Java version for signed applets

I was told I must use jdk 1.3 or 1.4 to sign an applet. We want to use 1.1.8 so that it is not necessary for the client to download a plug-in.
I have 2 questions.
1) Is it possible for me to install 1.4 on my machine locally, generate the CSR and keys, then use those to sign an applet running under and compiled using 1.1.8?
2) If we do upgrade to 1.3 or 1.4 but still compile our applets under 1.1.8, is it possible to sign the applet in this situation?
Thanks so much for your help!

Or is there a way to generate a CSR using javakey
instead of keytool since javakey is supported by
1.1.8?I'm not sure about javakey as I have not worked with it. I once made an applet that was signed for both MSVM and the SunVM.
I used the cabsigner from MS Java SDK to sign the cab and the jarsigner to sign the JAR. :)
Then I specified the archive parameter to the signed jar and the <param name="cabbase" value=""> in the HTML file.

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  • Restriction for signed applet

    Hi all,
    i signed applet which is trying to modify file tmp.txt on client machine. Is there any opportunity for client to forbid this action for signed applet?
    I tried use policy file but i was unlucky. It is ok for unsigned applet but what about signed one?
    Thank you for your response.

    you need to install the jre, and place the win32.dll at JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_06\bin, that properties file place at JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_06\lib, comm.jar at JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_06\lib\ext\
    and in ur code try to use it to open ur com port
    public String test() {
    String drivername = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver";
    CommDriver driver = (CommDriver) Class.forName(drivername).newInstance(); driver.initialize();
    catch (Throwable th)
    {* Discard it */}
    drivername = "javax.comm.*";
    CommDriver driver = (CommDriver) Class.forName(drivername).newInstance(); driver.initialize();
    catch (Throwable th)
    {* Discard it */}
    portList = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
    while (portList.hasMoreElements()) {
    portId = (CommPortIdentifier) portList.nextElement();
    if (portId.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL) {
    if (portId.getName().equals("COM2")) {
    //if (portId.getName().equals("/dev/term/a")) {
    try {
    serialPort = (SerialPort)"SimpleWriteApp", 2000);
    } catch (PortInUseException e) {}
    try {
    outputStream = serialPort.getOutputStream();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    try {
    } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {}
    int i=0;
    try {
    } catch (IOException e)
    return messageString;
    and yet u need to signed the applet
    1. Compile the applet
    2. Create a JAR file
    3. Generate Keys
    4. Sign the JAR file
    5. Export the Public Key Certificate
    6. Import the Certificate as a Trusted Certificate
    7. Create the policy file
    8. Run the applet
    Susan bundles the applet executable in a JAR file, signs the JAR file, and exports the public key certificate.
    1. Compile the Applet
    In her working directory, Susan uses the javac command to compile the class. The output from the javac command is the SignedAppletDemo.class.
    2. Make a JAR File
    Susan then makes the compiled SignedAppletDemo.class file into a JAR file. The -cvf option to the jar command creates a new archive (c), using verbose mode (v), and specifies the archive file name (f). The archive file name is SignedApplet.jar.
    jar cvf SignedApplet.jar SignedAppletDemo.class
    3. Generate Keys
    Susan creates a keystore database named susanstore that has an entry for a newly generated public and private key pair with the public key in a certificate. A JAR file is signed with the private key of the creator of the JAR file and the signature is verified by the recipient of the JAR file with the public key in the pair. The certificate is a statement from the owner of the private key that the public key in the pair has a particular value so the person using the public key can be assured the public key is authentic. Public and private keys must already exist in the keystore database before jarsigner can be used to sign or verify the signature on a JAR file.
    In her working directory, Susan creates a keystore database and generates the keys:
    keytool -genkey -alias signFiles -keystore susanstore -keypass kpi135 -dname "cn=jones" -storepass ab987c
    This keytool -genkey command invocation generates a key pair that is identified by the alias signFiles. Subsequent keytool command invocations use this alias and the key password (-keypass kpi135) to access the private key in the generated pair.
