Im Looking for a terminal script which shows the archlogo

Hi there,
I have found in the May screenshot thread this terminal script:
Can anyone tell me where i found this good looking script. I will also make so nice screenshots from my terminal.
Last edited by FightRight (2007-05-12 17:45:54)

Ohh thanks for yours fast replys.
I have found this Script:
use Switch;
use strict;
## Config options ##
## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian None" ##
my $distro = "Archlinux";
## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ##
my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font";
## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ##
my $shot = 1;
## Command to run to take screen shot ##
my $command = "scrot";
## What colors to use for the variables. ##
my $textcolor = "\e[0m";
## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ##
my $quite = 0;
## Script starts here ##
## Define some thing to work with strict ##
my @line = ();
my $found = 0;
my $DE = "NONE";
my $WM = "NONE";
## Hash of WMs and the process they run ##
my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl",
"Fluxbox", "fluxbox",
"Openbox", "openbox",
"Blackbox", "blackbox",
"Xfwm4", "xfwm4",
"Metacity", "metacity",
"Kwin", "kwin",
"FVWM", "fvwm",
"Enlightenment", "enlightenment",
"IceWM", "icewm",
"Window Maker", "wmaker",
"PekWM","pekwm" );
## Hash of DEs and the process they run ##
my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session",
"Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage",
"KDE", "ksmserver");
## Get Kernel version ##
if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $kernel = `uname -r`;
$kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel";
push(@line, "$kernel");
## Find running processes ##
print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1;
my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`;
## Find DE ##
while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) {
$DE = $DEname;
print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) {
push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE");
## Find WM ##
while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) {
$WM = $WMname;
print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) {
push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM");
## Find WM theme ##
if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){
switch($WM) {
case "Openbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) {
while ( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "Beryl" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.emerald/themes/schoensyDarkgreen/theme.ini")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /name=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Metacity" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`;
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
case "Fluxbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Blackbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Xfwm4" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Kwin" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Enlightenment" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ;
if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "IceWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) {
while( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "PekWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
## Find Theme Icon ans Font ##
if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font,]/) {
switch($DE) {
case "Gnome" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf");
case "Xfce4" {
my @sort = ();
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ##
foreach my $i (@sort) {
push(@line, "$i");
case "KDE" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1");
if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /font=(.+)/ ) {
my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0];
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font");
else {
my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",);
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ( -e $file ) {
print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, $file)
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){
print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Display the system info ##
if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) {
## Get Archlinux version ##
if ( $display =~ "OS"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $version = `cat /etc/arch-release`;
$version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
unshift(@line, "$version");
my $c1 = "\e[0;32m";
my $c2 = "\e[1;32m";
print "$c1 __
$c1 _=(SDGJT=_
$c1 _GTDJHGGFCVS) $c1@line[0]
$c1 ,GTDJGGDTDFBGX0 $c1@line[1]
$c1 JDJDIJHRORVFSBSVL$c2-=+=,_ $c1@line[2]
$c1 IJFDUFHJNXIXCDXDSV,$c2 \"DEBL $c1@line[3]
$c1 [LKDSDJTDU=OUSCSBFLD.$c2 '?ZWX, $c1@line[4]
$c1 ,LMDSDSWH' \`DCBOSI$c2 DRDS], $c1@line[5]
$c1 SDDFDFH' !YEWD,$c2 )HDROD $c1@line[6]
$c1 !KMDOCG &GSU|$c2\_GFHRGO' $c1@line[7]
$c1 HKLSGP'$c2 __$c1\TKM0$c2\GHRBV)' $c1@line[8]
$c1 JSNRVW'$c2 __+MNAEC$c1\IOI,$c2\BN'
$c1 HELK['$c2 __,=OFFXCBGHC$c1\FD)
$c1 ?KGHE $c2\_-#DASDFLSV='$c1 'EF
$c1 'EHTI !H
$c1 \`0F' '!
if ( $distro =~ m/None/ ) {
my $color = "\e[0;34m";
foreach my $filled ( @line ) {
print "$color $filled\n"
if ( $distro =~ m/Debian/ ) {
## Get Debian version ##
if ( $display =~ "OS"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Debian version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $version = `cat /etc/Debian_release`;
$version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
unshift(@line, "$version");
my $c1 = "\e[0;31m";
print "
$c1 _,met\$\$\$\$\$gg.
$c1 ,g\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$P.
$c1 ,g\$\$P\"\" \"\"\"Y\$\$.\". @line[0]
$c1 ,\$\$P' \`\$\$\$. @line[1]
$c1',\$\$P ,ggs. \`\$\$b: @line[2]
$c1\`d\$\$' ,\$P\"' . \$\$\$ @line[3]
$c1 \$\$P d\$' , \$\$P @line[4]
$c1 \$\$: \$\$. - ,d\$\$' @line[5]
$c1 \$\$\; Y\$b._ _,d\$P' @line[6]
$c1 Y\$\$. \`.\`\"Y\$\$\$\$P\"' @line[7]
$c1 \`\$\$b \"-.__ @line[8]
$c1 \`Y\$\$
$c1 \`Y\$\$.
$c1 \`\$\$b.
$c1 \`Y\$\$b.
$c1 \`\"Y\$b._
$c1 \`\"\"\"\"
## Run screen shot graper ##
`$command` unless $shot != 0;
I think that seems to be what you mean. Thanks for helping me.

