Looping through javabean array in jsp?

In my servlet, I created an ArrayList of objects and pass these to a jsp page using:
req.setAttribute("bean", uploadList);
The ArrayList contains objects of the FileBean class, with a getIndex, and getDate methods.
Could any possibly demonstrate how to loop through the ArrayList in the jsp and display the FileBean object values in a html table?
To display the values of a javabean in jsp pages I normally have to use for example, requestScope.bean.getMethod();

No, that would be requestScope.bean.attributename, if your getter method has the same name as the attribute you are getting.
To loop through an array you have to use the c:forEach tag. Check google for "jstl foreach example", there are loads of examples.

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  • Looping through an array to pass out the variable to Scanner

    I'm trying to get an array of files which end .list in a particular directory and then scan each one for an email address and at the moment print it out. As I understand it Scanner doesn't read from File but will from a String. However each time I try putting it into a String, I get an error as the code tries to pass the full array to it rather than the file names.
    What would be the best way of looping through the array so that each time Scanner gets a new path name applied to it?
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.io.File;
    public class FindEmail {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              File userDir = new File("M:\\foo\\bar");
            FileFilter listfilter = new fileFinder();
            File[] foundarray = userDir.listFiles(listfilter);
            for (File i: foundarray) {
              Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(foundarray));
            try {
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\\w+|\\.?]+)\\w+@([\\w+|\\.?]+)\\.(\\w{2,8}\\w?)");
            String str = null;
                 while ( (str = s.findWithinHorizon(p, 0)) != null ){
            } finally {
               if (s != null) {
         } //main
    //class to find the list files
    class fileFinder implements FileFilter {
        public boolean accept(File file) {
            return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".list");

    The error that I got was
    Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: [M:\foo\MAIN\BEDEWORK.LIST, M:\foo\MAIN\BEDEWORKSPRIVATE.LIST, M:\foo\MAIN\DONNA-NEW.LIST, M:\foo\MAIN\DONNA-NEWER.LIST, M:\foo\MAIN\DONNA-TEST.LIST] (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Scanner.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at org.stfc.bedework.FindEmail.main(FindEmail.java:17)At the time I had the code:
    FileFilter listfilter = new fileFinder();
               File[] foundarray = userDir.listFiles(listfilter);
               String name = Arrays.toString(foundarray);
               for (int i=0; i<name.length(); i++) {
              Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(name));

  • Looping through an array to get the index for each measure in a combo box

    Hi folks,
    I am working on a web application that has two combo boxes, one for year (called yearcombo) and for measures (called myURL) for that selected year, and also two radiobuttons (in radioBtnGroup). I have two years and a bunch of measure for each year. I  have a map tool tip that when you mouse over the county you see a measure for that specific year. However I have a bunch of measures for each year and I want to be able to loop through the measures (which are in an array collection inside a combobox) so my "if" expression can find every selectedIndex and bring me the tool tip for that selected measure for that selected radio button. Right now I would have to create if statements for each measure (each selectedIndex inside the myURL combobox)and each radiobutton (inside the radioBtnGroup) instead of creating a if expression to get a map tip tool for each measure. I know I would have to create a loop to search for these indexes and enter that in the if expression and also change the graphic.attributes to reflect the right measure or index selected. Do you API for Flex wizards  can give me any tips on how to code this according to my code below ? Any  help is greatly appreciated! (the print scree is attached)
    Below is the code snippet:
    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
    fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
    var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
    graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
    var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
    var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
    textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
    myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
    myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
    myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
    catch(error:Error) {
    trace("Caught Error: "+error);
    And below is the combo boxes with the arrays
    <mx:FormItem label="Year        :"  >
    <mx:ComboBox   id="yearcombo" selectedIndex="0" labelField="label" width="100%" change="changeEvt(event)"  >
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="year"  >
    <fx:Object label="2007"  year="2007" />
    <fx:Object label="2009"  year="2009" />
    <mx:FormItem label="Measure:">
    <mx:ComboBox   id="myURL" selectedIndex="8" width="80%" mouseOver="clickEv2(event)" close="closeHandler(event)">
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="measures"   >
    <fx:Object id="forindout07" labeltext="2007 Forestry Industry Output" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_industry_output" year="2007"  />
    <fx:Object id="foremp07" label="2007 Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_employment" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forlabinc07" label="2007 Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_labincome" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forindbustax07" label="2007 Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_business_tax" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forindout09" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_industry_output" year="2009"  />
    <fx:Object id="foremp09" label="2009 Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_employment" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="forlabinc09" label="2009 Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_labincome" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="forindbustax09" label="2009 Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_business_tax" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="blank" label=" "  />

