Missing Type Definitions on the SAmple Schema Script

Hi Gurus,
The following is the script taken from Oracle 9i Sample schemas page. Here the scripts for some types ORDSYS.ORDImage, ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature,ORDSYS.ORDVideo,ORDSYS.ORDAudio,ORDSYS.ORDDoc are not given.
Can you help me in getting those.
CREATE TABLE online_media
( product_id NUMBER(6)
, product_photo ORDSYS.ORDImage
, product_photo_signature ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature
, product_thumbnail ORDSYS.ORDImage
, product_video ORDSYS.ORDVideo
, product_audio ORDSYS.ORDAudio
, product_text CLOB
, product_testimonials ORDSYS.ORDDoc
) ;

Does your database have Oracle Intermedia installed?
The other thing to check is whether your DBA has revoked execute on those objects from public. A couple of them served as vectors for DoS attacks against the database,
Cheers, APC
Blog : http://radiofreetooting.blogspot.com/

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  • Installing the sample schemas

    Hi I am new to sqlOracle
    I was trying to follow some Oracle tutorial,but i needed to install the sample schemas (OE-order entry) first
    1. First i download the sample_schema_scripts.zip and extracted into the folder
    c:\schema that i created
    2. I start database from my database OracleEX10g
    3. go to the C:\schema that have the sql script (oe8_main.sql)
    4.use sqlplus
    5. login as system and put the password
    6. run the scripts oe8_main.sql with no problems
    7. it asked me for " specify password for oe8 as parameter 1:
    and i need to enter value for 1: which is i dont know
    8. i need to fil this value til parameter 6
    9. so i typed the value &1 for parameter 1 and &2 for parameter 2...til parameter 6
    10. it showned error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ora-00988 : missing or invalid passwords(s)
    and user or role 'OE8" does not exist and
    ask me to enter value for database_name: which i dont know
    11. anyone can help to solve the problem and how can i know what are the passwords for 6 parameters
    12. Do i need to create my new user because i used system as a user
    13. this is the content of oe8_main.sql file attached:
    PROMPT specify password for oe8 as parameter 1:
    DEFINE pass = &1
    PROMPT specify default tablespeace for oe8 as parameter 2:
    DEFINE tbs = &2
    PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for oe8 as parameter 3:
    DEFINE ttbs = &3
    PROMPT specify password for HR as parameter 4:
    DEFINE passhr = &4
    PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 5:
    DEFINE pass_sys = &5
    PROMPT specify path for log files as parameter 6:
    DEFINE log_path = &6
    -- The first dot in the spool command below is
    -- the SQL*Plus concatenation character
    DEFINE spool_file = &log_path.oe8_main.log
    SPOOL &spool_file
    -- Dropping the user with all its objects
    REM =======================================================
    REM create user
    REM The user is assigned tablespaces and quota in separate
    REM ALTER USER statements so that the CREATE USER statement
    REM will succeed even if the demo and temp tablespaces do
    REM not exist.
    REM =======================================================
    REM =======================================================
    REM grants from sys schema
    REM =======================================================
    rem KM: 01Aug02 - remove "AS SYSDBA" clause - NOT needed FOR GRANT
    CONNECT sys/&pass_sys&&database_name
    GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO oe8;
    REM =======================================================
    REM grants from hr8 schema
    REM =======================================================
    CONNECT hr8/&passhr&&database_name;
    GRANT SELECT ON jobs TO oe8;
    GRANT SELECT ON job_history TO oe8;
    GRANT SELECT ON departments TO oe8;
    REM =======================================================
    REM create oe8 schema (order entry)
    REM =======================================================
    CONNECT oe8/&pass&&database_name
    spool off

