Missing interupts in Agilent scope

I have a very frustrating problem using the Agilent 54XXX drivers I have downloaded from NI.
I sometimes receive timeout problems when either trying to trigger or acquire measurement data.
Sometimetimes the vi will complete and I get proper data. Sometimes the particular vi will timeout giving me an error of 1073807339. I know the scope has satisfied the trigger parameters because I can see the waveform on the scope, but the vi timesout like it missed the interupt. This occurs across several different scopes, so I know its not my hardware.
I have tried changing the timeout values with no luck.

Interesting; things look ok and consistent with your description, where you seem not to be seeing the event you are waiting for:
25. viEnableEvent (0x00180FF8, 0x3FFF200B, 1, 0)
26. viDiscardEvents (0x00180FF8, 0x3FFF200B, 1), with Status: 0x3FFF0004 (VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY)
27. viWrite (0x00180FF8, "*CLS;*SRE 1", 11, 11)
28. viWaitOnEvent (0x00180FF8, 0x3FFF200B, 0, NULL, NULL)
1000. viWaitOnEvent (0x00180FF8, 0x3FFF200B, 0, NULL, NULL)
The viDiscardEvents() operation discards all pending occurrences of the specified event types and mechanisms from the specified session; in particular here, it returns with a VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY which means that the operation completed successfully, but the queue was already empty. Thus, I don't think it discards the event you are waiting for, however, you are correct that it seems to never come thereafter. There are a list of events in the NI-VISA Help; do you know which event you are waiting on? Since this is on your host (PC) side, you are expecting a notification of some kind (an event) from your scope. Thus, it would seem that although your scope is receiving the actual trigger signal, and performing the acquisition, the scope is not causing the expected event to occur (which indicates to your host PC that the action has completed). Perhaps, in fact, the acquisition is not completing; is it possible you are specifying a continuous acquisition and that your scope is simply never done? I realize you said this only happens sometimes, so my suspicion is that we have some kind of a programmatic issue. For example, perhaps the exact sequence of operations you are specifying is leaving the instrument in a state where it cannot give notification of the event after some period of execution. If there are examples with the driver, try taking a look at them and following the programming model as closely as possible. Also, I don't have the scope you are using, but if you can identify which driver VI is causing the error, perhaps I can download just the driver and take a closer look.
Try taking the above, albeit long, paragraph into consideration with respect to your program; hopefully it will provide you clues as to what is causing the issue.
If you continue to have problems, feel free to repost with any additional information you have and/or answers to questions or inquiries above!
Thank you,

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    Go to Help and turn on context help. Open the Tree VI or just browse the functions in the driver. It really should not take you more than a couple of minutes to find the correct function. And, if I may be so bold to say it, you can use the scope manual to find the SCPI command. Use the text search tool in LabVIEW to find where it is used.

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    <forward name="fail

    looking at the code...dont know where to start ... but usally this error occurs when u r using a property attribute in in html tag which wont actually exist in the action form or with a different spell....
    just check the exact naming and spelll of property attribute of HTML tag ,,,

  • Agilent 548xx multiple channels

    I downloaded the driver off Ni's site and am able to configure scaling and trigger and read from one channel. Problem is my client's testing requires sometimes reading 2 and sometimes reading 3 channels also. The configuration sub-palette has a VI for configuring 2 channel mode or 4 channel mode, but I can't get this working. Tried changing the order that I configure things in, no help there. Anyone using an old Agilent scope and reading multiple channels, or know of an example along these lines?
    Lawrence M. David Jr.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    cell: 516.819.9711
    [email protected]
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks Rob, yes I am using a 54825A which is supported by that driver, but the Configure Multiple Channels function is only valid for the 54845A. Found the work around though, in the Action-Status subPalette is a function called hp548xx Actn On Off.vi
    I used this to force three channels to be enabled, and was then able to configure them and retrieve the waveforms from all three channels.
    Thanx for the reply, weird that the one function is limited to a single model while the rest of the functions are valid for the entire family, but at least there is a simple work-around.
    Thanks again
    Lawrence M. David Jr.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    cell: 516.819.9711
    [email protected]

  • Agilent 2000 3000 x-series waveform generator.vi "undefined header"

    I am trying to run the example vi "agilent 2000 3000 x-series waveform generator.vi" with LabView 13 but I get "undefined header" error. The example vi "Agilent 2000 3000 X-series Acquire Waveform Continuously.vi" works fine, so I"m comunicating with the DSO-X 3054 scope but unable to control the waveform generator. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi wtoso,
    The "undefined header" error is typically due to an incorrect GPIB command or value. Please make sure you are providing the device with the correct command. Details on GPIB commands for Agilent scopes can be found on the company website, in the programmer's manual.