    And here is the entire code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    paddingBottom="8" paddingLeft="8"
                    paddingRight="8" paddingTop="8"
                    layout="vertical" >
        <!-- Start Declarations -->
            <esri:SimpleFillSymbol id="mouseOverSymbol" alpha="0.5" color="0x808080">
                <esri:SimpleLineSymbol width="0" color="#000000"/>
            <esri:SimpleFillSymbol id="defaultsym" alpha="0.01" color="#E0E0E0"   >
                <esri:SimpleLineSymbol width="1" color="#000000"/>
        <!-- End Declarations -->
                import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
                import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;
                import com.esri.ags.esri_internal;
                import com.esri.ags.events.GraphicEvent;
                import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
                import com.esri.ags.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleLineSymbol;
                import flash.utils.flash_proxy;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.controls.RadioButton;
                import mx.controls.TextArea;
                import mx.events.DropdownEvent;
                import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
                import mx.rpc.Fault;
                import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
                import flash.display.Sprite;
                import flash.events.ErrorEvent;
                import flash.events.MouseEvent;
                private function closeHandler(evt:DropdownEvent):void {
                    myLabel.text = ComboBox(evt.target).selectedItem.labeltext;
                private function loadLayerName():void
                    myLegend.layers = null;
                    //loop through each layer and add as a radiobutton
                    for(var i:uint = 0; i < (dynamicLayer.layerInfos.length); i++)
                        var radioBtn:RadioButton = new RadioButton;
                        radioBtn.groupName = "radioBtnGroup";
                        radioBtn.value = i;
                        radioBtn.label = dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name;
                        if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Direct Impact (Million $)")
                            radioBtn.label = "Direct Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Total Impact (Million $)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Total Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Total Impact (Jobs)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Total Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Direct Impact (Jobs)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Direct Impact";
                        {radioBtn.visible= false;
                    /*     myDividerBox.getDividerAt(0).visible = false; */
                    //set the visible layer the first radio button
                     radioBtnGroup.selectedValue = 0;
                     dynamicLayer.visibleLayers = new ArrayCollection([0]);
                    myLegend.layers = [dynamicLayer];
                    myLegend.visible = true;
                private function radioClickHandler(event:ItemClickEvent):void
                    myLegend.layers = null;
                    // update the visible layers to only show the layer selected
                    dynamicLayer.visibleLayers = new ArrayCollection([event.index]);
                    myLegend.layers = [dynamicLayer];
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
            public function filter1(item:Object):Boolean
                if (item.year=="2007") return true
                else return false
                public function filter2(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                private function clickEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
                public function filter3(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2007") return true
                    else return false
                public function filter4(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                private function clickEv2(event:Event):void {
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == 2007 && myURL.selectedIndex==8)
                        myLegend.layers = null;
                public function filter5(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2007") return true
                    else return false
                public function filter6(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                if (myURL.selectedIndex==0)
                myTextArea.htmlText = "<b>County: </b>" + gr.attributes.NAME + "\n"
                + "<b>Measure: </b>" + myURL.selectedItem.label + gr.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                public function fLayer_graphicAddHandler(event:GraphicEvent):void
                    event.graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOverHandler);
                    event.graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOutHandler);
                public function onMouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                        textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                        myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                        myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                        myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 3 )
