Indexing multiple columns of multiple tables

I'm trying to index multiple columns of multiple tables.
As I have seen, the way to do this is using User_Datastore.
have the tables to share a (foreign)key? My tables have only 2 or 3 similar columns(description, tagnr...)
I want to get the different tagnr belonging to the same description etc.
Can I do this?
Has anyone a Samplecode indexing multiple tables?
Any suggestion would be helpful.

A USER_DATASTORE works like this:
create table A
( id number primary key,
textA varchar2(100));
create table B
( id number primary key,
textB varchar2(100));
procedure foo (rid in rowid, v_document in out varchar2)
v_textA varchar2(2000);
v_idA number;
v_textB varchar2(2000);
select id, textA
into v_idA, v_textA
from A
where rowid = rid;
select textB
into v_textB
from B
where id = v_idA;
v_document := textA | | ' ' | | textB;
create preferences for USER_DATASTORE
create index ...
on table A ( text) ...
you also can build on table B
This depends where you want the
trigger to be build to sync the

Similar Messages

  • Indexing multiple Tables

    Hi !
    I´ve got a question. Is it possible to create an index with three base tables that hold the information to be indexed.
    table1 {
    proj_id number,
    name varchar2,
    thema varchar2
    table2 {
    proj_id number,
    abstract clob}
    table3 {
    proj_id number,
    gutachten clob
    I want to index name, thema, abstract and gutachten. The examples i found use only one table to index. Is it possible to create a view with all the rows needed and then to index the view?

    You can build a USER_DATASTORE on your 'master' table (table1). Then build a procedure which collects the information from you other two tables:
    This will show you the way:
    procedure my_datastore ( in v_rowid
    v_proj_id number;
    v_name varchar2;
    v_abstract CLOB;
    v_gutachten CLOB;
    v_result CLOB;
    select proj_id, name
    into v_proj_id, v_result
    from table1
    where rowid = v_rowid;
    select abstract
    into v_abstract
    from table2
    where proj_id = v_proj_id;
    select gutachten
    into v_gutachten
    from table3
    where proj_id = v_proj_id;
    v_result = v_name || v_abstract || v_gutachten;

  • Indexing multiple columns in multiple tables

    I have a multiple tables in which I want to search. I need to do text search that supports fuzzy logic for which I've currently set up a context index using the user_datastore. I also need to search columns such as numbers/dates/timestamps which from what I understand is not supported with the context search. I'm looking at setting up a second index of type ctxcat for this purpose - but I will need to index multiple columns in multiple tables. Is this possible?
    Can someone advise on the best way to create indexes and search when a table schema such as the following exists. I've tried to keep it simple by just giving a few example columns and tables.
    Order Table
    - Has columns related to the order details - order name (varchar2), description (varchar2), date order placed (timestamp), date order completed (date), order amount (number), customer Id
    Customer Table
    - Has columns related to the customer information - customer name, address, city, state, telephone etc (all varchar2 fields)
    Items Table
    - Has details about the items being ordered - item name (varchar2), item description (varchar2), cost (number) etc
    Order-Item Table
    - Table that maps an order to the items in that order - orderId, itemId, quantity
    Comments Table
    - Logs any comments with the customer - comment description (varchar2), call type (varchar2), comment date (timestamp)
    Currently with the Context index, I have it set up so I can search all text columns in all tables for a search term. This works fine.
    I now need to be able to do more advanced searches, where I can search for a specific text in all orders as well as orders created after a certain date or orders above a certain amount or orders with a item quantity purchase of more that 10. The text has to be searched across the all text columns in all tables. How can I achieve this with Oracle Text?

