Invoice wise pending GR/IR report

hello ,
can anyone tell me how to find the invoice wise pending goor receipt and invoice receipt details ,
what tables contain that data.
i need to write the report on the basis of GL account,,posting date and document type .

Tables are
GoodsReceipt  -
>MSEG or T663A
InvoiceReceipt  -
Even you can see in BSEG

Similar Messages

  • Pending PO's report

    Hi Everyone!
    Well, my requirement is to develop a pending PO's report.
    Since am new into abap am a bit confused as to which tables should i search for the GRN and PO numbers, coz i have to extract all the po's who have their items partially delivered even.
    I was also suggested to go for bapi but i don't know where to find relevant FM and how should i use in my report.
    Could anyone help me please...
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    See this sample code
    this is nothing but the open/pending Po report
    *& Report  ZMM_PO_REPORT
    REPORT  ZMM_PO_REPORT message-Id yb
           LINE-COUNT 60(1)
           LINE-SIZE 230.
           D A T A B A S E  T A B L E S   D E C L A R A T I O N
    TABLES: lfa1,           " Vendor Master
            t161,           " PO Doc Types
            t024,           " Purchase Groups
            ekko.           " PO Header
                   T Y P E S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
    Purchase Orders Main Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_po,
            ebeln TYPE ebeln,           " PO No.
            ebelp TYPE ebelp,           " PO Item
            bstyp TYPE bstyp,           " PO Category
            bukrs TYPE bukrs,           " Company Code
            bsart TYPE bbsrt,           " PO Type
            lifnr TYPE lifnr,           " Vendor No
            ekgrp TYPE bkgrp,           " Purchase Group
            waers TYPE waers,           " Currency
            bedat TYPE etbdt,           " PO Date
            txz01 TYPE txz01,           " Material Text
            werks TYPE ewerk,           " Plant
            lgort TYPE lgort_d,         " Storage Location
            matkl TYPE matkl,           " Material Group
            menge TYPE bamng,           " PR Quantity
            meins TYPE bamei,           " UOM
            bprme TYPE bbprm,           " Price Unit
            netpr TYPE netpr,           " Net price
            peinh TYPE peinh,           " Price Unit UOM
            pstyp TYPE pstyp,           " Item Category
            knttp TYPE knttp,           " Account Assignment Category
           END OF s_po.
    Purchase Orders History Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_account,
            ebeln TYPE ebeln,           " PO No.
            ebelp TYPE ebelp,           " PO Item
            gjahr TYPE mjahr,           " Fiscal Year
            belnr TYPE mblnr,           " PO Invoice No
            menge TYPE menge_d,         " PR Quantity
            wrbtr TYPE wrbtr,           " Price in Local Currency
            dmbtr TYPE dmbtr,           " Price in Foreign Currency
            waers TYPE waers,           " Currency
            shkzg TYPE shkzg,           " Dr/Cr Indicator
           END OF s_account.
    Purchase Orders History Structure(Item Sum)
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_inv_sum,
            ebeln TYPE ebeln,           " PO No.
            ebelp TYPE ebelp,           " PO Item
            menge TYPE menge_d,         " PR Quantity
            wrbtr TYPE wrbtr,           " Price in Foreign Currency
            waers TYPE waers,           " Currency
           END OF s_inv_sum.
    Purchase Orders Main Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_rep,
            lifnr TYPE lifnr,           " Vendor No
            ebeln TYPE ebeln,           " PO No.
            ebelp TYPE ebelp,           " PO Item
            bstyp TYPE bstyp,           " PO Category
            bsart TYPE bbsrt,           " PO Type
            ekgrp TYPE bkgrp,           " Purchase Group
            waers TYPE waers,           " Currency
            bedat TYPE etbdt,           " PO Date
            txz01 TYPE txz01,           " Material Text
            werks TYPE ewerk,           " Plant
            lgort TYPE lgort_d,         " Storage Location
            matkl TYPE matkl,           " Material Group
            menge TYPE bamng,           " PR Quantity
            meins TYPE bamei,           " UOM
            bprme TYPE bbprm,           " Price Unit
            netpr TYPE netpr,           " Net price
            peinh TYPE peinh,           " Price Unit UOM
            pstyp TYPE pstyp,           " Item Category
            knttp TYPE knttp,           " Account Assignment Category
            name1 TYPE name1,           " Plant
            orewr TYPE netpr,           " To be Invoiced Price
            curr  TYPE waers,           " Inv Doc Currency
           END OF s_rep.
               D A T A  D E C L A R A T I O N S
    DATA: gv_title1 TYPE sylisel,            " Report title
          gv_dial.                           " Color flag
                C O N S T A N T S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
    CONSTANTS: c_x                VALUE 'X',   " Flag X
               c_h                VALUE 'H',   " Debit
               c_vgabe TYPE vgabe VALUE '2'.   " Transaction Type
         I N T E R N A L  T A B L E S  D E C L A R A T I O N S
                                 " Purchase Order
          i_inv   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF s_inv_sum WITH HEADER LINE,
