Java System.out Message on Solaris

Hi !
Could somebody tell me, how I can forward all System.out Messages from
my Java modules (EJB, Servlets) to the Solaris Terminal window?
Thanks Eddie

You could do a tail -f on the kjs console log. (Assuming that you only have one KJS).

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    Here is a class which redirects standard out and err to a JscrollPane.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class EOutputConsole extends JScrollPane {
      Object lock = new Object();
      final JTextArea text = new JTextArea(10,30);
      PrintStream consoleOut;
      public EOutputConsole() {
       * An extention of PrintStream that notifies a lock
       * as it's executing its write method. This tells
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      class ConsolePrintStream extends PrintStream {
        Object lock;
        public ConsolePrintStream(Object lock, OutputStream out) {
          this.lock = lock;
        public void write(byte[] buf,
                          int off,
                          int len) {
          synchronized(lock) {
       * A class that extends PrintStream to throw away all
       * input sent to it. This is used to supress standard out
       * and speed up test model runs with debugging output
      class NullPrintStream extends PrintStream {
        public NullPrintStream(OutputStream out) {
        public void write(byte[] buf,
                          int off,
                          int len) {
      public void suppressStandardOut() {
        // create a dumby temp file to use as an output stream
        // nothing will ever actually be written to the file
        try {
          File dumbFile = File.createTempFile("notme", "not1337");
          PrintStream out = new NullPrintStream(new FileOutputStream(dumbFile));
          System.setOut( out );
          System.setErr( out );
        } catch(IOException ioe) {
          System.out.println("Error supressing standard out");
      public void availableStandardOut() {
        System.setOut( consoleOut );
        System.setErr( consoleOut );
      private void setupOutput() {
        Thread printer = new Thread( new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              PipedInputStream pipe = new PipedInputStream();
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader
                (new InputStreamReader( pipe ));
              try {
                PipedOutputStream pipeOut = new PipedOutputStream(pipe);
                consoleOut = new ConsolePrintStream(lock, pipeOut);
                System.setOut( consoleOut );
                System.setErr( consoleOut );
              catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Failed to create Pipe for System.out");
              try {
                for(;;) {
                  while(!in.ready()) {
                    synchronized(lock) {
              } catch (Exception e) {

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    You may wish to change the output destination to a JTextArea. Please have a look at this link that likely shows what you want:
    If you need other examples, search the forum. I found the search terms -- redirect system out textarea -- very helpful.
    Good luck

  • Sun Java System Instant Messaging for windows xp

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    Please tell how can i have that software?
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    JavaScript: calling Java system code
    JavaScript: default security policy = file://
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    Research pointers:

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    I have found a solution: Via the Tomcat Admin web page I set the Context field "Swallow Output" to "true".

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    Any one help me.

    Go to server properties page of OEM and edit OC4J options under Command Line Options. You will have to specify the OC4J option -out filename to capture the System.out messages. You can also specify the option -err filename to capture all the errors.
    check out

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    # pwd
    # ls
    MoveUser ha_ip_config imquotacheck imsdirmig mkbackupdir hashdir imsbackup imsexport readership
    configure imexpire imsconnutil imsimport reconstruct
    control-params.txt iminitquota imscripter imsrestore relinker
    deliver immonitor-access imsdaaci mboxutil useconfig
    Any idea what might have gone wrong?

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    correct this before attempting to configure Messaging Server. Please make sure
    that your DNS is working properly.
    <Press ENTER to continue> {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    Can you help me fix this problem?

  • System.out from Java class not output to JSP

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    <%@ page import="OPS.*" %>
    When errors occur, messages to "standard out" (system.out) don't appear in the html output of the JSP. I don't know where they are going (they aren't in the web server's error log), but they aren't going where I expected them to (browser window).
    I figured that standard out was the browser (httpServletResponse). Where am I going wrong here?
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    How can I get system.out calls in classes db and employee to get output to the browser? The JSP outputs all other code and is not freezing nor not flushing the buffer.

    I also use an Iplanet over which I have little control. But I can log on via telnet. If I log on (I use Reflection) and run my pages, the errors show in the Reflection window. If you have telnet access to the server, you might want to give this a try.
    Another alternative would be to add a few lines to your classes that allow you to pass a reference to the jsp StringWriter from your jsp and use that to output the errors to the browser.

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    I have created an adaptor for OIM from a java jar file. When that adaptor executes after some updates on tables it produces some execptions/error.
    I can not see the details of these exceptions as I do not know where is the standard output located when adapter is executed via OIM.
    Where cen I see output from my code lines that contain: System.out.println()?

    I am not sure if logging is enabled as OIM was installed previously by another person - how can I check if it is enabled and how to use log4j in this case?
    OIM Design Console window shows no messages comming from my System.out.print() statements.

  • Sun Java System Messaging Server for Windows xp

    We are in a project that uses Sun Java System Messaging Server on Windows xp platform. But we didn't find the software download.
    Please tell how can i have that software?

