Is there a way to create a local package repository

Is there a way to create a local package repository without technically being a mirror.  For example, setting up multiple AL box's on my network and having them grab all the latest packages from one AL box?

What you most likely want is an ABS tree of your own, containing only the PKGBUILDs of those packages which you want to be included in your repository.
You should already have heard of the gensync program. In short, the parameters are the root of PKGBUILDs, sorted in subdirectories (ie. like the ABS tree), the intented name and location of the repository database file, and the directory containing the binary packages.
Let's assume you downloaded the current ABS tree to your hard drive, as well as all matching (same version as in the PKGBUILDs!) packages from a mirror, but you don't want the reiserfsprogs package in your repository. To achieve that, you must remove the /var/abs/base/reiserfsprogs directory, and may optionally remove the binary package, too. Since gensync analyzes the ABS tree you supplied as a parameter, removing the subdirectory of a specific package will cause this very package to not be included in the generated database. Assuming your packages lie in /home/arch/i686/current, your gensync call would look like this:
gensync /var/abs /home/arch/i686/current/current.db.tar.gz /home/arch/i686/current
If there are any discrepancies like
  - PKGBUILD, but no matching binary package found
  - PKGBUILD and binary package versions do not match
  - permission problems (writing the db file must be possible)
gensync will gladly complain.
Otherwise you should find the db file in the place you specified. Keep in mind that the name of the db.tar.gz file must be equal to the repository tag in the pacman.conf to use the repo.
To make sure the db contains the right packages; use
tar -tzf current.db.tar.gz | less
to list the contents. Every package has it's own subdirectory including the metadata, which is rather obvious considering the file's generated from such a structure in the first place.
The binary packages along with a correctly generated db file are all you need. Make the repository directory containing these files available through FTP if local availability doesn't cut it for you, edit your pacman.conf if needed, and use it!
Adding packages works similar; All you need to have is the PKGBUILD in an ABS-like tree (it doesn't have to be the official tree; gensync doesn't care where the files come from. Just stick to one subdirectory per PKGBUILD, and you'll be fine), and the matching packages somewhere else, run gensync with the appropriate directories, and cackle with glee.

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    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am sorry Roopesh. ud worked with the command 'ud32 with -Ctpsysadm
    first time when I tried, I used our tuxedo admin id instead of 'tpsysadm'.
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    Thanks a lot.
    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I tried the options, but didn't help. By the way, I cannot find anydescription
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    error 2
    120543.DEV_DB_SRV2!BBL.543.606.0: LIBTUX_CAT:6031: ERROR: Unable topre-process
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    I have FIELDTBLS include 'tpadm' and FLDTBLDIR include '%TUXDIR%\udataobj'
    What is causing the above errors.
    "roopesh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    run ud32 with -Ctpsysadm -Utpsysadm .
    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks Sccott. Using ud32 is what I should do.
    Now, I have a problem in using ud32 because the environment uses user
    I am not able to use ud32 due to logon failures. I am getting LIBTUX_CAT
    6311, 6247 and 6234.
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    Any help is appreciated.
    Scott Orshan <[email protected]> wrote:
    For scripting, you should use ud32 to call the MIB.
    james mathew wrote:
    Is there a way to create a script to execute tmconfig and change
    for a particular server?
    Here is what I would like to accomplish. Want to set "-r" option
    a limited
    number of servers, on an as needed basis. I do not want to bring
    the environment
    and update the ubbconfig file. The support people are not familiarwith tmconfig.
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    The Oracle error is: &ERROR
    1. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE scope BB using hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb
    2. Create Template_Name Attribute on the above BB
    3. Create DAY BB
    4. Create DETAIL BB for DAY BB
    5. Create Attribute BB for Hours Worked element on the DETAIL BB above
    6. Call hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    --p_retrieval_process   => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => hxc_timecard.c_yes
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Application Release is 12.0.4, those notes do not help. Here is the complete script.
    l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
    --l_token_table                  hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities.t_simple_table;
    l_blocks hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_attributes hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_existing_tc_id hxc_timecard_summary.timecard_id%TYPE:= NULL;
    l_deposit_process hxc_deposit_processes.NAME%TYPE:= 'OTL Deposit Process';
    l_count_building_block PLS_INTEGER;
    l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
    l_approval_style_id NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
    l_tc_days_counter NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := 50597; -- Responsibility US Employee Services
    l_application_id NUMBER := 809; -- Application HXC
    l_user_id NUMBER := 118189; -- FLORESR
    -- 1. Set Apps Context
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id);
    -- 2. Get Approval Style ID
    l_approval_style_id := TO_NUMBER(hxc_preference_evaluation.resource_preferences(411669,'TS_PER_APPROVAL_STYLE',1,SYSDATE));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_approval_style_id = '||l_approval_style_id);
    -- 3. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE BB similar to the logic in hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb passing the scope as TIMECARD_TEMPLATE instead of TIMECARD
    -- We are starting with a new timecard so clear the global tables
    -- hxc_self_service_time_deposit.initialize_globals;
    -- Also clear the local PL/SQL table
    -- hxc_timestore_deposit_util.clear_building_block_table(p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info);
    l_count_building_block := l_tbl_timecard_info.LAST;
    -- PROCEDURE clear_building_block_table (
    -- p_app_blocks IN OUT NOCOPY hxc_block_table_type
    -- 'generate' a TBB ID
    IF (l_count_building_block IS NULL)
    l_tc_bb_id := -2;
    -- never start at -1 because that has a special meaning in the deposit
    l_tc_bb_id := - (l_count_building_block) - 2;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Timecard');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb (p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/26 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/10/09 23:59:59')
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    ,p_comment_text => 'Come on start working'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb (p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_type => hxc_timecard.c_range_type
    -- p_measure => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    ,p_unit_of_measure => NULL
    ,p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/12 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/25 23:59:59')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => NULL
    -- Timecard Template does not have a parent -- May need to check on this parameter
    ,p_parent_is_new => NULL
    ,p_scope => hxc_timecard.c_template_scope -- Template Scope
    -- p_object_version_number => DEFAULTS TO 1
    -- p_approval_status=> p_approval_status
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => 'PERSON'
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    -- p_date_from => DEFAULTS TO SYSDATE
    -- p_date_to => DEFAULTS TO hr_general.end_of_time
    ,p_comment_text => 'Template Trials'
    -- p_parent_building_block_ovn => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    -- new => DEFAULTS TO 'Y'
    -- changed => DEFAULTS TO 'N'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    dbms_output.put_line('After creating Timecard l_tc_bb_id = '||l_tc_bb_id);
    -- 4. Create PRIVATE TEMPLATES Attribute Category and Template Name passed from UI
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Name Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Name'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'Trial Template from Code'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Type Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Type'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'PRIVATE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- Below will be in a loop later
    -- 5. Create the DAY BB
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating DAY BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb(p_day => fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2011/09/26')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id -- returned by create_timecard_bb
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DAY BB l_day_bb_id = '||l_day_bb_id);
    -- 6. Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift
    dbms_output.put_line('Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 06:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 65172');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'65172' -- 02 Unpaid Lunch
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- 7. Deposit the Template
    dbms_output.put_line('Deposit the Template ');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    -- ,p_retrieval_process => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => 'Y'
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    dbms_output.put_line('l_new_timecard_id = '||l_new_timecard_id);
    IF (l_tbl_messages.COUNT <> 0) THEN
    i := l_tbl_messages.FIRST;
    EXIT WHEN (NOT l_tbl_messages.EXISTS (i));
    l_message := fnd_message.get_string (appin => l_tbl_messages (i).application_short_name,
    namein => l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_message);
    i := l_tbl_messages.NEXT (i);
    END IF;

