Looping and storing into arrays

Anyone managed this yet, or BC team - you got any thoughts....?
There could be cases and situations like this one and in this case either a solution or just having a loop array filter would be nice also...
You have a web app with classifications. You want to people in a company. You want to show board members (Classification) in one section and the rest of the team in another.
The Rest of the team will show the board members because you do not have classifications in list view.
Solution 1:
BC to provide classifications in list view liquid/collection
Solution 2: (And something we probably may need too)
It would be great to loop through a collection and store into an array
{% assign myarray = [] -%}
{module_webapp collection="myitems"}
{% for item in myitems-%}
     {% myarray | map: item.name-%}
{% endfor -%}
It would be handy to be able to store items in an array. You can already map an array, have a manually made array you can loop through, have a string you map into an array via a cookie etc.

Well Rob, you have {module_data... So if you want to go even further You can turn to that and you can defiantly do the where. I think bringing that to all modules would be some serious overkill work, you would be basically replicating that functionality.
That is how I am classing _data - This is your hardcore module to use when you want to do some serious s*** but as I have said in other threads, We should not be turning to that all the time when we just need something like categories in list view. That would also be over kill in those situations.
But then when you do use _data it would be good to get some results, map it to an array and then use that for something else.

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    Hi. You were wise to trace the value of n. Your problem seems
    to be that the tests succeed (almost always) in the very first
    iteration because they truly don't match (where n = 0) and
    execution breaks out. You need to adjust the logic. As one
    approach, while sticking with your code and not changing it too
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    and break
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    if (!flag) {
    // add to array
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    while(ct < max) { }
    to know when you're done
    You can also check out the Array functions indexOf() and
    some(), to make things more efficient and faster/easier
    when you're all done, you can also look into using if (a != b
    && c != d)
    for efficiency, instead of nesting them separately
    good luck :)

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             // TODO, add your application code
            int num =0;
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    seah_ly wrote:
    I need a user to keyed in a list of age so to calculate the average age. The values entered is stored in into an Array (not arrayList) I have been using ArrayList rather than array. =(Yes you are correct in using an ArrayList, however if arrays are required you could mimic the actions of a growing ArrayList by using an array and initializing a new array with double the size of the old array and copying the old elements to the new array. Note this is exactly what an ArrayList does.
    My following code has some proble, when I run the program and enter 99 as the first value input. The system would terminate. However, when I enter other values than 99, the system would not terminate. Do point out my brainless mistake. Thanks alot.
    if(num == 99){
      stop = true;
    }What do you think this does to the while loop?

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    X             Y              Z
    1              a              10
    1              b             abc
    1              c              xy
    1              e             $
    2              a              11
    2              c              asf
    2              d             tal
    2              f              ghs
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    A             B             C             D             E              F
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100
    10           jhy          xy           sd           ew          100
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs
    11           ght         afr          tal           ss            ghs
    O/P Table from Procedure: OUTPUT_TABLE
    A             B             C             D             E              F              X
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100         1
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs         2
    Business Logic In the Procedure:
                    -- First get the DISTINCT values from the TABLE_A to generate the Loop
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                                                    SELECT Y, Z FROM TABLE_A WHERE X = ID.X AND Z <> '$' ;
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                    END LOOP ;
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    mary 22 F
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    faye 10 F
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    mary john
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    if (count >= startAtLineNo) {
    /* do stuff */
    // else ignore
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    Try this
    try {
              FileReader fr = new FileReader("C:/abc.txt");
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
              String record = null;
              while ((record = br.readLine()) != null)
                   System.out.println(record );     

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    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.File;
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            ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
            char [][] twoDimesionArray = null;
                JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
                if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
                    String data;
                    //Read from file
                    while ((data = reader.readLine()) != null)
                        //Convert data to char array and add into array
                    //Creating a 2D char array base on the array size
                    twoDimesionArray = new char [array.size()][];
                    //Convert array from ArrayList to 2D array
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
                        twoDimesionArray[i] = (char [])array.get(i);
                    //Test the 2D Array
                    for (int y = 0; y < twoDimesionArray.length; y++)
                        char [] temp = twoDimesionArray[y];
                        for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x ++ )
            catch (Exception ex)