    There was a similar discussion with various ideas that may help you here:
    How can I make CONTAINS query work for a date range

  • Index Multiple Column of Multiple Tables

    Hi All,
    I would like to know how to create a index which can search through all column in my database tables. Eg: I have 30
    tables and every tables have around 10 columns. I want to create a index which can search through the columns in
    these tables.
    I know that User_DataStore can helps in create multiple column search across multiple tables. But in my case the BLOB
    created will be very huge. Any work around? I mean is there any solutions like concatenated datastore?
    Thank You.
    LG Tan

    I figured out how to do this today. The first thing is that the type of index you need is a USER_DATASTORE.
    The idea behind this type of index is pretty straight forward but the documentation does a very good job of not drawing attention to just how powerful it is.
    The idea behind a USER_DATASTORE is that you can write your own stored procedure to extract the data that you want to index and return it to the indexer. Take an example where you have a master table which contains enough information to allow you to find associated data in other tables i.e. a shared key. The idea is that when you set up a USER_DATASTORE index, you specify the name of a stored procedure that the indexer will call for each row in the master table. The stored procedure has one input and one output parameter, rowid (in) and clob (out).
    When the index is created, the stored procedure you specify is, as I said above, called for each row in the master table. Your stored procedure uses this ROWID to extract the shared key (this can be anything you want) from the master table and uses this to build the necessary SELECT statement to retrieve the related data from the other tables. The rest of the stored procedure simply appends the data returned from your select statement to the return CLOB. The indexer then indexes the inforamation in this CLOB and discards the data.
    The index can of course only return hits against the master table. It's up to your application to extract shared key from the returned row(s), bind to the other tables and present the results.
    You will find a basic example of how to implement USER_DATASTORES in the Oracle Text Reference Guide ( Feel free to email me if you want some example code.

  • How to use a USER_DATASTORE to index multiple columns in different tables

    I would appreciate if somebody can give an example or point to links with examples on how to use USER_DATASTORE on multiple columns in different tables. THe Oracle Text documentation only shows multiple columns in the same table.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am not sure why your getting the wrong results but you should seriously reconsider the approach your are taking. Using functions like this is very ineffecient and should be avoided at all cost.

  • Ability to query on all columns from a view with multiple tables

    I have view with 4 tables. view has about 50 columns.
    hypothetically, I want to build a form to give the user an ability to query on any of those 50 columns. user can search on one or more fields.
    what is the best way to write the query to retrieve the results without performance impact.
    please let me know if the question is not clear.

    If you want to permit them to query any of 10 fields with no restrictions, you could create 10 separate single-column indexes. The optimizer would have to try to pick the best of these indexes if you specified multiple search criteria. But since you have a view which presumably means that you've got multiple other indexes involved for the underlying join conditions, you'd probably want/need to combine the column lists of the indexes you're adding for searches with the indexes you've created for joins, which requires looking at the text of the view and figuring out the best way to optimize the 10 single-column searches. Of course, it is possible that the optimizer could chose to do something like a b-tree to bitmap conversion on multiple indexes which could allow it to use multiple independent indexes for your queries, but that's generally not ideal performance-wise.
    All this is a fancy way of saying that there probably isn't a cut and dried answer to your question. You need to figure out the queries you're trying to optimize (say, the 10 single-condition queries) and you need to figure out what set of indexes on the various underlying tables provides the best performance weighing those benefits against the cost on other side of maintenance during DML. Which is going to depend on the text of the view, the underlying tables, the existing indexes, etc.

  • User Datastore for multiple tables and columns!

