Journal Entry DocEntry

Hi Experts
how to know the DocEntry of Journal Entry
because when im uploading IP in DTW and the DocType is JE i was failed to upload because it say's "Base document card and target document card do not match. [RCT2DocLine][Line8]
hope you can help me..thanks

1. Are you uploading incoming payments-checks? If yes, run below query to get docentry of AR invoices.
Select * from OINV
2. Please refer below threads:
Upload Incoming Payment using DTW
Import incoming payment with DTW
Thanks & Regards,

Similar Messages

  • Duplicate rows on Query with journal entries and AP documents

    Hi Experts,
    I ahve the below query allowing me to have some information from journal entries and retrieve some other from AP docuements and PO.
    The thing is the query duplicates rows because the AP docuements have several rows but i don t know how to do to remove them (i guess this has to do with JOIN function...)
    T2.[GroupMask] as 'Account Family',
    T2.[FatherNum] as 'Parent Account',
    T2.[AcctCode] AS 'Account Code',
    T2.[AcctName] AS 'Account Name',
    T0.[TaxDate] AS 'Document Date',
    T0.[Number] AS 'Number',
    T0.[DocSeries] AS 'Document Series',
    T0.[BaseRef] AS 'Base Reference',
    T0.[TransId] AS 'Transaction Number',
    T0.[Ref2] AS 'Reference 2',
    T1.[ContraAct] AS 'Offset Account',
    T4.[BaseRef] AS 'PO code',
    T1.[Project] AS 'Project Code',
    T1.[ProfitCode] AS 'Distribution Rule',
    T1.[OcrCode2] AS 'Costing Code 2',
    T1.[OcrCode3] AS 'Costing Code 3',
    T1.[OcrCode4] AS 'Costing Code 4',
    (T1.[SYSdeb]-T1.[SYSCred])  AS 'Total Amount EUR',
    (T1.[FCDebit]- T1.[FCCredit]) AS 'Total Amount (FC)',
    T5.[DocTotalSy] AS 'PO Amount (EUR)'
    FROM  [dbo].[OJDT] T0 
    INNER  JOIN [dbo].[JDT1] T1  ON  T1.[TransId] = T0.[TransId]  
    INNER  JOIN [dbo].[OACT] T2  ON  T2.[AcctCode] = T1.[Account]  AND T2.[AcctCode] = T1.[Account]  
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[OPCH] T3 ON T3.[DocNum] = T0.[BaseRef]
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[PCH1] T4 ON T3.[DocEntry] = T4.[DocEntry]
    LEFT JOIN [dbo].[OPOR] T5 ON T5.[DocNum] = T4.[BaseRef]
    (T2.[AcctCode] > (N'599999' ) ) AND  (T2.[AcctCode] < (N'799999' ) )
    AND (T0.[TaxDate]>= [%0] ) AND (T0.[TaxDate]<= [%1])

    Try This
    SELECT T2.[GroupMask] AS 'Account Family',
       T2.[FatherNum] AS 'Parent Account',
       T2.[AcctCode] AS 'Account Code',
       T2.[AcctName] AS 'Account Name',
       T0.[TaxDate] AS 'Document Date',
       T0.[Number] AS 'Number',
       T0.[DocSeries] AS 'Document Series',
       T0.[BaseRef] AS 'Base Reference',
       T0.[TransId] AS 'Transaction Number',
       T0.[Ref2] AS 'Reference 2',
       T1.[ContraAct] AS 'Offset Account',
       T4.[BaseRef] AS 'PO code',
       T1.[Project] AS 'Project Code',
       T1.[ProfitCode] AS 'Distribution Rule',
       T1.[OcrCode2] AS 'Costing Code 2',
       T1.[OcrCode3] AS 'Costing Code 3',
       T1.[OcrCode4] AS 'Costing Code 4',
       sum(T1.[SYSdeb]-T1.[SYSCred]) AS 'Total Amount EUR',
       sum(T1.[FCDebit]- T1.[FCCredit]) AS 'Total Amount (FC)',
       T6.[DocTotalSy] AS 'PO Amount (EUR)'
    INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.TransId = T1.TransId
    INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T1.Account = T2.AcctCode
    INNER JOIN OPCH T3 ON T0.TransId = T3.TransId
    INNER JOIN PCH1 T4 ON T3.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN POR1 T5 ON T4.[BaseEntry] = T5.[DocEntry]
    AND T4.[BaseLine] = T5.[LineNum]
    INNER JOIN OPOR T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    GROUP BY T2.[GroupMask],