    HR sample schema already comes with Oracle XE, so you don't need to re-install it. Anyways ...
    C:\>sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Jun 22 12:58:20 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    SYS@XE> @C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\demo\schema\human_resources\hr_main.sql;
    specify password for HR as parameter 1:
    Enter value for 1: HR -- put here some password
    specify default tablespeace for HR as parameter 2:
    Enter value for 2: USERS
    specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:
    Enter value for 3: TEMP
    specify password for SYS as parameter 4:
    Enter value for 4: MANAGER -- password that you defined at Oracle XE installation
    specify log path as parameter 5:
    Enter value for 5: C:\
    User dropped.
    old   1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY &pass
    new   1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY hr
    User created.
    old   2:               QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs
    new   2:               QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users
    User altered.
    User altered.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Session altered.
    Session altered.
    ******  Creating REGIONS table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    ******  Creating COUNTRIES table ....
    Table created.
    Table altered.
    ******  Creating LOCATIONS table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    Sequence created.
    ******  Creating DEPARTMENTS table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    Sequence created.
    ******  Creating JOBS table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    ******  Creating EMPLOYEES table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    Table altered.
    Sequence created.
    ******  Creating JOB_HISTORY table ....
    Table created.
    Index created.
    Table altered.
    ******  Creating EMP_DETAILS_VIEW view ...
    View created.
    Commit complete.
    Session altered.
    ******  Populating REGIONS table ....
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    ******  Populating COUNTIRES table ....
    1 row created.
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    1 row created.
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    1 row created.
    ******  Populating LOCATIONS table ....
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
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    ******  Populating DEPARTMENTS table ....
    Table altered.
    1 row created.
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    1 row created.
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    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    ******  Populating JOBS table ....
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
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    ******  Populating JOB_HISTORY table ....
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    Table altered.
    Commit complete.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
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    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Index created.
    Commit complete.
    Procedure created.
    Trigger created.
    Trigger altered.
    Procedure created.
    Trigger created.
    Commit complete.
    Comment created.
    Comment created.
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    Comment created.
    Comment created.
    Comment created.
    Commit complete.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Cheers

  • Sample Schema Scripts

    I have installed 10g application server and jdeveloper - but cannot find any of the scripts to create the sample schema. From searching the OTN forums it seams that the onl way of obtaing these scripts is to install the database or companion disk and run from the demo folder.
    This seems a bit over the top - i had intended to use the infrastructure database, (my system dosn't have enough resources to install a seperate database), can any helpful person email the scripts, perhaps someone from oracle might be able to make this easier there seems to be a fair bit of interest in this on the forums.
    Many thanks Terry Bennett

    Hi Terry,
    When you installed Oracle 10g, the demo tables should have been installed under the scott schema. Try select * from scott.emp and see if you get any results. Incase you are looking for the script for the demo tables, its in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql (in my case its in C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN).
    Hope that helps.

  • What are the sample schemas(like scott,hr) in oracle 12c?

    I have just downloaded and installed  the oracle 12c on my desktop(Hurray!), but i don't see any of the sample schemas like scott and hr to play with. Do we have anything like those schemas in 12c?

    I have just downloaded and installed  the oracle 12c on my desktop(Hurray!), but i don't see any of the sample schemas like scott and hr to play with. Do we have anything like those schemas in 12c?
    Yes - but they would be in a PDB if you installed the sample schemas; you won't find them in the CDB.
    If, like many people new to 12c, you did a default install for a database named ORCL and then connect to ORCL you are connecting to the CDB; that is, the root container. You won't find any sample schema there.
    If you installed the sample schemas then the install process would have created one PDB name PDBORCL (by default) and that PDB would contain the sample schemas.
    Then the next thing users typically do is connect as sysdba and do a STARTUP and then find they can't connect to PDBORCL. Surprise! The PDBs are NOT opened by default; you need to open them manually when you startup the DB or create an AFTER STARTUP trigger that opens the ones you want.
    Review chapters 17 and 18 of the Database Concepts doc

  • Sample schemas scripts are missing from 10g (  on Win XP Pro(32

    Hi All!
    Sample schemas (HR, OE, PM, QS, and SH) scripts are missing from 10g ( on Win XP Pro(32-bit)
    I have checked $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema directory: There is subdirectory for each schema.
    The scripts are not there or only some of them scripts are installed.
    The list of correct scripts is hear:
    Where to get scripts to rebuild sample schemas manually?
    Thank you

    Welcome to the forums !
    The scripts should be available in the companion directory of the CD

  • Oracle 11gR2 HR sample schema scripts not found

    after installing oracle 11gR2 on Linux (software + create new database without sample schema); I want install sample HR schema now but the problem is
    required scripts to create HR schema not found in 'demo' folder :
    [oracle@host schema]$ pwd
    [oracle@host schema]$ ls -l
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 4 07:41 bus_intelligence
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 2322 Apr 3 2009 drop_sch.sql
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 9 12:59 human_resources
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 4 07:49 log
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 1769 Sep 4 07:53 mk_dir.sql
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 1769 Sep 4 07:53 mk_dir.sql.ouibak
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 1600 Aug 16 2006 mk_dir.sql.sbs
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 27373 Jun 30 2007 mkplug.sql
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle dba 4096 Sep 4 07:49 order_entry
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 4096 Sep 4 07:41 sales_history
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 15246 May 10 2005 sted_mkplug.sql.dbl
    [oracle@host1 schema]$ ls human_resources/
    what's wrong ??