    I hop so much, someone can help me.
    I've made a user datastore to index multiple columns of multiple tables.
    Now, the Documentation of Oracle explains the idexing of one table.
    I have multiple tables, which have all, the columns descr and tagnr. I want to make a query sth like this:
    select table1.column, table2.columnd... where contains(indexed field,'gas within descr',1)>0
    is it possible to index 4 seperate tables, without having a collective key? I dont want to make a Concatenated Datastore.
    I have wrote this code.
    But it doesn't work. It's been compiled fine. But I don't get any result with my queries.
    create or replace
    procedure My_Proc_Wide
    Must be in ctxsys schema.
    In a full-scale example, this would be a wrapper
    for a proc in the user schema.
    rid in rowid,
    tlob in out NOCOPY clob /* NOCOPY instructs Oracle to pass
    this argument as fast as possible */
    v_descr varchar2(80);
    v_tagnr varchar2(30);
    v_descr_name constant varchar2(20) := 'descr';
    v_descr_start_tag constant varchar2(20) := '<' || v_descr_name || '>';
    v_descr_end_tag constant varchar2(20) := '</' || v_descr_name || '>';
    v_tagnr_name constant varchar2(20) := 'tagnr';
    v_tagnr_start_tag constant varchar2(20) := '<' || v_tagnr_name || '>';
    v_tagnr_end_tag constant varchar2(20) := '</' || v_tagnr_name || '>';
    v_buffer varchar2(4000);
    v_length integer;
    /* verify the env which called this */
    if Dbms_Lob.Istemporary ( tlob ) <> 1
    raise_application_error ( -20000,
    '"IN OUT" tlob isn''t temporary' );
    end if;
    /* the real logic */
    /* first tabel to be indexed */
    select t1.tagnr, t1.descr
    into v_tagnr, v_descr
    from tweb.pdp_positions t1
    where t1.rowid = rid;
    v_buffer := v_tagnr_start_tag ||
    v_tagnr ||
    v_tagnr_end_tag ||
    v_descr_start_tag ||
         v_descr ||
    v_length := length ( v_buffer );
    Dbms_Lob.WriteAppend(tlob, length(v_buffer) + 1, v_buffer || ' ');
    /* second table to be indexed */
    select t2.tagnr, t2.descr
    into v_tagnr, v_descr
    from tweb.pdp_schema_equ t2
    where t2.rowid = rid;
         v_buffer := v_tagnr_start_tag ||
    v_tagnr ||
    v_tagnr_end_tag ||
    v_descr_start_tag ||
         v_descr ||
    v_length := length ( v_buffer );
    Dbms_Lob.WriteAppend(tlob, length(v_buffer) + 1, v_buffer || ' ');
    /*third table to be indexed */
    select t3.tagnr, t3.descr
    into v_tagnr, v_descr
    from tweb.pdp_equipment t3
    where t3.rowid = rid;
         v_buffer := v_tagnr_start_tag ||
    v_tagnr ||
    v_tagnr_end_tag ||
    v_descr_start_tag ||
         v_descr ||
    v_length := length ( v_buffer );
    Dbms_Lob.WriteAppend(tlob, length(v_buffer) + 1, v_buffer || ' ');
    /* fourth table to be indexed */
    select t4.tagnr, t4.descr
    into v_tagnr, v_descr
    from tweb.pdp_Projcode t4
    where t4.rowid = rid;
         v_buffer := v_tagnr_start_tag ||
    v_tagnr ||
    v_tagnr_end_tag ||
    v_descr_start_tag ||
         v_descr ||
    v_length := length ( v_buffer );
    Dbms_Lob.WriteAppend(tlob, length(v_buffer) + 1, v_buffer || ' ');
    end My_Proc_Wide;
    what have I to do, to make this work?
    Any Help would be appriciated!!
    Kind Regards,

    I realise that it has been quite some time since you posted this question but I thought I'd reply just in case you never did manage to get your user datastore working.
    The reason your procedure will not work is simple. A user datastore procedure accepts a rowid input parameter. The rowid is the ID of the row that Oracle Text is currently trying to index. In the example you have given, you are attempting to use the supplied rowid as the primary key for multiple tables, this will simply never work as the rowid's across multiple tables will never correspond.
    The best way to achieve your goal is to create the index on a master table which contains the common primary keys for each of your four tables e.g.
    If you create the user datastore index on the MASTER_TABLE.USER_UNDEX_COLUMN column your stored proc simply needs to read the correct row from the MASTER_TABLE (SELECT t.common_key into v_CommonKey FROM master_table t WHERE t.rowid = rid) and issue subsequent queries to extract the relavant data from the t1..t4 tables using the common key e.g.
    SELECT t1.tagnr, t1.descr into v_tagnr, v_descr FROM t1 WHERE t1.[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD] = v_CommonKey;
    SELECT t2.tagnr, t2.descr into v_tagnr, v_descr FROM t2 WHERE t2.[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD] = v_CommonKey;
    and so on...
    Hope this helps

  • Context index can't be used in complicated multiple tables join?

    thank you for view this page.
    i have a comlicated sql :
    SELECT count(*)
    ((app_AssetBasicInfo left join app_AssetBasicInfoExt on left join
    (app_AssetCustominfo1 left join app_AssetCustominfoExt1 on on WHERE
    app_AssetBasicInfo.CategoryID=1 AND Del_tag=0 and contains(description,'department')>0;
    the table app_AssetBasicInfo and app_AssetBasicInfoExt have multiple columns and large recoord size. i create a context index on app_assetbasicinfoext(description) which description is 4000 varchar2.
    but the sql doesn't use context index. i suspect that the complicated multiple table join can't use context index? does it correct?
    thanks very much!