                                         " PO Invoice Values
                                     " PO Invoice Values
          i_ekbe  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF s_account WITH HEADER LINE.
                               " PO Invoice Values
                     S E L E C T I O N  S C R E E N                      *
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_lifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr MATCHCODE OBJECT kred,
                    s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln MATCHCODE OBJECT mekk,
                    s_bsart FOR t161-bsart,
                    s_ekgrp FOR t024-ekgrp,
                    s_bedat FOR ekko-bedat.
                      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                        *
                  A T  S E L E C T I O N - S C R E E N                   *
    Validate the screen fields
      PERFORM validate_screen.
                   S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N                   *
    Fetch main data
      PERFORM fetch_data.
                   T O P - O F - P A G E                                 *
    Header of the List
      PERFORM header.
                   E N D - O F - P A G E                                 *
                   E N D - O F - S E L E C T I O N                       *
    Display the Report Output data
      PERFORM display_data.
    At Line-Selection
    When double clicked on EBELN display the details of Purchase Doc
      PERFORM line_sel.
    *&      Form  validate_screen
    Validation of Selection Screen fields
    FORM validate_screen .
    Validation of Vendor Number
      CLEAR lfa1-lifnr.
      IF NOT s_lifnr[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT lifnr UP TO 1 ROWS
            INTO lfa1-lifnr
            FROM lfa1
            WHERE lifnr IN s_lifnr.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Vendor'(002).
    Validation of PO Number
      CLEAR ekko-ebeln.
      IF NOT s_ebeln[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT ebeln UP TO 1 ROWS
            INTO ekko-ebeln
            FROM ekko
            WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Document Number'(003).
    Validation of PO Document Type
      CLEAR t161-bsart.
      IF NOT s_bsart[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT bsart UP TO 1 ROWS
            INTO t161-bsart
            FROM t161
            WHERE bsart IN s_bsart.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Purchase Document Type'(004).
    Validation of Purchasing Group
      CLEAR t024-ekgrp.
      IF NOT s_ekgrp[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT ekgrp UP TO 1 ROWS
            INTO t024-ekgrp
            FROM t024
            WHERE ekgrp IN s_ekgrp.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Purchasing Group'(005).
    ENDFORM.                    " validate_screen
    *&      Form  fetch_data
    Fetching the PO related data from Database Tables
    FORM fetch_data .
      CLEAR i_po.
      REFRESH i_po.
      SELECT a~ebeln            " PO No.
             b~ebelp            " PO Item
             a~bstyp            " PO Category
             a~bukrs            " Company Code
             a~bsart            " PO Type
             a~lifnr            " Vendor No
             a~ekgrp            " Purchase Group
             a~waers            " Currency
             a~bedat            " PO Date
             b~txz01            " Material Text
             b~werks            " Plant
             b~lgort            " Storage Location
             b~matkl            " Material Group
             b~menge            " PR Quantity
             b~meins            " UOM
             b~bprme            " Price Unit
             b~netpr            " Net price
             b~peinh            " Price Unit UOM
             b~pstyp            " Item Category
             b~knttp            " Account Assignment Category
        INTO TABLE i_po
        FROM ekko AS a JOIN ekpo AS b
        ON a~ebeln = b~ebeln
        WHERE a~ebeln IN s_ebeln AND
              a~lifnr IN s_lifnr AND
              a~ekgrp IN s_ekgrp AND
              a~bsart IN s_bsart AND
              a~bedat IN s_bedat.
      SORT i_po BY ebeln ebelp.
      IF NOT i_po[] IS INITIAL.
    Fetch the PO History/Invoice Details from EKBE Table
        CLEAR i_ekbe.
        REFRESH i_ekbe.
        SELECT ebeln           " PO No.
               ebelp           " PO Item
               gjahr           " Fiscal Year
               belnr           " PO Invoice No
               menge           " PR Quantity
               wrbtr           " Price in Local Currency
               dmbtr           " Price in Foreign Currency
               waers           " Currency
               shkzg           " Dr/Cr Indicator
         INTO TABLE i_ekbe
         FROM ekbe
         FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_po
         WHERE ebeln = i_po-ebeln AND
               ebelp = i_po-ebelp AND
               vgabe = c_vgabe.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          SORT i_ekbe BY ebeln ebelp.
          LOOP AT i_ekbe.
            IF i_ekbe-shkzg = c_h.
              i_ekbe-wrbtr = i_ekbe-wrbtr * -1.
            MODIFY i_ekbe.
    Sum up the Item wise Invoice totals
          LOOP AT i_ekbe.
            AT END OF ebelp.
              READ TABLE i_ekbe INDEX sy-tabix.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_ekbe TO i_inv.