    Pl post exact OS version. When installing the software, did you download and unzip all 7 DVDs or just the first 2 ? If just the first 2, you will need to download the examples separately
    then follow instructions in the Samples Guide - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10831/toc.htm

  • Where is HR Sample Schema Script for APEX 2.2

    Just installed APEX 2.2 and am reviewing the 2-day developers guide. In there they give many examples based on an HR sample schema which they say can be downloaded from http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/code/hr_sample_schema.sql
    I'm finding this address invalid. Does anyone know the right url for the script or can someone supply it to me?

    Hi skondolf1,
    I don't know where that specific script is now, but you can also get the HR samle schema here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/obe1013jdev/common/files/sample_schema_scripts9i10g.zip
    Regards Pete

  • 10g Sample Schema code missing

    Hi...On installation of 10g db (, the expected sample schemas are not provided.
    I have tried multiple installs in order to try and extract the sql scripts.
    e.g. hr_main.sql, oe_main.sql and bi_main.sql.
    These sample schemas are not the same as the 9i sample schemas, which can be accessed in text format in existing documentation for 9i.
    Does anyone know where the actual scripts can be accessed other than from installation CDs and dowloaded installation...as neither provide the necessary scripts for the sample schemas?

    i am also having same problem.
    some one will provide the right info for you but you can try this too:
    SQL> ALTER USER HR IDENTIFIED BY <password> account unlock;
    User altered.
    SQL> connect hr/<password>@<connection string/SID>;
    SQL> desc employees;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPLOYEE_ID                               NOT NULL NUMBER(6)
    FIRST_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(20)
    LAST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)
    EMAIL                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)
    PHONE_NUMBER                                       VARCHAR2(20)
    HIRE_DATE                                 NOT NULL DATE
    JOB_ID                                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    SALARY                                             NUMBER(8,2)
    COMMISSION_PCT                                     NUMBER(2,2)
    MANAGER_ID                                         NUMBER(6)
    DEPARTMENT_ID                                      NUMBER(4)
    SQL> select * from employees;
    EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_DATE JOB_ID         SALARY
            198 Donald               OConnell
    DOCONNEL                  650.507.9833         21-JUN-99 SH_CLERK         2600
                          124            50
            199 Douglas              Grant
    DGRANT                    650.507.9844         13-JAN-00 SH_CLERK         2600
                          124            50
            200 Jennifer             Whalen
    JWHALEN                   515.123.4444         17-SEP-87 AD_ASST          4400
                          101            10
            201 Michael              Hartstein
    MHARTSTE                  515.123.5555         17-FEB-96 MK_MAN          13000
                          100            20
            202 Pat                  Fay
    PFAY                      603.123.6666         17-AUG-97 MK_REP           6000
                          201            20
            203 Susan                Mavris
    SMAVRIS                   515.123.7777         07-JUN-94 HR_REP           6500
                          101            40
            204 Hermann              Baer
    HBAER                     515.123.8888         07-JUN-94 PR_REP          10000
                          101            70
            205 Shelley              Higgins
    SHIGGINS                  515.123.8080         07-JUN-94 AC_MGR          12000
                          101           110
            206 William              Gietz
    WGIETZ                    515.123.8181         07-JUN-94 AC_ACCOUNT       8300
                          205           110
            100 Steven               King
    SKING                     515.123.4567         17-JUN-87 AD_PRES         24000
            101 Neena                Kochhar
    NKOCHHAR                  515.123.4568         21-SEP-89 AD_VP           17000
                          100            90
            102 Lex                  De Haan
    LDEHAAN                   515.123.4569         13-JAN-93 AD_VP           17000
                          100            90
            103 Alexander            Hunold
    AHUNOLD                   590.423.4567         03-JAN-90 IT_PROG          9000
                          102            60
            104 Bruce                Ernst
    BERNST                    590.423.4568         21-MAY-91 IT_PROG          6000
                          103            60
            105 David                Austin
    DAUSTIN                   590.423.4569         25-JUN-97 IT_PROG          4800
                          103            60
            106 Valli                Pataballa
    VPATABAL                  590.423.4560         05-FEB-98 IT_PROG          4800
                          103            60
            107 Diana                Lorentz
    DLORENTZ                  590.423.5567         07-FEB-99 IT_PROG          4200
                          103            60
            108 Nancy                Greenberg
    NGREENBE                  515.124.4569         17-AUG-94 FI_MGR          12000
                          101           100
            109 Daniel               Faviet
    DFAVIET                   515.124.4169         16-AUG-94 FI_ACCOUNT       9000
                          108           100
            110 John                 Chen
    JCHEN                     515.124.4269         28-SEP-97 FI_ACCOUNT       8200
                          108           100
            111 Ismael               Sciarra
    ISCIARRA                  515.124.4369         30-SEP-97 FI_ACCOUNT       7700
                          108           100
            112 Jose Manuel          Urman
    JMURMAN                   515.124.4469         07-MAR-98 FI_ACCOUNT       7800
                          108           100
            113 Luis                 Popp
    LPOPP                     515.124.4567         07-DEC-99 FI_ACCOUNT       6900
                          108           100
            114 Den                  Raphaely
    EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_DATE JOB_ID         SALARY
    DRAPHEAL                  515.127.4561         07-DEC-94 PU_MAN          11000
                          100            30
            115 Alexander            Khoo
    AKHOO                     515.127.4562         18-MAY-95 PU_CLERK         3100
                          114            30
            116 Shelli               Baida
    SBAIDA                    515.127.4563         24-DEC-97 PU_CLERK         2900
                          114            30
