In XML Output the values of Number column tags are not displayed properly

Our Client have been using AR Invoice Print Program for a long time and it is heavily customized. Also they are using an old version of the RDF. So we have taken the latest version of the RDF (RAXINV.rdf) for Oracle Apps by raising a SR and implement Client's old RAXINV.rdf into it.
All was ok, but when we are running the program, the XML Output did not generate properly. For the Q_INVOICE query (G_ORDER_BY, G_INVOICE and G_INV_TERM group), the value of some of the scaler number columns are not appeared properly. The tags are coming correctly, but the value is appearing as '*', instead of the correct value. We have checked in the RDF Level (By putting srw.message and check in the log file) that those columns are having proper value. So there is no issue with the RDF.
But because of the above mentioned problem, the some of the PDF output field values also is not generated correctly.
I think that because of the lexical parameters which was implementing the Q_INVOICE query (&COMMON_QUERY) this issue is coming. Because the issue is only in the Q_INVOICE query group (G_ORDER_BY, G_INVOICE and in G_INV_TERM group) not in any other query group.
There is no problem with the scaler character columns. The issue is only with the number columns.
Also we have checked that if we hardcode the value of the number columns in the above mentioned lexical parameter, this problem doesn't appear.
If we put TO_CHAR function to those number columns in the lexical parameter (COMMON_QUERY), then this issue get solved. But we can't do it because of performance issue and also Client won't approve it.
Please help.
With Thanks and Regards

I don't know how to read the code you pasted or I would have checked this myself.
Do your fields in the internal table reference dictionary objects or elementary types? If not using dictionary types, the column names will be blank by default. If you can't change your fields to be dictionary types, you can try this to change the column names:
I made a method inside my local class to add the names:
        call method set_colname
          EXPORTING iv_tab = alv_tab
                    iv_colid = 'xxxx'  "fieldname from the table
                    iv_stxt = text-t54
                    iv_mtxt = text-t55
                    iv_ltxt = text-t55.
METHOD set_colname .
          alv_cols type REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
          alv_col type REF TO cl_salv_column.
  TRY .
*... Change fieldnames
        call METHOD iv_tab->get_columns RECEIVING value = alv_cols.
        call method alv_cols->get_column EXPORTING columnname = iv_colid RECEIVING value = alv_col.
        IF iv_stxt <> ''.
          CALL METHOD alv_col->set_short_text EXPORTING value = iv_stxt.
        IF iv_mtxt <> ''.
          CALL METHOD alv_col->set_medium_text EXPORTING value = iv_mtxt.
        IF iv_ltxt <> ''.
          CALL METHOD alv_col->set_long_text EXPORTING value = iv_ltxt.
   CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
ENDMETHOD. "set_colname

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    I am trying to download a simple query as a comma delimited file on my desktop using APD.
    When I execute the APD, the all the data getting properly downloaded as required but I am facing the following problems.
    1) The column heading are coming as  garbage characters particularly for keyfigures
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    Please let me know if anybody has idea on this.

    Hi Tapan,
    Try using "Hide or Rename Columns(projection)".
    This allows you to rearrange the order of columns in file and also to rename the descriptions as needed.
    Vidya Sagar

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  • Column Heading are not displayed in ALV Report using CL_SALV_DISPLAY?