  • Tektronix Oscilloscope Save/Recall

    First off, I am a total newbie here. I am currently evaluating the Educational version of Multisim. I am sure I will be here a lot asking questions to help me evaluate this as I hope to use it in the classroom for instructional purposes.
    My question is, regarding the Tektronix Oscilloscope Save/Recall feature. I want to save a certain sine wave to compare it to other waves as I add devices. I cannot get the Tektronix Oscilloscope Save/Recall to work. I thought I read somewhere that this feature was not supported but I cannot find that statement again. Is it not supported at all or just in the evaluation copy? Or am I doing something wrong?

    In Multisim, the Save/Recall function in the Tek scope only works on setups, not waveforms. You can save waveforms when you use the 2/4 channel scopes or the Agilent scope.

  • Offset clipped due to NI 9263 Card

    I have a NI Compact RIO setup with NI 9263 Analog output card. I generated Pulse Width Modulation ( Vlow = 0v, Vhigh = 10 v) of frequency 100 HZ using LabVIEW 2012. I verfied the signal with the agilent scope. Iam seeing exactly 100 HZ ( Vlow = 0v, Vhigh = 10 v). But unfortunately, it did not work when I sent that signal to my speedometer. When verified with my agilent scope, I found out there has been an offset shift. Now my Vlow is 6v and my Vhigh is 10V. That means my pulse amplitude has reduced from 10v to 4V. The speedometer works OK when a square wave of same amplitude is applied from a function generator.
    Do you know what is the reason for this?. Is it due to the internal pull up resister with in the 9263 card acting as a pottential divider between NI 9263 and Speedometer input?.the internal pull up resister of Speedometer circuitry is 1K ohm.
    Let me know if there is a workaround.
    Go to Solution.

    0utlaw wrote:
    Hello Samputhur,
    At first glance, this sounds like a grounding issue- how is the speedometer powered and are your grounds isolated from one another?
    I agree with the 0utlaw, especially if your speedometer is on a car or something that is isolated from your other equipment.  Maybe you tie the car chassis ground to your equipment ground?
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
    Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.

  • WebLogic and AspectJ Load Time Weaving

    I have tried to weave some classes running in a WebApp inside weblogic using AspectJ and Load Time Weaving, as explained here:
    I run WebLogic using -javaagent:/pathto/aspectjweaver.jar
    and providing inlide declaration of an Aspect in a aop.xml configuration file.
    I have tried to expose my rudimentary setup here
    Can someone help me out? I have very little experience with AOP, I am sure I have missed some concept like scope, activation etc...

    Hi, yes. Configure the pool to have an initial capacity of zero. Then it will
    deploy and not try to make any connections. It will only try when/if
    it is asked for one at runtime. Even if the DBMS is not up, the
    DataSource will just throw an exception until the DBMS is up.

  • What is the max sample clock using the Shielded Single-Ended Flying-Lead Cable

    What are the max practical limits for the sample clock using the Shielded Single-Ended Flying-Lead Cable?
    I am playing with the Labview embedded example "Dynamic Generation and Acquisition Source Synchronou.vi" using the Shielded Single-Ended Flying-Lead Cable and the PXIe-6556.
    This example write in the channels 0-7 and read in the channels 7-15.
    It also export the sample clock and data active event so we have a "Source Synchronous"
    I change the original example to set the input impedance to 50ohm and VH and VL voltatages.Write 3.3V - 0V and read 0.5V 0.3V.
    The problem is the signal integrity at higher frequencies. Please see the picture attached.
    Sample clock 30MHz
    Error: PLL could not phase-lock to the external reference clock.

    Hello engfpe,
    According Hardware manual the Maximum Sample Clock rate is 200 MHz.
    Is not clear for me if your error message was received on LabVIEW or on your Agilent Scope, and I don´t know your Agilent Scopes specifications. Neither I don´t know what exactly you are trying to generate, maybe if yo ucan clarify more your application and your issue I can help you more.
    Best regards,

  • Acquiring phase diff. btwn 2 channels of HP54201D digi oscilloscope

    i wish to obtain the phase difference between 2 signals on channel 1 and 2 of the HP54201D digitizing oscilloscope on a LabView 6.1 VI via a GPIB connection

    I asked my scope expert. His advice was:
    1) measure the period of the signal T1
    2) Measure the time between the rising edges of the two signals T2
    3) calculate the phase in degrees as (T2/T1) * 360
    He was not certain whether or not these were automatic measurements on the 54201.
    But many Agilent scopes do have a way to acquire signals on channel 1&2, find the period of channel 1, and find the rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 and obtain the difference. (You just have to calculate the phase yourself from the time information.)
    [email protected]