  • Outgoing Payment with journal Entry

    Hi guys I need your help
    I need to be able to do an outgoing payment based on a journal entry. This is my code but I get this error:
    "Base document card & target document card do not match"
    The journal is based on an incoming payment that was over paid and has a remaining balance.
                oOutPay.DocTypte = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptTypes.rCustomer;
                oOutPay.CardCode = "CC0001";
                oOutPay.Invoices.DocEntry = 106;
                oOutPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_JournalEntry;
                oOutPay.TransferAccount = globals.bankTrAccOP;
                oOutPay.TransferSum = 80;
                int lRetCode;
                lRetCode = oOutPay.Add();

    Hi Costas,
    In order to based the payment on Journal Entry,
    You have to set the docline of the Payment to Journal Entry Line which has the same cardcode as your payment card code like this
    oPay.Invoices.DocLine = oJE.Lines.Line_ID
    What I do is I iterate through the Journal Entry to look for the line like this :
    If .Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_JournalEntry _
                                        Or .Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_PaymentAdvice Then
        Dim oJE As SAPbobsCOM.JournalEntries
        oJE = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oJournalEntries)
        For iLines As Integer = 0 To oJE.Lines.Count - 1
        If oJE.Lines.ShortName = .CardCode Then
        'If the line card equal payment card code, then assign the docline id
              oPay.Invoices.DocLine = oJE.Lines.Line_ID
              oJE = Nothing
              Exit For
         End If
    End If

  • How to do an incoming payment based on journal entry whit SDK ?

    Somebody have the code for SDK of Business One,  how  to do an  incoming payment based on journal entry?

    Hello Julio,
    Here some example code from the SDK helpfile.
    Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
       On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
       Dim vCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company
       'create company object
       Set vCompany = New SAPbobsCOM.Company
       'set paras for connection
       vCompany.CompanyDB = "SBODemo_US"
       vCompany.Password = "manager"
       vCompany.UserName = "manager"
       vCompany.Server = "(local)"
       'connect to database server
       If (0 <> vCompany.Connect()) Then
          MsgBox "Failed to connect"
          Exit Sub
       End If
       Dim nErr As Long
       Dim errMsg As String
       'Set the object's properties
       Dim vPay As SAPbobsCOM.Payments
       Set vPay = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(oIncomingPayments)
       vPay.Address = "622-7"
       vPay.ApplyVAT = 1
       vPay.CardCode = "D10006"
       vPay.CardName = "Card D10004"
       vPay.CashAccount = "288000"
       vPay.CashSum = 0
       'vPay.CheckAccount = "280001"
       vPay.ContactPersonCode = 1
       vPay.DocCurrency = "Eur"
       vPay.DocDate = Now
       vPay.DocRate = 0
       vPay.DocTypte = 0
       vPay.HandWritten = 0
       vPay.JournalRemarks = "Incoming - D10004"
       vPay.LocalCurrency = tYES
       vPay.Printed = 0
       vPay.Reference1 = 8
       vPay.Series = 0
       vPay.SplitTransaction = 0
       vPay.TaxDate = Now
       vPay.TransferAccount = "10100"
       vPay.TransferDate = Now
       vPay.TransferSum = 0
       vPay.Invoices.AppliedFC = 0
       vPay.Invoices.AppliedSys = 0
       vPay.Invoices.DocEntry = 8
       vPay.Invoices.DocLine = 0
       vPay.Invoices.DocRate = 0
       vPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = 13
       vPay.Invoices.LineNum = 0
       vPay.Invoices.SumApplied = 5031.2
       Call vPay.Invoices.Add
       Call vPay.Invoices.SetCurentLine(1)
       vPay.Invoices.AppliedFC = 0
       vPay.Invoices.AppliedSys = 1089.65
       vPay.Invoices.DocEntry = 11
       vPay.Invoices.DocLine = 1
       vPay.Invoices.DocRate = 0
       vPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = it_Invoice
       vPay.Invoices.LineNum = 1
       vPay.Invoices.SumApplied = 1000
       vPay.CreditCards.AdditionalPaymentSum = 0
       vPay.CreditCards.CardValidUntil = CDate("10/31/2004")
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditAcct = "295000"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCard = 3
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCardNumber = "884848448"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCur = "EUR"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditRate = 0
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditSum = 5031.2
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditType = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.FirstPaymentDue = CDate("11/29/2002")
       vPay.CreditCards.FirstPaymentSum = 5031.2
       vPay.CreditCards.LineNum = 0
       vPay.CreditCards.NumOfCreditPayments = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.NumOfPayments = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.OwnerIdNum = "3993939"
       vPay.CreditCards.OwnerPhone = "383838888"
       vPay.CreditCards.PaymentMethodCode = 1
       Call vPay.CreditCards.Add
       Call vPay.CreditCards.SetCurentLine(1)
       vPay.CreditCards.AdditionalPaymentSum = 0
       vPay.CreditCards.CardValidUntil = CDate("10/31/2004")
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditAcct = "295000"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCard = 3
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCardNumber = "884848448"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditCur = "EUR"
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditRate = 0
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditSum = 1000
       vPay.CreditCards.CreditType = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.FirstPaymentDue = CDate("11/29/2002")
       vPay.CreditCards.FirstPaymentSum = 1000
       vPay.CreditCards.LineNum = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.NumOfCreditPayments = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.NumOfPayments = 1
       vPay.CreditCards.OwnerIdNum = "3993939"
       vPay.CreditCards.OwnerPhone = "383838888"
       vPay.CreditCards.PaymentMethodCode = 1
       If (vPay.Add() <> 0) Then
           MsgBox ("Failed to add a payment")
       End If
       'Check Error
       Call vCompany.GetLastError(nErr, errMsg)
       If (0 <> nErr) Then
           MsgBox ("Found error:" + Str(nErr) + "," + errMsg)
           MsgBox ("Succeed in payment.add")
       End If
       'disconnect the company object, and release resource
       Call vCompany.Disconnect
       Set vCompany = Nothing
       Exit Sub
       MsgBox ("Exception:" + Err.Description)
    End Sub
    HTH Regards Teun
    Edited by: Teun Aben on Aug 4, 2010 9:00 PM

