Interpreting an index data block dump

I have seen a few postings about reading index data blocks, mine doesnt quite look like those.
Ok: 11Gr1 (linux)
Tracing down a hot block issue with an index, I performed
alter system dump datafile 11 block 4030208;
Looking at the Web page "Index Block Dump: Index Only Section Part II (Station To Station)" and others they show a dump like this:
row#0[8021] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=15
col 0; len 5; (5): 42 4f 57 49 45
col 1; len 6; (6): 02 01 48 8a 00 00
row#1[8002] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=19
col 0; len 9; (9): 4d 41 4a 4f 52 20 54 4f 4d
col 1; len 6; (6): 02 01 48 8a 00 02
row#2[7987] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=15
col 0; len 5; (5): 5a 49 47 47 59
col 1; len 6; (6): 02 01 48 8a 00 01
—– end of leaf block dump —–
End dump data blocks tsn: 8 file#: 8 minblk 84234 maxblk 84234
I dont see anything that "obvious" in my dump. Am I looking at something other then an leaf block perhaps?
I am expecting/hoping to see some sort of pairs for an index like X(y number, z number)
Block dump from cache:
Dump of buffer cache at level 4 for tsn=6, rdba=50167552
BH (0x275f2aec8) file#: 11 rdba: 0x02fd7f00 (11/4030208) class: 4 ba: 0x274992000
  set: 111 bsz: 8192 bsi: 0 sflg: 0 pwc: 0, 25 lid: 0x00000000,0x00000000
  dbwrid: 2 obj: 127499 objn: 77784 tsn: 6 afn: 11
  hash: [0x403d34650,0x403d34650] lru: [0x333f32878,0x209f4ea88]
  lru-flags: hot_buffer
  ckptq: [NULL] fileq: [NULL] objq: [0x22dede3f8,0x30ff9c3f8]
  st: XCURRENT md: NULL tch: 2
  flags: block_written_once redo_since_read gotten_in_current_mode
  LRBA: [0x0.0.0] LSCN: [0x0.0] HSCN: [0xffff.ffffffff] HSUB: [34]
  cr pin refcnt: 0 sh pin refcnt: 0
  buffer tsn: 6 rdba: 0x02fd7f00 (11/4030208)
  scn: 0x0001.19bccf84 seq: 0x02 flg: 0x04 tail: 0xcf841002
  frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x987f type: 0x10=DATA SEGMENT HEADER - UNLIMITED
Hex dump of block: st=0, typ_found=1
Dump of memory from 0x0000000274992000 to 0x0000000274994000
274992000 0000A210 02FD7F00 19BCCF84 04020001  [................]
274993FF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 CF841002  [................]
  Extent Control Header
  Extent Header:: spare1: 0      spare2: 0      #extents: 66     #blocks: 10239
                  last map  0x00000000  #maps: 0      offset: 4128
      Highwater::  0x047feb5b  ext#: 65     blk#: 731    ext size: 1024
  #blocks in seg. hdr's freelists: 0
  #blocks below: 9946
  mapblk  0x00000000  offset: 65
     Map Header:: next  0x00000000  #extents: 66   obj#: 127499 flag: 0x40000000
  Extent Map
   0x02fd7f01  length: 127
   0x0339ea80  length: 128