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    Matthew J. Fazio

    You can edit the local GPP and create a desktop shortcut for all users.
    Customize the default local user profile in windows Server 2012
    Also, you can use CopyProfile to customize the Default User Profile.
    Customize the Default User Profile by Using CopyProfile
    Best Regards.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    To do what Dave indicated you need to do, it depends on what version of Acrobat you have:
    Acrobat 8: Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader
    Acrobat 9: Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader
    Acrobat 10: File > Save As > Reader Extended PDF > Enable Additional Features
    Acrobat 11: File > Save as Other > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools (includes form fill-in & save)
    I wonder what it will be next time?

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    To do what Dave indicated you need to do, it depends on what version of Acrobat you have:
    Acrobat 8: Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader
    Acrobat 9: Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader
    Acrobat 10: File > Save As > Reader Extended PDF > Enable Additional Features
    Acrobat 11: File > Save as Other > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools (includes form fill-in & save)
    I wonder what it will be next time?

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    well, yes, of course i could do it that way. i guess i wasn't specific enough. is there a way to create a smart collection, with the photos in the "previous import" as members of the smart collection.  earlier i mentioned about using this smart collection to mobile sync with my ipad, to do further flagging.
    so my intention, use a smart collection to mobile sync with my ipad, and the smart collection to include the photos from my previous import.
    i guess another way to ask the question, is there a way to create a smart collection, by using some rule or condition in the smart collection, to automatically include previous import photos.
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    Thank you in advance

    Hi Cornellius,
    From the now playing screen there's a Create button at the bottom that allows you to create a
    Genius Playlist
    New Station form Artist
    New Station from Song
    IPhone Help, Browse and play
    The Now Playing screen provides playback controls and shows you what’s playing.
    For information on Genius Playlists, see
    Archived - Genius for iPod and iPhone
    I don't see an option to add it to an existing playlist.
    Best Regards,

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    Hello, I am working in Objective Setting and Assessments , I am using Infoset 0PAH_IS01, I have added 0PAH_DS01 in that. In Reports I have created Variable for VALID FROM DATE and VALID TO DATE (BEGDA &ENDDA) form appraisal Document ID In that select

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    Is this possible in a package? Count1 is a local variable. SELECT COUNT(      SELECT location      FROM table1      WHERE IDNo = p_IDNo      AND orderNo = '1241'      UNION      SELECT x.location      FROM table2 x, table3 y      WHERE = y.nam

  • Error - Need Help!!! csidentity error domain error 11

    What I can Do? I cant to log in my accaunt at general settigs in Users and groups Mac Mini with Lion 10.7.5

  • Can't start OS9.2 in OSX 10.0.4 enviroment

    I posted this topic already but It appears the thred is getting off topic. This should be an easy problem to solve but not finding the resources on the Apple site. Recently I seem to have caused a problem booting OS9.2 in the OS10.0.4 I tried to inst