              APPEND i_inv.
            CLEAR i_inv.
          SORT i_inv BY ebeln ebelp.
    Move the Vendor Name and Invoice Values to I_rep Internal Table
      LOOP AT i_po.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_po TO i_rep.
        CLEAR i_inv.
        READ TABLE i_inv WITH KEY ebeln = i_po-ebeln
                                  ebelp = i_po-ebelp.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          i_rep-orewr = ( i_po-menge - i_inv-menge ) * i_po-netpr.
          i_rep-curr  = i_inv-waers.
          i_rep-orewr = i_po-menge * i_po-netpr.
          i_rep-curr  = i_po-waers.
    Get the Vendor Name
        CLEAR lfa1-name1.
        SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM lfa1 INTO lfa1-name1
          WHERE lifnr = i_po-lifnr.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          i_rep-name1  = lfa1-name1.
        APPEND i_rep.
        CLEAR  i_rep.
      SORT i_rep BY lifnr ebeln ebelp.
      DELETE i_rep WHERE orewr LE 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " fetch_data
    *&      Form  display_data
    Display the Report Output data
    FORM display_data .
      DATA: lv_flag,               " New Flag
            lv_rec TYPE i.         " No of Records
      CLEAR lv_rec.
      IF i_rep[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE e000 WITH 'No Data found'(022).
        LOOP AT i_rep.
    Toggle Color
          PERFORM toggle_color.
          IF lv_flag <> space.
    At New Purchase Document
          AT NEW ebeln.
            WRITE:/1 sy-vline, 2(10) i_rep-ebeln INTENSIFIED OFF.
            lv_flag = c_x.
            lv_rec = lv_rec + 1.
          WRITE: 1 sy-vline,
                12 sy-vline,13(4)   i_rep-bsart,
                17 sy-vline,18(10)  i_rep-lifnr,
                28 sy-vline,29(35)  i_rep-name1,
                64 sy-vline,65(4)   i_rep-ekgrp,
                69 sy-vline,70(10)  i_rep-bedat,
                80 sy-vline,81(5)   i_rep-ebelp,
                86 sy-vline,87(40)  i_rep-txz01,
               127 sy-vline,128(9)  i_rep-matkl,
               137 sy-vline,138(1)  i_rep-pstyp,
               139 sy-vline,140(1)  i_rep-knttp,
               141 sy-vline,142(4)  i_rep-werks,
               146 sy-vline,147(4)  i_rep-lgort,
               151 sy-vline,152(13) i_rep-menge UNIT i_rep-meins,
               165 sy-vline,166(3)  i_rep-meins,
               169 sy-vline,170(15) i_rep-netpr CURRENCY i_rep-waers,
               185 sy-vline,186(4)  i_rep-waers,
               190 sy-vline,191(5)  i_rep-peinh,
               196 sy-vline,197(4)  i_rep-bprme,
               201 sy-vline,202(15) i_rep-orewr CURRENCY i_rep-curr,
               217 sy-vline,218(4)  i_rep-curr,
               222 sy-vline,223(7)  i_rep-bstyp centered,
               230 sy-vline.
          hide: i_rep-ebeln.
        WRITE : /2 'Total Number of Purchasing Documents:'(025) COLOR 3,
                    lv_rec COLOR 3.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_data
    *&      Form  header
    Write the Report Header
    FORM header .
      WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(10)   'Pur.Doc.No'(006) CENTERED,
            12 sy-vline,13(4)   'Type'(007),
            17 sy-vline,18(10)  'Vendor'(008) CENTERED,
            28 sy-vline,29(35)  'Name'(009) CENTERED,
            64 sy-vline,65(4)   'PGrp'(010) CENTERED,
            69 sy-vline,70(10)  'Doc.Date'(012) CENTERED,
            80 sy-vline,81(5)   'Item'(011),
            86 sy-vline,87(40)  'Material Short Text'(024) CENTERED,
           127 sy-vline,128(9)  'Mat.Group'(013),
           137 sy-vline,138(1)  'I',
           139 sy-vline,140(1)  'A',
           141 sy-vline,142(4)  'Plnt'(014),
           146 sy-vline,147(4)  'SLoc'(015),
           151 sy-vline,152(13) 'Quantity'(016) CENTERED,
           165 sy-vline,166(3)  'UoM'(017),
           169 sy-vline,170(15) 'Net Value'(018) CENTERED,
           185 sy-vline,186(4)  'Curr'(019),
           190 sy-vline,191(5)  'Per'(020),
           196 sy-vline,197(4)  'Unit'(021),
           201 sy-vline,202(15) 'To be Invoiced'(023) CENTERED,
           217 sy-vline,218(4)  'Curr'(019),
           222 sy-vline,223(7)  'Doc.Cat'(026),
           230 sy-vline.
    ENDFORM.                    " header
    *&      Form  toggle_color
    This routine alters the color of the records in the list
    FORM toggle_color.
      IF gv_dial = space.
        gv_dial = c_x.
        CLEAR gv_dial.
    ENDFORM.                    " toggle_color
    *&      Form  LINE_SEL
    *When double clicked on EBELN field display the details of Purchase Doc
    FORM line_sel.
      CASE sy-lsind.
        WHEN '1'.
          DATA: lv_field(20),
                lv_bstyp like i_rep-bstyp.
          clear: lv_bstyp,lv_value, lv_field.
          GET CURSOR FIELD lv_field VALUE lv_value.
          IF lv_field = 'I_REP-EBELN'.
            IF NOT lv_value IS INITIAL.
              READ LINE sy-index FIELD VALUE i_rep-bstyp
                                       INTO  lv_bstyp.
             READ CURRENT LINE FIELD VALUE i_rep-bstyp INTO lv_bstyp.
              if lv_bstyp = 'F'.
                SET PARAMETER ID 'BES' FIELD lv_value.
              elseif ( lv_bstyp = 'K' or lv_bstyp = 'L' ).
                SET PARAMETER ID 'VRT' FIELD lv_value.
              elseif lv_bstyp = 'A'.
                SET PARAMETER ID 'ANF' FIELD lv_value.
    ENDFORM.                    " line_sel