Some time ago, I wrote a python script to print decimal form integer values from an index block dump. I don't know if it will help you, but it may be a start. It only prints the integer equivalent of the first column in the index, as that is what I needed at the time.
It is called as...
18:55:31 oracle@oh1xcwcdb01 /u02/admin/wcperf/udump >./ wcperf1_ora_21618.trc
col  0: [ 4]  c4 48 2a 53 converts to 71418200 on line #526 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 5]  c4 48 2a 53 1d converts to 71418228 on line #640 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 02 20 61 3f converts to 701319662 on line #648 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 2f 33 17 converts to 702465022 on line #785 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 2f 33 5f converts to 702465094 on line #793 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 2f 40 38 converts to 702466355 on line #801 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 30 09 5c converts to 702470891 on line #809 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 32 61 05 converts to 702499604 on line #817 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 0b 06 converts to 702501005 on line #827 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 19 4b converts to 702502474 on line #835 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 44 3d converts to 702506760 on line #843 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 45 08 converts to 702506807 on line #851 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 4e 5a converts to 702507789 on line #859 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 08 03 33 5f 3b converts to 702509458 on line #867 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 09 01 01 21 64 converts to 800003299 on line #875 in the block dump.
col  0: [ 6]  c5 09 01 01 22 3b converts to 800003358 on line #883 in the block dump.
18:55:41 oracle@oh1xcwcdb01 /u02/admin/wcperf/udump >...and the script itself is below...
#Author:        Steve Howard
#Date:          March 23, 2009
#Organization:  AppCrawler
#Purpose:       Simple script to print integer equivalents of block dump values in index.
import fileinput
import string
import sys
import re
for line in fileinput.input([sys.argv[1:][0]]):
  if re.match('^col  0:', line):
    #print line
    dep=int(string.replace(string.split(string.split(line,"]")[1])[0],"c","")) - 1
    #print dep
    for col in string.split(string.split(line,"]")[1]):
      if i > 0:
        tot = tot + ((int(col, 16) - 1) * (100**exp))
        exp = exp - 1
      i = i + 1
    print line.rstrip("\n") + " converts to " + str(tot) + " on line #" + str(j) + " in the block dump."

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    I put the datafile offline so I can bring up the database. Can anyone help me figure out how to fix the Bad datafile?
    Thank You,

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      2         || pr.spid || '.trc' as trace_file
      3  from v$session s, v$process pr, v$parameter pa, v$instance i
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    SQL> select file_id,block_id,bytes,blocks
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          3          9           65,536        8next is to find out the tablespace name and the datafile...
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    TABLESPACE_NAME                FILE_NAME
    USER_DATA           /oradata3/ora9i/user_data01.dbfNow that we know which file and blocks hold our table, let’s dump a sample block of the table. This is done as follows:
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    Let’s now look at the contents of dumping one block.
    Start dump data blocks tsn: 3 file#: 3 minblk 10 maxblk 10
    buffer tsn: 3 rdba: 0x00c0000a (3/10)
    scn: 0x0000.00046911 seq: 0x02 flg: 0x04 tail: 0x69110602
    frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x579d type: 0x06=trans data
    Block header dump:  0x00c0000a
    Object id on Block? Y
    seg/obj: 0x6d9c  csc: 0x00.46911  itc: 2  flg: O  typ: 1 - DATA
         fsl: 0  fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01
    Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
    0x01   xid:  0x0005.02f.0000010c    uba: 0x00806f10.00ca.28  C---    0  scn 0x0000.00046900
    0x02   xid:  0x0003.01c.00000101    uba: 0x00800033.0099.04  C---    0  scn 0x0000.00046906
    This is the beginning of the data block dump. The first line tells us that we are dumping file#3, starting at block# 10 (minblk), and finishing with block# 10 (maxblk). Had we dumped more than one data block, these values would represent a range. The relative data block address (rdba) is 0x00c0000a. For more information on the rdba, refer to a later section in this paper. At the end of this line, we can see in parentheses that the rdba corresponds to file# 3, block# 10 (3/10).
    The third line describes the SCN of the data block. In our case, the SCN is 0x0000.00046911. The tail of the data block is composed of the last two bytes of the SCN (6911) appended with the type (06) and the sequence (02). If the decomposition of the tail does not match these three values, then the system knows that the block is inconsistent and needs to be recovered. While this tail value shows up at the beginning of the block dump, it is physically stored at the end of the data block.
    The block type shows up on the fourth line. Some of the valid types correspond to the following table:
         Type     Meaning                    
         0x02     undo block
    0x06     table or index data block
    0x0e     undo segment header
         0x10     data segment header block
         0x17     bitmapped data segment headeri hope it will help...