    The generated key pair is stored in a keystore database called susanstore (-keystore susanstore) in the current directory, and accessed with the susanstore password (-storepass ab987c).
    The -dname "cn=jones" option specifies an X.500 Distinguished Name with a commonName (cn) value. X.500 Distinguished Names identify entities for X.509 certificates.
    You can view all keytool options and parameters by typing:
    keytool -help
    4. Sign the JAR File
    JAR Signer is a command line tool for signing and verifying the signature on JAR files. In her working directory, Susan uses jarsigner to make a signed copy of the SignedApplet.jar file.
    jarsigner -keystore susanstore -storepass ab987c -keypass kpi135 -signedjar SSignedApplet.jar SignedApplet.jar signFiles
    The -storepass ab987c and -keystore susanstore options specify the keystore database and password where the private key for signing the JAR file is stored. The -keypass kpi135 option is the password to the private key, SSignedApplet.jar is the name of the signed JAR file, and signFiles is the alias to the private key. jarsigner extracts the certificate from the keystore whose entry is signFiles and attaches it to the generated signature of the signed JAR file.
    5. Export the Public Key Certificate
    The public key certificate is sent with the JAR file to the whoever is going to use the applet. That person uses the certificate to authenticate the signature on the JAR file. To send a certificate, you have to first export it.
    The -storepass ab987c and -keystore susanstore options specify the keystore database and password where the private key for signing the JAR file is stored. The -keypass kpi135 option is the password to the private key, SSignedApplet.jar is the name of the signed JAR file, and signFiles is the alias to the private key. jarsigner extracts the certificate from the keystore whose entry is signFiles and attaches it to the generated signature of the signed JAR file.
    5: Export the Public Key Certificate
    The public key certificate is sent with the JAR file to the whoever is going to use the applet. That person uses the certificate to authenticate the signature on the JAR file. To send a certificate, you have to first export it.
    In her working directory, Susan uses keytool to copy the certificate from susanstore to a file named SusanJones.cer as follows:
    keytool -export -keystore susanstore -storepass ab987c -alias signFiles -file SusanJones.cer
    Ray receives the JAR file from Susan, imports the certificate, creates a policy file granting the applet access, and runs the applet.
    6. Import Certificate as a Trusted Certificate
    Ray has received SSignedApplet.jar and SusanJones.cer from Susan. He puts them in his home directory. Ray must now create a keystore database (raystore) and import the certificate into it. Ray uses keytool in his home directory /home/ray to import the certificate:
    keytool -import -alias susan -file SusanJones.cer -keystore raystore -storepass abcdefgh
    7. Create the Policy File
    The policy file grants the SSignedApplet.jar file signed by the alias susan permission to create newfile (and no other file) in the user's home directory.
    Ray creates the policy file in his home directory using either policytool or an ASCII editor.
    keystore "/home/ray/raystore";
    // A sample policy file that lets a JavaTM program
    // create newfile in user's home directory
    // Satya N Dodda
    grant SignedBy "susan"
    8. Run the Applet in Applet Viewer
    Applet Viewer connects to the HTML documents and resources specified in the call to appletviewer, and displays the applet in its own window. To run the example, Ray copies the signed JAR file and HTML file to /home/aURL/public_html and invokes Applet viewer from his home directory as follows:
    Html code :
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
    width="600" height="400" align="middle"
    <PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="SignedAppletDemo.class">
    <PARAM NAME="archive" VALUE="SSignedApplet.jar">
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3">
    Note: Type everything on one line and put a space after
    The option tells Applet Viewer to run the applet referenced in the SignedApplet.html file with the policy file.
    Note: The Policy file can be stored on a server and specified in the appletviewer invocation as a URL.
    9. Run the Applet in Browser
    Download JRE 1.3 from Javasoft
    good luck! [email protected]
    i already give u many tips, i use 2 weeks to try this to success, hopw that u understand that, a result of success is not important, the process of how to get things done is most usefull!