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    adamoutlaw wrote:
    Here is a portion of the VI.  I need two separate arrays, one for Latitude and one for Longitude, of the same size.
    I don't see any arrays in your code. Do you want to generate arrays form individual data points or do you want to process arrays, one element at a time? Both can take advantage of autoindexing. Here's a simple picture.
    Your VI contains a weird mix of DBL and EXT precision. Most likely all you need is DBL. Keep your representations consistent!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-02-2007 07:14 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Indexing.png ‏4 KB

  • Splitting a list (loop and insert)

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    inserted into a
    database. I am using cfhttp to read the list and turn it into
    a query. I am
    then using that query to loop and insert the records into a
    However, its too large and the server is timing out. Is there
    a break the
    list into 2 pieces and do it in serial?
    I am using:
    <cffunction name="getResidential" access="private"
    output="false" hint="">
    <cfargument name="ResFile" type="string"
    <cfhttp timeout="6600"
    name="Property" delimiter="|" textqualifier=""
    firstrowasheaders="yes" />
    <cfloop query="Property">
    <cfquery name="loopProperty" datasource="bpopros">
    Is it possible to do something like:
    Function 1
    <cfloop from="1" to="40000" index="i">
    Function 2
    <cfloop from="40001" to="#Query.RecordCount#"
    Any ideas? Thanks
    Wally Kolcz
    Founder / Developer

    I like your second solution, but wouldn't I need access to
    the actual web
    server? I need to do this on hosting. I am downloading the
    files from a Real
    Comp and then looping the data into my client's database for
    searching. I
    wanted to just use the files as a flat database and just
    query or query off
    of it, but there is a new file everyday. Only one update
    (Sunday) is the
    master list of 45-60k records. All the rest (Mon-Sat) are
    just small
    "Dan Bracuk" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fdrgde$6qu$[email protected]..
    > It's possible, but it's a better idea to look for ways
    to do it without
    > cold
    > fusion.
    > Food for thought, I have a requirement to move data from
    one db to
    > another. I
    > use Cold Fusion to query the first db, output to text,
    and ftp the text
    > files
    > to another server. I also have a scheduled job that
    looks for these text
    > files
    > and loads them into db2.

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    import java.util.prefs.*;
    public class Prefs {
         Preferences p;
         GUI g = new GUI();
         public Prefs() {
              p = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(getClass());
              g = new GUI();
         public void storePrefs() {
              for (int i = 0; i < g.symptoms.length; i++) {
                   p.putBoolean("symptoms", g.symptoms.isSelected());
         public void retrievePrefs() {
              for (int t = 0; t < g.symptoms.length; t++) {
                   p.getBoolean("symptoms", g.symptoms[t].isSelected());
    symptoms is the array of checkboxes in the GUI class. Not sure where I am going wrong here. I can do it with strings from textfields etc but this is proving to be an annoyance. :(
    Thanks in advance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Actually, I have a better example, see below
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.prefs.*;
    public class PreferencesTest {
        private Preferences prefs;
        public static final String PREF_OPTION = "SELECTED_MENU_ITEM";
        public void createGui() {
            prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(this.getClass());
            JMenuItem exitAndCloseMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");
            exitAndCloseMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
            JCheckBoxMenuItem[] preferenceItems = {
                new JCheckBoxMenuItem("pref 1"),
                new JCheckBoxMenuItem("pref 2"),
                new JCheckBoxMenuItem("pref 3"),
                new JCheckBoxMenuItem("pref 4")};
            int selectedMenuItem = prefs.getInt(PREF_OPTION, 0);
            ButtonGroup preferencesGroup = new ButtonGroup();
            JMenu preferenceMenu = new JMenu("Preferences");
            for(int i = 0;i<preferenceItems.length;i++){
    preferenceItems[i].addActionListener(new menuItemActionListener());
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Prefernce Test");
    public static void main(String[] args){
    new PreferencesTest().createGui();
    class menuItemActionListener implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    JCheckBoxMenuItem jcbm = (JCheckBoxMenuItem)e.getSource();
    prefs.put(PREF_OPTION, jcbm.getActionCommand());