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    ========> 0x1684d120 (1)
    header address 4403265988=0x1067481c4
    ========> 0x1067481c4 (2)
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2009-08-04 04:37:36.335
    *** SESSION ID:(14234.24426) 2009-08-04 04:37:36.335
    Start dump data blocks tsn: 11 file#: 90 minblk 315680 maxblk 315680
    buffer tsn: 11 rdba: 0x1684d120 (90/315680) 
      ========>  0x1684d120  (1)
    scn: 0x0324.dda9ec3d seq: 0x01 flg: 0x04 tail: 0xec3d0601
    frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0xeb2a type: 0x06=trans data
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    Block header dump:  0x1684d120
    Object id on Block? Y
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         fsl: 0  fnx: 0x1684cf72 ver: 0x01
    Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
    Leaf block dump
    header address 4403265988=0x1067481c4         
    ========>  0x1067481c4  (2)
    kdxcolev 0
    KDXCOLEV Flags = - - -
    kdxcolok 0
    kdxcoopc 0x90: opcode=0: iot flags=I-- is converted=Y
    kdxconco 2
    kdxcosdc 5
    kdxconro 0
    kdxcofbo 36=0x24
    kdxcofeo 7672=0x1df8
    kdxcoavs 7636
    kdxlespl 0
    kdxlende 0
    kdxlenxt 373579108=0x16445d64
    kdxleprv 377801347=0x1684ca83
    kdxledsz 0
    kdxlebksz 7672
    ----- end of leaf block dump -----Thanks,

    Hi user646745
    You didn't say why you need to do index block dump ?
    Also take are that block structures and dumps some time are different from a ver to ver it 9i and 10g. Unless you now what exectaly you are looking for

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    Thank you

    You could put a checkbox on the row and if it is ticked then interpret this as a selected row.
    Sometimes it is useful to store this type of selection in some type of structure like a record group or index by table and process those rows rather than read the data block

  • Leaf Block Dump / Output varies

    Hello guys,
    i have faced the following issues on a leaf block dump:
    row#0[8024] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=12, data:(6): 00 40 76 fa 00 00
    col 0; len 2; (2): c1 02
    col 1; NULL
    row#1[7998] flag: ------, lock: 0, len=14, data:(6): 00 40 76 fa 00 02
    col 0; len 2; (2): c1 03
    col 1; len 2; (2): c1 02
    1103F5A90 3D91D858 000C0100 03303130 0944454C  [=..X.....010.DEL]
    1103F5AA0 494E535F 494E0832 30303730 36303106  [0505.20070601.]
    1103F5AB0 30303535 3331063D 91D85800 0D010003  [005531.=..X.....]
    1103F5AC0 30313009 44454C49 4E535F49 4E083230  [010.DAT050_IN.20]
    1103F5AD0 30373036 30310630 30353533 34063D91  [070601.005534.=.]
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    1103F5B10 30094445 4C494E53 5F494E08 32303037  [0.DAT050_IN.2007]Sometimes i am facing the row#n output like in the first example and sometimes i am facing only the "real data" like in the second example when i am doing a leaf block dump. Both examples are from different indeces...
    When does one occur? Has anyone any idea?

    File is truncated by trace file limit. Yeah but the file is not big enough.. i only dumped one block.. and the limit is up to 10MB
    But as far as I'm aware, a memory dump is normally not included in block dump. Did you check what's at the top? Really interesting... i have done the same on our test system on the same index.. and there the section leaf block dump includes the information. The same command on the same index (i have cloned the database 3 days ago to our test system).
    Leaf block dump
    row#0[3514] flag: ---D--, lock: 2, len=39
    col 0; len 3; (3):  30 31 30
    col 1; len 9; (9):  44 45 4c 49 4e 53 5f 49 4e
    col 2; len 8; (8):  32 30 30 37 30 36 30 31
    col 3; len 6; (6):  30 30 35 35 31 39
    col 4; len 6; (6):  3d 91 d7 d8 00 13
    ----- end of leaf block dump -----Can this leaf block cleaned out (by deletes) and not include any pointers anymore?
    I have compared the leaf block attributes:
    -> kdxcoavs 3298 (with row#n entries)
    -> kdxcoavs 6988 (without row#n entries)
    So the dump were are no row#n entries has much more available space - this would be confirm my guess.

  • What is the meaning of data blocks ?

    What is the exact meaning of "data blocks" in the following paragraph ?
    Index records and table records are organized in data blocks.
    If you dispatch an SQL statement from an ABAP program to the database, the program searches for the data records requested either in the database table itself (full table scan) or by using an index (index unique scan or index range scan). If all fields requested are found in the index using an index scan, the table records do not need to be accessed.
    A data block shows the level of detail in which data is written to the hard disk or read from the hard disk. Data blocks may contain multiple data records, but a single data record may be spread across several data blocks.

    Hi  ,
    As Per oracle , data  is stored in database  in form of Data blocks , extent and Segments .
    Physical space of memory is allocated to store data  .
    first level is called  BLOCKS  ,nexxt is extent   and last  is SEGMENT  .
    each block can store multiple data records  and   Conversly large no of  data records can be stored  in data Blocks  .
    data is stored in DATA BLOCKS which is smallest unit in oracle where data is stored in bytes  .