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    can anyone suggest me how to display heading in ALV using CL_SALV_DISPLAY class, My code is
          CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION.
          display  IMPORTING l_table  TYPE string
                             l_fcat   TYPE string.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
      METHOD display.
        DATA: gr_table   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
        DATA: gr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              gr_column  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
              ls_fcat    TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
        DATA: gr_display TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings.
        DATA: l_o_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list,
              l_field    TYPE string.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_table>    TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                        <ft_fcat>     TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    Get the ALV object refering to the output table
        ASSIGN (l_table) TO <fs_table>.
        ASSIGN (l_fcat)  TO <ft_fcat>.
                r_salv_table = gr_table
                t_table      = <fs_table> ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.                                "#EC NO_HANDLER
    Add basic default functionality in the ALV report
        l_o_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ).
        l_o_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
        gr_columns = gr_table->get_columns( ).
        gr_columns->set_headers_visible( abap_true ).
    Display the list
        gr_table->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "extract
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
    *& start-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      get store codes
        get_storecodes    USING      p_stfile
                          CHANGING   it_t001w,
      fetching mard data
      preparing fieldcatalog for Final Data
        create_filedcat   USING      it_t001w
                          CHANGING   it_fieldcat,
      preparing structure & internal table for Final Data
        create_final_table_structure  USING  it_fieldcat,
      prepare output data
    *& end-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      display data
        display_data    USING l_table
    *&      Form  get_storecodes
    FORM get_storecodes  USING    p_p_stfile
                         CHANGING p_it_t001w  LIKE it_t001w[].
      DATA  :
    internal table for RAW
      lt_raw    TYPE truxs_t_text_data,
      rs_site   LIKE LINE OF rt_site,
      l_index   LIKE sy-tabix.
    field symbol for it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>   LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w.
    calling function module to get Stores Data from File
          i_line_header        = 'X'
          i_tab_raw_data       = lt_raw
          i_filename           = p_p_stfile
          i_tab_converted_data = p_it_t001w[]
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
      CLEAR rs_site.
      rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
      rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
      rs_site-low    = p_dccode.
      APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
      IF it_t001w[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        LOOP AT p_it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w>.
          l_index   = sy-tabix.
              input  = <fs_t001w>-werks
              output = <fs_t001w>-werks.
          MODIFY p_it_t001w FROM <fs_t001w> INDEX l_index.
          IF <fs_t001w>-werks GE s_site-low AND <fs_t001w>-werks LE s_site-high.
          append site to ranges
            CLEAR rs_site.
            rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
            rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
            rs_site-low    = <fs_t001w>-werks.
            APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
        SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
        SORT rt_site.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_storecodes
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_filedcat   USING    p_it_t001w      LIKE it_t001w[]
                                    p_it_site       LIKE it_site[]
                           CHANGING p_it_fieldcat   LIKE it_fieldcat[].
    field symbol for p_it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>     LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w,
    field symbol for p_it_site
      <fs_site>      LIKE LINE OF p_it_site.
      DATA :
      l_fieldname    TYPE slis_fieldname,
    workarea for site ranges
      rs_site        LIKE LINE OF rt_site.
      CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
      l_fieldname    = p_dccode.
    prepare fieldcatalog
      build_fieldcatalog USING :   'MTART'      'CHAR'        '5'  ,
                                   'MTBEZ'      'CHAR'        '25' ,
                                   'MATKL'      'CHAR'        '6'  ,
                                   'WGBEZ'      'CHAR'        '20' ,