    Messaging Server 6.x has never been released for Windows. A windows release is projected for the future, but that may be months away.
    Messaing 6.1 is available NOW for Redhat Linux AS2.1 u2 and Solaris X86. I have installed both, and find them both good.

  • Can't run java apps with System.out.println on any builder.

    I'm currently using Vista RC2, which is the immediate problem.
    Classes with System.out.println won't launch the console window. As I'm a student and practicing on these steps, I do have quite a problem on my hands. I click on run, build succesfull, nothing happens.
    I have tried Netbeans and Jcreator, and gave up on trying different builds, as I reckon I'll have to find some other way to counter this; any way to get println messages working in vista?

    It is run as a desktop app, and other runs with commands such as JOptionPane do function, only the println windows don't appear at all. So I think JRE is installed and working.
    I did notice there was one command for input where I'd be able to enter it at the bottom of Netbeans.
    Like just now I clicked build and run for the following code
    import java.util.*;
    public class FirstProgram
        public static void main(String[] args)
            System.out.println("Hello out there.");
            System.out.println("I will add two numbers for you.");
            System.out.println("Enter two whole numbers on a line:");
            int n1, n2;
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            System.out.println("The sum of those two numbers is");
    }Resulting in a brief flash of "input" in the output window (which is below the coding window) and it dissapears. But this also occurs when I don't include system scanner code.
    Using commands in cmd
    java -jar "C:\Users\Alegis\Netb\MyApp\dist\MyApp.jar"
    Does not yield desired results either. Nothing happens.

  • Can't resolve java.lang.System.out

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem:
    C:\cai\VCTest\robo-sdk\build\sun\robot\vision\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable out
    location: class java.lang.System
    System.out.println("Look returned null VisionImage");
    I don't know why this error occured because this application ran well last day.
    Thanks in advance!

    But there is no other variable named "System". All the fields of "System" cannot be used but System.exit(1)can work. And all the methods of String like trim()can not work. Below is the codes:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import SK.gnome.twain.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    public class Search1
    public Search1() {
    public void searchPuck(String colourString) {
    Image i;
    boolean found = false;
    VisionImage image = null;
    byte colour = VisionImage.NO_COLOUR;
    if (colourString.equals("red"))
    colour = VisionImage.RED;
    if (colourString.equals("blue"))
    colour = VisionImage.BLUE;
    if (colour == VisionImage.NO_COLOUR) {
    System.out.println("Invalid colour. Must be one of red or blue");
    while (!found) {
    TwainSource source = null;
    /* grab an image from the camera */
    try {
              try{      source=TwainManager.getDefaultSource();}catch(Exception e){}
              image = new VisionImage(i);          
              if (image == null) {
    System.out.println("Look returned null VisionImage");//here got the error
    } catch (VisionException ve) {
    // System.out.println("Unable to look");
    // System.out.println(ve.getMessage());
    if (image.canYouSee(colour) == false){}
    //do nothing
    found = true;
    VisionObject puck = image.getVisionObject(colour);
    if (puck == null) {
    // System.out.println("Internal Error: ball is null object");
    /* Print a message to tell the user that we've found the ball and
    * where it is relative to the robot
    StringBuffer saw = new StringBuffer("I see the ball " );
              StringBuffer size = new StringBuffer( );
    if (puck != null) {
    int pos = puck.getPosition();
    switch (pos) {
    case VisionObject.LEFT:
    saw.append("to the left of the robot");
    case VisionObject.CENTRE:
    saw.append("in front of the robot");
    case VisionObject.RIGHT:
    saw.append("to the right of the robot");
    // System.out.println(size.toString());
    // System.out.println(saw.toString());
    Point c = puck.getCentre();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < 1) {
    //System.out.println("Usage: Fetch <ball_colour>");
    //System.out.println("it is me");
    // String colourString = args[0].toLowerCase();
         String colourString = args[0];
         colourString= colourString.trim();//trim cannot work
    Search1 f = new Search1();
    Any help will be highly approciated.

  • Problem with GlassFish and Sun Java System Message Queue

    I used application server PE.8 and I upgraded to Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0 Update 1 Patch 1, and I changed all my CLASSPATH and everything. My system is working fine, but the Sun Java System Message Queue that I used before is still showing the queues and physical queues of the previous application server, not the new one. Do you know if there is way to change that and link it to the new version?

    Use an ESB like ServiceMix to bridge JMS providers
    Or write your own MessageListener to consume from one JMS and publish on another one. Be careful with queues to avoid loosing the ordering - so you probably want to use a single MessageListener per subscription/queue - or to take advantage of Tibco's exclusive queues to ensure ordering is preserved. If ordering doesn't matter then don't worry too much about it and maybe have a pool of consumers to improve throughput

  • System.out.println in Web Dynpro Java

    I call System.out.println in some components in web dynpro java.  But I cannot find the standard console output file of SAP J2EE Engine. Anyone know where is the location of standard output file?

    Thanks Deepak. Your link blog is working.
    Sreeni: I cannot find a start-up log file. Could you please tell me the real path?
    Edited by: Nuttakorn Boonthamtanarung on Apr 1, 2010 6:58 AM

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