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForIndirBusTax.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 3 )
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForIndirBusTax.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                public function onMouseOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var gr:Graphic = Graphic(event.target);
                    gr.symbol = defaultsym;
            @namespace esri "http://www.esri.com/2008/ags";
            @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
            @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
            @namespace esri "http://www.esri.com/2008/ags";
            @namespace components "com.esri.ags.components.*";
                content-background-alpha : 0.4;
                background-color : #4A7138;
                background-alpha : 0.7;
                border-style : solid;
        <mx:HBox   width="930" height="800"  id="mapHbox"  horizontalAlign="center" >   
        <mx:HBox width="80">
        <mx:HBox id="myHBox" width="800" height="600" backgroundColor="0xffffff"  >
            <mx:VBox  height="590" width="358"  >
            <!--    <mx:Panel
                    width="356" height="100%"
                    <mx:Canvas height="100%" width="100%" backgroundColor="0xffffff" >
                        <esri:Map id="myMap" openHandCursorVisible="false"
                                  scaleBarVisible="false" scale="4000000" >
                                <esri:Extent xmin="-10736651.061900" ymin="4024099.909700" xmax="-10409195.669800" ymax="3440153.831100"      >
                                    <esri:SpatialReference wkid="102100"/>
                            <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer id="dynamicLayer2"
                                                               url="http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/RADIO_BUTTONS/counties_layer/MapServer" />
                            <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer id="dynamicLayer" name=" "
                                                       url="http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/{myURL.selectedItem.value}/MapServer"   />
                            <esri:FeatureLayer id="fLayer"
                                               url= "http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/RADIO_BUTTONS/feature_layer_0709_five/FeatureServer/ 0" />
            <!--    </mx:Panel>-->
            <mx:VBox  height="590" width="20"  >
            <mx:Canvas height="500" width="400" backgroundColor="0xffffff"
                       verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
                <mx:VBox  width="420" height="50%" paddingLeft="5" paddingTop="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10"
                    <mx:Form  >
                        <mx:FormItem label="Year        :"  >
                            <mx:ComboBox   id="yearcombo" selectedIndex="0" labelField="label" width="100%" change="changeEvt(event)"  >
                                <mx:ArrayCollection id="year"  >
                                    <fx:Object label="2007"  year="2007" />
                                    <fx:Object label="2009"  year="2009" />
                        <mx:FormItem label="Measure:">
                            <mx:ComboBox   id="myURL" selectedIndex="8" width="80%" mouseOver="clickEv2(event)" close="closeHandler(event)">
                            <mx:ArrayCollection id="measures"   >
                                <fx:Object id="forindout07" labeltext="Forestry Industry Output" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_industry_output" year="2007"  />
                                <fx:Object id="foremp07" label="Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_employment" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forlabinc07" label="Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_labincome" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindbustax07" label="Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_business_tax" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindout09" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_industry_output" year="2009"  />
                                <fx:Object id="foremp09" label="Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_employment" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="forlabinc09" label="Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_labincome" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindbustax09" label="Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_business_tax" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="blank" label=" "  />
                    <mx:VBox  id="layerPanel" width="50%" height="8%" verticalGap="3" paddingLeft="17">
                        <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="radioBtnGroup" itemClick="radioClickHandler(event)"  />
                    <mx:VBox paddingLeft="17" height="50%" >
                    <mx:Canvas  id="legendPanel" width="100%"  >
                        <mx:Label id="myLabel" text=" " fontWeight="bold" />
                        <esri:Legend id="myLegend"
                                     map="{myMap}" visible="false"
                    <mx:TextArea width="275"  borderAlpha="0" height="200"  >
                        <mx:htmlText   >
                            <![CDATA[<font size='11'><b>Note:</b> Counties in white indicate either no data is available for that measure or the data has been supressed due to confidentiality.</font>