                                   'MATNR'      'CHAR'        '18' ,
                                   'MAKTX'      'CHAR'        '30' ,
                                    l_fieldname 'CHAR'        '17' .
    create header for excel
      PERFORM create_excel_header USING  : 'Division',
                                           'Divsion Description',
                                           'MC Code',
                                           'MC Description',
                                           'Article Description',
    loop for creating fieldcatalog
      LOOP AT it_site ASSIGNING <fs_site>.
        READ TABLE it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w> WITH KEY werks = <fs_site>-werks
                                                                  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0           AND <fs_t001w> IS ASSIGNED AND
           <fs_site> IS ASSIGNED  AND <fs_site>-stock GT 0.
          CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
          l_fieldname    = <fs_site>-werks.
        prepare fieldcatalog
          PERFORM build_fieldcatalog USING : l_fieldname    'CHAR'   '17'.
        create header for excel
          PERFORM create_excel_header USING  l_fieldname  .
      l_fcat  = 'it_fieldcat[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  build_fieldcatalog
    FORM build_fieldcatalog  USING    p_fieldname      TYPE slis_fieldname
                                      p_datatype       TYPE datatype_d
                                      p_length         TYPE intlen.
      DATA : ls_fieldcat    LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  : ls_fieldcat.
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname   = p_fieldname.
      ls_fieldcat-datatype    = p_datatype.
      ls_fieldcat-intlen      = p_length.
      APPEND ls_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_final_table_structure  USING    p_it_fieldcat.
    Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat
          ep_table        = t_table.
      ASSIGN t_table->*  TO <ft_final>.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  create_excel_header
    FORM create_excel_header  USING    p_p_fieldname.
      DATA : ls_header  LIKE LINE OF it_header.
      CLEAR ls_header.
      ls_header-col_name  = p_p_fieldname.
      APPEND ls_header TO it_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_excel_header
    *&      Form  prepare_final_data
    FORM prepare_final_data .
      DATA          : l_matnr       LIKE g_matnr,
                      l_werks       LIKE g_werks,
                      l_index       LIKE sy-tabix.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mard>     LIKE LINE OF it_mard.
    Getting No. of Lines in IT_MARD internal table
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mard LINES g_lines.
      LOOP AT it_mard ASSIGNING <fs_mard>.
        l_index    = sy-tabix.
        IF l_matnr IS INITIAL.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
        ELSEIF l_matnr <> <fs_mard>-matnr.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
          CLEAR l_matnr.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        IF l_index = g_lines.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
      l_table  = '<ft_final>[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_final_data
    *&      Form  get_other_data
    FORM get_other_data  USING    p_l_matnr
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mara>     LIKE LINE OF it_mara,
                      <fs_t023t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t023t,
                      <fs_t134t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t134t,
                      <fs_makt>     LIKE LINE OF it_makt.
      READ TABLE it_mara ASSIGNING <fs_mara> WITH KEY matnr = p_l_matnr.   " BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_mara> IS ASSIGNED.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTART'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-mtart.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATKL'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-matkl.
        READ TABLE it_makt  ASSIGNING <fs_makt>  WITH KEY matnr =  <fs_mara>-matnr   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_makt> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MAKTX'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_makt>-maktx.
        READ TABLE it_t023t ASSIGNING <fs_t023t> WITH KEY matkl = <fs_mara>-matkl  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t023t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'WGBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t023t>-wgbez.
        READ TABLE it_t134t ASSIGNING <fs_t134t> WITH KEY mtart = <fs_mara>-mtart  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t134t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t134t>-mtbez.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_other_data
    *&      Form  display_data
    FORM display_data  USING    p_l_table
    Variable for Object Creation
      o_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report.
      CREATE OBJECT o_report.
      o_report->display( EXPORTING l_table = p_l_table
                                   l_fcat  = p_l_fcat ).
    ENDFORM.                    " display_data