  • Number of data block problem

    number of data block
    is there any limit for the number of datablocks in a form?
    i have a form that has 8 blocks and all of them are none base,
    some times when i use this form it suddenly closed and a special file (ifrun60_dump file)
    is created.i donot know the reson and i cannot solve the problem
    if you have any idea about this ,plz help me?
    thanks in advance.
    regards ,

    Restriction on the number of objects is documented in the Help topic "Limits" - There is no practical limit to the number of blocks in a form. Certainly 8 is a timy number compared with mosdt forms.
    Contact support and supply them with the dump file, that should help to identify the issue you have.

  • Very high data block waits

    I have one table xxxx in a tablespace tbx and the tablespace tbx has only 1 datafile. The table xxxx size is 890MB w/ 14 millions records. The datafile size is 2048MB. This table is a frequently access with insert/delete/select. The system spends alot of time waiting on this datafile. If I create a new tablespace abc with 20 datafiles worth about 100MB each, would it help reducing the data block wait count? The pctfree/pctused is 10/40 respectively.
    Can anyone please give me an how to resolve this?

    I am looking at an Oracle Statistics. We use SAN technology with RAID 0+1 Striped across all disks.
    First I use this query to get the wait statistics:
    select time, count, class
    from v$waitstat
    order by time, count;
    From this query above, I got this result and database just been up 02/17/2004, just about 4 days ago:
    0 0 sort block
    0 0 save undo block
    0 0 save undo header
    0 0 free list
    0 0 bitmap block
    0 0 unused
    0 0 system undo block
    0 0 system undo header
    0 0 bitmap index block
    10 10 extent map
    48 656 undo header
    271 853 undo block
    301 730 segment header
    780382 1214405 data block
    Then I use this query to find which datafile is being hit the most:
    select count, file#, name
    from x$kcbfwait, v$datafile
    where indx + 1 = file#
    order by count desc;
    The query above returned:
    COUNT     FILE#     NAME
    473324     121     /xx/xx_ycm_tbs_03_01.dbf
    104179     120     /xx/xx_ycm_tbs_02_01.dbf
    93336     118     /xx/xx_idx_tbs_03_01.dbf
    93138     119     /xx/xx_idx_tbs_03_02.dbf
    80289     90     /xx/xx_datafile67.dbf
    64044     108     /xx/xx_ycm_tbs_01_01.dbf
    61485     41     /xx/xx_datafile25.dbf
    61103     21     /xx/xx_datafile8.dbf
    57329     114     /xx/xx_ycm_tbs_01_02.dbf
    29338     5     /xx/xx_datafile02.dbf
    29101     123     /xx/xx_idx_tbs_04_01.dbf
    file# 121 is in a tablespace with this only datafile and this tablespace hold only one table. file#120 is the same thing, it's in another tablespace and only one table in that tablespace.
    At the same time, i use TOP in Solaris I see iowait range between 5-25% during busy hour.