  • Looping through an array, i dont want duplicates

    I am wondering if anyone can help me please, I have an array
    containing numbers, these numbers are attached to movie clips to
    determine where they are on the stage, and they are generated
    randomly, so the movie clips are always in a new place when a
    certain button is pressed.
    My problem is that I dont know how to avoid duplicates. The
    way I have done it is I have put the values in an array, and I loop
    through this with a for loop, from here I take the values and link
    them to another array that contains the movie clips, this all works
    well but some of the movie clips are stacked on top of one another
    because the same array values are coming up :S I have attached the
    code, so any suggestions would be gratefully recieved, I just
    havent a clue on this one :S
    Many thanks any help is gratefully recieved :D

    Hi. You were wise to trace the value of n. Your problem seems
    to be that the tests succeed (almost always) in the very first
    iteration because they truly don't match (where n = 0) and
    execution breaks out. You need to adjust the logic. As one
    approach, while sticking with your code and not changing it too
    much (such as using more efficient int vs Number):
    at the very top, define a counter var ct:int = 0;
    before the testing loop, define a flag, such as var
    flag:boolean = false;
    you could then invert the logic in the loop and test for ==
    rather than for !=
    if you find a match, do--> flag = true;
    and break
    at the end of testing, use the flag to decide whether to
    store the new value
    if (!flag) {
    // add to array
    also, use a while loop for controlling the whole thing-->
    while(ct < max) { }
    to know when you're done
    You can also check out the Array functions indexOf() and
    some(), to make things more efficient and faster/easier
    when you're all done, you can also look into using if (a != b
    && c != d)
    for efficiency, instead of nesting them separately
    good luck :)

  • Looping through an array to insert contents into an HTML table

    Im trying to loop through a String array and insert the contents into an html table, unfortunately my coding is only filling in the first row in the table and ignores any additional info. Im using webservices that is connecting to a table in the database.
    Info = ID + ";" + played + ";" + won + ";" + lost + ";" is the String im pulling into my client.
    <table border = "1">
    try {
         leglessclient.LegendServiceService service = new leglessclient.LegendServiceService();
         leglessclient.LegendService port = service.getLegendServicePort();
    String Info = port.displayLog();
    String[] log = Info.split(";");
    for (int a = 0 ; a < log.length; a++) {
    for (int b = 0 ; b < 4; b++){
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
         // TODO handle custom exceptions here
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    firstly, if you have multiple rows.. you need to start each row with <tr> and end with a </tr>. You just have one in the beginning and end,which will obivously give data in one row.
    for (int a = 0 ; a < log.length; a++) {
    for (int b = 0 ; b < 4; b++){
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");

  • Looping through an array more that once

    I have simple array of movie clips that loop through once according to the code below:
    private var  lettersL1:Array = [a,a,f,f,f,g,h,i,i,n,n,n,o,o,o,o,s,s,t,t,t];
              for (var i: Number  =0; i < lettersL1.length; i++)
                        trace (lettersL1[i]);                  
    This works, but for my game to work I need the loop to run three times.
    Of cause adding    i< lettersL1.length;    doesn't work. And I really would prefer not to hard code it with adding a number instead of .length.
    What is the correct notation?

    Thanks dharmk,
    I added that. I wonder if it should be in this classes constructor function or lower down? Heres my entire constructor function so far:
    public function LetterArray()
              for (var i: Number  =0; i < lettersL1.length*3; i++)
                   trace (lettersL1[i%lettersL1.length]);
                lettersL1[i].x = 399;
                lettersL1[i].y= 30;
                trace("Main construtor is working");
    It traces the all the objects in the array once to the output window [object a,b,c,...] and then the next time (because I spesed *3) if thrace the firts object [a]first object and then stops.

  • Extra Space coming while looping through Hash Set in JSP: URGENT

    I have to loop through the Hash Set in jsp, and display the contents with a comma seperated list.
    I am able to display the values withing the set, however.. after every value,
    i am getting an extra space and then a comma. How do i get rid of this extra space?
    Below is the code snippet
    <% Set tagSet = new HashSet();
         tagSet = (Set)request.getAttribute(PhotoConstants.REQ_RELATED_TAGS);     
         Iterator i = tagSet.iterator();     
         String tagName=(String)i.next();
    <a href="/outlook/photo/keywords?keywords=<%=URLEncoder.encode(tagName)%>"><%=tagName%></a>
    I am getting following output:
    NY , sky , Sports & Recreation , clouds , New York City , New York
    Expected Output:
    NY, sky, Sports & Recreation, clouds, New York City, New York
    I want space after a comma, not befor comma...
    Any help is really appreciated..