            117 Sigal                Tobias
    STOBIAS                   515.127.4564         24-JUL-97 PU_CLERK         2800
                          114            30
            118 Guy                  Himuro
    GHIMURO                   515.127.4565         15-NOV-98 PU_CLERK         2600
                          114            30
            119 Karen                Colmenares
    KCOLMENA                  515.127.4566         10-AUG-99 PU_CLERK         2500
                          114            30
            120 Matthew              Weiss
    MWEISS                    650.123.1234         18-JUL-96 ST_MAN           8000
                          100            50
            121 Adam                 Fripp
    AFRIPP                    650.123.2234         10-APR-97 ST_MAN           8200
                          100            50
            122 Payam                Kaufling
    PKAUFLIN                  650.123.3234         01-MAY-95 ST_MAN           7900
                          100            50
            123 Shanta               Vollman
    SVOLLMAN                  650.123.4234         10-OCT-97 ST_MAN           6500
                          100            50
            124 Kevin                Mourgos
    KMOURGOS                  650.123.5234         16-NOV-99 ST_MAN           5800
                          100            50
            125 Julia                Nayer
    JNAYER                    650.124.1214         16-JUL-97 ST_CLERK         3200
                          120            50
            126 Irene                Mikkilineni
    IMIKKILI                  650.124.1224         28-SEP-98 ST_CLERK         2700
                          120            50
            127 James                Landry
    JLANDRY                   650.124.1334         14-JAN-99 ST_CLERK         2400
                          120            50
            128 Steven               Markle
    SMARKLE                   650.124.1434         08-MAR-00 ST_CLERK         2200
                          120            50
            129 Laura                Bissot
    LBISSOT                   650.124.5234         20-AUG-97 ST_CLERK         3300
                          121            50
            130 Mozhe                Atkinson
    MATKINSO                  650.124.6234         30-OCT-97 ST_CLERK         2800
                          121            50
            131 James                Marlow
    JAMRLOW                   650.124.7234         16-FEB-97 ST_CLERK         2500
                          121            50
            132 TJ                   Olson
    TJOLSON                   650.124.8234         10-APR-99 ST_CLERK         2100
                          121            50
            133 Jason                Mallin
    JMALLIN                   650.127.1934         14-JUN-96 ST_CLERK         3300
                          122            50
            134 Michael              Rogers
    MROGERS                   650.127.1834         26-AUG-98 ST_CLERK         2900
                          122            50
            135 Ki                   Gee
    KGEE                      650.127.1734         12-DEC-99 ST_CLERK         2400
                          122            50
            136 Hazel                Philtanker
    HPHILTAN                  650.127.1634         06-FEB-00 ST_CLERK         2200
                          122            50
            137 Renske               Ladwig
    RLADWIG                   650.121.1234         14-JUL-95 ST_CLERK         3600
    EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_DATE JOB_ID         SALARY
                          123            50
            138 Stephen              Stiles
    SSTILES                   650.121.2034         26-OCT-97 ST_CLERK         3200
                          123            50
            139 John                 Seo
    JSEO                      650.121.2019         12-FEB-98 ST_CLERK         2700
                          123            50
            140 Joshua               Patel
    JPATEL                    650.121.1834         06-APR-98 ST_CLERK         2500
                          123            50
            141 Trenna               Rajs
    TRAJS                     650.121.8009         17-OCT-95 ST_CLERK         3500
                          124            50
            142 Curtis               Davies
    CDAVIES                   650.121.2994         29-JAN-97 ST_CLERK         3100
                          124            50
            143 Randall              Matos
    RMATOS                    650.121.2874         15-MAR-98 ST_CLERK         2600
                          124            50
            144 Peter                Vargas
    PVARGAS                   650.121.2004         09-JUL-98 ST_CLERK         2500
                          124            50
            145 John                 Russell
    JRUSSEL                   011.44.1344.429268   01-OCT-96 SA_MAN          14000
                .4        100            80
            146 Karen                Partners
    KPARTNER                  011.44.1344.467268   05-JAN-97 SA_MAN          13500
                .3        100            80
            147 Alberto              Errazuriz
    AERRAZUR                  011.44.1344.429278   10-MAR-97 SA_MAN          12000
                .3        100            80
            148 Gerald               Cambrault
    GCAMBRAU                  011.44.1344.619268   15-OCT-99 SA_MAN          11000
                .3        100            80
            149 Eleni                Zlotkey
    EZLOTKEY                  011.44.1344.429018   29-JAN-00 SA_MAN          10500
                .2        100            80
            150 Peter                Tucker
    PTUCKER                   011.44.1344.129268   30-JAN-97 SA_REP          10000
                .3        145            80
            151 David                Bernstein
    DBERNSTE                  011.44.1344.345268   24-MAR-97 SA_REP           9500
               .25        145            80
            152 Peter                Hall
    PHALL                     011.44.1344.478968   20-AUG-97 SA_REP           9000
               .25        145            80
            153 Christopher          Olsen
    COLSEN                    011.44.1344.498718   30-MAR-98 SA_REP           8000
                .2        145            80
            154 Nanette              Cambrault
    NCAMBRAU                  011.44.1344.987668   09-DEC-98 SA_REP           7500
                .2        145            80
            155 Oliver               Tuvault
    OTUVAULT                  011.44.1344.486508   23-NOV-99 SA_REP           7000
               .15        145            80
            156 Janette              King
    JKING                     011.44.1345.429268   30-JAN-96 SA_REP          10000
               .35        146            80
            157 Patrick              Sully
    PSULLY                    011.44.1345.929268   04-MAR-96 SA_REP           9500
               .35        146            80
            158 Allan                McEwen
    AMCEWEN                   011.44.1345.829268   01-AUG-96 SA_REP           9000