  • Incoming Payment / Journal Entry

    Hi people
    I'm working in 2005 SP01 PL27
    I'm trying to do an Incoming Payment based in a Journal Entry.
    I have the follow journal entry
    Account: 572000 Credit: 185.2 (line 0)
    Account C00001 Debit: 185.2 (line 1)
    Code is like this
    lPago.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_JournalEntry
    lPago.Invoices.DocEntry = mRS.Fields.Item("TransID").Value
    lPago.Invoices.DocLine = mRS.Fields.Item("Line_ID").Value ' Value (1)
    I fill CardCode and anymore mandatory fields, but and error message says me:
    Base document card and target document card do not match
    Any idea?
    Thnx in advance

    Hi Juli,
    iam programing at this moment a payment tool.
    i don't use Invoices.DocLine and its working fine
    btw - i think i had a similar problem when i didnt use
    oPay.DocType = rCustomer or rSupplier

  • Create a payment based on a journal entry document

    In SBO 2007A PL44 I could add an incoming payment based on journal entry, but my code doesn't work in PL46.
    It's a bug?
    The Code:
            Dim oPay As SAPbobsCOM.Payments = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oIncomingPayments)
            oPay.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptTypes.rCustomer
            oPay.DocDate = Today
            oPay.TaxDate = Today
            oPay.DueDate = Today
            oPay.VatDate = Today
            oPay.CardCode = "310000010"
            oPay.Invoices.DocEntry = 1882
            oPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_JournalEntry
            oPay.Invoices.SumApplied = 12000
            oPay.CashAccount = "38117000"
            oPay.CashSum = 12000
            oPay.DocCurrency = "Ft"
            If oPay.Add <> 0 Then
                Dim errCode As Integer = 0
                Dim errmsg As String = ""
                oCompany.GetLastError(errCode, errmsg)
            End If
    I got the following error:
    errCode: -10
    errMsg: Cannot pay partial down payment 
    Regards Csaba
    Edited by: Csaba Fülöpcsei on Apr 8, 2009 4:49 PM

    Dear Jane Jing!
    Yes I have a issue in B1 app for this payment:
    In Incoming payments windows select the customer doctype and select the customer (310000010), and the list of the invoices check the line (1882, journal entry) and type 10000 in the Total Payment column. And after 'Payment Mean' icon, I can add the payment.
    The problem is still on all payments of jourlnal entries from DI API.
    If I assign any value to oPay.Invoices.SumApplied field, I couldn't add the payment.
    Regards Csaba

  • Triger value from outgoing payment to journal entry

    Hi all,
    I add an UDF in outgoing payment form ( system form)for example i call it area. In the same time i also add an udf with the same name ( area) in journal entry form ( system form). When I entry data in outgoing payment, i also entry the area field in out going payment. for example i fill "Boston" in area field in Outgoing payment. How can i show it in journal entry also? As we know in journal entry , we don't need entry  the data anymore. What i fill in outgoing payment , also will post in journal entry. I just want my area value also can post in journal entry.
    thanks for the help