  • Loops and Arrays help

    I'm a freshman in college and new to java. I am completely lost and really need help with a current assignment. Here are the instructions given by my teacher...
    Building on provided code:
    Loops and Arrays
    Tracking Sales
    Files Main.java and Sales.java contain a Java application that prompts for and reads in the sales for each of 5 salespeople in a company. Files Main.java and Sales.java can be found here http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~amk/foo/csci111/labs/lab6N/Main.java
    and here http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~amk/foo/csci111/labs/lab6N/Sales.java It then prints out the id and amount of sales for each salesperson and the total sales. Study the code, then compile and run the program to see how it works. Now modify the program as follows:
    1. (1 pts) Compute and print the average sale. (You can compute this directly from the total; no new loop is necessary.)
    2. (2 pts) Find and print the maximum sale. Print both the id of the salesperson with the max sale and the amount of the sale, e.g., "Salesperson 3 had the highest sale with $4500." Note that you don't necessarily need another loop for this; you can get it in the same loop where the values are read and the sum is computed.
    3. (2 pts) Do the same for the minimum sale.
    4. (6 pts) After the list, sum, average, max and min have been printed, ask the user to enter a value. Then print the id of each salesperson who exceeded that amount, and the amount of their sales. Also print the total number of salespeople whose sales exceeded the value entered.
    5. (2 pts) The salespeople are objecting to having an id of 0-no one wants that designation. Modify your program so that the ids run from 1-5 instead of 0-4. Do not modify the array-just make the information for salesperson 1 reside in array location 0, and so on.
    6. (8 pts) Instead of always reading in 5 sales amounts, allow the user to provide the number of sales people and then create an array that is just the right size. The program can then proceed as before. You should do this two ways:
    1. at the beginning ask the user (via a prompt) for the number of sales people and then create the new array
    2. you should also allow the user to input this as a program argument (which indicates a new Constructor and hence changes to both Main and Sales). You may want to see some notes.
    7. (4 pts) Create javadocs and an object model for the lab
    You should organize your code so that it is easily readable and provides appropriate methods for appropriate tasks. Generally, variables should have local (method) scope if not needed by multiple methods. If many methods need a variable, it should be an Instance Variable so you do not have to pass it around to methods.
    You must create the working application and a web page to provide the applications information (i.e., a page with links to the source code, the javadoc and an object model) to get full credit. You can use the example.html's from the last two labs to help you remember how to do this.
    I'm not asking for someone to do this assignment for me...I'm just hoping there is someone out there patient and kind enough to maybe give me a step by step of what to do or how to get started, because I am completely lost from the beginning of #1 in the instructions.
    Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    First ask the person who gave this asignment as to why do you require two classes for this , you can have only the Sales.java class with main method in it . Anyways.
    Let Main.java have a main method which instanciates a public class Sales and calls a method named say readVal() in Sales class.
    In the readVal method of sales class define two arrays i.e ids and sales. Start prompting the user for inputting the id and sales and with user inputting values keep storing it in the respective arrays .. Limit this reading to just 5 i.e only 5 salesPerson.
    Once both the arrays are populated, call another method of Sales class which will be used for all computations and output passing both the arrays.
    In this new method say Compute() , read values from array and keep calculating total,average and whatever you want by adding steps in just this loop. You can do this in readval method too after reading the values but lets keep the calculation part seperate from input.
    You must create the working application and a web page to provide the applications information (i.e., a page with links to the source code, the javadoc and an object model) to get full credit. You can use the example.html's from the last two labs to help you remember how to do this. I think this is ur personal stuff , but if you want to use web page , you probably will require to use servlet to read values from the html form passed to the server.

  • Splitting and type casting huge string into arrays

    I'm developing an application which is supposed to read measurement files. Files contain I16 and SGL data which is type casted into string. I16 data is data from analog input and SGL is from CAN-bus data in channel form. CAN and analog data is recorded using same scan rate.
    For example, if we have 6 analog channels and 2 CAN channels string will be (A represents analog and C represents CAN):
    A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 C1 C2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 C1 C2 A1 A2 .... and so on
    Anyway, I have problems reading this data fast enough into arrays. Most obvious solution to me was to use shift registers and split string in for loop. I created a for loop with two inner for loops. Number of scans to read from string is wired to N terminal of the outermost loop. Shift register is initialized with string read from file.
    First of the inner loops reads analog input data. Number of analog channels is wired to its N terminal. It's using split string to read 2 bytes at a time and then type casts data to I16. Rest of the string is wired to shift register. When every I16 channel from scan is read, rest of the string is passed to shift register of the second for loop.
    Second loop is for reading CAN channels. It's similar to first loop except data is read 4 bytes at a time and type casted to SGL. When every CAN channel from scan is read, rest of the string is passed to shift register of the outermost loop. Outputs of type cast functions are tunneled out of loops to produce 2D arrays.
    This way reading about 500 KB of data can take for example tens of seconds depending on PC and number of channels. That's way too long as we want to read several megabytes at a time.
    I created also an example with one inner loop and all data is type casted to I16. That is extremely fast when compared to two inner loops!
    Then I also made a test with two inner loops where I replaced shift register and split string with string subset. That's also faster than two inner loops + shift register, but still not fast enough. Any improvement ideas are highly appreciated. Shift register example attached (LV 7.1)
    Thanks in advance,
    Jakke Palonen
    String to I16 and SGL arrays.vi ‏39 KB