               .35        146            80
            159 Lindsey              Smith
    LSMITH                    011.44.1345.729268   10-MAR-97 SA_REP           8000
                .3        146            80
            160 Louise               Doran
    LDORAN                    011.44.1345.629268   15-DEC-97 SA_REP           7500
                .3        146            80
    EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_DATE JOB_ID         SALARY
            161 Sarath               Sewall
    SSEWALL                   011.44.1345.529268   03-NOV-98 SA_REP           7000
               .25        146            80
            162 Clara                Vishney
    CVISHNEY                  011.44.1346.129268   11-NOV-97 SA_REP          10500
               .25        147            80
            163 Danielle             Greene
    DGREENE                   011.44.1346.229268   19-MAR-99 SA_REP           9500
               .15        147            80
            164 Mattea               Marvins
    MMARVINS                  011.44.1346.329268   24-JAN-00 SA_REP           7200
                .1        147            80
            165 David                Lee
    DLEE                      011.44.1346.529268   23-FEB-00 SA_REP           6800
                .1        147            80
            166 Sundar               Ande
    SANDE                     011.44.1346.629268   24-MAR-00 SA_REP           6400
                .1        147            80
            167 Amit                 Banda
    ABANDA                    011.44.1346.729268   21-APR-00 SA_REP           6200
                .1        147            80
            168 Lisa                 Ozer
    LOZER                     011.44.1343.929268   11-MAR-97 SA_REP          11500
               .25        148            80
            169 Harrison             Bloom
    HBLOOM                    011.44.1343.829268   23-MAR-98 SA_REP          10000
                .2        148            80
            170 Tayler               Fox
    TFOX                      011.44.1343.729268   24-JAN-98 SA_REP           9600
                .2        148            80
            171 William              Smith
    WSMITH                    011.44.1343.629268   23-FEB-99 SA_REP           7400
               .15        148            80
            172 Elizabeth            Bates
    EBATES                    011.44.1343.529268   24-MAR-99 SA_REP           7300
               .15        148            80
            173 Sundita              Kumar
    SKUMAR                    011.44.1343.329268   21-APR-00 SA_REP           6100
                .1        148            80
            174 Ellen                Abel
    EABEL                     011.44.1644.429267   11-MAY-96 SA_REP          11000
                .3        149            80
            175 Alyssa               Hutton
    AHUTTON                   011.44.1644.429266   19-MAR-97 SA_REP           8800
               .25        149            80
            176 Jonathon             Taylor
    JTAYLOR                   011.44.1644.429265   24-MAR-98 SA_REP           8600
                .2        149            80
            177 Jack                 Livingston
    JLIVINGS                  011.44.1644.429264   23-APR-98 SA_REP           8400
                .2        149            80
            178 Kimberely            Grant
    KGRANT                    011.44.1644.429263   24-MAY-99 SA_REP           7000
               .15        149
            179 Charles              Johnson
    CJOHNSON                  011.44.1644.429262   04-JAN-00 SA_REP           6200
                .1        149            80
            180 Winston              Taylor
    WTAYLOR                   650.507.9876         24-JAN-98 SH_CLERK         3200
                          120            50
            181 Jean                 Fleaur
    JFLEAUR                   650.507.9877         23-FEB-98 SH_CLERK         3100
                          120            50
            182 Martha               Sullivan
    MSULLIVA                  650.507.9878         21-JUN-99 SH_CLERK         2500
                          120            50
            183 Girard               Geoni
    GGEONI                    650.507.9879         03-FEB-00 SH_CLERK         2800
                          120            50
    EMAIL                     PHONE_NUMBER         HIRE_DATE JOB_ID         SALARY
            184 Nandita              Sarchand
    NSARCHAN                  650.509.1876         27-JAN-96 SH_CLERK         4200
                          121            50
            185 Alexis               Bull
    ABULL                     650.509.2876         20-FEB-97 SH_CLERK         4100
                          121            50
            186 Julia                Dellinger
    JDELLING                  650.509.3876         24-JUN-98 SH_CLERK         3400
                          121            50
            187 Anthony              Cabrio
    ACABRIO                   650.509.4876         07-FEB-99 SH_CLERK         3000
                          121            50
            188 Kelly                Chung
    KCHUNG                    650.505.1876         14-JUN-97 SH_CLERK         3800
                          122            50
            189 Jennifer             Dilly
    JDILLY                    650.505.2876         13-AUG-97 SH_CLERK         3600
                          122            50
            190 Timothy              Gates
    TGATES                    650.505.3876         11-JUL-98 SH_CLERK         2900
                          122            50
            191 Randall              Perkins
    RPERKINS                  650.505.4876         19-DEC-99 SH_CLERK         2500
                          122            50
            192 Sarah                Bell
    SBELL                     650.501.1876         04-FEB-96 SH_CLERK         4000
                          123            50
            193 Britney              Everett
    BEVERETT                  650.501.2876         03-MAR-97 SH_CLERK         3900
                          123            50
            194 Samuel               McCain
    SMCCAIN                   650.501.3876         01-JUL-98 SH_CLERK         3200
                          123            50
            195 Vance                Jones
    VJONES                    650.501.4876         17-MAR-99 SH_CLERK         2800
                          123            50
            196 Alana                Walsh
    AWALSH                    650.507.9811         24-APR-98 SH_CLERK         3100
                          124            50
            197 Kevin                Feeney
    KFEENEY                   650.507.9822         23-MAY-98 SH_CLERK         3000
                          124            50
    107 rows selected.
    SQL> you if you want to give access permission to SYS or System do:
    SQL> grant select on employees to system;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant select on employees to sys;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> Its just worked for me.
    Edited by: sayantan chakraborty on Aug 20, 2009 12:31 PM