  • Vendor wise/Invoice wise consumption for each WBS element

    Any standard report from SAP, which provide details of Vendor Purchase order / Contract, details of SES with WBS no. and details of Vendor invoice in columnar form.
    SAP system can not generate standard reports giving vendor wise/Invoice wise consumption for each WBS element of particular asset.
    Please help me to get this report.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Your starting point should be CJI3 report or any PS report... Here you get the FI Doc no
    If this FI Doc No is generated from MM, check the Header segment of the document.. It would have MM Doc NO + Fisc Yr populated in the ref key... This gives you the link between FI & MM
    From here on, you can take it forward... You can look up this doc no in MSEG Table and find the PO no... Then go to EKBE table for other PO details....
    br, Ajay M

  • How can i import Customer/Vendor  Opening Balances - Invoice wise

    I am going on a parallel run from next week onwards and the Client want to import all Customer/Vendor Opening Balances invoice wise , so that they can get the Aging Analysis report the no of days Outstanding as well as they can enter payment invoice wise.

    To import BP Opening Invoices or Credit Memo's,
    Use the template inside DTW folder
    \Templates\oInvoices for AR Invoices
    \Templates\oPurchaseInvoices for AP Invoices
    and so on
    I presume you would want to import them as Service Invoice so
    In the Document template
    original Invoice number...............dDocument_Service..............tYes
    Opening Balance Account Code (Opening Balance Account is generally created in the Equity drawer and is used purely for all Opening trasactions and will balance out to zero (0) once all opening data from legacy system has been brought over)
    Let me know if you need further direction

  • Product wise pending sales order

    From which transaction code we can find out the Product wise pending sales order list.