    I don't know how to read the code you pasted or I would have checked this myself.
    Do your fields in the internal table reference dictionary objects or elementary types? If not using dictionary types, the column names will be blank by default. If you can't change your fields to be dictionary types, you can try this to change the column names:
    I made a method inside my local class to add the names:
            call method set_colname
              EXPORTING iv_tab = alv_tab
                        iv_colid = 'xxxx'  "fieldname from the table
                        iv_stxt = text-t54
                        iv_mtxt = text-t55
                        iv_ltxt = text-t55.
    METHOD set_colname .
              alv_cols type REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              alv_col type REF TO cl_salv_column.
      TRY .
    *... Change fieldnames
            call METHOD iv_tab->get_columns RECEIVING value = alv_cols.
            call method alv_cols->get_column EXPORTING columnname = iv_colid RECEIVING value = alv_col.
            IF iv_stxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_short_text EXPORTING value = iv_stxt.
            IF iv_mtxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_medium_text EXPORTING value = iv_mtxt.
            IF iv_ltxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_long_text EXPORTING value = iv_ltxt.
       CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
    ENDMETHOD. "set_colname

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    Because WMV's can contain a lot of flags, like DRM, they can exhibit odd behavior, indeed.
    Usually, AV files will display in their native resolution, i.e. in their set Frame Size/Aspect Ratio and with their set PAR (Pixel Aspect Ratio), but sometimes those flags are missed, or are altered by other programs.
    Remember, WMV's are designed to be streaming delivery-only, and are not intended, or designed to be edited. Most NLE's (Non Linear Editors) will allow them to be edited, but will require extra processing to do so. As is mentioned, WMM is designed around editing that delivery-only format, but most others are not.
    There are many other formats/CODEC's, that ARE designed to be edited by the vast majority of NLE's, such as DV-AVI Type II's.
    The best workflow is to NOT bring WMV's into the mix, unless one is using WMM exclusively. Converting those to an easily editable format/CODEC will always be the best course of action.
    Good luck,

  • The header photos on my website are not formatting properly in Mozilla. How do I fix this?

    Hi There,
    The header photos on each page of my website are not formatting properly in Mozilla. The photos appear to the right side of the website and you have to scroll over to see them. They work on other browsers such as Chrome and Safari. How do I fix this? Here is the link to my website:
    Thanks for your help!

    What is even stranger, is if you reload the page in version 33, it is in the right place. Does this happen on Beta? []
    If this continues, please clear the cache and refresh the page, then if it still happens please file a bug here.

  • Many websites are not displayed properly, overlapping words etc., can I adjust the browser settings?

    Lots of sites do not appear properly, ie words and characters overlap, pop ups not complete.

    Reset the page zoom on websites that look wrong: "View > Zoom > Reset" (Ctrl + 0 (zero))
    If you increased the minimum font size then try a lower setting (default is none) as a too high value can cause issues like you described.<br />
    Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors: Advanced > Minimum Font Size<br />
    Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors: Advanced > "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"<br />
    See also

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    I have been noticing on various sites that search boxes are not being displayed, seems to be happening on torrent sites but it could be more widespread. I have disabled all add ons, running Firefox 4 beta on Windows 7 x64. I have linked some screen captures

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • Value in data type p field not displayed properly when download to UNIX

    One of my programs downloads a file to UNIX server,
    here the data which i am downloading, one of the fields is of type P (it is of domain type DEC).
    The field displays very strangecharactershen i view it in UNIX server.
    I am using OPEN DATASET in binary mode statement.
    my system is unicode enabled ECC6.0 version
    Please help

    That is normal, type "P" packed fields with two decimal digits packed into each byte Use another type of field, if you want the field to be readable..
    Look at [Predefined ABAP Types|]

  • Value in data type p filed not displayed properly

    One of my programs downloads a file to UNIX server,
    here the data which i am downloading, one of the fields is of type P (it is of domain type DEC).
    The field displays very strangecharactershen i view it in UNIX server.
    I am using OPEN DATASET in binary mode statement.
    Please help

    Hi Kumar,
    i am using unicode database,
    but i can not change the data type of the internal table as it is decalred as follows
    data:begin of itab
    include structure hrdataset.
    data:end of itab.
    writing down all the fields individually inside the program will be very tedious
    otherwise ihave o write like as follows,
    data:begin of itab
    field1 type hradataset-field1
    fieldn type hrdataset-fieldn
    end of itab.
    Is there a work around available?

  • Quarters are not displayed properly in the reports

    Hi all,
    I'm experiencing some troubles while loading data from PeopleSoft Financials v9 (with demo data) into Oracle Business Intelligence Applications : W_MCAL_DAY_D seems not to be properly filled, as I have some lines where the quarter is empty.
    As a matter of fact, I have GL reports where a fiscal year is split into 5 quarters : for instance 2000 Q1, 2000 Q2, 2000 Q3, 2000 Q4 and 2000 Q.
    Fiscal periods & calendar configuration are loaded from PeopleSoft. Have some of you already experienced this kind of problem ?
    Thank you for your support !