  • Default security context for signed applets using WinXP+IE8

    What is the default security context for signed applets from the internet zone using Java 6 and WinXP+IE8 combination? My guess is that all file and socket access available for the user's Windows account is provided to the applet as well. Is this correct and if so, is there a way to limit these access privileges for signed applets from the internet zone?
    This information is surprisingly difficult to find given how security concious people now are using the internet.

    AntonBoer wrote:
    Thank you for your swift reply.
    Unfortunately your answer reflects to my worst fears. Frankly I find this security model naiive. Anyone with euros can get their applet signed so that is no security control at all.The same naive security model applies to just about anything signed and downloaded; not just to Java Applets.
    Working for a corporate IT how I am supposed to allow Java installations on any of our computers with internet access? That automatically means I am providing them as platforms to whoever wishes to run Java code on them (given that the user of course visits the web site). I would have expected Sun to put more effort into this but it appers nothig have changed in this regard for 10 years.I don't see this as a Sun problem; it is indicative of what I consider to be a general security weakness for all computer systems. For example, for Windows, Vista just added more user involvement in the trust process but it still allows programs to run pretty much unconstrained if the user agrees to them running.
    For some time I have advocated a more fine grained approach. I would like to see ALL programs run in a sandbox that a user can specify what and what cannot be done by each individual program. Unfortunately, this would annoy the hell out of most users so it has little chance of every of ever being accepted. The average user just wants a run-and-forget-about-security model.

  • File read access denied for signed applet

    I have a signed applet with a certificate generated with the keytool. Yet, I keep getting this error:
        access denied ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\aetpkss1.dll read)The error is produced when the method loadKeyStore(pin) below is called.
        private KeyStore ks;
        private Provider provider;
        private static final String providerName    = "PKCS11";
        private static final String providerLibrary = "aetpkss1.dll";
        public void loadKeyStore(String pin) throws IOException,
         CertificateException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
         if (provider == null)
         try {
             ks = KeyStore.getInstance(providerName,provider);
         } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new KeyStoreException("Failed get keystore instance\n"
                             + e.getMessage());
         try {
             ks.load(null, pin.toCharArray());
         } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new KeyStoreException("Failed load keystore\n"
                             + e.getMessage());
        public void registerProvider(String library)
         throws FileNotFoundException, KeyStoreException {
         String fileName;
         if (new File(library).isAbsolute())
             fileName = library;
             fileName = getAbsolutePath(library);
         if (!(new File(fileName).exists()))
             throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file: " + fileName);
         String config = "name = " + providerName + "\n"
             + "library = " + fileName;
         ByteArrayInputStream confStream =
             new ByteArrayInputStream(config.getBytes());
         try {
             provider = new;
         } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new KeyStoreException("Can initialize " +
                             "Sun PKCS#11 provider. Reason: " +
        private String getAbsolutePath(String lib) throws FileNotFoundException {
         String[] searchPath;
         /* NOTE: This should be modified to suit different versions of   *
          *       Windows and not just Windows XP                         */
         if (System.getProperty("").matches("^(?i)Windows.*")) {
             searchPath = new String[] { "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32" ,
                             "C:\\java" };
         } else {
             searchPath = new String[] { "/usr/local/lib/" };
         for (int i = 0; i < searchPath.length; i++) {
             if ((new File(searchPath[i] + File.separator + lib).exists()))
              return (searchPath[i] + File.separator + lib);
         throw new FileNotFoundException("Library not in search path " + lib);
        }The above code is called by a java script, the class' constructor is empty.
    The error appears not to be caught by my code. I have tried to insert try/catch statements everywhere to figure out where this error is produced.
    The code is write off of the applet for signing with a smart card by Svetlin Nakov - and his applet works!
    I have also made a CLI application that uses the above code and it works perfectly.
    So: Something is wrong either with my certificate, the signing method, signature verification or something completely different. Any hints?
    The certificate I generated with
    keytool -genkey -keystore mystore -alias me
    keytool -seflcert -keystore mystore -alias meI have tired both with and without the selfcert step.
    Thanks! Erik

    The problem has been identified: Placing registerProvider() in the constructor the error no longer occurs, instead an error is produced when the key store is loaded.
    It appears that the javascript code is not trusted and so, even though the applet is signed, access privileges are restricted to those of the java script.
    A solution to this problem is not clear, but possibly, serving the pages from a trusted server, the java script will be trusted, some documentation seem to indicate.