  • HP/Agilent Infiniium 54831B scope - how to connect with LabView 6.0 by LAN (TCP/IP)

    I'm looking inf. how to connect Agilent Infiniium 54831B scope with LabView 6.0 by LAN (TCP/IP).
    Thanks in advance.
    mailto:[email protected]

    If the instrument is capable of being controlled from its TCP/IP port, it will be possible to communicate with the instrument from LabVIEW using VISA.
    The VISA resource name input will need to be entered manually and is a little different from the normal Serial or GPIB format. The format is as follows:
    For SOCKET connections, this is just like the traditional TCP functionality in LabVIEW. An example string that connects with the NI FTP site is:
    For INSTR connection, this requires a device that supports the T&M standard LAN instrument protocol. An example of this (that we have tested with) is the Tektronix 3054 Scope. A string that connects with this scope is: "TCPIP::HostnameOrIP::gpib0,1::INSTR"
    I hope this
    Anthony Bacak
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineering

  • Scope of Check Variation in Missing Part list Production Order

    I have a problem that While creation or conversion from planned order to production order if i get missing part list i found that Scope of check is as Z6 and ZP (Checking rule).But when when i Release the same production order also am getting missing part list here when i check scope of check as Z6 and PP(Checking rule).
    Why this difference is coming,can any body tell the possible causes.

    KUMAR.S. wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have a problem that While creation or conversion from planned order to production order if i get missing part list i found that Scope of check is as Z6 and ZP (Checking rule).But when when i Release the same production order also am getting missing part list here when i check scope of check as Z6 and PP(Checking rule).
    > Why this difference is coming,can any body tell the possible causes.
    > Cheers,
    > Kumar.S
    Its simple for creation and release of Production order different checking rule is used(This must be intentional). You check this in OPJK transaction,  check for your order type / Plant combination for Business function 1(Create) the checking rule assigned would be ZP, whereas for the same order type / Plant combination for Business function 2(Release) the checking rule would be PP.
    If you want the same, you can change it here. But I assume there must have been a purpose for this custom checking rule creation. You can find the scope of check difference between these 2 combinations in transaction OPJJ.

  • LabView drivers for Agilent 54830B scope or E4402B Spectrum Analyzer?

    Where can I find LabView drivers for the Agilent 54830B scope and the E4402B spectrum analyzer, or at least a driver for another instrument in the same families that I could modify? There are none on the NI site or the Agilent site.

    One thing that I have done several times is get a LabWindows CVI
    driver from Agilent. You will be provided with a .fp file. LabVIEW
    has a link under the Tools>>Instrumentation menu that allows you to
    "Import CVI Instrument Driver." This will take the function calls
    from CVI and build a set of VI's with the same name. The vi's will be
    wrappers for a dll that is used by CVI and other text based languages.

  • Agilent infinium scope scale setting problem!!

    I have a vi that sets the frequency on an arbitrary waveform generator and the output of that arb is connected to chan1 on the Agilent infinium scope. When the scope gets the frequency, it Autoscales and then if sets the scale to the right divisions per second on its own, now the problem I have is that if I put lets say more than 10MHz on chan1 of the scope, the Autoscale sets the Scope's scale to lets 50ms/div and I want to be able to programmatically set the scale on the scope to what I want, can someone tell me if its possible or do I have to stick with Autoscaling?
    The thing is that I want to be able to read a certain voltage on the channle, lets say I want to be able to read 500mv pk-pk, if the scale of the scope
    is on lets say 50ms/div, it takes longer to find the pk-pk voltage that I want and sometimes it may not find it...
    Can anyone help?

    You can turn autoscaling off and use the Configure Channel.vi function to set the vertical range. Autoscaling before every measurement will increase your test time and is something you might want to avoid in any case but what I don't understand is the other problem you're having with the autoscale function. If the scope is not correctly autoscaling and the signal is clipped, then you might want to talk to Agilent and see if there's something wrong with the scope.

  • Agilent Infiniium Scope Interface

    I need step by step how I can interface with Agilent Infiniium MSO9104A Scope using LabVIEW 12 through the USB?, or any other way different than USB without buying any extra hardware
    Also if there are any example files will be helpful

    If you have installed the driver from Agilent, then it should automatically appear in MAX as a USBTMC VISA resource. Go to Help> Find Instrument Drivers to install the LabVIEW driver. There will be at least one example.

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