    <% while(i.hasNext()) {
        String tagName=(String)i.next(); %>
        <a href="/outlook/photo/keywords?keywords=<%=URLEncoder.encode(tagName)
        %>"><%=tagName%></a><%if(i.hasNext()==true){ %>,<% } %>
    <% } %>I think this is an html whitespace thing... try moving your code around to look like what's above (ie move the end of line to inside your scriptlet tag)
    Code looks OK...

  • Looping through an array

    i need to complete for loop in the method below so that all the elements in the amounts array passed in as a parameter are added up and the total returned:
    +private double getTotalAmount(double amounts) {+
    double total = 0;
    +for (                                              ) {+
    return total;

    Using Java5 features:
    private double getTotalAmount(double... amounts)
        double total = 0;
        for (int x: amounts)
            total += x;
        return total;

  • Loop through an array?

    I need to essentially run a lot of insert statements of the form:
    insert into (a,b,c) values (x,y,z)
    and I was hoping I could create some sort of array/collection 'hard coded' with columns for x,y and z and then just iterate through them for the inserts. Is there a way that PL/SQL can do this? I'm assuming there is - but how?

    You could populate a collection with the values for X,Y, Z and then use a FORALL ... INSERT statement, if that's what you mean.
    Cheers, APC

  • Looping through arrays

    I am developing a program which contains redundant code as it contains too many methods that loop through the same two dimensional array all the time.
    The reason why the code is redundant is because I need to perform a different action to different values in the array each time (depending on whether statement is true or false).
    What I want to try and do is create one single method which loops through the array and returns a boolean value.
    The method needs to take something like an if statement as a parameter so that I can stop searching through the array when the value of some element in array satisfies the if statement.
    How do I do this? How do I cut down the amount of code that searches through the same array all the time.
    Hope someone can understand

    Are you looking to do something like this?
    interface Predicate {
        boolean apply(int arg);
    class IsEven implements Predicate {
        public boolean apply(int arg) {
            return arg % 2 == 0;
    public class PredicateExample {
        public boolean searchMaxtrix(int[][] m, Predicate p) {
            for (int[] row : m)
                for(int x : row)
                    if (p.apply(x))
                        return true;
            return false;

  • For loop wont loop through array built from spread sheet

    im probably doing sonthing really silly but........
    first i build and array out of data from a spreadsheet (RefLookup)
    the spreadsheet contains 3 rows the top row is my label (to be returned later)
    the second row it my maxmum value
    the third row is my minimum value.
    Ref in is my live feed of data to be looked up.
    i then put this into a for loop, to loop through the array untill it finds which range of data the Ref in lies.....
    then i simply stop the loop and output the index value.
    this index value is the used to look up the spreadsheet data again and return the label for that index.
    from what i can gather the code should.... work. but it doesnt seem to go passed the first itteration of the for loop 
    any ideas?
    please and thanks
    Go to Solution.
    jmRange.vi ‏13 KB
    RefLookup.csv ‏1 KB
    InRange.PNG ‏34 KB

    You need to set the delimiter to comma, else you don't get all data. (read from spreadsheet file)
    You are doing this way too complicated. Here's equivalent code. I am sure it can be simplified much more!  
    You don't need the outer while loop. finding it once is sufficient. 
    You probably want to add a "select" after the loop that selects NaN instead of the last value if nothing is found, based on the boolean. 
    Message Edited by altenbach on 03-30-2010 02:55 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    finder.png ‏8 KB

  • How to loop through a collection of records which is return value of func.

