Is there any system object can save the cost time of package?

Guys, i have one question.
Usually I get the execute update time of package in JAVA to know the performance, but there is time lost in the network, right? So I suppose to get the cost time in DB and cost time in Weblogic, two parameters together.
In package I think at the beginning of my code write belows
p_date := current_timestamp at time zone 'GMT';
-- SQL code
--Then I can get current_timestamp at time zone 'GMT' - p_date and return as a output.
But there are too many packages, and is there any system objects save the cost time?
thank u.

dbms_utility.get_time. Gets the database clock time in hundreths of seconds.
Does NOT relate to the wall clock!
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

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