  • Loading problem for Signed applet on MAC OS

    Hi All
    I�m trying to test my application on MAC OS (For versions: 10.2.6 as well as 10.4.x)
    For MAC 10.2.6 OS Java version is 1.4.1_01 and
    For MAC 10.4.x OS Java version is 1.4.2_07
    The code is compiled on Windows machine having Java version 1.4.2_07
    There�s a functionality which is calling signed applet (signed JAR for applet) and when this functionality is called, following error encounters:
    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.1_01
    Using JRE version 1.4.1_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://myMachineName: port/appName/UploadDownloadAppletJava.jar
    at sun.plugin.cache.CachedJarLoader.load(
    at sun.plugin.cache.JarCache.get(
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.getJarFile(
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.<init>(
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$
    at Method)
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getLoader(
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getLoader(
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(
    at Method)
    Due to which cannot access Applet class (which is inside UploadDownloadAppletJava.jar) and operation is failed.
    (It works perfectly fine on Windows XP with both IE 6 and Firefox browsers).
    On MAC I'm testing on FireFox.
    Code which calls to applet is:
    width=0 height=0>
    <PARAM NAME=cabbase>
    <PARAM NAME=action VALUE=<%= action %>>
    <PARAM NAME=workingAreaMac VALUE="<%= workingAreaMac %>">
    <PARAM NAME=workingAreaPC VALUE="<%= workingAreaPC %>">
    <PARAM NAME=processId VALUE=<%= processId %>>
    <PARAM NAME=downloadBaseProductInd VALUE=<%= downloadBaseProductInd %>>
    <PARAM NAME=initTime VALUE=<%= initTime %>>
    <PARAM NAME=httpSessionId VALUE="<%= httpSessionId %>">
    <PARAM NAME=userId VALUE="<%= userId %>">
    Please suggest some guidelines Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:
    http://myMachineName: port/appName/UploadDownloadAppletJava.jar
    Have you tried entering the URL into a browser window and see what happens?
    Message was edited by:

  • How to check Java Version while showing applet in browser?

    Hello All,
    We have an application which has client and server mechanism.
    Our application can be accessed by any internet browser on any machine of the network but there is only one server in the network.
    One of the functionality in the application is described below.
    We do have one link in our application webpage. When user clicks on that link, the request goes to the server component which is running on different machine. Now server process the request and in responce we do show some images in applet window at the customer webpage.
    Now problem is, when the client machine browser has some lower version of Java, we are not able to show the image but only shows a blank page.
    What we want to do is to show some specific warning message when we find that the Java version at client machine is lower than required.
    Can anybody please let me know how can I achieve this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Sun's latest versioning solution for applets and JWS apps. is [deployJava.js|]. I also offer the [Java Version Checker Applet|] as an alternate way of ensuring a minimum major version of the JRE.

  • Java versions for OIM install

    Last time when I installed OIM, everything worked fine, but I was unable to open the workflow manager applet. I think maybe I used the wrong JRE/JDK. Please read below the environment I am using and suggest which Jave version should be used.
    OS: Windows 2003 Server
    Browser: IE
    OIM: 9.1
    Application Server: Weblogic (latest version)
    1. Installing Oracle Weblogic, which JRE to use?
    a> 1.6 Sun Java already shipped with Weblogic
    b> 1.6 Oracle JRockit shipped with Weblogic
    c> any other Java version
    2. Installing OIM Server, in the screen where it asks for Application server information, in the field where it asks the JDK used for application server install, which one to use?
    a> The one I choose above in 1
    b> any other Java version (1.4.2_12 or _15 or something else)
    3. Installing OIM client, when it asks for JRE to use with design console, which Java to use?
    a> Install JRE bundled with OIM
    b> JDK 1.4.2_12 or _15 or any other Java version
    4. Now, when I use the OIM, what should be the Java version that my browser should be configured to launch the Workflow Manager applet?
    Thanks in advance.