  • Query Execution/Elapsed Time and Oracle Data Blocks

    I have created 3 tables with one column only. As an example Table 1 below:
    SQL> create table T1 ( x char(2000));
    So 3 tables are created in this way i.e. T1,T2 and T3.
    T1 = in the default database tablespace of 8k (11g v11. - Production) (O.S=Windows).
    T2 = I created in a Tablespace with Blocksize 16k.
    T3 = I created in a Tablespace with Blocksize 4k. In the same Instance.
    Each table has approx. 500 rows (So, table sizes are same in all the cases to test Query execution time ). As these 3 tables are created under different data block sizes so the ALLOCATED no. of data blocks are different in all cases.
    T1  =   8k  = 256 Blocks =  00:00:04.76 (query execution time/elapsed time)
    T2  = 16k=121 Blocks =  00:00:04.64
    T3 =   4k =  490 Blocks =  00:00:04.91
    Table Access is FULL i.e. I have used select * from table_name; in all 3 cases. No Index nothing.
    My Question is why query execution time is nearly the same in all 3 cases because Oracle has to read all the data blocks in each case to fetch the records and there is a much difference in the allocated no. of blocks ???
    In 4k block size example, Oracle has to read just 121 blocks and it's taking nearly the same time as it's taking to read 490 blocks???
    This is just 1 example of different data blocks. I have around 40 tables in each block size tablespace and the result are nearly the same. It's very strange for me because there is a much difference in the no. of allocated blocks but execution time is almost the same, only difference in milliseconds.
    I'll highly appreciate the expert opinions.
    Bundle of thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Chris,
    No I'm not using separate databases, it's 8k database with non-standard blocksizes of 16k and 4k.
    Actually I wanted to test the Elapsed time of these 3 tables, so for that I tried to create the same size
    And how I equalize these is like I have created one column table with char(2000).
    555 MB is the figure I wanted to use for these 3 tables ( no special figure, just to make it bigger than the
    RAM used for my db at the db startup to be sure of not retrieving the records from cache).
    so row size with overhead is 2006 * 290,000 rows = 581740000(bytes) / 1024 = 568105KB / 1024 = 555MB.
    Through this math calculation I thought It will be the total table size. So I Created the same no. of rows in 3 blocksizes.
    If it's wrong then what a mes because I was calculating tables sizes in the same way from the last few months.
    Can you please explain a little how you found out the tables sizes in different block sizes.Though I understood how you
    calculated size in MB from these 3 block sizes
    T8K =97177 BLOCKS=759MB *( 97177*8 = 777416KB / 1024 = 759MB )*
    T16K=41639 BLOCKS=650MB
    BT4K=293656 BLOCKS=1147MB
    For me it's new to calculate the size of a table. Can you please tell me then how many rows I can create in each of
    these 3 tables to make them equal in MB to test for elapsed time.
    Then I'll again run my test and put the results here. Because If I've wrongly calculated table sizes then there is no need to talk about elapsed time. First I must equalize the table sizes properly.
    SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Size in MB" from dba_segments> 2 where segment_name = 'T16K';
    Size in MB
    Is above SQL is correct to calculate the size or is it the correct alternative way to your method of calculating the size??
    I created the same table again with everything same and the result is :
    SQL> select num_rows,blocks from user_tables where table_name = 'T16K';NUM_ROWS BLOCKS
    290000 41703
    64 more blocks are allocated this time so may be that's y it's showing total size of 655 instead of 650.
    Thanks alot for your help.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: kam555 on Nov 20, 2009 5:57 PM

  • Storing a lot of data in an indexed data structure for quick access.

    I'm designing an app. which will need to store a large amount of data in memory. Records will be flowing into the app. via a socket. The app will receive about 30 records/second which is about 108,000 records/hour and about 600,000 records/day. I need to store the records in an indexed data structure so that I can access them quickly. For example, at 9:00am I will need to access records received at 8:30am, 8:35am, 8:40am, etc. This program will be multithreaded and as I understand Vector is the only data structure that is thread safe. Is Vector my only choice? How do I access objects in a Vector using an index? Is there something better that I can use?

    Is Vector my only choice?If you want to access the objects by key then you should use something like a HashMap. But if you want to access them by an array index then an ArrayList would be more appropriate.
    as I understand Vector is the only data structure that is thread safeYou can get a thread-safe version of any Collection object by using the Collection.synchronizedCollection method.
    How do I access objects in a Vector using an index? I'd suggest you read the API documentation. And probably the Sun tutorial on Collections at
    600,000 records/day. Unless you plan to dump old data after a short period of time, you may want to consider using a database to avoid running out of memory.

  • Oracle V11.2.0.3 ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted - OBJECT = IDL_UB1$