    OK, there is clearly room for improvement. I did some timing and my two above suggestions are already about 100x faster than yours. A few teeaks led to a version that is now over 500x faster than the original code.
    A few timings on my rather slow computer (1GHz PIII Laptop) are shown on the front panel. For example with 10000 scans (~160kB data as 6+2) my new fastest version (Reshape II) takes 14 ms versus the original 7200ms! It can do 100000 scans (1.6MB data) in under 200 ms and 1000000 scans (15MB data) in under 2 seconds.
    I am sure the code could be further improved. I recommend the Reshape II algoritm. It is fastest and can deal with variable channel counts. Modify as needed.
    Attached is a LabVIEW 7.1 version of the benchmarking code, containing all algorithms. I have verified that all algorithms produce the same result (with the limitation that the cluster version only works for 6*I16+2*SGL data, of course). Remember that the reshape function is extremely efficient, because it does not move the data in memory. I have some ideas for further improvements, but this should get you going.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-05-2005 03:06 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    StringI16SGLCastingTimer.png ‏48 KB
    StringtoI16andSGLArraysMODTimer.vi ‏120 KB

  • Result set looping and arrays??????????

    Hey i have a result set problem in using an applet connected to a database.
    After i have accessed a database, i am using a result set to store these values, then put them into arrays to out put to screen. im using:
    count = 0;
    lecturer[count] = rs.getString("FirstName") + " " + rs.getString("Surname");
    room[count] = rs.getString("Room_No");
    sentence = rs.getString("Subjects");
    space = sentence.indexOf(" ");
    subject[count] = sentence.substring(0,(space));
    subject2[count] = sentence.substring((space+1),sentence.length());
    subject[count] = sentence;
    subject2[count] = " ";
    timeslot[count] = rs.getInt("Time_slot");
    The while is there untill there are no more values in the result set. This should work(in theory). But for some reason the while loop goes around and around until 'size' (which is the size for all the arrays) is reached. This is a set value at the start of the applet. But whenever i change it the while loop goes around that many times without fail. this results in duplicate outputs to screen, that i dont want.
    Anyone got any ideas????????????

    This flow doesn't make too much sense to me. Why are you setting an absolute limit on the length of the array, if it should really be determined by the number of rows in your resultset. It sounds like you would be better off using a Collection class, like:
    List names = new ArrayList();
    while(rs.next()) {

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    1. You should use blob or longvarbianry type colum to stor that array.
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  • How do I print to PDF in safari for iOS?

    When I shop on my MacBook, I like to save my receipts as a PDF. This way I can easily search and consult them later, and don't have to go to the trouble of physically printing and filing them.  How do I do this when I make the purchases in Safari on

  • Error in OBIEE while clicking on Coreapplication in em -  ADF_FACES-60097

    Hi,     I am getting below error while clicking on coreapplication in em (enterprise manager) in obiee. ADF_FACES-60097:    Server Exception during PPR, #1 in coreapplication Please suggest on what needs to be done to resolve this.

  • How to do this?

    I need help with something! I know my explanation isn't the best, but I hope you can see what I'm saying. Basically, I want to build an interactive flash web application with a database. (I think) Here is what i want to do: The user is HUNGRY! 1. The

  • Deskjet 6940 pdf docs are printing as jumbled up letters and symbols

    I have a deskjet 6940. When I print pdf docs they are a jumbled up mess of letters and or symbols. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the adobe program more than once and the problem is still ongoing.