (for me) hard drive failure. I backed up a good percentage of files recently but not enough to keep me happy.  I need to access the dead drive on the MBP via a 2008 iMac. Best options?
    I have ordered a 800 firewire to 800 firewire cable and am hoping to use the target mode option to copy files from the MBP.
    Is this possible?
    Hope so!
    Any advice and or help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Thanks Ogelthorpe.
    Just bought an enclosure to try that also.
    Hoping the MBP isn't really dead but just feigning death
    Fingers crossed.

  • Need help accessing the router web page.  I have been tol...

    Need help accessing the router web page.  I have been told my router is acting like a switch and the IP address is not in the proper range.  I have tried reseting the router (hold for 30 sec and unplug for 5 mins).  Didn't work.

    What router are you using?  Almost all Linksys routers use as the default local IP address, but there is at least one that uses , namely the WTR54GS  (not the WRT54GS).
    You need to try again to reset the router to factory defaults.
    To reset your router to factory defaults, use the following procedure:
    1) Power down all computers, the router, and the modem, and unplug them from the wall.
    2) Disconnect all wires from the router.
    3) Power up the router and allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes).
    4) Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then release it, then let the router reset and reboot (2-3 minutes).
    5) Power down the router.
    6) Connect one computer by wire to port 1 on the router (NOT to the internet port).
    7) Power up the router and allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes).
    8) Power up the computer (if the computer has a wireless card, make sure it is off).
    9) Try to ping the router. To do this, click the "Start" button > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. A black DOS box will appear. Enter the following: "ping" (no quotes), and hit the Enter key. You will see 3 or 4 lines that start either with "Reply from ... " or "Request timed out." If you see "Reply from ...", your computer has found your router.
    10) Open your browser and point it to This will take you to your router's login page. Leave the user name blank (note: a few Linksys routers have a default user name of "admin" (with no quotes)), and in the password field, enter "admin" (with no quotes). This will take you to your router setup page. Note the version number of your firmware (usually listed near upper right corner of screen). Exit your browser.
    If you get this far without problems, try the setup disk (or setup the router manually, if you prefer), and see if you can get your router setup and working.
    If you cannot get "Reply from ..." in step 9 above, your router is dead.
    If you get a reply in step 9, but cannot complete step 10, then either your router is dead or the firmware is corrupt. In this case, use the Linksys tftp.exe program to try to reload your router with the latest firmware. After reloading the firmware, repeat the above procedure starting with step 1.
    If you need additional help, please state your ISP, the make and model of your modem, your router's firmware version, and the results of steps 9 and 10. Also, if you get any error messages, copy them exactly and report back.
    Please let me know how things turn out for you.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 01-21-2008 04:40 AM

  • Accessing the stage variable problems in AS 3.0

    Hi. Quick question...I'm trying to access the stage variable
    which I believe is supposed to be global and I should be able to
    access it from any class. Is this true? The compiler is complaining
    that it doesn't recognize this variable? Note that these objects
    have not been added to the stage yet but still, these are compile
    time errors, so why is that I'm getting these errors?

    > Actually, this doesn't have to do with that question.
    > Basically, the compiler is complaining that it doesn't
    > recognize the stage variable.
    It complains about the DisplayObject.stage property? Are you
    referencing it in conjunction with a DisplayObject instance?
    > This is weird because in my AS 3.0 book, I see that
    > the stage variable is being accessed without
    > it or retrieving it.
    What book is that? I might have it, then I can see what
    you're seeing.
    > I am extending Sprite in all my classes.
    Yeah, Sprite extends DisplayObject, by of InteractiveObject,
    DisplayObjectContainer, so it certainly is entitled to the
    stage property.
    Let me know what book you're looking at, and if I don't have
    it (and if
    you're still interested), I'll try to recreate a simplified
    proof of concept
    on this end.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • HT1420 when I try to import music from my old computer i get an error message that says authorization is needed to access "the song"

    I am trying to import my music on my old laptop to my new laptop using Home Sharing both computers are authorized however I can't seem to import due to an error message that says authorization is needed to access "the name of the song"  Help.

    If they were ripped from CD's there is no authorization.
    Were they possibly purchased with a different Apple ID?  If so, you'll need to authorize the computer for that Apple ID.

  • HT1212 Right, home button broken, locked out. Help... i need to access the recovery mode

    Right, home button broken, locked out. Help... i need to access the recovery mode

    Place the iPod in recovery mode using one of these programs:
    For PC
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    RecBoot tip
    For MAC or PC       
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella

  • HT201250 I have done my back up using time machine, now I have a new mac and I need to access the files that I had saved from my old mac. How can I do that?

    I have done my back up using time machine, now I have a new mac and I need to access the files that I had saved from my old mac. How can I do that?