    Kindly make use of filter options and change layout options.This might help you for report format.But ultimately the details are going to be the same I guess
    In the initial screen if you give the date range you will get the list of pending orders for that particular material and the organizational detail you give.
    Reward points if helpful.
    Amrish Purohit

  • Customer wise Invoice wise Payment wise List

    Hi all,
    Good day to you.
    We have a requirement which will show Invoice wise Payment Wise report
    Example: Invoice Value CU 1000
                   Payment 1    CU  250 (Partial Payment)
                   Payment 2    CU  350 (Partial Payment)
    We want a report which will give output like
    Customer Code
    Document Reference Type         Amount        Balance
    XXXXXXXXXX              DA/RE       1000.00
    XXXXXXXXXX              DZ              -250.00
    XXXXXXXXXX              DZ              -350.00       400.00
    Customer  Balance                                      ________
    Will be very thankful if I can be guided on this requirement.

    Mr. Ramu, thanks for your efforts.
    I am asking about a specific requirement which has been described in my Original Query. As a member of SAP FICO Support team, I am aware of the path you have mentioned.
    Nevertheless, thanks for your time.
    I request others to help me out.

  • How can sales invoice wise profitability be trached in SAP

    Hi all
    Can someone tell me how invoice wise profitability be trached through CO Module.
    The client is a trading concern, engaged in import and export of certain materials.
    it currently tracks the profit and cost each invoice wise. All the direct cost related to each invoice are captured to that cost center/ profit center (created invoice wise)
    All other administrative costs are then divided based on some percentage.
    How can the above scenario mapped in the SAP System
    Best Regards

    Values from SD flow to CO thru a value field. Condition types are maintained by SD in Pricing procedure and account key is assigned to condition type entry flows into FI.
    COPA report is based on value fields you can define report as per requirement using value fields.
    Tran for value fileds KE4I.
    Colin Thomas

  • Create a Vendor wise cancelled PO's report.

    I am Beginner, PLEASE HELP ME
    Create a Vendor wise cancelled PO's report.

    I am Beginner, PLEASE HELP MERead a book about Oracle Reports or go to OTN:

  • Reconciled invoices are coming in the report

    Before changes
    SELECT 'FINANCE' detdepartment, 'FINANCE' detsub_dept, 'FINANCE' detuser_name,
           ai.unique_remittance_identifier, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_date,
           ai.description, ai.invoice_amount, av.vendor_name, av.vendor_type_disp,
           ai.invoice_received_date, TRUNC (aipa.creation_date) last_forward_date,
           TRUNC (xvd.creation_date + NVL (atl.due_days, 0)) due_date,
           'Validated - Oracle Paid: Unclear' status, ai.invoice_id,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pha.segment1 || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_headers_all pha, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pha.po_header_id = aila.po_header_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) po_number,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pha.type_lookup_code || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_headers_all pha, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pha.po_header_id = aila.po_header_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) po_type,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pra.release_num || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_releases_all pra, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pra.po_release_id = aila.po_release_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) release_number
      FROM apps.ap_terms apt,
           ap_invoices_all ai,
           ap_terms_lines atl,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           fnd_user fu,
           xxindus_vhd_dynamic_h xvdh,
           xxindus_vhd_dynamic xvd,
           ap_lookup_codes alc,
           ap_invoice_payments_all aipa,
           ap_payment_history_all apha,
           ap_vendors_v av
    WHERE xvd.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id
       AND apt.term_id = ai.terms_id
       AND apt.term_id = atl.term_id
       AND atl.sequence_num = 1
       AND ai.terms_id = apt.term_id
       AND ai.org_id = ood.organization_id
       AND ai.created_by = fu.user_id
       AND ai.invoice_id = xvdh.invoice_id
       AND ai.invoice_id = xvd.invoice_id
       AND alc.lookup_code = ai.invoice_type_lookup_code
       AND ai.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
       AND aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
       AND aipa.invoice_payment_id = (SELECT MAX (invoice_payment_id)
                                        FROM ap_invoice_payments_all a
                                       WHERE a.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id)
       AND apha.accounting_event_id = (SELECT MAX (accounting_event_id)
                                         FROM ap_payment_history_all aph1
                                        WHERE aph1.check_id = apha.check_id)
       AND ai.vendor_id = av.vendor_id
       AND apha.transaction_type IN ('PAYMENT CREATED', 'PAYMENT UNCLEARING')
       AND ai.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD'
       AND alc.lookup_type = 'INVOICE TYPE'
       AND alc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND ai.wfapproval_status IN ('WFAPPROVED', 'MANUALLY APPROVED')
       AND xvdh.checked = 'Y'
       AND xvd.status = 'Sent to Finance'
       AND ai.cancelled_date IS NULL
       --- AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fu.start_date AND NVL(fu.end_date,SYSDATE)
       AND ai.invoice_amount =
                    NVL ((ai.amount_paid + NVL (ai.discount_amount_taken, 0)), 0)
    --   AND ood.organization_name = :p_org_name
       AND ood.organization_id = :p_org_id
       AND ai.invoice_received_date
              BETWEEN NVL (TRUNC (TO_DATE (:p_from_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')),
                  AND NVL (TRUNC (TO_DATE (:p_to_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')),
       AND (fu.user_name LIKE '%VHD%' OR fu.description = 'VHD')
    after changes
    SELECT 'FINANCE' detdepartment, 'FINANCE' detsub_dept, 'FINANCE' detuser_name,
           ai.unique_remittance_identifier, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_date,
           ai.description, ai.invoice_amount, av.vendor_name, av.vendor_type_disp,
           ai.invoice_received_date, TRUNC (aipa.creation_date) last_forward_date,
           TRUNC (xvd.creation_date + NVL (atl.due_days, 0)) due_date,
           'Validated - Oracle Paid: Unclear' status, ai.invoice_id,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pha.segment1 || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_headers_all pha, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pha.po_header_id = aila.po_header_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) po_number,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pha.type_lookup_code || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_headers_all pha, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pha.po_header_id = aila.po_header_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) po_type,
           (SELECT RTRIM
                      (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, pra.release_num || '|')).EXTRACT
              FROM po_releases_all pra, ap_invoice_lines_all aila
             WHERE pra.po_release_id = aila.po_release_id
               AND aila.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id) release_number
      FROM apps.ap_terms apt,
           ap_invoices_all ai,
           ap_terms_lines atl,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           fnd_user fu,
           xxindus_vhd_dynamic_h xvdh,
           xxindus_vhd_dynamic xvd,
           ap_lookup_codes alc,
           ap_invoice_payments_all aipa,
           ap_payment_history_all apha,
           ap_vendors_v av
    WHERE xvd.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id
       AND apt.term_id = ai.terms_id
       AND apt.term_id = atl.term_id
       AND atl.sequence_num = 1
       AND ai.terms_id = apt.term_id
       AND ai.org_id = ood.organization_id
       AND ai.created_by = fu.user_id
       AND ai.invoice_id = xvdh.invoice_id
       AND ai.invoice_id = xvd.invoice_id
       AND alc.lookup_code = ai.invoice_type_lookup_code
       AND ai.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
       AND aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
        AND aipa.invoice_payment_id = (SELECT MAX (invoice_payment_id)
                                        FROM ap_invoice_payments_all a
                                       WHERE a.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id)
                                        group by a.transaction_type)                                  
       AND apha.accounting_event_id = (SELECT MAX (accounting_event_id)
                                         FROM ap_payment_history_all aph1
                                        WHERE aph1.check_id = apha.check_id)
       AND ai.vendor_id = av.vendor_id
       AND apha.transaction_type IN ('PAYMENT CREATED', 'PAYMENT UNCLEARIN\G')
       and not exists ( select 1
                        from   apps.ap_payment_history_all apha
                             ,apps.ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
                             ,apps.ap_invoices_all  ai1
                        where aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
                        and ai1.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
                        and ai1.INVOICE_ID=ai.invoice_id
                        and apha.transaction_type IN ('PAYMENT CLEARING')
                        and  apha.CREATION_DATE = ( select max(apha.CREATION_DATE)
                                                    from apps.ap_payment_history_all apha
                                                        ,apps.ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
                                                        ,apps.ap_invoices_all  ai2
                                                    where aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
                                                    and ai2.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
                                                    and ai2.INVOICE_ID=ai.INVOICE_ID
                      ) ---- newly added
       AND ai.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD'
       AND alc.lookup_type = 'INVOICE TYPE'
       AND alc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND ai.wfapproval_status IN ('WFAPPROVED', 'MANUALLY APPROVED')
       AND xvdh.checked = 'Y'
       AND xvd.status = 'Sent to Finance'
       AND ai.cancelled_date IS NULL
       --- AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fu.start_date AND NVL(fu.end_date,SYSDATE)
       AND ai.invoice_amount =
                    NVL ((ai.amount_paid + NVL (ai.discount_amount_taken, 0)), 0)
    --   AND ood.organization_name = :p_org_name
       AND ood.organization_id = :p_org_id
      - AND AI.INVOICE_NUM='A302689/EXM/OSR/03-2012'
       AND ai.invoice_received_date
              BETWEEN NVL (TRUNC (TO_DATE (:p_from_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')),
                  AND NVL (TRUNC (TO_DATE (:p_to_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')),
       AND (fu.user_name LIKE '%VHD%' OR fu.description = 'VHD')