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    I have to find out the Info objects which stop loading in production system, so that we can delete number range buffering for those objects. In table  RSDCHABALSLOC I found the info objects which has number range buffering. But total 17000 objects are there its not possible for me to go and check in manage tab for each object manually. I need a table which shows the information like when was the last load happened for the info object. I checked in RSDIOBJ table but time stamp of it not matching with manage data target tab of Infoobject.

    Hello Asim,
    Have a look at the table RSLDPIO, this should give the last run time of infopackage with other details like related datasource, info object etc. everything.
    Just go to SE11 and display data of this table - provide your datasource name to OLTPSOURCE or Info Object Name to VARIANT. Also you can check based on specific infopackage name.
    Then sort it in ascending on TIMESTAMP, top most timestamp will be the last run time of that infopackage.
    Another helpful table will be RSREQDONE.
    Please let me know if this serves the purpose.

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    2 for Excise
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    2. for Cancelled Excise
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    Can any one tell me how to rectify the same  and Please explain the compelte reversal process of Excise invoice and biilling.
    Thanks and Regards to ALL

    Hi Parshanth,
    thanks for your reply.
    But when we see the Sale order document flow.
    than I found the reversed FI document related to excise document.
    I we will again cancell the Excise invocie than again system will generate the FI document.
    In that case we will have twice Excise reversed (FI) documents in SO flow and GL balances which is wrong.
    Please suggest what to do?

  • Looking for a specific data in all the cubes and ods

    Hi Gurus
    "i am looking for all the cubes/ods that contain a specific Controlling area(lets say 0123) and a specific 0plant (lets say plant 4567), now i can go down to every cube and ods and search for it in its contents but i have like hundereds of cubes it will take days, is there a simple way to look for some particular data in all the cubes/ods, and it tells me which cube/ods contains these plants and controlling area."
    <b>now based on this above post i got a reply that abaping can help.</b>
    "you could write an ABAP where you call for every InfoProvider function RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_RFC like
    loop at <infoprov-table> assigning <wa>.
    call function 'RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_RFC'
    i_infoprov = <wa>
    i_t_sfc = i_t_rsdri_t_sfc
    i_t_range = l_t_rsdri_t_range
    e_t_rfcdata = l_t_rsdri_t_rfcdata
    illegal_input = 1
    illegal_input_sfc = 2
    illegal_input_sfk = 3
    illegal_input_range = 4
    illegal_input_tablesel = 5
    no_authorization = 6
    generation_error = 7
    illegal_download = 8
    illegal_tablename = 9
    illegal_resulttype = 10
    x_message = 11
    data_overflow = 12
    others = 13.
    i_t_sfc should contain 0PLANT and i_t_range the restriction on you plant value.
    with a describe table statement on l_t_rsdri_t_rfcdata you can get the hits.
    check test program RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_DEMO for details
    best regards clemens "
    <b>now my question is how do  i use this code to check each and every cube in bw, it seems like it is meant to be for only one cube at a time. and what does he  mean by  "for every infoprovider function"</b>


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