    I am running into a data corruption issue.
    My database is:
    SQL> select banner from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    The following information is written to the alert.log File
    alert.log File
    Mon Nov 07 17:24:12 2011
    Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
    Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
    Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
    ILAT =27
    SYS auditing is disabled
    Starting up:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production.
    ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/dbhome
    System name: Linux
    Node name: dbl-ora
    Release: 2.6.18-274.3.1.el5 (This is rhel5.7 or CentOs5.7)
    Version: #1 SMP Tue Sep 6 20:14:03 EDT 2011
    Machine: i686 / vm
    Mon Nov 07 19:42:14 2011
    Corrupt Block Found
    RFN = 1, BLK = 52346, RDBA = 4246650
    OBJN = 225, OBJD = 225, OBJECT = IDL_UB1$, SUBOBJECT =
    Errors in file /home/oracle/diag/rdbms/ora11/K/trace/K_ora_5425.trc (incident=11053):
    ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 52346)
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/home/oracle/oradata/ora11/system01.dbf'
    Incident details in: /home/oracle/diag/rdbms/ora11/K/incident/incdir_11053/K_ora_5425_i11053.trc
    I was even able to detect the row that is generating the issue.
    In my case the obj# 33573 until 33577 are causing the issue,
    though I have no idea what sort of objects are affected.
    SQL> select * from idl_ub1$ where obj#=33572;
    33572 1 0 0 9032 F
    SQL> select * from idl_ub1$ where obj#=33573;
    ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 52346)
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/home/oracle/oradata/ora11/system01.dbf'
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from idl_ub1$ where obj#=33577;
    ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 52358)
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/home/oracle/oradata/ora11/system01.dbf'
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from idl_ub1$ where obj#=33578;
    33578 1 0 0 9032 F
    Any idea, how to fix this problem without recreating the whole database?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: magerxr on Nov 7, 2011 8:27 AM

    magerxr wrote:
    Thanks again for your quick advise.
    Here comes the result of dbv against my system tablespace.
    [oracle@dbl-ora ~]$ dbv FILE=/home/oracle/oradata/ora11/system01.dbf
    DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Mon Nov 7 22:39:11 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /home/oracle/oradata/ora11/system01.dbf
    Page 52346 is influx - most likely media corrupt
    Corrupt block relative dba: 0x0040cc7a (file 1, block 52346)
    Fractured block found during dbv:
    Data in bad block:
    type: 6 format: 2 rdba: 0x0040cc7a
    last change scn: 0x0000.0010acfa seq: 0x1 flg: 0x04
    spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
    consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
    check value in block header: 0x8fda
    computed block checksum: 0xaafbselect owner, segment_type, segment_name from dba_extents
    where file_id = 1 and 52346 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;
    Page 52347 is marked corrupt
    Corrupt block relative dba: 0x0040cc7b (file 1, block 52347)
    Bad header found during dbv:
    Data in bad block:
    type: 1 format: 6 rdba: 0x0000a206
    last change scn: 0xacfa.0040cc7b seq: 0x10 flg: 0x00
    spare1: 0xfa spare2: 0xac spare3: 0x401
    consistency value in tail: 0x00000000
    check value in block header: 0x0
    block checksum disabled
    select owner, segment_type, segment_name from dba_extents
    where file_id = 1 and 52347 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;
    Page 52361 is marked corrupt
    Corrupt block relative dba: 0x0040cc89 (file 1, block 52361)
    Bad header found during dbv:
    Data in bad block:
    type: 1 format: 6 rdba: 0x0000a206
    last change scn: 0xacfb.0040cc89 seq: 0x10 flg: 0x00
    spare1: 0xfb spare2: 0xac spare3: 0x401
    consistency value in tail: 0x32298500
    check value in block header: 0x0
    block checksum disabled
    select owner, segment_type, segment_name from dba_extents
    where file_id = 1 and 52361 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;
    DBVERIFY - Verification complete
    Total Pages Examined : 122880
    Total Pages Processed (Data) : 81298
    Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
    Total Pages Processed (Index): 22307
    Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
    Total Pages Processed (Other): 3349
    Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 1
    Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Empty : 15910
    Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 16
    Total Pages Influx : 1
    Total Pages Encrypted : 0
    Highest block SCN : 4064615 (0.4064615)post results from 3 SQL above

  • Segments, extents and data blocks

    I'm somewhat green when it comes to Oracle and databases in general, so bare with me. I bought the OCP Exam Guide to try and learn as much as I can. I'm at the chapter about segments, extents and data blocks and I'm having a bit of trouble grasping the conecpts of these. Are these logical? Does anyone have time for quick overview?
    Thank you!