    Could you please post an explain plan? I'm not quite sure what is the issue.

  • Create a text index on multiple tables

    I have read the same forum questions a thousand times about doing this and the only thing they show examples of is using multiple columns in one table.
    Here is what I have:
    create table documents_a
    (id number,
    text blob);
    create table documents_b
    (id number,
    text blob);
    create table documents_c
    (id number,
    text blob);
    I want to be able to do a text search over all three tables on the blob column. I can't use the multi_column_datastore because from what I read this can only be used with one table.
    I eventually want to be able to bring up a snippet of the text that contains the keywords and a link to the actual document.
    How do I build a text index that includes each blob column from each of the three tables?

    OK so I created the materialized view
    create materialized view alltabs as
    select, a.text,, b.text,, c.text
    from tablea a, tableb b, tablec c;
    and I created the following
    ctx_ddl.create_preference(my_multi', "MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('my_multi','columns','a_document, b_document, c_document');
    Then I attempted but I am not sure what column name to put in the pararens?
    create index multi_tab on alltabs(????)
    indextype is ctxsys.context
    parameters('datastore my_multi sync(on commit)');
    I saw a dummy column created in most of the internet examples but just exactly what gets created here? I want to create a multi column index so didn't I already tell it which columns up above?

  • Sort functionality using MULTIPLE columns in a table control

    Hi all,
    I have a custom screen with table control.Now i need to provide SORT functinality in this screen for the columns in the table control.
    My questins:
    1.Is it possible to seelct MULTIPLE columns in a table control for SORTING?If yes,what explicit settings do i need to do while creatng the TABEL CONTROL in the screen?DO I need to select "Column selection " as MULTIPLE??
    2.How do I write the code for SORT functinonality for multiple columns?
    I know how to write the code for SORTING on basis of single column .

    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for the reply.
    However I was thinking to apply the same logic as for single columns as follows:
    types : begin of ty_fields,
               end of ty_fields.
    data  : t_fields type table of ty_fields,
               wa_fields like line of t_fields.
    WHEN 'SORTUP'.(Ascending)
          loop at TABLE tc01-cols INTO wa_tc01  where  selected = 'X'.
          SPLIT wa_tc01-screen-name AT '-' INTO g_help g_fieldname.
          wa_fields-c_fieldname = g_fieldname.
          append wa_fields to t_fields.
          describe table t_fields lines l_index.
          c_count = 1.
          if c_count  <= l_index.
          read table t_fields into wa_fields index c_count.
          case c_count.
          when '1'.
          l_field1 = wa_fields-c_fieldname.
          when '2'.
         l_field2 = wa_fields-c_fieldname.
        and so on depending on the no of columns in the table control...
          SORT t_tvbdpl_scr BY  l_fields1 l_fields 2......l_fieldn.
    Let me know if the above method will work!Also for the above method to work will the type of fields(columns on whihc sort function will be applied) matter???
    Thanks again for your time.

  • Search a text in a multiple tables and one table has BLOB column

    I couldn't find a solution/examples for below scenario in oracle text documentation or related forums.
    I need to search a text in a multiple tables,in that one table has blob column which is used to store the documnents(pdf,doc,jpg..etc) and other tables have varchar2 columns,These tables have realation each other.
    Please provide a sample examples for above scenario.
    Thanks in advance..

    Have a look at my blog entry here:
    That describes two methods of achieving what you are looking for.

  • I am unable to sort multiple columns in a table created in Pages.

    I had been using Appleworks up until I installed Lion and have now switched to iWork. I created a table within a Pages document and am able to sort a single column (using the Table Inspector and choosing Sort from  Edit Rows and Columns) but the Sort option is grayed out when I attempt to sort multiple columns.
    In another post, someone talked about this being a problem if you have merged fields. I do not believe I have done this (to be honest I don't know the function of merging fields).
    This is very frustrating as I was easily able to sort these tables in Appleworks.