    Hi karthick,
    Reconciled invoices are coming in the Report , some  invoice are coming in the repot if i use the following condition the invoice are not comming in the report   please advice  wheather i can use this condition are not
    and not exists ( select 1
                        from   apps.ap_payment_history_all apha
                             ,apps.ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
                             ,apps.ap_invoices_all  ai1
                        where aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
                        and ai1.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
                        and ai1.INVOICE_ID=ai.invoice_id
                        and apha.transaction_type IN ('PAYMENT CLEARING')
                        and  apha.CREATION_DATE = ( select max(apha.CREATION_DATE)
                                                    from apps.ap_payment_history_all apha
                                                        ,apps.ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
                                                        ,apps.ap_invoices_all  ai2
                                                    where aipa.check_id = apha.check_id
                                                    and ai2.invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id
                                                    and ai2.INVOICE_ID=ai.INVOICE_ID

  • WIS 10901 when WebI report is scheduled.

    When I schedule a webi report in the Infoview, it is failed with the error "A database error occured. The database error text is: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified. (WIS 10901) "
    My webi report has data from different universes which has connections to MySQL database, MS Access, and SAP BW.
    Please help me resolve this.
    Thanks in advance.

    While troubleshooting, the first point you have to consider is that: Which version of BusinessObjects Enterprise you are using.
    Then check the below:
    - The type and version of driver you are using with your databases.
    - Was this report running before?
    - if not since when it has started behaving so?
    - How are you linking the universes?
    - Have tried running reports individually on the individual universes and are you getting data then?
    Are you using any hyperlink object in your report and is that linking with the SAP BW query?
    If you digg in to the above and find that the issue is with the SAP BW query, then you can raise in the forums for Integration Kit and include the details on the hyperlink you trying to create

  • Ageing wise vendor  and customer report

    Where i can get ageing wise vendor  and customer report?
    Thanks & Regards
    Rekha shrama

    First configure credit management & customise.
    A/R Summary
    Degree of ageing
    You can set the allowed degree of ageing in Customizing for Sales, under Basic Functions ® Credit Management/Risk Management ® Credit Management ® Define Automatic Credit Control.
    Under Checks in financial accounting/ old A/R summary, you can enter the permitted degree of ageing for the A/R summary, in the fíelds Permitted days and Permitted hours. Here, you can define how old the A/R summary can be, in order to be called up for a check. If the permitted degree of ageing for the A/R summary is exceeded in the credit check, then the document is blocked.
    Fields allowed days and allowed hours are only available for entry if you have entered an X in field Read A/R Summary in Customizing. The path is: Accounts Receivable and Accounts ® Credit Management ® Credit Control Account ® Make basic settings for credit management.
    The A/R summary is either sent periodically (with the help of the report RFCMCRCV) from central Financial Accounting to the decentralized Sales and Distribution units according to ALE distribution model or, if an obsolete A/R summary is presented, updated for the credit check by the system per remote function.
    In order that the system is burdened as little as possible, SAP recommends you stick to the following order:
    Program run: Incoming payments in central FI
    Program run: Distribution A/R summary from central FI to decentralized Sales and Distribution units
    Program run: Renewed credit check for blocked sales documents in decentralized Sales and Distribution units
    Status Management for Obsolete A/R Summary
    If the A/R summary is obsolete, the credit status Credit data obsolete is set. This means that the document is blocked, and appears in the credit representativeu2019s worklist. In Customizing for Sales, in the section Automatic Credit Control, for the single, aforementioned checks, for which FI data is necessary, you can define whether a warning appears in the obsolete data, or whether a status is set.
    If you are working with the A/R summary, and would like to re-process obsolete data, it is recommended that you set a status.