  • Missing Oracle Sample Schemas - How Download complete Files

    Dear DBA's
    I appreciate if someone could tell me how setup the ORACLE SAMPLE SCHEMAS, because all my demo folders in 10g and 11G
    $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/hr or oe or any other chema there are fiesl missing,
    for instnace looking at the Procedure in doc
    it says to run "hr_main.sql" script in folder $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources
    But I can't find any file"hr_main"
    then for PM Schema it's supposed to have a file pm_main.sql !!!! I can't find .....
    The same for SH (Sales History) they say to run the "sh_main.sql" but i can't find anything like "Main"
    Can you please help me to compltely setup the sample schemas ?

    I am having the same problem.
    I am running XE and the only sample schema that exists there is HR.
    OE and SH...are not there
    I downloaded companion CD 10 minutes ago from
    and searched through the whole companion and no
    files like :
    User Steve Callan placed a data pump file on
    but he created it without version parameter, so people who are running data pum from older versions cannot import it.
    I made a comment on the article he posted .
    user13106173 pointed out a link where you can get OE and HR, but I need SH sample schema as well
    So please can somebody direct me to anyplace I can get ALL THE Sample schemas

  • Where to download scripts for HR sample schema

    i installed Oracle11g on linux without sample schemas.
    now i want to manually install the sample schemas.
    and when i checked the folders under "../human_resources"
    i am not able to view the scripts to install HR schema.
    i tried a lot of google search but i am not able to find and download the scripts needed to create HR objects.
    Can someone guide me where i can find scripts that i can download and install all the sample schema objects

    It's part of the Companion install

  • Mapping two predefined nodes of same type to the destination schema with repeating node of same node type.