    Solved !
    The problem was due to a table that wasn't loaded in PeopleSoft : PS_CAL_SUMP_TBL.
    By setting up a summary calendar in PS (with quarters), it enabled me to properly load W_MCAL_DAY_D with MCAL_QTR and MCAL_PER_NAME_QTR.

  • TIMESTAMP values are not displayed properly

    I'm using eclipse 3.3.2, dtp 1.5.2 with oracle dtp plugin. When I ran command 'create table test1(aa timestamp(6))' and then open table I've found that 'aa' column type is displayed as VARCHAR2. All queries for timestamps return something like 'oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP@12312'. Anybody knows how to fix this?

    Go to SE63 and Translate your form in your desired language 'SA'.
    In SE63> Go to Translation>abap objects>other long text>chose Smartforms & Styles.
    Save & Activate it. It will definitely come.

  • Since the last update websites are not displayed properly anymore: embedded youtube-videos with tha old youtube-code are not displayed

    other browsers still display the websites properly

    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (MAC)
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

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    My name is Marc Sven Wilson and I am the guitarist for the Tonepoets. Music is my greatest passion and I have been writing songs since the moment I first picked up a guitar in 1995!!
    My early influences came from the rock scene bands like Guns n Roses and Iron Maiden, but my musical upbringing was focused around listening to melodic music by bands such as the Beatles, Dire Straights, Simon and Garfunkle, Meatloaf and Chris Rea.
    I grew up being heavily influenced by music from the American grunge scene, i.e. Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, Soul Asylum, The Pixies and many more.
    I love music that has melody and substance, music that is real and written by the artist. I don’t really get this pop scene, it is false, so I generally tend to stay away from the unreal elements that kinda music portrays!!
    I am a passionate person, honest and loyal. I will always do my best to help people. I am creative and to the point and I love to socialise and meet new people, usually at a party, where ever it may be!! I am chilled out but will not tolerate liars or people who are generally here to waste my time. I like people to be straight talking and genuine, oh and I love my guitar, nuff said.
    Here’s to the Tonepoets and the magical mystery that awaits us!!

    That page is an UTF-8 encoded page (meta tag), but the Apache/2.2.3 server sends it as Western ISO-8859-1 and that is what Firefox uses to display the page.
    Add this to the file .htaccess:
    <pre><nowiki>AddDefaultCharset utf-8
    AddCharset utf-8 .txt .html .htm</nowiki></pre>
    If you have problems with configuring the server then you can ask advice at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.<br />
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br />
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.<br />

  • Leading zeros are not displaying in the excel

    Hi Experts,
    Leading zeros are not displaying in the excel
    Here is the situation:
    I have developed one report, which will create the file in Application server with TAB deleimeted. After that I am sending that file via email in the excel format using Email functionality FM.
    Normally our material numbers will start with zeros.
    But when I check the email excel file , leading zeros are not displaying.
    Even I checked the application server (AL11) file, zeros are there.
    I thought program FM was wrong and I tried it manually by downloading the file into excel. Eventhough it is suppressing zeros.
    Could you please advise, how to display leading zeros to the material number in excel file.
    Thanks in advance

    Application server file showing  zeros infront of the material number.
    1200#  0012401387# XXXXXXXX
    Once file created in app server, I am using one custom FM to send that output in excel format / txt format via email.
    when I send txt file via email, I am getting leading zeros. But when I send xls file via email, I am not getting zeros.
    I checked custom FUNCTION MODULE . No mistakes in that.
    As you said, I passed ( ' ) single quote infront of the material number. When I check the excel file, single quote also displaying like this '0000100.
    Application server file showing like below
    1200#  '0012401387# XXXXXXXX
    Could you please advise anyone how can we acheive this.

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