    Use Migration Assistant on your new Mac:
    Click Continue:
    On the next screen, choose your Time Machine backup disk.
    Don't bother to migrate Applications unless you know they will work on your new Mac. For example, PowerPC applications won't work. Just migrate your user account which will copy all your photos, music, movies, and other documents.
    Note: you will not be able to migrate the information to same account in which you are already logged in. Migration Assistant will tell you that and recommend what to do. It can migrate the information to a new account, but you will have to give it a name you might want to change later. One way around this is to create a temporary account, log in to it, and run Migration Assistant which will replace your normal account. Then, log out of the temporary account, log in to your usual one, verify everyting works as you expect, and delete the temporary one.
    All this can be avoided when you set up a brand new Mac by running Setup Assistant which essentially does the same thing to create your new account, but most people are too excited to do that and elect to migrate later.

  • Thread cannot access the class variables.

    I have below code snippet : (Only section of which I have copied below)
    public class ProcessAppendAction extends HttpServlet implements Runnable{
         public ProcessAppendAction ()
    MI_OS_APPEND port ;
    protected void doGet(
              HttpServletRequest request,
              HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException {
              //TODO : Implement
    port =
                        (MI_OS_APPEND) obj.getLogicalPort(
    Thread[] threads = new Thread[noOfThreads];
    ProcessAppendAction run = new ProcessAppendAction(req);
                                            Thread th = new Thread(run);
                                            threads[no] = th;          
    public ProcessAppendAction(DT_REQUEST_APPEND req) {
              this.requestObj = req;
              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
    public void run()
                   DT_RESPONSE res = this.port.MI_OS_APPEND(requestObj);
                                  catch(Exception e)
                                       int ch=0;
              }     In above code I am successfully creating an object in line :
    port =
                        (MI_OS_APPEND) obj.getLogicalPort(
                             MI_OS_APPEND.class);But when I am trying to access this port variable in run method it is giving null.
    Port in my code is a class variable.
    Is it the case that thread cannot access class variable !!

    money321 wrote:
    ok, I have removed join() from just after start().So that now the Servlet can return before the new Thread has finished. Is this what you want?
    First I did invoked all threads and then in second loop i invoked Join on all threads.I don't understand. Why do you need to join() all the threads since you only start one thread in this request. What am I missing?
    Now, my problem.
    It was solved when I substituted the line
    ProcessAppendAction run = new ProcessAppendAction(req)
    ProcessAppendAction run = new ProcessAppendAction(req,port);Of course. Instance variables in Servlet instances are a no-no so passing the 'port' though an instance variable is just wrong.
    That is passes port alongwith req while creating thread object.
    But still if class variables are not thread safe, then it means if I pass object 1 to thread 1.
    And then try to pass object 2 to thread 2, it might be possibility that object 1 of thread 1 might be replaced by object 2.
    So, thread 1 will get an updated value object 2.Yep - that is why you should not use instance variables in Servlets and why they are not thread safe.
    Which is not what I intend to do...:-)

  • Need to Access the dvd on another computer

    I need to access a dvd player on another mac to install some software and i have followed the apple instructions below for sharing another computers dvd and everything works until its time for me to select remote disk under devices...there is nothing there to select...The other mac shows that it is sharing it dvd player...the internet connection is working as i am able to share that computers screen but cant get it to provide me with "remote disk"...any thoughts?? I do not have an internal DVD player it has been turned into a second hard Drive...thank again
    To access a DVD or CD on another computer:
    Make sure both computers are on the same network (wired or wireless), and the DVD or CD Sharing software is installed on the computer with the optical drive.
    Make sure the computer with the optical drive is set up to share the disc.
    On a computer with Mac OS X v10.4.10 or later: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Sharing, and then select the “DVD or CD Sharing” checkbox. Select “Ask me before allowing others to use my DVD drive” if you want to be notified when a computer tries to access the drive.
    On a computer with Windows XP or Vista: Open the DVD or CD Sharing control panel and select “Enable Remote DVD or CD.” Select “Ask me before allowing others to use my DVD drive” if you want to be notified when a computer tries to access the drive.
    Insert the disc into the optical drive.
    On the computer without the optical drive, select Remote Disc under Devices in a Finder window sidebar. If you see the “Ask to use” button, click it.

    If you are using two Macs you can try to do this via Target Disk Mode. Info here:

  • Why can't I access the received variables??

    I created a new partner link which has an operation which transmits a complex variable type (3 strings, 2 ints). If I add a RECEIVE to my bpel process, I can create an input variable. The problem is, that I want to access the data (of the datatype) via an ASSIGN, but I can't reach the data. The variable name is visible but not the underlying elements. I would be glad if anyone can help me.
    Patrick W.

    Probably better asked on the BPEL forum.

Maybe you are looking for