    Ignoring the O/S, the basic storage unit in Oracle is a block (db_block). You define the size of the block with the db_block_size parameter, and it is effectively fixed at database creation. You can have tablespaces with a different block size from the database default, but we won't go there for now. A db_block is not the sme as an O/S block, so in that sense it is a logical unit.
    In Oracle, a segment is anything that takes disc space, generally speaking, a table or an index. Every segment is stored in a tablespace. A segment can only be in one tablespace, but a tablespace can hold many segments. A tablespace gets its space from a data file (an O/S file). Each data file belongs to one tablespace, but a tablespace can have multiple data files.
    Each segment is made up a a number of extents. The are the units of space that are allocated to the segment as it needs space. The size of each extent is controlled by either the INITIAL and NEXT parameters in CREATE TABLESPACE or in one of the CREATE <segment> commands. If you are using locally managed tablespaces, the tablespace parameters define the extent sizes. Each extent belongs to only one segment, but a segment can have many extents. Although the extent sizes are defined in bytes, they must be a multiple of the block size.So, if you have an 8K block size, you cannot have a 12K extent size.
    An extent is made up of one or more (contiginous) blocks within a data file.
    A segment is made up of one or more (possibly non-contiginous) extents possibly in multiple data files.
    Note that the blocks in an extent must be contiginous, but that is a logical concept within Oracle, since Oracle has no way of knowing how and where the O/S has actually allocated the physical space, it just has an internal map of the file space allocated by the O/S.

  • Help with Data Block Based on Procedure--getting compilation error

    I am trying to create a datablock based on a procedure , but im getting errors in compilation:
    Errors are :
    1) identifier 'HSM_WSH_DEL_UTIL.DEL_TBL' must be declared
    2)PL/SQL ERROR 320 at line 7, column 27
    the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
    ANy Help would be appreciated !
    Heres my pkg spec and body for the data block:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE hsm_wsh_del_util IS
    TYPE del_record is record
    (delivery_id number);
    TYPE del_tbl is table of del_record INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    procedure do_query(p_del IN OUT del_tbl);
    END hsm_wsh_del_util ;
    procedure do_query(p_del IN OUT del_tbl)
    idx number :=1;
    FROM abc_deliveries;
    p_del(idx).delivery_id :=cur.delivery_id;
    idx:= idx+1;
    end do_query;
    END hsm_wsh_del_util;
    Edited by: 981170 on Mar 13, 2013 1:08 PM

    Yes I did use the wizard,
    I agve it the package.proc name for query.
    it pulled up the field delivery ID,
    Hit finish, because I do not need update/delete/inserts.
    the query data source columns and arguments was defaulted correctly.
    THe QUERY-PROCEDURE was built by default.
    It is giving me an error though: wrong number or types of arguments in call to POPULATE_BLOCK..

  • Separate table and index data in RAC database

    Hi Experts,
    Our database is Oracle11g RAC database. I need your expertise on this
    Do we need to retain the table and index data in two different tablespaces for performance perspective in RAC database too?
    Please share your practical experience…Thanks in advance.

    g777 wrote:
    In my opinion, if there is striping implemented then performance shouldn't degrade even if the index and table blocks are in one tablespace. Exactly.. striping is NOT a good idea at tablespace level as a tablespace is a logical storage device. It is very difficult to stripe comprehensively/correctly at that level, if not impossible.
    Striping is a function of the actual storage system and need to happen at physical level. A proper RAID0 implementation.
    So the question about multiple tablespaces for a performance increase should not be about striping - but about issues such as data management, block sizes, transportable tablespaces and so on.
    Thus my question (at the OP) - what performance problems are expected and are these relevant to the number of tablespaces?

  • Data Block, Extents, and Segments in Datafiles

    I'm trying to understand the relationship of Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments in Datafiles. What is the simpliest explanation for their relationships.