    The release notes for your oim version contains information about what JRE versions are supported.
    Sun JDK 1.6.0_10 or higher JRockit 1.6.0_05 or higher seems to be what you are looking for.
    Best regards

  • Stable\Right JDK version for today Applet!

    Dear All,
    I have some ideas would like to consult you about :
    I'm building a heavy-applet (for big customer) which uses swing, high-qualitiy image and audio processing and many see & hear technologies.
    Last time we discuss with customer that we will run that applet with JDK 1.4 and later only, after 1 or 2 years running the applet we found out that
    90% of bugs come from 10% users who still using old JDK1.4.xx and JDK1.4.1_xx.
    So should I discuss again with custome that we just support the applet running with JDK1.4.2 and later only.
    I guess 5% of users will not happy for that
    (many reasons : don't want to upgrade to latest JDK, company constraint...),
    - About the plaform (multi-plaform is supported)
    - About the browser (we support all browsers which could allows java plug-in)
    Could you please tell me some good reasons that we should use JDK1.4.2 or later for such applet
    or still support for JDK1.4 and later because ...(your idea)?
    I just would like to find out more information for this case of business.

    Well, I've to support Java-1.1 and up which is REALLY painful - since 1.1 browsers are typically so buggy that you cannot rely on what the API provides.
    After some time you get a feeling what could work and what does not and you to do your best.
    To benefit from newer APIs introcduced in later versions of java we use reflection, e.g. our applet switches dynamically to VolatileImage-Backbuffer if running on 1.4+, we also have 3 implementations for doing http-connections 1.1, 1.2, J2ME and use our self-written selrialization framework which does not rely on reflection.
    Painful but we get great compatibility.
    lg Clemens

  • Interpret Yes/No (accept/deny) for signed applets

    I have signed my applet .jar file with an RSA certificate. The applet is working just fine except when the user is to grant access for it. If he waits for a while an exception occurs. It seems like the applet runs EVEN if it has not been granted.
    My question is why and how I can prevent this from happening. Is there a clear way of reading user input from the permission dialog? Can I put the applet on hold in some way?! This seems quite basic to me, but still I can't find a solution.
    It is very crusial for me to know whether the user grants the applet permission or not. The flow of the applet depends upon this.
    Btw I get the following exception: access denied ( <<ALL FILES>> execute)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkExec(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
         at se.infogate.hitnet.client.ip.impl.Win2KXPIPConfig.config(
         at se.infogate.hitnet.client.ip.IPConfigApplet.changeIP(
         at se.infogate.hitnet.client.ip.IPConfigApplet.start(
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Many thanks in advance!

    You can't access the dialog, but you can always use AccessController.checkPermission(perm); to check whether you have permissions or not. You could place the check in the applet initialisation and display a notice to the user that he/she must grant the privileges.

  • Problem in Granting permissions for Signed Applet

    I have signed my applet with my self generated certificate. The client browser has imported this certificate in his cacerts keystore as trustcacerts. When I grant permission for my client(manually,in the client machine), I have peculiar errors.
    Case 1 : grant codeBase "http://***.XXX.***.XX/-" { permission; };
    This permission works fine. But the client is able to download all applets from the granted machine, including unsigned applets.
    Case 2: grant SignedBy "dcard" codeBase "http://***.XXX.***.XX/-" { permission; };
    If I add the signedBy tag, this particular grant section is completely omitted by the system. That is, the browsers does not recognize the signedBy tag( & its entire grant block) and throws SecurityExceptions for accessing the local machine.
    Please help me to grant permission for the applet coming from a particular source AND signed by a particulr person.
    Thanks in advance,
    Note : Plug-in is java1.3.0_02. The public certificate is imported as trustcacerts in all cacerts files in system.