    Hi all.
    Have this situation:
    - Stored function (member of pkg procedure) that returns a collection of records.
    Package Spec:
    type tipo_pvt is table of s08_plan_venta_totalizado_r % rowtype;
    rc_pvt tipo_pvt;
    (s08_plan_venta_totalizado_r is a view).
    Package Body:
    select col1
    bulk collect into rc_pvt
    from s08_lista_precio_producto_r lpp
    ,s03_producto_r prd
    where condition;
    return rc_pvt;
    Once collection is loaded and returned (i know it loads records). I just want to loop through every record on a pl/sql procedure on the client (forms6i procedure), but it gives me the error: ORA-06531 Reference to uninitialized collection:
    On the forms6i client procedure i have something like:
    procedure p_carga_plan_venta_inv (p_id_plan_venta in number) is
    v_contador integer;
    v_mensaje varchar2(10);
    rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt; (sk08_gestiona_plan_venta is package name)
         rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
         rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    -- previous statement dos not fail BUT THIS:
    message('rc_pvt.count= '||rc_pvt.count);pause;
    So my question is : since i have already returned the collection, how come is not initialized....?
    Do i have to extend it first? In this case i have to return the number of records in the collection.....
    Look what happen when done from sqlplus:
    rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
    rc_pvt :=
    sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
    SQL> /
    Registros en la coleccion =6
    Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
    I put a dbms_output.put_line on stored function .....
    Please help ....!
    Apparently it fails when calling the stored function:
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    I don't undestand since this function return the appropiate type. It seems the collection is empty, although having test that on sqlplus works ...
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    function f_genera_plan_venta_inv (p_id_lista_precio in number
    ,p_id_sucursal in number
    ,p_tipo_nivel_inv in varchar2
    ,p_co_unidad_monetaria in varchar2
    ,p_fe_fin_periodo in date) return tipo_pvt;
    for some reason it works on plus:
    SQL> declare
    2 rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
    3 begin
    4 rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
    5 rc_pvt :=
    6 sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
    7 ,null
    8 ,'m'
    9 ,'BS.F'
    10 ,to_date('28/02/2001','dd/mm/yyyy'));
    11 --
    12 dbms_output.put_line('Registros en la coleccion = '||rc_pvt.count);
    13 for i in 1 .. rc_pvt.count loop
    14 --
    15 dbms_output.put_line('En '||i||rc_pvt(i).prd_co_producto);
    16 end loop;
    17 end;
    18 /
    Registros en la coleccion =6
    Registros en la coleccion = 6
    En 1PT.REF.PET.KO05
    En 2PT.REF.PET.LM15
    En 3PT.ALM.VDR.001
    Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
    Don't understand why it works on plus8 (same version that comes with 6i).
    Can't loop through records on forms...? WHY ...?
    Edited by: myluism on 02-abr-2012 14:40

    Forms 6i is an antique ... write your code to run on the server.
    Multiple examples of how to loop through an array loaded with bulk collect can be found here.
    The main library page is:

  • Looping through an arrayCollection

    I need to:
    1. loop through an array collection,
    2. select a specific string from that collection
    3. extract a url from that string
    4. insert an additional string to the array with that extracted url
    The code I am using so far is:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" minWidth="1024" minHeight="768">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                private var resultArrayCollection:ArrayCollection;
                private function doSearch (e:MouseEvent):void
                    twitterSearch.url = "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=LDN";
                private function onResult (e:ResultEvent):void
                    resultArrayCollection = e.result.feed.entry as ArrayCollection;
        <mx:HTTPService id = "twitterSearch"
                        result="onResult(event)" />
    the HTTP service pulls in data from Twitter search for example http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=LDN.
    All help would be greatfully received.

    I use this method to find objects in an ArrayCollection, you could probably modify accordingly.
    public function findObjInArry(arryRef:ArrayCollection, objId:int):Object
             if(arryRef.length == 0)
                 return null;
             for(var i:int=0; i<arryRef.length; i++)
                 var arryObj:Obejct = arryRef.getItemAt(i) as Object;
                 if(objId == arryObj.id)
                     return arryObj;
             return null;
    Regarding adding items to ArrayCollection you can use the addItem methods.