    Look at this (might be more readable if you paste it somewhere and use a font with fixed width):
    2 (
    3 CH1 VARCHAR2(10),
    4 CH2 VARCHAR2(10)
    Table crÚÚe.
    SYSTEM MYTABLE TABLE TOOLS 7 1555 65536 16 1 65536 1 2147483645 7 DEFAULT
    SYSTEM MYTABLE TABLE TOOLS 0 7 1553 65536 16 7
    SQL> -- Give it another extent
    Table modifiÚe.
    SYSTEM MYTABLE TABLE TOOLS 0 7 1553 65536 16 7
    SYSTEM MYTABLE TABLE TOOLS 1 7 1569 65536 16 7
    SQL> -- Note that in this particular case, Both extents are on the same datafile (7), and if you add the block_id (first block in the extent) of the extent 0 (first one) to the number
    SQL> -- of blocks in the extent (16) = 1553 + 16 = 1569 = BLOCK_ID of the second extent (they are physically side by side)
    SQL> -- Let's dump the first block and see what's in:
    SystÞme modifiÚ.
    SQL> -- Now edit the trace file
    /* Content:
    Start dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#: 7 minblk 1553 maxblk 1553
    buffer tsn: 7 rdba: 0x01c00611 (7/1553)
    scn: 0x0000.0007b1fa seq: 0x02 flg: 0x00 tail: 0xb1fa2002
    frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x0000 type: 0x20=FIRST LEVEL BITMAP BLOCK
    Dump of First Level Bitmap Block
    nbits : 4 nranges: 1 parent dba: 0x01c00612 poffset: 0
    unformatted: 13 total: 16 first useful block: 3
    owning instance : 1
    instance ownership changed at
    Last successful Search
    Freeness Status: nf1 0 nf2 0 nf3 0 nf4 0
    Extent Map Block Offset: 4294967295
    First free datablock : 3
    Bitmap block lock opcode 0
    Locker xid: : 0x0000.000.00000000
    Highwater:: 0x01c00614 ext#: 0 blk#: 3 ext size: 16
    #blocks in seg. hdr's freelists: 0
    #blocks below: 0
    mapblk 0x00000000 offset: 0
    HWM Flag: HWM Set
    DBA Ranges :
    0x01c00611 Length: 16 Offset: 0
    0:Metadata 1:Metadata 2:Metadata 3:unformatted
    4:unformatted 5:unformatted 6:unformatted 7:unformatted
    8:unformatted 9:unformatted 10:unformatted 11:unformatted
    12:unformatted 13:unformatted 14:unformatted 15:unformatted
    End dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#: 7 minblk 1553 maxblk 1553
    SQL> -- Now add 2 lines
    1 ligne crÚÚe.
    Validation effectuÚe.
    1 ligne crÚÚe.
    Validation effectuÚe.
    SQL> -- And get the ROWID (absolute line physical position) of these lines
    SQL> -- Absolute file number of these 2 lines:
    SQL> -- Both in file 7: no surprise, in the extent.
    SQL> -- Let's be curious and look up the block id:
    SQL> -- Both lines are in block number 1567.. look again into the dump from block 1553 (First free datablock : 3)
    SQL> -- Dump the block:
    SystÞme modifiÚ.
    /* Content:
    Start dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#: 7 minblk 1567 maxblk 1567
    buffer tsn: 7 rdba: 0x01c0061f (7/1567)
    scn: 0x0000.0007b2fd seq: 0x01 flg: 0x02 tail: 0xb2fd0601
    frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x0000 type: 0x06=trans data
    Block header dump: 0x01c0061f
    Object id on Block? Y
    seg/obj: 0x7a2d csc: 0x00.7b2f5 itc: 2 flg: E typ: 1 - DATA                                             <--------- Here is the objet ID. 0x7a2d = 31227 (check just below block dump)
    brn: 0 bdba: 0x1c00611 ver: 0x01
    inc: 0 exflg: 0
    Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc
    0x01 0x0006.003.000002f8 0x008000b7.0081.06 --U-    1  fsc 0x0000.0007b2f9
    0x02 0x0005.000.000002fd 0x00800099.008f.16 --U-    1  fsc 0x0000.0007b2fd
    data_block_dump,data header at 0x2ff1064
    tsiz: 0xf98
    hsiz: 0x16
    pbl: 0x02ff1064
    bdba: 0x01c0061f
    nrow=2                                                                                                                                                                                              <--------- 2 Lines in the block
    0xe:pti[0]     nrow=2     offs=0
    0x12:pri[0]     offs=0xf8d
    0x14:pri[1]     offs=0xf82
    tab 0, row 0, @0xf8d
    tl: 11 fb: H-FL lb: 0x1 cc: 2                                                                                                                        <--------- First line header
    col 0: [ 3] 41 42 43                                                                                                                                                      <--------- Here is 'ABC'
    col 1: [ 3] 31 32 33                                                                                                                                                      <--------- Here is '123'
    tab 0, row 1, @0xf82
    tl: 11 fb: H-FL lb: 0x2 cc: 2                                                                                                                        <--------- Second line header
    col 0: [ 3] 44 45 46                                                                                                                                                      <--------- Here is 'DEF'
    col 1: [ 3] 34 35 36                                                                                                                                                      <--------- Here is '456'
    End dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#: 7 minblk 1567 maxblk 1567
    Sincerely hope this'll help you understand.

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