    Sharon Anderson wrote:
    Thanks for your quick response! I have been trying that but then found that Numbers would only let me print in landscape view so I had to paste the table back into Pages. Is there a way to print in portrat view (from Numbers?)
    Not so. In the lower left corner of the window, there's an icon that looks like a piece of paper. If you see this:
    you are in Sheet View, or normal, mode. If you see this:
    You are in Print View mode. Now you see the icons for portrait and landscape modes. Click your choice. Then arrange your content to fit the pages as you wish.

  • VC Multiple Table Column Header Lines, Table Width Adjustment

    Hi Experts,
    1) How to have Multiple headers for a column in a single cell i.e multiple lines in the same cell. please provide with example.
    2) How to set your table to adjust the width automatically for all screen resolution since columns of the table disappear and some of the content of the header is not visible if the screen resolution is low.
    3) Is there any way to set the screen resolution for our report alone to very high resolution even if the end user has set the system resolution to low. The reports were developed on a high resolution and now we face the problem as citrix is rolled out and it is standard 1024 * 768 resolution.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Wrapping the text of a table column caption into lines is currently not possible. Workarounds could be:
    - using a single character text and a tooltip for the description
    - using an image containing the wrapped text
    Both workarounds have their problems.

  • Import flat file to multiple tables based on identifier column

    I am trying to setup a package that will import one pipe-delimited flat file (a utility bill) to multiple data tables based on the value of the first column.  I have been told it is similar in format to an EDI file, but there are some differences.
    The number of columns is consistent where the first columns are the same.  Meaning a record that has '00' in the first column will always have 10 columns; a record that has '01' in the first column will always have 9 columns; etc.
    Each value in the first column represents a separate destination data table.  Meaning a record that has '00' in the first column should be output to table '00'; a record that has '01' in the first column should be output to table '01'; etc.  All
    destination tables reside on the same SQL Server.
    Identifier columns can repeat multiple times throughout the flat file.  Meaning a record that starts with '01' may be repeated multiple times in the same.
    Sample Data:
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi koldar.308,
    If there are few distinct values in the first column, we can use Flat File Source connect to that flat file, then use Conditional Split Transformation to split the first column to multiples, and then load the data to multiple tables with OLE DB Destination
    based on the outputs of Conditional Split.
    After testing the issue in my environment, please refer to the following steps to achieve this requirement:
    Drag a  Flat File Source connect to that flat file with Flat File Connection Manager.
    Drag a Conditional Split Transformation connects to the Flat File Source.
    Double-click the Conditional Split Transformation, add several Output based on the first column values as below:
    Drag same number OLE DB Destinations as the outputs of Conditional Split, connect to Conditional Split with one case output:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating chart from single column of multiple tables in Numbers '09

    I have multiple tables (spread across multiple sheets) in my document. In column B of each table is a name. The other columns contain other categorized data. Each table has a variable number of rows, but each name is unique within a table. A particular name in any one table may or may not occur in another.
    What I want to do is create a chart that shows the total number of times each unique name occurs across all the tables. Not really sure how to do this...
    I would also like to be able to sort the chart from highest to lowest.
    Message was edited by: Sir Reginald

    That won't quite work, as I have hundreds of names to process. It was a good starting point though. Here's what I had to do:
    1) create a new table (mynames) containing all the names in mynames::A
    2) in mynames::B1 put the formula =SUM(COUNTIF(Table 1::A, A1), COUNTIF(Table 2::A, A1), ...)
    3) Select column mynames::B and then choose *INSERT -> Fill Down* from the menu
    It becomes a bit tedious to have to update the formula and refill the column every time I add another data table. Imagine if I had hundreds of tables to enter. Hmmm....
    I currently have one table per sheet, but if I were to move all the tables onto one sheet, categorize a column, and then collapse all the categories, that wouldn't take up too much space on one sheet. Say I had 100 tables, I could then reduce the formula to:
    =COUNTIF(Table 1:Table 100::A, A1)
    I would also have to make sure to place the mynames table before Table 1 in the table list. All in all, much less of a hassle to add new table data.
    Hopefully, Apple will add multi-sheet spanning collections, in the same way you can do multi-table collections now.
    Message was edited by: Sir Reginald

Maybe you are looking for