    Hi Janos,
    thanks for your posting in my thread. Actually i have make my own codes for this issue. i don't know if my codes is similar with your post.
    If pVal.ItemUID = "1" And pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED And oForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE Then
                        ' If pVal.Action_Success Then
                            Dim JEDoc As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
                            'Dim headerCode As Long
                            'headerCode = LastEntry("OIGE")
                            JEDoc = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oJournalEntries)
                            Dim docnum As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                            Dim docnum1 As Integer
                            docnum = oForm.Items.Item(3).Specific
                            docnum1 = docnum.Value
                            Dim area As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                            area = oForm.Items.Item("tArea").Specific
                            JEDoc.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_ST_Area").Value = area.Value
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            If oCompany.InTransaction Then oCompany.EndTransaction(SAPbobsCOM.BoWfTransOpt.wf_RollBack)
                            SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(ex.Message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, True)
                        End Try
                        'End If
                    End If
    so , i get business object for the journal entry in outgoingpayment. the problem is i still confuse with the getbykey method.
    I must fill the getbykey with a value which the value is also link to Journal Entry. I fill the value with docentry in outgoing payment. but it's still problem.
    thanks in advance
    best regards
    ( i'm sorry with my bad english)

  • How can I know if a manually created Journal Entries has not been paid yet?

    Hi There.
    I'm passing through the following situation: I need to find out which Journal Entries that have been manually created ( TransType = 30 ) don't have an Outgoing Payment record associated
    Lets suppose that I manually created a Journal Entry. Let's call it OJDT_MAN
    Then, I went to the Outgoing Payments Form ( Modules -> Banking -> Outgoing Payments -> Outgoing Payments ) and paid OJDT_MAN.
    This process will create another Journal Entry. Let's call it OJDT_AUTO.
    I can't find in the database anything that indicates that OJDT_MAN has already been paid. I tried looking for a Status field; Checking if OJDT_AUTO had some code that could get me to OJDT_MAN ( I found BaseRef and TransType = 46, that can guide me to the new OVPM record ); Tried looking at the new OVPM record for some field that could lead me to OJDT_MAN, but I had no success at all...
    So, in resume, and again, how can I know if a manually created Journal Entry hasn't been paid?
    (When I go to the Outgoing Payments Form and select a Business Partner, it B1 shows me only the not paid ones... How does he knows it? )

    Just to make it more clear, the SQL we were looking for is this:
      OJDT.TransId Not In ( Select VPM2.DocEntry From VPM2 Where VPM2.InvType = 30 )
      OJDT.TransType = 30

  • Error while posting to Tax Journal Entry for sales and use tax

    I am trying to post a journal entry (FB50) to cleanup and correct the liability on our sales and use tax. All  lines are giving warnings and messages.Give me a suggestion  on how to get it to post .  Or if needed, another solution to correcting the balances in the sales and use taxes.
    But the entry to a/c # 226530 is giving an information message but still wouldnu2019t save.
    The Error message is
    Enter the tax base amounts for account 226400 in company codeAFCO
    Message no. F5A375
    You are posting directly to a tax account. Enter the tax base amounts per item using the function "Tax Amounts".
    Kindly help me how to fix the above issue.

    You may want to check out the following notes... they may shed some light on your problem.
    681930 - Posting on tax account possible w/o specific. of base amount
    1090096 - FB60 / MIRO - Checking direct tax after change (F5A375)
    944978 - FB60 / MIRO - check of direct tax after change

  • Decimal Places in Item Cost must be 6 characters while in Journal Entry 2.

    I have the following problem:
    Accounting needs to see and work with 2 decimal places, but the item cost is needed in 6 decimals.
    If I register a A/P Invoice and i go to the Journal Remark, the Journal Entry should be in 2 decimals. If i look for the Item Cost on the Wharehouse this cost should be in 6 decimals.
    Is there a way to handle Accounting in 2 units and Cost in 6 Units
    Thank You very much

    Hi Saul,
    The request appears illogical, how can the accountant work with 2 decimal places & the item valuation is held with 6? The stock account with 2 decimals will never match the stock audit report with 6 decimals.
    I'm afraid the SAP Business One core functionality does not cater for this need. There are no 'behind the scenes' journal entries. A JE is legally binding so you need to decide whether you wish to work with the most accurate calculations regarding item cost as possible (6 decimals) or accommodate the accountants & work with 2 decimals in the journals.
    You might want to take the nature of the stock into consideration, if there are huge quantities at small individual prices 6 decimals might be better, if you use mainly standard cost &/or have no major cost fluctuations when using MAP/FIFO, 2 decimals might be sufficient.
    All the best,