    This is the complete Error :
    WARNING: Attempting to use HTTP Firewall Proxy Server
    due to security restrictions: org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: Can not find GateKeeper: access denied ( localhost:15000 connect,resolve) minor code: 0 completed: No
    org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: Can not find GateKeeper: access denied ( localhost:15000 connect,resolve) minor code: 0 completed: No
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.gatekeeper.BridgeEx.login(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.gatekeeper.BridgeEx.loginHelper(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.gatekeeper.BridgeEx.bind(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.interceptor.ChainBindInterceptorImpl.bind(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.orb.ORB.bind(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.orb.ORB.bind(
         at com.visigenic.vbroker.orb.ORB.bind(
         at com.platform7.persona.acceptor.GacHelper.bind(
         at com.platform7.persona.acceptor.GacHelper.bind(
         at GenericApplet.init(
         at Source)
         at Source)
    org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: Can not find GateKeeper: access denied ( localhost:15000 connect,resolve) minor code: 0 completed: No

  • Problem on runtime enviorment for signed applet

    I am using the Java Media Framework for video capturing .Problem which i am facing is i have to configure the client machine so i wanted to download few of the class files which will execute on the client side and then stream the video back to the server .For this i have dezigned a java applet.This applet is signed by myself without any external agency so when ever the application is executed where it was signed this application gives no problem but when a different machine access the applet the user is asked for the verification of the applet but the error is thrown stating that the class not found exception .So please guide me that while making a signed applet which all packages need to be signed and what is the procedure .Do i have to sign the jmf packages also .

    I have signed applets but not with jmf. Your best bet is to put the applet in a jar and sign the jar. Most java runtimes with a self signed applet will prompt the user and ask the user if they want to grant permission. You probably have to use the java html converter to code your html to force the use of suns plugin. I am not sure if you have to sign the jmf jars or they may already be signed.

  • What is the correct Sun Java version for Plus ?

    OK so I am running Version 1.4.2_06 (build 1.4.2_06-b03) for Disco Plus.. Is that the correct version ? I am trying to debug an error (Outstanding Refresh) and I need to eliminate the Java version being the cause:
    Can anyone confirm ? thanks OBX
    OracleBI Discoverer 10g (
    Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus 10g (
    Discoverer Model -
    Discoverer Server -
    End User Layer -
    End User Layer Library -
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

    Hi OBX
    Yes that is the correct version, at least that's the one that comes out of the box. You can upgrade to later versions but you have to do this both on the server and on the client. One thing that you must not do is allow the client machines to upgrade when the server is still on 1.4.2_06
    I hope this helps
    Best wishes
    Michael Armstrong-Smith

  • Java Version for PI 7.1

    Hi all,
    Can anyone please tell  me what is the exact recommended JRE version for PI 7.1 with enhancement package1.
    thanks in advance

        I think PI 7.1 works fine with java version 1.5 and 1.6 (not sure..though)
    May be what you can check is un-install the existing Java version (old versions if so) and open the Home page of the PI
    it will show the version needed (try this) for PI 7.0 it was showing for me which version to download in google chrome browser...

  • Java Version for Unity Connection 7.1

    We have recently found that the latest Java Version 7 Update 11 when automatically updated on the users PC, the Unity Connection web page does not work when Media Master is used. The controls or menu does not respond.
    Windows 7
    IE 9.08112.16421
    Java 7 Update 11
    Does Unity Connection 7.1 only support Java 6 Update 33?
    Will there be a patch from Cisco?

    There is a known issue that Cisco Unity Connection requires Java Version 6 update 31 and
    earlier to work with. For more information, refer to teh bugs below:
    The most stable version we have seen is the Java version 6 update 30 or 31.
    If you find this post helpful, please rate!

  • JAVA version for NWDS

    Hi ,
      I am planning to install NWDS (2004s) on my local machine , I want to know the JAVA version that i can use , Will the NWDS work with JAVA 1.5 ??

    Hi Tarun,
    sure, a JDK 5 compiler defaults to source and target level 1.5 and will thus produce classes that are not compatible with a 1.4 runtime ("Unsupported major minor version 49.0"). What's your motivation for wanting JDK1.5? I'd rather go the other way and use a CE IDE for 04s and then use the lower JDK version for the DC build, at least for the Java compiler.

Maybe you are looking for