    I am working on a map where there are two nodes of type Child in the source schema. These nodes do not repeat, they are predefined Ex
    This message is to be mapped to a destination schemas which has a repeating <Child> node. Ex
    <Child min=0 max=unbounded>
    How to map from the above source schema to the destination schema.
    If any one has any idea how implement this pls share you approach.

    Hello Rishi,
        To achieve this, you have to use the Looping functoid. where First link the Nodes of source to Destination via Looping functoid and then map individual links. The Looping functoid will repeat your Destination node as many Source inputs.
        I have tried your scenario. Please check the below image of mapping,
    Atul Toke

  • Script or direction to add sample schema tables to database

    I created a Database at installation time of oracle 10g exempting the sample schema tables to be added later. Iam ready to add it now and I can not find the way. Please, how?

    Hi srideeq,
    The sample schema you can find in
    Kamalesh JK

  • Can't find sample schemas

    I have installed 10g xe. I am self training using the oracle press book "Oracle Database 10g A Beginner's Guide." However, the book indicates that the customer table, mentioned in chapter 2 is provided as part of the sample schema in 10g. But the only schema I have is HR. Is there a place where I can download and import the schemas mentioned in the book? Or must I install enterprise edition in order to work with them? Thanks to any that can assist.

    The Order Entry (OE) schema builds on the purely relational Human Relations (HR) schema with some object-relational and object-oriented features. The OE schema contains seven tables: Customers, Product_Descriptions, Product_Information, Order_Items, Orders, Inventories, and Warehouses. The OE schema has links into the HR schema and PM schema. This schema also has synonyms defined on HR objects to make access transparent to users.
    rem Header: oe_cre.sql 09-jan-01
    rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
    rem Owner  : ahunold
    rem NAME
    rem   oe_cre.sql - create OE Common Schema
    rem   Creates database objects. The script assumes that the HR schema
    rem   is present.
    rem NOTES
    rem   The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to
    rem   simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed
    rem   in most unreplicated environments.
    rem MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
    rem   hyeh      08/29/02 - hyeh_mv_comschema_to_rdbms
    rem   ahunold   09/17/01 - FK in PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS
    rem   ahunold   04/25/01 - OID
    rem   ahunold   03/02/01 - eliminating DROP SEQUENCE
    rem   ahunold   01/30/01 - OE script headers
    rem   ahunold   01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - promo_id
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - NN constraints in product_descriptions
    rem   ahunold   01/09/01 - checkin ADE
    PROMPT specify Sample Schema version as parameter 1:
    DEFINE vrs     = &1
    -- ======================================================================
    -- Type definitions
    -- ======================================================================
    CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD1656DE034080020E0EE3D'
        ( street_address     VARCHAR2(40)
        , postal_code        VARCHAR2(10)
        , city               VARCHAR2(30)
        , state_province     VARCHAR2(10)
        , country_id         CHAR(2)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create phone_list_typ varray to be varray column in customers table.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD2656DE034080020E0EE3D'
      AS VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR2(25);
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create customers table.
    REM The cust_geo_location column will become MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (spatial)
    REM datatype when appropriate scripts and data are available.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/ccus_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX customers_pk
       ON customers (customer_id) ;
    REM Both table and indexes are analyzed using the oe_analz.sql script.
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create warehouses table;
    REM  includes spatial data column wh_geo_location and
    REM  XML type warehouse_spec (was bug b41)
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cwhs_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX warehouses_pk
    ON warehouses (warehouse_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD (CONSTRAINT warehouses_pk PRIMARY KEY (warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table order_items.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE order_items
        ( order_id           NUMBER(12)
        , line_item_id       NUMBER(3)  NOT NULL
        , product_id         NUMBER(6)  NOT NULL
        , unit_price         NUMBER(8,2)
        , quantity           NUMBER(8)
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_pk
    ON order_items (order_id, line_item_id) ;
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_uk
    ON order_items (order_id, product_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id, line_item_id)
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER insert_ord_line
      BEFORE INSERT ON order_items
        new_line number;
        SELECT (NVL(MAX(line_item_id),0)+1) INTO new_line
          FROM order_items
          WHERE order_id = :new.order_id;
        :new.line_item_id := new_line;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table orders, which includes a TIMESTAMP column and a check
    REM constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cord_&vrs
    ON orders (order_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (order_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create inventories table, which contains a concatenated primary key.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE inventories
      ( product_id         NUMBER(6)
      , warehouse_id       NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT inventory_warehouse_id_nn NOT NULL
      , quantity_on_hand   NUMBER(8)
    CONSTRAINT inventory_qoh_nn NOT NULL
      , CONSTRAINT inventory_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id, warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_information, which contains an INTERVAL datatype and
    REM a CHECK ... IN constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_information
        ( product_id          NUMBER(6)
        , product_name        VARCHAR2(50)
        , product_description VARCHAR2(2000)
        , category_id         NUMBER(2)
        , weight_class        NUMBER(1)
        , warranty_period     INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
        , supplier_id         NUMBER(6)
        , product_status      VARCHAR2(20)
        , list_price          NUMBER(8,2)
        , min_price           NUMBER(8,2)
        , catalog_url         VARCHAR2(50)
        , CONSTRAINT          product_status_lov
                              CHECK (product_status in ('orderable'
                                                      ,'under development'
    ALTER TABLE product_information
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_information_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_descriptions, which contains NVARCHAR2 columns for
    REM NLS-language information.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_descriptions
        ( product_id             NUMBER(6)
        , language_id            VARCHAR2(3)
        , translated_name        NVARCHAR2(50)
    CONSTRAINT translated_name_nn NOT NULL
        , translated_description NVARCHAR2(2000)
    CONSTRAINT translated_desc_nn NOT NULL
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prd_desc_pk
    ON product_descriptions(product_id,language_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_descriptions_pk
         PRIMARY KEY (product_id, language_id));
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_sales_rep_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (sales_rep_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
          REFERENCES customers(customer_id)
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT warehouses_location_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (location_id)
          REFERENCES hr.locations(location_id)
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_account_manager_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (account_mgr_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_warehouses_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (warehouse_id)
          REFERENCES warehouses (warehouse_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information (product_id)
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_order_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (order_id)
          REFERENCES orders(order_id)
    enable novalidate
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT pd_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create cross-schema synonyms
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SYNONYM countries FOR hr.countries;
    CREATE SYNONYM locations FOR hr.locations;
    CREATE SYNONYM departments FOR hr.departments;
    CREATE SYNONYM jobs FOR hr.jobs;
    CREATE SYNONYM employees FOR hr.employees;
    CREATE SYNONYM job_history FOR hr.job_history;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create sequences
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SEQUENCE orders_seq
    START WITH     1000
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Need commit for PO
    REM ===========================================================================
    COMMIT;And yes, you must install at least Oracle SE to get completely this sample schemas on your file system :(