  • NULL Value in Journal Entry and Wrong Tax Summary

    Hi people,
    I need your expert help for a big problem that appens to some customers.
    They run SAP BO 8.8 SP:00 PL:12
    This is the scenario:
    You insert a new documet,  A/R Invoice or A/P Invoice is the same, problem appear in all of them.
    After you insert the document, using SQL Server Management try this Select statment:
    Select * from JDT1 where JDT1.debit is null OR is null
    A list of record where listed. And, this is the problem, NULL values are all in the VAT Lines in debit or credit colums.
    If you try to make a SUM(debit-credit) you discovery that, 1000,00-null=null
    Consequently, TAX Sumary report, that probably use arithmetic operation like me in SELECT statment,  count a wrong number when null values in DEBIT or CREDIT column in JDT1 for VAT declaration.
    How could I solve? And how i can make invoices store 0 rather than NULL in the VAT Line?
    Thanks in advance for your tips and solutions

    Thaks Neetu for your answer.
    I thinks there is a misurandertanding.
    My problem is not SQL.
    My problem is the SAP TAX Report.
    I used SQL only for check data and discover why SAP raise a wrong TAX Summary report.
    So, my question is: Why invoices write null values in journal entry, and how I can solve the problem that TAX summary report use null value in operations so the results are wrong.
    Jonny Cortonicchi

  • Preview of Journal Entry - G/L effect , GL Mapping reference

    Hi All,
    I have observed that due to non availability of preview of Journal Entry - G/L effect, there are chances that customer/users come to know of wrong G/L Mapping after the posting of transaction.
    If an option to preview the G/L effects before adding a transaction e.g. A/R Invoice,Sales Delivery etc... is available than the customer/user can rectify the G/L Mapping or the G/L selection at the transaction level.
    Also if one column say GL mapping reference can be added in Journal Entry, the purpose is to store infromation from where the SAP B1 has picked up the GL e.g. from GL increase , GL deccrease , Price Difference from Item Group,Ware House,Item Level GL Mapping.
    Best Regards,
    Samir Gandhi
    Edited by: Samir Gandhi on Apr 22, 2009 7:30 PM

    Dear Peter Dominik,
    I think it is good to show the to be Journal entry effect on click on Add botton, this way user will not have to take additional pain click on preview button to see the JE, but for all cases every user will have to forcefully see the JE screen and confirm that it is OK, and he/she will not be able to change it.
    Samir Gandhi

  • Background Journal entry for Incoming payment

    Dear Experts,
    Would you please help me in how to get the journal entry for an incoming payment entered as "payment on account".
    The relationship map does not show this, but I can see the credit entry for the customer is passed.
    same happens for incoming payment made for specific AR invoices.
    SAP Doc says...
    An incoming payment document is created.
    A journal entry that credits the customer and the tax accounts (if tax is involved), and debits the receivable account, is created.
    The journal entries of the incoming payments and the paid invoices are reconciled.
    The paid invoices are closed; they no longer appear in the Open Items list and in the Incoming Paymentswindow as documents for payment.
    So how to check the journal entries for incoming payments.
    Message was edited by: Suman Roy

    To see journal entry, drill down arrow at transaction no of incoming payment window.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Automaticly offer outstanding items of a business partner in journal entry

    One Customer ist a stright bookkeeper. Hi only likes to book in the journal and won't use the banking wizzard.
    Is there a possibility, that there will be automaticly an offer with the outstanding items of the business-partner when making a journal-entry like:
    GL 1.000,00 against BP
    Thanks for helping

    Good morning,
    thanks for your answer. I know this proceeding i've written from other ERP-Software (sage).
    When you make a journal entry, i'll get an offer of the outstanding items from the BP an i can choose, where i'll subtract the payed amount from.
    I see, there is no standard possibility to do so in SBO.
    Why you say, that it isn't a good practise to pass yournal entries on bp?

  • *Journal Entries while uploading the vendor master data from legacy system*

    hi SAP Folks,
    can any one of you tell me the journal entries while uploading the vendor master data from legacy system to SAP system.
    Eg: legacy system is having 10000 vendors list, 1 reconciliation account and $ 1000000. while uploading all these data from legacy system to SAP what are the journal entries we get.
    thanks in advance.
    Edited by: ravindranath manikonda on Nov 24, 2008 1:12 PM

    you will be having  only one entry logically
    i.e. Opening Bal. clrng A/c Dr.
           To Vendor A/c Cr.

Maybe you are looking for