  • Excise invoice wise accounting Details in Oracle R12.1.3

    I am searching excise invoice wise accounting Details in Oracle R12.1.3. If possible, please help.
    +91 9818805999

    PDF requires the font be registered correctly, since it is not appearing you have missed something in your configuration.
    The most common error is the font family name does not exactly match the font name in Word. (Open the font on your PC and the name is present there also.)
    You can use the xdodebug.cfg troubleshooting method,  then see what error appears in the xdo.log when the font is accessed.
    See the following note for xdo.log:
    Note 364547.1 : Troubleshooting Oracle XML Publisher For The Oracle E-Business Suite
    Thank you

  • Separate clearing document for each invoice wise while posting F-36

    Dear Experts
    I am posting F-36 Bills of exchange transaction for invoices. I am receiving one BOE for multiple invoices.
    Requirement is while saving document system should give separate clearing document for each invoice wise.
    Pls guide me
    Thanks in advance

    It is not for dunning.
    The F1 text for your understanding.
    Key for Payment Grouping
    The grouping key represents a rule according to which the open items of the account are to be grouped together for payment.
    The grouping key is used in cases where you do not want all the open items of a customer or a vendor to be paid together but rather you want only those items which belong together to be grouped into a single payment. A maximum of three fields from the open items are defined for every grouping key; the contents of these fields must correspond in order that the open items can be paid together.
    If you use loan management, you can define as a rule that only items with same loan number can be collected together by debit memo.

  • Print gross, tds & net amount , invoice wise in check printing

    Dear Experts
    Can u please help me for check printing ? Actually i write code for printing the invoice wise gross amount tds amuont & net amuont nut it is not getting printed.
    I have code it in main window. But it is not printing multiple invoice. ABAP Program code is same as standard code. Somewhere i need to change it in standard program code or not please help.
    I also create the zprogram . But it is not printing. Please help.
    Nitin Varshney

    Dear Sreesudha,
    Actually I want to print the mutiple Invoice on the First Page.
    Like when we are payment to one vendor against the multiple invoices,  we want to print the all invoice on the first page of script & at below of page i want to print the check.
    How i can loop on script for multiple invoice printing. AtNew command will work on script or in some other ways.
    Please help.

  • Movement type wise GL accounting entry report

    Is there any standard report available in SAP which shows movement type wise GL accounting enty report apart from MB51. Because in MB51 accounting document is avaibale one by one you click the accounting document button with corresponding material doc number. That accounting entry will show side by side as per movement type wise.

    Hi Mahmud,
    Thanks for your reply.we have done configuration through ome9.All movement types are working fine except 411 q.
    My MM consultant is trying to transfer with movment type 411 Q (MIGO,A8-Transfer posting) inventory with less cost.When we are transfering PRD gl will be placing but PRD gl has given default cc also OKB9.System is showing same error posting key field status to change as per gl.

Maybe you are looking for

  • RS480M2 - environmentals - have I got a problem?

    Hi, Well what a MB to pick for my first build ;-) Thanks for all the great advice on this site. After a problem that turned out to be RAM based (not compatible although passed memtest86 for over 20 hours; replacement seems fine now) I'm wondering if

  • Everything I had on my IPOD touch before a restore was delted and wont go back on. Except my pictures.

    I've had my IPOD touch for about 2 months now and I've been experiencing alot of problems with it but this one by far is the biggest. Itunes told me that there was an error and i needed to Restore my IPOD. I did and when it finished i went to lsten t

  • Accuracy of tm-2 - Please report your experience!ll

    I had the screen of my tm-2 2010eg (european market) replaced once already, yet, it's accuracy is still gruesome. At the edges it is completely off and even in the fair center of the screen the cursor derivates by 1 - 2 mm into a random direction. It

  • OBIEE 11g services.

    Hi Gurus, I am very new to OBIEE 11g,I had installed in my PC,I have some questions.... 1)when I am trying to open default RPD it is asking Repository password..what is the default pwd? 2)what services need to up and run in services(like OBI

  • Network created with TC.......

    Dear all. In my network I have one IMac and two windows computers. I can se the TC from the windows computers. The question is if there is a way to build up a network visibility as in windows i.e that I can se and connect to the rest of the computers