  • Fastest way to loop through a group of strings

    I am trying to optimize a small class that loops through an array of strings and compares to see if another string equals one of the values, for example:
    String test = "this is test5";
    String array[] = {"test1","test2","test3, test4,test5,test6,test7,test8"};
    for(int i = 0;i < array.length; i++)
    if (test.endsWith(array))
    return array[i];
    }The array that I am using holds closer to 15 values, but this loop can be hit thousands of times a day.  My  question is, are there any faster ways to loop through multiple strings than using arrays?  How do array lists or maps compare?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    sarcasteak wrote:
    The array that I am using holds closer to 15 values, but this loop can be hit thousands of times a day. 15,000 comparisons a day is nothing. The following code does 15 million String compares in 188 ms.
    public class StrCmp {
      public static void main(String... args) {
        String[] arr = {"abc", "sdfasdlfkjasldfjalsdkfj", "234l2kjala34kh", "slkfjal3490u saf",
                        "234lkjasldfhk23k4jhasf", "23l4kjsf", "alsflsdjkf", "aslkdfajsdf3h", "zzzzz",
                        "uhuhuhuhuh", "uhu2huh234234", "n234aoiuf", "234lasdhvoaih3", "zoziucvoiu", "asdflsjfl"};
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
          String str = "qqq";
          for (String str2 : arr) {
            if (str2.endsWith (str)) {
              System.out.println ("match");
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
        System.out.println((end - start) + " millis");
    My question is, are there any faster ways to loop through multiple strings than using arrays? How do array lists or maps compare?Before you worry about taking something simple that works and complicating it to make it faster, make sure there's a reason to do so.
    If you do in fact need to make it faster, there are several different things you could do, but which one is best depends on a number of factors specific to your particular requirements and use cases.

  • Looping through OCIFetchStatement results

    Hi, I'm having trouble looping through the results of OCIFetchStatement.
    I have already connected to the database ok so I've excluded that code.
    The code is as follows:
    $sql = "SELECT dbname FROM live_rates_details";
    $sql_statement = OCIParse($c, $sql) or die ("Couldn't parse statement.");
    OCIExecute($sql_statement) or die ("Couldn't execute statement.");
    // Fetch the results.
    $numrows = OCIFetchStatement($sql_statement, $dbs);
    // Print the number of rows
    echo "$numrows<br>";
    // Loop through the results
    foreach ($dbs as $value)
    echo "$value<br>";
    This code prints the number of rows correctly (22) but instead of looping through the array and printing results it just prints the word Array.
    Any ideas?

    That worked perfectly. However I now only have one row in my database and two columns as below:
    Column names are fruit and colour and the data row is Bananna and Yellow.
    My problem is that when selecting the code as you've put it it returns the following BanannaYellow.
    How can I seperate these? If I only want to access the yellow part, how do I do that? $value[$i][1]
    Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe you are looking for

  • 1.1: New features, but does it work better? (XP)

    Sorry if this has been covered, but I've out the last week. I've installed 1.1 on XP, but it doesn't seem any faster? Am I missing something? Is it more stable? thoughts? Thanks! Reid

  • White Thumbnails

    I'm trying to get a thumbnail from a movie clip and all I get is a white thumbnail. The original file is an AVID MXF 1:1x wrapped in a Quicktime (Quicktime Reference Movie). The proxy clip is generated by Compressor but it seems that Final Cut Server

  • Shapes disappear when editing anchor points (CS5)

    Hello, Some of my shapes simply disappear on mouse button release after moving anchor points or adjusting the bezier angle. The edit history does not mention any deletion; the event is registered as "move point" so I can "edit->undo move point" to ha

  • Image flickers when repainting

    Hello, I'm trying to make an applet where a line moves sideways as the slider is moved. The code below is working but the image flickers when repainting: import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Scrollbar; import java.awt.even

  • IMac Panic Report

    Anyone any idea what this means? Interval Since Last Panic Report: 3978636 sec Panics Since Last Report: 2 Anonymous UUID: 33381D09-7BF9-4A32-B092-C91B24A07DC5 Wed Oct 13 16:30:59 2010 panic(cpu 2 caller 0x2a8ab2): Kernel trap at 0x00000000, type 14=