  • How to create 9i db without sample schema?

    I have (finally) gotten 9iR2 installed on RH 7.3.
    During installation I created sample database instance TEST.
    I then used dbca to create a second instance JSDB.
    I did not see (but may have missed) dbca questions regarding wether or not to create/load sample database schema.
    How best to create a database without the sample database schema?
    If it can not be done, how best to expunge the sample database schema and all related litter?
    There seems to be tables for SCOTT, HR, OE, SH, PM.
    Temporal Arts

    To drop SCOTT schema, run the batch file/shell script:
    To drop HR schema, run SQL script:
    There are a number of other sample schema scripts to drop the other schemas installed with Oracle9i. If you can't find them easily, read the Sample Schema Guide on http://tahiti.oracle.com/.

  • Unable to create sample schema using response file

    Installed oracle 11g r1 on Linux server using response file (silent mode). I wanted to install the sample schema for testing so I updated the sample_schemas section in $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates/dbcreate.dbc
    <option name="SAMPLE_SCHEMA" value="true">
    <tablespace id="USERS"/>
    After the installation I noticed sample schemas HR, SH were not created.
    -     Do we have to manually create the sample schemas by running the individual scripts?
    -     Also could not find the master script mksample.sql in the $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema directory.
    Please let me know if I am missing any parameter in dbcreate.dbc.
    Thank you,

    user504183 wrote:
    Installed oracle 11g r1 on Linux server using response file (silent mode). I wanted to install the sample schema for testing so I updated the sample_schemas section in $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates/dbcreate.dbc
    <option name="SAMPLE_SCHEMA" value="true">
    <tablespace id="USERS"/>
    After the installation I noticed sample schemas HR, SH were not created.
    -     Do we have to manually create the sample schemas by running the individual scripts?
    -     Also could not find the master script mksample.sql in the $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema directory.
    Please let me know if I am missing any parameter in dbcreate.dbc.
    Thank you,You can't install manually the sample schemas since they come in a "pluggable tablespace" Examples which is automatically appended to your database by DBCA. If you would miss choosing the option for the same, you would need to get them created through the Examples Media CD and follow the instructions given here.

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